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Jun 20, 2015 6:02 PM
This has become so ridiculously dumb, but I don't even give a shit. Best episode of the season yet and this has probably become my favourite match too. Production I.G. really stepped up their game these last three episodes, hopefully they manage to give it a great ending as well. Also, how cool was that scene in which all the GoM memebers were shouting at Seirin to win? |
5 main aspects I base my ratings on: 1. Did DramaEnthusiast make a thread about it? 2. Is it better than Breaking Bad? 3. Did MellowJello recommend the shit out of it? 4. Has it caused a (very entertaining) shitstorm on MAL? 5. Is it actually good? Scratch the fifth point, it's not very relevant... |
Jun 20, 2015 6:04 PM
Amazing episode, amazing animation. That Kagami dung which was assisted by Kyoshi was really awesome! Also it was quite sad when Aomine cried, because he realized that he abandoned Kuroko... Overall it looks like this anime's going to have an amazing ending! Only one week more :( |
Jun 20, 2015 6:09 PM
Jun 20, 2015 6:25 PM
Holy hell, that was phenomenal. I'm starting to get sad at how close this is to being over. To help preemptively stutter the oncoming onslaught of complaints before you do so, please search "Home Court Advantage" and do some digging into the San Antonio Spurs' last season in which they won the championship, and this season that just ended where they lost in the first round. The key difference between the two being the health and play of their point guard Tony Parker. |
Jun 20, 2015 6:29 PM
Plain_Otaku said: I cried when Kuroko cried , who else? i did that scene was emotional, but i did not feel sad about Aomine crying though |
Jun 20, 2015 6:42 PM
Plain_Otaku said: I cried when Kuroko cried , who else? Me too. I shed manly tears. This episode is superb! |
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Jun 20, 2015 7:10 PM
Holy shit! Basketball in space! Amazing animation. Seirin’s true zone.<3 So much feels this ep. Even Badass Aomine was in tears. Oh yes. Ogiwara is back! I was hoping for this at the end of Teiko arc. |
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Jun 20, 2015 7:14 PM
Well then, may the clash of zone begin |
Jun 20, 2015 7:16 PM
Damn, all of Rakuzan's players entered Zone. It was nice to see Kuroko's old friend and I like how they played the ending that was used for the Teiko arc during that part. So that's the secret to unlocking the true Zone, no wonder Aomine couldn't do it. Well, it's all over next week..... |
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime. Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait. MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol. |
Jun 20, 2015 7:27 PM
Sick animation. Lots of thing happened in this episode |
Jun 20, 2015 8:09 PM
Inugirlz said: No seriously if there was ever a sports anime where the main characters should lose it's this. When there are that many asspulls/sparkles and unrealistic shit, its hard to take it seriously. This is the Utapuri of sports anime. What happened to the intense fatigue they were all experiencing? It's time to add the fantasy/supernatural tag to this series Zone 2 looks to be them perfectly coordinating, it isn't improving their skills. Seiren didn't get a power up this match, besides Kuroko's Quasi Emperors Eye which was foreshadowed before this match. Rakuzan has received more power ups and pulled more bullshit, but Serien deserves to lose? I swear it's like every complaint of this anime stems from people not paying attention. Oh, I guess we should also call real athletes supernatural beings since they can also push through fatigue. This isn't even a pro athlete thing, even high school athlethes and recruits in BCT do this. |
Jun 20, 2015 8:10 PM
Inugirlz said: What happened to the intense fatigue they were all experiencing? It's time to add the fantasy/supernatural tag to this series the cheering give them extra stamina |
Jun 20, 2015 8:11 PM
There's a slight difference from true zone and everyone on a team being in their own zone. Good episode |
Jun 20, 2015 8:44 PM
Jun 20, 2015 8:51 PM
Inugirlz said: No seriously if there was ever a sports anime where the main characters should lose it's this. When there are that many asspulls/sparkles and unrealistic shit, its hard to take it seriously. This is the Utapuri of sports anime. What happened to the intense fatigue they were all experiencing? It's time to add the fantasy/supernatural tag to this series It's not meant to be taken seriously. The series has already established that the basketball they play is not realistic because of their powers. (Zone, Emperors Eye, etc.) It's not an asspull when it is a part of the series itself. You knew that this wasn't a perfect representation of real life basketball from the FIRST season. Don't watch the show if all you're going to do is complain kid. And in case you don't remember, they did lose. To Aomine. Make sure you get your facts straight before you try to state a point. |
Jun 20, 2015 9:14 PM
Jun 20, 2015 9:49 PM
Furtive_Pygmy said: Inugirlz said: No seriously if there was ever a sports anime where the main characters should lose it's this. When there are that many asspulls/sparkles and unrealistic shit, its hard to take it seriously. This is the Utapuri of sports anime. What happened to the intense fatigue they were all experiencing? It's time to add the fantasy/supernatural tag to this series Zone 2 looks to be them perfectly coordinating, it isn't improving their skills. Seiren didn't get a power up this match, besides Kuroko's Quasi Emperors Eye which was foreshadowed before this match. Rakuzan has received more power ups and pulled more bullshit, but Serien deserves to lose? I swear it's like every complaint of this anime stems from people not paying attention. Oh, I guess we should also call real athletes supernatural beings since they can also push through fatigue. This isn't even a pro athlete thing, even high school athlethes and recruits in BCT do this. No no you're misunderstanding me. I know and realize Rakuzan has crazy powerups. Which is EXACTLY WHY THEY SHOULD WIN. But no the series is gonna give us MORE crazy shit to overlap what's already crazy. I mean c'mon Akashi + 5 Uncrowned Kings (basically the next level down from GoM) vs Kagami (GoM level) and some next high schoolers. Plus Akashi's latest powerup makes it so that they're teamwork is better too, so why is the power of friendship/Seirin so good that it can beat them despite the fact they HAVENT gotten as much asspull powerups (up until this Zone 2 crap) and don't have players as skilled as Rakuzan? Please the series is entertaining and fun to watch but u can't defend its unrealistic crazyness. Also i don't know why you're arguing against my supernatural claim, um hello, how is emperor eye in anyway normal? And please don't give me the crazy explanation they give for how it works. Or maybe how Kise can copy such intense skills so well, or how each abilities sometimes has specific time constraints as though that actually happens in real life (oh i can only do this skill for 5mins--which can be distributed any way i choose). Please don't defend it. It's obviously entertaining to watch though. Although it can get ridiculous sometimes, which is all i'm saying. AnimeFanJoe123 said: It's not meant to be taken seriously. The series has already established that the basketball they play is not realistic because of their powers. (Zone, Emperors Eye, etc.) It's not an asspull when it is a part of the series itself. You knew that this wasn't a perfect representation of real life basketball from the FIRST season. Don't watch the show if all you're going to do is complain kid. And in case you don't remember, they did lose. To Aomine. Make sure you get your facts straight before you try to state a point. ^You're right. considering they've been doing this crazyness from the beginning i shouldn't be surprised (im not) and its not a true asspull since they've been doing asspulls all along. Also i never said they never lose. They just never lose when its the most important, hence why they're going to win the championship (assuming they actually do win against Rakuzan, i didn't read that far in the manga) It's unnecessary to get so defensive on a forum where people can state there opinions. I enjoy the show, hence i watch it. I don't complain about every little thing. Of course if we watched the same episode that just past i think im perfectly inclined voice my dismay at some shit pulled. j0x said: Inugirlz said: What happened to the intense fatigue they were all experiencing? It's time to add the fantasy/supernatural tag to this series the cheering give them extra stamina lol if only life was that simple. Maybe if they were just tired but they specifically use the terms reaching their physical limits. Oh well, if they all kicked out dead it wouldn't be very interesting to watch, now would it. EDIT: added stuff |
InugirlzJun 20, 2015 10:00 PM
Jun 20, 2015 9:59 PM
L O L That 'space jam' part was nicely done. Shouldn't Akashi be the one obtaining the true ZONE when he turn to accept and embrace his teammates? |
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Jun 20, 2015 9:59 PM
Holy sweet mother of baby Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This episode was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Torrible said: And I'm so glad they did ;_; It's about damn time!!!The animators took LSD while making this episode and I'm loving it! Cloudy said: That's fine.Best episode yet. Shit this was intense and awesome. I know you guys won't like this but I'm cheering for Rakuzan!!!!! Akashi is a beast and I don't want the power of friendship to win once again like in any other anime ever but oh well. At least it's enjoyable :D Bleachway said: Indeed.SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK EPISODEEEEEEEE leylaaa said: I kno dem feels bro.Honestly. i really loved this episode, for me it was one of the best in the season if not the best. Aomine's tears, the support of the GoM, the spirit of Seirin just ... I can't wait for next week, but i also can wait I DONT WANT TO WAIT 6 MONTHS! AzureAlert said: Well... yes. Lol.I want to give the animators a big hug! This is prime example where the anime has blown the manga out of the water! Warutsu said: Haha.I guess this stopped being about basketball a long time ago. Next on Kuroko no asspull: power of friendship?? I'm done with shonen. While the action and animation is enjoyable, the story is just BS imo. XPwnDEnd said: Ikr ;_;The effects of the true zone were way beyond beautiful! That Teppei to Kagami alley-oop takes the cake for the play of the episode. Akashi's ankle break at the end was brilliant too! Hehe, the cheese with the power of friendship is real. Doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed this to the fullest though. xD Majuicezumi said: Welcome to the Space Jam. Torrible said: The animators took LSD while making this episode and I'm loving it! Dennoss said: ^THISTHIS EP! THIS F***ING EP OUTGREW UNIVERSE! They just destroyed the court xDD Bring it on, the final episode! Jeez, I CAN'T wait! True TEAM ZONE animation... it was just pure GOLD! Top notch! Also the music did perfect job, soooooo damn pumping up ;D Furtive_Pygmy said: People like being blind. It's a thing apparently. Also:I love what they did with zone 2 and the fact that it didn't just increase Kagami's skills. I don't understand how people say Seiren believing in each other and perfectly coordinating is a power of friendship asspull when teams win championships that way in real life... certeefiedpr said: Warutsu said: I guess this stopped being about basketball a long time ago. Next on Kuroko no asspull: power of friendship?? I'm done with shonen. While the action and animation is enjoyable, the story is just BS imo. This is basketball, the anime does a great job of explaining what everything means and it's relation to real ball. If you need references to real life examples, then please ask. Plain_Otaku said: You have no idea ;_;I cried when Kuroko cried , who else? Furtive_Pygmy said: Thank you :)Inugirlz said: No seriously if there was ever a sports anime where the main characters should lose it's this. When there are that many asspulls/sparkles and unrealistic shit, its hard to take it seriously. This is the Utapuri of sports anime. What happened to the intense fatigue they were all experiencing? It's time to add the fantasy/supernatural tag to this series Zone 2 looks to be them perfectly coordinating, it isn't improving their skills. Seiren didn't get a power up this match, besides Kuroko's Quasi Emperors Eye which was foreshadowed before this match. Rakuzan has received more power ups and pulled more bullshit, but Serien deserves to lose? I swear it's like every complaint of this anime stems from people not paying attention. Oh, I guess we should also call real athletes supernatural beings since they can also push through fatigue. This isn't even a pro athlete thing, even high school athlethes and recruits in BCT do this. ibear said: That's exactly what I thought! A perfect real-life example of a lot of ideas in this episode... Fujimaki desn't have an Emperor Eye, does he? Because it feels like he saw the future with what happened in the NBA from the 2013 Finals to 2014 Finals XDHoly hell, that was phenomenal. I'm starting to get sad at how close this is to being over. To help preemptively stutter the oncoming onslaught of complaints before you do so, please search "Home Court Advantage" and do some digging into the San Antonio Spurs' last season in which they won the championship, and this season that just ended where they lost in the first round. The key difference between the two being the health and play of their point guard Tony Parker. SchwingBoner said: A few of the best moments of the episode. I'm glad that they (Production I.G.) did Kuroko no Basket justice :)So much feels this ep. Even Badass Aomine was in tears. Oh yes. Ogiwara is back! I was hoping for this at the end of Teiko arc. Best Moments of the Episode: - "It's been a while... Kuroko :D" - Mibuchi shooting the ball with incorrect positioning of his fingers on the seam and claiming that the seams are in perfect position lel - Akashi taking a page out of Kuroko's book and using Emperor Eye on his teammates to induce Imperfect Zone in them. Rather than fixing their mistakes, he ensures that there are no mistakes through his perfect passes :) - Perfect execution of the animation of Nebuya's alley oop and "The air is no longer your territory, Kagami :D" I swear those Akashi smiles are contagious - This moment: - All the GoM cheering for Seirin, followed by the fades of all the fallen teams beaten by Seirin. "Win! We know you can win! So win for us too!" is what I see in their faces... combined with the amazingly timed OST... ah the feels man... combined with all the flashbacks in the first 15 seconds of the Opening... ;_____; - Sometimes the most ridiculously small things can have massive life- altering effects. Kagami's realisation about the Zone within the Zone after hearing the cheers of his friends within the game break caused by Kuroko's unintentional Personal foul... a blessing in disguise perhaps? Kuroko has a hand in unbelievably many things, so to those who complain "Omg no Kuroko Zone", there you have it. - Then this moment: - The animation of Direct Drive Zone was simply subarashi!!! Space Jam is basketball, after all :) Also, that has got to be the most beautiful dunk I have seen Kagami throw down XD : And the OST from SEASON 2 ENDING 1 that played here brought me to tears... not for the first time this episode ;______: - The intense back and forth between the teams as they played as if there lives were at stake... - And Akashi subduing the momentum of Seirin with an Ankle Break and follow up jumpshot... LMAO just perfect. We're at a 7 point gap- perfect timing for the last episode. - And the perfect ending with the last shot of the episode- "We will be the best in Japan" So pretty much, the entire episode was perfect. That's all there is. If you refuse to believe the truth... well, it doesn't matter. Lol. Now that I've seen this episode, I don't care much for haters anymore :) I have seen it. XD So many feels before, now, and for next week. Thank you, KnB. I dunno how to link, so just drag and drop :) Edit: Nvm lol it works |
NotJustJuiceJun 20, 2015 10:08 PM
"There's no shame in falling down... true shame is to not stand up again!" "Aah? Of course I won't miss!" "My blood tastes like Iron." "Run through the tape in life! Never give up! Run through the tape!" |
Jun 20, 2015 10:11 PM
Oh god, why did Production I.G. decide to pick now of all times to screw up on the animation budget?! I thought last week's episode was a bit off already, but this week it was so obvious that I can't stay silent about it anymore. Please don't let the last episode be affected too!! The part where Kuroko's first (Ogiwara), Kuroko's ex (Aomine) and Kuroko's present (Kagami) parters cheered for him made me tear up. Kuroko is well-loved! I feel a bit sorry for Rakuzan being antagonised by everyone that were cheering for Seirin (particularly the other Generation of Miracles) simply because they aren't the main characters. Both teams showed impeccable teamwork in this episode, so I feel like both of them should be cheered by their friends and rivals, not just the "underdogs". I think the anime handled the explanation of Kagami's True Zone better than the manga, though I'm a little bit irked with all the repeated use of the space animation.... Kagami's Direct Drive Zone was an eyeful though. I especially liked the revealing of Kuroko as the Zone Gate Keeper, and Aomine crying rivers at the realisation. Well done! I'm going to miss this series horribly once it ends next week!! |
Jun 20, 2015 10:32 PM
NoongaJuice said: I was talking more towards 2014 -> 2015. Parker is the cog that made the Spurs offense turn. During the series against the Clippers this year he was hurt and his play just wasn't sharp, and as a result the offense was a miserable shell of itself. In the 2014 finals against Miami he was about as perfect as it gets and the entire offense was beyond beautiful.ibear said: That's exactly what I thought! A perfect real-life example of a lot of ideas in this episode... Fujimaki desn't have an Emperor Eye, does he? Because it feels like he saw the future with what happened in the NBA from the 2013 Finals to 2014 Finals XDHoly hell, that was phenomenal. I'm starting to get sad at how close this is to being over. To help preemptively stutter the oncoming onslaught of complaints before you do so, please search "Home Court Advantage" and do some digging into the San Antonio Spurs' last season in which they won the championship, and this season that just ended where they lost in the first round. The key difference between the two being the health and play of their point guard Tony Parker. As good as the 3 uncrowned kings are, once Akashi lost his edge their play suffered. Now that he's reverted to his former self, the team moves as one and there play is as good as it's ever been. |
Jun 20, 2015 10:38 PM
BEST EPISODE EVER! That True Zone. I came. |
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion. It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist. |
Jun 20, 2015 10:48 PM
lol. |
Jun 20, 2015 10:49 PM
This was AMAZING! I love how this series keeps you watching even though it's so predictable. It's just nice seeing how everything would fall into place. I honestly don't know if I want next week to come or not :( I'm not ready for this to end! |
Jun 20, 2015 10:49 PM
[b][i]The long expected Zone 2 has finally been animated, the animation was pretty good.[/b][/i] |
Jun 20, 2015 10:55 PM
Jun 20, 2015 11:05 PM
ibear said: NoongaJuice said: I was talking more towards 2014 -> 2015. Parker is the cog that made the Spurs offense turn. During the series against the Clippers this year he was hurt and his play just wasn't sharp, and as a result the offense was a miserable shell of itself. In the 2014 finals against Miami he was about as perfect as it gets and the entire offense was beyond beautiful.ibear said: Holy hell, that was phenomenal. I'm starting to get sad at how close this is to being over. To help preemptively stutter the oncoming onslaught of complaints before you do so, please search "Home Court Advantage" and do some digging into the San Antonio Spurs' last season in which they won the championship, and this season that just ended where they lost in the first round. The key difference between the two being the health and play of their point guard Tony Parker. As good as the 3 uncrowned kings are, once Akashi lost his edge their play suffered. Now that he's reverted to his former self, the team moves as one and there play is as good as it's ever been. I know that was what you were talking about :) I was just referring to the whole "Redemption" theme and all that. It's another parallel I find quite intriguing. Edit: Speaking of the Spurs... I really do wonder how they are going to recover. Parker won't be getting any faster :/ that's for sure. And then there's the man who beat them. I really hope the guys around CP3 get it together... if there's a man who deserves a Ring in this League, it's him. |
NotJustJuiceJun 20, 2015 11:10 PM
"There's no shame in falling down... true shame is to not stand up again!" "Aah? Of course I won't miss!" "My blood tastes like Iron." "Run through the tape in life! Never give up! Run through the tape!" |
Jun 20, 2015 11:25 PM
I have so much to say about this episode, just thinking about it overwhelms me. I guess I'll split my thoughts up into several posts. Now that I've watched the entire episode, subbed and in high resolution, WOW, just WOW. I don't say this lightly. I've watched every episode in the entire series at least 3 times and this is the BEST EPISODE OF THE SERIES. There is less than a min of playing time left, so the final episode is probably not going to top this. Rakuzan players are all in the ZONE. Seirin as a team is in the ZONE. The bball itself is in the ZONE. The animation and direction are in the ZONE. The sound direction is in the ZONE. The episode is in the ZONE. Even the subtitles are perfect this week. This episode is such a great display of teamwork. Akashi making passes to his teammates' hot spots to suit their rhythm perfectly, and shouting orders to them while supporting the team with his Emperor Eye (the first time he's ever used EE for his team). Kagami coordinating with his team with eye contact in perfect synchrony. Rakuzan have good players and despite playing iso since Akashi came into the team, good players will always find a way to play as a team and Akashi's vision and floor general (NBA2k lingo) abilities will make them even stronger but you can't compare that teamwork to that of those who have been playing as a team since the beginning. A team whose players understand and read each other so perfectly. With KONE2 giving Kagami an added boost of mental abilities (focus, vision, reading of his teammates' movements, etc), the teamwork which was already awesome last episode, is further augmented. It's perfect teamwork vs great teamwork, and perfect teamwork wins, until of course Akashi plays the spoiler. This is basketball at its finest. I feel sorry for those who followed the series all the way till now and cannot enjoy this near perfect episode because you are too busy being angsty about the display of friendship, nitpicking about asspulls and powerups, or whatever. I came into this week's episode with a laundry list of prepared arguments. How runners feel an added boost of energy at the end of a race (runner's high). How fatigue in the mind affects fatigue in the body. How emotions such as anger, desperation and euphoria can give a sudden boost of adrenaline which in turn boosts physical capabilities. How athletes/Olympians perform better in home court/country. But after watching this, I don't care anymore (for now, hehe). Do your own research, or remain miserable. Here's one for starters: So pretty much this, for me: NoongaJuice said: So pretty much, the entire episode was perfect. That's all there is. If you refuse to believe the truth... well, it doesn't matter. Lol. Now that I've seen this episode, I don't care much for haters anymore :) I have seen it. XD So many feels before, now, and for next week. Thank you, KnB. And this ibear said: To help preemptively stutter the oncoming onslaught of complaints before you do so, please search "Home Court Advantage" and do some digging into the San Antonio Spurs' last season in which they won the championship, and this season that just ended where they lost in the first round. The key difference between the two being the health and play of their point guard Tony Parker. As good as the 3 uncrowned kings are, once Akashi lost his edge their play suffered. Now that he's reverted to his former self, the team moves as one and there play is as good as it's ever been. And everyone else who enjoyed this episode as much as I did. |
TorribleJun 21, 2015 12:01 AM
Jun 21, 2015 12:13 AM
That was breathtaking episode. Starting with the real Akashi game, then his zone which was shared with all Rakuzan! That was crazy enough. Finally, Kagami has opened the inner zone door, that was impressive! Everyone is matching Kagami's speed and provide the best possible support. I also liked the idea of "the power of fans and supporters" since it is very real, well at least much more real than "zones" :p Then Akashi strikes again :D Refusing to lose and making Kagami fall down again! Talk about epicness. It makes me real sad that only one episode is left. The journey with Kuroku's basket had been amazing </3 |
HakayaJun 21, 2015 12:21 AM
| My Anime List | |
Jun 21, 2015 12:20 AM
Torrible said: I have so much to say about this episode, just thinking about it overwhelms me. I guess I'll split my thoughts up into several posts. Now that I've watched the entire episode, subbed and in high resolution, WOW, just WOW. I don't say this lightly. I've watched every episode in the entire series at least 3 times and this is the BEST EPISODE OF THE SERIES. There is less than a min of playing time left, so the final episode is probably not going to top this. Rakuzan players are all in the ZONE. Seirin as a team is in the ZONE. The bball itself is in the ZONE. The animation and direction are in the ZONE. The sound direction is in the ZONE. The episode is in the ZONE. Even the subtitles are perfect this week. This episode is such a great display of teamwork. Akashi making passes to his teammates' hot spots to suit their rhythm perfectly, and shouting orders to them while supporting the team with his Emperor Eye (the first time he's ever used EE for his team). Kagami coordinating with his team with eye contact in perfect synchrony. Rakuzan have good players and despite playing iso since Akashi came into the team, good players will always find a way to play as a team and Akashi's vision and floor general (NBA2k lingo) abilities will make them even stronger but you can't compare that teamwork to that of those who have been playing as a team since the beginning. A team whose players understand and read each other so perfectly. With KONE2 giving Kagami an added boost of mental abilities (focus, vision, reading of his teammates' movements, etc), the teamwork which was already awesome last episode, is further augmented. It's perfect teamwork vs great teamwork, and perfect teamwork wins, until of course Akashi plays the spoiler. This is basketball at its finest. I feel sorry for those who followed the series all the way till now and cannot enjoy this near perfect episode because you are too busy being angsty about the display of friendship, nitpicking about asspulls and powerups, or whatever. I came into this week's episode with a laundry list of prepared arguments. How runners feel an added boost of energy at the end of a race (runner's high). How fatigue in the mind affects fatigue in the body. How emotions such as anger, desperation and euphoria can give a sudden boost of adrenaline which in turn boosts physical capabilities. How athletes/Olympians perform better in home court/country. But after watching this, I don't care anymore (for now, hehe). Do your own research, or remain miserable. Here's one for starters: So pretty much this, for me: NoongaJuice said: So pretty much, the entire episode was perfect. That's all there is. If you refuse to believe the truth... well, it doesn't matter. Lol. Now that I've seen this episode, I don't care much for haters anymore :) I have seen it. XD So many feels before, now, and for next week. Thank you, KnB. And this ibear said: To help preemptively stutter the oncoming onslaught of complaints before you do so, please search "Home Court Advantage" and do some digging into the San Antonio Spurs' last season in which they won the championship, and this season that just ended where they lost in the first round. The key difference between the two being the health and play of their point guard Tony Parker. As good as the 3 uncrowned kings are, once Akashi lost his edge their play suffered. Now that he's reverted to his former self, the team moves as one and there play is as good as it's ever been. And everyone else who enjoyed this episode as much as I did. I echo all of your sentiments bar one- there are 41.4 seconds left (lel) Now I'm conflicted. While I'm glad that you're at peace (for now, lel) like I am, I would have liked to read your posts refuting arbitrary illogical claims with facts. I guess I'll just take your advice and do my own research. That article was a nice read. And dat Floor General tho Somehow, Urban Dictionary's definition feels a bit different than in 2K... lol. |
"There's no shame in falling down... true shame is to not stand up again!" "Aah? Of course I won't miss!" "My blood tastes like Iron." "Run through the tape in life! Never give up! Run through the tape!" |
Jun 21, 2015 12:40 AM
you get a zone, you get a zone and you get a zone! EVERYBODY GETS A ZONE!! let the audience enter zone as well! |
Jun 21, 2015 1:03 AM
This episode. Don't ask. I loved it so much even if it the key points were absurd, but in a good way. When true Akashi awakened, that was awesome. I like this Akashi a lot better. For a moment, I wanted Rakuzan to win cuz that teamplay, everyone at their peak. For the first time, they actually fought like a team. That was epic. But then Ogiwara came, and everyone started to shout for Kuroko. I was like no don't it, it's stupid mwahaha. Kuroko cried, damn feels. Aomine cried, and that's where I lost it and got teary-eyed. It was all so absurd and I was grinning all the time even when I got teary-eyed. True Zone, pfft. Direct whatever Zone, even more pfft. But man, was it intense. When Seirin awakened, and Kagami scored those points with team effort... Just amazing. I still want Rakuzan to win (it makes more sense no matter what) but yeah Seirin winning would be awesome, too. The feels in the next episode are going to be so good esp. during the ED song. Can't wait for it. |
TragicRomanceJun 21, 2015 1:09 AM
Jun 21, 2015 1:39 AM
Basketball in space! |
Jun 21, 2015 2:22 AM
Plain_Otaku said: I cried when Kuroko cried , who else? *raises hand* |
Jun 21, 2015 2:22 AM
I'm glad to see the return of Akashi's old self. I prefer the latter compare to his other self. I cried over Kuroko & Ogiwara's reunion T^T It's too touching & beautiful. And LOL @ Tsundere Atsushi XD |
Jun 21, 2015 2:59 AM
So Rakuzan has all of it's players in the Zone but they can't sync with one another because they're not true team players or don't know the meaning of friendship and all of that crap while Seirin's players are all exhausted and done with but can somehow sync with Kagami and help him make Rakuzan look like they have no control over this. That shoot at the end fooled nobody, Rakuzan are obviously done, you can't beat the power of friendship in shonen haha. |
Jun 21, 2015 3:07 AM
Torrible said: Rakuzan players are all in the ZONE. Seirin as a team is in the ZONE. The bball itself is in the ZONE. The animation and direction are in the ZONE. The sound direction is in the ZONE. The episode is in the ZONE. Everyone except Himuro. He can't enter the Zone. |
Jun 21, 2015 3:21 AM
Damn Space Jam... all those sparkling shining shimmering neon lights lmao Somehow I'm rooting for rakuzan omg. Crying Kuroko breaks my heart. Can't get over rakuzan going to a hot spring. |
Jun 21, 2015 3:31 AM
Jun 21, 2015 3:37 AM
LMAO. This by far the worst episode ever, and I'm not even mad. They buttfucked the zone, and any remaining logic left in the series. At least the animation was amazing, the galactic scene made me jizz my pants, it was very eye pleasing. |
Jun 21, 2015 4:24 AM
WOWWWW that was an amazing episode, best yet! Love how Kuroko teared up, and so did Aomine, dem feels, got pretty emotional and the OST was spot on this episode and helped execute everything greatly. Finale next week....crap... |
Jun 21, 2015 4:26 AM
Inugirlz said: No seriously if there was ever a sports anime where the main characters should lose it's this. When there are that many asspulls/sparkles and unrealistic shit, its hard to take it seriously. This is the Utapuri of sports anime. What happened to the intense fatigue they were all experiencing? It's time to add the fantasy/supernatural tag to this series lol, it was obvious it was going to be unrealistic seasons ago, if you don't like it maybe you should just watch real life basketball yeee lel? The presentation was amazing and that's that. |
Jun 21, 2015 5:10 AM
Aww Murasakibara is the cutest. But damn only one more episode to go. |
![]() |
Jun 21, 2015 5:14 AM
Majuicezumi said: Torrible said: Rakuzan players are all in the ZONE. Seirin as a team is in the ZONE. The bball itself is in the ZONE. The animation and direction are in the ZONE. The sound direction is in the ZONE. The episode is in the ZONE. Everyone except Himuro. He can't enter the Zone. He can. He needs to play with Akashi. Anyway it's the lesser zone so he might get there on his own. I understand that you were making a joke though (about how Mayuzmi went in ahead of Himuro). NoongaJuice said: I echo all of your sentiments bar one- there are 41.4 seconds left (lel) Now I'm conflicted. While I'm glad that you're at peace (for now, lel) like I am, I would have liked to read your posts refuting arbitrary illogical claims with facts. I guess I'll just take your advice and do my own research. That article was a nice read. And dat Floor General tho Somehow, Urban Dictionary's definition feels a bit different than in 2K... lol. Why do you have to do research, lol, since you have no problems with the logic and stuff? I'll probably still engage a few of them in discussion about their objections, but I don't know how far I'm willing to go. In NBA2K, a player who has the floor general attribute increases the offense ratings of his teammates while he's on the floor, which is exactly what Akashi was doing. tsudecimo said: LMAO. This by far the worst episode ever, and I'm not even mad. They buttfucked the zone, and any remaining logic left in the series. At least the animation was amazing, the galactic scene made me jizz my pants, it was very eye pleasing. How is that illogical? We find out that the zone is a spectrum (with the lesser zone and true zone), not a binary (just in and out), which is consistent with real life. We have the normal '4th quarter' zone for players who are good at closing out games (like Curry's amazing 4th quarter in game 6), and there is the TMac (13 points in 35 seconds) OMG ZONE BEYOND THE ZONE. Yeah, I know the true zone in KnB works differently. Just illustrating the different degrees of being hot in real life. |
TorribleJun 21, 2015 5:21 AM
Jun 21, 2015 5:41 AM
Production I.G just blew my mind. The animation was SICK and I have to admit, the hype built up in the episode had me yelling at the top of my lungs. This episode's definitely one of my favorite episodes of KnB. And while everybody's going gaga over the WI-FI ZONE, I'm here pulling my hair out with the FRIENDZONE, you know...because shounen...okay nvm. *flies away* |
Jun 21, 2015 5:56 AM
j0x said: keiwa11 said: Akashi is seriously great player even if he doesn't stand out that much. how can you say that, Akashi in his original self can use both emperor eyes and his Pseudo-ZONE power the only thing that stands out on the old (or arrogant) Akashi is that his ZONE is more powerful I was rather refering to this episode alone, when his original self showed himself as a great player with high level skills that he uses to support his teammates and draw out their power to its limits. Of course he can use him emperor eye and the zone, but he's not flashy like Kagami in the zone, running alone through the court with the ball and dunking for example. Here again I'm refering solely to his original self as we already saw his 'arrogant' self doing these things in the previous episode. And also the scenes when other players thought of him as rather normal, not what they'd expect from the former captain of GoM. So yeah in comparision to his arrogant self he doesn't stand out that much and my point was that even if he does not, his original self is an amazing player even if he might seem as a supporting player only. Hope it makes more sense now. |
Jun 21, 2015 6:07 AM
Holy mother of god just what kind of unlimited budget do they have? It was one of the single most amazing episodes I've ever seen. |
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