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Jul 28, 2014 10:13 AM

Mar 2010
Welcome HitsuWTG. Check the threads, maybe you'll find some discussions to join. Have fun!
Jul 28, 2014 10:35 AM

Mar 2010
HikaruIzumi said:
Who doesn't love pancakes?
Jul 28, 2014 10:38 AM
Jul 2018
I love thinking about them when I'm hungry. Actually eating them is always a regret.
Aug 3, 2014 6:28 AM

Apr 2013
Hello everyone !

Sorry for presented late but I didn't know that I had to present myself.
Thank to Crowlage for tell me ^^

Well, my first yuri anime was Straberry panic, when I saw his, in my head I heard a "clic". After that I search many yuri anime adn several month again later I discovered the yuri manga.
It was there 5 years, since that I looked pratically all yuri anime.
My favorite is Simoun but I love other excepte Aoi hana, I don'tvery love this.

In manga, I read all of licence in my country. And I read scan in english.
I haven't really a favorite manga.

I had play all Sono hanabira excepte 4 last.

To finish, as you see my English it's not very good, so sorry for many mistakes that I made and I will make.

If you are any questions, well tell me ^^

Sur ce je fais une overdose d'anglais donc pardonnez moi cet instant de français.

One last thing, I love your club because....well...everyone is nice and activities are fun.
AtoyuAug 3, 2014 6:32 AM
Aug 3, 2014 12:44 PM

Mar 2010
YAY! Another Simoun fan! It's not like you have to introduce yourself but it's safer if you don't want everyone to run away from you because you're a stranger. I'm glad you're enjoying the club. Welcome, I guess, and have even more fun than you have now.
Yay! French!
Aug 3, 2014 1:11 PM

Apr 2013
Run away from me because I'm stranger...
It's mean T.T
I'm not a bad girl...

But if it's for my english I understand.
Aug 3, 2014 2:05 PM
Jul 2014
Hi everyone!

My name is OuFerrat which means fried egg in Catalan.

So, I joined MAL because there are some nice reviews and recommendations here. And then I noticed that I could also join clubs. And I thought to myself: What do I like? I like yuri. And that's the story of how I ended up here.

I like pretty much everything, but fluffy nonsense is my favourite thing in the world. I got into yuri when I read Girl Friends. And I liked it. And here I am reading too much yuri. Unfortunately, they don't release yuri in my country so I only have access to doujins. TT_TT

Also, sorry for my broken English
Aug 3, 2014 2:16 PM

Apr 2013
OuFerrat said:
I read Girl Friends. And I liked it.

It sounds almost like Katy Perry's song XD

OuFerrat said:
And here I am reading too much yuri. Unfortunately, they don't release yuri in my country so I only have access to doujins. TT_TT

But you know about Yuri Project, Dynasty Reader and lililicious?
Aug 3, 2014 2:21 PM
Jul 2014
Alextasha said:
OuFerrat said:
And here I am reading too much yuri. Unfortunately, they don't release yuri in my country so I only have access to doujins. TT_TT

But you know about Yuri Project, Dynasty Reader and lililicious?

Sure, I read scans but I think it would be nice to own a physical copy someday.
Aug 3, 2014 2:24 PM

Apr 2013
OuFerrat said:
Sure, I read scans but I think it would be nice to own a physical copy someday.

Agree, phisical copy is much better but I know that 99% of titles from yuri I really like wouldn't appear in my country :/ because here shonens and seinens have the best sell :/
Aug 3, 2014 3:37 PM
Jul 2018
Atoyu, OuFerrat, welcome.
Aug 4, 2014 12:38 AM

Mar 2010
Welcome, OuFerrat!

Atoyu said:
Run away from me because I'm stranger...
It's mean T.T
I'm not a bad girl...

But if it's for my english I understand.

Don't worry, I was just joking. :D
Aug 4, 2014 6:07 AM

Oct 2012
Hello, fellow patricians of fine taste. I'm superzarop. You may know me from my pretentious review of Sakura Trick. I love yuri and my waifu is Shinon. That's all there is to know about me. Let's have a lovely loving time together!
Aug 4, 2014 6:54 AM

Mar 2014
@Superzarop I haven't read any reviews to ST yet. I'll find yours later today. I hope you enjoy all what we have to offer! Hope to chat with you more often. :)
Aug 4, 2014 7:28 AM

Apr 2013
Honestly? I don't read reviews so sorry but I don't know you :D But welcome in our club :D
Aug 4, 2014 8:10 AM

Oct 2012
Thanks :) I don't expect many to know me at all, but a few do :P The ST review can be pretty difficult to plow through since it's pretentious and all.
Aug 4, 2014 10:16 AM
KDE Plasma

Jun 2012
welcome to you :D
Aug 6, 2014 11:02 AM

Mar 2014
hello everyone! I am a new member ^_^

Personal Introduction

I am relatively new to anime and yuri. my first anime was about 7 months ago, it was the Ghibli movie Mononoke Hime. after that I watched a bunch more movies and then asked some friends on an online forum for recommendations for series.

the first anime series I watched was Shinsekai Yori. though I didn't know what "yuri" was at the time I totally shipped Maria-Saki, I thought it was the best relationship in the anime, and I was super disgusted whenever I read some people dropped the anime because of the same sex relationships. the next anime that I watched was Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. I got really involved in that anime, and did some online research. I read that there were a ton of references, but since I was less interested in the plot and more interested in the character relationships, the next anime I put on my watch list was Kannazuki no Miko (because I read MSMM referenced KnM with the "space hug" sequence)

so the third anime I ever watched was KnM, I binged it in a day (on my one day off that week) ... needless to say I wasn't prepared emotionally for that and ended up crying for a really long time after that ;_; I really love Kannazuki no Miko, it had its bad parts, but it was an awesome and heartfelt yuri romance (mecha didn't matter one bit :P)

after that I started doing my homework, found out what all the different Japanese genre names meant (yuri, shoujo, shoujo ai, josei, etc) and dove head first into the yuri world. that was about 5 months ago. because of my love for yuri my experience in anime outside of what would be considered yuri (or yuri subtext) is very limited.

oh, and I run a yuri facebook page that has 4k likes, super proud of that :D

My favorite yuri anime/manga

Anime: Aoi Hana, Kannazuki no Miko, Blue Drop, Simoun, Ga-Rei: Zero.

Manga: Octave, Aoi Hana, Prism, Citrus, Feelings We All Must Endure, and a lot of different one shots. my favorite manga far outnumber my favorite anime, so I don't think I can list them all here >_<

I particularily enjoy drama and romance yuri, and I think that college life, or adult life yuri are far too rare! (I don't think there are any adult life yuri anime... are there?)

I love romance of any type, but yuri is at the top of my list. and I love the ones that pull at your heart strings. I enjoy a fluffy story every now and then but I prefer serious romance ^_^

anyway, glad to be a part of the group, and while I don't know how often I will be around (because I am so busy) I hope that we can get along! ^_^
Aug 6, 2014 11:30 AM

Mar 2014
mhmbaSR1 said:
it had its bad parts, but it was an awesome and heartfelt yuri romance (mecha didn't matter one bit :P)

KnM was a really good anime. (I agree it had bad points but a lot better than most. Also I disliked mecha so I didn't care much for it too xD)

I hope to get along with you too and welcome to the club!!!
Aug 6, 2014 11:31 AM

Mar 2010
Good job on the yuri FB page. And welcome.
Aug 6, 2014 7:19 PM
Jul 2018
Welcome mhmbaSR1.
Aug 6, 2014 10:43 PM

Aug 2010
Hey! I'm new to the club. You can call me Jim, Jimbo, or whatever clever nickname you want. I've probably heard it all though :p

I've newly gotten into yuri and started watching sakura trick. It actually wasn't until I started watching Sakura trick that I noticed how much I actually like it. Sakura trick is just so cute and romantic. I also felt like I've built up a sort of need for yuri anime I didn't even know about. SO many non-yuri anime have yuri undertones. Yuri moments. Yuri hints. But then no development. The yuri was basically just there for fan service really. I was tired of that.

When I started watching sakura trick I realized that I really wanted to see a yuri relationship go all the way. I want to see the whole story unfold. I'm loving it right now. So many sweet kisses. The anime just makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I'm going to finish it soon and I'll be looking here for what I should watch next. Might take a break and go with something totally different and serious like psychopass though. I'm a sucker for cute romances and I haven't seen a good one in a while. I needed Sakura Trick so much.

I alos love tsundere girls and cute loli types. Blushes are the best. My favourite genres are romance, comedy, slice of life. I also game a lot. Mostly hearthstone and league of legends.

See you guys and girls around :D

Aug 6, 2014 11:29 PM

Mar 2014
jimbo_extreme said:
Yuri moments. Yuri hints. But then no development. The yuri was basically just there for fan service really. I was tired of that.

When I started watching sakura trick I realized that I really wanted to see a yuri relationship go all the way. I want to see the whole story unfold. I'm loving it right now.

My god you're right about yuri being used as fanservice so often, it's so sad. >. < It does become tiring I agree 100% with that.

Sakura Trick is unique conpared to most of the yuri animes out there. Enjoy it while it last. Glad you like it, I thought it was pretty good too. :D

Welcome to the club Jim and we are excited to have you! :)
Aug 6, 2014 11:40 PM

Mar 2010
jimbo_extreme said:
SO many non-yuri anime have yuri undertones. Yuri moments. Yuri hints. But then no development. The yuri was basically just there for fan service really. I was tired of that.

When I started watching sakura trick I realized that I really wanted to see a yuri relationship go all the way. I want to see the whole story unfold.

Welcome, I agree with you. Seeing countless fanservice anime with most having very weak undertones can be very frustrating. Unfortunately, like Growl-kun says, Sakura Trick is unique and you'll hardly find anything similar. Yuri as a genre is stuck at a stage "hetai or 100% innocent" and anything that doesn't belong to those categories is an exception rather than a rule.
Aug 6, 2014 11:45 PM
Jul 2018
Aug 6, 2014 11:54 PM

Mar 2010
That's too long.
Aug 7, 2014 12:02 AM
Jul 2018
Aug 7, 2014 12:15 AM

Mar 2010
BroKumon? GorwlKumon? Growlmon?
Aug 7, 2014 12:27 AM
Jul 2018
HikaruIzumi said:

That one.
Aug 7, 2014 3:54 AM

Aug 2014
Hello, everyone!
I'm not only new to this club, but also to this website, so bear with me, please? :3

I'm a Portuguese girl who seems very intelligent in classes and tests, but is extremely dumb on the internet (and life in general). I started watching animes when I was still in kindergarten and used to roleplay CCS with my bestfriend (who is also a girl). After we went our separate ways (different schools), I stopped watching and hadn't watched animes for a long time. When we eventually met each other, we didn't have much time together. However, last year we ended up in the same school, even though we're in different classes due to different choices in what we're studying (I'm in Sciences and she's in History, how I envy her for that). Since we started talking, she tried to get me to watch animes again, but I always said no. Well, I'm here, so you're already guessing that she ended up making me watch animes again and once more I got hooked.

The first time that I actually thought of yuri was when I watched PMMM and thought of Sayaka/Kyoko as a believable pairing. After that, my best friend and I found Sakura Trick and we also liked it a lot. And so far, that's my yuri history. I can't really wait to watch more yuri animes!

For now, I have a huge list of animes that said best friend has given me to watch. But when I end it, I'll continue looking for yuri animes to watch as well.

It's a pleasure to be in this group with all of you and I hope we all get along!
Aug 7, 2014 4:01 AM
Jul 2018
Welcome to the club BabySakura. Since you're new, I'll go ahead and let in on some secrets about the site. These are totally unbiased and objective.

1.) This is the best club. You make a good choice by joining it.
2.) You don't need to worry about all the other clubs and forums, just spend all your time hanging out with us.
Aug 7, 2014 4:05 AM

Aug 2014
I'll definitely keep those secrets in mind!
Aug 7, 2014 5:16 AM

Apr 2013
In this case she should listen all of his points :D

Welcome BabySakura :D If you want some yuri recommendation don't afraid to ask. We for sure will give you some titles and you will don't even know when you will be yuri addicted like everyone in this club ;)
Aug 7, 2014 7:39 AM
KDE Plasma

Jun 2012
Welcome BabySakura :D
Aug 8, 2014 3:49 AM

Aug 2014
Thank you everyone, hahaha. I'm always open for yuri recommendations (;
Aug 12, 2014 12:44 PM

Jan 2014
Hello yuri club.
I just joined here to mingle with other yuri fans. I'm just a highschool kid. I don't do much except watch anime, browse the internet, and play video games occasionally. I live in the USA. My top waifu is Tsukiko from HenNeko. I aspire to be top weaboo. I'm a masochist. My favorite anime genres is romance. I love moe anime girls and I hate school.
That's basically all there is.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu~
Aug 12, 2014 1:34 PM

Mar 2010
Welcome, Syndrical. I can relate to not doing much except the stuff you mentioned. You'll fit here well for sure. Check out our discussion and game threads and don't be afraid to socialise with everyone in the club chat. We like new members for breakfast.
Aug 12, 2014 1:35 PM

Apr 2013
Syndrical said:
Hello yuri club.
I just joined here to mingle with other yuri fans. I'm just a highschool kid. I don't do much except watch anime, browse the internet, and play video games occasionally. [...]My top waifu is Tsukiko from HenNeko. I aspire to be top weaboo. I'm a masochist. [...]I love moe anime girls and I hate school...

Best... Introduction... Ever!

Aug 12, 2014 2:05 PM

Jan 2014
Thanks for the warm welcome. c:
Aug 13, 2014 7:36 AM

Aug 2013
Syndrical said:
Hello yuri club.
I just joined here to mingle with other yuri fans. I'm just a highschool kid. I don't do much except watch anime, browse the internet, and play video games occasionally. I live in the USA. My top waifu is Tsukiko from HenNeko. I aspire to be top weaboo. I'm a masochist. My favorite anime genres is romance. I love moe anime girls and I hate school.
That's basically all there is.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu~

Ahaha I like you! *whips*
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Aug 13, 2014 7:59 PM

Mar 2014
Syndrical said:
Hello yuri club.
I just joined here to mingle with other yuri fans. I'm just a highschool kid. I don't do much except watch anime, browse the internet, and play video games occasionally. I live in the USA. My top waifu is Tsukiko from HenNeko. I aspire to be top weaboo. I'm a masochist. My favorite anime genres is romance. I love moe anime girls and I hate school.
That's basically all there is.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu~

Wow I remember you from SOLC! I didn't know you liked Yuri. Nice to finally, officially meet you. :D
Aug 14, 2014 12:35 PM

Jan 2014
xchee said:

mmmm. thanks for that! :3
Crowlage said:
Nice to finally, officially meet you. :D

Yeah I remember you as well. Nice to officially meet you too. haha
Aug 19, 2014 1:46 AM

Mar 2014
I love this place, its almost as entertaining as the forums.

BTW: I love yuri.
Powered by yuri.
Needless to say, I finish all anime I start, no matter my initial opinion, no matter how bad it gets, I WILL FINISH IT!
Aug 19, 2014 2:30 PM

Mar 2010
I really hope those forums aren't falling right now. Get it? GET IT? No? Never mind, move on.
Aug 23, 2014 4:17 PM

Aug 2014
No introduction from me yet? Let's fix that~

Hi there! Just registered here on MAL today, and one of the first things to do was joining a Yuri club, naturally. I've been a Yuri fan for quite a while by now, probably around 10 years or so, and I know I can blame Azumanga Daioh for that. Thanks, Kaorin~
Anyways, back then I wasn't really familiar with the Yuri genre as a whole, but liked the concept of shipping two female characters with each other, and went along with it.

My first real encounter with the Yuri genre was when I watched Maria-sama ga Miteru a few years later, and instantly loved it. I made a little bit of research and branched out with a few other similar mangas, animes and later a few visual novels.

Currently, I'd say my favorites are Aoi Hana, Girl Friends and Sasameki Koto, though Sakura Trick and Maria-sama ga Miteru have been particularily enjoyable as well.
Other things of note that can be said about me are that I tried writing a bit in the Yuri genre, though stopped at some point due to a lack of time, and that besides Yuri, I pretty much read or watch anything that might look interesting. I won't be around most of the time here, but still hope to contribute a bit to discussions over here~
Aug 24, 2014 12:20 AM
Jul 2018
Welcome to MAL and our club Yuuki_snow. My favorite Azumanga character was the other half, Sakaki.
Aug 24, 2014 4:47 AM

Aug 2014
Welcome to MAL and our club Yuuki_snow. My favorite Azumanga character was the other half, Sakaki.

I'm probably leaning more towards Sakaki as well, but if it wouldn't be for the obvious attraction of Kaorin towards Sakaki, I might have never gotten introduced to this fandom... either that, or at least somewhat belated.

But thanks for the welcome anyways~
Yuuki_snowJun 29, 2017 10:25 PM
Aug 24, 2014 4:53 AM
Jul 2014
came to say hi

Aug 24, 2014 5:04 AM

Apr 2013
Awww :D Your first post in MAL :D and in our club :D Welcome!
Aug 24, 2014 5:23 AM

Mar 2010
Very first post we took your posting virginity, that honours us! ^_^ Welcome and have fun.
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