And this concludes my first experience with a real idol anime (Zombieland Saga doesn't really count, K-On neither).
And well, it was pretty much how I expected it to be. A lot of forced drama, a message that is good on surface but clumsy in the way it is handled, rather forgettable songs (in my opinion) but it is still an endearing show with likable characters.
Speaking of characters, I'll first try to give my opinion on each one of them before talking about a point that bothered me quite a lot :
-Honoka : well, she belongs to the type of main characters I'm not fond of, that is the overly enthusiastic mc ready to do anything without thinking about the consequences and bringing everyone into it no matter if they actually want to, and yet is still praised as a wonderful person. That annoys me. However, Honoka isn't the worst example of this trope, she is likable and endearing and I liked that she came to aknowledge her flaws. The problem is : she's ultimately been comforted in keeping being this way. I'll talk about this later.
-Umi : I like her, she didn't get much development but she is a good down-to-earth character who is actually quite refreshing due to being the serious type while being a genuine softie and above all being often completely in the right in a very reasonable way. Too bad she is mainly responsible for what I said regarding Honoka's undone development.
-Kotori : She isn't a bad character but, aside from Honoka, she is the one I blame the most when it comes to forced drama. I felt like they absolutely wanted her to be the distressed cutie but it felt a bit shoehorned. Her conflict could've been interesting but it really suffered from this clumsy approach I mentionned.
-Nico : As I expected, she's probably my favorite for now, and that's not because of the meme. Not only is she the funniest, but she is also refreshing in that she is a tsundere yet rather easily displays her soft side. Not only that, but I get where she is coming from (she's actually the one I understand the most out of all of them) and, in a show about idols, I really like to see one who actually takes this seriously, it's interesting to see. Of course, it's still a bit naive in its approach but still, it's a nice addition to the cast. But that's the thing though : due to, in a way, being the most realistic take on a japanese idol, she really has the potential to be a very interesting character, but she unfortunately isn't in the right show for this. Also, I really disliked how she was constantly being ignored by the other girls, it is already wrong coming from them to just ignore one of them, but considering her backstory it comes off as incredibly insensitive yet is portrayed as a joke and even something she deserves. It's a weird way of handling things.
-Eri : It's not at all that I don't like her, but I have two main issues with her. The first one is that her motives behind her attempt to cancel Honoka and cie's club felt way too much like a remake of Nico's own motives. The second is that she changed way too abruptly. I think it would've been better to see her soften more gradually, although the fast pacing is something I reproach to the show as a whole.
-Nozomi : I like her "wise and caring yet a bit of a weirdo" character, however, of course, I'm not at all a fan of her gimmick. Also, I hope we'll get some insight into her character in season 2, she is intriguing.
-Maki : I really liked her a the beginning due to her shy and grumpy yet genuily caring personality. Unforunately, aside from one episode she's been considerably relegated to the sidelines which made me lose interest, although I'm totally open to seeing more development for her in season 2.
-Hanayo : I liked her in her focus episode due to being a very relatable depiction of a socially awkward young girl, but she completely lost this aspect afterwards and... Well, that's not how it works so it really annoyed me, and she became much less interesting as a result. Also, come on, can we just get a character who keeps their glasses even after becoming more confident for once ?
-Rin : I honestly don't have much to say because she is the least developed girl. The thing about her being insecure about her tomboyish looks and attitude could've made for something interesting but it's never been brought up again. I can only say one thing : I really disliked the way she pushed Hanayo into joining the club. It's been portrayed as something positive but in real life, it's actually quite a toxic behaviour. That's part of the issue I have with the message.
And speaking of the message : it's a good one. A truly good one. But the execution is... questionable, to say the least. As I said, Honoka's character was going in the right direction when she realized how selfish she had been, yet the show encouraged her in being selfish. No, that's not the right thing. Being optimistic and enthusiastic is great, but forcing people into doing things they don't want to do and always deciding for them is completely wrong. Maybe it works in the show but in real life, there's no way this kind of behaviour can lead to something good. Another thing I didn't like was how the only time she's been called out on her behaviour was when she blamed herself for the band's failure and decided to leave the team. Take Eri's comment for example, there's something wrong about her calling Honoka out on her guilt complex because this is "vain and only making everyone uncomfortable". The girl's been completely unaware of her selfishness for years, she finally realizes it and decides to take responsibility for her mistakes, and she gets called out on THAT instead of on everything she's done before ? I mean, of course her decision wasn't the right one but the root of the problem was elsewhere and I wish the show truly aknowledged that. Plus, Eri's comment and the other's behaviour is wrong in that blaming someone for beating themselves up over something they believe to be personally responsible for is definitely not better than them feeling guilty for this. I mean, if you're really uncomfortable about this, the best thing to do would be to try to talk to them, not get mad at them for this. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect high-schoolers to have a perfectly mature reaction to this situation (although they're not kids, and Eri's been portrayed as being a mature and responsible person), my problem lies in the way the show portrays it as being the right thing. It's not, just like pushing people and disrespecting their fears, insecurities and wishes isn't the right thing to do either. That should be obvious but apparently, the show decided otherwise.
So overall I liked this show, I truly did but it has some big flaws and that's a shame because the ideas are there and could make for something very good.
I give it a 6/10, I'm curious to see if season 2 will fix some of what I criticized. |