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We got a backstory on how she started playing Gun Gale online, interesting. Haha, she wanted to not be tall, that's her only reason, how adorable. She became quite the powerful figure in the game though, just in a few months.
"I'm finally short and cute!" YOUR AVATAR IS A LITERAL CHILD
"Once I got my tats, guys stopped..." Backfire, they make you look cooler.
So that's how Llen became famous. I guess if it meant better EXP and loot than just killing monsters, I would too. Gotta hand it to her, she turned out to be a natural. I'm terrible in PvP fights by myself.
I'm surprised this episode has such an average scoring, I thought it was a pretty nice backstory episode. I thought that the pink outfit is simply there because it's cute. Pito is a mysterious person, in the opening I thought she would be the villain, now I'm not sure anymore.
Yeah, being tall for girls sucks. I wouldn't date a girl taller than me, that's for sure. Thankfully there are only a few where I live.
6:42 Hey, that's a DBZ reference. A female from Frieza's race.
6:48 That's a hot-looking mermaid. What's wrong with that?
Elsa Kanzaki's song sounds catchy, for sure.
P90 is also my weapon of choice in old-school CS and CSGO. I like to spray and pray all the time.
hilariously its 2025 or something but shrug. anyway.
so "len" in real life. not sure exactly how tall she is. also its really funny because you can hear sorta that she has like two different voices but welp. not sure how much of the anime will actually be set in real life, since the first ep was basically 99.5% in the game itself
its really ironic because 160cm is like pretty tall in japan already so if you're 170 and/or even higher people are gonna be like
i think we already saw the op in the first ep? well im not particularly either way
i saw comments but who knows. they doing the thing where the first ep is like action and then ep 2 is like talking
still not sure if the other two girls are gonna show up
also something something vr blah de blah
i mean in real life the real issues about vr are two things, the price is just too expensive, and then the second thing is it requires games. soo yeah. well the 3rd issue is fatigue really
because i didnt watch the original sao i mean. shrug. who needs time anyway
honestly because of the camera angles real life "len" doesnt seem that big. but its because well she's not standing next to anybody
its really funny because in game she's like super super squeaky but in real life she sounds very ordinary
thats hilarious. is that actually ps vita on the shelves lel
though where are all these people getting the moneh, oh well, sci fi amirite
ok now len looks ridiclous but what can i say
they still havent told us her actual height, but like. i guess 180 would be plenty, 190 would be totaly overkill but i wouldnt be surprised
very quiet talking this time
you know if any kid can just walk into a store and buy the games. i mean
she still has to kinda explain the meaning why she chose len
i mean i have no idea about all these avatar stuff. i mean avatar creation is hard but like still. hmm.
that being said its kinda silly they auto logged her out because she panicked
like why on earth is it random?
so yeah. i dont even. this is kinda sadge
you know one thing they never address in these full dive vr is that how do you take breaks, like drinking water
so yeah after SOME TIME, len finally somehow randomly gets a small avatar. i dunno how or why but. also its basically implied she just randomly got into ggo just because. but shrug
also uh. her voice changed? shrug
kinda curious though but ehh.
well this is some weird tutorial. shrug
so anyway uh
so len's accuracy is really bad. not that i know
i have no idea how accurate the guns are but shrug. yeah len basically has to just spray and pray
the game apparently has like some kind of pve element but ep 1 was entirely pvp. i guess welp
like how does it even work in vr, shrug
i mean if they already have the whole thing set up you'd think having customization options would be easy
how does eating and drinking even work in vr. oh nyoh
so apparently yeah the funny thing is apparently the pink camo supposedly works. i dunno how but it does
also like, can or cant they just log out? shrug
anyway so it only took like forever but that sure is a familiar voice. i was wondering
still im kinda confused how ep 1 fits into the whole timeline
they still havent explained how or why len but
anyway so yeah, pito
presumably the genders are kinda locked in on the intial so its implied that most of the players are dudes and only some girls for some reason. would be kinda hmm
pito is like the opposite of len lel
is 3 months a lot or a little. dunno if they told us how long
len wearing the silly cloak is kinda weird though
are they ever gonna explain about the guns. maybe next time
also yeah. so len mentioned she's from hokkaido
gee what a strange feeling
in any case. i mean. they should do more (cough netoge cough), but like. im not sure how big japan is, but assuming you're in the tokyo area (yes but no) surely it cant be that hard. maybe
Anyway so yeah that ends off on ep 2. mostly a LOT of talking and setup. i mean ep 1 was lots of talking too, there's not really much to say. we're not quite at the point yet so. still 10 eps to go I guess and they introduced pito at least. there's still the other girl who hasnt shown up yet. maybe next ep or maybe not.
Also a long term goal for len to actually win against pito, but who knows
Most of this ep was in vr as well so I'm assuming from now on it'll be back to like 99% vr
Still no idea the meaning behind the name len but sure
It is really funny how len looks kinda generic without her pink clothes. Then again uh.
I mean idk if the author actually thought about it deliberately or who knows
Like its only been an ep or two but pito (and len indirectly) has clearly said that, most of the players are dudes, and we can see that 3/4 of the main cast is cute girls (ok maybe pito is not cure the cute type but anyway), etc etc brain
Also can I just say that. Maybe its just me or maybe its a red herring but they are mentioning that elsa singer way too many time. Not that I know.
Also language barrier or something, unless the whole game is played in japan. But shrug.
I am kinda wondering if there's gonna be some kinda plot tweest later on. No idea honestly.
I mean the ed is ok but I'm not particularly interested. It's about ok or slightly above average for kusunoki tomori's debut I guess
Pito is voiced by hikasa yoko, I mean I knew in advance but her voice was fairly distinctive.
I actually cant remember who voices the other girl right now so it'll be interesting to see if I guess correctly when she shows up
Wait, this is kind of wholesome. The MC feels real and genuine with her irl insecurity
Also, this Pito girl seems a lot cooler than I expected. I'm loving the slice-of-life vibes going on between the action scenes and I can't wait for more
So as I expected, E1 was filled with military tactics and after would be more of a normal anime.
My only issue with this episode was the AmuSphere that it felt like the system to kick a player out can kind of get in the way of a game. I definitely would have my heart rate go up like that in-game, not sure how others aren't constantly. AmuSphere is safe unlike NerveGear, because if you try to remove NerveGear, you'll literally fry the persons brain. Also AmuSphere disconnects on emergency or special list phone calls, and also the outside world can be somewhat felt while wearing. The fact NerveGear used microwaves was insane!
I can't really get an idea of how tall she is, but I am definitely different than her. I'm 185cm and usually taller than even the guys I'm around which is a little awkward for me Q_Q. It's not really tall enough to crash into stuff (at least in the USA). I've never thought of making a short in-game character, though I guess I usually go for 1 of 3 things
-Hot guy
-Looks like me or how I'd want to look
-Something just bonkers since it's video game
However guess I don't have major problem with being tall, and guess this problem increases, all we know is she's tall.
5/5, it's really cute having a bright pink little girl blend in, and this game is really funny hahaha, cool she got a friend <3
LLENN's real-life counterpart Karen is one tall girl. Unfortunately, she has a height complex. I don't really get why being a tall girl would be a problem. I wonder if it's a Japanese thing where being tall as a girl is frowned upon. Height-related "issues" don't really make sense to me since it's one of those things that you don't have any control over.
They showed how Karen got into VR. It's funny how Karen got traumatized by every game so much she didn't even bother customizing her avatar in them. I guess that's one way of writing around why Karen ended up in GGO of all places.
LLENN's first friend in VR was Pitohui. I guess in this game you can't change your gender. Based. But otherwise, it doesn't really make any sense why there wouldn't be more dudes larping as female players. Still, it's pretty bizarre. Pito is a really cool character. Idk what kinda guys she hung around with but the tats only make her look crazier. The way Pito talks to LLENN almost seems inappropriate lmao. But she's actually a grown-ass woman with a chibi avatar. The talk after LLENN bought "P-chan" was hilarious. Pito is a psycho who's grooming a little girl to be another psycho.
It's crazy that this series takes place in 2025-2026. Considering how popular Fortnite and COD Warzone are these days, it seems unrealistic how "cute" outfits are uncommon in GGO. I guess it takes place in a reality where VR exists and Fortnite never became popular. I wanna live in that reality.