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May 21, 2017 2:06 AM

Jul 2015
Don't get me wrong, it was a really good movie but it was sad af.

Also from the "anime only" perspective, story was kind of all over the place, i mean why the hell they put someone like her in the normal school that would surly lead to bullying, also the ending was BS, they went all out with all the sad and mature stuff, they should have just killed the MC and made him an ideal for everyone else to change them self.
Him just waking up was totally cheap.

Still gonna give to 9/10
May 21, 2017 5:02 AM

Jul 2009
I really liked the movie, but they cut so much things, and some were very important,

I believe an anime adaptation would have been better...
Ishida really did bad to Shouko in the past, but he turned into a nice guy and Shouko always blamed herself for all that happened =/
I liked how they add more things to the end.
bittersweetloveMay 21, 2017 12:53 PM
May 21, 2017 6:05 AM

Jun 2016
I was quite surprised how the movie turned out to be more about the themes of guilt, self-loathing and social anxiety rather than dealing with physical disabilities. Of course, the disability might have been at the heart of it, but the drama was driven by faults in human character. Feelings of self-loathing hit me quite close to home, as did the fear of losing loved ones (Yuzuru's dream where she saw her sister dead, after which she woke up and hugged her grandma was particularly powerful.)

It felt like the movie tried to cram too much in from the manga, though, and suffered for it. At times it felt like I was watching an extended recap rather than the real thing. I realise that the time constraint means that it couldn't develop all the characters like in the manga, but a superior adaptation would have eliminated that feeling somehow - probably by trimming more and crafting a tighter, more coherent narrative with less side characters but more development.

And finally: Best bro Nagatsuka was MVP. He gets a 10/10, and the movie overall a 8/10.

bittersweetlove said:

Wow, I haven't read the manga but I was curious so I read the spoiler anyway. I was constantly wondering throughout the movie where the dads were - only at the end did Maria's dad get randomly thrown in. I get that there was a time constraint, but even a minute's flashback would be enough to reveal some backstory. That way, a non-manga reader could spend less time theorizing and more time empathizing with the characters. I did get more than an inkling about Ueno's feelings about Ishida, though.

Totally agree that this would have been better as an anime series.
ArachnophobicMay 21, 2017 2:01 PM
May 21, 2017 7:36 AM

Jan 2015
I will never get it why they let ueno in their friend circle but w/e... she just showed up in the amusement park without invitation, being a b*tch etc... like... just tell her to gtfo
May 21, 2017 7:51 AM

Aug 2013
Beautiful. The only thing which is bothering me is a lack of proper closure. It's pretty obvious that he will end up being with Shouko, but I wanted to see it.
Anyway maybe it's just for now, but 10/10 for me. Definitely a masterpiece material, I could write an essay why I think that it deserves 10, but I don't have a time now.
May 21, 2017 7:58 AM

Oct 2008
This is a 10/10 for me as well.
Purely well done and has changed my life!
I have so many to comment but i'll just leave it at that.

May 21, 2017 8:29 AM

Jul 2013
bittersweetlove said:
I really liked the movie, but they cut so much things, and some were very important,

I believe an anime adaptation would have been better...
Ishida really did bad to Shouko in the past, but he turned into a nice guy and Shouko always blamed herself for all that happened =/
I liked how they add more things to the end.

Remember it is a movie so the studio has to take shortcuts somewhere. If it was Tv series which Im thinking Kyoto should then it will cover more of the manga/LN (haven't read)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 21, 2017 11:57 AM

Apr 2016
Okay not a manga reader here ,I sorta have mixed feelings about this movie.I'm definitely mostly positive about it but cannot help myself but feel kinda disappointed with some aspects of it.

There are many positives about it such as art, animation , scenery , character interactions especially , as expected from KyoAni , the story itself was heartwarming and meaningful but I just need adress that this could've been much longer.

Again I'm not a manga reader IDK if it's any different from the movie but I'm just straight up disappointed with the supporting cast.Most of their character felt too flat and development wise , unsatisfying.I'd say only Yuzu was the one I really cared about out of the supporting cast. Characters like Ueno which even though I still dislike her , Nagatsuka , Sahara even..I cannot help but think that they could've used much more characterization to add more depth and dynamic to the overall story but well...

I'd like to add that Saori Hayami's voice acting was phenomenal in this one , she really is my favorite female seiyuu.
May 21, 2017 12:19 PM

Sep 2011
HaXXspetten said:
Well it's a good film but 9.16 is a bit silly if you ask me. At least considering how much further down the manga is and that was arguably better still (at least story-wise)

As someone who actually was bullied for a while when I was in 6th grade I can unfortunately relate to certain aspects of this story (albeit not to the same extent of course), but even so I still don't really see what's supposedly so tear-jerking about it. I mean the bullying aspect only makes me angry and the general misery that Nishomiya and Ishida have to go through is much more plain depressive than sad if you ask me

But I'll have to give it an 8/10 in the end still, same as the manga, though it's definitely closer to 7 than 9
How is it silly? If anything, a film like Your Name being 9.31 is a bit silly. People have different opinions. It's not really silly. They can find this movie way better than other films, and Your Name didn't have this whole "Omg so sad" feel to it because it was so sudden that it doesn't work well with it. It was basically just like "Oh shit" but so, so obvious. This film does a lot better with emotion.
May 21, 2017 12:37 PM
Apr 2016
Tyrel said:
HaXXspetten said:
Well it's a good film but 9.16 is a bit silly if you ask me. At least considering how much further down the manga is and that was arguably better still (at least story-wise)

As someone who actually was bullied for a while when I was in 6th grade I can unfortunately relate to certain aspects of this story (albeit not to the same extent of course), but even so I still don't really see what's supposedly so tear-jerking about it. I mean the bullying aspect only makes me angry and the general misery that Nishomiya and Ishida have to go through is much more plain depressive than sad if you ask me

But I'll have to give it an 8/10 in the end still, same as the manga, though it's definitely closer to 7 than 9
How is it silly? If anything, a film like Your Name being 9.31 is a bit silly. People have different opinions. It's not really silly. They can find this movie way better than other films, and Your Name didn't have this whole "Omg so sad" feel to it because it was so sudden that it doesn't work well with it. It was basically just like "Oh shit" but so, so obvious. This film does a lot better with emotion.

Well I thought the mass is better off bringing scores into an episode discussion thread (considering there is at least one thread DEVISED EXACTLY FOR IT), but I guess my turn to enter the fray.
What decent human being cares about an internet score for such an art as Japanese animation??? Unfathomable.
And then, Kimi no Na W(H)a is a decent somewhat fantasy entry into a human drama genre (may I call it human drama? Was it not teenager romannce?). Koe no Katachi is a decent realistic and, at least for me, actually mind broadening entry into a human drama genre (I would have prefered they hugged at least once, which is still obvious but well). Going over to argue about OH BOY WHICH ONE CORRESPONDS WITH OUR COLLECTIVE JUSTICE IN THE ZERO POINT SIXTEEN SCORE DIFFERENCE??? is simply immature and defies all what at least one of those two grandeur title stands for. And, trust me, the other would not be happy either.
The "dogeza" scene was the strongest from the whole film and the one I am always waiting for.
May 21, 2017 12:51 PM

Jul 2009
Arachnophobic said:

Wow, I haven't read the manga but I was curious so I read the spoiler anyway. I was constantly wondering throughout the movie where the dads were - only at the end did Maria's dad get randomly thrown in. I get that there was a time constraint, but even a minute's flashback would be enough to reveal some backstory. That way, a non-manga reader could spend less time theorizing and more time empathizing with the characters. I did get more than an inkling about Ueno's feelings about Ishida, though.
Totally agree that this would have been better as an anime series.

Yes, he left them because of Shouko, he did not accept to have a kid with this kind of problem and blamed the mom for it...also it's very nice to see how their mom changed in the manga.

Renaultclio101 said:

Remember it is a movie so the studio has to take shortcuts somewhere. If it was Tv series which Im thinking Kyoto should then it will cover more of the manga/LN (haven't read)

I know, but I wanted it to be bigger, guess it's me being selfish....I will hope they will make it in an tv series in the future.
May 21, 2017 12:59 PM

Jun 2016
The studio behind Nichijou. I'm so satisfied. I loved the movie so much as someone who's been suffering from anxiety and depression, and as a person who attempted suicide. The depiction was very well done. Idk how many times I cried while watching it, my Kleenex supplies is not enough. Will definitely rewatch this.

P.S. This movie better beat Kimi no Na Wa's repulsive arse.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
May 21, 2017 12:59 PM
Apr 2016
bittersweetlove said:
Arachnophobic said:

Wow, I haven't read the manga but I was curious so I read the spoiler anyway. I was constantly wondering throughout the movie where the dads were - only at the end did Maria's dad get randomly thrown in. I get that there was a time constraint, but even a minute's flashback would be enough to reveal some backstory. That way, a non-manga reader could spend less time theorizing and more time empathizing with the characters. I did get more than an inkling about Ueno's feelings about Ishida, though.
Totally agree that this would have been better as an anime series.

Yes, he left them because of Shouko, he did not accept to have a kid with this kind of problem and blamed the mom for it...also it's very nice to see how their mom changed in the manga.

Renaultclio101 said:

Remember it is a movie so the studio has to take shortcuts somewhere. If it was Tv series which Im thinking Kyoto should then it will cover more of the manga/LN (haven't read)

I know, but I wanted it to be bigger, guess it's me being selfish....I will hope they will make it in an tv series in the future.

I am inclined to agree the part with Shouko's father is an important social reality and should have been there, just a line/two dropped by Yuzuru. I agree there are some things that I would have liked to have been present in the title, not implicated and left to obvious (or not always so) resolution. Still, my judgement of the animated film does not anyhow waver since it was majestic.
May 21, 2017 1:35 PM

Jun 2015
Right off the bat I'd like to point out that I appreciate a good The Who theme, but The Who + KyoAni anime-looks was a big no-no for my brain. A bad AMV idea in an actual project.

Leaving that aside, frustrating introductory 20 minutes. I guess that was the point, but still. Making the MC so utterly retarded and unrelatable as a child makes it a double-challenge for redemption I proudly accepted as a viewer. The portrayal of bullying was a bit bland but that's really to be expected.

Moving on to the central part of the movie, alright, MC-kun is now an incredibly self-sacrificing individual who barely cares about himself but to pay his mother back and be friends with the girl he once bullied. How commendable. Wait, there's also the detail he was thinking in suicide but let's forget about that.

Him making friends is a nice idea, but I didn't like the way it played out here (or their purpose, really). Those minutes in which Yuzuru and Tomohiro were introduced were cool, but the way things flowed introducing the rest of the group and them meeting frequently all together came as too hasty.

By far the worst things of the movie and the story in general are the teen melodrama elements. The rule of thumb for drama to be truly effective is Having characters you give a damn about beforehand, and precisely after those minutes of fast exposition and abrupt time passing it didn't work out well.

Not to say the movie didn't have its strong points, but the direction was distracting and the story went overdramatic to a fault in various instances. Underwhelming but understandably so after the long wait and the rather mid to high expectations I had from beforehand.
May 21, 2017 1:37 PM
Apr 2016

I have never seen it myself, which is, thanks, but I am quite sure when doing the bullying background story they would actually know what they are talking about, how it actually happens. And I doubt bullying is that complex, I mean it is a problem because it is not complex. Stupid little kids that feel frustrated at things that are "alien" to them. Can be fixed. Is fixed.
May 21, 2017 2:11 PM

Sep 2014
Just watched it this morning... I read the entire manga, and liked this adaptation. But it's kind of hard to grasp some characters' motivations. Might need to rewatch it a few times to understand this movie better.
May 21, 2017 2:18 PM

Nov 2011
Ueno is fucking trash. Let's just get that out there.

Overall this took the top spot as my favorite movie of all time. My heart was just in my chest the entire movie. While I was waiting to ball my eyes out crying though I didn't. There were only spurts when I would get really teary eyed, and I always find that more enjoyable then one really sad part. There were just so many moments where I had to sit back and just go, "God Damn these fucking kids..."
The sad thing is I feel most kids and even adults can relate to both Shouko and Ishida' situations. The world is a shitty place with shitty people in it and to have to fit in with society you need to make connections. Sometimes those connections can be a downfall unfortunately.

10/10 Easily. Next week will be Your Name. Let's see if it can blow me away like A Silent Voice Did.
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May 21, 2017 2:43 PM

Jan 2012
This movie was pretty much my most anticipated thing ever. My favorite studio with my favorite director adapting a manga fitting of her sensibilities. It helps that the manga itself is sort of special to me, being the first manga I ever followed weekly when it was serializing.

After watching the movie twice in the same day, I can safely say the movie has exceeded all my expectations and more.

I honestly can't think of any other piece of media thats drained me emotionally as this movie had. The direction and pacing is phenomenal in getting you into Shouya's mind and the pain he experiences. The delicate balance between those moments of pain between those moments of normality, combined with the subdued tone, just drains the viewer. The ending is absolutely perfect, the catharsis is out of this world. Yoshida and Yamada had an enormous challenge given to them adapting a 64 chapter manga into a 2 hour movie, but I'd say they nailed it.

I think some people may be put off by the movie's direction, but bless Yamada for being so ambitious and making the movie her own. Her direction is fantastic and eases you into Ishida's POV while still showing the greater scope of the world beyond him. Theres so much to be gained from this movie visually and I am glad it ended up this way. Credit to the KyoAni staff as well. Nishiya's designs are gorgeous and the amount of care put into the sign language and body language of the characters is breathtaking. Trying to notice the individual cuts and the details put into them I ended up getting immersed into the reality of the film.

Also the performances are fantastic. Saori Hayami as Shouko is the role thats been getting much of the praise, deservedly so, but Aoi Yuuki as Yuzuru was also out of this world. I never thought she had it in her. Yukino Satuski as Shouya's mom and Matsuoka Mayu as Younger Shouya are also standout performances. The entire cast did a great job.

I do have minor nitpicks with the movie, namely that some of the sidecast feels sort of pointless in the movie, but all that is made up for by the visceral direction and the absolutely perfect ending. I already knew I would love this movie, but it has made a larger impact on me than I ever thought it would and I hope others can experience the same.
May 21, 2017 4:26 PM

Mar 2012
i can't even hate ueno when kawai exists
at least ueno knows and confesses what she did

anyway the movie is beautiful. i cannot say if it's properly adapted because i've only read one volume of the manga (thankfully it's being released in my country so i will finish it asap). the animation was great, pacing was okay (nothing felt rushed which is good). the suicide attempt is a unforgettable scene, etc.
May 21, 2017 4:44 PM

Aug 2007
Wow. That was incredible. I haven't seen something that good in a while, where it completely moved me to the point of being so exhausting. I cried a lot. I'm so tired from relating to the characters and scenarios and also trying to see the motivations.

I actually pretty skeptical of KyoAni productions. I really hated K-On! and found Beyond Boundary to be a letdown. Free! was average. Clannad was interesting... but The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was the only one I genuinely liked. This movie was the best of the bunch. I dare say the best anime stand-alone movie I've seen.

I was determined to hate Shoya from the beginning, but the movie does a very good job on making this a very complex issue without excusing his actions. He eventually got thrown under the bus by his classmates and suffered for his actions. (Though, I feel in my experience, this doesn't happen hardly ever. The bully gets away with it yadda yadda.) It also shows how brutal kids can be from the beginning in school. Kids understand what they are doing and should be held accountable if they are bullying one another. People are awful to each other.

It does a great job of blending experiences as well. It doesn't completely highlight Shoko's deafness as the main focal point -- it folds in the complexity of guilt, depression, family issues, communication and social anxiety. You can see the characters in your past if you've dealt with something like this.

The only component I criticize is Shoko trying to confess her love to Shoya. I don't think it was needed. I'm glad the movie didn't end with them kissing or becoming a pair because this should not be the focal point. I also think the use of "My Generation" by The Who was like some kind of cheesy AMV.

But I really loved it. It resonated with me, and I felt Shoya learned his lesson AND continued to learn. The ending opened the door that he was willing to understand he still needed self improvement instead of using the scenario as a guilt cop-out. Shoko also showed very real reactions to a bully and was shown as a forgiving personality with a disability rather than being defined by her deafness. I think this movie deserves to be praised. It was an absolute journey to watch.


May 21, 2017 5:18 PM
Jul 2018
That was so wonderful. ;__; So, that's our 2017 feel train, yeah?
The art and animation are so beautiful and supports the story. Imo, it picked the topic up in a very grown up and interesting way and tried to emphasize the situation from the different sides.

The characters were flashed out and they had their own reasons to do things and act like they do.
I also thought I would hate Shoya, but on the other side, he was just a dumb child, who didn't know what he is doing and that he could harm her. I mean, he was never THAT bad. He felt sorry, when his mother was disappointed etc... and was honest with his apology.
It's far worse that the girls grew up and didn't change. At least Uena did. I really hate Kawai for playing the saint-card.
Shouko is a very sweet and kind-hearted girl with too much self-hatred and too few self-respect. Anyway, it's easy to like her.

But I was kinda annoyed of her in that one scene, when she apologized again. You know, I was bullied back then too from a few pupils and you should stand up for your right and have too much pride to apologize for what other people do to you.
But I understand why she was doing that... because she hated herself and thought she is the reason. I mean, I can't walk in her shoes, because I never hated myself (so much, more than normal teenager struggle with things) for something.
May 21, 2017 11:41 PM

Apr 2016
Shoko up to the balcony, the fireworks explotes iluminting the night sky, Shoya run, stumbes, run another to catch Shoko, and the curtain portends the worst... this was the best scene!!!

Great film, when all the characters say more without words, because their facial expresions, their corporal expresions and their out feelings speaks more that they!!!

May 21, 2017 11:45 PM

Feb 2014
This movie shows how someone can be good and kind enough to be friends with your bullies.
And now I'm starting to know the meaning of 'best girl', because tolerating and even trying and wanting to be friends with your bullies? That's only you Nishimiya.

Overdramatic and predictable.

Talk about an overrated movie.
And being done by Kyoto Animation... which has a lot of fanboys... so.. yeah.
Vi-May 21, 2017 11:59 PM
May 22, 2017 12:49 AM

Aug 2016
I can't understand those who rate this below 8/10... (unless you are a critic that gives 3 to everything or a 10 year old who doesn't understand anything)

This is a masterpiece even compared to those rated in top 50. (And this is my second time giving a 10....)
This is one of VERY few anime that ACTUALLY has a good plot.

Yes, there are flaws to this movie, but if you only look at the flaws.... any other anime are full of flaws... (and almost often bigger flaws/cliche/plot armor than this one).. And among ones I have seen so far, this is the anime with least "flaws" in the story. If you talk about cliche... Actually I didn't think this movie was cliche at all... cuz I have seen enough stereotypical shounen anime.... or an overemotional anime that lacks a lot in the story department.
May 22, 2017 12:55 AM
Apr 2016
Can anybody tell me why the sudden hype? Didnt the movie released about 10 months ago?
May 22, 2017 12:59 AM
Apr 2016
xre said:
I can't understand those who rate this below 8/10... (unless you are a critic that gives 3 to everything or a 10 year old who doesn't understand anything)

This is a masterpiece even compared to those rated in top 50. (And this is my second time giving a 10....)
This is one of VERY few anime that ACTUALLY has a good plot.

Yes, there are flaws to this movie, but if you only look at the flaws.... any other anime are full of flaws... (and almost often bigger flaws/cliche/plot armor than this one).. And among ones I have seen so far, this is the anime with least "flaws" in the story. If you talk about cliche... Actually I didn't think this movie was cliche at all... cuz I have seen enough stereotypical shounen anime.... or an overemotional anime that lacks a lot in the story department.

I agree with you, but why the sudden hype?
May 22, 2017 1:05 AM
Oct 2016
What did the Sign mean in the Hospital scene on the bridge when she used both of her little finger and crossed them? Or is it nothing
May 22, 2017 1:21 AM

Sep 2011
aRTycH said:
What did the Sign mean in the Hospital scene on the bridge when she used both of her little finger and crossed them? Or is it nothing
Don't know sign language, but I'm going to assume that it means "Pinky swear," which is how you would usually do it if two different people were doing it. And since he made the gesture with her hands to become friends I'm going to assume it as such.
TyrelMay 22, 2017 1:25 AM
May 22, 2017 1:54 AM

Aug 2010
noneknowsthyself said:
Can anybody tell me why the sudden hype? Didnt the movie released about 10 months ago?

BDrip and subtitles have been released recently. The majority of ppl doesnt have the luxury of going to cinema to watch it, so every1 waits for free stuff.

As for me, the movie was 10/10. Although I didnt have any life experience like that, but still... the characters were quite vivid, the plot was interesting, art is superb as always.
May 22, 2017 2:52 AM

Sep 2014
Well that was definitely a 10, but the end was really anticlimactic so i ll leave as 9, btw truth to be told, my heart skip a beat when shouko was about to jump, damn that was thrilling, i was shouting here "Fuck MC MOVE!! For the love of god just MOVE!!! It was like watching Gantz all over again, when a damn second is a lot of time! @_@ Man that was a pleasant ride thou, yeah a full anime adaptation to give more in deep and a better ending would be a total bliss *.*
A life is a history with no continues to be told by others endless.
We do not own lives, we own histories!
May 22, 2017 3:58 AM

Apr 2014
Damn this is what happens when movies get hyped up too much, I'm left disappointed after I finish them.
Not a bad film, but it's nothing I haven't seen before already. I can see why a lot of people like it so much though.
Gave me 5 Centimeters Per Second vibes which is good though.


Damn why did they have to make Ueno such a bitch, they nailed the anime-girl look I like the most with her, she channeled Mitsuki Nase's looks almost perfectly.
May 22, 2017 4:51 AM

Sep 2011
Wow that was incredible.

Idk how people can blame this for not including EVERYTHING the manga had when its a damn movie. For what it accomplished in just 2 hours is astonishing in my opinion and the people behind it deserve all the credit in the world.
May 22, 2017 5:30 AM

Jul 2011
lol just for money burning scene, it was emotional at start, but goes more to comedy to ending. After the scene Ishida said that he actually really think about jumping from the bridge (1,7 million got burned, earned by blood and sweat)

Tough luck, really tough life.

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
May 22, 2017 7:10 AM

May 2014
Yup. That's about the only way to even half-way redeem a karma as incredibly horrid as of a childhood-long handicap bully, save the victim from suicide. Too bad this doesn't happen in real world as often it should. A bit dark post, this, but so is the movie :)
May 22, 2017 7:29 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Man, i'm out of words and strength.

This is something that i can safely call a masterpiece of a movie. While there are a few flaws considering Ueno (i heavily hate her and she should not have been in the friend circle), Kawai (biggest hypocrite i've seen in a while, also shouldn't have been there) and some missed opportunities for more characterization for the doesn't hurt the movie in any way for me cause everything else was done amazingly, KyoAni nailed this with the emotion and had me glued to the screen with their direction choices.

I had to shed tears when Ishida desperately attacked Nishimiya in school, when Nishimiya begged for forgiveness to Ishida's mom (fuck, man) and the last scene which has to be one of the best directed scenes in any medium that i have seen.

This story was about Ishida's path to complete redemption and the last scene was the amazing payoff. Pure love for his character and also for Nishimiya.

May 22, 2017 8:10 AM

Jan 2013
Great concept and beautifully conveyed.

Though I feel like it might've been a little bit lackluster to the manga readers, I'll find that out if I try the manga. 9/10
May 22, 2017 9:56 AM

Jan 2013
Well, better than Kimi no Na wa to be honest. Pretty solid.

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."
May 22, 2017 10:13 AM

Jan 2013
I wanted to cry, you know. The story is upsetting and you wait something better than this. I actually read 5-6 chapter and in the movie there's nothing wrong with the beginning. But the rest, i cant say that. There are a lot of reasons that bothers me. Like their facial expression, while talking each other their dialogue, and but for the main characters, the others absolutely were nothing, or it can be said like this. Ofc making a movie with 62 chapters is pretty hard, but still it could have been better. I guess i'll rate this 6 or 7/10. I'm disappointed.
LynfieldApr 20, 2018 11:58 AM
May 22, 2017 10:33 AM

Apr 2015

Very good film. Didn't like some of the side characters at first, but grew to appreciate them. Not as good as Kimi no na wa. though. Couldn't shake the feeling the melodrama should have been cut and it would've made a cute 45 minute OVA about Shouko redeeming himself to Shouya and the two falling in love.

Of course, that might've potentially meant cutting Nagatsuka, which would be terrible. Nagatsuka is best girl.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
May 22, 2017 12:42 PM
Jan 2012
I am attracted to Ueno, although frankly she acts like a bitch (well, she is a bitch), and her logic is twisted and overshadowed by her jealousy to Shouko. Like other characters, she is far from perfect, but she has a certain honest and sincere quality, in a way.

All voice actors/actresses have done a great job, including Saori Hayami and Aoi Yuki of course (those two can't really go wrong), but I'd like to mention the name Yuki Kaneko, who has done a great job in performing the role of two girls with complicated emotions in two excellent films directed by Naoko Yamada and the KyoAni team.
May 22, 2017 1:06 PM

May 2009
Ah, I forgot some moments from this manga... the feels.
Movie done right, enjoyed it thoroughly.
I'd give this 9 or 10. It is done very well, being sad and enjoyable to watch. I wonder how I'd feel if I didn't read manga. I finally got to hear their voices ;_; Sho-chan... Shoko :')
The story hits home. Great experience. Thank you for this art.
May 22, 2017 1:27 PM

Jul 2016
I just finished the movie and it was awesome but i'm a little bit confused cuz of the ending.
What was that promise on the bridge? Why Ishida didn't confess to Nishimiya or he did it?!
May 22, 2017 1:53 PM
Jul 2018
Watched it today, wasn't disappointed.

For a 2 hrs movie on a theme of bullying and redemption, the film did its job. Some extra portions were left out, and some necessary portions could have been included like the backstory of that Mashiba guy which could have made him a little more relevant.
Great direction, some wonderful artistic shots as expected from Kyoani. The movie looked gorgeous from the start.

I think that this ended in a better place than the manga. Wish they would have removed that Nishimiya confession scene which ultimately leads nowhere.

Overall, 8.5/10.

kirasykes said:
I just finished the movie and it was awesome but i'm a little bit confused cuz of the ending.
What was that promise on the bridge? Why Ishida didn't confess to Nishimiya or he did it?!

And no he didn't.

May 22, 2017 1:57 PM

Nov 2012
Tbh was slightly worried on how this adaption would turn out but it ended up being slightly better than what I expected.

Usually these anime movies take me a while to sit through with constant pauses in between due to lack of interest in said movies but not with this one,manage to sit through it without pausing once.

Expected 7/10 turn out to be 8.5/10 instead.

Edit: Now I wonder how Kimi no Na wa will hold up to this in 2 months with it's blurays finally being released,somehow I highly doubt it'll surpass this.
VarendantMay 22, 2017 2:01 PM
May 22, 2017 3:23 PM
Mar 2015
Just ended watching it - probably my favourite movie I watched until now (I haven't watch Kimi no na wa yet) - so it may change, but holy shit, I cried - and this is enough for me to say this was great.

May 22, 2017 5:54 PM

Aug 2014
Great movie, i read the manga a while ago, but seeing the movie just reassures me that I can always do good for someone else and be kind. Great movie overall with plenty of feels
May 22, 2017 9:43 PM

Mar 2014
Its been ages since I've read the manga. I don't remember, but did they have the X signs on faces in the manga as well? If they didn't then it was a nice touch in the movie. 10/10
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
May 23, 2017 12:39 AM
christmas cake

May 2008
SophiaKaye said:
Swagernator said:

btw who is mother of Maria Ishida ? and also wtf is this ? just error in translation ? or did i miss something ?

For the love of God how old is Miyako Ishida ?

Maria's mother is Shouyo's older Sister, they don't show her face for unknown reason. And that guy from Brazil is Pedro, her husband. xD

I thought the handling of that part of Ishida's family is very amusing. I also think this is a case of political correctness messing with things. In the manga, Maria seems to be living with Ishida and her grandma only, and the author felt the need to point out more than once Maria's being half-Brazilian. Her dad only shows up late in the manga, and Ishida's sister had -- one frame at the end, where it's revealed she's pregnant with a second child. It's kinda implied she was living with the family, but honestly they never show her at all and Maria is being raised by Ishida and his mom is what you would think is happening.

In the movie, though. Maria's dad makes a cameo super early, and we don't have everyone exclaiming over the brown-skinned little girl Ishida is with, and him having to explain it. I just thought that was a very interesting difference. The screenplay writers felt they needed to hide Ishida's sister's face, like they thought they were making up an anime-original character, which they kinda were compared to the manga.
May 23, 2017 3:56 AM

Jun 2015
I read the manga up to chapter 35 and then waited for the movie to come out, since it's KyoAni we're talking about. Honestly, the feelings are handled better in the manga; the tension was just awesome when I was reading it. How characters reacted and how they came to terms with Ishida. Well, I'm a little bit disappointed about how they handled this aspect, but considering the length of the adaptation, I believe they've done a pretty good job.

The main disappointment for me is the romance part of the story. Really would have I been happy if they could go with a romantic ending... such a shame.

Well, what I can say? With all these being said, I think Koe no Katachi is another masterpiece by Kyoto Animations.

ok :p
May 23, 2017 5:50 AM

Jul 2015
This was surprisingly good. It was really long and had some awkward and boring parts, but overall it was much better than I expected. I thought it was interesting how they didn't paint the bullies as bad guys and showed their suffering too. Though it's kinda unrealistic for people who have bullied and hated each other to just keep hanging out like that. A normal person would've just gotten new friends instead of going through all that drama.
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