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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Jul 31, 2016 12:25 PM
Jan 2013
After watching Rem desperately trying to save Subaro, died countless of times and always stays beside him, I don't like Emilia for Subaro anymore. I am more onto RemxSubaro. But damn, that was a huge Friendzone for Rem. "But I love Emilia" was that the line? Shittt.. That was the Oscar Awards for best Friendzone category. I like rem so much.
Jul 31, 2016 12:25 PM

Oct 2013
Nitralon said:
Diwo said:
Wow I bet I am wasting my life just like Subaru and do some things for the same reason

Same here, lets take it like a lesson or an advice?


This episode was really fantastic. Never expected to see an episode again with so much talking that helps the character and maybe the real person sitting behind the screen as well.
The first two episodes, or no, another series would be Neon Genesis Evangelion with episode 25 and 26 as the highlight
Jul 31, 2016 12:25 PM

May 2015
I had stop the episode for ten minutes when Subaru rejected Rem. Like WTF DUDE!? Anyways, episode was still amazing in that it established itself as the true beginning to this story. I guess you could say the first 18 episodes were the prologue and Subaru's character will grow from this point. Thank goodness this wasn't another tragic episode or I would've had to put this show on-hold... 5/5

Jul 31, 2016 12:25 PM

Apr 2016
Brace yourself :3 suabaru's and rem ship is sailing,even if it's for a bit.
Jul 31, 2016 12:25 PM

Apr 2013
Rem is a goddess.
I'm glad Rem could revive Subaru's spirits.
just because I’ve gotten weaker, doesn’t mean that you got stronger, does it?
Jul 31, 2016 12:26 PM
Jul 2016
Good Episode overall, this is the beginning of change.

But one question though, wasn't it this episode Reinhard was supposed to kill Puck after Subaru's death?
Jul 31, 2016 12:26 PM

Aug 2013
TokyoGhost said:
Mustakurmu said:

You have scored SAO... 10, fucking TEN!!
And now you cry like a bitch over this masterpiece rated at 2 in MAL...
Please go away and search for a brain! Thanks!

wow, someone has been badly triggered. Sorry for expressing my honest thoughts and tastes, while respecting others. I love to give both good and bad feedbacks, not only good ones, but I am aware many dislike such people ^^ Cheers dude

It's just your personal taste to have action 24/7 for the entire episode even if it doesn't make sense or becomes dull. (SAO), although SAO did have one of the most boring monologue moments in Anime history with their season 2 episode 1 12 minute talk in the café. Good on you for enjoying shallow anime that gives the average 10 year old a great time with their action so they can satisfy their core base attention span that is nothing. I'll be here enjoying a powerful, emotional, painful series that isn't stupidly generic and doesn't have many (If any) stereotypes :D

"I thought this was a thread where people with unpopular opinions seek validation. Am I wrong?"

"That's pretty much the entirety of MAL forums tbh."

The most true statement on this damn site. ^
Jul 31, 2016 12:26 PM

Mar 2010
Haizel said:
XAlamoX said:
Not to say Subaru's choice was a wrong one (Choosing Emilia over Rem) but I have no idea why he made the choice he did. Emilia has done almost nothing for Subaru in comparison to Rem. Rem has literally died for him twice and what has Emilia done? Save him from a few thugs and let him rest on her lap? I mean sure, whatever man. I'm just glad he's back to his happy self :c.

So much this, I mean Subaru may have his good reasons to like Emilia more than Rem and that's ok but taking into account that the series is 99% centered on Subaru and he hasn't ever gone into a rant about why he likes Emilia it just bugs me.

I'm getting tired of shit. Emilia has been the one person who supported Subaru ever since he came to this world. Whether it was saving his life through multiple methods, to giving him a home, shelter and job when he was just a stranger. Even looking after him getting him medicinal treatment by signing a contract with someone who should be her political rival. Subaru had falling for her long because able do something he couldn't and that was help someone without obligations. That side of her was something he had fallen for long. Rem doesn't have kind of aspect to her. That why everything from Arc 1 -3 doing everything his power to support Emilia who gave him this life.

You are only bring this because you're looking at Arc 3 in a vacuum and not the story whole. Subaru wasn't looking for someone devoted to him to begin with and he doesn't want to lead on someone he doesn't truly love. Rem already knew his feelings (as did Crusch Felix and everyone at Royal Election) which is why she never really intended replace Emilia in his heart. Rem support entirely with knowledge in mind and that what makes her a wonderful person.
Iron_MawJul 31, 2016 12:33 PM
Jul 31, 2016 12:27 PM
Aug 2012
Time to say goodbye to one true ship.

Jul 31, 2016 12:27 PM
Jun 2016
Why is Subaru obsessed with Emilia? She has never even hinted at feeling the same way he does. If anything she just humors him or brushes him off.

Rem has confessed love to him twice. Died for him 3 times, and is the only person throughout this show to have ever shown legitimate feelings for him.

'Rem...I love Emilia". Okay bro. I could have done without the 10 minutes of Rem explaining why she loved Subaru and how she was willing, when no one else is, to believe in him just for him to say he still loves the person who has made him promise to stay away from her.

Rem is way too good for him.

I did enjoy Subaru detailing every reason why I hate him though, and it's fun to see a character actually detail their flaws like that. He MIGHT even change for the better and become likable.

But Subaru's obsession with Emilia just doesn't make sense to me. And I guess it's safe to assume that the show will end before any type of explanation is given on that front.
Jul 31, 2016 12:28 PM
Jul 2016
Just wait, let me see if I get that xD :O


1.Subaru Destroys Himself
2.Then Rem ,Tries to put is moral up!
3. He just keeps humiliating himself w those words.
4.Rem keeps and keeps trying...
5. If you notice when he says didn't save anibody, i'm useless etc... he's referring to emilia only to emilia.
6.Then Rem declars to subaru, and he keeps destroying himself
7.Then Subaru makes half of the World Destroyied by this words "Rem I love Emilia" Yeahhee <3
8.Rem, suprisely stays like ok (no moral destroy, no nothing just ok xD )
9.And then stupidly he Subaru Makes the Universe destroy, By saying follow me help to get Emilia back etc... oh god xD is this make sense in the real world ? If this was in eal world Rem would kill Emilia xD or Subaru xD

But imo this moment " the moment of wake up " should be more early in the anime idk...
The last speech of Puck/Pack didn't get really but yeah
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Jul 31, 2016 12:28 PM
Jun 2016
ryukan said:
Ok did anyone paid attention to what Puck said at the beginning?

"If you truly want to kill me then grow a thousand shadows, half of what satella could."

Can someone explain me what he's trying to say without spoiling? Satella here refers to the witch right. And what are shadows?

Puck was referring to the "Unseen Hands" as shadows ;)
Jul 31, 2016 12:28 PM

Apr 2014
Never change, /a/.

HonguJul 31, 2016 12:38 PM
Jul 31, 2016 12:28 PM
Nov 2015
Finally, the "who is Rem" meme is over
Jul 31, 2016 12:28 PM

Aug 2013
SakurasouBusters said:
How am i not surprised to see all the 1 star ratings
Honestly dont even care anymore, this was an amazing episode and an amazing show, this shit happens anytime something gets popular and its really irritating.

It's cuz it's cool to hate on popular stuff on MAL. Isn't that what this website is all about? Fuck ya, embrace the hipsters.

"I thought this was a thread where people with unpopular opinions seek validation. Am I wrong?"

"That's pretty much the entirety of MAL forums tbh."

The most true statement on this damn site. ^
Jul 31, 2016 12:29 PM
Apr 2015
DarklordVor said:
The most powerful episode ever.

I totally love it, they did it justice. My favorite quote of volume 6 "Subaru-kun is Rem's hero" is adapted perfectly! With BUDGET! Like wow, when the sky starts to shine bright light, when the birds starts to fly and Wishing insert song starts to kick in, I was blasted.

I just saw that someone hated it because it's "all talking", wow, I suppose they either don't like the story and here's for the gore or they don't get anything from that live stream.
I agree completely. This Episode was so powerful and perfectly adapted.
Jul 31, 2016 12:29 PM

Jun 2016
rem is too good to be true. i dont think ive ever hated a character in anything ive ever seen more than i hate subaru. he disgusts me so much on so many levels and i cant even get any satisfaction from watching him die
Jul 31, 2016 12:29 PM

Dec 2012
TokyoGhost said:
If I wanted to listen to 20 minute long confessions and summaries, I would go to funerals.

..wew... what a time waste... This shit is far too over rated, it even surpasses overwatch. Im watching it for sake of seeing how bad anime can be actually made, and this surpasses my expectations every signle time.

Shutup kid.

You gave SAO 10? LMAO

Jul 31, 2016 12:30 PM

Dec 2010
I honestly liked this episode but it wasn't nearly as good as the hype for it went. It sort of did lack story progression, coming from somebody who doesn't drool over Rem, that said, i do love her for the character she is but i also dont hate Subaru for liking Emilia, like somebody else said "love isnt logical" so stfu. Wish they would have condensed the dialogue a bit, got a bit tedious. Great insert song though, cant wait for Aug 24. I SO WANT TO GET SPOILED BUT I'LL HOLD OUT. Its honestly NOT worth the wait though. way too many questions ugh
"If you don't love anyone, it'll make your life easier. But, I don't want to believe it's useless to love anyone" - Hikari Sakishima
Jul 31, 2016 12:30 PM

Feb 2015
Subaru true color ? well obvious nothing. he is just a hikikomori otaku. nothing special about him. and i like the fact that all of him character from the beginning was actually a fake so that he could fit in, into the society or the group. you can see subaru said that he got embarrassed so badly when rem teaching him to learh their language but he hold it in and made a fake character to hid his true color. to sums it up, Subaru wanted to do something when he got teleported into another world "without" him realizing it. and that ability which he has made him went crazy, insane and madness to the point where he can't even hold his true personality which he had been hiding from the beginning. and when he let everything out, after a while, he realized it and regretted it. he said it in this episode. he hates himself.

and this is the reason why i always said that subaru looks realistic. the point where you made/faking your own character so that you can fit into society, i can relate that to myself or even into real life. i can even say subaru and i have a similiarity in personality like how i act in the public to that i can fit into the society. and there were some other things that i can relate too. really like at how subaru knew his own fault and "try to fix it". and for the last thing. i really really like at how rem see subaru in a different way, in a different perspective, saved subaru from giving up. "looking at people in a different perspective saves people"

so from this point, we can assume that subaru is a new person and not the person that we know from episode 1 until episode 17. i wonder what he will do afterwards. seriously can't wait for it.

character aside, i'm guessing Puck has some connection to the jealous witch after i saw what he said in the beginning. and Puck called that white whale, gluttony ?! the heck ? now that is interesting. that whole seven sins are still a mystery.

overall, great conclusion from what just happened in episode 13 until now.
now the only thing in my mind is that what will subaru do in the next episode.

and btw, the scene where rem was telling subaru her own future life with subaru imagination. that scene was very emotional to me. but i didn't expect subaru rejected rem lol xD well, tbh, right now i'm more focused on the story rather than the character relationship so....

looking foward for the next episode xD
YizelTroJul 31, 2016 12:44 PM
Jul 31, 2016 12:31 PM

Jul 2015
Jagd84 said:
No character development they said.

It's torture porn they said.

Not leading anywhere they said!

Haters got BTFO'd. They continue to get BTFO'd for rest of season and even harder at season 2. XD

There is folks, this what Re: Zero is a Zero to Hero story.

What a wonderful episode with some of best written dialogue I've seen in LN/WN.

Sad thing is people are still hating on the episode and development
Jul 31, 2016 12:31 PM
Jul 2016
Just when i thought i couldn't love this anime any further , i watch this episode and it's just one of the best things i've ever watched in anime , jesus this was beautifuly done , i hope Subaru now will pull a complete 180 ! Still salty that he didn't choose Rem though :(
Jul 31, 2016 12:32 PM

Jun 2013
TokyoGhost said:
If I wanted to listen to 20 minute long confessions and summaries, I would go to funerals.

..wew... what a time waste... This shit is far too over rated, it even surpasses overwatch. Im watching it for sake of seeing how bad anime can be actually made, and this surpasses my expectations every signle time.

As much as I enjoy clannad and everyone can like what they like,I think it's kind of funny that you call this overrated when you have SAO,black Butler,and clannad in your favorites.
Jul 31, 2016 12:32 PM
Apr 2015
Fappa said:
Well now the audience will pretty much split in two camps.

Those people that act more immature than the character they claim to be immaturity himself by hanging themselves up on the fact that their personal ship doesn't sail.

And then there is the group of people that acknowledge the symbolic of this entire scene and respect Subaru for being straight and honest about his emotional state which let's be honest is not something we see everyday. That aside, anything else than still loving Emilia would have been weird and unrealistic. Feelings don't change that fast and nor are we in any place to judge a character for his choice.

The face expressions and the body expressions as well as the voice acting were absolutely beautiful this episode. They adapted this chapter "From Zero" so well, I could read along in my own copy and couldn't really spot any differences. It's like they put the entire chapter word by word into anime form.
You are so right. Im so sad for the People who didnt understood the meaning of this Episode.
Jul 31, 2016 12:32 PM
Jul 2018
urishino said:
ryukan said:
Ok did anyone paid attention to what Puck said at the beginning?

"If you truly want to kill me then grow a thousand shadows, half of what satella could."

Can someone explain me what he's trying to say without spoiling? Satella here refers to the witch right. And what are shadows?

Puck was referring to the "Unseen Hands" as shadows ;)

And Satella refers to the witch or Emilia?
Jul 31, 2016 12:32 PM

Aug 2013
Subaru grew huge in my eyes in this episode.

Well, this episode certainly lived up for the hype.
Now then, have to wait 'till Friday for preview of next episode. T_T
Also, hope Subaru gets some power he can actually fight with!
Jul 31, 2016 12:33 PM

Jul 2008
This episode made me pseudo-drop the anime - I'll watch it when it's completed so I can skip the parts where Subaru behaves like a retard. He's not Shinji level but it's close.
Jul 31, 2016 12:33 PM
May 2016
Dckiller said:
TokyoGhost said:

wow, someone has been badly triggered. Sorry for expressing my honest thoughts and tastes, while respecting others. I love to give both good and bad feedbacks, not only good ones, but I am aware many dislike such people ^^ Cheers dude

It's just your personal taste to have action 24/7 for the entire episode even if it doesn't make sense or becomes dull. (SAO), although SAO did have one of the most boring monologue moments in Anime history with their season 2 episode 1 12 minute talk in the café. Good on you for enjoying shallow anime that gives the average 10 year old a great time with their action so they can satisfy their core base attention span that is nothing. I'll be here enjoying a powerful, emotional, painful series that isn't stupidly generic and doesn't have many (If any) stereotypes :D

classy my friend, and yes in a good way
Jul 31, 2016 12:33 PM

Sep 2010
I'm no Rem fan but come on. Even I was feeling bitter when he said he loves Emilia after all that. What Rem has for him is so real, and he just blindly loves some random half-elf bitch who barely is there for him.
Jul 31, 2016 12:33 PM

Mar 2015
The moment that shock me the most is when the end credit started to appear.

I was like "WTF!!!!! 25 minutes Is that IT!!!??????"

Jul 31, 2016 12:33 PM

Aug 2013
Am I the only one who is a hardcore Rem fan and believes she is Waifu for Laifu but also understands that love doesn't always = logic and am not salty af about what Subaru did? Oh okay, Guess go :(

"I thought this was a thread where people with unpopular opinions seek validation. Am I wrong?"

"That's pretty much the entirety of MAL forums tbh."

The most true statement on this damn site. ^
Jul 31, 2016 12:34 PM

Sep 2013

(I don't really get why subaru loves Emilia so much especially after hearing such a confession and seeing how much rem loves him but oh well.....Rem will always be my favorite :// )

I love that subaru is back to normal I missed seeing him smile like that, poor boy

Jul 31, 2016 12:34 PM

Oct 2015
Re:Zero once again proving that it is AOTY especialy when ya get an episode of only 2characters talking and they even had to extend it for 2mins so that they could fit it all and didnt even include a OP/ED and yet it was still freakin awesome.
Really huge bow to the ppl that are makin this anime. I simply cannot imagine not getting a 2nd season when the series has become suge a huge success at jpn.
Jul 31, 2016 12:35 PM

Oct 2014
Man, Rem carrying the series as always. Especially since she is the only one that didn't forget Arc2 :p
Jul 31, 2016 12:36 PM

Aug 2013
BlackPoint said:
Re:Zero once again proving that it is AOTY especialy when ya get an episode of only 2characters talking and they even had to extend it for 2mins so that they could fit it all and didnt even include a OP/ED and yet it was still freakin awesome.
Really huge bow to the ppl that are makin this anime. I simply cannot imagine not getting a 2nd season when the series has become suge a huge success at jpn.

But they are gonna adapt all of the LN up to this point. I'm not sure how the Web Novel works and if that is adaptable. If it isn't than we'd have to wait possibly 2 years for a season 2.

"I thought this was a thread where people with unpopular opinions seek validation. Am I wrong?"

"That's pretty much the entirety of MAL forums tbh."

The most true statement on this damn site. ^
Jul 31, 2016 12:36 PM
Jun 2016
Jagd84 said:
I'm getting tired of shit.

You know, I don't even know why you're still trying...some peeps are literally saying this episode was "Subaru spewing shit and nonsense"......

Anyway, I once heard something along the line of "If you changed your opinion because of other's words, you don't have an opinion to begin with". I doubt you're gonna change anyone's opinion anytime soon, I would suggest you just let it slide.
Jul 31, 2016 12:37 PM

Oct 2015
GuidedCursor said:
The moment that shock me the most is when the end credit started to appear.

I was like "WTF!!!!! 25 minutes Is that IT!!!??????" was even extended for 2min with no OP/ED, it was the same at the end couldnt believe 26mins ended already when i just watched 2ppl talkin to each other.
Jul 31, 2016 12:37 PM

Aug 2015
That hit the spot.
Jul 31, 2016 12:37 PM
Mar 2009
I guess it's a good thing that Subaru has been so wrecked recently, makes it easy to just tear down the whole structure of his being in just 20 minutes! With Rem as a solid foundation, we get to see what he build himself up to now. Hopefully this is the point where he does what I think we've all been waiting for: actually learning from his experience.

Build well Subaru, you have best girl support. Don't waste it on stupid crap.
Jul 31, 2016 12:38 PM

Dec 2010
GosuGian said:
TokyoGhost said:
If I wanted to listen to 20 minute long confessions and summaries, I would go to funerals.

..wew... what a time waste... This shit is far too over rated, it even surpasses overwatch. Im watching it for sake of seeing how bad anime can be actually made, and this surpasses my expectations every signle time.

Shutup kid.

You gave SAO 10? LMAO

and you gave noragami a 10. we can go on forever with people having shit rated as 10's
Jul 31, 2016 12:38 PM

Jul 2014
Ein said:
It's starting to feel like Subaru only likes Emilia because of her role as heroine. Even in the afterwards of volume 1, the author says something along the lines of, "aren't silver haired heroines the best?". Really feels like the author is fulfilling his own desires instead of paying attention to the feelings of the characters. I hate to sound like a Rem shipper but who wouldn't choose Rem after an exchange like that? Well, at least the author had the decency to end the ship so the audience wouldn't be mislead in the future along with Rem.

Don't get me wrong, I'm on Emilias side but I just hope that Subaru would have a more genuine reason for going after her besides the whole "she saved me when I first got here". Good will is not a good reason to fall for someone. Rem has been a companion to Subaru who's stuck with him through thick and thin, but mostly thin. To have someone pour their heart out for him and then to reject them just does not feel like the realistic choice.

Well yeah the author for some reason love silver hair heroine and sees to force his taste on us and ignore the relationship he builed xD

anyway this isn't the end for rem and subaru thing you need to serval episode more vol 7 is also full ot it
Jul 31, 2016 12:38 PM

Jan 2016
Yoo when did white fox get so good. Holy...2 ppl just talking but it was so captivating.

White fox, wp dude
Jul 31, 2016 12:39 PM

Sep 2011
The saltiness in the voting. Well, that's MAL for you.
Jul 31, 2016 12:39 PM

Feb 2016
My god... I just...words just can't describe how beautiful this episode was.

I was never much of a Rem fan myself (Beako best girl fight me) but this episode just made me appreciate her much more.
SmokeyRedPandaNov 6, 2016 9:08 PM
Jul 31, 2016 12:39 PM
Apr 2014
Subaru x Rem ship was going strong and then "I love Emilia" Subaru is such a dick, after this holy tier of loyalty he says this shit.
So I guess now he's gonna somehow convince Crusch to fight against the witch cult since we see her in the opening in armor.
Rem is untouchable tier best girl status.
This episode was a good break from all the suffering, I wonder if we'll have anymore suffering from Subaru.
Jul 31, 2016 12:40 PM
Nov 2013
Devil_Slayer said:
I will laugh so hard if the rateing drop lololo
now 70% of the fandom will go rage xD

Yeah I actually never really liked Emilia and when Rem was introduced I thought she was awesome but that's not a reason to hate on the anime. I knew all along Subaru would stick to liking Emilia. Now I hope that she's Satella and that Subaru will have to kill her so that he ends up with Rem. Even though that's not likely I think.
Jul 31, 2016 12:41 PM
Nov 2015
God this episode was so damn good man. As much as I love remxsubaru, I hope people don't get into a stupid ass shipping war.
Jul 31, 2016 12:41 PM
Jun 2016
ryukan said:
urishino said:

Puck was referring to the "Unseen Hands" as shadows ;)

And Satella refers to the witch or Emilia?
Ermm well the world basically known Satella as the Witch of Envy, whereas they refer to Emilia as "half-devil", right?
Jul 31, 2016 12:41 PM
Jul 2016
Wow. Ho. Ly. Shit. This anime actually did it. This anime, with a good guy who wants to save everyone as the protagonist, had the BALLS to actually have that character say, "screw it, I'm done". My God though, this episode, it was the buildup of the previous episodes, the climax of Subaru's development...Wow.
And Rem and Subaru, just fuck already!
Jul 31, 2016 12:41 PM

Jun 2016
This episode surpised me, after 6 episodes of "Subaru does stuff and than suffers" finaly an episode where it seems that the plot is advancing and going somewhere.
The first two parts of the show had Subaru learning "something new" every time he died, than using that knowledge to solve the "problem". Now it just looks like Subaru is trying his best to stop the witch cultists by doing random things, he even forgot about the white whale and tried to take the short path and risking his and Rem life again; but after Rem's speech, it seems that Subaru's insanity magicaly healed and maybe he we'll be able to save the village and Emilia.
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