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Apr 8, 2020 2:09 PM

May 2015
Kokkoei said:
Animation quality was kinda bad... and the pacing seems pretty rushed.. Like, VERY RUSHED.

The animation was the exact opposite of bad. I don't know what you're smoking, but it must be some good shit.

Apr 8, 2020 2:13 PM

Nov 2018
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Kokkoei said:
Animation quality was kinda bad... and the pacing seems pretty rushed.. Like, VERY RUSHED.

The animation was the exact opposite of bad. I don't know what your smoking, but it must be some good shit.

I said I think it just looks KINDA bad. I didn't say it's terrible..
Apr 8, 2020 2:16 PM

May 2015
Kokkoei said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

The animation was the exact opposite of bad. I don't know what your smoking, but it must be some good shit.

I said I think it just looks KINDA bad. I didn't say it's terrible..

Yeah, and I'm not understanding how you think it looks bad/mediocre in any capacity. Like what exactly looked off to you?

Apr 8, 2020 2:33 PM

Nov 2018
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Kokkoei said:

I said I think it just looks KINDA bad. I didn't say it's terrible..

Yeah, and I'm not understanding how you think it looks bad/mediocre in any capacity. Like what exactly looked off to you?

To me, Camera angle, especially at the rooftop scene was weird. When she kicked him from the rooftop, the falling animation looked pretty bad and messy. And
The outline of characters also looks messy , especially the hair of the blonde girl seemed kinda off.
Apr 8, 2020 2:34 PM

Nov 2018
But like i said i don't think it looks terrible.. It could be fixed in later episodes.
Apr 8, 2020 2:57 PM

May 2015
Kokkoei said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

Yeah, and I'm not understanding how you think it looks bad/mediocre in any capacity. Like what exactly looked off to you?

To me, Camera angle, especially at the rooftop scene was weird. When she kicked him from the rooftop, the falling animation looked pretty bad and messy. And
The outline of characters also looks messy , especially the hair of the blonde girl seemed kinda off.

That first example is pretty nitpicky, and the second is more of an art style/character design thing than it is straight animation, but you do you I guess.

Apr 8, 2020 6:49 PM

Oct 2008
my only comment? i hope this is not EDGY!
and too much panchira! well not that i'm complaining!

BlueSnow93 said:
Ugh, of course the wuss has Dekus voice.

WHAT!!??!?!?!?!?!? what do you mean Deku's voice? definitely NOT! more like Kaneki's voice!
matias067Apr 8, 2020 6:57 PM

Apr 8, 2020 7:01 PM

Dec 2016
Lmao this was just so shitty. I feel bad for all the people working behind this crap.
Apr 8, 2020 8:40 PM

Oct 2014
It has an allstar cast of seiyuus so my expectation for this anime is hihh but unfortunately, this episode 1 is horribly made.

Hopefully it gets better in the future.
Apr 9, 2020 5:03 AM

Mar 2020
Oh god this season gonna SUCK
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
Apr 9, 2020 6:47 AM

Nov 2017
I was already hooked from the first minute. This is very rare for me to be into a show already this quickly. This promises something good. Very interesting plot and characters. The art and character designs are really to my liking as well.
I've still got a lot of question marks but this was merely an introduction episodes. How much does Clair know and why did she want to commit suicide? I can't wait for next episodes. Just greatness!! :)
Apr 9, 2020 8:19 AM
May 2018
That chihiro girl will be waifu material, calling it rn
Apr 9, 2020 8:31 AM

May 2009
BlueSnow93 said:
Ugh, of course the wuss has Dekus voice.

It's Tanjiro/Kaneki voice.
Apr 9, 2020 9:51 AM
Jul 2016
Kinda lackluster, don't really dig overly sexual animes/ mangas, but hit has promise I guess
Apr 9, 2020 11:05 AM
Nov 2016
bastek66 said:
BlueSnow93 said:
Ugh, of course the wuss has Dekus voice.

It's Tanjiro/Kaneki voice.

Who ?
The most recent show, i've seen, with that wussy voice was MHA. *shrugs*
Apr 9, 2020 12:57 PM

May 2009
BlueSnow93 said:
bastek66 said:

It's Tanjiro/Kaneki voice.

Who ?
The most recent show, i've seen, with that wussy voice was MHA. *shrugs*

Natsuki Hanae voices Shuuichi, Daiki Yamashita voices Deku. Hanae doesn't voice anyone in BnHA.
Apr 9, 2020 1:26 PM

Feb 2015
My general complain of this show is that the mc is very shinji-like. You know those characters that seem very akwarrd and dont really have much going on for them. It can get annoying and well, hope the series make up for it in some other way otherwise I can see myself dropping it.
"Miharu denki desu"
Apr 9, 2020 10:18 PM

Feb 2019
Really cool art but pretty uninteresting characters and some questionable fan serivce
Apr 9, 2020 11:32 PM

Jun 2013
I read about twenty chapters of the manga a few months ago and haven't gotten back to it but I still remember what happened and I think it's following the first few chapters pretty well.

I like the design of the characters, they remind me of Your Lie in April characters tbh. That was why I picked up the manga but I haven't gotten far so I don't have much to say.

I do like the premise and him transforming into a dog mascot is pretty funny.
Apr 9, 2020 11:41 PM
Nov 2016
bastek66 said:
BlueSnow93 said:

Who ?
The most recent show, i've seen, with that wussy voice was MHA. *shrugs*

Natsuki Hanae voices Shuuichi, Daiki Yamashita voices Deku. Hanae doesn't voice anyone in BnHA.

Ok... what are you trying to accomplish here ? I don't know shit about voice actors.
Apr 10, 2020 3:22 AM
Dec 2013
The main character seems to have no common sense. Why did he need to use his monster form during the fire, couldn't he just grab her and drag her out the way he came in? Why did he step over the safety railing and turn his back to the crazy suicidal b*tch? Why does he care she has a picture or threatened him before giving his phone back, she already said nobody believes her silly monster stories and it is easy to just say the picture is just fiction like photoshopping monsters on a real background?

Gotta say, though, the story is pretty interesting. The intro with the vending machine man, the mystery around the coins, what the invader at the end meant when they talked about the power and "collectors". And why does he seem to know nothing, not even a vague memory about the coin or anything about his transformation, but the invader seems to know a lot and is actively looking for the coins? I really wanna find out what this all means.

I gotta say, I did not expect this to be a seemingly dark anime, I thought it was gonna be an action comedy type with the mascot suit transformation and the synopsis, but the intro changed that tune quick. I just hope there's more answers than panty sniffing in the next episode, this one seemed more centered on his smell fetish towards his underclassman rather than actually talking about the monsters.
Apr 10, 2020 11:14 AM

Nov 2014
Looks interesting so far. The only thing that bother me is his form. I asked "why" at the same time he did lol.
Ecchi parts are pretty good too.
Apr 10, 2020 8:08 PM

Jul 2016
Ferien said:
Lmao this was just so shitty. I feel bad for all the people working behind this crap.

Meh, it was enjoyable while not being world changing. It will be an enjoyable romp once a week.
Apr 10, 2020 11:37 PM

Apr 2018
Well this was a good start. Bummer that mc doesn't have that badass form lol.
Apr 11, 2020 12:16 AM

Apr 2015
It's like a fucking eromanga premise.

The surprisingly nice visuals pulled it through though. Like if this had Seton Gakuen visuals I wouldn't have lasted three minutes.
Apr 11, 2020 12:20 AM

Jun 2012
This first episode was absolutely captivating.

The feeling of watching this show is the feeling of having all of your worst desires as a human being put under a spotlight, and re-experiencing that embarrassing teenage feeling of your hormones, your emotions, and your impulses being out of control in a public setting on a regular basis. It's deliberately making you a bit uncomfortable in the moments that you understand the mc's impulses. This is not your typical "look at how great I am" audience-self-insert mc. And I REALLY appreciate that a fanservice-y anime show is willing to be that self-reflexive about it.

What really sold this for me was its meticulous attention to detail with regards to the character acting. It used the senses very effectively, and the different way each character moved and spoke conveyed perfectly what their inner feelings were.

There are still a lot of ways this show could go bad... if it starts getting too uncomfortable to the point of characters feeling irredeemable, or if it focuses too much on the coin fetch quests or battles it could end up dry and predictable. But this first episode alone really made me want to see what kind of character progression the mc's are going to go through going forward.

This is the most interested I've been in one of these "the world is dark" teen angst kinds of shows after the first episode. Its angst feels more grounded and motivated than normal.
Apr 11, 2020 7:40 AM
Oct 2018
As someone who did not read the manga, and knew nothing about this anime, after watching that episode I'm left thinking...what the actual HELL did I just watch??

The animation is very nice, but I'm very skeptical about the story. It all seems a bit silly after that first episode...
Apr 11, 2020 11:19 AM

Jul 2014
Ayt I initially planned on watching this for the seiyuus since its Natsuki Hanae and Touyama Nao but WTF was this garbage!? why the hell is the MC who can literally control his transformation into a powerful mascot monster being manipulated by that sassy bitch who for some reason talks big for someone that's infront of a monster!? I could understand if she was a monster as well but Jesus hell what the shit!? I despise character relationships like this more so if it doesn't make sense. Will give it till ep 3 but hot damn this was a disaster.
Apr 11, 2020 2:36 PM

Jan 2009
The show looks interesting but I don't know if I'll be able to go through it with such an unlikeable cast, the protagonist is a total wimp it's frustrating to watch him, he has no reason to listen to this bitch.
Apr 11, 2020 3:31 PM

Sep 2016
Kokkoei said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

Yeah, and I'm not understanding how you think it looks bad/mediocre in any capacity. Like what exactly looked off to you?

To me, Camera angle, especially at the rooftop scene was weird. When she kicked him from the rooftop, the falling animation looked pretty bad and messy. And
The outline of characters also looks messy , especially the hair of the blonde girl seemed kinda off.

Ok, It is bad as long as you wonderful animator explains good animation like it is bad from a hate perspective.
Apr 11, 2020 3:35 PM

Sep 2016
Tropisch said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Seeing people complain about ecchi is just hilarious to me. xD

IKR, especially when the anime is clearly tagged "ecchi".

They are mainly npc white knights kids with small pp, and are new to anime.
Apr 11, 2020 4:02 PM
Nov 2019
ScienceFiction97 said:

Why does he seem to know nothing, not even a vague memory about the coin or anything about his transformation, but the invader seems to know a lot and is actively looking for the coins? I really wanna find out what this all means.

Apr 11, 2020 5:49 PM

Oct 2016
I loved the animation style, it's a shame the plot seems to be dull. I'll probably drop it
Apr 11, 2020 6:19 PM
Jan 2020
Once again the usual suspects are whining about ecchi fanservice despite it being clearly tagged. If this episode bothered then you I recommend you drop this now as the manga is loaded with it to the extreme.
Apr 12, 2020 4:51 AM

Apr 2011
The story seems like cliched garbage, but the animation and art is surprisingly amazing. Amazingly enough, quite enjoyable. I'm actually kinda glad I gave this a try. Also, can we have the guy that was in charge of the visuals for this be in charge of the visuals for all the edgy trash shows from now on?

Also, seems to be a trend this season, but the OP is pretty good.
Apr 14, 2020 4:25 AM
Jul 2018
I didn't like it... sometimes great art can save a bad show but not in this case. what I mean is the art wasn't great; decent at best.


edit: I'm still continuing this a bit longer; episode 2 gave me hope for at least an average to fine series. will be the biggest surprise if it ends up being good though
removed-userApr 14, 2020 11:23 AM
Apr 14, 2020 4:41 AM

Oct 2018
In Norse mythology, Gleipnir ( Old Norse "open one") is the binding that holds the mighty wolf Fenrir (as attested in chapter 34 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning). The Gods had attempted to bind Fenrir twice before with huge chains of metal, but Fenrir was able to break free both times.
“You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin”

Apr 14, 2020 4:42 AM

Oct 2018
its weird and i love it.....
“You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin”

Apr 14, 2020 12:06 PM

May 2014
oh boy not more fan service. Well other than that it was also stupid plot reasons to get us into this like as if just a photo is enough of evidence, but anyway.. It looks OKish and it's being reccomended let's see.

Apr 15, 2020 12:47 AM

Sep 2018
This anime reminds me if Darwin's game!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Apr 16, 2020 5:48 PM

Aug 2018
Oakie Doakie, this one is starting a little strange. I’m getting strong Mirai Nikki vibes so far. We’ll see how it progresses, but so far great.
Apr 17, 2020 7:00 AM

Feb 2013
I liked this episode but I wish his transformation would look cooler. I do not really like the fact that it looks like a giant stuffed animal smh
Apr 17, 2020 9:45 PM
Apr 2019
I couldn't even make it 10 minutes into this. He wants to hide something about himself? That's fine. So turning down the scholarship makes sense. Then he sees a fire and wants to save a person. This is where I started having problems. He turns into one of the dumbest looking things I've ever seen. Stating to get a 'wat' vibe . Then he knocks a whole in the wall instead of simply picking her up and walking out the way he came in. Okay... He clearly had his consciousness which is why he's commenting on everything he's doing, but suddenly decides he's going to molest her once she's outside? I'm out. MCs are supposed to be likable to the viewer. Even if just a little. A beta who wants to rape? Motherfucker deserves a bullet.
Apr 19, 2020 1:53 AM

Sep 2017
Well it was kind of Ok , no big deal for the first episode and yeah this type of transformation isn't really appealing lol
Apr 20, 2020 4:34 PM

Mar 2010
Hmm Loving clair but at the same time she should have been raped.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 22, 2020 1:39 AM
Apr 2020
This was very good!!! Nice
Apr 23, 2020 1:52 PM
Aug 2015
(4/22/2020) Everything is up in the air for me with what will happen next episode but I am interested!
I hope the MC grows a pair but I really get Mirai Nikki vibes and feel his character will develop.
Apr 29, 2020 12:47 AM

Jul 2016
WTF? Kaori, is that you? Damn... depending on the angle, she and Claire look so much alike.

Well... so as with Darwin's Game last season, I don't expect anything from this show. Pretty standard start for this kind of series.
On the one hand, something tells me I will hate Shuuichi's character so at least, I hope he changes that wimpy attitude sooner rather than later.
Claire, on the other hand, seems more "interesting" though the "crazy ass bitch" character trope gets annoying rather quickly if it's not executed properly. This said, let's see how her character is handled.

Regarding production values so far, animation seems decent enough and characters design as well as general art are of my liking. Hope the quality doesn't decline.
SouthRzVaApr 29, 2020 12:50 AM
Apr 29, 2020 3:34 AM

Aug 2016
IKKIsama said:
Unusual? Looks pretty generic if you ask me.

Nah, generic? Only if you're talking about "the edgy girl shows up" part, cause it has pretty good pontential to be different...
Apr 30, 2020 12:02 PM

Sep 2009
Weird. And I REALLY HATE FEMALE ANIME CHARACTER like Aoki! Girls like her are really annoying.
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