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Jun 20, 2017 1:55 AM

Nov 2014
juicykitten95 said:
RediceRyan said:
Solid end to the arc. Surprisingly no deaths.

the author is a pussy , he wont ever kill a character

He doesnt want unnecessary kills. Plus, in case you aren't a manga reader, iida's brother didnt die but instead is paralyzed from waist down. So he can't ever become a hero again. That's a worse outcome to him than being dead.
Jun 20, 2017 2:13 AM

Nov 2014
OmegaOtaku said:
This was just so insulting. You waste an entire season on a tournament arc and the grand finale fight doesn't take nearly close to half the episodes length? What was even the point. Plus trying to force an emotional scene like that with Iida was so poorly done I felt nothing at all. You just can't force it out of the blue like that. At least Bakugo was funny as hell, he pretty much saves the episode. Though it wasn't enough for me as I dropped the score after this slap to the face episode. For shame.

Like the other replyer has said, it seems that you've missed the purpose of the tournament. It's not to show the viewer awesome animation and fights that drags out for like 4 episodes long with half of them being flashbacks. Thats how naruto works, not bnha. The purpose is to introduce us to all the important characters (like class b and shinsou, who'll become very important later on) and their quirks, how their quirks whoo work with AND against other quirks (cavalry war and one-on-one fights), to have some character development (if izuku didn't give todoroki that talk and have todoroki deal with his problem, in order for him to accept his fire side as his power and be willing to use it, the next arc a certain student will die, and maybe todoroki himself will meet his end too) that will be important later on (you said iida's--yes his name is iida with an "i"--emotional scene is poorly done, well, the purpose of that scene wasn't to get u teared up, it's a setup for iida's upcoming development and plot for the next arc, it's completely necessary. Just because one arc hasn't ended doesn't mean we can't add in a sneakpeak of the next arc--cue stain's appearance), and for izuku to realize his problem (the recovery girl has said that the next time izuku breaks his arm, she won't be able to heal it back to normal, thats a MAJOR issue for him, he has to think up a way to control his power fast what with villains jumping around left and right causing peoblems for the main characters). Thats why, contrary to your belief, the tournament arc is not "wasted", it has many purposes that you've apparently missed. And the grand finale being so short? Well, todoroki's still mentally messed up after that talk with izuku so hes not sure to use his fire side or not, and when his halfassed attacks are paired against bakugo's full powered new attack that Holwitzer thing, obviously he'd lose and be blasted out of bound. It's perfectly reasonable. But seeing how you've missed the entire purpose of this arc, you've probally missed todoroki's development and his currect mind state as a result, so I can totally understand you not understanding the shortness of this finale.
Jun 20, 2017 3:53 PM

Nov 2014
mysticdonkye said:
ttcchen said:

Whether you like it or not, the results of the fights are all very reasonable. Uraraka lost to Bakugo because her quirk wears her out the more she use it, but Bakugo becomes stronger the longer the fight drags out (because his power comes from his sweat, so the more tired he is, the stronger the explosions). Izuku lost to Todoroki because he has less training and he still is barely controlling the power (remember the glass cup with the water filled to the brink). Todoroki has been toughly trained since he was a kid by the number 2 hero, yet izuku only has like a year of training, and has just received a super power quirk that requires time for his body to get used to, yet Todoroki has his entire life to get used to and train his quirk. Izuku started later than everyone else so before he can catch up, it's reasonable for him to lose. If he actually did beat Todoroki, that's basically saying Todoroki's all these years of training have all gone for naught, since he, who got into UA by recommendation, was defeated by a kid who's quirkless and don't know how to fight only about a year ago.

What do you mean by "bakugo treating todoroki like that"? Like what? And what do you mean "he doesn't understand anything! He just wants to win"? Bakugo does want to win, and he's mad because his win is given to him because his opponent practically opted out, gave up. Like he's said, whats the point of winning if ur opponent isn't giving his all? Of course bakugo would be pissed.

I hate that the series gives the win to the least liked character. And even though it was funny to see him pissed that he didn't win gloriously but in a way it kinda angered me. There are people that would just be grateful for winning but Bakugou is just an asshole who thinks about himself. His character and personality is trash. His reasoning is trash. In my opinion, everything about him reeks of trash. I can't accept that they let a character like that win compared to everyone else.

it seems to me that you're letting your hatred of bakugo blind your sight. it's like how when you hate someone, you hate everything about them, even if they did something good, you'll dismiss it, or overlook it, as something bad. Nothing about Bakugo is trash. Everything is understandable, if you let go of your hatred for once. true that there may be people who just want to win for once, but if they win because their opponent didn't give their all, yet they're still happy for their win, then that means they're only in for the fame, the popularity that comes with the number 1 spot. if they truly want to prove themselves as the strongest, the real number 1, then they would be pissed off, like bakugo, when the number 1 spot was given to them, and not earned. and yet again, let me repeat myself, bakugo's winning is reasonable, because todoroki is currently very confused as to whether he should accept his left side or not, all due to izuku's talk. therefore, when bakugo is using his strongest attack (we've seen so far) against todoroki who's still confused and thus only using his right side, obviously he would fly out of bound by the force and bakugo would win. everything is perfectly reasonable. so stop letting your hatred blind your judgement. everything can be explained reasonably if you'd opened your eyes wider.
Jun 20, 2017 6:38 PM
Jan 2015
ttcchen said:

it seems to me that you're letting your hatred of bakugo blind your sight. it's like how when you hate someone, you hate everything about them, even if they did something good, you'll dismiss it, or overlook it, as something bad. Nothing about Bakugo is trash. Everything is understandable, if you let go of your hatred for once. true that there may be people who just want to win for once, but if they win because their opponent didn't give their all, yet they're still happy for their win, then that means they're only in for the fame, the popularity that comes with the number 1 spot. if they truly want to prove themselves as the strongest, the real number 1, then they would be pissed off, like bakugo, when the number 1 spot was given to them, and not earned. and yet again, let me repeat myself, bakugo's winning is reasonable, because todoroki is currently very confused as to whether he should accept his left side or not, all due to izuku's talk. therefore, when bakugo is using his strongest attack (we've seen so far) against todoroki who's still confused and thus only using his right side, obviously he would fly out of bound by the force and bakugo would win. everything is perfectly reasonable. so stop letting your hatred blind your judgement. everything can be explained reasonably if you'd opened your eyes wider.

Its amazing how people look at this series from a shallow perspective isn't it? Like how people who hate Bakugou will always overlook the good points and depth that he has. Its not quite as bad as the people who call MHA a Naruto clone however.
My Queens

Jun 20, 2017 9:48 PM

Apr 2016
I like Bakugo. The show doesn't take him seriously. He is being a cunt and he gets laughed and bullied for that, and is being used as a comic relief. He got problems but he also has some good in him and is waiting to be taught. After all he is just a kid.
Jun 20, 2017 11:32 PM

Nov 2014
mysticdonkye said:
ttcchen said:

it seems to me that you're letting your hatred of bakugo blind your sight. it's like how when you hate someone, you hate everything about them, even if they did something good, you'll dismiss it, or overlook it, as something bad. Nothing about Bakugo is trash. Everything is understandable, if you let go of your hatred for once. true that there may be people who just want to win for once, but if they win because their opponent didn't give their all, yet they're still happy for their win, then that means they're only in for the fame, the popularity that comes with the number 1 spot. if they truly want to prove themselves as the strongest, the real number 1, then they would be pissed off, like bakugo, when the number 1 spot was given to them, and not earned. and yet again, let me repeat myself, bakugo's winning is reasonable, because todoroki is currently very confused as to whether he should accept his left side or not, all due to izuku's talk. therefore, when bakugo is using his strongest attack (we've seen so far) against todoroki who's still confused and thus only using his right side, obviously he would fly out of bound by the force and bakugo would win. everything is perfectly reasonable. so stop letting your hatred blind your judgement. everything can be explained reasonably if you'd opened your eyes wider.

I can see what you mean. But he hasn't really done anything good so far in the series. So, until he does, I will hate him. Todoroki started using his left in his fight with Midoriya so it would make sense to use it on someone stronger than him. It overall didn't make any sense why he was confused or maybe it was that he didn't want to win because he used his dad's power. They don't really explain it there. It seems like a dull ending and the fight was terrible. I was left waiting for more because they raised the hype for the battle...and completely ruined. Not only did Bakugou win, Todoroki didn't even try. It just pisses me to see a battle like that. In an anime, they want us to like the main character, to hope that they win. But this series makes me confused on who they really want the main character to be. They should have let Midoriya and Bakugou fight it out in the last battle. It would actually be intense like the one with Midoriya vs Todoroki. The series really doesn't seem to know where the hype should be. They just misplaced everything in this arc.

I'm fine with you hating Bakugo because it's true that right now he just seems like a bratty ill-tempered asshole (but he'll get better later on), I'm just hoping you'll let go of that hatred from time to time and maybe you'll see some point of the plot that you disliked in a new light.

In Todoroki's case, he used his left side on Midoriya because he was gushed with adrenaline, and they were in the climax of their battle, so he just did it without thinking. But after that when he calmed down, he started reflecting on his actions and was confused. Is it really okay to use his father's power (or is Midoriya right in saying that it's now his power?) to win this tournament, and continue using that power to become a great hero, when his mother is still caged in that hospital as a result of his father and him (for never visiting her)? Is it truly okay to leave her, who's a victim of his father's abuse, behind, while he uses his father's power to move forward in life and higher in power? He was confused that's why he hesitated in using his left side against Bakugo's Holwitzer attack, and thus lost. After that, we saw him going into the hospital visiting his mother, saying his first step in becoming a hero is to save his mother. He has to save her first if he wants to get over his mental trauma his father has inflicted on him, because he feels guilty for never visiting her for all these years, thinking his presence will worsen her situation. But he cannot move forward if he doesn't solve his problem from the beginning, so he's gonna talk it out with her, before he will accept his father's power as his own's.

I don't understand your reasoning that the final battle has to be midoriya vs bakugo (or rather, the main lead vs another main character) in order for it to be hype and intense. You may be having too much influence on the other mainstreams (for example watching naruto vs sasuke for over 700 episodes can do a lot to a person's mindset), i don't know where you get that idea from, but for a final fight to be intense and hype we don't need the main lead to participate in it. that's just the way how the shounen trope usually operates, and people see the cliche mc fighting the final match so many times to think it's a rule shounen series has to follow for tournament arcs, when you don't necessarily need that to have a good intense final match in shounen.
Jun 20, 2017 11:33 PM

Nov 2014
lunarxlunar said:
I like Bakugo. The show doesn't take him seriously. He is being a cunt and he gets laughed and bullied for that, and is being used as a comic relief. He got problems but he also has some good in him and is waiting to be taught. After all he is just a kid.

ugh lol i wouldn't say bullied. and bakugo is not comic relief, that title is reserved for monoma. bakugo will get his development in the later arcs. after all, he is one of the main main characters and the mangaka wouldn't just cast him off as mere comic relief.
Jun 20, 2017 11:48 PM

Nov 2014
-Mahesvara said:
ttcchen said:

it seems to me that you're letting your hatred of bakugo blind your sight. it's like how when you hate someone, you hate everything about them, even if they did something good, you'll dismiss it, or overlook it, as something bad. Nothing about Bakugo is trash. Everything is understandable, if you let go of your hatred for once. true that there may be people who just want to win for once, but if they win because their opponent didn't give their all, yet they're still happy for their win, then that means they're only in for the fame, the popularity that comes with the number 1 spot. if they truly want to prove themselves as the strongest, the real number 1, then they would be pissed off, like bakugo, when the number 1 spot was given to them, and not earned. and yet again, let me repeat myself, bakugo's winning is reasonable, because todoroki is currently very confused as to whether he should accept his left side or not, all due to izuku's talk. therefore, when bakugo is using his strongest attack (we've seen so far) against todoroki who's still confused and thus only using his right side, obviously he would fly out of bound by the force and bakugo would win. everything is perfectly reasonable. so stop letting your hatred blind your judgement. everything can be explained reasonably if you'd opened your eyes wider.

Its amazing how people look at this series from a shallow perspective isn't it? Like how people who hate Bakugou will always overlook the good points and depth that he has. Its not quite as bad as the people who call MHA a Naruto clone however.
yes, that's what i dislike, how people always let hatred, racism, rumors, and such blind their judgement. And bnha is definitely not a naruto clone. where did they get that idea from? bakugo is nothing like sasuke. he has a loving family, nothing to get revenge for, and he's deadset on becoming a hero, to surpass all might. and he's powerful so he won't go searching for power. there's zero chance he'll ever go dark. todoroki is more like sasuke, yet izuku's rival is bakugo. plus, after todoroki's development, he strays from sasuke's path. now he's just a cute kid enjoying life making friends making up with his family and having a good time in general (in between fighting villains). all the female characters in bnha can stand on their own, unlike sakura in the beginning, and none of them fangirls to her level (the only fangirling is for all might, and tbh i would fangirl over him too). you might say aizawa is like kakashi, and i got nothing to argue, however, something about him just makes him aizawa, i never once see him and think "he's kinda like kakashi", maybe cuz of that scene in season 1 when he was crushed onto the ground by a noumu and shigaraki was about to touch tsuyu, and aizawa deactivated his quirk and snarled "don't you dare touch her" or something like that. it was that moment that touched me and made me thought, "yup, this guy is nothing like kakashi".

As for the plot, it's not like naruto either. almost every shounen has a tournament arc so it's okay for bnha to have one, plus, the chunin exam ended with the village being attacked, yet the sports festival ended peacefully, with the villains gathering info and plotting and gathering allies (hero killer stain). naruto made it to the finals yet midoriya didn't. sasuke went evil yet neither todoroki nor bakugo did.

there is nothing that can support the statement that "bnha is a naruto clone", none, nada, zero. i think people are just saying that due to their first impression of this story. weak kid has strong power, rival is someone evil looking and bullies the mc? main female lead is weak (for losing to bakugo??? hell, even bakugo said "there's nothing about her that is fragile" when Kaminari called her fragile)? BOOM! It's naruto!
Jun 21, 2017 2:25 AM

Apr 2016
ttcchen said:
lunarxlunar said:
I like Bakugo. The show doesn't take him seriously. He is being a cunt and he gets laughed and bullied for that, and is being used as a comic relief. He got problems but he also has some good in him and is waiting to be taught. After all he is just a kid.

ugh lol i wouldn't say bullied. and bakugo is not comic relief, that title is reserved for monoma. bakugo will get his development in the later arcs. after all, he is one of the main main characters and the mangaka wouldn't just cast him off as mere comic relief.

Sometimes he's definitely a comic relief. Well everyone can be a comic relief in this kind of anime/manga. But the point being that it isn't like some moody edgy anime with edgy characters who are taken way too seriously.

He got bullied in several occasions. It's not serious but you know people around him aren't taking him very seriously. And he isn't supposed to be. Of course there is something going on about him but as long as that hasn't been talked about yet, it's not like we have to take him very seriously.
lunarxlunarJun 21, 2017 2:32 AM
Jun 21, 2017 2:30 AM

Jul 2012
Oh my god, Ochako's parents scared me to death 😳

Todoroki has become one of my favorite characters after this arc. I'm glad that just having Midoriya yelling at him didn't completely get him over years of emotional trauma. But I am glad that it helped him go on the right path towards it. I'm really looking forward to seeing even more development from him as this series goes on 😊
Jun 21, 2017 4:26 AM

Nov 2014
lunarxlunar said:
ttcchen said:

ugh lol i wouldn't say bullied. and bakugo is not comic relief, that title is reserved for monoma. bakugo will get his development in the later arcs. after all, he is one of the main main characters and the mangaka wouldn't just cast him off as mere comic relief.

Sometimes he's definitely a comic relief. Well everyone can be a comic relief in this kind of anime/manga. But the point being that it isn't like some moody edgy anime with edgy characters who are taken way too seriously.

He got bullied in several occasions. It's not serious but you know people around him aren't taking him very seriously. And he isn't supposed to be. Of course there is something going on about him but as long as that hasn't been talked about yet, it's not like we have to take him very seriously.
Well i suppose him at the award ceremony can be seen as comic relief, but what im saying is that bakugo wont remain as a mere comic relief. And yes like u said for now we dont need to take him seriously, cuz his moment to shine has yet arrived.

Can you give me some instances where he was bullied? Cuz i don't remember any.
ramenystJun 21, 2017 4:30 AM
Jun 21, 2017 4:29 AM

Nov 2014
mysticdonkye said:
ttcchen said:

I'm fine with you hating Bakugo because it's true that right now he just seems like a bratty ill-tempered asshole (but he'll get better later on), I'm just hoping you'll let go of that hatred from time to time and maybe you'll see some point of the plot that you disliked in a new light.

In Todoroki's case, he used his left side on Midoriya because he was gushed with adrenaline, and they were in the climax of their battle, so he just did it without thinking. But after that when he calmed down, he started reflecting on his actions and was confused. Is it really okay to use his father's power (or is Midoriya right in saying that it's now his power?) to win this tournament, and continue using that power to become a great hero, when his mother is still caged in that hospital as a result of his father and him (for never visiting her)? Is it truly okay to leave her, who's a victim of his father's abuse, behind, while he uses his father's power to move forward in life and higher in power? He was confused that's why he hesitated in using his left side against Bakugo's Holwitzer attack, and thus lost. After that, we saw him going into the hospital visiting his mother, saying his first step in becoming a hero is to save his mother. He has to save her first if he wants to get over his mental trauma his father has inflicted on him, because he feels guilty for never visiting her for all these years, thinking his presence will worsen her situation. But he cannot move forward if he doesn't solve his problem from the beginning, so he's gonna talk it out with her, before he will accept his father's power as his own's.

I don't understand your reasoning that the final battle has to be midoriya vs bakugo (or rather, the main lead vs another main character) in order for it to be hype and intense. You may be having too much influence on the other mainstreams (for example watching naruto vs sasuke for over 700 episodes can do a lot to a person's mindset), i don't know where you get that idea from, but for a final fight to be intense and hype we don't need the main lead to participate in it. that's just the way how the shounen trope usually operates, and people see the cliche mc fighting the final match so many times to think it's a rule shounen series has to follow for tournament arcs, when you don't necessarily need that to have a good intense final match in shounen.

I'm only saying that Midoriya should do it because Todoroki can't. I think he isn't confused. I just think he gave up because he original main purpose was to deny his father and win without using his left side for his mom. But since he did, he decided there was not really any purpose to win. So that's one of the reasons he went to visit his mom I guess. And maybe it's because we are so used to having the final battle to be the hardest and epic battle yet. We experienced in video games, real life, and anime. Someone who was the ability to make it to the top just like you. It's probably because we are used to the ones that made is so far up not give up and fight with all they have like Uraraka. Maybe it will be later that Midoriya will get his moments, I think I just move on from the Tournament Arc and move on. It's been fun discussing this with you.
Well midoriya lost so even if he should do it and may seem more suitable, he can't. Too bad for him X( and hes i agree that todoroki may have simply given up because he believes he shouldnt use his fathers power and win the tournament, when he hasn't sort out his problems with his mother yet.
Jun 21, 2017 7:56 AM

Apr 2010
QueenSapphire said:
Moments before their fight, Bakugou accidentaly barges in the wrong room, and Todoroki doesn't even acknowledge his presence. like what you said, he was just sitting there quietly, Is that what an opponent's attitude should be? before going into a match?

"Bakugou: Where the hell you looking at... Todo: That's what Midoriya said to me... too"

He ignored him and additionally started talking about Izuku, immediately compared his words with the kid he despises the most. This was suppose to be bakugou's fight and his opponent is thinking of someone else. IZUKU of all people! we all know that Izuku is a sore spot for bakugou.
this actually makes sense! I grudgingly accept xD

QueenSapphire said:
Not all are praise and cheers on him in this tournament though, We could see that on his fight with Uraraka, Were Present Mic was very vocal with his support on her, Even the audience started booing bakugou, because they thought he’s just playing around with this poor girl however that’s not the case, Ochako isn’t a fragile girl and He was more of being careful with the fight, that’s one reason why Aizawa intervene.

I remember that. Aizawa's telling off was spot-on there. At that point, the audience was just being rude to Uraraka. That whole scene was really well done. Horikoshi knows what he's doing tbh xP

QueenSapphire said:
I think by teachers, you meant Aizawa and All might? I can’t remember any other teachers praising him.

I mean Midnight lulled him unto sleep after his fight with Todo when he started grabbing his collar and remember the award ceremony? Kachann was chained from head to toe and can't barely even talk with that mouth gear. X'D I'm sure the teachers restrained him just so he won't go full "rage mode" in the arena.

yup, pretty much these two. But you're right in the sense that, as Bakugo's direct teachers, they ARE aware of his personality.
I found the restraining thing at the end had more of a humor effect, plus All-Might did that overly-understanding thing he does ^___^', and that's probably why I got frustrated *sigh*

QueenSapphire said:

Whoo this is longer than I thought...
Well lets just enjoy what this great series has in store for us, the next arc is gonna be amazin…

So I've heard. I'm hella pumped!
Jun 21, 2017 10:48 PM
Nov 2016
FireFistYamaan said:
Phew great as usual, it's becoming a saturday trend to watch Hero Academia, only 13 weeks left!!!!!

Bakugo VS Todoroki fight was handeld well, I have waited 2 years to see Bakugo that angry and it was worth it. Dude get's to much hate, wait to some of you see his family lol.

Can somebody tell me the name of the soundtrack being played at about 6.33, the moment when Bakugo first grabs Todoroki by the head. THE TRACK IS STUCK IN MY HEAD IT'S A BRILLIANT PIECE
I'm pretty sure the song is called "You say run". They sound very similar too me.
Jun 22, 2017 1:39 AM
May 2017
lol Bakugo and his insecurity of being doubted as number 1 is never boring
Jun 22, 2017 8:54 AM

Jan 2016
Tuvokfan said:
FireFistYamaan said:
Phew great as usual, it's becoming a saturday trend to watch Hero Academia, only 13 weeks left!!!!!

Bakugo VS Todoroki fight was handeld well, I have waited 2 years to see Bakugo that angry and it was worth it. Dude get's to much hate, wait to some of you see his family lol.

Can somebody tell me the name of the soundtrack being played at about 6.33, the moment when Bakugo first grabs Todoroki by the head. THE TRACK IS STUCK IN MY HEAD IT'S A BRILLIANT PIECE
I'm pretty sure the song is called "You say run". They sound very similar too me.

No it's not "You say run" but thanks anyways
Jun 23, 2017 1:51 AM

Oct 2008
Everytime I see angry Bakugo it really cracks me-up especially the last part where he brushes his teeth! lolz!
Bakugo isn't satisfied with the results and even pissed-off because he won in a lame ass way cuz Todoroki refused to use his flames...
but Bakugo's anger is amazing just by itself!!!
I LOLed so much as soon as I saw Bakugo restrained in chains on the awarding 1st place in such an unsatisfied way!
All might giving the medals was cool and his advice are great!
LOL at All Might and the people BOOOing at him because of the wrongly executed PLUS ULTRA!
Iida left early and worried about his older brother.
Todoroki went to his mom for the issues that he better resolve.

i hope next episode the ED2 will be performed by LiSA because that day...which is Satuday June 24, will be the birthday of Risa Oribe...and she's turning 30 yrs old!

Jun 24, 2017 1:11 AM

Sep 2016
Yeah, I am going to miss the tournament arc. It was great. Well, at least the stain arc is coming up woho~!
^For non-manga readers, this is what to expect from the next arc.
Jun 24, 2017 3:00 PM

Oct 2009
People, keep watching how this season develops. Imo Hero Killer Stain is one of the best villains you'll see in this type of genre.
The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.
Jun 24, 2017 4:30 PM

Jul 2013
I really expected Todoroki to pulverize Bakugo even without his flames but too bad he lost interest.

So Bakugo's got family. All this time I thought he's alone lol no one cheered for him during the festival.
Jun 25, 2017 1:02 AM

Jun 2015
All Might is right. Bakugo's face is amazing.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jun 26, 2017 6:29 PM

Feb 2010
ttcchen said:

it seems to me that you're letting your hatred of bakugo blind your sight. it's like how when you hate someone, you hate everything about them, even if they did something good, you'll dismiss it, or overlook it, as something bad. Nothing about Bakugo is trash. Everything is understandable, if you let go of your hatred for once. true that there may be people who just want to win for once, but if they win because their opponent didn't give their all, yet they're still happy for their win, then that means they're only in for the fame, the popularity that comes with the number 1 spot. if they truly want to prove themselves as the strongest, the real number 1, then they would be pissed off, like bakugo, when the number 1 spot was given to them, and not earned. and yet again, let me repeat myself, bakugo's winning is reasonable, because todoroki is currently very confused as to whether he should accept his left side or not, all due to izuku's talk. therefore, when bakugo is using his strongest attack (we've seen so far) against todoroki who's still confused and thus only using his right side, obviously he would fly out of bound by the force and bakugo would win. everything is perfectly reasonable. so stop letting your hatred blind your judgement. everything can be explained reasonably if you'd opened your eyes wider.

I can definitely agree with you about how Bakugo was definitely the most likely contender to win. His victory may appear to be a fluke since it could have been an even fight, but it was not and he won. Bakugo definitely has something that drives his anger, his attitude, and a goal that overshadows even his treatment of other people. At a glance, I do see him as immature and incredibly childish, as he does bully Deku and literally is seen yelling at people 99% of the time. There are however some parts of him that make me tolerate him. One being that he actually was hurt in season 1 when he learned that Deku had a quirk and he felt lied to, which implies how he is not completely heartless and driven only by himself (like other people have no impact on him) because he was deeply hurt by this.

I was very annoyed at him since my ears hurt 100% of the time from his yelling, but I can tolerate it. He is used for comedic relief most of the time I would say. To those that are not a big fan of him, I feel like their dislike of him completely is justified, though, since he hasn't been shown a lot of character development this far. It is hard to noticed, but to those people I would probably say to stop and realize that he is driven by something. The seemingly misdirected fumes of anger he blasts at people is fueled by a goal of his, and that adds depth to his character so its not something to overlook. He is worth at least giving a try to understand.
EarlCielJun 26, 2017 6:32 PM
Jun 29, 2017 12:34 PM

Oct 2009
Jesus, that part at the end with Uraraka's parents scared the SHIT out of me, I was thinking maybe villains came to abduct her and then out of nowhere that happens! :/
Jun 30, 2017 2:03 AM

Oct 2015
oh man Kacchan is the most interesting one to watch, he made me laugh when he did not want accept that 1st place medal. Todoroki disappointed me when he did want to use his left side, because i think he is the 'coolest' character in the show.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jul 6, 2017 1:24 PM

Sep 2015
Bit anti climactic honestly. And I was really enjoying this arc too. I get it was kind of the point. And I guess the true showdown was Todoroki and Midoriya. But...still I was expecting another crazy fight. With an unexpected match up for the final showdown. I also thought Hannibal Lectering Bakugo was a little over the top. Though he is pretty annoying. I liked Crow dude drawing attention to the reference.

I have some trepidation about the upcoming arc. I don't want the series to lose the good will its earned. This was a pretty cool little tournament arc. And given the sloppy pacing of the first series. I think it showed some growth from the animators to stretch it out for this long. I hope the next arc is good. The set up for it has been a little iffy though.
Aug 1, 2017 9:48 PM

Jun 2009
Todoroki's story in this arc was really good stuff, I personally like that it seems to be an ongoing problem for him to overcome and that his conflict with Deku seems to be a catalyst for his further development. In a lot of ways he was kind of the star of this arc now that I've seen the big picture. That said, pretty much every main character came out of this arc more interesting than at the start of it.

Bakugou is interesting, because he seems like a hot head but he actually seems to incorporate a fair amount of strategy into his fights.I love how pissed off he was about winning in that way, it'll be interesting if he does indeed take this victory as a "wound" to build off of like All-Might suggested.

But, yeah, this was anticlimatic but since I'm a fan of stuff like The Sopranos and Hunter X Hunter I'm kind of cool with anticlimax as long as it's done well like I think it was here.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Aug 13, 2017 4:56 AM

Jun 2017
Damn it! That was undeniably unexpected for Bakugo to win against Todoroki. I'm so disappointed. I mean...sure! the turn of events was spectacular but I prefer for Todoroki to win this match. Despite that, it was still a reasonable defeat. And we can only wonder who'd win if Todoroki used everything he got.

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
Sep 1, 2017 3:04 PM

Dec 2016
I personally think Bakugo would have still won if Todoroki had used his fire abilities, but idk, and I guess we never will know
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Sep 27, 2017 5:30 AM

Feb 2015
For a show about heroes, there's surprisingly little heroism going on. Like, why is there even need for a tournament? Heroes aren't about competing and ranking up against each other. They're about saving people from dangerous situations. And yet, all these characters only seem to be focused on becoming the number one by bashing each others' skulls in.

It's basically season 1 all over again. We get an anime with heroes as its main theme, but nowhere is its theme actually utilised. It's just an excuse to have a bunch of characters with superpowers running around on the screen, doing nothing heroic at all.
Sep 27, 2017 7:57 AM

Dec 2008
Milennin said:
For a show about heroes, there's surprisingly little heroism going on. Like, why is there even need for a tournament? Heroes aren't about competing and ranking up against each other. They're about saving people from dangerous situations. And yet, all these characters only seem to be focused on becoming the number one by bashing each others' skulls in.

It's basically season 1 all over again. We get an anime with heroes as its main theme, but nowhere is its theme actually utilised. It's just an excuse to have a bunch of characters with superpowers running around on the screen, doing nothing heroic at all.

Please rewatch The whole series this time Reading The subs
Sep 27, 2017 9:44 AM

Feb 2015
ChrnoTodd said:
Please rewatch The whole series this time Reading The subs

Lol, no?

It was All Might who was moved by Deku trying to be a hero despite having no special powers of his own that made him choose him as the successor to One For All. This proved that heroes don't need to be strongest, the fastest or the smartest to be a great hero. All it takes is the desire to rescue people from danger, regardless of one's status. Yet, here we are with a stupid tournament throwing all that out of the window. Why exactly do people want to become the number one? To be recognised by the top heroes to become their sidekicks? Lol. That's not what being a hero is about.

And we still haven't had anything that's actually villain material. What exactly is pushing people to become heroes so badly? Where are the threats that need to be stopped that made society invest so much in a hero training facility. The only 'villains' so far have been threatening the heroes themselves, not the general public.
As much as a parody/comedy show One Punch Man was, at least it got the superhero part right, and their heroes actually took part in taking out monsters that threatened the lives of innocent people.
Sep 27, 2017 12:30 PM

Nov 2015
Milennin said:
ChrnoTodd said:
Please rewatch The whole series this time Reading The subs

Lol, no?

It was All Might who was moved by Deku trying to be a hero despite having no special powers of his own that made him choose him as the successor to One For All. This proved that heroes don't need to be strongest, the fastest or the smartest to be a great hero. All it takes is the desire to rescue people from danger, regardless of one's status. Yet, here we are with a stupid tournament throwing all that out of the window. Why exactly do people want to become the number one? To be recognised by the top heroes to become their sidekicks? Lol. That's not what being a hero is about.

And we still haven't had anything that's actually villain material. What exactly is pushing people to become heroes so badly? Where are the threats that need to be stopped that made society invest so much in a hero training facility. The only 'villains' so far have been threatening the heroes themselves, not the general public.
As much as a parody/comedy show One Punch Man was, at least it got the superhero part right, and their heroes actually took part in taking out monsters that threatened the lives of innocent people.

Finish this season. Heroism is a concept that is brought up in episodes 16 & 17. That's where Stain comes in.
HACKs! 🤢🤮
Sep 28, 2017 5:26 AM

Feb 2015
mehmehperson said:
Finish this season. Heroism is a concept that is brought up in episodes 16 & 17. That's where Stain comes in.

Good, I'll continue watching. I'm not hating this series (it's pretty cool in places), just feel like it's not been taking advantage of its theme to this point.
Sep 28, 2017 5:54 AM
Mar 2012
The sports festival was extremely important to Bakugo. His pride and ego was absolutely crushed in Season 1, to the point where he views himself as inadequate and weak, he doesn't recognize his own efforts and thinks the people that are below him will surpass him. The sports festival was a way for him to see where he really stands and help him rebuild his ego.

Todoroki not going all out on Bakugo pissed him off on so many different levels.

1) The most understandable is that its not a true victory for Bakugo, I think most people, even on competitive ones can understand this.
2) The fact that Shouto used his power on Deku but not Bakugo. "Deku is good enough to use your fire power on but no me?".
3) This false victory robbed Bakugo of what he was truly after, finding his place among his peers and where he stands.

Bakugo at this point would have been more okay with a loss against Grape then a false victory against Shouto or anyone else.
Sep 30, 2017 8:26 AM

May 2012
Lovely conclusion to this event but damn those endings! Pretty good episode I must say, let's see what's next.
Oct 9, 2017 1:47 PM

Jan 2017
Baby Todoroki, so much tragedy, poor thing. I hope things will only get better with his mom, also hoping his dad doesn't butt in or harm her again :(

Lovely ending with everyone's family reunion, i hope Iida's brother survives and recovers properly T_T

Great episode.
SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

Oct 16, 2017 9:20 AM

May 2010
Welp the final battle in any tournament shouldn't be this disappointing :c But what can you do.

Shouto's mother is beautiful, I hope she and her son will be able to go through this trauma together.

Btw, that scene with Uraraka's parents might have been the best jumpscare I've seen in years xD It got me more than any other horror movie/series lol.
Oct 29, 2017 10:09 AM

Apr 2016
Bakugo face and reaction made my day , Imao
Nov 2, 2017 1:19 AM

Mar 2015
A slightly underwhelming final, but I guess it was necessary to kickstart even more character development that'll definitely pay off later!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Nov 10, 2017 3:19 PM
Aug 2012
I like the part where Bakugou used Fang Over Fang, but Akamaru wasn't there so it ended up just being Fang
The five anime you must watch before you die are Evangelion, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, The original Full Metal Alchemist, and Akira
Nov 15, 2017 12:02 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Bakugou is an irritating, immature imbecile. He knows nothing, understands nothing and is constantly enabled by staff and other young heroes. He'll get someone killed one day with his recklessness. I'd kick him out of the academy if he doesn't pipe down.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Nov 17, 2017 6:21 PM

May 2013
LOOOOLLLLLLLLLL @ Ochako's parents AHHAHAHHAHAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! XDDD they were creepy af xD I thought she got robbed, so that was totally unexpected lololol

Poor Ingenium and Iida-kun ;A; it's okay to lose.... esp against someone as strong as Stain >< no one is invincible D; I'm glad he didn't die though. Shows how tough he is ;^;

Looking forward to the naming. I bet "most" excludes Deku lol. He seems like the type to be unsure about what to call himself ;P
Nov 18, 2017 7:08 PM

Sep 2013
Damn, again not the ending I expected....but awesome nontheless!

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Dec 2, 2017 1:27 AM

Apr 2015
I'm expecting a villain attack next episode or the next next episode...
Dec 29, 2017 8:24 PM

Jul 2013
So we got the fight between Todoroki and Bakugou and as expected it was pretty intense from the first second on. It's sad that Todoroki is so unsure about if he should use his left half. And so the fight ended in favor for Bakugou. I knew that he would be angry about how he won because Todoroki didn't gave his best.

I had to laugh when they showed the shackled Bakugou :D
Nice gesture of All Might when he gave Tokoyami, Todoroki and Bakugou the medals.

I'm glad Iidas brother survived that attack of Stain, even if we don't know how bad his injuries really are. Like the doctor said 2 minutes later and he would been dead.

So with that the sportsfestival ended. I really liked it. All the different disciplines and the intense fights were awesome. I look forward to what next will happen even if I got a feeling about it.

Seems also like Todoroki visits his mother. I hope everything will go well for him.

Next episode looks nice. Our heros have to choose their names. :>

Feb 20, 2018 11:11 AM

Jan 2013
Why did the battle feel so underwhelming in the anime? I thought the manga version was way better
Mar 26, 2018 2:22 PM

Mar 2014
Shouto's character development is so interesting.

I freakin' lost it when Katsuki won but he had to be tied like Hannibal during the award ceremony. Baby boy. His character is so intense, fun and unique in a way.
Apr 4, 2018 9:40 AM
Dec 2014
Bakugou was annoying as usual.It might be funny seeing him angry a first time but after that it's just annoying.
Apr 6, 2018 5:14 AM
Jul 2018
Wow, I can't believe I put this season off for so long, it's awesome! I'm having a lot more fun watching this compared to season 1.
May 16, 2018 1:45 PM
Aug 2014
If you're always shouting I'm not going to listen to anything you have to say Bakugo.

And class-presidents brother isn't even dead?
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