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Monogatari Series: First Season
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Jun 5, 2017 12:23 PM

Aug 2008
So empty stills even in a movie. Oh Shaft, now you pretend it was intentional.

To be honest, I'm pretty disappointed. Kizumonogatrari was the one part of the series that I actually really wanted to see. From what I remember it was an all around decent read and teaser at the start of Bake made it look amazing.

Sadly, after half an hour I was already bored and tired. Too much CG, too much mixing RL backgrounds with some really weird design and animation and too much style shifting. Padding was also a glaring flaw. Seeing as they are making 3 movies out of such short novel reminding me of what happened to Hobbit but then again, LN are even shorter than that. I couldn't believe they changed finding Shinobu on a street into a scene that was dragging and dragging and dragging on.

Paradoxically it could be a great watch if it was made like Bake instead of Shaft showing off what they can do when they have time and milking last scraps of the series. It felt really pretentious. NGE symbolism level of pretentious. I had a really bad feeling when they made Araragi wear retarded hippie necklace like a twat and throw text in french on stills. You can't take seriously whatever happens after something like that.

It picked up towards the end but it was way too late to leave a good impression. Overall, it was disappointing and forgettable. Something that Kizu was supposed to be all but.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Jun 14, 2017 7:57 PM
Jun 2013
My only comment is on the CG, which is awful. Straight trash.
Jun 19, 2017 11:45 AM

Nov 2016
Good movie, the beginnig was extremely intense and I loved the use of the CGI in this one. Looked amazing for backrounds and stuff.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 9, 2017 5:26 AM
May 2012
didn't mind the cg, the animation was really good. though, i didn't like how his clothes aren't burning?
i want more adult kiss-shot!
Jul 16, 2017 9:27 AM

May 2012
I must say this is a great way to start the series, really interesting and catchy! If I didn't see the original series when they aired and started with this movie then I would totally be hooked as well!

Looking forward what the other two movies will have to offer to this ground laying basis of the Monogatari series!
Jul 29, 2017 11:23 AM

Jul 2008
I thought it was good, but it definitely was part one of three....haha. Nothing /really/ happened, but it was animated beautifully.

(Oh, also, why the hell would Araragi follow a trail of blood down into a subway in the middle of the night?)
Aug 5, 2017 5:37 PM

Dec 2015
I couldn't help but feel in awe immediately after watching the film. The art design and animation was absolutely incredible - similar to the Lupin 3rd movies. The use of cgi and detail was just orgasmic considering how it was relatively well-blended in. (no idea what those cucks are doing with Berserk)

That said, once the movie magic wears off it is apparent that 1 hour was an over-generous time slot for a plot that only should have taken 40 mins max. They didn't even follow the standard Monogatari theme; dialogue wasn't actually excessive. Rather that they focused too much on was the noir theme of the film -there were too many pan shots of the background/foreground + repetitive scenes to explain the time loop which left little room for character development. I know they spent a lot on the CGI but it was a little excessive.

40 minutes would have been perfect because nothing really happened for the other 20.
Aug 28, 2017 5:33 AM

Jun 2007
it was bad and slow as hell. nothing happened. totally overdone it with the boobs. the scene when he throws her body away and then she crawls is very disturbing. also when he passes nonchalantly near the crushed car. i consider such things to be a cheap move to 'impress' the viewer.... oh and dat CGI.
see you, space cowperson . . .
Sep 24, 2017 4:02 AM

Apr 2013
Wow Tsubasa seems so different in this prequel... her boobs are huge and her personality is kinda more cheerful? Also Araragi, smart move to just follow a blood trail without calling the police ^^ Also that's a true boob lover right here, he couldn't resist giving his own life so that the busty blonde woman would keep on living xD
That Oshino though, casually stopping three vampire hunters in their tracks :o Definitely an interesting first movie, even though best girl won't make an appearance in any of these movies :<
Sep 27, 2017 11:18 PM

Mar 2015
This was incredible to watch! Gotta love the way Shaft creates that atmosphere that is uniquely and unequivocally the Monogatari series.

Binging this trilogy will be fun!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Oct 2, 2017 11:38 AM

Apr 2016
Well, it was interesting because the plot always was commented in other series, but never we could watch, how Araragi how meet Kiss-shot and how end this hidden episode of the Araragi life!!!!

First film was nice ;)
Oct 29, 2017 11:45 AM

Jun 2015
The person who translated this movie was high. This was a very unbefitting translation of the monogatari series. I wish I had watched a better version.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Nov 13, 2017 7:58 AM

Jun 2016
I'm so speechless. Ohmygod. The visuals, the music, the animation. Fuck you, Shaft! The animation of Kizumono is so different from the other TV series, but ohmygod I immediately got used to it.

Pervert Araragi strikes again. Haha. Hanekawa's pantsu. Huehue. No wonder Araragi fell in love with Hanekawa since she's so nice to him and pretty much the only friend he made for a very long time. Hanekawa throughout their scene is so adorable especially when she waved good bye to Araragi. Hihi. Then, Araragi jumping so happy; lowkey fanboying there, Araragi-kun. Haha. So nice of Hanekawa to give Araragi her contact number and e-mail. Huehue. She's so cute I can't even.

Excuse me, but the whole subway scene was just ohmyfuckinggod so amazing. Kamiyan's acting skills is just. I felt that fear in his voice, maaan. Maaya as Kisshot is just ohmygod (I should stop saying ohmygod but I can't). When Kissshot started screaming and crying for help to Araragi, I was literally screaming at Araragi to fucking let her drink his blood. Waaaaah. Poor baby Kiss-shot. My heart can't take that scene. I don't want to see her crying like that again. ;-;

Glad Araragi decided to go back and let her drink his blood. Goddamn, Araragi. I love you. Let me say that he's so fucking handsome in this movie. Jesus. Of course, he'll hug Kiss-shot and put his face on her oppai. Hahaha. Pervert Araragi strikes again! When she licked his neck before she drinks his blood, that was hot. Ahndghaguhajn!

Noooo. Shinobu with her short hair. Haha. So kawaii! :D

The starting scene was so dope with Araragi on fire because he exposed himself to the sun. I thought he was gonna turn into ashes, since Kiss-shot's power is his power, too, he didn't. He'll just keep on burning then regenerate on the loop.

So, the reason why Kiss-shot was like THAT in the subway, she was attacked by those 3, and Episode was the only guy I recognized there. Glad Oshino is there to save him. BAD. ASS. I guess them three got nothing against Oshino. GOD. DAMN. And that's how Shinobu and Araragi met Oshino, though Oshino and Shinobu met beforehand.

This movie throughout is amazing. Ugh. So fucking amazing!
9.8/10 <3

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Oct 4, 2018 3:11 AM

May 2018
Wow, awesome first part of trilogy...
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Jan 1, 2019 4:30 PM

Jan 2014
For a movie, it was quite short. I don't know if the studio had a low budget but that art style is just hideous. It looks like I'm watching the looney tunes at times lol. The animation is not as good as the TV series imo. There are times where it looks stunningly good, but most of the time it just looks dirt cheap.

But ignoring everything else, the story is very interesting 7/10
renzbiohazardJan 1, 2019 4:34 PM
Recommend me an anime
Jan 22, 2019 3:18 AM

Sep 2010
Not too bad. Definitely slow, but catches your interest as it goes along.
Jan 25, 2019 3:40 AM
Oct 2017
This movie is soooo overrated..
Feb 2, 2019 3:04 AM

Aug 2017
First of all, the animation is amazing. Good good Shaft!

About the movie, a lot of inner monologues of Araragi aren't here but I like that they used another method to express his feelings. So, Shinobu's real name is Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade lol.

7/10 for the movie.

BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 1, 2019 3:52 PM
Apr 2016
This was aesthetically pleasing, really beautiful animation & artstyle, was so great for the eyes. Story seems decent so far. Time for part 2!
Mar 29, 2019 4:56 PM
Aug 2018
8 minutes in and we already got boobie wobbling and a full frontal pantyshot of Hanekawa. The author sure likes to play around with some nudity, huh?

And did her breasts shrink between Kizu and Bake? She was busty in Bake, but isn't this a little bit too much?

And just a random question.
What would you do when you found bloodsplatters in a subwaystation that are large enough to cover walls? I would call the police and get out of there as fast as possible, even if there was a magical blackout outside.

And the place where he finds Shinobu looks totally different than the place we saw in Bake.

After running away in the subwaystation, why does Araragi say "It's all my fault."? That Shinobu started sobbing like a baby?
And why did he go back to her? This doesn't seem like a logic thing to do..
We saw in Bake that he has a tendency to help people, but why help a vampire that wants to suck out your blood?

He give himself the blame for her situation, lets her suck him dry, prepared to die, but doesn't want to be a vampire? He rather gambled on his belief that he would be reincarnated as a human after his death and thus is disappointed?
tr25a3Mar 29, 2019 5:57 PM
Apr 6, 2019 5:25 PM

Jan 2013
First thought; - DAMN that animation!
Also now I get the episode in Koyomimonogatari where he deliberately climbed the side of the school building to make sure the roofs are more secure for other people ^^
Well thats one way to make a friend!
Also gotta love that they actually showed the car crash eventually, must've crashed because of Hanekawa's pantsuu~
Seems we now know how Ararararagi came to be such a pervert, it was all Hanekawa's fault for showing her panties.
Arararararagi throwing Shinobu like that ... come on ... D:
I'm curious to know how Shinobu came to be in that situation actually.
The timer that we saw with Araragi laying on the floor was actually his age, 18 years - That was kinda cool ^^
The scene with Shinobu carrying Arararagi was really cool.
Awwwwwwwwwwww Shinobu getting pat on the head :3
Oh never mind ... seems we found out how Kiss-Shot came to be amputated in the train station.
Oshino looked so badass just going to Araragi.
Quite the sum to pay back!

Damn ... so this is how it starts huh (aside from Shinobu's past)
Amazing start honestly, they made their meeting really intense and interesting.
I just love how well they made this movie look, it looks absolutely beautiful.
We see Araragi's character get more and more to the one we're used to, the teasing pervert we got to know in other adaptations ^^

9/10 from me.
PrOxAntoApr 6, 2019 5:31 PM
May 19, 2019 7:04 PM

Feb 2012
I waited so long to see this movie because I wanted to read the novel first, and I found out that was a mistake. While I could see some arguments for this movie having merits on its own, it was an incredibly terrible adaptation. I'm amazed that they made a movie that didn't even reach the better parts of the novel I thought they would reach.

The main problem with this adaptation is that it loses what makes the Monogatari franchise work. Nisio Isin has made his success with creative and fun dialogue combined with legitimately effective twists. He usually hides the twists by providing a great deal of banter that you only figure out was important after the twist was revealed. This movie proved that the visuals can not come close to replacing the written or spoken word in conveying information. It's difficult to decipher what what director is exactly going for in certain scenes, and what is given loses much of what made the story captivating in the novel. For example, the movie doesn't explain why Araragi decided to let Kiss-shot take his blood. This lack of explanation is more baffling due to the fact that the anime was able to do exactly that in the Mayoi Maimai arc.
May 28, 2019 8:24 AM

Dec 2018
Hanekawa calling Araragi as a stalker,lol, look who's talking. While Araragi explained his reason, Hanekawa haven't explained her reason yet. Moreover Hanekawa have good scored, thus she's famous, while Araragi, no.

Haven't got an explanation who is the alien friend yet.

I thought KSAOHUB is 400 years old. Yet in here she said she was 500 years old. I hope this was just a subtitle mistake.

Oh man, they skipped Meme fight again. They never showed how Meme fight so far. Prolly the next sequel they'll show it.

Meme as a mediator, eh? Ougi said that she had the same motive though.
Kish0May 28, 2019 8:34 AM
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Jun 2, 2019 7:21 PM

Sep 2017
I enjoyed this significantly more than Bakemonogatari, and that's saying quite a bit because I enjoyed that a decent amount. The animation in this film was excellent, and I love how it answered a ton of questions I had about Bakemonogatari. Shinobu, or Heart-under-blade-chan, is a great character, and I enjoy seeing her go back and forth with Araragi. We also got to see more of Meme, which is impossible to be a bad thing. Hanekawa appearing for a bit was nice too. For such a relatively short runtime, at only a little over 100 minutes, it felt like a lot happened, which is awesome. The pacing was excellent. If I had to complain about something, and this is basically a nitpick, I didn't enjoy the ecchi aspects of Hanekawa's character too much, but that's just because I'm not a big fan of ecchi. It wasn't enough to make me dislike any scenes with her or anything. I also kinda want to know why Araragi and Shinobu's clothes don't burn when they were on fire, but I'm hoping they will answer that eventually so I'm not counting that as a flaw of the movie. 9/10, great movie. Considering the trilogy seems to get significantly better as it progresses, I'm extremely excited to see where this goes!

GytanzoJun 29, 2019 7:55 PM
Jun 28, 2019 5:16 PM

May 2015
Stunning visuals, as expected but even more so. Loved all the details, facial expressions and style variations that brought out certain emotions.
Overall, much more enjoyable watch than Bakemonogatari. The story turned out to be really interesting and not something I've expected from this prequel. Also, I really liked Araragi here, he was a fine character in Bakemonogatari too but here, it felt like we got the introduction he truly deserved.

At times like this, I wish there'd be a half-point system, solid 8.5/10.
Jul 15, 2019 6:32 AM
Jul 2018
and that's how Araragi became a lolicon
Jul 28, 2019 10:22 AM

Dec 2016
Just straight up greatness, can't wait to watch the other two movies
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 8, 2019 1:24 AM

May 2015
What a fucking masterpiece 10/10
Visually, the most stunning cinematography work I've ever seen.
All my senses orgasmed while watching this.
Of course the best anime movie I've watched. I'm sure the other 2 will be just as good. Can't wait to watch them.
Nov 25, 2019 1:52 PM
Oct 2019
This Movie is Unlike Other Anime
I have seen
Nov 25, 2019 1:52 PM
Oct 2019
This Movie is Unlike Other Anime
I have seen
Jan 23, 2020 3:07 PM

Mar 2018
I watched this only because it was on Netflix recommended it and I still wonder why because I didn't like it at all. Don't know the show, manga etc. I liked the beginning but things went downhill for me when he met the girl with the huge boobs and the slowmo panty show. It got a thumbs down from me and I hope the algorithm know better now then to recommend shows and movies like these.
Jan 30, 2020 2:59 PM

May 2014
This was a good ep. Tsubasa first encountering was good, especially the skirt scenes was extraordinary That must be one of the best ecchi scenes so far in the series. I loved the animation. It was quite unique and very different from the prequel, Bakemonogatari, especially the animation. Since it's movies, more effort is putten in the animation and that was seen throughout the movie. Poor Araragi, since day 1 he had no rest. Being traumatized seeing Shinbou (or better known as Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade) without limbs must have been horrific, but to the viewers (at least me) that was hilarious scene. Hahah. They did a good job with making it really gore. Looks like even from the start he was a kindhearted man and that paid off for him.

Three oddities has Shibou's limbs and she wants them back to gain full power. By doing so Araragi can go back being human. From the prequel we know
. Interesting to see how they are going to negotiate with this trio. Gonna be hard and probably a big fight will be the outcome.

Can't wait watching the sequel. All in all, this movie was a good 7/9. All from it's animation to music, to it's character developement.
mangalicker94Jan 30, 2020 3:05 PM
Jan 30, 2020 3:07 PM

May 2014
huntress1013 said:
I watched this only because it was on Netflix recommended it and I still wonder why because I didn't like it at all. Don't know the show, manga etc. I liked the beginning but things went downhill for me when he met the girl with the huge boobs and the slowmo panty show. It got a thumbs down from me and I hope the algorithm know better now then to recommend shows and movies like these.

You need to watch it in a (releasing is recommended) order to get full joy. Click at my banner/signature to know more. :)
Jan 30, 2020 3:09 PM

May 2014
baphometh said:
Got round to watching this, finally. Pretty good, only one thing confused me though;
Why did Araragi willingly save Kiss-shot, someone who he had only just met, even though he knew he would die? I haven't read the novels so idk if I'm missing something, but it seemed incredibly dumb. There was no reason for him to.

Plot armor? From the prequel we know
. This is seen throughout Bakemonogatari.
Jan 30, 2020 3:10 PM

May 2014
Gythia said:
and that's how Araragi became a lolicon

Well, he had his sisters before this event. Won't go into further details because that will spoil.
Jan 30, 2020 3:14 PM

May 2014
PrOxAnto said:
"....Also gotta love that they actually showed the car crash eventually, must've crashed because of Hanekawa's pantsuu~...

This series love the use of symbolism. To me, as I interpret it, it looked more like the car crash was an metaphor for how stunned Araragi was when he saw dat pantsuus. In other words, the crash is aka. how excited Araragi was in that moment. But hey, I could be wrong.
Feb 6, 2020 9:50 AM
Jan 2018
ok apart from the visuals and artistic expression they did in this there where a lot of things that i felt where unnecessary and a few things that should have been touched upon,

in the LN he meets kiss shot under a lamp post at night in the street or ally while hes walking by but here we see him following a path of blood into the subway which i thought was unnecessary and stupid change and makes less sense,

even though you could see a lot of things due to araragi expressions which i think they did really well with i think they should have added at least a bit of inner monologue to the part where he seems to be stuck in place due to fear,

other scenes i think they should have added at least a brief bit of monologue for why he decides to help kiss shot from what i could get from the LN is that he thinks his life is worthless and doesn't really value his own life and thought that the world and no one would care if he died and the reasons why he saves kisshot is because he sees her as a higher being . when i get the time i will post the page of the LN,

there is a scene in the LN where araragi questions if kissshot is telling him the truth or lying to get him to obey her
Mattinator95Feb 19, 2020 6:46 AM
Feb 19, 2020 6:25 AM
Jan 2018
mangalicker94 said:
baphometh said:
Got round to watching this, finally. Pretty good, only one thing confused me though;
Why did Araragi willingly save Kiss-shot, someone who he had only just met, even though he knew he would die? I haven't read the novels so idk if I'm missing something, but it seemed incredibly dumb. There was no reason for him to.

Plot armor? From the prequel we know
. This is seen throughout Bakemonogatari.

i think thats only because the events that happen here in kizu is what makes him who he is in bake
Mar 22, 2020 8:51 AM

Mar 2019
Ehh, it was okay. Not much really happened. I'm hoping the other 2 films are better.
I jumped into this one right after Bakemonogatari, so mabye this isn't the right place to ask this but... what on earth happened to Hanekawa?! I mean, she's always had fairly big breasts but this is just disgusting. I didn't like what they did to characters' skin either. It looked weirdly shiny for some reason.
I'm also not sure why Araragi followed the blood trail. He was basically asking to be killed there. Unless it has something to do with vampiric powers like the charm ability mentioned in Bakemonogatari. I doubt it, though.
May 1, 2020 8:11 PM

Jan 2019
I find it fascinating people are willing to give this a 10/10 so easily. For me, it doesn't seem to capture the psychological thrills I associate with the series- and I imagine that's simply because this is only the first movie in a trilogy.

I appreciate the quality of the art, of course, but it doesn't seem like a massive upgrade over the televised anime- with the exception of the backgrounds and a few stylistically impressive scenes. Obviously it is an upgrade, it would be foolish to say its not- but it doesn't blow me away like how I thought it would.

Overall for me this feels like an 8/10- but an 8/10 that hopefully sets the stage for the next two to blow me away.
aplacebeyondMALMay 1, 2020 8:31 PM
May 16, 2020 9:29 AM

Aug 2018
My first watch from Gatari series.. I could go any way, like choose first by date or something.. But eh, just decided this time to go to prequel->prequel->prequel, until I'm here.. So kinda first series then?.. At least by MAL, and at this point of time (cause maybe more prequels will come out in the future).. But anyway.. Let's see, how is this series.. ;P
Well, MC looks very anxious.. If not panicking..
Ok, no idea, what happened, some kind of vampire plot, with burning in the end?..
Hanekawa and Araragi know a lot about each other, it seems.. ;p Quite a coincidence.. Wonder, if they are actually interested in each other.. Also Hanekawa is smart girl?.. At least in grades..
I think I like Hanekawa's and Araragi's talk.. They talk about lots of things.. About rumors, about wonders of paranormal, about topic of friendship.. And just enjoying the view, which is drawn nicely.. That is a good time together for them..
Though, at the same time they're different in some topics.. Like that friendship one.. Or studying one.. Still Hanekawa is interested in him, and trusting him, and playful with him, it seems.. He's alright, I guess, in his responses, but only alright, it feels.. Like you can take these his comments about being jealous of friends' happiness or not wanting to study as being honest and open about himself.. On the other hand, doesn't he want to change some things?.. Or not reject her invitation to study together?.. So yeah.. Hanekawa being playful and asking about topics and proposing to study is nice.. But MC could answer back more, I personally feel..
That scene with vampire woman is intense.. And I can understand Araragi freaking the fuck out, running away, but in the end agreeing to save her and returning..
Well, this vampire relationship is interesting.. What is she even doing all those 500 years or something, by the way?.. I'm a bit surprised this question was omitted.. She doesn't fight hunters all the time, does she?.. Vampire also has some kind of life, no?.. So how is that life?.. What is it about?..
Menacing person with the name Meme.. Ok.. ;P
Around 20k dollars for his help?.. Isn't it a bit more serious issue?.. Like a life and death issue?.. He's not asking for too much, really.. You can pay off something like that in 2 years freely.. It's not even asking a price of a house or anything.. Also, I don't really believe he is interested in money really..?
Well, how do I feel overall about my first entry in Gataris series?.. Well, I am interested in Araragi's and Hanekawa's, as well as with Heart-under-blade's relationships.. Seems, her name is Shinobu, by what characters names are on MAL.. I'll call her that, no chance I'll remember her long name.. So anyway.. These relationships have potential, but they might as well go nowhere.. It depends, I guess, what they'll decide to do with them.. Have to see more.. But would like to see more.. I would like more Araragi's role with Hanekawa, though.. Well, it seems that some kind of save incoming.. And more things should be uncovered in situation with Shinobu.. But she might as well just remain mystery for now.. Which is fine, but mystery for sake of mystery isn't enough for me personally.. I'd prefer to see more about her actual life..
Speaking about story - story is surprisingly interesting.. Some powers in the world or something is alright, I guess, but what interests me personally more, really.. Is how Shinobu living her life.. Which life would lead Araragi, if he'd remain a vampire.. Seeing slice of life stuff in here would be nice.. ;P Not sure we'll get it, though, maybe it won't be center of the show..
Overall, for now - some interesting things.. But would like to see more.. Will give it high score for now, will see more, and keep it like that, or rerate.. ;p
May 20, 2020 10:35 PM

Aug 2019
bout God damn time i started Kizu. Honestly was holding back on it until my withdrawal from the monogatari series was at its peak and i was actually gonna snap, which was gonna be any minute about an hour ago before i managed to load up the Kizu movies.
Right first, idk what about it but the art style seems slightly different then usual and i personally love it. Seems to have this warm vibrant tint over it which (personally) i fucking love. idk why it kinda makes everything, such as characters, look more human and adds this extra layer of, realism? i guess. I mean overall art style looks very SHAFT like which i have been missing since i finished Zoku, the way characters interact and move along with the different black/red scenes oh i've missed it. Honestly wish the warm red tint was originally put on the rest of the monogatari anime xD
Background scenes are, ooooooooow fucking amazing. I'm pretty sure (correct if wrong) they used real life images for the majority of them but don't get me wrong i think so far they've done an amazing bloody job. Scenes like araragi facing off between the 3 vampire hunters (the orange/yellow colour being the main lighting aswell as the amazing industrial background was amazing) and the intro scene to the movie ( the view of the city aswell as the overall detail to the cramp school was good), are all soooo bloody good. However scenes such as araragi's watch being in view, it looks kinda obvious and awkward to have an animation and a real life object attached to it and the tracking felt extremely off.
Story wise makes sense, anyone who has run through the monogatari anime series (in release date order) knows about a certain spring break that gets hinted and hyped a lot, but finally happy to see the origin and way more fucking Kiss-shot screen time. Sadly though the monologue's araragi usually has with himself seems to be toned down? Like moments i'd expect him to tell us whats running through his mind is not there? eh nothing to bug i could probably live with it.
rn pumped to watch the 2nd and 3rd movie
May 29, 2020 8:28 AM

Sep 2017
Just finished it, and gawsh it was amazing !

Amazing animation (I really like the CGI too), the whole subway scene was spectacular and sent shivers down my spine
I think I'll really enjoy this trilogy
Aug 11, 2020 11:07 PM
Mar 2018
this was pretty good. the loli vampire girl very cute. meme dude was pretty badass. looking forward to part 2 and 3.

Sep 6, 2020 12:42 PM

Aug 2020
Although background and characters do not match, I like the animation style and some scenes were really tense. Story seems to be interesting so far. I unfortunately made the mistake to watch Kizu before Bake, so I'm a bit scared having the context could ruin my Bake experience haha. As a standalone movie Kizu was pretty good tho, it definitely got me interested in the Monotagari-franchise.
Sep 19, 2020 4:38 PM

Jun 2020
Well that was some god tier animation there, I like how they connect the Japanese places with animations, I also like how they changed how the looks of Araragi, Shinobu and Hanekawa the same as Oshino.

And it's been a while since I've seen Oshino and the way he make his entrance scene was so badass and the three look good too the animation on where Episode flip his cross was so amazing.

The story in this series was also interesting this was what happened on Araragi at first the looks of Shinobu was also cute, Araragi also look so damn badass I really like how they did it on Araragi when the wind was blowing on Araragi hair looks cool on Araragi and on Hanekawa she was cute it was very cute when she did that cute face.

Overall my rating will be 8/10 it was very good I really enjoyed it.
Oct 29, 2020 12:14 PM
Dec 18, 2020 6:29 AM
Apr 2020
Wow what a great first part! We finally witnessed how Araragi, Shinobu and Otoshi met each other and the 3 vamp slayers. They perfectly manage to introduce the characters. The OSTs fits perfectly, too :D

The god tier animation takes on a whole different level! It's so different than the TV version. Perfect in every way!

Good job on this, Shaft! I'll give this a 9/10 rate. Time to watch the second one :)
Jan 9, 2021 2:57 PM
Jul 2018
A fantastic entry into the monogatari series. I really commend the animators of the film for the sheer attention to detail in some shots. Truly a great film
Feb 2, 2021 6:35 AM

Oct 2016
That was fucking awesome! I swore my loyalty to Senjougahara but, Tsubasa is...too...fucking...adorable. All I need to see is Tsubasa au au-ing like Hanyu then she'll be perfect lmao.

It's cool to see Shinobu's personality since she was just quiet in Bakemonogatari. I understand now why a lot of people loves her and I can see myself becoming one of those people lmao.

Overall that was basically just a whole setup for what's to come, in the next 2 parts. And that was a great ass setup. 8.5/10

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