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Feb 22, 1:21 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to Unknown_Guy100
portajohn said:
So there's a chimera ant arc? Hunter x Hunter did it better. This is series is definitely nice to look at, but it has that same dumb ego masturbatory plot that plagues three quarters the crap that comes out this paste decade. Every MC is OP and the story is just reactions to the power. It got boring a while ago.

It's way deeper than season 3 and then say this.... Season 3 will have so many new things and don't compare this to hunter hunter....they are not same in the least....Solo leveling is not a shonen
@Unknown_Guy100 If you need to ask someone to watch 3 seasons so the "story gets good" then it's not a good story.

Also, yeah, they are not the same. SL is the quintessencial and tired korean power fantasy, more akin to isekai slop than a shounen per se.
Waifus only represent ideals
Feb 22, 1:24 PM
Apr 2014
Reply to CorbanEsp
@Unknown_Guy100 If you need to ask someone to watch 3 seasons so the "story gets good" then it's not a good story.

Also, yeah, they are not the same. SL is the quintessencial and tired korean power fantasy, more akin to isekai slop than a shounen per se.
@CorbanEsp I initially really disliked Chimera ant arc in HxH (I mean who likes mindless villains who are just animals essentially?), but it got good with the time.
Does it mean HxH Chimera arc is bad and I should've dropped it?
Feb 22, 1:34 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to CorbanEsp
@Unknown_Guy100 If you need to ask someone to watch 3 seasons so the "story gets good" then it's not a good story.

Also, yeah, they are not the same. SL is the quintessencial and tired korean power fantasy, more akin to isekai slop than a shounen per se.
CorbanEsp said:
If you need to ask someone to watch 3 seasons so the "story gets good" then it's not a good story.

He didn't say you have to watch 3 seasons before it gets good.
What he meant was that the main story hasn't even started yet.
The first 2 seasons are just the 'tutorial' part to get thing up to speed.
Feb 22, 1:35 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to lessfull
@CorbanEsp I initially really disliked Chimera ant arc in HxH (I mean who likes mindless villains who are just animals essentially?), but it got good with the time.
Does it mean HxH Chimera arc is bad and I should've dropped it?
@lessfull Good way to circumvent what I said.
You initially disliked an arc that was how much, 140 chapters in?

If you are that many chapters in that means that you got hooked by the story.
If you, at that point, still were reading it without a semblance of story or disliking the story, yeah, you should have dropped it way before that.

What you are asking him is to watch 3 seasons of the anime to start enjoying some kind of story here, because let's be honest, not much has happenned in 20 episodes, just hints that there might be some story someplace. Today's Esil convo both advanced the plot and set up misteries than the entirety of S1.

I'm here for the power fantasy, I read intermitently SL a few years back so I know what I'm here for.
Just, please, the same way the OP fans, for some fucking reason, think that is reasonable to say that you need to watch until Arabasta to start enjoying one piece, don't try to sell me that the story gets good way after the sunken cost fallacy is in full effect.
A good story catches you in less than 3 eps, 5 if it is a slow burn, and I'm far from being alone on this since the three rule episode has been a thing for as long as I've been watching anime and more.
Waifus only represent ideals
Feb 22, 1:40 PM

Apr 2013
good animation and adaptation, but A1 cutting a bit too much and direction is iffy at times ngl
Feb 22, 1:42 PM
Jan 2018
insane animation
Feb 22, 1:43 PM
Feb 2021
Insane visuals and great cinematogrophy
Feb 22, 1:47 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The animation level is insane for a tv series.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 22, 1:49 PM

Oct 2020
Weird That the assistant was blabbering as Ryuji was talking, moreover her voice wasn't their either, of anybody noticed that.
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠
Feb 22, 2:07 PM

Apr 2012
"LET ME SUCK YOUR DICK NOW PLEASE UWU!!1" is what I heard during half the episode. >_> Ffs, it's Kirito all over again.

Two things that really irked me this episode, though:

1.) So we're in the final part of season 2, and THREE monsters were capable of speech? That's just bs. And so convenient that the hot girl is one of them. I totally don't understand the overall structure anyway now: So this place that Jinwoo was attacking, is the REGULAR world of these demon elves? Is that where they live and such? Because it certainly didn't look like a place where anyone would live. And also, do all monsters come from the same fantasy-world or is this a case of countless worlds being united in one "challenge world"?

2.) "I don't even have time to use a magic potion" - bitch, pls. You can grab a potion, drink it, and will have 100% power again. You will find a moment for this all-deciding advantage. Come on ...

As for the ants, why is South Korea only asking Japan? I thought these ants are an international threat, so shouldn't China, the USA, Europe, everyone join? Or are there more places like this island in other regions of the world? Weird.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Feb 22, 2:08 PM
Nov 2024
CorbanEsp said:
@Unknown_Guy100 If you need to ask someone to watch 3 seasons so the "story gets good" then it's not a good story.

Also, yeah, they are not the same. SL is the quintessencial and tired korean power fantasy, more akin to isekai slop than a shounen per se.

I mean...the story is building up...we have alot of Mysteries related to the system, his dad, how he knows about shadow abilities, who is controlling the monsters....i think there are alot of elements...which people ignore and just say it's a bad story....when I say season 3 will have good that I just mean that we will get the answers to all the mysteries....not that the story is bad right now's just in its development phase...that's it....
And if you just want to be a hater...then don't watch it...why do you people come to these forums?? if you don't like the anime....?? Just drop it....If i don't like an anime ...i just drop it...what's the point in arguing.....We just have different preferences uk....
I hope u don't take this message in the negative way...
Unknown_Guy100Feb 22, 2:12 PM
Why are the ratings so it that bad.... because personally I am enjoying the's fun... Action is good and all but I love the charecter interactions...
Feb 22, 2:11 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to Unknown_Guy100
portajohn said:
So there's a chimera ant arc? Hunter x Hunter did it better. This is series is definitely nice to look at, but it has that same dumb ego masturbatory plot that plagues three quarters the crap that comes out this paste decade. Every MC is OP and the story is just reactions to the power. It got boring a while ago.

It's way deeper than season 3 and then say this.... Season 3 will have so many new things and don't compare this to hunter hunter....they are not same in the least....Solo leveling is not a shonen

You didn't just imply that Solo Leveling is "deeper" than HXH, did you? And HXH isn't shounen either. Like, between the two shows, HXH is for adults, Solo Leveling is for 14yo edgelord kiddies.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Feb 22, 2:18 PM
Nov 2024
MyllerPhiem said:

You didn't just imply that Solo Leveling is "deeper" than HXH, did you? And HXH isn't shounen either. Like, between the two shows, HXH is for adults, Solo Leveling is for 14yo edgelord kiddies.

What are u even saying 😂....hunter hunter is the best Shonen anime....first thing.....and ya who said it's not shonen??....
And Solo leveling is rated R....u are saying it's for 14year old's...that's insane.....and if I had to say, Hunter x hunter is probably for younger audience than solo leveling....and there is nothing wrong with it doesn't matter what age u are....we all watch anime to watch anything u enjoy that's it....
People like u think that u are very smart ....that u don't watch solo leveling and say it's for kids but honestly this only shows how immature u are .....If u don't like an anime genuinely...don't watch it....but stop this 'its for kids' crap...
Why are the ratings so it that bad.... because personally I am enjoying the's fun... Action is good and all but I love the charecter interactions...
Feb 22, 2:28 PM
Feb 2023
Anayan_Kashyap said:
Weird That the assistant was blabbering as Ryuji was talking, moreover her voice wasn't their either, of anybody noticed that.

She is the translator… That’s what it implies. I hope you understand or if you were satire, then cool
Feb 22, 2:31 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to MyllerPhiem
"LET ME SUCK YOUR DICK NOW PLEASE UWU!!1" is what I heard during half the episode. >_> Ffs, it's Kirito all over again.

Two things that really irked me this episode, though:

1.) So we're in the final part of season 2, and THREE monsters were capable of speech? That's just bs. And so convenient that the hot girl is one of them. I totally don't understand the overall structure anyway now: So this place that Jinwoo was attacking, is the REGULAR world of these demon elves? Is that where they live and such? Because it certainly didn't look like a place where anyone would live. And also, do all monsters come from the same fantasy-world or is this a case of countless worlds being united in one "challenge world"?

2.) "I don't even have time to use a magic potion" - bitch, pls. You can grab a potion, drink it, and will have 100% power again. You will find a moment for this all-deciding advantage. Come on ...

As for the ants, why is South Korea only asking Japan? I thought these ants are an international threat, so shouldn't China, the USA, Europe, everyone join? Or are there more places like this island in other regions of the world? Weird.
MyllerPhiem said:
1.) So we're in the final part of season 2, and THREE monsters were capable of speech? That's just bs. And so convenient that the hot girl is one of them. I totally don't understand the overall structure anyway now: So this place that Jinwoo was attacking, is the REGULAR world of these demon elves? Is that where they live and such? Because it certainly didn't look like a place where anyone would live. And also, do all monsters come from the same fantasy-world or is this a case of countless worlds being united in one "challenge world"?

2.) "I don't even have time to use a magic potion" - bitch, pls. You can grab a potion, drink it, and will have 100% power again. You will find a moment for this all-deciding advantage. Come on ...

As for the ants, why is South Korea only asking Japan? I thought these ants are an international threat, so shouldn't China, the USA, Europe, everyone join? Or are there more places like this island in other regions of the world? Weird.

Monsters can speak and they have their own language. Jinwoo can understand them because the System translates for him.
Also Esil is a pure blood demon. Royal demons are different from the common mindless ones.

Monsters have their own worlds. Someone took them from their homeland and placed them inside these gates for some purpose.

Baran wasn't letting him replenish his mana with potions. Jinwoo wanted to finish the fight instead of dragging it out because it looked like Baran wasn't using mana to summon demons and for his lightning attacks. So there was no point in trying to tire him out.

Why Japan wants to work with South Korea to exterminate the ants will be revealed in the coming episodes. There's a reason they're not asking other countries for help.
They cut out a scene, but a hunter from the USA was willing to help for the right price. It's uncertain if Korea could afford him. Then Japan showed up with their own plans so he wasn't called back.
Feb 22, 2:32 PM

Aug 2020
once again it was wonderful

can we say more about the animation...

and i really like the discussion with the girl or the father

the charisma,wow

Jinwoo really have my respect...
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Feb 22, 2:38 PM

Apr 2023
Esil saved JinWoo's ass at just the right moment!
This past week I've only heard good things about her, I think if it's possible for her to have his child, she should go for it! 😏

Absolute Peak Leveling ✋😐🤚
Shaka-bunFeb 22, 6:17 PM
Feb 22, 2:48 PM
Apr 2020
Feb 22, 2:57 PM
May 2021
Yhh too much aura this ep 🔥 goes to hard
Feb 22, 3:00 PM
Jan 2025
Jagerschnapps said:
Ah, yes a new fodders for the shadow army.

I like how reasonable Esil's father is. He did not only give away the item without a fight but also he didn't make any funny tricks or try to deceive Jinwoo.

Those two armies facing off & clashing with each other looks good... (Esp the duel of those two lords)

baran can't be extracted
Feb 22, 3:05 PM
Apr 2022
Feb 22, 3:23 PM
Jan 2017
This is the best anime of all time.
Feb 22, 3:25 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to Unknown_Guy100
MyllerPhiem said:

You didn't just imply that Solo Leveling is "deeper" than HXH, did you? And HXH isn't shounen either. Like, between the two shows, HXH is for adults, Solo Leveling is for 14yo edgelord kiddies.

What are u even saying 😂....hunter hunter is the best Shonen anime....first thing.....and ya who said it's not shonen??....
And Solo leveling is rated R....u are saying it's for 14year old's...that's insane.....and if I had to say, Hunter x hunter is probably for younger audience than solo leveling....and there is nothing wrong with it doesn't matter what age u are....we all watch anime to watch anything u enjoy that's it....
People like u think that u are very smart ....that u don't watch solo leveling and say it's for kids but honestly this only shows how immature u are .....If u don't like an anime genuinely...don't watch it....but stop this 'its for kids' crap...
@Unknown_Guy100 This is bait and trolling and whatnot.

What the FUCK makes Solo Leveling more mature than HXH?

I refuse to believe that you're older than 14.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Feb 22, 3:28 PM
Jan 2016
The animation is great!! I got hyped for the season finale 100%
Feb 22, 3:29 PM
Feb 2013
Esil is super wife material, take her home man ;_;
Feb 22, 3:46 PM
Nov 2010
A-1 handling business. All the episodes always end so quickly. Can't wait for the Jeju Island Arc.
Feb 22, 4:00 PM
Oct 2022
Sung Jinwoo faces a lot of things, but thanks to his powers of an S-Rank Hunter, he will have no big troubles.

A collaboration between Korea and Japan sounds good, if they plan to go on Jeju Island.
Feb 22, 4:11 PM
Oct 2019
Fun the fight, it was very excited, I am very anxious for the fight against Beru
Feb 22, 4:21 PM

Jan 2008
ehhh weakest episode for me
Fights were cool but a little too fast paced.
Plot wasn't focused enough.
Didn't like the introduction of Esil. Design was fine but I absolutely despised that Jinwoo didn't just kill her because it had one my hated tropes, "oh no this enemy is a girl lets spare her." Really wish he had killed her.
Not to mention Cha continues to be a waste of time despite being S rank.
Hopefully next episode gets back on track and Esil dies and gets revived as a minion for Jinwoo instead of subpar waifu bait.
UberBatFeb 22, 4:26 PM
Feb 22, 4:29 PM
Oct 2022
Pure Cinema 🔥 Pure Cinema 🔥 Pure Cinema 🔥
Feb 22, 4:37 PM
Oct 2017

Esil - "Why did you choose to spare my family?"

Jin Woo - "Because I like you."

That scene got me😂

Jin Woo also says he works well with people who have a screw lose (Mentions Esil and Jinho) but he just is too oblivious to realize that they like him and thats why they act "crazy"😂

As for the fight scene, it was EPIC!!! Not to mention, it was raining during the fight which as we all know make fight scenes EVEN MORE EPIC!!! Something interesting about the fight though is Jin Woo was actually going to lose if it wasn't for Esil stepping in and distracting Baran by throwing her weapon at him. Good thing she decided to come along and good thing Jin Woo agreed and didn't make her go back to her castle.

Speaking of Esil, "⚠️NOTIFICATION - You have acquired a new waifu, Esil." ESIL IS SO CUTE!!! I was reading forum posts from last weeks episode and everyone kept saying best girl was getting introduced this episode so I was waiting to see for myself. That said, I am sure there are a ton of other waifus that will be shown as the series continues so I can't say she is the best girl yet but she is definitely a contender!

Overall, I really enjoyed the episode and we shall see next episode if Jin Woo can create the Elixir of Life to cure him mom!
My Candies:
Feb 22, 4:40 PM
Sep 2017
It's too short😢
Feb 22, 4:43 PM
Jun 2012
Entering our new heroine

Yes, Jinwoo.

That is indeed an elf waifu. (Vampire Elf)

She is a bit... Timid? 🤔

Channeling her inner Marcille Donato. For real from the very start.

As Jinwoo channels his inner Saitama for that OTKO.

Complete with the Blizzard Group's typical play-by-play during the fight.

Alongside her typical expressions of identity and correction of his nonchalant mannerisms.

I like where this One Punch Solo Leveling is going. This is a good direction for the series.
Feb 22, 4:45 PM
Jan 2017
é uma pena só 1 eps por semana bom demais
Feb 22, 5:05 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to Unknown_Guy100
CorbanEsp said:
@Unknown_Guy100 If you need to ask someone to watch 3 seasons so the "story gets good" then it's not a good story.

Also, yeah, they are not the same. SL is the quintessencial and tired korean power fantasy, more akin to isekai slop than a shounen per se.

I mean...the story is building up...we have alot of Mysteries related to the system, his dad, how he knows about shadow abilities, who is controlling the monsters....i think there are alot of elements...which people ignore and just say it's a bad story....when I say season 3 will have good that I just mean that we will get the answers to all the mysteries....not that the story is bad right now's just in its development phase...that's it....
And if you just want to be a hater...then don't watch it...why do you people come to these forums?? if you don't like the anime....?? Just drop it....If i don't like an anime ...i just drop it...what's the point in arguing.....We just have different preferences uk....
I hope u don't take this message in the negative way...
@Unknown_Guy100 Seems you skipped one of my lines

I'm here for the power fantasy, I read intermitently SL a few years back so I know what I'm here for.

I know what I'm getting myself into, and thus I'm not hating.
It just rubs me the wrong way since forever when people try to defend X media by asking others to sunk an (imo) eggregious amount of time.

"This anime gets better in ep 80"
"This game gets better after 10 hours"
"This saga starts getting interesting in book 3"

Things like that asks a lot from people.
Waifus only represent ideals
Feb 22, 5:10 PM
Nov 2022
This episode was straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.
Feb 22, 5:14 PM

Jul 2013
How come the demon lord didn't talk? he's more like a very strong but mindless demon lol
Feb 22, 5:36 PM
Oct 2024
This anime is a mix between epic and cringy (or at least that's how I feel about it). The animation looks weird at times, while in other moments it looks good. The fights aren’t fluid, and the artwork in some scenes is epic, but in others, it suddenly becomes surprisingly poor, affecting the scene.

I haven't read the manhwa, but it feels like the anime deserves something better.

Feb 22, 5:43 PM
Sep 2022
Baran is just like the Nameless King from DS3 - first phase lousy, second phase great
Feb 22, 5:43 PM
Dec 2008
Love the animation, but I felt weird about the dialogue between Jin-Woo and Esil. He invaded her home, killed her soldiers and they made a dialogue where Jin was angered that she hid the entrance to the next level and she was the one to blame. I feel like the more we progress with the story the more all the dialogues are set up to make a main protagonist's actions to be justified even if he's not doing the "right things"(??), just selfish stuff to level him up. It's getting more and more manipulative to show a main protagonist in the bright light. Make him the bad guy and that's it instead of showing his sick mother, only sister that wants to be a doctor and other stuff every real life politician would show to warm up his image.
Feb 22, 5:49 PM

May 2013
The animation is pretty damn bad.
You can't even follow wtf is happening when the MC was fighting Baran. I don't know why studios think that this is acceptable.
Feb 22, 5:51 PM

Jul 2020
If the title of this episode doesn't make you sigh deeply in absolute exhaustion and weariness I don't know what else will, at this point this show does META-level fellatioes to Jing-Woo on the title of the episode itself. Of course, one of the demons Jin-Woo defeated is a waifu who drops instantly at his feet, completely ignoring the fact that she lost this battle and that his companions died brutally at the hands of this guy. Even when he tries to backstab our protagonist, he defends himself perfectly, nothing works against him since he's the Gigachad Sigmalord. Who is even afraid of this guy who looks like the protagonist of a hentai (he's only missing the shadow on his forehead) and someone who unironically has the eyes of LowTierGod? He's the least imposing, most tryhard thing I've ever seen in my life. Thought the “hunters” thing wasn't blatant enough? Welcome to the Chimera Ants arc but without a single PARTICLE of the talent, build-up or creativity from that arc, without Togashi's pen, without Meruem as one of shounen's best villains, without Gon's change, without the fascinating cast of supporting characters, without thematic value; nothing, Chimera Ants cheap version of Ohio—and Ohio Meruem post-Rose is on our side, killing all the tension. This is not aura farming, this is cringe farming, remember the difference.

These stupid incompetent morons from the association are registering the danger of ants WHEN THE CITY IS ALREADY IN RUINS AND A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE DIED lol, this worldbuilding is BARELY glued together, how come there are no external security measures of any kind around the portals or the beasts that dwell there when they've already been recorded to have escaped into the real world? When hunting has become SUCH an important job? Of course the Demon Waifu blushes when Jin-Woo asks her if she's okay, of course she blushes when he says he'll “take her away” because this piece of shit we're forced to refer to as the “protagonist” is modern Kirito, a guy who gets pounced on by females, who is ultra OP, who breaks the rules of his universe, etc, an absurd Gary Stu. THE VIRGIN DEMON FATHER VS THE GIGACHAD SIGMALORD. One more for the collection. Are shounen creators allergic to making good female characters? Now, not only does our main “character” mog S-ranks, but he also has S AND A RANK MONSTERS under his tutelage, i.e. he controls S and A-rank monsters. This is one of the most cringe-worthy things I've ever seen, WHO CARES ABOUT THIS DEMON DADDY AND HER CLAN? This author is incapable of writing characters but expert at writing things that revolve around Jin-Woo; even, this utter lack of originality extends further, as Esil is simply Jin-Ho female. SHE JUST MET HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LIKE A FEW MINUTES AGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and se already wants to accompany him for life, even into dangerous places, to see what he can accomplish, this thing is so predictable. The aura thing and the ability to talk from monsters, as always, is pretty inconsistent, some weaker monsters are able of talking while THE DEMON KING OF THE HUNDREDTH FLOOR isn't able of talking for some reason???

We are introduced to dialogues of shallow bureocracy where our favorite Blonde Waifu Asuna is forced to mention Jin-Woo for no reason. On the 100th floor Jin-Woo meets the Nameless Ki--I MEAN “Baran” while his demonic waifu accompanies him for no reason. Why is she here? :sob: She's literally there to give exposure and boost Jin-Woo's ego more, I'm not exaggerating. She tells us what we ALL ALREADY KNOW “Baran is the emperor of this place. Jin-Woo is an invader he must eliminate, who should I ally with?” YES, WE CAN ALREADY DEDUCE ALL OF THIS WITHOUT YOU SAYING IT. Thank you. Wait, a while ago you were saying that you would accompany him all his life and NOW is when you're hesitating? When you've already made it this far? This is the 100th floor. Do you, as the audience, feel satisfied? Or immersed in Jin-Woo's journey? I don't. We're introduced to these ABSOLUTE IDOLS with... NPC designs and personalities, and of course they have to mention the absolute aura of this Japanese hunter, something that means nothing because by now everyone's IMPOUNDING AURA has been emphasized ad nauseam, to the point where it loses any effect. How is it that NOW specifically you can't use mana potions? This is just artificial tension. This monster who BARRIED Jin-Woo's summons was now going toe-to-toe against our protagonist somehow, the girl who was FEARING and SHIVERING because of the bloodlust of a guy hundreds of times more powerful than er somehow got up the nerve to walk up and throw something at him, Baran gets distracted and.... SHOUNEN BOOST AND BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM UPPERCUT TOWARDS THE jaw... wow, that wasn't predictable at all. In total, he resisted two complete hits from our protagonist, the 100th floor boss—something that should be anticipated and exciting—resisted two hits in total, what preceeded him was a lame army vs army derivative battle like we've seen constantly, no flavour or attempt to be unique, the choreography was dizzy and confused. Sung Jin-Woo is able to withstand 100000 hits in all directions but the bosses die as soon as they get the slightest touch from our protagonist.


keirashiiFeb 22, 8:25 PM
Feb 22, 6:00 PM

Aug 2018
I didn’t expect Jinwoo to conquer the dungeon this fast, but I gotta admit, Baran was the best challenge he’s had in a while. That’s exactly why I fell in love with this series.if all his fights were easy, it’d be boring.

And how did Esil suddenly become a favorite character of mine in just one episode? I guess Jinwoo answered that for me.just like him, I like simple-minded characters.

Now all that’s left is to try the elixir of life and see if it was actually worth it.
Feb 22, 6:06 PM
Nov 2020
The final animation before Baran died was spectacular, good camera movement as well as the ambient audio. Without a doubt an excellent chapter and adaptation.
Feb 22, 6:10 PM

Feb 2022
Reply to jokoma
Jagerschnapps said:
Ah, yes a new fodders for the shadow army.

I like how reasonable Esil's father is. He did not only give away the item without a fight but also he didn't make any funny tricks or try to deceive Jinwoo.

Those two armies facing off & clashing with each other looks good... (Esp the duel of those two lords)

baran can't be extracted
@jokoma Yes, I remember... His soul is just like that Ice Elf Elder, maybe it's too tainted for a demon or perhaps the system is at play on this regard.
Feb 22, 6:12 PM
Oct 2022
Ok is it me, or would anyone else go to E-C rank dungeons and turn those bosses into shadows? They'd be more powerful than regular soldiers. It doesn't make sense to me
Feb 22, 6:26 PM
Apr 2021

I found it HILARIOUS that the shadows and Jinwoo tried to jump Baran and hold him in place that part made me laugh ong hahaha

Deadass guys I shit you not when I say that my jaw was dropped the ENTIRE time that Jinwoo was clashing with Baran 1V1 like that shit wa fucking cold man and the Sakuga animation was PHENOMENALLLLLL like they went God of Highschool mode with the water color animation + I got so much goosebumps when Jinwoo ripped off bros arms and gave brodie the nastiest uppercut I’ve seen in anime like GODDDDDAMNNNN😭😭😭😩😭🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Overall 10/10 episode man the rumors weren’t lying when they said this episode was better the last episode😭🙌🏽
Feb 22, 6:50 PM
Dec 2021
I'm a guy, 100% straight, but why do I find this guy so attractive?! WTF 😳🔥

Ohhh my, oh my! Did I just replay this scene at least 10 times?! Aaaaah, I love it!!! 😍 Megumin-sama would be proud!! **EXPLOSION!!** 💥🔥✨
Feb 22, 6:55 PM
Dec 2013
Finally get to see Esil animated! I’ve been waiting for weeks! I see they moved a few parts around and cut some great parts out. I loved seeing both battles animated! Excited to see Kaisel!
Feb 22, 6:56 PM
Dec 2013
Stark700 said:
Shun taking on more demons for his goals. This guy really has no bounds on how much he wants to achieve this season. Not going to lie, the Demon King with the white dragon's appearance looked really badass.

Shun looked like the underdog at first but he managed to behead that dragon. One of the better fights this season imo. It showed how much Shun has grown in terms of combat skills and is able to fight on same level with the Demon King.

That was a Baran at only 50% power.
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