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Date A Live (light novel)
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May 21, 2024 1:17 AM

Dec 2009
Reply to Laplace_kun

And finally, no LN is a gospel. Forget about DAL, even my top 10 LN barely gets such a status. But what Mio, Westcott and upto some extent, Shido have their roles in their story is clearly defined.

That predictable bs is a total beating about the bush, because Mio is utterly more predictable in that way because of her clear ideals. Talking about plot induced incompetence of the once facing the villain serves no purpose as you have literally brainwashed people serving under Westcott. In season 2, one had to be mercy killed by Mana to attain salvation.

Look, I appreciate you thinking about these stuff, but it doesn't hurt to think in such constrained ways? Especially when we haven't seen all Westcott have done yet in the anime.
@Laplace_kun One last reply.
Laplace_kun said:
Westcott and upto some extent, Shido have their roles in their story is clearly defined.
You're still talking about the characters as tools for the plot. Japanese almost always write plot as a vessel for their characters.

Laplace_kun said:
That predictable bs is a total beating about the bush, because Mio is utterly more predictable in that way because of her clear ideals.
Mio is not predictable unless you know her exact psyche. Westcott you can infer a lot about him by the noise he makes in the world, even if you don't know his exact motivations. A character like Mio, without knowing she's a lovesick obsessed psychopath with a button to destroy the world, she's just a lunatic that could destroy the world at any moment and nobody can do anything about it except maybe the person she's obsessed with. Mio is a very clear yandere (just without the cartoony yuno behaviour cliches).

Laplace_kun said:
Look, I appreciate you thinking about these stuff, but it doesn't hurt to think in such constrained ways? Especially when we haven't seen all Westcott have done yet.
I can't think of any level of unspeakable atrocity that'd make him more dangerous than Mio. So even if we find out he's done more horrible things than every tyrant and storybook villain combined, he's still not more dangerous, and therefore not as evil. I measure the greatest evil by the greatest threat. Why do you think JRPG's are always having you fight overpowered gods? it's because they have too much power over who lives and who dies, and this should not be allowed to exist if humans wish to construct a future.

Laplace_kun said:
He's dangerous because he KNOWS he's doing evil things.
Not really. That makes him easier to deal with because you can confront him directly. You know where the poison is and it's perfectly feasible to stop him cuz he's just a human (you can study his movements etc). When someone is clearly bad, and you can see they are bad, you can punch them in the face and cuff them if you are close enough (or extrapolate the analogy based on scale, governments know how to deal with dictators and shit in third world for example then they're being obviously villainous). But someone that looks normal but might suddenly bomb a train station because of internalized reasons, is a lot more evil and unpredictable.

Laplace_kun said:
Meanwhile, is Mio omnipotent?
Never said she was. Gods in asian fiction almost never are. Because they are gods in the sense of greek gods or japanese kami, beings of manifest power, not transcendent universal presences.

Her powers are finite, but so are all the nukes in the modern world. We still have enough nukes to destroy the face of the planet hundreds of times over. Once you pass the ability to destroy everything, further power is irrelevant. She's not trying to destroy the world, but we only know that because we know her story as omniscient viewers. In the diegetic context, she is equivalent to a god of destruction that can return the world to nul. The only reason she hasn't destroyed everything or erased Westcott is because she wants her love life with Shinji, but if the entire world were against her and making it so she couldn't achieve her goal, she would without hesitation destroy it all for the sake of her love. The only way this is ever prevented in stories like this, is that they stop the threat before it gets to that point.
...btw, how is this any different from Westcott, except he's not intoxicated with another person - he has a motive that started with a specific thing, and he's willing to destroy everything for it. Difference is Mio CAN, he CAN'T. Westcott literally made Mio because he can't do it on his own.

I will add a small subnote saying that i understand that the source material more often than not has more depth and nuance than the adaptation, but it's often significantly exaggerated due to the precedents of a number of series (classics examples like negima, sora no otoshimono) having their anime be meager offerings compared to the larger story... I have little appreciation for source material thumpers due to the common superiority behaviour exhibited.
GenesisAriaMay 21, 2024 1:34 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
May 21, 2024 1:27 AM

Nov 2019

That you have insecurities regarding "source material thumpers" was something I already guessed because of your repetitive wrong assumptions and tripping on your own logic. Unfortunately there are people in this thread who actually can be like this. I can't blame you, you are not the first one. But I still appreciate that you strived to analyse something on your own.

You never understood that Mio gains nothing from destroying the world Shin belongs in. While Westcott, a mage, genius and very much capable of creating his own Geass (the comparison with Lelouch is beyond dumb, mind you) has no ties to it. Blinded by the superiority complex you harbor despite being so rational, you keep oscillating on various adjectives to wonder at the "potential threat" she is without ever stopping to think what's her ideological limit. Or that Westcott has none of that because even if he has ever loved anybody, he'll derive the most joy feeling despair on seeing their death or seeing their sad face dying himself.
Laplace_kunMay 21, 2024 1:36 AM
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 21, 2024 1:40 AM

Dec 2009
Reply to Laplace_kun

That you have insecurities regarding "source material thumpers" was something I already guessed because of your repetitive wrong assumptions and tripping on your own logic. Unfortunately there are people in this thread who actually can be like this. I can't blame you, you are not the first one. But I still appreciate that you strived to analyse something on your own.

You never understood that Mio gains nothing from destroying the world Shin belongs in. While Westcott, a mage, genius and very much capable of creating his own Geass (the comparison with Lelouch is beyond dumb, mind you) has no ties to it. Blinded by the superiority complex you harbor despite being so rational, you keep oscillating on various adjectives to wonder at the "potential threat" she is without ever stopping to think what's her ideological limit. Or that Westcott has none of that because even if he has ever loved anybody, he'll derive the most joy feeling despair on seeing their death or seeing their sad face dying himself.
@Laplace_kun I haven't changed or oscillated or tripped on anything, i have merely taken different angles to try and help you understand my firmly established reasoning. The rest is fabricated by your own impressions.

Also there was nothing said about insecurities. You, and others, were doing the typical "i have read the source material, therefore my interpretations of that source material are objectively correct"... No, because it's equally possible you misunderstood the source material (as i have run into before). That's not an objective leg to stand on, sorry. It's your opinion and interpretation against mine. It's not you are right because you read it and i'm wrong because i didn't. I never once questioned things that did or did not happen (therefore there was no challenging of the objective contents of the story), merely the weight on them. If i said things happened or didn't happen that were blatantly written, then you'd have grounds for being annoyed with me, but that's not what is happening here. I have studied fiction for a very long time, i wouldn't make such a stupid blunder intentionally.

I chose to respond a bit more just to try and clarify any misunderstandings, but i will reiterate once more that i am stepping out of this. I merely wish you to humble a bit instead of conflicting so strongly against differing perspectives and conclusions like we have to fight about what the "true meaning" of the story is.

My thesis was simply "Mio is the greater evil, here is my reasoning why i think as much." That's it.

ps: sorry for all the edits.
GenesisAriaMay 21, 2024 1:48 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
May 21, 2024 2:10 AM

Nov 2019

There won't be many instances in life where I'll be asked to be humbled directly when I have been praising someone's rationality and analytical abilities. I am truly humbled, because this is something I had to learn.

You made a lot of wrong assumptions, and I think I have been pretty patient regarding that:

1. Assuming Westcott is powerless and cannot end the world.

2. Comparing him to Lelouch when Westcott has created (and can create) his own "Geass"

3.Straying from Mio's original goals and mapping them into fantasies of worldwide destruction

4. Equating him to a predictable villain who hasn't enacted enough tragedy.

5. Elevating Mio to near omnipotence and high unpredictability while using yandere analogy at the same time.

And now you are playing the victim of being surrounded by LN reading brow beaters, ignoring that I actually agreed to some of your points. The very fact I am even continuing to reply unlike my usual MAL posts stance is that I enjoy your analogies. Annoyance, as you mention is only because of your stubbornness and refusal to use the tools you have just because of the "oh no the LNtards are showing off, let me show off some too" attitude you are intentionally/unintentionally emanating.

Aggressive counters come when your own conclusions are stamped in an absolute fashion. Like how you degrade Westcott, while going over-the-top with Mio's "potential". And to cap off the shallowness, you bring the JRPG example of powerful bosses.

At this rate a meteor hitting Earth and killing half of it's population would be more evil to you than Westcott, but I digress.
Laplace_kunMay 21, 2024 2:41 AM
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 21, 2024 2:32 AM

Nov 2019

Anyway, I understand we have our own lives and this discussion cannot continue forever. Feel free to interpret things as you like. That's your birthright whether you are an enjoyer of fiction or not. I mean this discussion is still better than something about shipping. Though there's that hint of powerscaling debate which annoys me, especially when it hasn't been revealed equally to both of the debating party.

But we also need to be more open. Using literary experience to absolutely be fixated on a singular conclusion is the death of cognitive analysis. Then any media you watch or read becomes an endless similarity searching simulator where you repeat the same conclusions. Feel free to stretch your arms and look at the entire picture. And obviously I say this not only to you but to myself as well.

DAL is no masterpiece, at least to me. Whatever damage the anime has done, especially in season 3 isn't in my hands either. Nor do I have any personal contact with it's author. This doesn't stop me from forming my own conclusions and thinking interpretation is worth it. I met it's core community pretty late and was honestly surprised by the amount of Mio lovers and haters being in equal proportion while I simply appreciated what purpose she plays in crafting the story. The LN hive mind doesn't exist, and that is why the biggest conflicts and arguments come against fellow readers.

The story never explicitly pushes Westcott being evil on your face, though it's obvious by feats alone who is more evil between him and Mio. In fact it has a very interesting and consistent way of presenting him, as a contrast to the rest of the cast, including Mio. At the end, many might actually relate with his nature ever so slightly and find his actions justified - only from his perspective. And well, the process is ongoing anyway in the anime, so it'll require your patience.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 21, 2024 3:48 AM
Mar 2024
Reply to GenesisAria
@SpiderMiles3523 i was never talking about BD's, i was talking about airing/streaming... nobody's watching it live. I'm the one talking to a brickwall here. You clearly didn't look or read. I said JAPAN, and i provided REAL DATA from who is watching what most in japan. What does netflix and disney+ have to do wit anything? Japan doesn't watch netflix like the west does, they have completely different platforms that the masses use to watch. This chart is not bullshit, go check the source sites that the data comes from, they have their own data that this bot just sums up and generates a chart for.
I'll make it easy for you: ,

There are heaps of anime that have lasted many years, gotten subsequent seasons and been revived after ages. I never once commented about it making enough from post-airing sales to be worth continuing subsequent seasons, i said barely anybody is watching it in japan currently.
@GenesisAria does netflix, prime, disney+ directly fund these shows? No. They just get put on for exposure.

Are you seriously trying to compare a franchise that lasted 10 years with a bunch of random seasonals that have no merchandise and will be forgotten once a season ends. Seasonals mean even less now that gacha companies entered the merchandise marker eating up attention seasonals can possible have. Also streaming largely killed blu rays killing any attention new seasonals can possibly have. Also japan has a collapsing population and yen so what chances do these new seasonals have.

Views mean nothing if it doesn't translate to sales. No one watched the azure lane and arknights anime. Why don't we cancel the entire franchise.

You bringing up the streaming chart is equivalent of telling people to invest in shitcoin rather than proven shows.
SpiderMiles3523May 21, 2024 3:59 AM
May 21, 2024 4:34 AM
Feb 2022
Ellen and Elliot engage in a match. Ellen is defeated and prepares for her end. Then, as Tohka and the rest stand up against Mio together, Mio raises her hand and calls out a name, a giant tower appears, surrounded by flowers and branches, piercing the sky. Suddenly, the surroundings turn monochrome, reduced to cubes. The first victim of this being Yoshino
May 21, 2024 4:39 AM
Jul 2018
Reply to GenesisAria
Laplace_kun said:
Torturing human children, ruining countless lives, conducting civil wars - these are far more damage to humanity at large than Mio has done. And these are real issues.
None of that was mentioned up to this point.

Laplace_kun said:
Yes, obviously he can destroy the world. Or the thing that really matters - mankind. I mean human weapons are enough. The only problem is that it might be too quick to revel in the suffering. The thing is, while Mio doesn't even have that as a goal, he does have - making him the antagonist.
That's like saying hitler can destroy the world. No he can't and never could, he was doomed to fail. He can cause a lot of shit, but he can't literally snap his fingers and transmute the planet to dust. All he can do is manipulate and scheme and try to puppeteer.

The problem is he has no strings on Mio, he can't. The plot of Date a Live would never have happened if Westcott had control over Mio. Shinjo would have died, Shido never would have come to be, and the rest of the spirits would never have been incubated.

Hypothesize that Westcott takes Shido hostage and threatens his life for Mio's obedience, Mio could just erase Westcott from existence and continue on with what she was doing, Shido not being in any danger from Westcott in that situation. Again, even Kurumi nearly beat him all on her own. He is not that capable, just a nuisance in the world that nobody stopped yet.

Laplace_kun said:
He's no mere catalyst. He's a disease. A disease that is successful once it spreads.
Yes he's just a catalyst. He results in many ailments but he himself is not what causes damage. If we want to use biology, he's an allergen that triggers autoimmune - he's not a cancer. Autoimmune is your own white bloodcells attacking your healthy functioning cells because it was triggered to do so externally. The bloodcells are the ones doing the damage and need to be reprogrammed with RNA to not do this. Blaming the allergen doesn't solve the problem.

Laplace_kun said:
Mio bugsquashing him? Again, why do you think him dying or things being under his direct control matters? Feels like a waste of time if you are stuck into the same wrong inferences you started with.
I feel like you are thinking of this too much in terms of like star wars and other western media, where you have to shift the blame up the hierarchy. The darth vader plot for example is retarded when you know the lore of what that guy is done, there is no forgiving, he massacred millions by hand, and lead trillions to death or suffering. just because some big bad is pulling the strings does not and never will absolve someone of the sins they have committed.

Laplace_kun said:
That Mio is already damaged and will bring despair. Job done. In no reality, humanity is the one that will be happy.
Berch0 said:
@GenesisAria Dude, the whole point of this episode was to reveal that Westcott is the main antagonist. Mio was intentionally built up the seem like she was, but she’s really not. Westcott is the one who created Mio, caused the spacequakes, caused her to go on a rampage, and is the reason spirits exist in the first place. Not to mention he’s been constantly meddling with Shido’s attempts to seal spirits since season 2. How can you say he didn’t commit atrocities or construct the hardships when this episode makes in clear he did? Westcott killed millions of people with that spacequake. I’m not saying what Mio’s doing isn’t wrong but there’s no way you can say Westcott is not the mastermind after this episode. He’s literally behind everything. Also, what do you mean Westcott doesn’t have power? Did the part about him being a mage fly over your head? It almost feels like you didn’t even watch this episode.

I dunno, i'm going to step out of this at this point, but clearly you guys have very emotional investments in this and it's biasing any rational discussion.

...You also clearly don't seem to understand how eastern storytelling works. If we want to stay specific to japan, japan tells stories that are grounded in the buddhist and tangential philosophical mindset that puts the person in the environment holistically. They don't fixate stories on their plot points, but instead on characters and their relations with the world around them. Nobody here was ever disputing that Westcott is evil, but he and Mio are evil in the same way; they both have psychological disorders that make them willing to kill as many as they see fit to accomplish their goals. They are both victims of their own hardwired psychology, neither can be fixed nor saved. Kurumi on the otherhand, who seemed the most unstable, is comparatively very sane and capable of empathy.

The only reason everyone isn't disdainful of Mio is because she is cute and waifu and has a sobstory backstory that makes her look the victim. Take away the sobstory and make her not a waifu anymore and she'd be a hated villain for committing mass murder and using the girls everyone loves as sacrificial lambs by her whims.

She's a completely separate villain form Westcott, that Westcott just happened to create. After her creation she became an independent force that committed her own sins, and due to her capability the only reason she didn't erase Westcott and all of his agenda, was because she didn't care what Westcott did to humanity, and he was useful for her to bring Shinji back through Shido.

I'm not an idiot, and have widely analyzed and also extrapolated tangential relevancies and predicted a lot of outcomes of the finale. Regardless of how it ends, i will still consider Mio a larger villain than Westcott. This is my view, because i don't measure people merely by their actions, but by their motives and potential for damage. Mio is worse because she could and would massacre the entire human race willy nilly if it meant getting Shinji back. The only reason she didn't kill Mana is because it'd make Shinji mortified. Don't underestimate criminal psychology. Westcott is a cartoon villain, a wannabe dictator, these can be crushed because their movements are obvious. People like Mio you don't know how evil they are until it's too late.

Westcott is not the mastermind of the plot, he started it and tried to run it, but everything after that first space quake relating to the spirits, aside from him trying to make people attack the spirits, was because of Mio. Mio is the one that ran around turning people into spirits and causing further quakes destroying more cities and lives. If as implied there is more evils and plot to be uncovered by Westcott, that doesn't make Mio any less the more dangerous one. Just like with the star wars example, the puppet was always stronger than the puppeteer, but failure to dethrone the puppeteer with that power makes them complicit.

Berch0 said:
@GenesisAria Dude, the whole point of this episode was to reveal that Westcott is the main antagonist.
No, the whole point of this episode and the last was to establish Mio's backstory, which required explaining some of Westcott, because he made her. As well as establishing the relations of the 4 in the past where this all started, mutually. Date A Live's formula is based on the dating sim Visual Novel format, which makes the plot a slave to the girl's character developments.

. . .
Anyway, i'll leave it at that. I don't want to just argue endlessly about semantics when clearly nobody wants to unpack this, and instead just try to preach what the LN's plot said as gospel, even though it is also up for interpretation. I came to propose a theory and share my opinion and why i came to it, not get attacked by a bunch of people who think they know everything.
@GenesisAria Okay okay. Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel attacked. I was just annoyed because it felt like you were completely ignoring what happened during this episode, I wasn’t trying to invalidate your opinion or anything, hell I actually hate it when people do that. I just misread what you were trying to say.

Let me just leave you with this at least: Mio is not as evil as you think. She’s actually quite soft.
removed-userMay 21, 2024 7:20 AM
May 21, 2024 8:32 AM
Mar 2024
Reply to Laplace_kun

And finally, no LN is a gospel. Forget about DAL, even my top 10 LN barely gets such a status. But what Mio, Westcott and upto some extent, Shido have their roles in their story is clearly defined.

That predictable bs is a total beating about the bush, because Mio is utterly more predictable in that way because of her clear ideals. Talking about plot induced incompetence of the once facing the villain serves no purpose as you have literally brainwashed people serving under Westcott. In season 2, one had to be mercy killed by Mana to attain salvation.

Look, I appreciate you thinking about these stuff, but it doesn't hurt to think in such constrained ways? Especially when we haven't seen all Westcott have done yet in the anime.
@Laplace_kun dal did foreshadowing, build up, a lot better than any ln I know. Almost the entire anime community in trendz, corner, sugoi agree it is by far the best anime this season and one of the best lns of all time. Stuff like sao, re zero couldn't have pulled a perfect finale.
May 21, 2024 8:41 AM

Nov 2019
SpiderMiles3523 said:
@Laplace_kun dal did foreshadowing, build up, a lot better than any ln I know. Almost the entire anime community in trendz, corner, sugoi agree it is by far the best anime this season and one of the best lns of all time. Stuff like sao, re zero couldn't have pulled a perfect finale.

What you know is of no value when you say Re:Zero has a finale. Please get a grip.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 21, 2024 10:07 AM
Mar 2024
Reply to Laplace_kun
SpiderMiles3523 said:
@Laplace_kun dal did foreshadowing, build up, a lot better than any ln I know. Almost the entire anime community in trendz, corner, sugoi agree it is by far the best anime this season and one of the best lns of all time. Stuff like sao, re zero couldn't have pulled a perfect finale.

What you know is of no value when you say Re:Zero has a finale. Please get a grip.
@Laplace_kun re zero reception collapsed after arc 6. Their ln sales are in the toilet. It is never getting a full adaptation. Way too long
May 21, 2024 10:24 AM
Oct 2023
Reply to GenesisAria
Laplace_kun said:
Torturing human children, ruining countless lives, conducting civil wars - these are far more damage to humanity at large than Mio has done. And these are real issues.
None of that was mentioned up to this point.

Laplace_kun said:
Yes, obviously he can destroy the world. Or the thing that really matters - mankind. I mean human weapons are enough. The only problem is that it might be too quick to revel in the suffering. The thing is, while Mio doesn't even have that as a goal, he does have - making him the antagonist.
That's like saying hitler can destroy the world. No he can't and never could, he was doomed to fail. He can cause a lot of shit, but he can't literally snap his fingers and transmute the planet to dust. All he can do is manipulate and scheme and try to puppeteer.

The problem is he has no strings on Mio, he can't. The plot of Date a Live would never have happened if Westcott had control over Mio. Shinjo would have died, Shido never would have come to be, and the rest of the spirits would never have been incubated.

Hypothesize that Westcott takes Shido hostage and threatens his life for Mio's obedience, Mio could just erase Westcott from existence and continue on with what she was doing, Shido not being in any danger from Westcott in that situation. Again, even Kurumi nearly beat him all on her own. He is not that capable, just a nuisance in the world that nobody stopped yet.

Laplace_kun said:
He's no mere catalyst. He's a disease. A disease that is successful once it spreads.
Yes he's just a catalyst. He results in many ailments but he himself is not what causes damage. If we want to use biology, he's an allergen that triggers autoimmune - he's not a cancer. Autoimmune is your own white bloodcells attacking your healthy functioning cells because it was triggered to do so externally. The bloodcells are the ones doing the damage and need to be reprogrammed with RNA to not do this. Blaming the allergen doesn't solve the problem.

Laplace_kun said:
Mio bugsquashing him? Again, why do you think him dying or things being under his direct control matters? Feels like a waste of time if you are stuck into the same wrong inferences you started with.
I feel like you are thinking of this too much in terms of like star wars and other western media, where you have to shift the blame up the hierarchy. The darth vader plot for example is retarded when you know the lore of what that guy is done, there is no forgiving, he massacred millions by hand, and lead trillions to death or suffering. just because some big bad is pulling the strings does not and never will absolve someone of the sins they have committed.

Laplace_kun said:
That Mio is already damaged and will bring despair. Job done. In no reality, humanity is the one that will be happy.
Berch0 said:
@GenesisAria Dude, the whole point of this episode was to reveal that Westcott is the main antagonist. Mio was intentionally built up the seem like she was, but she’s really not. Westcott is the one who created Mio, caused the spacequakes, caused her to go on a rampage, and is the reason spirits exist in the first place. Not to mention he’s been constantly meddling with Shido’s attempts to seal spirits since season 2. How can you say he didn’t commit atrocities or construct the hardships when this episode makes in clear he did? Westcott killed millions of people with that spacequake. I’m not saying what Mio’s doing isn’t wrong but there’s no way you can say Westcott is not the mastermind after this episode. He’s literally behind everything. Also, what do you mean Westcott doesn’t have power? Did the part about him being a mage fly over your head? It almost feels like you didn’t even watch this episode.

I dunno, i'm going to step out of this at this point, but clearly you guys have very emotional investments in this and it's biasing any rational discussion.

...You also clearly don't seem to understand how eastern storytelling works. If we want to stay specific to japan, japan tells stories that are grounded in the buddhist and tangential philosophical mindset that puts the person in the environment holistically. They don't fixate stories on their plot points, but instead on characters and their relations with the world around them. Nobody here was ever disputing that Westcott is evil, but he and Mio are evil in the same way; they both have psychological disorders that make them willing to kill as many as they see fit to accomplish their goals. They are both victims of their own hardwired psychology, neither can be fixed nor saved. Kurumi on the otherhand, who seemed the most unstable, is comparatively very sane and capable of empathy.

The only reason everyone isn't disdainful of Mio is because she is cute and waifu and has a sobstory backstory that makes her look the victim. Take away the sobstory and make her not a waifu anymore and she'd be a hated villain for committing mass murder and using the girls everyone loves as sacrificial lambs by her whims.

She's a completely separate villain form Westcott, that Westcott just happened to create. After her creation she became an independent force that committed her own sins, and due to her capability the only reason she didn't erase Westcott and all of his agenda, was because she didn't care what Westcott did to humanity, and he was useful for her to bring Shinji back through Shido.

I'm not an idiot, and have widely analyzed and also extrapolated tangential relevancies and predicted a lot of outcomes of the finale. Regardless of how it ends, i will still consider Mio a larger villain than Westcott. This is my view, because i don't measure people merely by their actions, but by their motives and potential for damage. Mio is worse because she could and would massacre the entire human race willy nilly if it meant getting Shinji back. The only reason she didn't kill Mana is because it'd make Shinji mortified. Don't underestimate criminal psychology. Westcott is a cartoon villain, a wannabe dictator, these can be crushed because their movements are obvious. People like Mio you don't know how evil they are until it's too late.

Westcott is not the mastermind of the plot, he started it and tried to run it, but everything after that first space quake relating to the spirits, aside from him trying to make people attack the spirits, was because of Mio. Mio is the one that ran around turning people into spirits and causing further quakes destroying more cities and lives. If as implied there is more evils and plot to be uncovered by Westcott, that doesn't make Mio any less the more dangerous one. Just like with the star wars example, the puppet was always stronger than the puppeteer, but failure to dethrone the puppeteer with that power makes them complicit.

Berch0 said:
@GenesisAria Dude, the whole point of this episode was to reveal that Westcott is the main antagonist.
No, the whole point of this episode and the last was to establish Mio's backstory, which required explaining some of Westcott, because he made her. As well as establishing the relations of the 4 in the past where this all started, mutually. Date A Live's formula is based on the dating sim Visual Novel format, which makes the plot a slave to the girl's character developments.

. . .
Anyway, i'll leave it at that. I don't want to just argue endlessly about semantics when clearly nobody wants to unpack this, and instead just try to preach what the LN's plot said as gospel, even though it is also up for interpretation. I came to propose a theory and share my opinion and why i came to it, not get attacked by a bunch of people who think they know everything.

-Of course he does, isaac tortures children to make them tools: we see this with mana and his whole army in general. it's clear from season 3, as is the fact that he kills thousands of people (we understand this with the board of directors in season 3 who have their arms cut off).

- westcott isn't human, he's a mage, as you'll see in the next few episodes... he's not at all that easy to kill. He can destroy the world whenever he wants, and there are foreshadowings of this: he can control a demon without a care in the world: beelzebub, no human can do that... he's managed to find the formula for summoning an original spirit. think about it... Sure, he was insignificant in his early days, but not since the end of season 4. He's the cause of everything (even if the fact that his village was burned by humans is the trigger) :)

-At this stage of the story, the author wants you to believe that Mio is the main antagonist, but it's FALSE. You'll see in the next few episodes... you'll be surprised. All LN readers know this, because we have elements you haven't discovered.... you have to look to Jewish mysticism to understand dal, not Buddhism.....

-mio,westcott,kurumi and miku are the ones who have done the most harm to humanity in terms of morality, even if mio and westcott are on a much higher level in terms of crimes.

-I'm stunned by your theories, you're really going to fall flat on your face at the end of the season.

-stream data clarification dal v: Your sources are not reliable, only oricon is really valid. I'm very familiar with the sites you've given, just to give an idea, but it's too approximate. What's more, season 4 wasn't viewed in stream in Japan either, even less than this one...

That didn't stop it from being a big hit on vod and blu ray, and the same will be true of season 5.

In any case, streaming doesn't count: kaguya sama and chainsaw man were huge hits, yet producers and studios are reluctant to give these licenses another season, because they simply don't make any money.

little-known anime such as trinity seven have managed to do a complete adaptation, business has a different logic to popularity.
benjic665May 21, 2024 10:37 AM
May 21, 2024 10:48 AM

Nov 2019
benjic665 said:

-Of course he does, isaac tortures children to make them tools: we see this with mana and his whole army in general. it's clear from season 3, as is the fact that he kills thousands of people (we understand this with the board of directors in season 3 who have their arms cut off).

- westcott isn't human, he's a mage, as you'll see in the next few episodes... he's not at all that easy to kill. He can destroy the world whenever he wants, and there are foreshadowings of this: he can control a demon without a care in the world: beelzebub, no human can do that... he's managed to find the formula for summoning an original spirit. think about it... Sure, he was insignificant in his early days, but not since the end of season 4. He's the cause of everything (even if the fact that his village was burned by humans is the trigger) :)

-At this stage of the story, the author wants you to believe that Mio is the main antagonist, but it's FALSE. You'll see in the next few episodes... you'll be surprised. All LN readers know this, because we have elements you haven't discovered.... you have to look to Jewish mysticism to understand dal, not Buddhism.....

-mio,westcott,kurumi and miku are the ones who have done the most harm to humanity in terms of morality, even if mio and westcott are on a much higher level in terms of crimes.

-I'm stunned by your theories, you're really going to fall flat on your face at the end of the season.

-stream data clarification dal v: Your sources are not reliable, only oricon is really valid. I'm very familiar with the sites you've given, just to give an idea, but it's too approximate. What's more, season 4 wasn't viewed in stream in Japan either, even less than this one...

That didn't stop it from being a big hit on vod and blu ray, and the same will be true of season 5.

In any case, streaming doesn't count: kaguya sama and chainsaw man were huge hits, yet producers and studios are reluctant to give these licenses another season, because they simply don't make any money.

little-known anime such as trinity seven have managed to do a complete adaptation, business has a different logic to popularity.


Trinity Seven has a complete adaptation? Have I entered a new timeline?
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 21, 2024 10:57 AM
Oct 2023
Reply to Laplace_kun
benjic665 said:

-Of course he does, isaac tortures children to make them tools: we see this with mana and his whole army in general. it's clear from season 3, as is the fact that he kills thousands of people (we understand this with the board of directors in season 3 who have their arms cut off).

- westcott isn't human, he's a mage, as you'll see in the next few episodes... he's not at all that easy to kill. He can destroy the world whenever he wants, and there are foreshadowings of this: he can control a demon without a care in the world: beelzebub, no human can do that... he's managed to find the formula for summoning an original spirit. think about it... Sure, he was insignificant in his early days, but not since the end of season 4. He's the cause of everything (even if the fact that his village was burned by humans is the trigger) :)

-At this stage of the story, the author wants you to believe that Mio is the main antagonist, but it's FALSE. You'll see in the next few episodes... you'll be surprised. All LN readers know this, because we have elements you haven't discovered.... you have to look to Jewish mysticism to understand dal, not Buddhism.....

-mio,westcott,kurumi and miku are the ones who have done the most harm to humanity in terms of morality, even if mio and westcott are on a much higher level in terms of crimes.

-I'm stunned by your theories, you're really going to fall flat on your face at the end of the season.

-stream data clarification dal v: Your sources are not reliable, only oricon is really valid. I'm very familiar with the sites you've given, just to give an idea, but it's too approximate. What's more, season 4 wasn't viewed in stream in Japan either, even less than this one...

That didn't stop it from being a big hit on vod and blu ray, and the same will be true of season 5.

In any case, streaming doesn't count: kaguya sama and chainsaw man were huge hits, yet producers and studios are reluctant to give these licenses another season, because they simply don't make any money.

little-known anime such as trinity seven have managed to do a complete adaptation, business has a different logic to popularity.


Trinity Seven has a complete adaptation? Have I entered a new timeline?

At the time, with both films, they had been at the end of the source material. Indeed, the manga is still not finished, and has continued since, I didn't even know it. This series still managed to have two films with decent animation, even though it was a harem that was not very appreciated.
May 21, 2024 12:26 PM

Nov 2019

The second movie adapted upto volume 9 beginning, and volume 20 was already done in the manga by then. The first movie isn't even from the manga.

I don't know where you cook.
Laplace_kunMay 21, 2024 12:32 PM
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 25, 2024 4:08 PM

Dec 2009
Reply to benjic665

-Of course he does, isaac tortures children to make them tools: we see this with mana and his whole army in general. it's clear from season 3, as is the fact that he kills thousands of people (we understand this with the board of directors in season 3 who have their arms cut off).

- westcott isn't human, he's a mage, as you'll see in the next few episodes... he's not at all that easy to kill. He can destroy the world whenever he wants, and there are foreshadowings of this: he can control a demon without a care in the world: beelzebub, no human can do that... he's managed to find the formula for summoning an original spirit. think about it... Sure, he was insignificant in his early days, but not since the end of season 4. He's the cause of everything (even if the fact that his village was burned by humans is the trigger) :)

-At this stage of the story, the author wants you to believe that Mio is the main antagonist, but it's FALSE. You'll see in the next few episodes... you'll be surprised. All LN readers know this, because we have elements you haven't discovered.... you have to look to Jewish mysticism to understand dal, not Buddhism.....

-mio,westcott,kurumi and miku are the ones who have done the most harm to humanity in terms of morality, even if mio and westcott are on a much higher level in terms of crimes.

-I'm stunned by your theories, you're really going to fall flat on your face at the end of the season.

-stream data clarification dal v: Your sources are not reliable, only oricon is really valid. I'm very familiar with the sites you've given, just to give an idea, but it's too approximate. What's more, season 4 wasn't viewed in stream in Japan either, even less than this one...

That didn't stop it from being a big hit on vod and blu ray, and the same will be true of season 5.

In any case, streaming doesn't count: kaguya sama and chainsaw man were huge hits, yet producers and studios are reluctant to give these licenses another season, because they simply don't make any money.

little-known anime such as trinity seven have managed to do a complete adaptation, business has a different logic to popularity.
I had a reply written out but i closed the tab by accident so i'm just not going to bother.

benjic665 said:
-stream data clarification dal v: Your sources are not reliable, only oricon is really valid. I'm very familiar with the sites you've given, just to give an idea, but it's too approximate. What's more, season 4 wasn't viewed in stream in Japan either, even less than this one...

benjic665 said:
That didn't stop it from being a big hit on vod and blu ray, and the same will be true of season 5.
don't care didn't ask was never talking about that.

benjic665 said:
-mio,westcott,kurumi and miku are the ones who have done the most harm to humanity in terms of morality, even if mio and westcott are on a much higher level in terms of crimes.
kurumi is made to look worse than she is, she did little outside her very tunnel visioned objective.

benjic665 said:
-At this stage of the story, the author wants you to believe that Mio is the main antagonist, but it's FALSE. You'll see in the next few episodes... you'll be surprised. All LN readers know this, because we have elements you haven't discovered....
don't care
...besides westcott wouldn't have made mio if he could do it all on is own. that is more than enough proof that he's a manipulator not a volatile weapon. his power is only in knowledge, influence and words.

benjic665 said:
you have to look to Jewish mysticism to understand dal, not Buddhism.....
irrelevant. if it was made in israel maybe i'd agree with you but it's not. everything is filtered through the japanese buddhist lens. sorry for attitude just not interested in fighting, as i said previously.
GenesisAriaMay 25, 2024 4:34 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
May 26, 2024 2:40 AM
Feb 2024
I find Westcott's villain backstory funny. No motives, just an evil psychopath pos.
Jun 9, 2024 10:53 AM
May 2024
It's sad to see how Mio uses the girls she created as just fodders and takes their life away with zero care and with a plain face and seeing Westcott's flashback shows us how he was just bad from the beginning and not coz of some childhood trauma. Seems Shido has to face a powered up Mio soon and he is ready for that. A crazy episode indeed.
Jun 9, 2024 11:09 AM
May 2024
Mio taking the girls she created and giving a count each time she takes down one is really hard. And a domain where she has absolute control, how the rest of the girls are gonna deal with her. And Westcott was just pure evil and wasn't like this coz of some terrible past. Shido vs Westcott and Mio vs the rest of girls is up ahead.
Jun 14, 2024 7:00 PM

May 2024
Yuzuru and Yoshino both fall to Mio as Mio slowly begins taking back each of her sephirah crystals. Ellen loses to Elliott which was expected given their back story, Ellen does show her cute side tho.

Ellen and Karen
Jun 16, 2024 2:47 PM
Anime Archivist

Aug 2019
F Westcott, screwed up as usual. He wants to see the world burn, as he typically does. He can do all the posturing he wants, he has genocide on the mind.

And now we know Magi kids used the Spirit Formula to make a new world, along with setting the events of DAL in motion. F Westcott, and the others.. also responsible for this mess. But there's the birth of Mio.

The body count is only rising.. the deaths are sad.
Jun 18, 2024 3:28 AM

Apr 2018
Westcott is just crazy by nature, which is even sadder, anyway we got the backstory to what led to Mio's birth... now it's total chaos everyone is getting killed and Mio's world is just so OP since she makes the rules she wants, how do you counter that...
Jun 23, 2024 8:53 AM
Jun 2024
Shido needs to kick that old b*stards ass so he can beat/kiss some sense into Mio.
Jun 23, 2024 3:50 PM

May 2024
Not the reunion that Mio wanted to see with Mana, but Mana is also genuinely confused after regaining her memories from Mio. Goodnight to Yuzuru, Muku, and Yoshino. Looks like Mio's Ein Sof territory is essentially like domain expansion from JJK, but stronger. In this territory she basically controls reality.

Mod Edit: Removed Spam.
anime-primeJul 1, 2024 1:34 PM
Jun 23, 2024 5:21 PM

Jul 2016
You would feel bad for Wescott given his backstory if he wasn't such a psychopath. At the very least, you can understand Ellen's intentions and where she is coming from. But based on this episode, it seems that Wescott and the magi are able to summon Mio the origin spirit via some magic ritual, potentially indicating that someone/something similar to Mio can be summoned by Wescott again?
Jun 26, 2024 10:09 AM

Jun 2024
Still kind of confused how Mio was fully formed and summoned, it seems like she formed from nothing rather than being isekai'd from somewhere. Muku and Yoshino falling to her hands, as 2 more crystals are regained, signaled by her ring holo lighting up with their colors, with a total of 4 down (technically 5 because the yamai twins count as 1).
Jun 26, 2024 1:42 PM

May 2024
@tohkaphantom I think its implied that Ellen sees Westcott as the leader of the cause that everyone in the group (Ike, Karen, Elliot, herself), had agreed to, and is fiercely loyal to that oath which they all agreed to. So seeing Elliott betray them and take away her older sister Karen, it's almost as if she and Ike were left behind, and stuck to carrying out their promise.
Jun 28, 2024 6:36 AM

May 2024
A valiant attempt by Mukuro to try to seal off Mio's Ein Sof utilizing Michael, but as Mio describes, it's impossible to do so while inside Ein Sof's territory. Only Tohka and Origami are left against Mio, but it does not look like they have the power to stop her.
Jun 29, 2024 3:01 PM

Jun 2024
Not Yoshino too!! Yuzuru, Muku, and Yoshino are also gone now at the hands of Mio.

Jul 10, 2024 11:43 AM

Apr 2013
I really miss information when and where that backstory of Ellen and the others took place.
Aug 3, 2024 1:17 PM

Mar 2013
kek the fact Date a live used domain expansion way before Jujutsu kaisen, i love this clown world so much.
the vilain is really goated in this serie, but i hope im not right about what going to happen when shido obviously save the day
Aug 16, 2024 3:02 PM

Sep 2017
Ugh I really don't like the new art style
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Oct 7, 2024 2:58 PM

Feb 2018
Reply to Piromysl
And so Wescott casually murdered 150 million people...
@Piromysl No idea. Summoning shows a massive explosion, then cuts to that explosion being large enough to engulf a major metropolitan city and its surroundings, then cuts to a view from space showing an explosion the size of Europe, then back to the summoning area, with a crater in a rural area the size of a large farm or a small lake.
Nov 2, 2024 10:30 AM

Oct 2024
We got Westcots backstory on this one

I thought he would have like the craziest and darkest backstories in anime history... but nah he just built like a villian and he cant help it 😭

Also a lotta more spirits die.... but since they die too quick without some emotional scene, im thinking they might come back to life later

Disappointed in the backstory though....
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