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Sep 29, 2017 10:29 PM
Jul 2015
Bahamut fight was pretty anti-climactic. But it was expected considering they needed to "kill" him and wrap it up in one episode. Not enough Amira =\. Overall I enjoyed it. Maybe not as much as the first season but still pretty good. Here's hoping for a season 3 with zombie Kaisar.

civilization said:
So what is with the hate for Charioce. People keep saying the the bad things he has done, like what? Attack demons, who are are not humans and for the most part hate humans; attack the Gods who want the humans to bow before them, to the humans he is trying to make them independent and not fear demons and revere the gods.

That's because MAL is full of children that see the world in black and white. They think the concepts of good and evil actually exist. And think that their morals are the correct ones.
Sep 29, 2017 10:30 PM

Jan 2012
Disappointing, so much potential was there to create great drama between three warring factions with conflicting ideologies, but instead a convoluted senseless plot is what's shown. Well, fortunately Kino's Journey is coming out in October and Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin sometime soon, only worthwhile shows then this wasted potential of a show.
Sep 29, 2017 10:54 PM
Aug 2014
What you expect from 24eps of VS

Nina - MAIN
Charioce - MAIN
Favaro - Supporting
Kaiser - Supporting

Worst Sequel 3/10
Sep 29, 2017 11:18 PM

Jan 2017
So after all that Bahamut is still potentially alive? lol
I had a good time with this season I guess.
Sep 29, 2017 11:37 PM

Apr 2016
Happy end, but the Bahamut dragon appears was very sad, because one full episode for this monster is incredible :/
Sep 29, 2017 11:58 PM

Jan 2014
Why king had not told demns and angels about bahamut revival and MAYBE they would had gave him materials for canon or think about something else???? No attack them invade make them slaves kill many demons/angels/humans because of what? WHOLE story really was a mess 6/10.
Sep 30, 2017 12:07 AM

Nov 2012
Not as good as the first season, but not terrible, still say it's lowkey a very depressing show, like bad things kept happening.

I'm not quite sure how this brought demons, angels, and humans together, they fought together the last season, and that time none of them were slaves.

I find it amusing that people are so hung up on Chris being portrayed as a hero, while they themselves fawn and elevate Azazel like crazy. At least Chris had good intentions, Azazel in season 1? Total asshole. I personally have doubts about Chris' role as a redeemed hero too, but hey if this fandom can forgive Azazel then to me it's not that unthinkable that the characters would forgive Chris, there is a strange part of human nature to forget injustice apparently so go Chris.

And as I hoped, Kaisar is now smarter than ever as a zombie, very much an improvement in IQ I guarantee. I actually hope for season 3, looks like it'll be the real sequel to Genesis.
Sep 30, 2017 1:04 AM

Nov 2009
What a disaster of an ending. I don't even know where to start. It's all I disliked about the ending of the first season and more, so much worse and more. To begin with, Charioce's actions throughout the season - his genocide of demons, his challenging gods - make zero sense in perspective of his plan, as it was voiced by many in all the previous threads. To make it worse, he gets away with everything, the price to pay for all he's done, including subjecting everybody along with his own subjects to Bahamut again short 10 years after they'd gone through. is just his eyesight and Nina's voice? GTFO. And the icing on the cake is Bahamut is not even dead! Can you believe it?! It was literally all for nothing! He killed, directly or indirectly, more people of all races than Bahamut could dream of, and nothing is what he has to show for it! This is so ridiculous, I can't even.

Kaisar died for big freaking nothing. Literally. It's like they needed to kill someone, and threw all the characters names into a box, then drew lots and Kaisar's name got the short stick. That's how little sense that made. I feared and I prayed they wouldn't make him a zombie, but they went there, they went there and violated the kindest guy around by making him a mindless zombie... it's just... I don't know, I'm speechless.

Except for striking a cool pose, Lucifer did nothing - YET AGAIN. And in general, the second half was pretty much what you describe as 'much ado about nothing'. Lots of characters acting chaotically and randomly, stupidly overemphasized romance, lots of stuff that served no purpose and was absolutely meaningless however you look, especially now, after the end. Pretty animation was the only thing the second half had going for it, while its narrative was reduced to shambles. I think the second season would actually have benefited from only 12-13 episodes, not full 2 cour.

The bottom line, the show started out as 9/10 for me, but now, even if I'm feeling generous, I can only give it 7/10, and mostly only for pretty animation, because if season 1 made some sense, this season makes none.

Salva252 said:
I mean this so named king did all this shit to kill Bahamut for good but instead he did the exact same thing Favaro did and that is temporarily stop him.
This. And add to that that Favaro had to act because Bahamut was awakening of his own, and there was no other way to stop it. Charioce though? He went and broke Favaro's seal on Bahamut without any need to as the seal would've lasted a few centuries at the least, dragged the big lizard out of his seal-induced slumber, let it loose onto the unsuspecting world and proceeded to kill it but not quite? Like, 'I was late to the party, so start it over just for me'. Like, wtf is even that. What for? Those are actions of a total selfish psycho with an ego the size of a goddamn galaxy. His reason for killing all those people, demons, angels, gods and unleashing the creature onto the world is literally avenging his mother that lost her life in an unfortunate accident during the desperate struggle to seal the revived Bahamut 10 years ago. I'm lost for words, for real.
CGSep 30, 2017 1:28 AM
Sep 30, 2017 1:35 AM

Jul 2016
I gave it a 3 only because of zombie Kaiser.

Without that this episode gets a 1.

The king is just allowed to live? He was a fucking slaver and murderer?

Sep 30, 2017 1:36 AM
Jul 2016
Mascera said:
I wonder what Amira said to Nina at that very state... Probably like "Please take care of Favaro for me" or something like that? Too bad it's not like that.

Um, they showed what Amira said to Nina, she wrote it down for Favaro...
Sep 30, 2017 2:06 AM

Jan 2015
Mouloxas said:
Mascera said:
I wonder what Amira said to Nina at that very state... Probably like "Please take care of Favaro for me" or something like that? Too bad it's not like that.

Um, they showed what Amira said to Nina, she wrote it down for Favaro...
Yup, and that's why I said it's too bad Amira didn't say about "take care" but just "the best" instead. So it can feels more dramatic.
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Sep 30, 2017 3:11 AM

Feb 2011
I give this sequel a 5/10.

Azazel x Jeanne OTP
Sep 30, 2017 3:47 AM

Mar 2013
First half was reammy good but after...meh
on a side note Zombie Kaisar is cute
Sep 30, 2017 4:01 AM

Jul 2017
LunatikPriest said:
Azazel x Jeanne OTP

That literally never happened though. They pay respects to Mugaro/El, she thanks him and they both go their separate ways. Not once was there anything romantic about their interactions. Thank God too since we see how the writers handle romance in this series.
Sep 30, 2017 4:38 AM

Nov 2014
overall it was a good season i guess, if you consider the animation and design of characters. The plot was ok but with the massive following genesis had, diminishing kaiser and favaro's roles made an apparent disaster.
The way they tried to force that romance down our throats was irking at times, they could have still done that and elevate the original with the proper considerate and a proposal writing. Guess they they are happy they somewhat made new fans that would possibly come back for season 3.
Anybody say the tooth or weapon Favaro used to carry around in the first season? i thought they could also have played with may the dormant demon powers from season 1.
Let us hope for season 3 , let us hope for a season 3 with favarro back as MC, i don't mind him growing as a character but i miss the crazy character from Genis with a penchant for just overall craziness....I need psych pass season 3 as well...
Sep 30, 2017 5:37 AM

Jul 2015
animo start out stronk
but am rate low now k

-anime hitler gets away w/ genocide & enslaving demons, while same enslaved demons suddenly cohabit w/ humans in city where they endured years of horror
-mugaro's entire existence in show was poinless
-anime hitler reviving bahamut at all was poinless bc bahamut hinted to not be dead in the end

am rooting for bahamut now
burn this season from existence pls
SlawadiaSep 30, 2017 5:52 AM
Sep 30, 2017 5:50 AM

Aug 2015
I was so happy when this show was announced but man did it disappoint.... I enjoyed some episodes here and there but I was expecting much more. 4.5/10
Sep 30, 2017 6:03 AM

Mar 2017
Some are forgetting that demons treated humans as if they're nothing? Not really rationalizing what Charioce did but I think something changed between the relationship of humans and demons and it is for the better.
Sep 30, 2017 7:05 AM

Apr 2014
Mocchiii said:
Some are forgetting that demons treated humans as if they're nothing?

Which is why the first half of Virgin Soul is retarded for trying to make us sympathize with Azazel. You know, the same guy who killed Favaro's father and ruined Kaiser's family for his own amusement. Heck, Azazel willing to get himself killed for his demonkind still makes no sense at all since he didn't even show any emotion in season 1 when one of his comrade got killed.

Feels like the writer never even watched Genesis.
Sep 30, 2017 7:50 AM

Feb 2012
Daniel_Naumov said:
Ramkec said:
Well that was pretty tragic, the King and Nina ended up as a couple (I presume?) but he can't see her, and she can't talk to him.

Really triggered how they disrespected Kaiser so much this season, he was my favorite male character, and they even ended up killing him, I was so pissed during this episode how nobody mentioned him or went to his grave, not even Favaro. After credits scene gave me some relief when I saw him with Rita. I guess the rest of them don't know she revived him as a zombie yet.

First of all, the final scene with Nina and Chaorice is quite romantic, just like the whole series was. They both lost one basic sense, as you have said, they can't know of each others..."existence" unless they touch, embrace each other. It is so tragic, yet romantic, they are finally together and their love is complete, achieved through struggle and sacrifice. Also, Nina did something Favaro could not - she defeated the Bahamut without giving him the loved one. And this is something Favaro is proud of.
Now, to the main issue. I really feel you, my man, I really do. But the way they handled Kaisar... it was proper, essential until the end(which did not even come yet, thanks to Rita). He always was my favourite. A noble medieval knight I have only read in fairy tales, with a codex of honour and a proper aim in mind. I can't exactly remember that he has exact 0 (ZERO) bodycount on his hands, but I believe it to be so. He was until the end an idealist, a pacifist and a hero. Why *was*, he is still, even if his form debased a little, in essence he is still that blue-eyed beacon of morality, protecting the troubled with complete disregard to his own well-being. An embodiment of "heroism". And there is nothing wrong with what has happened past two episodes. Because this is what Kaisar wanted. This is what he achieved, the peace he craved for,ever if it costed him his living. El, born half an angel, was supposed to bring the light to the world and save it. In a sense, he did, just like Kaisar did his part in it. And what's more, him being turned to zombie is a double-trouble. Now he can keep helping the people with ABSOLUTE disregard for his well-being. That is what he would have wanted, wouldn't he? I am really looking forward to whatever they do next with this series, though I am afraid it is as perfect as it gets - no more Kaisar for me, us. But that is what we would have wanted, wouldn't we, Kaisar.

I don't really agree with your first part, it was not romantic, its stupid, the series was never meant to be romantic, even the thing Favaro and Amira had in the 1st season I wouldn't consider pure romance, the series was about Favaro and Kaisar's adventures, that's how it started and that's how 1st season ended, while here they went on and pretty much did 24 episode and out of 10 of them tried to force NinaxKing pairing, the whole OP and ED included, plus adding all the stupid shit Nina did for the guy ignoring everyone else like people are mentioning here. I don't remember he even ever confessed his love to her or anything. Its just stupid.

I do agree with the second part of you post about Kaiser tho, he was the dude of the series. I wonder will there be sequels to see what will they do with the zombie version of him.
Sep 30, 2017 8:39 AM
Jul 2017
An end to a wonderful journey. Shingeki no Bahamut is one of my all time favorite animes and Virgin Soul captivated my heart. I am attached and deeply invested in each and every character and most of all Charioce, Nina, Favaro, and Kaisar. It's been an emotional roller coaster.

Genesis was fun and emotional a little bit but Virgin Soul is on a whole another level. Despite the flaws and plot holes in the story I was able to enjoy all 24 episodes.

The love between Charioce and Nina is the most organic and pure love despite all the ruin around them. It was indeed a tale of love and ruin. They had a bittersweet ending, although they are still together but Nina can't speak and Charioce can't see or hear Nina anymore. That piano ost in the ending credits scene and the end card gave me so many feels to the point I unexpectedly started crying. I will miss all these characters I feel very hollow still since I enjoyed speculating and waiting every Friday for a new episode.

This anime will always be close to my heart.

Sep 30, 2017 8:57 AM
Sep 2016
Azazel is still alive and kicking ass.
We get a Amira scene.
Zombie Kaisar. Damn son.

Well I was hoping that Azazel would bang Jean, but I guess not everything goes the way I want it to go.
What I love about this show is the realism it presents. We need to understand that expecting a fight between Nina and bahamut was like expecting Krillin to not get revived every time he died (lol). It shows that sometimes a single individual alone may not be able to make a difference with his or her strength, duh not everyone is a frickin super saiyan. The spoils of war and how the people react to betrayals or when their believes are proved baseless is shown very beautifully in this show.

Overall It was the character build up which made the show awesome for me. Favaro and Amira made the show a little sentimental (*WEEPS INSIDE* Oh god why didn't they meet!! T_T)

Loved the show 10/10
Updesh_gaurSep 30, 2017 9:15 AM
Sep 30, 2017 9:05 AM

Mar 2017
Z4k said:
Mocchiii said:
Some are forgetting that demons treated humans as if they're nothing?

Which is why the first half of Virgin Soul is retarded for trying to make us sympathize with Azazel. You know, the same guy who killed Favaro's father and ruined Kaiser's family for his own amusement. Heck, Azazel willing to get himself killed for his demonkind still makes no sense at all since he didn't even show any emotion in season 1 when one of his comrade got killed.

Feels like the writer never even watched Genesis.

Yeah, really bad writing, what a waste of supposedly good characters (They lack explanation for the 'development' like you said with Azazel) and the story, like what happened?! Feels like everything is rushed and forced. First few episodes are interesting. I really wanted to like it. At least, I finished the series so not that bad. It was so disappointing, had high hopes for this one :(
KookyeSep 30, 2017 9:21 AM
Sep 30, 2017 9:06 AM

Jan 2015
Also... charioce and nina didnt deserve a happy ending yet they got one, while favaro and amira didnt....
Sep 30, 2017 9:18 AM
Sep 2016
Z4k said:
Mocchiii said:
Some are forgetting that demons treated humans as if they're nothing?

Which is why the first half of Virgin Soul is retarded for trying to make us sympathize with Azazel. You know, the same guy who killed Favaro's father and ruined Kaiser's family for his own amusement. Heck, Azazel willing to get himself killed for his demonkind still makes no sense at all since he didn't even show any emotion in season 1 when one of his comrade got killed.

Feels like the writer never even watched Genesis.

I think he probably doesn't care about his kind but his pride.
It was his pride as a demon which was lost due to Charioce conquering the demons.
Sep 30, 2017 9:53 AM

Mar 2017
Updesh_gaur said:
Z4k said:

Which is why the first half of Virgin Soul is retarded for trying to make us sympathize with Azazel. You know, the same guy who killed Favaro's father and ruined Kaiser's family for his own amusement. Heck, Azazel willing to get himself killed for his demonkind still makes no sense at all since he didn't even show any emotion in season 1 when one of his comrade got killed.

Feels like the writer never even watched Genesis.

I think he probably doesn't care about his kind but his pride.
It was his pride as a demon which was lost due to Charioce conquering the demons.

Ohhhh now that you said it, yeah, probably, but there is that time when he was so devastated that his comrades died. Maybe he changed from 'because of pride' to 'genuinely caring for others' but the transition is not well demonstrated (or not at all demonstrated). His personality is so complex (kinda interesting). There's also Mugaro for whom he cared so much.
KookyeSep 30, 2017 10:43 AM
Sep 30, 2017 9:58 AM

Feb 2014
So we got a blind guy and a mute girl standing triumphant! Great way to work with that!
Charioce X Nina

Zombie all the way!
Rita X Kaisar

Ok this is all over Iron Blooded Orphans again!
Bacchus X Sofiel??

But all over Lucifer was the all and only savior of the beings, whether it be angels, demons or humans.

Season 3?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Sep 30, 2017 10:04 AM

Mar 2017
Jagh said:
Bahamut fight was pretty anti-climactic. But it was expected considering they needed to "kill" him and wrap it up in one episode. Not enough Amira =\. Overall I enjoyed it. Maybe not as much as the first season but still pretty good. Here's hoping for a season 3 with zombie Kaisar.

civilization said:
So what is with the hate for Charioce. People keep saying the the bad things he has done, like what? Attack demons, who are are not humans and for the most part hate humans; attack the Gods who want the humans to bow before them, to the humans he is trying to make them independent and not fear demons and revere the gods.

That's because MAL is full of children that see the world in black and white. They think the concepts of good and evil actually exist. And think that their morals are the correct ones.

Haha. Like your comment.
Sep 30, 2017 10:21 AM
Apr 2016
Mocchiii said:
Updesh_gaur said:

I think he probably doesn't care about his kind but his pride.
It was his pride as a demon which was lost due to Charioce conquering the demons.

Ohhhh now that you said it, yeah, probably, but there is that time when he was so devastated that his comrades died. Maybe he changed from 'because of pride' to 'genuinely caring for others' but not well demonstrated (or not at all demonstrated). His personality is so complex (kinda interesting). There's also Mugaro for whom he cared so much.

He really cared for Mugaro which is like plain shown in the series, and he cared for Kaisar enough to flinch in disbelief when Kaisar took his attack upon himself.
Sep 30, 2017 10:26 AM

Sep 2015
"So Mugaro and Kaisar died and Charioce has happy ending. Amira didn't return and all of this. I feel like someone just spitted right into my face and I don't like the feeling."
Sep 30, 2017 10:56 AM
Sep 2013
considering Kaiser is a zombie if they do a future season they might somehow may make zombie Kaiser regain his consciousness through some meansand make his existence like Rita is.
Sep 30, 2017 11:37 AM

Jul 2017
Came for the classic "FAVAROOO!" shout, left not disappointed.
Sep 30, 2017 11:59 AM

Oct 2013
ah so its finally over. Sad to see a good show turn bad like this honestly
will probably remember Virgin Soul as Shakugan no Shana season III done wrong for the rest of my life
Sep 30, 2017 12:08 PM

Nov 2012

No comments....................

Sep 30, 2017 12:40 PM

Oct 2015
humm, I didn't like the latest events, however I give 8/10

Bahamut is immortal
Sep 30, 2017 12:45 PM
Jul 2015
Mocchiii said:
Jagh said:
Bahamut fight was pretty anti-climactic. But it was expected considering they needed to "kill" him and wrap it up in one episode. Not enough Amira =\. Overall I enjoyed it. Maybe not as much as the first season but still pretty good. Here's hoping for a season 3 with zombie Kaisar.

That's because MAL is full of children that see the world in black and white. They think the concepts of good and evil actually exist. And think that their morals are the correct ones.

Haha. Like your comment.

I'm a bit confused. Either your comment is missing an "I". Or it doesn't make sense. Can I get a clarification?
Sep 30, 2017 12:46 PM
Sep 2016
Riahisama said:
worst ending ever 4/10

If 4/10 is the worst. What does it take to be a 1/10? Does the show have to physically harm you for it be a 1/10? lol
Sep 30, 2017 1:47 PM

Apr 2016
She witout voice. He with eyes!
Sep 30, 2017 1:51 PM

Jan 2012
I loved this ending and cried so hard for it
Cried so hard when Amira showed up, cried so hard when Favaro received her message, cried so hard at Nina x Charioce, one without voice and the other without sight, (I feel so sad for them),and cried so hard at seeing Kaisar in zombie mode lol
At one point I thought Jeanne and Azazel were together
Definitely one of my favourites!!! And I'm sorry for almost everyone who were disappointed for the whole story+ending but I'm happy as hell!!! and of course, I enjoyed both seasons <3
Sep 30, 2017 2:08 PM
Apr 2016
Thesman106 said:
Came for the classic "FAVAROOO!" shout, left not disappointed.

Well, Rocky has enough consciousness just being a hand.
FoldedCorner said:
Riahisama said:
worst ending ever 4/10

If 4/10 is the worst. What does it take to be a 1/10? Does the show have to physically harm you for it be a 1/10? lol

Nice one. Everyone being a drama queeng is rather inssuferable.
Sep 30, 2017 3:23 PM

Jul 2014
Started so well, ended so meh.

In my opinion Nina was the most annoying part of this season, she didn't give a fuck about anything but the king until the last few episodes, when Mugaro died.

I wish virgin soul were another Favaro, Kaisar and Nina adventure with Jeanne in middle, those characters were a lot more interesting than NinaxKing romance, even though they were not the main plot of the history.

Giving it a 6/10, the king could have solved the problem without invading 2 others realms so they could unite against Bahamut one more time; the writer just tried too hard.
Sep 30, 2017 3:39 PM

Aug 2014
FoldedCorner said:
Riahisama said:
worst ending ever 4/10

If 4/10 is the worst. What does it take to be a 1/10? Does the show have to physically harm you for it be a 1/10? lol

cry me a rriver smartass, I was talking about the ending, it's not a 1/10 anime
RiahisamaSep 30, 2017 3:42 PM
Sep 30, 2017 3:49 PM

Nov 2014
Nina was really annoying, but other than that it was good imo.
I wonder how is Kaisar? He look a bit weird as a zombie. I hope he isn't just a doll.

And we never learned how Charioce was able to use this technology, despite gods wondering about it few times?
JustAnotherShiroSep 30, 2017 4:02 PM
Sep 30, 2017 4:58 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Seriously, it is really difficult to rate it when it does things so well, while also fucking it up and making weird decisions here and there...
I think Nina going for MC was both good and bad, they tried to do something different there, and suceeded to a certain point, but it just got ridicule, Chariote's motives dont make much sense, okay he didnt want to rely on either demons or angels, and wanted humans to kill Bahamut, but then why did he took such attentions against both sides the whole time?
The final boss being Bahamut again felt old, 24 episodes and they still insist on putting the goddam dragon solely making a real appearence in the last episode!
I dont want to blame the writting, since it could have been achieved with this plotline but the execution failed, characters like Alessandre are the best example I can give, WTF!! And El's death from that still annoys me a bit.

And while it was good to see Amira's back, it was too quick, and it leaves too much to answer to, like is Bahamut still alive, holy fuck!! Just how do you kill that asshole?!
And Kaiser being alive is soo creepy, Rika's love is so twisted. I did enjoy the ending and this conclusion to a certain degree, but like people say, some points just dont make sense and feel too forced.

The best it can be said about these final episodes is that the visuals and OST were just right, it really felt an immersive experience into the battlefield, budget was definitly well spent here.

Guess I will end giving it the same score of last season, it did so much better than S1, sometimes it felt like a GoT into anime format, pity some odd decisions take so much from it. (there were a large number of really great episodes too)
PlaycoolSep 30, 2017 5:03 PM
Sep 30, 2017 5:23 PM

Jan 2014
VanishingKira said:

Edit: On a positive note the only thing I can say I liked about this episode was Nina telling Favaro that Amira wishes him the best and him obviously getting emotional which was touching.

That was the only touching moment in this entire season xD. Kaisar's death didn't even faze me and because of how fake this season felt his death also felt fake for some reason xD.

P.S: Agreed. The new season is utter shit.
The beauty of humans is that they say one thing then do another, but at the same time that can also be their ugliest side.
Sep 30, 2017 6:01 PM

Dec 2008
Charioce lost his eyes, and Nina lost her voice. That's fitting. Charioce does not deserve to see with his own eyes how the people in his kingdom are thriving. As for Nina, she's much more likeable when she's quiet.

I was hoping El would rise from the dead and be the deus ex machina.

The ending dance with Charioce and Nina was absolutely beautiful.

Zombie Kaisar seems to be intellectually disabled. I knew Rita wasn't going to let him stay dead for long.
Sep 30, 2017 9:04 PM

Mar 2017
Jagh said:

That's because MAL is full of children that see the world in black and white. They think the concepts of good and evil actually exist. And think that their morals are the correct ones.

I mean I like this comment. Harsh :)
KookyeOct 1, 2017 8:27 AM
Sep 30, 2017 9:14 PM

Oct 2013
Whoever judges a show mostly on it's ending is gonna be pretty disappointed with here, however even this ending, while going in a direction not many of us wanted, is well-executed. With the way they decided to go about it, I'd have personally preferred if Nina & Chaorice would have ran away together or something, as Jeanne,the gods,Azazel & the demons letting him go to be king just like that kind of stretches it.

Sep 30, 2017 9:21 PM
Oct 2007
I'm not even sure what to think about this ending or rather last part of the series but I do enjoy watching this episode as a standalone. Very tempted to drop the rating but overall I think season 2 still deserve to stay on 8/10.
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Sep 30, 2017 9:48 PM

May 2013
What I don't get is: Why Charioce enslaved the demons, waged war against the gods and revive the goddamn Bahamut?

What point was there in enslaving the demons besides being a fucking prick?

Even if the gods weren't going to give away that ancient technology, did he have to fucking wage war against them? He even attempted to put the people against them. Couldn't he have been open about his plan all along?

If the Bahamut was gonna revive anyway, didn't he just speed up the process and seal him again?

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