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Magical Girl Raising Project (light novel)
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Oct 9, 2016 2:20 AM

May 2009
Tevens said:
Death game. Holy shit. even tho this looks like Madoka Magica rip off to me, but it still looks so fucking thrilling. probably because of the SoL Elements or just to be straight foward, it's because of the moe elements in it. comapred to madoka magica, it doesn't have any cuteness on the character, IMO. but in this anime, it has pretty big of it. and when i saw one of them died in a horrible way. well, that death didn't look horrible but how she died seems to me horrible to me. just look at her mom was waking her up and suddenly and slowly get surpised that actually her daugther died. died while sleeping is the worst thing ever to me so i got pretty scared to in the end.

anyway, although this anime looks really similiar to madoka magica, i still think it's pretty good but at the same time, i think its a little bit to rushed xD madoka magica starts it's despair in episode 3. but...whatever. i hope they can keep up the despair xD

looking foward to the next episode.
why when i was about getting to like the character, the character suddenly died.

Hi Tevens. o/ :D
Well, people seem to look down on this series just because it looks like on Madoka, which is quite sad. :(
After all, Summer Wars was almost a carbon copy of one of the Digimon movie, and yet not bashed as much for that. *sigh*

Loved how the firt part of ep1 induce viewers about how the selection will take place. When the "game" start, we still don't know if they will die, and if so, why?
Anyway, I still wonder if she would have survived if she didn't use her power until the end or not. There is also a lot of element I hope to be explained later.
The way Nemurin died was not horrible imo. Rather, it was the kind of death you could ask for if you know you re gonna die. However, how it was present was really tragic and stricking with her mother. :o That really was a good ending.
Pacing-wise, I think it's good. There is enough events that make him neither too slow nor too fast. The really first scene induce that the game would not make long to start and reduce the party.

Janster24 said:
Oh and Fav is confirmed Kyubey 2.0

Hope we will know Fav's motivations to do so. Kyuubey's were legit in some way.
Oct 9, 2016 3:01 AM

Aug 2008
Man, being a mahou shoujo. It's serious business :<

At least we didn't have a death on our third episode, after being led to believe that everything would be innocent affairs for the better part of it all, and then bring in the whammy scene at the end lol
GenixOct 9, 2016 3:05 AM
Oct 9, 2016 3:29 AM
Nov 2013
Well, you guys know how I feel about this series now, I think I'll give it till episode 5, and if it doesn't get any better I'll drop it
Oct 9, 2016 3:37 AM

Apr 2013
AzuStar said:
NipahAllDay said:

-A little good news for those who liked her. She died in the dream world, while she was pretty much a goddess. Due to that, she's actually still alive somehow for a while in the dream world. She lost any link with her dead body and pretty much any memory with it, so she just wanders from dream to dream saving peoples for several months, slowly disappearing."

oh well... bittersweet is still sweet. also, is that "memory loss" limited to the knowledge of her death or does she forget about her life entirely?

either way i can assume she is gonna pop up later in the story for a purpose so yay.

The reason I talked about it openly is because knowing that won't spoil anything in the anime, in other words, she won't appear again in the anime, so not really.

ozzi9816 said:
So, quick little rant here: I think the way Nemurin died is a testament to the lack of ability of the writer(s).

In my opinion, Nemurin was killed for two reasons: For the shock factor, and because her powers were troublesome. Not to the other girls, but to the story.

The whole concept of this game they're playing is that the girl with the least amount of points at the end of the week will die, right? So, if this is the case, the girls that have easy powers for earning candies will be the ones that have an advantage. I'm gonna call it now, Calamity Mary will start hunting magical girls later on. So factoring that in, the two important things in this game will be the ability to earn candies easily (Snow White's power is ideal for this) and fighting ability, whether that be getting into, winning, or avoiding fights (Calamity Mary, the Ninja girl, and La Pucelle will probably be good at this, expect Snow White getting white knighted by La Pucelle)

So where am I going with this? Well, the thing is that if Nemurin lived, she would be automatically safe from the game. Think about it. If her dream helping counted in the real world (god was that stupid,) then she would have A) an easy way to earn candies, and since no one knows her and she doesn't have to leave her house to use her powers, she has B) an ideal way to avoid a fight; hiding. You're asking, "So what? Even if that is all true, why does that matter?" Well, this brings me back to point two: She was killed as a plot device. She was killed as a way to say "whoa, our show was totally edgy, look, she died!"

And I think that's what makes me the angriest about this whole thing. There were a million ways they could have done that twist better, but I bet they thought "I bet we can copy the "Protective kind character suddenly dying early on indicating a total shift in tone" thing Madoka did and no one will even notice!"

She could have been used in a lot of interesting ways later on too, like if she wanted to go on the offensive, she could have invaded others' dreams as a psychological attack, or they could have pulled a "if you die in the dream you die for real" and that would have had given a sense of danger to her life. They could have even used her as a good way to show the reactions to the bloodbath happening from the viewpoint of a character that was for sure safe. They could have had her sacrifice herself for someone or even suicide, and all those potential outcomes would have been better than what they ended up doing. As a matter of fact, she pretty much went along with the whole thing, and hung the freakin' noose around her own neck.

TL;DR Nemurin's death was handled very poorly, and it makes me worry for the future of the show

An addendum: The reasoning they gave for her death rubs me the wrong way, just personally. From the show, they say "she didn't put effort in in the real world," or "she was always hanging out online," and "only helped in dreams." To that, I say, are those ways of helping not valid? It may be just me, but the insinuation I'm getting from that is "psychological help is inferior to physical help." To me, the therapist helping a soldier with PTSD is just as helpful and important a person as that soldier.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not mad about the fact that she died at all, just that it was handled exceptionally poorly, and beyond that, that she was even a character at all. If the writer knew the plot from the beginning and made all the characters, why would he make one that has such problematic powers to the story? I know that they needed to kill someone off, but I don't think that Nemurin was a good choice. I would have liked to see the ninja or someone like that be killed off first, just to mess with your expectations. Like, you think they're gonna be important to the story, and them bam! dead.

No. You're having a huge problem of logic/thought process here. And unfortunately this is a problem we see regularly on MAL boards. When you're trying to build hypothesis/conclusions about a story before its end, the whole point of checking with the various "known informations" is to verify if your theory/conclusions can work properly with everything. So if it doesn't, then your conclusion/hypothesises are probably wrong somewhere. What you're doing is the contrary. When you're seeing something that doesn't go well with you hypothesis/conclusion, then it must be a plot hole/bad writing ".

Peoples with that kind of way to think aren't going to get to the proper conclusions 99% of the time, and as a matter of fact, you got to the wrong conclusion.
-It makes perfect sense for magical candies earned in dream (or any other "world type" for that matter)to NOT be counted by the IRL counter.
-It makes perfect sense that Nemurin was killed, and killed first at that. Nemurin didn't want to compete with others, as I wrote above.
-"if you die in your dream then you die for real" wouldn't even come close of being logical. Those are dreams, peoples dying in dream don't die for real. Even if yo uwere to only apply that to Nemurin and Nemurin alone (and not the dreamer), that would be pointless. In the dreamworld, Nemurin is powerful enough to save universe from impeding destruction. In other words, she's almighty, or close to it.
-Nemurin wasn't doing therapy. Just randomly hunting down nightmares. At best a whole night of doing this would grant her a few irl candies, which would still not being enough to compete with those really helping peoples in trouble IRL. But asd I said, it makes sense to not reward them, so that's besides the point anyway.
Oct 9, 2016 3:42 AM

Nov 2012
i just knew she would die. things should get interesting from now on i guess :o
Oct 9, 2016 4:33 AM

May 2009
Zefyris said:
Peoples with that kind of way to think aren't going to get to the proper conclusions 99% of the time, and as a matter of fact, you got to the wrong conclusion.
-It makes perfect sense for magical candies earned in dream (or any other "world type" for that matter)to NOT be counted by the IRL counter.
-It makes perfect sense that Nemurin was killed, and killed first at that. Nemurin didn't want to compete with others, as I wrote above.
-"if you die in your dream then you die for real" wouldn't even come close of being logical. Those are dreams, peoples dying in dream don't die for real. Even if yo uwere to only apply that to Nemurin and Nemurin alone (and not the dreamer), that would be pointless. In the dreamworld, Nemurin is powerful enough to save universe from impeding destruction. In other words, she's almighty, or close to it.
-Nemurin wasn't doing therapy. Just randomly hunting down nightmares. At best a whole night of doing this would grant her a few irl candies, which would still not being enough to compete with those really helping peoples in trouble IRL. But asd I said, it makes sense to not reward them, so that's besides the point anyway.

That's so true. Some tend to force their opinions on the show, having some misplaced expectations. :(
Oct 9, 2016 6:19 AM

Jul 2016
It was a let down. I was hoping for a bloody death from the start since that opening scene in episode 1. Oh well, I guess they will learn about that sudden death and try to put up the bloody deadly fights to survive, not only as a magical girl but for their own lives too.
"This (anime) industry is weird" - Chitose Karasuma, Gi(a)rlish Number

I hope someday someone in an anime would say, "The (anime) viewers are weird."
Oct 9, 2016 6:33 AM

Jul 2016
Zefyris said:
This is a battle royale. A one cour anime with 16 characters. It is obvious that lots of them are not going to get developed.

I feel you. This was anticipated in Mayoiga but what happened? It wasted my whole 12-13 episode, almost 4-5 hrs that supposed to go with my back logs. That was a pure waste of time.
"This (anime) industry is weird" - Chitose Karasuma, Gi(a)rlish Number

I hope someday someone in an anime would say, "The (anime) viewers are weird."
Oct 9, 2016 6:59 AM

Jul 2015
I want proper plot progression and not some braindead shounen anime. We already have enough of these every season.

I think Lerche is delivering quite well. Thriller needs proper setup. For those without patience, they already have one of them dead.

Maybe we will get a plot twist later. I didn't read the novel:

AdrianRubinskyOct 9, 2016 7:08 AM
Oct 9, 2016 7:03 AM

Nov 2011
No! Because now they have already eliminated Nemurin that was the character more sympathetic? I am sad! I would say that the narrative took place following a script which already imagined, retracing the steps already seen in other similar souls. Drawings and animations really good, I'm curious to find out who the girl in the last dream of Nemurin. Catchy soundtrack.

Give me Nemurin! :(
Oct 9, 2016 7:09 AM

Jul 2012
Top Speed is so cool, if I was a Mahou Shoujo I would want to be just like her.

I really thought that Nemurin would put out a Freddy Kruger on them, but ok.

I wonder what are Monokuma's baby intentions...I mean, they are getting the magical candies by helping people, so it is good in a way...but...I don't know. He still shady af to me XD (pon)

So, did Nemurin entered Ruler's dream? But, why Ruler? There is some meaning to it or it was just random? I think there is a connection, but we still need more information to get it entirely.

And the elf girl...she looks like the first we saw with all those corpses, in the opening she looks so different and scary...maybe she already survived a killing game? o-o

Oct 9, 2016 8:26 AM

Dec 2011
..this episode is more depressing than i expected. And in a good way.

After seeing the very first scene in the first episode, i always thought that the death in this series will be gruesome or bloody, but then they give us a silent death like that.

This death is another good thing too. It makes us the watcher know that they're pretty much fcked if they lose in the selection, while the other girls doesn't about it, unlike in Danganronpa.

And the fact that in this episode, Nemurin has an extra 10 minutes before she loses her power, it makes another interesting question like "What will happen if i don't choose to use my power at the last time?"

tl;dr Interesting premise and cliffhanger, nice pace, also a makes sense logic in its own world.
Oct 9, 2016 8:58 AM

Aug 2009
About the candy collecting. Can't remember if it was stated but shouldn't it reset to 0 each week? I mean, the hardworking girls has plenty of candies while the angel twins and furry girl are so low. Once the truth is revealed I'm expecting some girls to make desparate actions, like directly causing accidents for the townspeople and thereafter rescue them to collect candy. The highest ranking should also watch their back because rivals would try to attack them first.
Hope the girls somehow finds out about real world Nemu. Maybe the girl in the dream is a friend of one magical girl and tells her what she saw.
Oct 9, 2016 9:04 AM

Apr 2015
hmm... not as dark as i expected... but still good enough...
well, Pon didn't mention the consequence for being the last so they act like it is nothing... it's just collecting some candy and don't be the last...
also, Nemurin's ability is to enter someone else dream so of course, she will be the last... RIP
and La Pucelle ability '' can change the size of her sword at will" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 9, 2016 9:22 AM

Sep 2015
Hunger Games ;-;
Rip Magical Girls who will die in the future.
Oct 9, 2016 9:44 AM

Jul 2016
This is unfair.Why Nemu can't collect any magical candies.Isnt helping people from nightmares should be counted too...Hope that Nemu isn't dead,though I started to notice that being magical girls isn't easy.
If Nemu's death is confirmed,then I started to think this anime is like SAO,which people who are eliminated from "magical girl world" are also going to eliminated from the real life.
If this anime focus more on the difference between real life and "magical girl world",I think the character development would be better.
Though I think they did a great job on the flashbacks,but I think they should be focus on Nemu first before Nemu's death so that Nemu's death would be more worthy.As I said before in one of my reviews,anime that focus on one to two points only is better than anime with hodgepodges.
4/5 great
TokumiaOct 9, 2016 9:51 AM

Life is empty without anime

Oct 9, 2016 9:52 AM

Dec 2015
BEST GIRL DIED :(((((((((
Oct 9, 2016 10:21 AM

Feb 2015
Djidji said:
Tevens said:
Death game. Holy shit. even tho this looks like Madoka Magica rip off to me, but it still looks so fucking thrilling. probably because of the SoL Elements or just to be straight foward, it's because of the moe elements in it. comapred to madoka magica, it doesn't have any cuteness on the character, IMO. but in this anime, it has pretty big of it. and when i saw one of them died in a horrible way. well, that death didn't look horrible but how she died seems to me horrible to me. just look at her mom was waking her up and suddenly and slowly get surpised that actually her daugther died. died while sleeping is the worst thing ever to me so i got pretty scared to in the end.

anyway, although this anime looks really similiar to madoka magica, i still think it's pretty good but at the same time, i think its a little bit to rushed xD madoka magica starts it's despair in episode 3. but...whatever. i hope they can keep up the despair xD

looking foward to the next episode.
why when i was about getting to like the character, the character suddenly died.

Hi Tevens. o/ :D
Well, people seem to look down on this series just because it looks like on Madoka, which is quite sad. :(
After all, Summer Wars was almost a carbon copy of one of the Digimon movie, and yet not bashed as much for that. *sigh*

Loved how the firt part of ep1 induce viewers about how the selection will take place. When the "game" start, we still don't know if they will die, and if so, why?
Anyway, I still wonder if she would have survived if she didn't use her power until the end or not. There is also a lot of element I hope to be explained later.
The way Nemurin died was not horrible imo. Rather, it was the kind of death you could ask for if you know you re gonna die. However, how it was present was really tragic and stricking with her mother. :o That really was a good ending.
Pacing-wise, I think it's good. There is enough events that make him neither too slow nor too fast. The really first scene induce that the game would not make long to start and reduce the party.

hi! xD
i think fav was letting her to use her power, letter her to become a magical girl for the last time before her death. this is just my assumption, i think whoever got bashed out from that magical girl community, he/she will die without any exception. for what reason ? i think fav didn't want the world know more about the girls. which is why it killed her. but if that's the case, he can just erased her memories tho....

or maybe for the other possibilities, if she cut her ties with fav, the black mysterious monster like in the first episode will appear and kill her maybe...

there are still many question and i'm kinda looking foward to it xD
and no matter from what angle i see, her death looked horrible or scary to me. die while sleeping is the worst thing imo. moreover she just decided to stop being a neet after she's done with those magical girl things. that's just....well it's tragic but it's horrible or scary too... :(
Oct 9, 2016 10:32 AM

Dec 2015
Whoa man... I don't know if I want to keep watching this. If that tiny creepy ball is going to kill all the girls that get deleted... Man that was a downer.
Oct 9, 2016 10:53 AM

Nov 2013
and dropped...i liked 2 or 3 of the characters but i don't enjoy seeing anime characters (specially girls) dying, specially in a stupid way like this...

also that ponpon is annoying as f.

meh i was gonna enjoy watching the ninja tsundere and the main character but i guess not anymore lol
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Oct 9, 2016 10:58 AM

Dec 2015
MikazukiRanbu said:
Kinda saw the death thing coming, seeing as this feels like another version of Madoka. Still, it was enjoyable to watch it all go dowdown. I liked Nemu.. So sad. The other magical girls wont even be able to mourn her because they don't know her IRL.

I do question WHY the thing killed her ( And will probably kill the other girls ). Couldn't it have just erased her memories of being a magical girl so she wouldn't tell anyone? Huh.

Can't wait for the next episode.

Exactly my thoughts. Fav's method of "eliminating" the magic girls by killing them in real life doesn't seem to make a lot sense, but I guess that is what gives this show such a dark undertone. I am seriously pissed that Nemurin was the first to "die." She didn't even know that losing the candy collecting game means that she will lose her life as well. She also had one of my favorite character designs and personality in the show and it really hurts seeing such an innocent girl go... :( At least she didn't suffer or got caught up in the inevitable shitstorm that is about to hit the rest of the cast.
"Anime is trash and so am I."
Oct 9, 2016 11:04 AM

Dec 2013
Considering how Episode 1's prologue came about, I was half expecting Nemu to be ripped apart by some demonic monster that popped out from another dimension or something when the clock struck 12.

That said, the sudden death was to be expected, even for one who had never even touched Madoka like me. It was all too obvious that things were going about too smoothly for this show. You just knew shit was about to hit the fan.

The intriguing part is just what is the whole reason for this killing game? Why do the girls need to die after being stripped of their magi-girl abilities? Considering just what the girls' job descriptions entail, I find it hard (but not impossible) to believe that this Monokuma wannabe had planned this all from the start, unless he was inherently evil from the start.

The reveals this episode were quite obvious, but they also raise more questions... Let's see what else they provide for us in the coming episodes. I wonder if the other magi-girls will ever get wind of their predicament.... I expect they'll be informed about it soon enough. That's when the killing and backstabbing will truly begin.
Oct 9, 2016 11:05 AM
May 2013
Hibikase said:
MikazukiRanbu said:
Kinda saw the death thing coming, seeing as this feels like another version of Madoka. Still, it was enjoyable to watch it all go dowdown. I liked Nemu.. So sad. The other magical girls wont even be able to mourn her because they don't know her IRL.

I do question WHY the thing killed her ( And will probably kill the other girls ). Couldn't it have just erased her memories of being a magical girl so she wouldn't tell anyone? Huh.

Can't wait for the next episode.

Exactly my thoughts. Fav's method of "eliminating" the magic girls by killing them in real life doesn't seem to make a lot sense, but I guess that is what gives this show such a dark undertone. I am seriously pissed that Nemurin was the first to "die." She didn't even know that losing the candy collecting game means that she will lose her life as well. She also had one of my favorite character designs and personality in the show and it really hurts seeing such an innocent girl go... :( At least she didn't suffer or got caught up in the inevitable shitstorm that is about to hit the rest of the cast.

See, Within that 1 episode fav is just a massive beam of plot holes that makes 0 sense, so you just have to go along with it, cause Fav won't explain anything further than halving. I don't hate this show cause it looks like madoka, what i hate about it is that it doesn't try to explain the situation enough, that just brings all of the characters into an instant death game. Basically there's no logic to justify why Fav needs to kill the magical girls and makes it overall a bad experience, i understand that this is part of the setting and whatnot, but...... cmon....
Oct 9, 2016 11:06 AM

Jan 2014
I think what stopped me from groaning at how predictable the end was is essentially because of how fucked up it was. I was practically gnawing my fist, just waiting for it to happen. It's like watching a man with a knife slowly approach a puppy; you know it's gonna happen but the tension's still there.

Seriously, kudos to the author for that.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 9, 2016 11:16 AM

Mar 2015
Poor Nemurin, her power was pretty much useless lol

It was pretty obvious that she was gonna die, tho I thought she was gonna get eaten my a demon or something brutal like that.

This episode was okay. I really hope we get the kind of survival game where the girls actually attack eachother, instead of them just collecting candies all day long.
Oct 9, 2016 11:21 AM

May 2015
I’d agree with any user(s) that said that the constant “tch” and “pon” sounds during this episode were pretty annoying.

The death of that sleepy-looking magical girl at the end was expected, so nothing shocking about that... Sadly this had to happen when she finally decided to stop being a NEET and do something with her life; that’s the real tragedy here.

The show still somewhat enjoyable, so I might stay until the end.

We ultimately fear what spawns from within us ~Shinsekai yori
Music is freedom. ~Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Oct 9, 2016 11:36 AM

Mar 2008
Well after all the "it's not just like Madoka", yeah it is just like Madoka. Making a copycat story isn't inherently a bad thing, but be nice if the fans of this show could just accept reality.

It's fine for those who enjoy it, but yeah I'm done. No point sticking with something that is just trying to be depressing for the sake of it alone. The villain character (and whatever organization is behind him) are just pure excessive jerks for the sake of being jerks. Could have had things turn into the potential death game/battle royal in a more interesting way than simply having the mascot be pure evil.

The death in this episode really is the evidence of lack of imagination. Her ability was too powerful and made her impossible to target in a straight up fight. She could just hang out in her room and never be in danger. And even the excuse for why she had no candies was moronic. Helping people in their dreams has no real world value, but finding a person's key in their own yard does? How does a person being able to sleep peacefully not have value? How does not targeting nightmares and trauma not have a psychological benefit? That just makes no sense.
FlarisKnightOct 9, 2016 11:41 AM
Oct 9, 2016 12:03 PM

Nov 2008
Nemurin had to die for ENTROPY

dammit Monokuma Kyuubei, upupupupu pon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oct 9, 2016 12:21 PM

Jun 2011
ZetaZaku said:
Rayla said:

You sound just like the main character...
Magical girls aren't just about the outfits.
In the first place, Sailor Moon, the anime that made the magical girl genre mainstream, wore literal sailor suit uniforms! They're defenders of justice and they fight in sailor suits, not exactly the most frilliest and girliest of options, let alone magical.

Sailor moon was wearing a school uniform. It's the school uniforms that are called "sailor" uniforms. And they still didn't dress as ninjas and cowboys.

Why is it okay to wear sailor/school uniforms when you're fighting evil, but not a ninja and cowboy getup? There must be this "Guide to Magical Girl Anime" guidebook that I've never heard of because apparently all magical girl animes must have continuity in uniform designs. This magical girl anime isn't supposed to be a Precure series, I don't get why you're so hung up on costume designs.
Oct 9, 2016 12:23 PM

Jun 2011
SakurasouBusters said:
Rayla said:

That is true, this community definitely isn't the friendliest.

I wouldnt really go that far, MAL for the most part is very friendly, just not as much when it comes to new things.

I would say its friendly if your speaking one on one with someone, but I've seen a lot of arguing in these forum discussions.
Oct 9, 2016 12:37 PM

Jun 2013
Rayla said:
SakurasouBusters said:

I wouldnt really go that far, MAL for the most part is very friendly, just not as much when it comes to new things.

I would say its friendly if your speaking one on one with someone, but I've seen a lot of arguing in these forum discussions.

Fair Enough.....
Oct 9, 2016 12:44 PM
May 2009
Ahh Nemurin! The cutest girl in the group has to be the first one to go T_T RIP..
What I don't like is when they actually die with regrets.. Nemurin was gonna stop being a NEET, you know that feeling that you'll try to accomplish something that would change your life at last but somehow she eventually passed away..

This anime is torturing me. I bet the ones with death flags are: Witch, Ruler, Sister Nana, Tamachan, Twins.

Yes there's 7 cuz the last has to be someone related with the MC. They will eventually hear the news of people dying from unrecognizable circumstance and the entire Magical Girl Raising will be in chaos and Mary, the worst one, will probably turn into a killing machine, and those who are the kindest of them all are the ones who will succumb to their deaths.
Oct 9, 2016 1:18 PM

Feb 2015
uh, I don't think I can support the murdering magical girls system. Like, wtf? Nemu!! Idk if I will keep watching. I mean, sometimes I like tragic things in anime but it was so anticlimactic and unnecessary...
Oct 9, 2016 1:31 PM

Apr 2016
When say is the end, is the true end...tragic end...Rip, bye bye Nemu!!!!
Oct 9, 2016 2:30 PM
Jan 2013
Gotta love the discussion section.

But man, am I the only one who noticed the Ultraman parody that happened when Nemu entered that boy's dream? LOL
Oct 9, 2016 4:45 PM

Mar 2013
I really, really like this show, like REALLY like it.
I just can't wait to watch more, but I really don't want this to spiral down towards a complete slaughter path, I'm just hoping for more cutesy/heartwarming moments.

Oh and of course, nothing is better than cute magical girls surrounded by death. (*cough* Gakkou Gurashi #1, S2 when?)
Oct 9, 2016 5:59 PM

Jan 2014
In this episode we say bye bye to cute Nemurin who battled evil in dreams, and the shadow of death stretches further over the cute lil band of doomed mahou shoujo, pon. That was such an abrupt ending for her. Suddenly she was just gone. I wonder what Ruler was doing there in the dream of the little girl that Nemurin invaded in her last moments as a magical girl? Definitely enjoying this.
Oct 9, 2016 6:09 PM

Jul 2016
Well, that escalated quickly.

I have high hopes for this. Let the battle royal begins!

Oct 9, 2016 6:39 PM

Mar 2009
Poor Nemurin. Poor NEET girl. That was very sad. :(
Oct 9, 2016 9:03 PM

Jun 2013
That was fucked up! And Nemu was such a sweet girl too :(
Oct 9, 2016 9:11 PM

Sep 2016
i do not even knw wha to say.... iam just shocked....;(
i think i need just some spoilers from light novel.. someone reading this? :D XD
i cant wait for next ep.... i finished re zero and somehing that heppening in this aime XD
Oct 9, 2016 10:03 PM

Feb 2014
Clinging onto the last shreds of hope I have for this series.

I want something darker, more blood.

Can we please get to the part where they start murdering one another please?
Oct 9, 2016 10:19 PM
Oct 2016
So Swim Swim is the girl in silhouette towards the end of the OP.
I wonder what that implies, especially since I'm convinced the little girl in the dream Nemu visited is her. Though if the fact that Ruler's eyes being hidden means the girl doesn't know her, then my next guess would be Alice (can't make out the first part of her name) who hasn't appeared yet.
Oct 9, 2016 10:26 PM

Sep 2015
I actually liked Nemu... And the mother calling her name was really sad to me.
This went south quick...
Oct 10, 2016 12:10 AM
Jun 2013
Definitely liking this twisted show. Let's try developing Nemurin character right just before killing her off lol. I hope there's some real reason behind all this cause so far it just feels like a giant troll from Fav.
Oct 10, 2016 2:02 AM

Jul 2014
-While watching the first episode-
me: i think this girl(nemurin) would be my favorite character cuz nowadays cute characs are the stronger ones.
-ending of the second episode-
me: they killed off my favorite charac T_T!!!

(Why was Ruler in that dream?)
"Everyone fails sometimes
But dreams won't fade, dreams won't fade
Let's chase them as many times as it takes and don't lose
Because today after all is today and once you wake up, it'll be a new morning"

Oct 10, 2016 2:11 AM

Jul 2015
Top Speed pulling those death flags though.

Bbye, Nemu </3

Oct 10, 2016 5:08 AM

Oct 2014
And so they started drooping, bon. Will Tama-chan go next, pon?
Oct 10, 2016 6:17 AM

Apr 2013
anikei said:
Nemu was pretty unique and special, i don't agreed to kill her, it's a waste of a good character.

I wouldn't say good character, but she was very lovable that's for sure, and her chara design was amazing. AFAIK, she was even one of the author's favourite ^^".

AnimeHavenNet said:
Hibikase said:

Exactly my thoughts. Fav's method of "eliminating" the magic girls by killing them in real life doesn't seem to make a lot sense, but I guess that is what gives this show such a dark undertone. I am seriously pissed that Nemurin was the first to "die." She didn't even know that losing the candy collecting game means that she will lose her life as well. She also had one of my favorite character designs and personality in the show and it really hurts seeing such an innocent girl go... :( At least she didn't suffer or got caught up in the inevitable shitstorm that is about to hit the rest of the cast.

See, Within that 1 episode fav is just a massive beam of plot holes that makes 0 sense, so you just have to go along with it, cause Fav won't explain anything further than halving. I don't hate this show cause it looks like madoka, what i hate about it is that it doesn't try to explain the situation enough, that just brings all of the characters into an instant death game. Basically there's no logic to justify why Fav needs to kill the magical girls and makes it overall a bad experience, i understand that this is part of the setting and whatnot, but...... cmon....

There's no existing logic =/= that logic-motivation wasn't explained at all or only partially to you FOR NOW.

Maybe just maybe, if something doesn't appear to make sense, then there's a proper reason behind it not making sense.
FlareKnight said:
Well after all the "it's not just like Madoka", yeah it is just like Madoka. Making a copycat story isn't inherently a bad thing, but be nice if the fans of this show could just accept reality.

It's fine for those who enjoy it, but yeah I'm done. No point sticking with something that is just trying to be depressing for the sake of it alone. The villain character (and whatever organization is behind him) are just pure excessive jerks for the sake of being jerks. Could have had things turn into the potential death game/battle royal in a more interesting way than simply having the mascot be pure evil.

The death in this episode really is the evidence of lack of imagination. Her ability was too powerful and made her impossible to target in a straight up fight. She could just hang out in her room and never be in danger. And even the excuse for why she had no candies was moronic. Helping people in their dreams has no real world value, but finding a person's key in their own yard does? How does a person being able to sleep peacefully not have value? How does not targeting nightmares and trauma not have a psychological benefit? That just makes no sense.

There is absolutely nothing similar to madoka besides both having magical girls as main character (and even that is contestable, since the main character of madoka WASN'T a magical girl until the end of the story).
As for why the magical candies from dream are not counted, this is perfectly logical there. Just because you don't see an explanation YET doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
ZefyrisOct 10, 2016 6:44 AM
Oct 10, 2016 8:33 AM

Jan 2016
damn... :/ didnt see the dead game coming.. took me by shock,
i feel bad now,,
alright episode atleast, and nemu's scene was really sweet.. ;-; dammit...
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
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