So much love for this series, I'm completely blown away. Personally, I disliked this episode even more than the first.
For one, the MC is hopelessly boring. She is so timid that she barely talks to anyone, and when she does talk it never serves to build up what her personality is, if she even has one. She is so indecisive, is that supposed to be something that people relate to? She struggles to make any decision, I understand being nervous when dealing with a crush but I've never seen anyone spend so much time being paralyzed by how embarrassing it is. It doesn't help that this anime regularly freezes on a character's face for way too long with nothing happening. If it had just revealed something that really made me feel something or need to think about something, sure, show the character's reaction and give me time to process it. But up until Kakeru said his mom died, this series has been nothing but small talk, there's nothing to think about! In the first episode they were joking about that one girl's nickname and stuff, and then they all stopped and laughed for what felt like forever, and then Kakeru said something about it being funny, and they all laughed some more. In this episode, they made a joke about one character getting money from his mom to pay for lunch, and they laughed for a solid 10 seconds without anything significant happening. Why? That wasn't something that's funny for me, the viewer. Why do I have to watch them laugh at a joke for so long? Also in the first episode, there was that weird montage with the jarringly loud and out-of-place music. In this episode there was no montage, thankfully, but they still had that one scene when she was anticipating giving Kakeru the lunch she had made, and every few seconds it randomly flashed an image of her bag or her brain-dead face or something like some kind of subliminal message, why? Nothing about the mood of that conveyed that there was a rise in tension, it was just throwing images at me and panning the camera around while teachers were talking. And in general, the music seems to convey maybe what the characters are feeling, but as they've been presented, I haven't been able to notice much of any personality in any of them and the music doesn't seem to reflect the mood that they're portraying to me because like I said, they don't seem to have any personalities with which to convey any mood. That soccer guy was certainly loud and talked more than most of the characters, but it also spent a lot of time randomly focusing on his face as he looked at some character or another and I end up having no idea what kind of person he is. Overall, everything feels like it happens a beat too early or too late, it doesn't feel organic at all.
That all said, I tried reading the first 2 chapters of the manga, and I have to say I prefer it. Being able to take it at my own pace is great, scenes in the anime that are dragged out for 20 seconds or more are a single panel in the manga, I can read the first 2 chapters in under 10 minutes while the first 2 episodes take roughly 46 minutes, covering the same amount of material. I think this adaptation suffers from improper pacing, not even in terms of the story progression, but in terms of conversations and showing their faces and stuff. Seriously, they spend so much time just showing someone's face with no indication that they're thinking about anything in particular, and I certainly am not thinking about anything in particular because nothing in particular just happened or is currently happening while they show a face.
If anyone reads and responds to this comment though, am I just not the target demographic? If I was a timid high school girl with low self-esteem, would I relate and feel really tense during the moments when nothing seems to be happening? I want to know if there's anything I can do to change my perspective to enjoy this anime, otherwise I'll have to drop it despite all of the praise I see for it in these forums. |