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Jun 30, 2016 8:17 PM
Feb 2015
The ending was very underwhelming...not as action-y as ep 11 made me hope for, maybe he had to do all of that to fight biba and the kabane horde at the same time...i guess it was just to show how much stronger biba was than ikoma... unlike other endings there was no moment when u had the chance to doubt whether or not the ending would be happy, it was pretty much a straight shot...I really wish that biba hadn't given it to him mid fight bc that doesnt fit the impression of evil dude that the eps before gave us but it could be out of respect for ikoma? I think it would've been better if there was more time, if they spanned it over two eps they could've fit more actiony parts in and maybe some suspense too...
Jun 30, 2016 8:18 PM
Jun 2016
i'm rather very interested on that version of the song NINELIE on when Ikoma is about to the inject the white blood to Mumei.... it's very very catchy....
Jun 30, 2016 8:19 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Could have been at least a 8/10 if Biba didnt ruined it and the anime wasnt 1-cour

gonna give it a 6/10 because i had fun before Biba happened.

Overall, Attack on Titan is better.
Jun 30, 2016 8:20 PM

Apr 2013
Is there potential for a second season? I can't see this being where the manga stopped.
Jun 30, 2016 8:21 PM
Mar 2016
Justin fucking "Biba" is dead finally fuck that dude. I was thinking about Justin Bieber when I first heard "Biba". And Ikoma went super saiyan kabeneri. If there's a season 2 there needs to be some explaining on the origin of the virus and a scene with them having rice. But I think one season is fine especially for a zombie anime.
Jun 30, 2016 8:24 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Cream_Soda said:
Is there potential for a second season? I can't see this being where the manga stopped.

It doesnt matter because its an original ,it doesnt follow a manga.
they can do whatever they want.
The manga is just a little + for more $$$$$$$
Jun 30, 2016 8:30 PM

Apr 2014
Xx_Scintilla_xX said:
What I don't get is how Ikoma returned to his kabaneri state when he was supposed to die after the effect of the black blood serum wore off. I know kabaneri can magically heal themselves or whatever so that explains how he was able to endure being stabbed multiple times, but seriously? I mean he had to inject Mumei with the white blood serum to get her back so how was Ikoma himself brought back to life? (I know there was another vial of the white blood serum with Biba but Mumei and Kurusu didn't go to retrieve it, they just expected Ikoma to eventually wake up somehow) Oh and how was Kurusu able to slay all those kabane by himself? I know he's an elite tier samurai but I thought it was going to be one of those character sacrifice scenes. But I'm glad that I was able to see Mumei being badass again as well as Suzuki aka English-kun because they were the best characters in this anime. I also loved Ayame's outfit. I would love to see a season two that explains the origin of kabane.

1. Mumei noticed that from around the stab wound Biba gave Ikoma was where the effects of the black serum were wearing off, so she surmised that Biba injected Ikoma with the white serum at the same time he stabbed him. Why, no one knows. Trying to give the antagonist some flavor I suppose.

2. I can't really explain that shit, Kurusu probably just managed to somehow climb down from the bridge and escape the horde. Highly doubt he fought them all off. I'm more concerned about how he managed to jump from their little cart while they were escaping all the way to the kotetsuju when it looked like they were a good 30 or so meters away from each other.
Jun 30, 2016 8:31 PM

Oct 2010
Really strong start, but it felt stale at the end. Still it was a fun ride. It really feels that a couple more episodes to flesh out some events better could had really helped this.
Jun 30, 2016 8:34 PM

Jun 2012
I stopped caring at the end of this show.

No one ever got humanized enough for me to care about them. The closest we got was Kurusu and Ayame, which never went anywhere. Mumei started to sway that direction, then they just turned her into a damsel in distress. The events of this show once Biba showed up were so nonsensical that I was just mentally checked out by the end of it. I didn't care anymore.

At least the steampunk stuff was pretty cool and the action was mostly solid. The art got noticeably better as the series went on, so that's something. That's about it. It's not a god awful show by any means, but there was just nothing to it other than visuals and style. In the end, it's just fluff.

EternalSerenityJul 1, 2016 2:04 AM
Jun 30, 2016 8:39 PM

Sep 2014
sooo finally caught up just in time to watch the newest episode of attack on snowpiercer. like bruh ep 11 gave me hard snowpiercer vibes i was just waiting for an axe gang fight. anyways decent series. is there more coming? i would think there's more on the way. maybe another 12 episodes. this seems like the sort of series that would have it.
Jun 30, 2016 8:40 PM
Jan 2013
Well ok, at least they not try hard meaningful ending like aldnoah zero or guilty crown.
Can't wait the doujin hohoho.
Jun 30, 2016 8:41 PM

Aug 2012
Another show with a disappointing ending.
Jun 30, 2016 8:53 PM

Aug 2011
I would have been better off picking Rail Wars! back up and finishing that instead.
Jun 30, 2016 9:01 PM

Aug 2011
BLmatsu said:
stand said:
I would have been better off picking Rail Wars! back up and finishing that instead.
You can do it now that you're done with Kabaneri :)

Thanks for the tip. I'll certainly need something to wash out this bad aftertaste. :)
Jun 30, 2016 9:03 PM

Jan 2008
I'm glad Mumei redeemed herself by finishing off her "brother". Biba had another white blood vial which Biba apparently fired into Ikoma's iron heart with that last shot, which I wasn't expecting. Maybe he was looking for a worthy opponent to face him. But I still don't know he would save someone he wanted to kill, unless he himself wanted to die. Seems a little bit like a cop out.

I was honestly expecting one of them to die, especially Ikoma. But I'm glad he survived. Too bad he lost his cool spike gun though--that thing was as if a shotgun and a jackhammer had a baby. Now that it's over, It ended better than I hoped, and maybe even open to a sequel if they wanted to. Although it could have still been a lot better, just saying. Muic was top notch as usual of Sawano Hiroyuki's epic score, which always ends up being my favorite part of any series he works on, regardless of the series itself.

Edit: Now I only hope they put this behind them get back to focusing on the next season of Attack on Titan, or else it'll be delayed again. Shit, I'd even settle for filler hot spring episodes if it means seeing Season 2 sooner while waiting for the manga.
Estoy_GordoJun 30, 2016 9:12 PM
Jun 30, 2016 9:05 PM

Mar 2014
I would give the art a 9/10. There was plenty of bold contrasts in the art that you don't get to see in animations. The music was also fantastic.
The anime started off strong for me, but its appeal kept dropping as the episodes went by. Biba as an antagonist was pretty bad; for the whole plot his motive was weak. A lot of things weren't explained, and felt way too random. The colony concept and these energy blasts that the Kabaneri are capable of are very bewildering. It seemed manageable for realism up until that point. There wasn't a lot of character development in the end. Not sure what Mumei got out of it other than realizing Biba needed to rest.
This last episode in particular left a bad taste. All of a sudden, it's revealed that Biba is a kabaneri, too. Then, Ikoma is miraculously saved because Biba injects the white blood into him. Makes absolutely no sense... If there was a logical reason for that, then obv Biba wasn't developed enough, because all we know is that the weak should die. The whole anime would've been better off with no central antagonist mastermind who manipulates kabane and turns humans into the main enemy of the series. 6/10 for me.
Jun 30, 2016 9:07 PM
Mar 2014
Really underwhelming final episode,neither epic battle nor sacrifice just rush + normal ending :/ . But i can say i'm glad to see Mumei back to normal and biba was dead :D
Jun 30, 2016 9:13 PM

Sep 2010
Everyone hates it? I kind of liked it. Some people said the ending was predictable and Ikoma was gonna die saving Mumei turned out to be something different. Biba was a complex narcissistic antagonist so I give props to his evilness. I'm guessing all the hate is on the civilians and soldiers in the world making dumb decisions, but lets not forget this is late 18th century Japan with no knowledge on a virus "curse," known as Kabane. Paranoia and chaos is an outcome of fear leading to irrationality.

I don't see this being a 24 episode series because it could drag on UNLESS they build on the details and science of Kabaneri/Kabane, but they kind of killed it with the white antidote things. It could of ended like Guilty Crown which most people hated.

Episode 7.5/10
Series: 8/10
HalAnimeJun 30, 2016 9:16 PM
Jun 30, 2016 9:17 PM
Jul 2014
Yeah Biba and his crew really ruined this for me. Before hand I liked this a good deal. Ending was also really rushed. If they were only going to do one cour then they should have gone for 13 episodes instead of 12. Ikoma was a badass though, I'll give the finale that.

Hopefully now Attack on Titan season two can actually come out soon because I'm tired of waiting for it.
Jun 30, 2016 9:32 PM

Sep 2015
nDroae said:
I'd just like to highlight one thing that deserves more attention: Ayame's little speech to the people of Kongokaku about eliminating "our doubting hearts and minds," which was DESTROYED by her having just betrayed those very same people, directly leading to the deaths of their own wives, children, parents, friends....

Angry_Always said:
Love this anime but god damn I HATE Ayame. She carries responsibility for chosing her small train population over an entire god damn city by not opposing Biba and it is never brought up. She wears pink constantly and speaks in a lovely way that makes her seem like an angel and I'm there thinking 'she fucking helped cause a massacre because of her selfishness'. And yes, choosing to save your friends over thousands of people IS selfishness.

Eh, in the end I still like Ayame.

Mumei, too. I can't hold against them that they were written into situations I wish they'd been spared from. (Not that I *sympathize* with Mumei the way the writers intended, but I don't revile her the way many viewers seem to.)

Star Trek conundrum? "The needs of the many...."

Oddly enough, I find it much easier to forgive their mass genocide than to forgive male characters in romance anime who don't treat their women right (I haven't yet encountered a memorable female character who did likewise).

I love this show in the brief moments when it's just Oddball Family On A Train, without the daft villainy and attempts at commentary on human nature.

I am more sympathetic to Mumei as she didn't actually know what she was doing and never intended for anyone to get hurt, Ayame should be smart enough to know what the fuck she was doing but she let it happen anyway and still acts like some kind of moral compass.

Hate that bitch.

The romance thing... I think I would surmise that the focus of the anime is different, in this the theme is survival and in romance the theme is love and relationships. Thus the evil done in the 'survival' genre can easily be comparable to the 'evil' done in the romance genre.

It depends on what you view as evil. I personally despise pushover main characters who are completely dense to how a girl is feeling unless it is explicitly told to him and I also despise hypocrites who cause the death of thousands. Because the themes are both the major component of either anime, they can be equal in how they make you feel.
Jun 30, 2016 9:32 PM
Jan 2016
I'm kinda sad that this, and every other show so far this season ended kinda weak except Kumamiko which ended up just so fucking wrong that it's the standout
Jun 30, 2016 9:33 PM
Oct 2010
THIS SHOW LMAO! This dude legit was like, RUN HIM OVER WITH THE TRAIN! Then ikoma goes super fucking saiyan like it's nobody's business. Holy shit, this dude hears a rock fall into the water and assumes HEY THIS IS A SIGN TO ATTACK BEHIND ME, not only that but there's like 100s of explosions, screaming and fire happening and he hears this shit. 3/10 for the action scenes. Good lord.
Jun 30, 2016 9:35 PM

Sep 2015
Olem said:
I felt like this anime didn't know what it wanted to do partway through. The animation was good, I liked the character designs and artstyle, the soundtrack was GREAT, but the story really sucked, imo. We never even got an explanation of what exactly this whole virus or whatver is, yet they somehow made those black and white serums which healed or forced the transformation.

It also felt like there was too much forced drama, more so in the latter half of the anime.

Despite all that, I enjoyed it... but I'm gonna have to go with a 5 or 6/10

Also, though she didn't get much screentime compared to the main characters(of course), Ayame shined the most among all the character, imo.

YumeNoMonogatari said:
What a fucking trainwreck.

lol... You had to

I would argue with 'ayame shined'. She allowed Biba to enter the city knowing he was going to pull something. She allowed a massacre to save her own people. Selfishness.
Jun 30, 2016 9:42 PM

Jun 2015
Overall enjoyed this anime, out with the old, in with the new. Art was gorgeous and ending although slightly rushed but i could see it as a experiment by the studio to try a new animation. Enjoyed it alot, definitely have some room to make a season 2 if the JP ratings and comments are positive, definitely enjoyed this anime overall
Jun 30, 2016 9:50 PM

Dec 2009
I'm really surprised that Biba injected the white blood into Ikoma. I saw him take it earlier in the episode and wasn't even thinking about it, not sure why he chose to save him, maybe to have a fair fight? Man this was a great finale honestly, I'm glad Ikoma was saved and so was Mumei. Basically we're back to the status quo if they ever want to do a second season.
Jun 30, 2016 9:51 PM

Aug 2011
Still doesn't resolve the Kabane issue, and lots of loose ends.

A decent watch regardless. 6/10
Jun 30, 2016 9:54 PM

Aug 2013
My prediction quote from last week:

Jonesy974 said:
So basically:
- Kurusu, doctor guy, and Ikoma are gonna storm Kongokaku.
- Kurusu is going to fuck some Kabane's up then shred all of those hunters to shit. Will probably be the guy to kill dickhead blonde guy and midget blue haired guy.
- Ikoma will fuck some shit up. Kill some Kabane and some lowbee hunters. Will probably be the one to kill Biba.
- Ikoma will fight giant winged horse-dog Mumei. Probably get his ass beat...again.
- Ikoma will make one final push using the rest of his power and sanity, break the steel heart cage, and inject Mumei.
- White cells destroy the fused colony, save Mumei, and probably by some stroke of luck, cure her of her Kabaneri abilities as well; making her the human girl Ikoma promised.
- Ikoma dies.
- Probably a scene where Ayame or Kurusu give Ikoma an honorable mention. Perhaps Ayame becomes the new shogun.
- Almost definitely a scene with human Mumei eating rice.

Well I got some right. Doctor guy stayed behind, makes sense though. Ikoma ended up killing the blonde guy which was actually cool, and blue haired guy became an ally of sorts. Winged horse-dog Mumei downed herself so that fight didn't happen. Ikoma half-killed Biba? Technically won their fight maybe. So that half counts. Was totally on point about the white blood. I assume Mumei was cured because her Kabaneri mark thing looked scarred over and didn't activate during their escape.

After that I totally missed the ball since I didn't plan on 1. Ikoma living, and 2. Them escaping because the city was THAT destroyed.

The Ikoma living kind of threw me for a loop in a good and bad way. Him surviving I don't necessarily have a problem with. His death flags were beyond fucking triggered, that him living actually makes it a plot twist. What I didn't like was the execution...Because apparently at some point Biba took the last remaining white blood vial he had on him and discretely injected it into Ikoma at some point. And the only reason we can even make that conclusion is because of Mumei's speculation.

Honestly, if they had shown Biba injecting him with it; either as an act of final repentance, or as a strategy mid-fight to try to weaken Ikoma, or if Mumei found it on his dead body and used it on Ikoma, then I'd probably be 100% ok with it. But as it stands, it's more of a "ehh well it's cool and all that he lived, but that was kind of an asspull".

I also think this show could've benefited from a few more episodes. Some people are saying 24 episodes, but that's fucking asinine. It would've turned this show into railroad city invasion of the week. Every week they roll into a new station that miraculously gets fucked up by Kabane and they run again. Would've been the only way to fill that massive amount of time. I think it could've pulled a Bakemonogatari or something and extended to like 15 or so episodes; just enough to flesh out some characters or some Kabane info a bit more. Nothing crazy, but still has substance.

I'll prob give it a 7/10. Wasn't anything special, but since most AOs are ballsack, this was at least well above average for that. And it had its enjoyable moments, plus art and Sawano OST never hurt.
Jun 30, 2016 9:56 PM

Sep 2011
This show definitely wins my Most Disappointing Anime of the Season award. The series had loads of potential but was plagued by poor writing, subpar voice acting, and mediocre characters (outside of Yukina who was a BAMF). I won't begin to go into the inconsistencies in the writing, but it felt like the story was fighting itself every step of the way. The worst part is that I came out of this show not giving a single fuck about any of the characters. I hope one day somebody comes back to this kind of series and does it justice.
Jun 30, 2016 9:57 PM

Jan 2014
When did they have time to find and pick flowers amongst the fire and mass destruction? Hah! Anyway, I'm just laughing because Biba shot Ikoma with the white blood because he wanted to continue the fight and Mumei just stabbed him without even knowing what he did. Good riddance though. I was also questioning why Biba's people followed him even though his goal was to destroy humankind which would eventually include them and wrote it off as strong loyalty just to see them join the main characters in the end, despite everything. Honestly, it'd be a happily ever after ending for me if y'know, my favorite character hadn't been the only one from the main cast to die but that tends to happen a lot. Overall, it was a nice end. I'm glad Ikoma didn't die but also that he didn't live because of some bullshit reason. AND LET ME JUST SAY THAT KURUSU IS ADORABLE.
Jun 30, 2016 10:02 PM
Sep 2015
What a happy ending... Despite the massive loss of life, destruction of the country's main leader and the cliched villains being killed off for the final episode. That was too much of an optimistic and rushed ending for such a show. Heck, no one of particular importance died aside from antagonists and Ikoma's buddy (not that I'm complaining about that). It just feels weird to conclude all this destruction and death on a high note.

This was not a completely bad anime (I hear horror stories about Mayoiga) but to me, it did not live up to its potential. It could have been a story of survival horror where the survivors are forced to live in a hostile world and where each day is a struggle (with some characterization and simple comedy to balance out the grim reality around them). Introducng Biba, a lazily written antagonist, along with his idiotic faction (who are blindly loyal to such a buffoon) simply ruined a good premise.

I did like seeing Biba and his goons getting what's coming to him so that's why I did not dislike this episode as much as episode 9.

Overall, 4/10 for the whole anime. Would not watch again and hopefully no season 2 since this ending is all hopeful with no depth to it so season 2 will have to scrape the barrel for new plot.
Jun 30, 2016 10:02 PM

Nov 2011
So many explosions, Michael Bay would be proud.

Seems like this anime suffered from the same problems of Zankyou no Terror, it started nice enough, but then introduced a weak villain that has no charisma or a (real) purpose that ended up dragging the show down. Still it was a kinda fun ride but ultimately I'm going to forget this show very soon.
7/10 for beautiful animation, amazing soundtrack and a plot interesting enough for me not to drop it.
Baby, daijobanai...
Jun 30, 2016 10:09 PM
Apr 2015
I almost wetted myself from laughter when Ikoma stopped that train with one hand, fricking came out of nowhere.

I thought Mumei might have ducked out the whiteblood from Biba's corpse but it turns out that Biba injected him with that shot when he got back up.

Obviously way rushed - a common disease of 1 cour anime.

OST is god tier. The rest, meh.
Jun 30, 2016 10:15 PM

Jun 2013
I think biba inject the white blood when he "shot" ikoma. He shouted get up after firing the shot.
Jun 30, 2016 10:18 PM
May 2012
CursedKaiser said:
i'm rather very interested on that version of the song NINELIE on when Ikoma is about to the inject the white blood to Mumei.... it's very very catchy....

That version of ninelie is called KABANERIOFTHEIRONFORTRESS. It is on the Soundtrack album.
Jun 30, 2016 10:28 PM

Jul 2014
So kabanes and kabaneri are finished for this
First and foremost it had undoubtedly some of the most beautiful scenes

and also a weird hype which was all thanks to some good action sequences with a badass background music
...except for that the series was going nowhere..
what I thought is that...first of all the characters were awfully weak ...they had almost no depth at all...which is much needed in these survival from apocalypse types(like in walking dead..i know element of supernatural and they are all too different but still Rick Grimmes had the greatest
...also the setting was too generic...but concept of trains was kinda cool yet... you know logically "foolish"...xD
all in all ...due to its well-directed hype it is a good watch it'll definitely make your heart skip a beat...but then know ..u'll be a bit dissapointed...
but it's a'right ...that's
KashirouJun 30, 2016 10:36 PM
Jun 30, 2016 10:30 PM

May 2012
What a train wreck this anime turned out to be. At least it was a pretty trainwreck.

6/10 overall.
Go ***k yourself.

Polite as usual,
Jun 30, 2016 10:30 PM

Sep 2013
The 2nd half slowed down by a lot and the final two episodes were extremely rushed to the point where it becomes nonsensical. 1 Human and 1 Kabaneri saved their people. Biba is defeated in 2 minutes and Mumei is back to normal after Ikoma nonchalantly walks right into the core and saves her. Also, why did Biba save Ikoma anyways?

"Destroy everything. Kill Ikoma." -Biba June 2016
"Fuck my goals, I'm gonna save Ikoma." -Biba June 2016

The first half was great but started to slow down at episode 5 and 6. 2nd half was mediocre. Final episode was pure insanity and not in a good way. The art and animation is incredible along with the soundtrack. Ikoma's voice acting annoyed me cause he sounds like he has a mouth full of cotton balls sometimes.

2/5 for the Finale.
7/10 for the series and I'm being modest here.
0/10 Mumei wants to eat rice.

Jun 30, 2016 10:36 PM

Dec 2013
Shitty ending to a dissapointing anime. No idea why Biba saved Ikoma.
Jun 30, 2016 10:37 PM

Dec 2014
Rushed albeit decent finale I guess.
Ikoma going all OP with blue powers xD
I don't understand how that mob of people decided to blame the Koutetsujou people in the train when clearly it was Biba and co who dropped the Kabane in the city x.x

Sort of fitting that Biba got killed by Mumei, Though somehow Mumei managed move so fast that Biba couldn't notice her coming straight at him :3

Well I'd say the show started out quite good and intense and went downhill once Biba and co appeared. They felt like antagonists who were there for the sake of having antagonists in the series. In fact there was zero progress in Ikoma's goal, From the beginning till the end there was no progress in eliminating the threat of Kabane nor was any attempt made to try it. The world is still in danger. :3 Did they forget Ikoma's goal? Instead they focused on him saving Mumei which while I liked still felt like more of a detour to what should have actually been happening. Unless there's a 2nd season there's a lot of things that have been left unanswered.
7/10 for me, Show could have been way better.
Jun 30, 2016 10:39 PM

Feb 2015
When does Ikoma get that blue energy powers? Why does a zombie state give someone energy powers? Why Ikoma survived?

Lot of questions, for me an anime that could be something more but the personality of the characters and the inconsistent decisions leaved it in pieces.

The animation, backgrounds and OST were excellent, thats all I have to say.
Jun 30, 2016 10:39 PM

Sep 2014
I honestly forgot this show existed until I saw some youtube comments reminding me of it.

Ok Happy ending, tbh I really wanted Ikoma to die (not because I hate him), but because Biba was supposed to be an Evil mad psychopath. Why did he save him? Who knows.

Decent watch overall.

Biba used the extra white blood to save Ikoma's life for some reason.
Jun 30, 2016 10:40 PM

Sep 2015
Why did biba give him the whiteblood? Like, other than to make the main character not die lol
Jun 30, 2016 10:43 PM

Jun 2013
Crackdogrock said:
Why did biba give him the whiteblood? Like, other than to make the main character not die lol

Could be he was itching for a fight.
Jun 30, 2016 10:45 PM
Apr 2016
Welp, that was some explosive dumb shit right there.
Jun 30, 2016 10:48 PM

Oct 2007
This for me confirms it that we are getting so much shitty anime because people manage to somehow eat it... and apparently love it.

I will just hopefully assume that people that did "love" it are new into anime and that this is only happening because more people are getting attracted to the medium. (wishful thinking? maybe)
Jun 30, 2016 10:50 PM
Nov 2011
valvravetruth said:
Jarjaxle said:
Yeah....Quite Surprising ending...and Somewhat the Hell he turned back to NORMALl Kabaneri if there was just One Medicine? Unless Hunters gave 1 but quite not believable...WAIT!!! BIBA DID WHAT!? HE CURED IKOMA IN THE END!?

Well Ending was Quite Happy was not best but find it agreeable at least. If only Takumi would be here to See it. T.T

Biba has the white serum given in this episode, its just that no one knows how he inject it to Ikoma. Well most likely between the fight somehow.

He injected it when he shot Ikoma just before Mumei stabbed Biba, though you don't see it that well
Jun 30, 2016 11:03 PM

Nov 2013
This show was kind of terrible, even from a fan of Attack on Titan and going in with no hype. Only thing it had going for it was the art, and even then it's not like it's 5 Centimeters Per Second levels of pretty where I can reccomend it for that alone.

3/10. Zero interest a second season.
Jun 30, 2016 11:06 PM

Jan 2015
What the fuck happened to this anime. Another great premise laid to waste with shitty writing and plot progression.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jun 30, 2016 11:13 PM

Jul 2012
belial said:
This for me confirms it that we are getting so much shitty anime because people manage to somehow eat it... and apparently love it.

I will just hopefully assume that people that did "love" it are new into anime and that this is only happening because more people are getting attracted to the medium. (wishful thinking? maybe)
I've been watching anime for many years (since at least 2007 or so, about half my life), completed 200+ anime, and this made it in my top 10. Godly soundtrack, really cool action, incredibly beautiful world, very appealing characters (for the most part), and an engaging story are the main reasons why. Can't wait for the compilation movies, fingers crossed for a season two, gonna buy a whole lot of Kabaneri merchandise over the next few years to let WIT know I support this.
Jun 30, 2016 11:19 PM
Oct 2009
Wow, the ending was bad. It pretty much resolved nothing.

A bunch of evil genocidal maniacs, people who untill five minutes ago were cackling and murdering others just "cuz they weak" was randomly left to stay because "spirit of cooperation". All crimes and actions forgiven and it's not like they can turn on you at some point in the future again.

The stations on their way are pretty much all destroyed. They're at the exact same point they were right after leaving their initial station, EXCEPT WORSE OFF. Their train is still worn and torn, their supplies should be low as hell and there's nowhere they can get new ones, any other station they might reach will have the same problems as the previous ones of short supply and not enough space.

Both Ikoma and Mumei who sadly survived are still Kabaneri, which means all they did was put off their slide into kabane or worse.

The Kabane are still out there, in force. So randomly starting a new station especially without resources, supplies and other ways to do it isn't a choice either.

Once you let all of that sink in. It's not a happy ending. It's a non ending. One that will see them all dead in a few weeks down the road if the story had continued without some massive asspulls. Terrible ending.
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