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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Nov 10, 2016 1:57 AM

Aug 2016
fandorgaming said:
I liked different opennings each episode, I guess.
Araragi got chopped then uh? Resurrected to that tree that was blocking the building progress...?
I guess this anime aint for me I saw Bakemonogatari and This(Koyomimonogatari). There's a huge ton of those Monogataris o__o, But I like the pink hair girl :3

Watch them all. They are pretty good
Dec 10, 2016 4:59 AM
Dec 2016
so gaen manage to forged a Kokorowatari sword
Dec 18, 2016 7:48 PM

May 2015
im so glad i didnt skip these cus i heard these were just side stories
Jan 15, 2017 4:02 PM

Sep 2014
Can somebody refresh as to why Hanekawa's away from them again? I somehow forgot.

Other than that 8/10 since the side stories amused me and the finale just blew my mind
Feb 16, 2017 10:39 AM

Jun 2015
What is going on? and it was the finale too and there isn't something monogatari to explain what happened. How did Gaen put her hand on the original sword?
Hachikujiiiiii! I've missed you Hachikuji. Tell me you're back Hachikuji.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Feb 24, 2017 2:56 PM

Aug 2016
What the fuck just happened, I don't understand Araragi dies? he revived, but without powers? I don't understand anything. OMG!
Mar 9, 2017 8:51 PM

Feb 2013
Whoa!!! What in the actual fuck??!?! I definitely need some explaining....guess I need another adaptation of something.
May 1, 2017 9:32 PM

May 2012
Not my most favorite episode of this short but rather great series! The ending of this episode was rather intense though! So all in all this mini side story series was quite fun and of course had an overload of shaftness!
May 27, 2017 4:04 PM

Dec 2014
Sweetie_Love said:
Can somebody refresh as to why Hanekawa's away from them again? I somehow forgot.

She's taking a trip (around world or something) after high school graduation. She'd told Araragi about her plan to do so in Bakemonogatari. And it was maybe mentioned in Second Season too.
Jul 8, 2017 12:35 PM
May 2012
well, onto the movies!
Jul 9, 2017 5:54 AM

Sep 2007
KowaretaTsubasa said:
Sweetie_Love said:
Can somebody refresh as to why Hanekawa's away from them again? I somehow forgot.

She's taking a trip (around world or something) after high school graduation. She'd told Araragi about her plan to do so in Bakemonogatari. And it was maybe mentioned in Second Season too.

They haven't graduated yet. She's searching for Meme Oshino so he can help deal with Ougi and figure out where Kagenui disappeared to.
Aug 16, 2017 9:37 AM

Oct 2014
I just finished this episode and I'm shocked!!
I want to watch Owarimonogatari S2 but maybe I don't remember all the past events
Should I rewatch aaaaaall the series?
Sep 3, 2017 7:50 PM

Feb 2014

The most (to not say the only) enjoyable episode of Koyomimonogatari.


Sep 23, 2017 10:25 AM

Apr 2013
That's... an awful way to end it, I want to know what happens next so badly... xD
Not quite as good as Bake or Nise, but on par with the rest. 8/10 for those 12 episodes.
Oct 13, 2017 5:19 AM

Apr 2014
Kaiki spotted:

I wonder how did he survive...
Oct 15, 2017 2:28 PM

Jan 2017
The last two episodes were insane, was i actually seeing the same season!?!??!?!

I'm so freaking hyped right now.

SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

Nov 3, 2017 8:32 PM

Sep 2016
Excellent ending to Koyomi ONA now i came from watching Owari seasons before catching on to this idk how the hell i missed this but im glad i came back and checked this out, all the building up eps were nice but the last two episodes were really amazing, they give much clarification on the story in Owari, now i must go back through some arcs in owari to catch the relevancy and references again. By the way so a few questions the cute woman on the train mama araragi right?, and the one doing that manga nadeko?? idk if it was didnt look like her though,also so what adaptions do we have left after Owari s2 just Zoku? or more
Facta Non Verba
Dec 16, 2017 10:40 PM

Aug 2017
Man,this episode was something else.. amazing.
I almost got tears when Araragi was cut into pieces. I feel sorry for others, especially for Hitagi.
Jan 15, 2018 7:01 AM
Dec 2014
Wow, that finale was mindblowing!

I sure didn't expect such a development the story in this series, considering how each of the previous episodes worked out.
Feb 11, 2018 5:02 AM

Jun 2016
Woah, unexpected ending right there.
What part should i watch next hmm? (i guess Owarimonogatari 2nd Season)
Sep 6, 2018 5:57 AM

May 2017
what the fuck is gaen... i don't really like her to be honest but that instant kill was just insane.. can't fucking wait to watch kizumonogatari now and then the continuation of this.
Oct 3, 2018 3:18 AM

May 2018
Definitely a masterpiece, the previous episodes were very boring, finally a "necessary" episode to the story.

Note to Koyomimonogatari: 7/10

Note to Koyomi Dead: 10/10
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Apr 6, 2019 1:40 PM

Jan 2013
That was definitely a way to end an episode, Ararararagi being sliced to pieces.
We know he's alive again for sure since Hanamonogatari is after the events that happened here, near the end.

I can't wait to rewatch all of the Monogatari seasons again after all of the novels have been adapted.
There's just so much time inbetween the releases that I've not remembered most of the stuff that has occured.
Also the story is just too good, so many interesting arcs and the quality that's been delivered to us in the anime adaptations is top notch.
PrOxAntoMay 3, 2019 3:35 PM
May 3, 2019 8:12 AM
Apr 2016
Oh damn, so that's how Araragi died...oh well. Good episode.
May 27, 2019 8:30 AM

Dec 2018
Lol Nadeko even shorten her hair.

You could say this was like a compensation episode for the previous boring and unrelated to the story episode(except for episode 11). The way they showed most of the 'pieces' in this episode was great too.

As Ougi expected, Gaen created the original Oddity Killer from Seishiro armor. That means Shinobu didn't eat the armor. This make me wonder whether Gaen's intention was evil.

I guess it's reasonable to kill Araragi, he just spoiled too many things to Ougi. Araragi didn't even realize that Ougi was a bad news.

Then KSAOHUB should have regained her original power by now, and possibly fight with Gaen.

But the fact that I've seen Hanamonogatari kinda ruined the mystery.

Kish0May 27, 2019 8:16 PM
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Jun 13, 2019 7:36 PM

Jul 2016
Did Araragi die in the end or... what happened?

I don't really understand is there anyone who can explain it?
Aug 9, 2019 10:02 AM
Jul 2018
What the fuck, my brain
Aug 10, 2019 9:51 PM

May 2016
This was absolutely brain wrecking never knew that Gaen was that strong poor Araragi didn't had a millisecond to evade.

Loved the fact that how they shown everyone in the morning my fav was Hanekawa asleep in the train traveling the world all alone.
Sep 17, 2019 6:49 PM

Sep 2017
Definitely the weak link in the Monogatari series, but that's a given when the episodes are so short and the stories are so episodic. The last two episodes were fantastic though. 7/10.

Feb 5, 2020 8:51 PM

Sep 2019
lost my time watching this thing
Feb 25, 2020 11:03 AM

Feb 2019
What ZHE fuck I just watched damn Izuko literally disintegrated Koyomi with the ORIGINAL oddity slayer sword?? mind=blown
Anime is fun.
Apr 13, 2020 4:13 PM
Jun 2015
That brain froze- literally. I had to rewatch the moment again.

With the sword in her hand and Araragi in pieces... what a way to end this season.
May 29, 2020 11:16 PM

Dec 2016
I had a great time watching this show, but damn that ending was abrupt, both pre and post ed lol
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 10, 2020 2:36 PM

Jan 2019
Aug 11, 2020 8:24 AM
Apr 2020
well that was an interesting way to end things up

Aug 26, 2020 12:56 PM

Aug 2020
Eu não esperava por isso, quando vi a pontuação do MAL e conforme fui assistindo, esperava que esse continuação fosse composta por pequenas histórias que não seria de muito impacto para a história, estava muito animado para assistir Kizumono, mas esse ultimo episódio me deu vontade de o pular (claro que eu não vou fazer isso).

Como sempre, cada aparição de Gaen me força a reassistir o episódio para entender tudo.

O início foi um pouco sem graça, mas conforme os episódios corriam eles se tornaram muito mais agradáveis, o que fez com que esse final fosse uma total quebra de expectativa. Sem duvidas foi o melhor episódio, mas acredito que o impacto foi muito maior devido a quebra do clima que os episódios passados construíram, então eles também merecem uma boa nota.

Minha cabeça se encontra cheia de duvidas, mas vou ser paciente, dar uma pausa desses eventos e finalmente descobrir o passado do Shuraragi-san.


I did not expect this, when I saw the score of MAL and as I watched, I hoped that this continuation was composed of small stories that would not have much impact on the story, I was very excited to watch Kizumono, but this last episode made me want to skip it (of course I'm not going to do that).

As always, each appearance by Gaen forces me to watch the episode again to understand everything.

The beginning was a little bland, but as the episodes ran they became much more pleasant, which made this ending a total breach of expectation. Without a doubt it was the best episode, but I believe that the impact was much greater due to the break in the climate that past episodes built, so they also deserve a good note.

My head is full of doubts, but I will be patient, take a break from these events and finally discover Shuraragi-san's past.

(Sorry for potato english)
Unlimited Rulebook, boku wa kimegao de sou itta.
Sep 24, 2020 4:40 AM

Apr 2020
So... Happy end?

More questions, no answers. Also, ending feels kinda "heavy" for a short-stories ONA.

Also, dem it, I expected an Oikura story too, but there wasn't one!!!
Nov 2, 2020 4:29 PM

Apr 2019
Ummmmm what just happened? Cause it looked like Gaen just killed Koyomi with the real Kokoriwatari.

So is he just in the afterlife then? Is Hitgai gonna have to kill Gaen now? I have many questions about this.. Hopefully they'll be answered in Owari second season.

Pretty good mini season, 8/10.
Dec 7, 2020 9:30 PM

Nov 2011
Tsukimono and these last couple episodes of Koyomimono really highlight what a nice guy Oshino is. Even for a balancer-type, the degree to which he put himself out to help Araragi stands out.

It was easy to write Kaiki off before Koimono, and even Kagenui could be seen as a bit of an extreme, but Izuko has always seemed to be a reasonable and level-headed person. Being reasonable is not the same as being nice, though. I think it was already hinted with her willingness to leave Nadeko as a snake oddity that the spiritual balance of a town is more important to her than the wellbeing of an individual. The difference is that she still had plausible deniability then in that you could say she predicted that Kaiki would succeed.

This time, however, it’s clear. Izuko is reasonable, but she’s not nice. She’s willing to kill someone if she sees it as necessary. It’s not her first choice, certainly, but it is one she’s willing to make...

Araragi is definitely dead. We know from his presence in Hanamono that he must come back somehow, but how remains to be seen. My more immediate concern is that this should immediately unbind Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade. If Kiss Shot is dumped into sunlight somehow I suppose she might be weakened enough for a specialist as skilled as Izuko to be capable of killing her, but if she remains in the shadows, where Izuko can’t readily attack her... That’s a massive problem for Izuko, even if it’s a problem she accounted for.

Mm. Perhaps that’s why she made sure Shinobu was asleep, to avoid a confrontation as long as possible.

In any case, this makes for a very strong opening to the End Story, Owarimonogatari.
Dec 20, 2020 2:30 AM
Apr 2020
Well, this series was sure an average one to all of the Monogatari Series, only like a filler to me...

BUT HOLY SMOKES THAT FRIKIN CLIFFHANGER! I literally facepalmed when I see that. That was really unexpected. Hachikuji.. I never thought we'll she her again! This final episode literally blew the shit of my mind out of me

For whole Koyomimonogatari = 7/10
For that mindblowing last ep = 8/10 FINAL

Now time to watch the last 3, Owarimonogatari 1st and 2nd season, and the finale, Zoku Owari.. Can't wait what will happen next!
Jan 20, 2021 12:58 PM

Jan 2020
I was already expecting Mayoi to come back sooner or later since she's a big focus for the owari season 2 key visual but wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I wasn't expecting Koyomimonogatari to end off like this with the whole Gaen thing. This made me really excited to start the second season for owari.

5/5 Episode without any doubts and I'm really happy this ended off on a really amazing note. Seeing all of the cast with the winter setting was great too. I loved every second of this.

Mar 31, 2021 1:02 AM

Oct 2016
Holy fuck that was insane. Since Araragi met Mayoi, I am assuming he's like dead dead, wtf. The rest of the season were just small short stories, but these last 2 episodes are pretty insane. Onwards to Owarimonogatari for me. 8/10

Wait, if Araragi's dead, that means Shinobu will get her powers back, holy shit. This is gonna be insane.
sKyBlazer08Mar 31, 2021 1:07 AM
Apr 7, 2021 2:35 AM
Mar 2018
wow. the shinobu episode and the last two episodes carried this entire series and why this is 8/10 for me. the rest of the eps were pretty bland and meh and kinda pointless? but goddamn, araragi getting killed for idk what was totally out of nowhere. now hes in heaven with hachikuji haha.
May 5, 2021 6:55 PM
Dec 2020
So do monogatari time end with gaen killing araragi or there is more now i need to watch owari 2 kizu and owari zoku i gues il see if u know please tell me
Aug 19, 2021 5:14 PM

Feb 2020

Okay this episode was mindblowing. And there are several very important informations we got.

Yotsugi actually was Araragi's bodyguard, sent to him by Gaen. Kagenui disappeared and said disappearance leaves Yotsugi without any purpose, she now cannot protect Araragi as an oddity.
And the reason to Kagenui's disappearance is because "someone" wants to get rid of everything that could prevent Araragi from taking actions by himself.
And this "someone", I'm willing to bet that's Ougi. It just makes sense : she said herself back in Sodachi Lost that her goal had been to see how Araragi would react to an old friend (so we can conclude that she is always trying to see how Araragi reacts to certain situations that she is setting up), we also know she is the one behind Kaiki's murder (which not only shows that she is ready to go to some extreme lengths in order for things to go her way but also further confirms her as being the one behind whatever happened to Kagenui), and Gaen said she wanted to get rid of the darkness that is in that city (it's obvious that by "darkness", she is talking about THE Darkness, the very Darkness Ougi is related to). So it's her, that's almost certain (I don't see who else that could be anyway). But why ? I have a few theories but that'd be too long, however I'm definitely curious to see how close I am to the truth.

Another thing, is that it is now practically confirmed that Gaen wasn't directly involved with Kaiki's murder, but did send Yotsugi to try to stop him because she knew what would happen to him if he kept going.

And one last thing, now that we know how big Yotsugi's influence has been on Arargi, I really wonder how many events have been affected by her.

Now, the epilogue, or should I say, the conclusion : this season wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, it wasn't as interesting (for the most part) as other seasons but it was still pretty good. I'm giving it 6/10, and I'm more than ever looking forward to Owari S2 now.

Edit : (Warning : I once again got carried away with my theories and it ended up being much longer than I expected) Wait wait wait. Wait. Now that I think about it, Gaen is absolutely not innocent in all this. Well, of course "innocent" has never been a word I could use to describe her but what I mean is that there's clearly more to her actions than just wanting to stop the "someone". First of all, considering that Gaen is a specialist and so an exorcist, why didn't she directly go and confront the source of the problem (which is most likely Ougi) instead of killing Araragi ? While the context and the relationship between characters is not the same, I can't help but make a parallel between that and what "someone" did by attacking Kagenui in order to leave Yotsugi without purpose. If the parallel is supposed to be make then that kind of makes Gaen similar to the "someone"...

And there are other details that make me think that way. Let's not forget that in Shinobu Time, Gaen is the one who forced Hachikuji to admit her lie and sacrifice herself by letting the Darkness take her away. Gaen basically made the Darkness' work easier, we can even say she partnered with it. She didn't at all seem to be against this method. And now, she is telling us she's actually working against the Darkness ? After having helped it ? Sounds awfully hypocritical.

There's also the whole thing about the sword. Araragi pointed out how she shouldn't have it, and she indeed shouldn't. Yet, she has it. How is that possible ? Well, it reminds me of Araragi's and Ougi's discussion at the end of Shinobu Mail, when Ougi pointed out how Shinobu most likely didn't eat the armor. With that she also said that in this situation, she would have made a new sword out of the armor's metal. At first it sounded to me like "Gaen made a mistake, she should've done it yet she didn't", but now it sounds much more like "If you think about it that's most likely what she did". And she did. She made a new sword out of the armor. To kill Araragi. So not only does that show how truly dangerous Gaen is (casually discussing with someone she is actually planning to murder), but it also makes her thought process pretty similar to Ougi's, which might be worrisome.

And there's not just that. I said that this episode confirmed Gaen as not being directly related to Kaiki's murder and while I still believe that, I also remembered that Kaiki, at first, considered the possibility that it was Gaen who was behind this. I don't remember exactly what he said, but that was basically that it couldn't have been Gaen who followed him because the conclusion wouldn't serve her interests. What I get from this is that Gaen having wanted Kaiki's death is only out of the question because that wouldn't be useful to her, not because that's a big no morally speaking. Basically, if Kaiki's death would've been useful to Gaen, she would have done it. And as we've seen with Araragi and Hachikuji, she really is ready to be responsible for someone's death. Considering that "being ready to go to some extreme lengths" is one of the aspects of Ougi I used to explain my theory about her being the "someone", it is definitely suspicious that Gaen can also fit this description.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Gaen is related to the so-called "someone" or anything like that. What I want to point out is that there really is something more to Gaen. She isn't just a regular specialist doing a regular specialist's job, actually she even seems to switch sides. I mean, one day she does the Darkness' job, and then a little while later she pretends wanting to get rid of it ? That doesn't work. There really is something off with her, I always thought that, but I really don't understand what are her hidden motivations, she is very confusing and I wonder what all that will lead to.
I just hope the show isn't just trying to make a creepy/mysterious character out of her for the sake of it but but actually has something important for her. I'm saying that because unlike characters like Ougi, with Gaen I always felt that something's off but never that the show's setting up something with her, she just seems to be that one character who does mysterious things while at the same time explaining the plot to Araragi (and the audience). There seems to be a lot going on with her so I hope will still have enough time to get something interesting that won't feel rushed.

Aside from that, I still have some little things to point out.
Firstly, I really wonder what will Yotsugi do now that she doesn't have Kagenui. Gaen said that she might snap out of her oddity condition in order to protect Araragi out of her own will, I'm really curious to see that. But this also has me wonder what is the exact relationship between a human and an oddity. Apparently, if an oddity is left without master, she is no longer a full oddity ? Even if the part about Yotsugi possibly behaving as a human is most likely due to her being a corpse, the rest still raises questions.
Also, when they were showing every member of Araragi's "harem", we got a short scene of Ougi walking in the school. Something that shouldn't be that unusual but... There's no one in the school at this moment, right ? So she's just wandering in the school like some haunting ghost... That's creepy. And this has me thinking, even if I've seen some LN illustrations showing her with "casual" clothings (as casual as Ougi can be at least), in the actual story she is never seen out of her school uniform. No matter what she does, even if that's climbing a mountain, she is always seen in that uniform. Does that mean she's like, bound to the school or something ?
Another thing, if Araragi is now dead, what happens to Shinobu ? She wasn't with him in the afterlife world but then, if she survived the attack, where is she ? She was nowhere to be seen after Araragi disappeared. Or maybe this world is only for humans (since Hachikuji is no longer a ghost and Araragi, while part-vampire, is also mostly human), and when oddities die they go elsewhere ? I'm a bit worried now, I hope nothing too bad happened to Shinobu.
Finally, this isn't a theory but I forgot to mention something important : Oikura made a cameo in this episode and that made me happy. That was just her back, but simply seeing my girl doing fine is enough.

FafetteAug 24, 2021 8:08 AM
Oct 11, 2021 4:31 AM
Aug 2021
I the shots of all the characters shown one by one while Gaen was talking.Oh well he's in
.So this ep sets up the events in Owari S2.
Nov 17, 2021 10:22 AM

Jun 2020
Damn. Just finished this. Great season with an absolutely amazing ending. That music and build-up to the final scene was epic. I was such an idiot to have skipped this season when I first finished the Monogatari series. Just need to find that sonuvabitch who told me that this is filler.
Dec 6, 2021 3:40 PM

Aug 2015
I fucked up and watched owari S2 before this, I feel like it would have a bigger impact on me if I hadn't done so, well whatever.

This was a nice season to fill up some holes in the plot and have more character development for all the girls and of course, our man Araragi, some episodes were really boring though.
7/10 for this season
9/10 for this episode
Aug 12, 2022 1:40 AM

Jan 2015
Holy fuck, jaw was dropped for a long time here. I know from Hanamonogatari that he'll be back somehow however it was still a shock. Perfect directing leading up to the event too, really fucking sad. Ahh, wow.

Loved Koyomimonogatari.
Aug 19, 2022 10:25 PM
Jun 2021
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