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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Aug 9, 2015 1:14 PM

Dec 2008
@ flannan & Zefyris
Zefrys, if it is not a spoiler, would you tell what limitations underlie the salt “allergy”? If the author didn’t elaborate on the topic (proximity, salt itself, or its smell as well, etc, etc.), then my theory may be viable. I base my assumption solely on the anime, so I don’t know whether my idea would work in this particular world presented. Salt in water might not do a much if the demons would prepare vessels capable of not letting any salt within their confines. I’m thinking about something like Lenardo da Vinci’s submarine or fortified against salty water vessels similar to the capital ship of Zheng He’s fleet. The warriors waiting in the sealed off chambers, while the crew, taking care of the vessels’ course and oars, left to whither in the less protected compartments.

@ Sokah
My standpoint is, if demons would somehow bypass the problem of the sea water, then the fortress in question would be ineffective.
desuminatorAug 9, 2015 1:28 PM
Aug 9, 2015 4:12 PM

Jul 2014
desuminator said:
If the author didn’t elaborate on the topic (proximity, salt itself, or its smell as well, etc, etc.), then my theory may be viable.

You can see how close the demon got to the temple in the show. Demons would have no problems using boats. Salt water can't be effective, nowhere close to Alien Nation effective or everyone would just have squirt guns and have wiped out demons already.

But of course the demons don't have to go around since the barrier is always down so they could have an entire army in the human lands already. They've been taking slaves for years and the braves fought plenty along the way, it seems like the humans have done nothing to stop them, not even something as simple as keeping the barrier up.
Aug 9, 2015 4:22 PM

Apr 2015
Sokah said:
They've been taking slaves for years and the braves fought plenty along the way, it seems like the humans have done nothing to stop them, not even something as simple as keeping the barrier up.

That's implying the current and prior Saint of Salt could hold that barrier up 24/7.
Aug 9, 2015 4:44 PM

Apr 2013
Sokah is searching so hard for plotholes that don't even exist it's seriously starting to get pathetic now.

There's no fortress to the choke point . Obviously there isn't. You couldn't even guard it if there was one, let alone build it.they would all end up killed in one day, guess by what.
And it was said by episode 3 that fiends cannot cross water. And if you were a bit smart, you would have guessed that it's impossible by boat as well to cross. Why? BEcause if it was possible, then the braves themselves would get a boat, cross the water and get directly to a random point close to the demon god's place rather than entering by the heavily guarded "front door" and have all the way to go in enemy territory. And which barrier would you like to always activate? The fog barrier ? You mean, the barrier that require someone inside to deactivate it, and that person inside cannot leave as long as it's not activated? That every times it's deactivated, would require redoing the whole building process of the altar because it's a one time use (as if something as convenient could be activated again and again... -_-") ? My god, that's such a practical idea I'm in awe. We don't even know how much times it takes to build back a functional barrier after an use. If it's months or even days, it's like saying "ey looky here, we've got a barrier stopping you through passing. You saw how effective it was when we activated it last time. Well you could assault us with your whole army when it's down, but that would be cheating so don't do that okay? *wink*.

Calling something a plothole when you can easily explain it is seriously annoying.

The whole point of the barrier and being secretive about it was to make sure to surprise the fiends (well, it backfired, but that's another story). Letting them enter the human territory as much as they want, and then rising the barrier to separate them from their most hated and most feared enemy : the 6 braves.

It's basically a "comme on, enter as much as you want" for this reason. Defending a choke point (if it was even possible) would have as a result having all the fiends massed together, resulting in HIGHLY inferring with the braves' mission. Who would want that. If the fiends want to enter human territory en masse to hunt the braves before they gather, then let them do it. the more enter, the less to battle after they entered. All is left for the braves is to travel without being noticed early. which exactly what most of them did. Mora even said "I arrived at the rendezvous point 2 days earlier and HIDE there waiting for the rest to arrive".

That's the whole point there you know?
ZefyrisAug 9, 2015 4:51 PM
Aug 9, 2015 8:00 PM

Apr 2013
nekomiminyan said:
Because I couldn't wait, I went ahead and spoiled it for me

If you really want to know, read this:

Damn I really didn't want to click on this but I'm so god damn impatient I just had to know who it was.
Aug 9, 2015 9:37 PM

Jul 2014
Zefyris said:
Sokah is searching so hard for plotholes that don't even exist it's seriously starting to get pathetic now.

I've asked before, please stop responding to my posts. You aren't capable of following a conversation, and you aren't capable of doing anything but being a dick and fabricating things in an attempt to contradict people. We get it, you're a total fanboy and you're going to lie and attack people that point out anything even the least bit wrong with your favorite shows. Hurray you.
Aug 9, 2015 10:36 PM

Aug 2013
Sokah said:
Zefyris said:
Sokah is searching so hard for plotholes that don't even exist it's seriously starting to get pathetic now.

I've asked before, please stop responding to my posts. You aren't capable of following a conversation, and you aren't capable of doing anything but being a dick and fabricating things in an attempt to contradict people. We get it, you're a total fanboy and you're going to lie and attack people that point out anything even the least bit wrong with your favorite shows. Hurray you.
No, Zefyris is right. You're blabbing stupid facts which are easy to retaliate. Not sure if you're seeking for attention or you're being too salty for a type of show you dislike but your prick attitude won't get you nowhere here. I wouldn't be surprised if people start reporting you for your awful posting *wink wink*
ValhasDrewAug 9, 2015 10:58 PM
Aug 10, 2015 12:03 AM

Oct 2013
You can think of suspicions for practically every character, but everyone also has their reasons to not be suspected.
NTADAug 20, 2015 2:16 PM
"There's no shame in falling down... true shame is to not stand up again!"

"Aah? Of course I won't miss!"

"My blood tastes like Iron."

"Run through the tape in life! Never give up! Run through the tape!"
Aug 10, 2015 3:33 AM
Oct 2013
I think we have a winner (fake) from the poll. 300 votes. Don't even start with "it didn't mean anything" argument.
Aug 10, 2015 3:50 AM

Jan 2013
Zefyris said:
The whole point of the barrier and being secretive about it was to make sure to surprise the fiends (well, it backfired, but that's another story). Letting them enter the human territory as much as they want, and then rising the barrier to separate them from their most hated and most feared enemy : the 6 braves.

It still doesn't explain who activated the barrier this time and how, neither Nashetania nor Adlet spoke the keyword. Also they didn't stabbed the sword into the mechanism, they pulled it out, knocked some things, but didn't do anything that even remotely resembles an activation.

When it was activated when keyword wasn't spoken?

It may be that fog Adlet saw it a real barrier though, but then it is mystery who activated it?

Adlet activated it by bombing the door because there was logical fail-safe mechanism? Possible, but no one told us that.

Also I am pretty much confused why they even sent braves to the barrier switch in the first place.
Acting brave weren't supposed to know that! Or activate it themselves. If it was suppose to work as intended and without a permanent Garrison at the temple, there should be some very well hidden activation squad that rushes in when Braves passes by.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 10, 2015 3:59 AM

Feb 2011
Taking new developments into account, assuming the culprit of the barrier activation is also the fake (very likely but not sure)
i'm currently thinking it's Chamo, only cause there is no one who could confirm what she was doing when the barrier got activated (like Adlet, but we're seeing from adlet's point of view)
even if they had an alibi for the barrier activation, Hans and Goldof are looking fishy too, Hans for starting the suspicion train on Adlet and Goldof for attacking first (while not saying his reasons)

Mod Edit: Modified to match flow of thread.
NTADAug 20, 2015 2:14 PM

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Aug 10, 2015 4:12 AM

Jul 2009
I find Goldof extremely suspicious. How come not only the princess got the mark, but also someone so close to the princess got one as well? Also he wanted to kill Fremy without asking any questions and he did not hesitate to try and kill Adlet. Maybe he's willing to kill so easily so that he could take the place of a real brave. The princess has demonstrated her blade summoning skills and we saw Adlet receive his mark, so I doubt it's either one of them. I'd love it to be Hans since I can't stand him though.
Aug 10, 2015 4:19 AM
Oct 2013
Pat_To_Do-List said:

That's one way to do it. Unfortunately, none of them know how to deactivate it, as it's been established in episode 5.

If you've noticed, Nashetania made a drama that broke something placed on the pedestal. I assume that which was broken is the key to deactivate it or they could have figured how to deactivate it if it did not broke. So assuming that an eight person exist, then Nashetania + 8th person = culprit. Remember that Adlet also hypothesis that there are 2 enemies.

1. Either Nashetania or Goldof. Others are innocent. Why? Out of all of them, Goldof and Nashetania aside, everyone "actively" participated in the discussion. Goldof stayed quiet throughout the debate. Nashetania is acting "out of her character".

2. If it's true there's an 8th person then the possible enemy combination are:

a. Nashetania only (+ Goldof) - he knew she is the fake therefore he decided to attack Adlet to protect her
b. Nashetania + 8th person
c. Nashetania + 8th person (+ Goldof) - Goldof stayed silent after he learned Nashetania and the 8th person are accomplice, he then attacked Adlet to hide this fact
d. Goldof + 8th person

Seriously I'm buying either A or C.

3. The most suspicious one is Nashetania. I think everyone could agree with this. Reason?
-Strange behavior
-"Accidentally" destroyed a tablet on top of the pedestal
-Stereotypical drama queen actions

Seriously, if anyone think she is not the most suspicious person, then I think that person was not paying attention at all.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
NTADAug 20, 2015 2:42 PM
Aug 10, 2015 4:41 AM

Jun 2014
I'd say Nashetanya, she was clearly not herself during the debate.

In fact the real question is how rather than who
Aug 10, 2015 5:09 AM
Oct 2013
^Read this conversation:

Blankbite said:
Pat_To_Do-List said:

That's one way to do it. Unfortunately, none of them know how to deactivate it, as it's been established in episode 5.

If you've noticed, Nashetania made a drama that broke something placed on the pedestal. I assume that which was broken is the key to deactivate it or they could have figured how to deactivate it if it did not broke. So assuming that an eight person exist, then Nashetania + 8th person = culprit. Remember that Adlet also hypothesis that there are 2 enemies.

The person who activated the barrier is the only person who can deactivate it.
Therefore, we can deduct 2 scenarios from this:
1. If each of them tried to deactivate the barrier and failed, that will mean that there's an 8th person and that 1 out of 7 is an accomplice.
2. If each of them tried to deactivate the barrier and succeeded, then the person who succeeded is the culprit.


CMIIW I'd just like to add that Adlet knew the "method to deactivate" it. He was taught how to do it from the previous town. He tried and but it didn't work. Therefore Adlet is innocent and not the person who activated the barrier.


For some unknown reason, Nashetania "accidentally" broke a tablet, a part of the barrier's mechanism, during her "drama" aka "strange tantrum by swinging a sword".
Aug 10, 2015 7:11 AM

Jan 2013
We still don't know who activated the barrier and when.

One of the possibilities that blasting the door open with explosives activates the fail-safe and turns out the barrier without a possibility to turn it off in conventional ways (they may be unconventional ones though only creator of the trap may know). Existence of such a fail safe is logical.

Neither Nashetania nor Adlet actions had any effect on barrier. They didn't had a chance to use activation action/phrase and damage Nashetania did had no effect on barrier. Nashetania damaged the altar after Adlet tried to deactivate it, but before anyone had a chance to interact with it.

Nashetania never got the means to activate the barrier, only to damage the mechanism once it has been turned on by someone else. I still think Nashetania is a fake, but she didn't done anything to activate it. Only to prevent it from being turned off again, which makes a theory of 8th brave possible.

Nashetania obviously manipulated with everyone, especially with Adlet and Goldov.

Goldov attacked Adlet out of jealousy. He is a liability to the team (as he would immediately bertray everyone without a second thought for sake of being with Nashetania) but he might be legitimate brave. Nashetania uses his jealousy as weapon.

There is however no proof of 8th brave other than Adlet claims.
Adlet himself is self-centred jerk who cheated to get a title, he is certainly no hero and definitelly not "strongest" as he loves to claim. Constantly. He is most obsessed and generally unstable person in a group who was first on the scene, so just like everyone, I don't trust him a bit.

However, there is only person who is more suspicious. And that is Mora.
There is no one who can confirm her claims. Instead, she is used to confirm on everyone without need to prove anything due to her status. She personally knew the creators of the barrier and creator of the door, also has the key needed to open the door. If there is a way to turn it off, she would know it, if she don't want to tell no one will be any wiser.
She is in the best position to lie and get away with it.
Only Hans may have a few ideas, but he only knows parts necessary and all his theories rely on Mora confirmation.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 10, 2015 9:55 AM

Aug 2013
sorry guys im the one who activated the barrier
Aug 10, 2015 10:38 AM

Mar 2015
lesna02 said:
sorry guys im the one who activated the barrier

You should have say that sooner!
Aug 10, 2015 12:33 PM

Jul 2015
from mora's and han's explanations till this episode, if there no other doors to temple then i agree Adlet is the seventh

but how can he become the seventh if we see him all the time ??
so my conclusion is Adlet is genuine, which make Nashetania, Goldov, Fremy genuine too.

Hans and Mora went together to temple after the fog lifted, so both of them dont have time to slip in and out of the temple in short time

so by elimination Camot is the seventh ! also she wants to kill Fremy that badly just because she is brave killer. and if i am not mistaken, Fremy never touch the podium/altar . so she is clean.

maybe... but i think, we didnt get enough clue from episode 1-6
Well Duh...

Aug 10, 2015 1:42 PM

Apr 2013
Blankbite said:
^Read this conversation:

Blankbite said:

If you've noticed, Nashetania made a drama that broke something placed on the pedestal. I assume that which was broken is the key to deactivate it or they could have figured how to deactivate it if it did not broke. So assuming that an eight person exist, then Nashetania + 8th person = culprit. Remember that Adlet also hypothesis that there are 2 enemies.

The person who activated the barrier is the only person who can deactivate it.
Therefore, we can deduct 2 scenarios from this:
1. If each of them tried to deactivate the barrier and failed, that will mean that there's an 8th person and that 1 out of 7 is an accomplice.
2. If each of them tried to deactivate the barrier and succeeded, then the person who succeeded is the culprit.


CMIIW I'd just like to add that Adlet knew the "method to deactivate" it. He was taught how to do it from the previous town. He tried and but it didn't work. Therefore Adlet is innocent and not the person who activated the barrier.


For some unknown reason, Nashetania "accidentally" broke a tablet, a part of the barrier's mechanism, during her "drama" aka "strange tantrum by swinging a sword".

Err no. Read the text again. Adlet read a text about a barrier made by a former saint of salt and copied what he did. The current barrier is made by the current saint of fog and saint of illusion, so nothing to do with the barrier he heard about. He just tried to copy, and it didn't work. Because that's not the same way, obviously. Just like Golldof tried a simpler method, and Nshetania tried different sentences and different movement, including breaking that tablet btw. Mora probably tried several things while she was looking into it, too, to no avail. They don't know.
So that it's clear there
NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT HOW TO DEACTIVATE THE BARRIER. (except the culprit logically) Mora confirmed it's not written on the paper/tablet or anywhere else in the temple, she checked and didn't found a thing.

So no, no one knows. If they knew how to do it, they would just deactivate it right away....
Aug 11, 2015 1:03 AM

Jan 2013
Zefyris said:
So no, no one knows. If they knew how to do it, they would just deactivate it right away....

No one followed the instructions given by the soldier from the fortress yet barrier was active by the start of episode 5. There either must be an Invisible Saint (which is possible within setting as Saint of Illusion was mentioned and there is 67 versions of those) who tracked Adlet all the time. Or soldier in the fortress lied (because we have no other way to prove). Or someone was able to to re-seal the temple and prepare for his show with Adlet arrival.
Confirmation whether it is or isn't possible comes only from Moira, no one can prove she is mistaken or even lying. Hanz knows only parts of the tale (like we was with Moira for a while and some details about seal works), anything else is up to Moira interpretation and taken from granted.

There is interesting note in other thread suggesting the motive
Malise said:
Nashetania and Moira. They are royalty. It's fair to expect they to betray their people just to stay in power and would first change sides if Demon God's guaranteed their privileges.

Hans is an assassin. Even though he is expected to change sides, he is also very likely to be sacrificed by the ruling class, so he won't go to the Demon God side.

Chamot is living weapon. She kills because this is only thing she was ever taught to do, but she doesn't need to be especially treacherous and manipulative though and doesn't need deception which situation require.

Adlet is man from the people. He want to be hero because he want up. Can be either side.

Goldov is fanatic/soldier. If nobility tells him to jump, he jumps and max. asks how high. He would betray anyone if Nashetania tells him to do so, but doesn't have any ambition of his own.

Flemie is a half-fiend traitor. She doesn't care about politics, she doesn't care for humans and demons things as both sides hate her. She don't need convoluted plots.

Chamot, Hans and Flemie aren't trustworthy or nice as individuals, but they aren't types to be on planning side of any insidious plot and are already taught they will be sacrificed by whoever planner they gave them the task.
Goldov would do this only when directly ordered by his Mistress which makes a second traitor possible.
Nashetania and Moira are more likely to be brains of the operation, so usually a reason behind the problem. Very likely they would manipulate the true braves.
Adlet can go either way and only thing that supports him is the fact show follows his POV.

It allows either throwing everything on Moira. Or Nashetania. Or both, or logical combination (Moira hired Hanz - perfect alibi). Or Nashetania + Goldov.
Of course, it can be thrown on at least anyone, but support the 8th Rokka theory.
Main thing this proves that plan require a cooperation of two or more parties as people with motivation would have difficult time doing it alone and people with skills have no motivation without the first mentioned.
beast_regardsAug 11, 2015 1:18 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 11, 2015 2:06 AM

Nov 2009
beast_regards said:
Zefyris said:
So no, no one knows. If they knew how to do it, they would just deactivate it right away....

No one followed the instructions given by the soldier from the fortress yet barrier was active by the start of episode 5. There either must be an Invisible Saint (which is possible within setting as Saint of Illusion was mentioned and there is 67 versions of those) who tracked Adlet all the time. Or soldier in the fortress lied (because we have no other way to prove). Or someone was able to to re-seal the temple and prepare for his show with Adlet arrival.
Confirmation whether it is or isn't possible comes only from Moira, no one can prove she is mistaken or even lying. Hanz knows only parts of the tale (like we was with Moira for a while and some details about seal works), anything else is up to Moira interpretation and taken from granted.

There is interesting note in other thread suggesting the motive
Malise said:
Nashetania and Moira. They are royalty. It's fair to expect they to betray their people just to stay in power and would first change sides if Demon God's guaranteed their privileges.

Hans is an assassin. Even though he is expected to change sides, he is also very likely to be sacrificed by the ruling class, so he won't go to the Demon God side.

Chamot is living weapon. She kills because this is only thing she was ever taught to do, but she doesn't need to be especially treacherous and manipulative though and doesn't need deception which situation require.

Adlet is man from the people. He want to be hero because he want up. Can be either side.

Goldov is fanatic/soldier. If nobility tells him to jump, he jumps and max. asks how high. He would betray anyone if Nashetania tells him to do so, but doesn't have any ambition of his own.

Flemie is a half-fiend traitor. She doesn't care about politics, she doesn't care for humans and demons things as both sides hate her. She don't need convoluted plots.

Chamot, Hans and Flemie aren't trustworthy or nice as individuals, but they aren't types to be on planning side of any insidious plot and are already taught they will be sacrificed by whoever planner they gave them the task.
Goldov would do this only when directly ordered by his Mistress which makes a second traitor possible.
Nashetania and Moira are more likely to be brains of the operation, so usually a reason behind the problem. Very likely they would manipulate the true braves.
Adlet can go either way and only thing that supports him is the fact show follows his POV.

It allows either throwing everything on Moira. Or Nashetania. Or both, or logical combination (Moira hired Hanz - perfect alibi). Or Nashetania + Goldov.
Of course, it can be thrown on at least anyone, but support the 8th Rokka theory.
Main thing this proves that plan require a cooperation of two or more parties as people with motivation would have difficult time doing it alone and people with skills have no motivation without the first mentioned.

Actually, there is no reason to assume that the 7th isn't assisted by a clever demon who would do the planning. Or a clever human who wasn't chosen to be a Brave, like Adlet's teacher or the missing saint of the sun.
Aug 11, 2015 2:25 AM

Apr 2013
Mora isn't royalty though. She is the highest authority on the clergy side. Nashetania is both High ranked Clergy and royalty, and Chamo is high ranked clergy.

But yes, you're right on the fact that if a saint can turn invisible, then Mora should know about it, which leaves only two choices on that point : either there isn't, and hence why no one is talking about it, or a saint can do it, and Mora is purposely not talking about it.
I think we can throw out the idea of resealing since this one is confirmed by two different experts as impossible, rather than just one. It's really important to take notice of what is confirmed by different side and what can only be confirmed by one side, as this eliminate most possibilities of being false infos.

Chamo isn't a living weapon at all, she's just a "bit" psycho. :D

For adlet's motivation it's pretty obvious that there is more than that to it, looking at episode 6 flashback.

For Goldof, if he was that fanatic he would have obeyed Nashetania on episode 6 when she asked him to take Adlet's side. Seems he's far less one sided than peoples believe, as he looked very conflicted in this episode.
Aug 11, 2015 2:49 AM

Jan 2013
Zefyris said:
But yes, you're right on the fact that if a saint can turn invisible, then Mora should know about it, which leaves only two choices on that point : either there isn't, and hence why no one is talking about it, or a saint can do it, and Mora is purposely not talking about it.

Mora is still only one who knows about the other Saints exact power (including missing Sun one, which may be important). No one can confirm or deny her claims about that subject.
There is no two way confirmation how barrier is activated. Information comes from soldier in the fortress which easily could be the same fiend Adlet encountered later.
Seal is thus probably only confirmed fact.

Zefyris said:
For adlet's motivation it's pretty obvious that there is more than that to it, looking at episode 6 flashback.

Actually, it isn't. He wants to be strongest and his village is gone probably. I don't remember if he talked about anything else? His village could be easily burned on the Nashetania's father (or other noble) order and never saw a fiend.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 11, 2015 7:35 AM

Jul 2014
ValhasDrew said:
]No, Zefyris is right. You're blabbing stupid facts which are easy to retaliate.

Good luck pointing even ONE out. The only "retaliation" he's done is to make stuff up that isn't in the show.

Also, here is a fact for you. Facts aren't stupid. They aren't smart. They're just facts. *I* am pointing out facts. *HE* is making stuff up. I guess you like the shit he's shoveling more than what is actually happening in the show.
Aug 11, 2015 7:38 AM

Apr 2015
Sokah said:
I guess you like the shit he's shoveling more than what is actually happening in the show.

Only one shoveling shit Is you, bruh.

LN readers are way beyond this by now.
Aug 11, 2015 8:38 AM

Oct 2013
I'd vote for Chamo just based on the fact that we know next to nothing about her.

Oh wait, I did. Lol.
"There's no shame in falling down... true shame is to not stand up again!"

"Aah? Of course I won't miss!"

"My blood tastes like Iron."

"Run through the tape in life! Never give up! Run through the tape!"
Aug 11, 2015 9:36 AM
Jan 2014
Zefyris said:
It's really important to take notice of what is confirmed by different side and what can only be confirmed by one side, as this eliminate most possibilities of being false infos.

Chamo isn't a living weapon at all, she's just a "bit" psycho. :D

For adlet's motivation it's pretty obvious that there is more than that to it, looking at episode 6 flashback.

For Goldof, if he was that fanatic he would have obeyed Nashetania on episode 6 when she asked him to take Adlet's side. Seems he's far less one sided than peoples believe, as he looked very conflicted in this episode.

So than there's two possibilities as to the method:
1. Invisibility (A Saint of Illusion, Saint of Light, something) who would be the 8th.

2. Digging Ability (CHAMO?!,Saint of Earth, whatever). However this is much more unlikely as it was shot down by Mora and perhaps Hans. Maybe just Mora.

I highly believe also there are two conspirators within the 7 that are there.

The only 2 possibilities imo:
Mora + Chamo + Unknown Saint
Nashetania + Goldof + Unknown Saint

Motivations yet to be figured out since Goldof, Mora, and Chamo lack backstories.
Aug 11, 2015 2:14 PM

Jan 2013
When you think about it, there is no way to activate the barrier if
- soldier told Adlet the truth about the mechanism
- Mora isn't lying
- what we saw so far is true (e.g. we probably saw what Adlet saw)
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 11, 2015 5:14 PM

Jul 2014
beast_regards said:
There either must be an Invisible Saint (which is possible within setting as Saint of Illusion was mentioned and there is 67 versions of those) who tracked Adlet all the time.

One brave obviously did sneak past the soldiers at the fort or they'd have noticed there was 7. But being invisible doesn't explain activating the barrier. Adlet wasn't supposed to open the door and no one would have expected him capable of it so they wouldn't be following him. It makes no sense at all that he'd abandon his companions who are fighting demons and then vandalize the temple by blowing open the door when the plan was to meet the other braves first. The only reason to rush in to the temple like he did was to prematurely activate the barrier. I guess his poorly written lapse of reason was to make him seem guilty, which it certainly did.

Also if they could be invisible, they'd have stayed invisible and just hung out in the forest while the 6 braves scratch their heads and sit there trapped until they starve to death never even knowing there was a 7th.

We just haven't been given enough information yet, and I'm sure the eventual solution isn't going to be satisfactory.
SokahAug 11, 2015 5:18 PM
Aug 12, 2015 2:40 AM

Jul 2013
Sad to find who the 7th was :/
Aug 12, 2015 3:05 AM

Jul 2013
In the LN the seventh want the heroes to die faster ^^
Aug 12, 2015 4:54 AM

Jan 2013
Moira. Or Nashetania and Moira manipulating others. That's my assumption.

Every tie lead back to Moira (she needs to confirm about each ability and no one can say what is true without any chance to confirm she is telling the truth)

Nashetania behaviour is suspicious too, like breaking evidence or manipulating Goldov and Adlet, only question is if she done it with Moira knowing or not.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 12, 2015 7:49 AM

Nov 2009
Sokah said:

Also if they could be invisible, they'd have stayed invisible and just hung out in the forest while the 6 braves scratch their heads and sit there trapped until they starve to death never even knowing there was a 7th.

The problem is, in this case the 6 braves would cooperate. And that's probably enough to blow up a forest or two. Or have Maura point to the saint's weakness (if Mora isn't the 7th). Or have one of the saints pull out a trick that works against invisible opponents. Or have Adlet pull out some trick that works against invisible opponents.
Now, having 7 braves fighing and suspecting each other? That's another story altogether!
Aug 13, 2015 1:41 AM

Apr 2013
Sokah said:
ValhasDrew said:
]No, Zefyris is right. You're blabbing stupid facts which are easy to retaliate.

Good luck pointing even ONE out. The only "retaliation" he's done is to make stuff up that isn't in the show.

Also, here is a fact for you. Facts aren't stupid. They aren't smart. They're just facts. *I* am pointing out facts. *HE* is making stuff up. I guess you like the shit he's shoveling more than what is actually happening in the show.

Okay Sokah, the matter is simple. What you're talking about is the circumstances around a place that the heroes hasn't arrived to yet (the enemy territory, because you need the info abotu that place to answer your question). What you're complaining about is not having WORLD BUILDING (and nott a plot hole) on a place not shown yet and only talked about. This is also IRRELEVANT to the plot of this volume.

Of course what I explained has only be partially be covered by the anime which is only 6 episodes in.

You said in another thread that you cared about good/bad story telling. Then be glad!
You' ll surely agree that adding exposition/world building of a place visited later at the same time as you do explanations about the place they are is extremely bad story telling.
That's just a huge NO, no one wants that. You don't want it either.

So what then? We're half way through show and you didn't get some info about the next place they're going to because those infos are going to be given after they reach it?
In one thread you say you want good story telling, but in the other you complain half way through it that you don't have all the info even though it would contradict your first wish? xD

Come on now. That's just ridiculous. You're half way through the first volume and you're complaining that you don't know all there is to know ? And when someone kindly gives you some of the info you don't have so that you can judge more properly, you refuse them "because they aren"t in the show"? And you're calling repartiting the world building to avoid info dump a "plot hole"? That's so illogical man.

Do you know the "Twenty rules for writing detective stories" by S.S. Van Dine ? Those are very extremist rules about writing a detectiv story. Some of those rules are so extreme that it shows just the pride and the taste of the author of those rules. Even so, despite being extremist, he has a point for a lot of rules. And one of those rules is
A detective novel should contain no long descriptive passages, no literary dallying with side-issues, no subtly worked-out character analyses, no "atmospheric" preoccupations. such matters have no vital place in a record of crime and deduction. They hold up the action and introduce issues irrelevant to the main purpose, which is to state a problem, analyze it, and bring it to a successful conclusion. To be sure, there must be a sufficient descriptiveness and character delineation to give the novel verisimilitude.

While being a fantasy setting, RnY actually respects almost all of those rules. Not giving you long descriptions about a land they aren't in right now is directly a consequence of the rule above. That's not necessary for the current volume, so it's not put there.

RnY has good story telling, and as a mystery is top level, really respecting a lot of rules besides being put ina setting that would be denied as improper by Van Dine's rules, showing that yes you can still do it properly under that setting.

That's because RnY is good story telling as a detective novel. There is therefore no plot hole, and no flaw here. By asking for all those infos in a detective novel when they aren't yet necessary, you're just showing to everyone how little you know about detective novels.

Someone like you with such a lack of proper knowledge about detective story has no chance to ever find out a true "plot hole" in a good written story ImO.
Start by understanding what is a proper detective novel, and what is a plothole, too. And start by learning that you don't point out plothole right after reading the prologue of a story, either. That's the basics, you know.
ZefyrisAug 13, 2015 1:56 AM
Aug 13, 2015 6:28 AM

Mar 2015
Zefyris said:
Start by understanding what is a proper detective novel, and what is a plothole, too. And start by learning that you don't point out plothole right after reading the prologue of a story, either. That's the basics, you know.

I'll try this time.

Detective stories are usually centred around...
*motive/reason to commit the act
*opportunity/ability to commit the act
*alibi/usually a testimony of someone else saying you couldn't commit the act

Being a suspect doesn't equal being a perpetrator.

In average story, first thing that perpetrator does is to find himself an alibi.

Also almost each story have someone who had motive and opportunity to commit the crime, but didn't do so.

Perpetrator is rarely obvious. Some detective story has obvious perpetrator, but investigators are always misled during the course of the story towards the other, innocent, suspect.

An example. Being jealous is good reason as any, but jealousy motivated acts are rarely thought through which leaves Goldov as unlikely suspect in case which involved convoluted politically motivated trap. He didn't had opportunity or ability to commit the act either. There is a change that person as him can be covering for someone else for sake of love, it is actually very common in detective stories, but is unlikely to be perpetrator himself.
MaliseAug 13, 2015 6:31 AM
Aug 13, 2015 9:27 AM

Apr 2013
I'll say Nashetania as it seems like it would generate the biggest shocker. She's the last person you'd think, so I think that's her.
Aug 13, 2015 2:33 PM

Feb 2010
none the goddess just miscounted
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Aug 13, 2015 3:20 PM

Apr 2014
It seems to me, from the perspective of one who's only watched the anime and not whatever has come before, that unless the culpret, assumming the culpret and the 7th are one and the same, is unknowingly the 7th it couldn't be the mc, adlet, or the bunny princess due to the fact that those two traveled together Alone for Ten days straight, they could have easily killed one another on multiple ocasions and none would be the wiser, and fremy and adlet also had multiple chances to end each other nonchalantly, but didn't. Although who didnt kill whom is only a satisfactory argument under the condition that the fake wasn't a well informed sleeper planning from the beginning to trap them there. There's always the possibility that it was the bunny princess's dog, as some already suspect, however if he were doing it to be close to the princess his plan would fail at the border due to the red poison which devine protection is needed to pass through assuming one is not a fiend. So my last assertion now grants fremy more suspicion since, as a half-fiend, she could pass the border unscathed anyway. The problem with the three suspects above, not including the mc, is that they all have the allabi of journying there together and arriving again together after the temple had already been activated. However if the mc was right about an accomplis they are all suspects again, as the cleaning crew of the perps exit. Now the two with the greatest amount of suspicion would, of course, be the swamp girl and the assassin. The swamp girl seems homicidal and probably would be easily tempted by an offer to kill as she wished, that along with her late lonely arrival is incriminating. The assassin seems down right shady, as an assassin should, and as he himself declared he knows an emense amount about the locking mechs of the temple; with that knowladge and his cat like reflexes he should be able to slip in while the mc was fighting walking armer and slip back out while or before he even entered the temple. And we know that he will probably work for whomever pays the most i.e. the demon god. Now the mountain saint is also very suspicious, not due to motive, but due to her extensive knowledge. Why hadn't the fake killed any of the other braves? Well because that would have notified all the braves through their tattoo like flower symbol losing pedals, if there were four pedals missing for example and yet three still showed up red flags would be thrown. This fact was told by the mountain saint who appeared to be the only one who knows. The key to her is weather or not the door can be closed with the key, which she possessed after presumably killing the soldier in possession of it if she is in fact the perp. So they all seem to have motives and inconsistencies, however I believe it would be a far simpler matter if my and many other's prior assumption that the fake is willing or even conscious of the fact is untrue. In that case it could be any of them, the bunny princess being the most likely. In any case it isn't a very clear cut problem as far as I'm concerned due to the lack of information presented by the author to put us in exactly the spot we are now, however we can safely assume it wasn't the mc at least...
xXPORTALXxAug 13, 2015 4:40 PM
Aug 14, 2015 12:56 PM

Jan 2013
hazerddex said:
none the goddess just miscounted

I already suggested that. Or guessed goddess made one more hero for redundancy (people tend to die in this line of job). It has been proven wrong :(
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 14, 2015 3:06 PM

Apr 2013
Actually this poll should have a voting option for that. "a none". and a "two of them are fake (explain who in the thread)".
If you make a new poll later on in the episodes, I suggest you add it (well, the op can technically do it on that one too I suppose) to the current options
Aug 15, 2015 4:33 AM
Oct 2013
beast_regards said:
hazerddex said:
none the goddess just miscounted

I already suggested that. Or guessed goddess made one more hero for redundancy (people tend to die in this line of job). It has been proven wrong :(

In what way a goddess could have "miscounted"? This hypothesis is far-fetch imo. She's a goddess and can't even count 1 to 6?

There's also the fact that if a brave dies, the petals on the mark would vanish. Also, there's only 6 petals. Having 7 would completely contradict this rule.
Aug 15, 2015 4:37 AM

Jan 2013
Blankbite said:
In what way a goddess could have "miscounted"? This hypothesis is far-fetch imo. She's a goddess and can't even count 1 to 6?

I guess goddess can count to 6 (I hope), but why don't make another saint for redundancy. I guess goddess can do that much too
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 15, 2015 8:35 AM
Oct 2013
beast_regards said:
I guess goddess can count to 6 (I hope), but why don't make another saint for redundancy. I guess goddess can do that much too

I guess that adding a 7th hero is also possible but as for why and how, add to the fact that it contradicts a lot of facts, no one knows.
Aug 15, 2015 9:31 AM

Oct 2013
I beleive Nachetania is the fake one.
The second ending theme is even called "Dance in the Fake" by Nachetania.
Im not sure for what reason she would become a fake brave, probably has some connection with her past.
SplitternyAug 15, 2015 9:34 AM
Aug 15, 2015 10:15 AM

Apr 2013
Splitterny said:
I beleive Nachetania is the fake one.
The second ending theme is even called "Dance in the Fake" by Nachetania.
Im not sure for what reason she would become a fake brave, probably has some connection with her past.

I doubt using openings or ending to prove anyone culprit is a smart choice :x.
Especially since it seems like in the lyrics she's talking about someone faking and dancing rather than saying she's faking herself. (I would almost think she's talking to adlet in fact... Maybe it's just me~).
Anyway, I've seen peoples accusing Goldof, Chamo, Nashetania, Fremy and Adlet (I think that's all?) for random reasons in the ending and openings. I was really surprised some peoples could actually think it's a good idea.
Aug 15, 2015 11:28 AM

Mar 2015
Blankbite said:
beast_regards said:
I guess goddess can count to 6 (I hope), but why don't make another saint for redundancy. I guess goddess can do that much too

I guess that adding a 7th hero is also possible but as for why and how, add to the fact that it contradicts a lot of facts, no one knows.

I don't know, but I were the goddess selecting the hero to fight the evil and all my best picks are being killed in front of my (all-seeing, as goddess) eyes, I would probably switch strategy to "quantity is quality of its own" and make few additional champions.
Aug 15, 2015 1:37 PM

Nov 2014
Everyone is fake, Demon God is true saint.

Aug 15, 2015 2:54 PM

Aug 2010
Even if people get who the fake is right no one will ever get the way they did it and the motivation :P
Aug 15, 2015 3:00 PM

Jul 2014
I'm going with Nash... never trust a cute bunny princess (trust me, it's one of the rules of anime).
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