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Feb 19, 2014 6:58 PM
when I thought that the plot would not evolve very much .. the history takes a very interesting outcome, hopefully not come after this one filler but anyway, the episode was very good, surprised at the end hopefully only improve from now on .. _________ quando eu achava que o enredo não iria evoluir muito .. a historia toma um desfecho bem interessante, tomara que não venha um filler após isto mas de qualquer modo, o episodio foi muito bom, surpreendeu no final espero que só melhore de agora em diante .. |
Feb 19, 2014 10:31 PM
This anime isn't even close to being good. But if next episodes are like this one, it could get a decent score. I didn't expect Art to die. Good episode and the best one since episode 1. |
Feb 19, 2014 11:30 PM
... yeah, I also didnt expect Art to die this early And he was such an amazing character, especially in this episode. To think he was able to graduate in the facultas academy without even discovering his ability! i was even expecting moral to grant him an ability or sumthing... but oh well Now the Hamatora duo has a reason to start hunting moral... things are getting interesting :D |
"Though we strike at you from the shadows, do NOT think that we lack the courage to stand in the light." - Zeratul |
Feb 19, 2014 11:48 PM
my kokoro is brokoro why NAZ studios just why |
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong! |
Feb 20, 2014 12:40 AM
Still a meh anime but that was a nice death scene. Art stuck to his own convictions and refused to be tempted by Moral to the very end. RIP |
zzzeallyFeb 20, 2014 12:56 AM
Feb 20, 2014 12:45 AM
I don't like to see Art died, it's too tragic. I hope that Nice will know that Art died instead of Moral using Art to do bad things :( |
Feb 20, 2014 1:06 AM
I've now become a fan of this anime I was hoping he was going to accept the proposition then the anime was going to spin towards nice vs art kinda setting or that nice was going to come and save the day but NO they made an out of no where ending. I hope there's going to be blood on nice's hands :D |
I only read books i have already read |
Feb 20, 2014 1:49 AM
After "surviving" his first encounter with Moral in that weird room I didn't expect him to actually die >,> |
Feb 20, 2014 2:10 AM
He could have the rebirth minimum The procedure to activate it is to die |
I only read books i have already read |
Feb 20, 2014 3:48 AM
The next episode preview is soooo unsuitable with the ending. RIP Art, I hope you don't come back from the dead with cheap power because that would ruin everything. |
Feb 20, 2014 4:53 AM
Upset that script! It seemed a good thriller thriller, everything seemed different from the other episodes, now began to put faith in the series, a cool villain and more seinens touches, maybe the end of this series may be less predictable than I thought. |
Feb 20, 2014 5:57 AM
Cruel death of Art What will happen to Nice? |
Feb 20, 2014 6:22 AM
You guys know what Moral said to Art? "THE MINIMUM I'M USING IS SOMETHING I STOLE FROM YOU." |
Feb 20, 2014 7:54 AM
Feb 20, 2014 8:01 AM
Feb 20, 2014 8:57 AM
What if Moral isn't Moral at all? I mean he has the disguise ability, so why shouldn't ''Moral'' be a disguise too. And maybe the minimum for that ability is to kill the person you're copying. He could be Art's brother for all we know, but seeing that Art and his brother were at Facultas at the same time as Moral makes this unlikely. Unless Art's brother didn't really die and killed the real Moral that researched Art, Nice and co. and is now seeking revenge for something Art and Nice did to him, maybe abandoning him after they believed he was dead but wasn't. So many theories... |
Feb 20, 2014 9:08 AM
Moral is such a good villain,i love watching the shit he does. RIP an interesting character,will he return? Remains to see if he does have an asspull minimum,doubt it though. So,Moral killed Arts assistant,took his form,and then killed Art. Where is Gasquet though,shouldnt there be a dead body? Did he incinerate it or some shit,or im missing something. Also,which episode has information on Arts brother,which im not mistaken is the grave Art died next to.I didnt know he had a brother. |
Taimanin_IreliaFeb 20, 2014 11:35 AM
Feb 20, 2014 10:37 AM
I like the theory that art also have minimum that activated after his death. But instead of appearing final 2 episode, I prefer him to just show up next week like nothing happened. Deal with Moral another way around. Well, duh I cannot imagine what 'other way to deal with Moral'.. |
Feb 20, 2014 11:15 AM
What the hell just happened??? |
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Feb 20, 2014 11:27 AM
NoeticSky said: The preview of the next episode was suspiciously a cliched beach ep and sounded almost blasphemous considering Art just DIED seconds ago (TT__TT NNUUU he was one of my faveesss I mean Kamiya Hiroshi is his seiyuu you can't just DO THAT FFFUUUUU) Ahem... I mean Art died honorably, but his death felt wholly unnecessary - he could have played a larger role and if (by some miracle like he gets a Minimum before he dies etc) he does survive n future episodes then it'll feel like some lame deus ex machina excrement. His character had so much more potential it just feels so wrong to kill him off There's 5 more eps to go so we'll see how the story progresses For now tho.. I'll quietly mourn Art's passing (? I desperately-wish-in-secret that he does live or at least makes some appearance again) You are so wright!! I actually thought Ratio was a more plausible dead-character, I mean with the promise he made to Birthday and all... I was preparing myself to cry my eyes out for those two... And instead... THIS. Goddamnit I HATED the preview for the next episode!! redd530 said: You guys know what Moral said to Art? "THE MINIMUM I'M USING IS SOMETHING I STOLE FROM YOU." NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE!! |
But all the clocks in the city Began to whirr and chime: 'O let not Time deceive you, You cannot conquer Time. |
Feb 20, 2014 12:36 PM
Eh I don't feel for Art's death at all.. like seriously, who the hell confront a serial killer suspect alone? that's pretty irresponsible for him as an inspector. Oh and any sensible person would apprehend Moral first and interrogate him later on instead of just pointing your gun and have a nice long chat. The moment Moral admitted to being the serial killer Art should've shot him then and there.. it wouldn't even matter if Moral dodged as long as Art brought a fucking platoon with him, which for some reason he didn't. |
Feb 20, 2014 12:41 PM
jiraiya_sensei said: Eh I don't feel for Art's death at all.. like seriously, who the hell confront a serial killer suspect alone? that's pretty irresponsible for him as an inspector. Oh and any sensible person would apprehend Moral first and interrogate him later on instead of just pointing your gun and have a nice long chat. The moment Moral admitted to being the serial killer Art should've shot him then and there.. it wouldn't even matter if Moral dodged as long as Art brought a fucking platoon with him, which for some reason he didn't. The reason for his confronting him alone is that he wasnt meant to find him in person when he started his investigation a few minutes ago,he noticed flowers were freshly cut,so he rushed to the graveyard before he left,there was no time to call backup and give them directions. As for apprehending him,he dodged bullets,how do you arrest him. Also,chatter or not again,he dodged bullets,whenever he shot,he would dodge them. Also,he is the leader of the police,he cant just shoot someone,even if he is Hitler. |
Feb 20, 2014 1:01 PM
FrozenRemains said: The reason for his confronting him alone is that he wasnt meant to find him in person when he started his investigation a few minutes ago,he noticed flowers were freshly cut,so he rushed to the graveyard before he left,there was no time to call backup and give them directions. Yeah because as an inspector who drives a police car he can't call for back up while he was driving to the cemetery -___- Art obviously knew he was going to find Moral there and even if he was wrong his underlings would never question a direct order from their superior. As for apprehending him,he dodged bullets,how do you arrest him. Also,chatter or not again,he dodged bullets,whenever he shot,he would dodge them. Also,he is the leader of the police,he cant just shoot someone,even if he is Hitler. Yes he can, have you seriously never heard criminals being shot for resisting arrest? Moral has been their number one suspect for a while so instead of chatting he should've told Moral to surrender or be shot. Whatever questions he had can be asked during the interrogation and plus Moral already admitted he was the one who gave those artificial minimums (and in effect admitting that he was the serial killer). That alone gives Art enough reason to shoot. Granted Moral may dodge Art's bullets, there's still a good chance he got shot by the other police officers if only Art had been sensible enough to bring a freaking unit like he's supposed to. We're talking about a dangerous serial killer with superhuman abilities, I don't think the police could give a higher priority to find and arrest him by any means possible. Any leads or possible location is precious information. It won't even be an exaggeration if they deploy helicopters before hand in case the suspect manages to escape. |
Feb 20, 2014 1:03 PM
jiraiya_sensei said: FrozenRemains Granted Moral [i said: may dodge Art's bullets, there's still a good chance he got shot by the other police officers if only Art had been sensible enough to bring a freaking unit like he's supposed to. We're talking about a dangerous serial killer with superhuman abilities, I don't think the police could give a higher priority to find and arrest him by any means possible. Any leads or possible location is precious information. It won't even be an exaggeration if they deploy helicopters before hand in case the suspect manages to escape. He didnt have time to organize the rest of the police units on duty,Moral would just leave if he was late by even 1 minute.He just wanted to place some flowers. |
Feb 20, 2014 1:12 PM
FrozenRemains said: He didnt have time to organize the rest of the police units on duty,Moral would just leave if he was late by even 1 minute.He just wanted to place some flowers. He must have spent a good 10-15 minutes chatting. Are you telling me the police are so inept they can't get to the cemetery faster than Art? What about the police who were already in the cemetery's vicinity (those on patrol or in a station nearby)? add that to the duration that Art took to get to the cemetery, surely some officers would've already arrived there? Even if they haven't, they should've arrived during the time when Art was stalling Moral by talking to him. Moral even said he was waiting for Art and in any case, it still isn't wise for Art to confront a high priority criminal (who just infiltrated the goddamn high security police station) without calling or waiting for any back-up in his vicinity. |
MoeGodFeb 20, 2014 1:17 PM
Feb 20, 2014 1:47 PM
jiraiya_sensei said: FrozenRemains said: He didnt have time to organize the rest of the police units on duty,Moral would just leave if he was late by even 1 minute.He just wanted to place some flowers. He must have spent a good 10-15 minutes chatting. Are you telling me the police are so inept they can't get to the cemetery faster than Art? What about the police who were already in the cemetery's vicinity (those on patrol or in a station nearby)? add that to the duration that Art took to get to the cemetery, surely some officers would've already arrived there? Even if they haven't, they should've arrived during the time when Art was stalling Moral by talking to him. Moral even said he was waiting for Art and in any case, it still isn't wise for Art to confront a high priority criminal (who just infiltrated the goddamn high security police station) without calling or waiting for any back-up in his vicinity. Moral showed us paranormal speed in this episode,had he noticed the police arriving hed run,maybe Art knew it,thats why he wanted not to scare him away,he wasnt even sure if it was indeed Moral that placed the flowers and cut them,could be pure luck that he miraculously found Moral. Next episode we will confirm if it was a selfish decision or a forced one. |
Feb 20, 2014 3:01 PM
My question is, Why the hell didn't they realize that there was a Minimum ability that could change the user's looks? Is it that complicated? As soon as the other officer guy said "not your place to know", I already knew what was going down. The best-thinker at Hamtora, and the title of Inspector are being forced. He goes 5 episodes not doing anything detective worthy, but suddenly sees fresh cut flowers? What in the world? Nice, being as smart as we we've been led to believe should have caught himself when he said disguise and figured it out. Only thing interesting so far is: Ham, Nice's background and why he's special, origins of the Minimum powers, what the fuck moral is, the forbidden minimum, and what moral told Art. (also, why is everyone suggesting Art might have gotten an ability after death? Did it say he had one and it wasn't activated or what? I'm confused. Is everyone born with an unactivated one?). This episode, while the ending was semi-interesting, feels rushed. The characters may be developed, but they're retarded as hell. Edit: Moral's minimum has to be something to do with optical illusion. I don't think he's fast, maybe he just appeared fast. zzz |
KentoBentoFeb 20, 2014 3:06 PM
![]() |
Feb 20, 2014 3:23 PM
KaiserNazrin said: The next episode preview is soooo unsuitable with the ending. RIP Art, I hope you don't come back from the dead with cheap power because that would ruin everything. Just re-watched all the episodes, including the next episode previews, and sure to say the previews don't really help in telling us what's gonna happen. The anime is quite random and mostly unexpected things happen. KentoBento said: My question is, Why the hell didn't they realize that there was a Minimum ability that could change the user's looks? Is it that complicated? As soon as the other officer guy said "not your place to know", I already knew what was going down. The best-thinker at Hamtora, and the title of Inspector are being forced. He goes 5 episodes not doing anything detective worthy, but suddenly sees fresh cut flowers? What in the world? Nice, being as smart as we we've been led to believe should have caught himself when he said disguise and figured it out. First of all, they are just human, too. Remember that not all are minimum holders, so they don't always assume that a criminal is a minimum holder. And to correct, Nice actually hit the nail, by saying camouflage or disguise. I mean, does it have to be specific? KentoBento said: (also, why is everyone suggesting Art might have gotten an ability after death? Did it say he had one and it wasn't activated or what? I'm confused. Is everyone born with an unactivated one?). This episode, while the ending was semi-interesting, feels rushed. The characters may be developed, but they're retarded as hell. Edit: Moral's minimum has to be something to do with optical illusion. I don't think he's fast, maybe he just appeared fast. zzz Not everyone is born with it, activated or not. There are those with potential, and are gathered and brought to Facultas Academy. And also, I don't think this is rushed. I mean, there are only 5 episodes left. They are not retarded, it just shows that they are also human despite having superhuman powers. As for Moral, I agree, but hopefully since Nice is really sharp, he'll quickly notice if Moral came close to him as one of his acquaintances. I also don't want Art to have something cliché as immortality-like minimum, it would beat the purpose of giving this episode this moving and unexpected ending. I love Art, for not succumbing to Moral's temptation of power. I will accept him to come back to life but with a REALLY GOOD reason. |
exia80Feb 20, 2014 3:31 PM
Feb 20, 2014 9:53 PM
crap, this was sad :( although the show itself is becoming pretty good |
Feb 21, 2014 12:01 AM
Fantastic episode! It seems like my friend and I share the same thoughts as many others on here. Among that being Art might not actually be dead...his latent Minimum powers kick in when he's on the verge of death. Also, the whole brother idea that several people suggested is what Moral whispered at the end. And most definitely, Moral bearing a strong resemblance (not just physically, but character-wise as well, to Makashima from Psycho-Pass.) I am liking this series more and more as it develops. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ART!!! |
Feb 21, 2014 5:10 AM
OMG I'm loving Moral each episode more! ;x |
Feb 21, 2014 5:38 AM
Hope Art stays dead, but given what most anime are like, I doubt it. |
Feb 21, 2014 7:07 AM
Feb 21, 2014 9:54 AM
KentoBento said: My question is, Why the hell didn't they realize that there was a Minimum ability that could change the user's looks? Is it that complicated? As soon as the other officer guy said "not your place to know", I already knew what was going down. The best-thinker at Hamtora, and the title of Inspector are being forced. He goes 5 episodes not doing anything detective worthy, but suddenly sees fresh cut flowers? What in the world? Nice, being as smart as we we've been led to believe should have caught himself when he said disguise and figured it out. Only thing interesting so far is: Ham, Nice's background and why he's special, origins of the Minimum powers, what the fuck moral is, the forbidden minimum, and what moral told Art. (also, why is everyone suggesting Art might have gotten an ability after death? Did it say he had one and it wasn't activated or what? I'm confused. Is everyone born with an unactivated one?). This episode, while the ending was semi-interesting, feels rushed. The characters may be developed, but they're retarded as hell. Edit: Moral's minimum has to be something to do with optical illusion. I don't think he's fast, maybe he just appeared fast. zzz I find myself wondering if you've watched any of the last 6 episodes. But, never mind that. Asking why the didn't suddenly jump to the conclusion that someone was using a minimum to change their appearance seems to be reaching for an excuse to complain, not at all trying to make a valid point. There's no reason for them to jump to that conclusion. Someone broke into the police station, well hot damn! they must be suing a minimum to change their looks! Doesn't really hold much water. Nice has only just begun to piece the case together, because Art's been so focused on keeping Nice away from Moral. Thus, Art hasn't been focused on his work at all. His partner has been Moral in disguise, so of course he's been leading Art astray as much as possible. It wasn't until Art met with Three, his sensei, that he began to focus and piece things together again. Moving on to your next set of questions. Who is this "Ham" you mention? There is no character named "Ham", and Nice doesn't have a bodyguard. If you're referring to his partner, the guy in glasses, that is Murasaki. Murasaki's minimum is called "All or Nothing", when he removes his glasses it hardens his body. Where the minimums come from is a good question. It's an innate power that some people are born with, they are then trained by the Facultas Academy in order actualize their minimum powers. Moral is a graduate, and former employee, of the Facultas Academy. His minimum is called "Optical Illusion". He's severely warped and deranged, believing that his action can bring about equality between minimum holders and non-minimum holders. As for what he told Art, I believe we're all curious about that. The forbidden minimum, despite not knowing what it is, is speculated to most likely have been Art's brother's minimum. Art and his brother were both innate minimum holders who trained at the academy with Nice and the rest of the gang. Art was never able to actualize his own minimum, but managed to be the first and probably the last person to graduate the academy with top marks without having a minimum. That is also the basis for the theories that upon dying Art will have awakened a revive/immortality or healing type minimum and survive. As for it feeling rushed, and the characters being retarded. Once again, it seems to me like you're just reaching for an excuse to complain. It's a 1-cour show, at least that's what we know for now, so of course they don't have a lot of episodes to give a nice snail's pace so that it can drag on and on forever and bore people to death while using fillers and all talk episodes to explain every single facet of everything little that's going on. It's a quick paced show, but it's not exactly rushed. I've rather enjoyed the pace, it's building quite nicely. I can't say that I agree about the characters are retarded. Birthday sometimes acts like he's retarded, but that's his personality. As for the rest of them, they've shown more than once that they are highly capable and intelligent. I'm not sure I understand why you're calling them retarded, I mean if it's because they haven't pieced together the story as much as we the viewers have then you're being purposely obtuse. They don't have the same information we have as viewers, so they cannot possibly know everything that we know or figure out everything that we figure out. So, I'd really need to know why you're calling them retarded before I can even attempt to clarify, or expand on, the statement. |
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me. |
Feb 21, 2014 10:25 AM
Art-kun :( Noooo... |
Feb 21, 2014 11:28 AM
Dammit, the minute he confronted Moral I had a feeling he was gonna die but that was still sad as hell. I was really hoping Nice might get there to save him... man fuck you Moral not even letting him say goodbye. :( Honestly, I don't like people who whore around... but I don't see why Nice punched that dude in the face like that. He should've knocked those creepy jealous guys out though because they were disgusting inside and out. Anyway, this is the first episode I can say I enjoyed (and I even almost cried). If the rest of the series is as good as this episode, then I might give it a 7/10. so I guess this means Gasquet actually is the same person as Moral. Though maybe not, since he killed that scientist... eh who knows. Also, Moral's logic is pretty flawed (I know, what crazy person's isn't): "Someone who can't see through my ability can't be Nice's friend."... psh Nice didn't even see through it... I think. Edit: I have to say it's a little strange to include Moral telling Art something before killing him. Either he's A.) just being a dick and plans to tell Nice "Hoh, I told him ___ just before I shot him.!" or B.) Art's going to survive by some insane Minimum miracle. |
HalibelTheEspadaFeb 21, 2014 11:33 AM
Feb 21, 2014 11:28 AM
The_Bif said: KentoBento said: My question is, Why the hell didn't they realize that there was a Minimum ability that could change the user's looks? Is it that complicated? As soon as the other officer guy said "not your place to know", I already knew what was going down. The best-thinker at Hamtora, and the title of Inspector are being forced. He goes 5 episodes not doing anything detective worthy, but suddenly sees fresh cut flowers? What in the world? Nice, being as smart as we we've been led to believe should have caught himself when he said disguise and figured it out. Only thing interesting so far is: Ham, Nice's background and why he's special, origins of the Minimum powers, what the fuck moral is, the forbidden minimum, and what moral told Art. (also, why is everyone suggesting Art might have gotten an ability after death? Did it say he had one and it wasn't activated or what? I'm confused. Is everyone born with an unactivated one?). This episode, while the ending was semi-interesting, feels rushed. The characters may be developed, but they're retarded as hell. Edit: Moral's minimum has to be something to do with optical illusion. I don't think he's fast, maybe he just appeared fast. zzz I find myself wondering if you've watched any of the last 6 episodes. But, never mind that. Asking why the didn't suddenly jump to the conclusion that someone was using a minimum to change their appearance seems to be reaching for an excuse to complain, not at all trying to make a valid point. There's no reason for them to jump to that conclusion. Someone broke into the police station, well hot damn! they must be suing a minimum to change their looks! Doesn't really hold much water. Nice has only just begun to piece the case together, because Art's been so focused on keeping Nice away from Moral. Thus, Art hasn't been focused on his work at all. His partner has been Moral in disguise, so of course he's been leading Art astray as much as possible. It wasn't until Art met with Three, his sensei, that he began to focus and piece things together again. Moving on to your next set of questions. Who is this "Ham" you mention? There is no character named "Ham", and Nice doesn't have a bodyguard. If you're referring to his partner, the guy in glasses, that is Murasaki. Murasaki's minimum is called "All or Nothing", when he removes his glasses it hardens his body. Where the minimums come from is a good question. It's an innate power that some people are born with, they are then trained by the Facultas Academy in order actualize their minimum powers. Moral is a graduate, and former employee, of the Facultas Academy. His minimum is called "Optical Illusion". He's severely warped and deranged, believing that his action can bring about equality between minimum holders and non-minimum holders. As for what he told Art, I believe we're all curious about that. The forbidden minimum, despite not knowing what it is, is speculated to most likely have been Art's brother's minimum. Art and his brother were both innate minimum holders who trained at the academy with Nice and the rest of the gang. Art was never able to actualize his own minimum, but managed to be the first and probably the last person to graduate the academy with top marks without having a minimum. That is also the basis for the theories that upon dying Art will have awakened a revive/immortality or healing type minimum and survive. As for it feeling rushed, and the characters being retarded. Once again, it seems to me like you're just reaching for an excuse to complain. It's a 1-cour show, at least that's what we know for now, so of course they don't have a lot of episodes to give a nice snail's pace so that it can drag on and on forever and bore people to death while using fillers and all talk episodes to explain every single facet of everything little that's going on. It's a quick paced show, but it's not exactly rushed. I've rather enjoyed the pace, it's building quite nicely. I can't say that I agree about the characters are retarded. Birthday sometimes acts like he's retarded, but that's his personality. As for the rest of them, they've shown more than once that they are highly capable and intelligent. I'm not sure I understand why you're calling them retarded, I mean if it's because they haven't pieced together the story as much as we the viewers have then you're being purposely obtuse. They don't have the same information we have as viewers, so they cannot possibly know everything that we know or figure out everything that we figure out. So, I'd really need to know why you're calling them retarded before I can even attempt to clarify, or expand on, the statement. My only real complain for this show is the moodkiller episode end previews, and sometimes the animation,the story and execution is spot on,no holes. |
Feb 21, 2014 11:49 AM
FrozenRemains said: jiraiya_sensei said: Moral showed us paranormal speed in this episode,had he noticed the police arriving hed run,maybe Art knew it,thats why he wanted not to scare him away,he wasnt even sure if it was indeed Moral that placed the flowers and cut them,could be pure luck that he miraculously found Moral.FrozenRemains said: He must have spent a good 10-15 minutes chatting. Are you telling me the police are so inept they can't get to the cemetery faster than Art? What about the police who were already in the cemetery's vicinity (those on patrol or in a station nearby)? add that to the duration that Art took to get to the cemetery, surely some officers would've already arrived there? Even if they haven't, they should've arrived during the time when Art was stalling Moral by talking to him. Moral even said he was waiting for Art and in any case, it still isn't wise for Art to confront a high priority criminal (who just infiltrated the goddamn high security police station) without calling or waiting for any back-up in his vicinity.He didnt have time to organize the rest of the police units on duty,Moral would just leave if he was late by even 1 minute.He just wanted to place some flowers. Honestly, the big factor you guys should take into account here is that they couldn't have proven anything if the police did show up. Moral never actually admitted to anything even during their conversation. I'm pretty sure he would've just said he was there to mourn, and gone on his way. jiraiya_sensei said: This may be true to a certain extent, but they wouldn't shoot him simply due to orders. This isn't a military, it's a police force. Therefore the next best thing would be to arrest him... in which case, what good would arresting him do? Sure they can arrest him, but they couldn't hold him for more than a day without substantial evidence.FrozenRemains said: The reason for his confronting him alone is that he wasnt meant to find him in person when he started his investigation a few minutes ago,he noticed flowers were freshly cut,so he rushed to the graveyard before he left,there was no time to call backup and give them directions. Art obviously knew he was going to find Moral there and even if he was wrong his underlings would never question a direct order from their superior.. |
Feb 21, 2014 12:28 PM
That was pretty good >:O, see Hamatora can be good if it actually tried! |
Feb 21, 2014 2:24 PM
God.. this episode was sad as hell. White-haired characters died too much often i swear. And Art's my favorite too. :'( Moral, you b*tch! Hope he really will not use Art's appearance or something after this... god, no, just nope. That ending was perfect. I am kinda pissed off because of the preview though. I am liking these theories regarding Art's brother and all, btw. |
Feb 21, 2014 3:58 PM
Excuse me while I try to type an episode response through the tears streaming down my face Yeah, can't do it. No one talk to me about Art. Please. |
Feb 21, 2014 7:26 PM
Feb 22, 2014 6:54 AM
Feb 22, 2014 7:12 AM
What if Moral disguised himself as Art in the next episode and that's why it sounded so happy in the preview? Could be a possibility. |
Feb 22, 2014 7:55 AM
wtf?! Art... is dead? It made me cry. I was hoping that he'll somewhat survives after stabbing with a knife, but when he was shot... that was awful. I still hope that Art will manage it somehow. Maybe his powers will awaken or something? I dunno. Art is (was?) my fav in Hamatora and I don't want him to be gone so fast. |
Feb 22, 2014 7:59 AM
This anime gets major point if they keep Art dead. But my hopes are low. Moral~ <3 |
Feb 22, 2014 9:26 AM
Best episode so far. I did not see that ending coming. When Moral offered Art the chance to gain a minimum I feared that he would say yes, but I was wrong, Art said no and that he was fine without a minimum. I now have newfound respect for him, because even if he was an ordinary person, he had a strong heart and mind. The ending was really sad, even after stabbed to near death Art wanted to answer Nice's phone call. Even if a part of me wants Art to be revived, I think it would be the best for the story if he just stayed dead. His death would be a pivotal turning point so I don't want that to be erased by some anime logic of developing a new minimum due to his near death experience thus saving him. Honestly, when Art was stabbed I thought he was going to survive but Moral shot him in the head afterwards, more than once too, so it really solidified the death of Art in my mind. I guess we will have to see with the upcoming episodes. |
Feb 22, 2014 11:33 AM
It's kinda sad for me to see some people are speaking of Art as if his reason of death was stupid. My theory regarding why Art didn't call the police force: I think nobody knows that Art didn't have a Minimum in the office. Even Gasquet didn't seem to know, either. In Episode 3, when Gasquet (assuming he wasn't Moral, yet) said to Art that "having a Minimum is a ticket to success" and Art disagrees, it doesn't confirm anything about whether Gasquet knows that Art doesn't have a Minimum or not. Art confirms to the audience when he met Moral and Moral starts blabbering about how he graduated without a Minimum. From Art's facial expression when Moral mentions it, I assume he REALLY doesn't want anyone (besides the Hamatora group) to know that he doesn't have any Minimum. What the other police officers know is that Art is their superior, and that he graduated from the Facultas Academy. I think everybody just assumes that he has some kind of a Minimum (like, Analysis Minimum or something, since Minimum doesn't always have anything to do with combat skills -- see Episode 2 when Theo's teacher was mentioned as a Realism Minimum Holder), and therefore let him be a superior despite him being really young. Maybe Art doesn't want them to know about him being non-Minimum Holder, and decided to face Moral by himself, since if he had brought anybody from the police his identity as a non-Minimum Holder might have been revealed. That's why he didn't call the force, I suppose. Why didn't he call the Hamatora group (like, any of them besides Nice) for backup, maybe it's because Art makes such a big deal about himself not being a Minimum Holder (I can totally understand this, since he is the only one without it in the group and stuff). I think his ego played a big part in here, he doesn't want to call his friends for backup and decided to take a chance by going there himself, and finally it led to his own death. Anyway, Art is dead now, for goodness' sake. I love Art so much, but it's true that the anime would be really bad if he just comes back to life after being stabbed and shot like 6 times... except for a real good reason. I hate Moral's creepy smile, by the way. |
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