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May 19, 2009 9:58 AM
May 2007
The episode was more dialog driven, but still ends pretty well and sets things up pretty well for this great fight. I thought Hawk's costume was pretty hilarious, but I wish the color of this trunks was a little more accurate to the game's, but it still works. It was also nice to see Date, Miyata, and Sendo again, but Sendo doesn't fight for another 3 months HnI time.

and you don't see Miyata fight again

but i look forward to a fight that should last 5-7 episodes

May 19, 2009 12:27 PM
Apr 2008
Haven't got much to say about this episode, wasn't handled bad and i liked the inclusion of the national anthem scene, made it really feel like a title fight and i don't recall that being in the manga. Thought the animation took a nose dive in this episode however but i hope that is because all the budget will get used for the duration of the fight (IT BETTER NOT BE FILLED WITH SCREEN SHAKING STILL SHOTS), overall not a bad episode 3/5

on another note though what the fuck is up with giving hawk green trunks, brown was so much better.
May 19, 2009 12:43 PM
May 2007
i think the national anthems were in the fight, but i remember they took them out in the date/martinez fight
May 19, 2009 1:33 PM
Apr 2008
ah i see thanks for clearing that up.

After thinking about it some more, i remembered the speech miyata gives in the manga about the 'dry-out' condition, why the hell did they omit that? unless i'm wrong and that happens later on in the fight in the manga.

Also if they where going to spend the first 3 minutes of the episode recapping the fight at the end of the last episode, then why didn't they just put the fight in this episode rather than the last one to make the pacing better, utter stupidity
May 19, 2009 5:08 PM
May 2007
god, who knows.

but anyway, i forgot to mention the eye catcher with the two hawks was really cool
May 20, 2009 9:40 PM

Jun 2007
The omissions were kind of ridiculous, considering they spent a few minutes replaying the end of last episode, which they could have done in like 10 seconds. Takamura's inner monologue was the high point for me here.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
May 21, 2009 2:51 PM

Jan 2009
The fight was for next week ;/ for this episode only served to create expectancy, I'm afraid, All this against Takamura ;/
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May 22, 2009 7:54 AM
May 2007
i actually enjoyed the anime retained kamogawa's speech about hard work and how in the end, those who succeeded worked hard. as long as that was in there, i don't mind
May 22, 2009 1:18 PM

Jul 2008
damn this ep was good hawk is that dude he just taughting takamura damn i hope takamura breakd his face in
May 22, 2009 1:51 PM

Jun 2007
Hajime NC 20

Probably the worst episode so far. Nothing really happened in the episode - the fighters only got into the ring at the end. I had expected the fight to get going by at least the halfway stage.

Did there need to be a scene showing all the Japanese champions telling Takamura to win? Did all of the gang need to have a cheesy support giving moment with Takamura? Was it really necessary for the national anthems to be played when they weren't (or at least weren't shown) in the previous world title fight?

Etc, etc...

I also didn't like how both parties had stupid costumes on. It seemed more like WWF than a boxing match when they entered the ring.

The art didn't please me, either. It's gotten more ugly as its gone on - the artists have clearly gotten lazy since the series started.

I hope next week is better. The fight is supposed to be one of the best in the series, so I'm hopeful it'll be at least as enteraining as the Miyata fight was earlier on in the series...
May 22, 2009 1:57 PM

Apr 2009
Ouch, talk about anti-climax.

When I saw the preview last wekk I thought "this week IT. IS. ON!"
painfull to see that is going to be 'next week' again.
But I guess that, despite that, this wasn't a bad ep.

- Lith.
May 22, 2009 4:36 PM

Aug 2007
Excluding some good moments it was a meh episode tbh...
May 22, 2009 6:26 PM
Apr 2008
Aionic said:
Hajime NC 20

Probably the worst episode so far. Nothing really happened in the episode - the fighters only got into the ring at the end. I had expected the fight to get going by at least the halfway stage.

Did there need to be a scene showing all the Japanese champions telling Takamura to win? Did all of the gang need to have a cheesy support giving moment with Takamura? Was it really necessary for the national anthems to be played when they weren't (or at least weren't shown) in the previous world title fight?

Etc, etc...

I also didn't like how both parties had stupid costumes on. It seemed more like WWF than a boxing match when they entered the ring.

The art didn't please me, either. It's gotten more ugly as its gone on - the artists have clearly gotten lazy since the series started.

I hope next week is better. The fight is supposed to be one of the best in the series, so I'm hopeful it'll be at least as enteraining as the Miyata fight was earlier on in the series...

This is the big battle, it's for a title match, it has been getting built up since the first season of ippo, so naturally it makes sense for everyone to be giving him their support, especially his friends who have been extremely worried about him and even more so considering his condition from his weight management, also Hawk pissed off everyone in Japan so it only makes sense for the champions showing up to express how much they want him to win.

Also in a title fight in real life, the national anthem would be played so it only makes sense. It all adds to the epicness.

Finally as for the costumes, It is a reacurring joke for Takamura to wear crazy costumes to his fights, starting from the bear fight. Hawk does this once again because he is so alike and to piss off everybody.
May 22, 2009 9:29 PM

Aug 2008
This was a worthless episode. They spent so much time on stuff that they just gloss over during the show normally. I think the art may have been better executed, but it only underscored just how much I hate the character design and direction of the show in general. Then top it off with my favorite character, Miyata, smiling at the sight of Ippo and saying something quite out of character during the entrances of the fight (something about feeling tension, or being nervours?), and everything having to be about Ippo, made this a borderline terrible episode.

I can be glad that I had a drink (a rarity) before I pressed play.
May 22, 2009 9:41 PM

Feb 2009
any good subbed versions out yet? only one I can find is full of errors...
May 22, 2009 10:20 PM

Aug 2007
Man. Can't wait till next week. Teh fights starts :p
May 23, 2009 2:31 AM

Nov 2007
worst episode ever. a whole 20 min was needed for this. cmon, it was so painfully obvious that they were drawing it out. at least have the fight start.
May 23, 2009 3:26 AM

Oct 2008
and that says the guy with a ergo proxy ava...

i thought the episode was brilliant dont know wtf you guys talking about..
May 23, 2009 5:54 AM

Jun 2008
groente12 said:
and that says the guy with a ergo proxy ava...

i thought the episode was brilliant dont know wtf you guys talking about..

Well, I think it was a good episode, but most of the people tend to complain about stupid things...Oh well
May 23, 2009 7:36 AM

Nov 2007
at least i'm glad to know that it'll start next week. The last 5 episodes will be sick can't wait
May 23, 2009 12:44 PM

Jun 2008
I order a nice big pizza while the episode was getting downloaded so i can sit and enjoy the fight while eating my pizza. The disappointment when i realized that i wasn't gone a see even one punch was very big for me.
Ok the episode wasn't terrible or anything but because i thought the fight was certainly going to start i was really disappointed. Usually this anime doesn't go slow like that so i never expected that even if it was such an important match.
Well at least i know now that the next pizza i order won't go to waste.
May 23, 2009 3:45 PM

Apr 2008
I think it was an OK episode.
I was hoping for a battle or a round but It created some excitement for the next episode, and I think they've done this one to create an epic end as its 5 episodes away and I'm counting on it.
Just like what happened at 1st season
It were the most epic 6 episodes of battle in Hajime no Ippo when Ippo fought agaisnt Sendo
May 24, 2009 12:52 AM

Jul 2008
Kinda a 'meh' episode, I just want to watch the fight already. Hawk is a fucking nutjob though, but I like that.
May 24, 2009 9:04 AM

May 2007
Hope the fight is a good as its being advertised. With it possibly encompassing 5 episodes.
May 24, 2009 9:59 PM
Mar 2009
After the last episode a lot of people were complaining that it got rushed and Ippo's fight was too short etc etc. Now that they are taking the time to build the fight up to the epic level people complain vice versa lol

The show isn't just about fighting, it's a journey complicated by training, life, love, some really funny moments also. This episode hit the spot :)
May 24, 2009 10:18 PM

Aug 2008
This show is about fighting. Until this arc we knew nothing about Takamura. Love plays next to no role in this show at all, and well, training goes hand in hand with fighting, and the humor is almost always within the gym or the beach because that's where most of the show is outside of the ring.

They've been building this fight since before Takamura's last fight, so this wasn't a crescendo at all. It was stalling.
May 25, 2009 2:58 PM

Apr 2007
And of course the fight starts in the next episode. I'm really getting tired of waiting :/
May 25, 2009 8:44 PM
May 2007
i hope this is more than 25 episodes. no way should this fight be 5-6 episodes
May 25, 2009 11:31 PM

Aug 2007
Aionic said:
Hajime NC 20

Probably the worst episode so far. Nothing really happened in the episode - the fighters only got into the ring at the end. I had expected the fight to get going by at least the halfway stage.

Did there need to be a scene showing all the Japanese champions telling Takamura to win? Did all of the gang need to have a cheesy support giving moment with Takamura? Was it really necessary for the national anthems to be played when they weren't (or at least weren't shown) in the previous world title fight?

Etc, etc...

I also didn't like how both parties had stupid costumes on. It seemed more like WWF than a boxing match when they entered the ring.

The art didn't please me, either. It's gotten more ugly as its gone on - the artists have clearly gotten lazy since the series started.

I hope next week is better. The fight is supposed to be one of the best in the series, so I'm hopeful it'll be at least as enteraining as the Miyata fight was earlier on in the series...

Yeah. I can see you do not read the manga or care about character development.
May 25, 2009 11:51 PM

Sep 2007
Still think the touchiness of EVERYONE IN JAPAN is pretty hilarious. Hawk is a punk, but he hasn't done anything that bad. I mean, it's boxing - does anyone even take that shit seriously?

Hoping the fight itself will be good.
May 25, 2009 11:53 PM

Apr 2007
preparing to shit bricks
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May 26, 2009 9:39 AM
May 2007
I mean, it's boxing - does anyone even take that shit seriously?

Go to Puerto Rico, Mexico, an dthe Philippines and you will see.
May 26, 2009 10:44 AM

Aug 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:

Yeah. I can see you do not read the manga or care about character development.

Where was the character development in this episode? It was just stagnation.
May 26, 2009 11:17 AM

Sep 2007
ParaParaJMo said:
I mean, it's boxing - does anyone even take that shit seriously?

Go to Puerto Rico, Mexico, an dthe Philippines and you will see.
Fair enough. But Japan?
May 26, 2009 11:35 AM

Aug 2007
noteDhero said:
Drunk_Samurai said:

Yeah. I can see you do not read the manga or care about character development.

Where was the character development in this episode? It was just stagnation.

If you don't see how them all talking to Takamura is not character development then you fail.
May 26, 2009 11:41 AM

Aug 2008
That's not character development. What in Takamura's personality changed after that conversation? Nothing. You are grossly misusing that mechanic.
May 26, 2009 12:04 PM
May 2007
naikou said:
ParaParaJMo said:
I mean, it's boxing - does anyone even take that shit seriously?

Go to Puerto Rico, Mexico, an dthe Philippines and you will see.
Fair enough. But Japan?

boxing is big in japan. they got a couple of world champions like wbc flyweight champion naito daisuke and wbc bantamweight champion hasegawa hoizumi. and the kameda bros are pretty popular themselves. they got a lot of famous elite fighters in the lighter weight classes.
May 26, 2009 12:23 PM

Aug 2007
noteDhero said:
That's not character development. What in Takamura's personality changed after that conversation? Nothing. You are grossly misusing that mechanic.

You obviously don't read the manga. Go read it before saying something ignorant again.
May 26, 2009 12:55 PM

Aug 2008
The manga and the show are not the same. It is you who is being ignorant.
May 26, 2009 1:33 PM

Aug 2007
noteDhero said:
The manga and the show are not the same. It is you who is being ignorant.

Yeah. I can definitely see you have not read the manga now. They cut a lot of material out of the anime that was in the manga. Either way you fail for not realizing that was not character development.
May 26, 2009 2:43 PM

Sep 2007
Drunk_Samurai said:

If you don't see how them all talking to Takamura is not character development then you fail.

noteDhero said:
That's not character development.

Drunk_Samurai said:
Either way you fail for not realizing that was not character development.
May 26, 2009 3:20 PM

Aug 2008
I'm confused now, Drunk_Samurai. Are you saying that the scene was character development or that it wasn't? The double negatives are throwing me off (I just noticed now, naikou).

My point is, hypnoinsanity, that the anime is an adaptation of the manga. The fact that they have taken out and rearranged scenes for the show is proof of that, and they must be treated as separates.
May 26, 2009 4:16 PM

Sep 2007
Yeah, I don't know what he's saying either. Your position was pretty clear.
May 26, 2009 4:23 PM

Aug 2007
noteDhero said:
I'm confused now, Drunk_Samurai. Are you saying that the scene was character development or that it wasn't? The double negatives are throwing me off (I just noticed now, naikou).

My point is, hypnoinsanity, that the anime is an adaptation of the manga. The fact that they have taken out and rearranged scenes for the show is proof of that, and they must be treated as separates.

Mistake. It was character development. It doesn't matter if they change anything. You fail for saying it's not character development.
May 26, 2009 5:12 PM

Aug 2008
It's not. Please, since I'm so ignorant, enlighten me as to how Takamura was before that scene and how he changed. From my perspective, Takamura was more than resolved to beat the shit out of Hawk since his match with the other guy. Nothing "clicked" or developed for him at that moment.
May 26, 2009 5:30 PM

Aug 2007
noteDhero said:
It's not. Please, since I'm so ignorant, enlighten me as to how Takamura was before that scene and how he changed. From my perspective, Takamura was more than resolved to beat the shit out of Hawk since his match with the other guy. Nothing "clicked" or developed for him at that moment.

You will see when the fight continues. Unless you want me to spoil it for you.
May 26, 2009 5:46 PM

Aug 2008
Well that's all you had to say! I guess I'll see in the next couple of episodes then.
May 26, 2009 5:57 PM

May 2007
noteDhero said:
The fact that they have taken out and rearranged scenes for the show is proof of that, and they must be treated as separates.

Agreed here. I haven't gotten the chance to read the manga counterpart, but if they do omit stuff from the manga (and from the sound of it, they have omitted some important character development scenes), the manga and anime should be treated differently, despite the story being the same. The manga would result in more fleshed out characters and better understanding of each character's mindset during each fight (at least, this is what I'm assuming it is).
May 26, 2009 6:10 PM

Aug 2007
vindemon64 said:
noteDhero said:
The fact that they have taken out and rearranged scenes for the show is proof of that, and they must be treated as separates.

Agreed here. I haven't gotten the chance to read the manga counterpart, but if they do omit stuff from the manga (and from the sound of it, they have omitted some important character development scenes), the manga and anime should be treated differently, despite the story being the same. The manga would result in more fleshed out characters and better understanding of each character's mindset during each fight (at least, this is what I'm assuming it is).

Some cut out stuff wasn't really that important. Like some scenes where they were making fun of Ippo. Character development getting cut out is bullshit though. An example is when Umezawa helped train Ippo when Kamogawa was in the hospital. They also cut some scenes from the hospital. The worst of it was when they put canon material in the ending of the second to last episode of the first season. That was pure bullshit and should have had an episode or 2 for it. If anime cuts out character development like they did in the first season then I rate it lower. Anime that do that don't deserve higher.
May 26, 2009 6:36 PM

Aug 2008
Can't argue there. Haven't read the manga, and I rated the first series a 7. An 8 is pushing it, and any higher just isn't justifiable to me. Material can always be cut when creating a show because the writing process (especially in the case of ongoing manga) always evolves and somethings end up not being important after they're introduced. Then you have to factor in all the stuff that works in a straight narrative as opposed to television. Character development, however, if cut, should be incorporated in someway (unless it's a minor character that ultimately has no real weight on the story).

I personally don't understand what could happen during the fight that will make me think differently of this episode...even if it's Takamura giving a punch for all the Japanese boxers Hawk "disgraced." Mostly because I don't think Hawk actually disgraced anyone and Japan is being melodramatically angered by him, but I'm interested to see what happens nonetheless.
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