Major improvement after the recap/filler episode. It seems we're entering a bold new phase of Utena and it's already very exciting and very confusing so par for the course. There were lots of things that made this feel fresh again, the new elevator (we'd seen the stairs too many damn times this was such a welcome change), immediate advancements in the character of Akio, the return of Touga and return to immediate plot relevancy of the rest of the Student Council, some serious strides in developing Anthy more. And I can't be the only one who felt like there was a noticeable jump in animation quality.
One of the more interesting parts of this episode is Akio. He is at his most Princely here, wooing Wakaba at the beginning, putting the moves on Utena during their star talks and Touga even reveals Utena is the girl from his coffin story (surprise suprise) and Akio is the Prince from her past (ditto). But we're also starting to see his ugly side slowly but surely. Touga also reveals what we pretty much knew from the last arcs finale that Akio is the end of the world. His star gazing scene with Utena also revealed his dark underbelly a bit as well as inviting comparisons between himself and Lucifer that carry over throughout the rest of the episode. The most unsettling though, is that the episode ends with another creepy incest scene with him and Anthy that goes much further than the previous ones have. Not only that but this time Anthy resists him a bit, as she's already developing a will of her own from her relationship with Utena.
Anthy has been perhaps the most puzzling character of this series, despite being one of the two leads. It's unclear how much free will she actually has, Touga has in the past claimed she was no individual will whatsoever, a sentiment echoed by an even creepier than normal Souji when he duels Utena at the end after Akio reveals the meaning of "the eternity" that Anthy can lead him too. This seemed to be confirmed when she was temporarily possessed by Touga at the end of the first arc. This was made all the more heartbreaking because it seemed like prior to that Utena had gotten through to her, and she really more than anyone else just wants what's best for Anthy.
Here she actually makes good on their growing relationship though. After their moving bedside promise earlier in the episode, when Utena loses her sword, Anthy of her own volition steps in and shields her before producing another sword from within Utena this time. This is interesting enough and I'm curious what it will be revealed this means. But it also shows Anthy is developing her own thoughts and feelings and she's realized Utena is her best bet at salvation. It's also noteworthy Utena proceeds to beat Souji's ass without the help of the Dios Spirit this time. We're getting some real exciting development here folks.
There were other things that interested me in this episode too, that were as always a bit puzzling. I was amused by the baseball metaphor when Souji tells off the rest of the Student Council but I didn't fully understand it. I was also really entranced by the recurring scenes of Touga and Akio later with Souji speeding down a deserted highway at night in a luxury car. These scenes had a real homoerotic energy, furthered Souji and Touga in the bed later that were an interesting counterpoint to all of the lesbian imagery we've had until now with Utena and Anthy. What it all means though, I can't tell yet, especially that the duel with Souji ends with him being struck by the car. I can only hope that wasn't just a thing in this episode and I understand it a little more by the end.
The teaser for the next episode, as well as the title seems to suggest that Utena will be dueling Miki once again. I'm not thrilled that we're seeing her fight the same people all over again, but if it's as fast paced and interesting as this episode can't say I'll complain to much either. Also I still love Wakaba, and any episode with her is a good one even if she spends most of it swooning after evil ass Akio. |