Mar 8, 2009 11:45 PM
Seeing how the previous threads were wiped, I'm making new one. I never did like that there was a last drama AND a last movie thread, so now they're combined. YAY! Last movie I watched was Takeshis'. It was very odd, but also very good and lots of fun to watch. |
SusanJan 7, 2011 12:32 PM
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 9, 2009 7:59 AM
last movie i watched was Antique! It was really adorable actually. and ji hoon was sooo hot in it~ . I enjoyed it a lot more than i thought i would :3 |
Mar 9, 2009 4:02 PM
Mar 9, 2009 6:41 PM
just finished brother beat. it was... ok. i guess. there were some parts where i was like: "OMFG NO WAY" and then other parts where i was like: "is this episode done yet?" so i'm giving it a 7/10. |
Mar 9, 2009 8:45 PM
just watched the movie She's on Duty. Borrowed it from a friend. I thought it was pretty bland and generic. At least Gong Woo was hot...ish... :x |
Mar 11, 2009 7:18 AM
today i finished The Devil. i noticed that a lot of people here liked Maou. so i highly recommend this, even though it's a lot longer than Maouh (20 ep LOL.) you can either love or hate Oh Seung Ha. we're talking about a murderer, that has lost his mother and brother because of a pointless fight between teenagers. also, Oh Seung Ha is not really the murderer here. he uses people's weak points, as they lose control, and that is what making them kill. Oh Seung Ha is really smart and clean. my favourite was Kang Oh Soo. Seo Hae In is so cute and pretty. the cast is really really good. the actors are really talented, and every character has a story of his own. even though it's 20 ep i think it was really interesting and full of surprises haha. 10/10!! |
Mar 12, 2009 12:23 AM
I watched the Chinese movie Hero again tonight. I had not watched it in a looooong time and only sat down to watch it in the first place because it was on TV SUBBED! So rare in North America. I enjoyed seeing it again, though it certainly isn't the best wuxia film I've seen, now that I've watched it again. My mum watched it with me as well. I think this is the second subbed Chinese movie we have watched together. The first was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon when it came out in the theatre. It's tough to get her to watch foreign films. XD |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 12, 2009 4:56 PM
Last movie: My Wife Got Married --> Some funny moments and some interesting concepts. Son Yeh Jin can't go wrong in my eyes. Last Drama: Forbidden Love --> Love it! The main cast are comprised of excellent actor and actress. |
Mar 13, 2009 5:47 PM
Just finished Akai Ito. It was very mellow, something that could easily be watched in one sitting. The ending was kinda bland, but it matched the tempo of the rest of the series. I can only wonder what the movie will be about, since it takes place between two eps where some time has passed. How can you make a solid beginning, middle and end of a movie...which takes place in the middle of a drama? |
Mar 13, 2009 6:17 PM
Mar 13, 2009 11:25 PM
Mar 13, 2009 11:51 PM
duotrouble said: The last series I watched was Bloody Monday. I so want a sequel to that. ^_^ It reminded me a lot of 24 in just the overall feel of it. Very good! I want a sequel too! They weren't able to wrap it up properly because the manga is still running. I don't think the ratings were quite high enough for them to do a sequel, but I hold out hope. |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 14, 2009 3:00 AM
I just finished Kuitan (the first series). It was rather amusing and had a great climax! Though I'm disappointed there wasn't much food porn. XD |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 14, 2009 10:53 AM
Susan said: duotrouble said: The last series I watched was Bloody Monday. I so want a sequel to that. ^_^ It reminded me a lot of 24 in just the overall feel of it. Very good! I want a sequel too! They weren't able to wrap it up properly because the manga is still running. I don't think the ratings were quite high enough for them to do a sequel, but I hold out hope. That's sad to hear the ratings weren't that good. Maybe fans will pressure them into a sequel. One can always hope, right? ^_~ I just found out there is a manga so I have that on my plan to read list. Hopefully, I'll get to it soon. |
Mar 14, 2009 5:13 PM
I finished My Lovely Sam Soon today. Wow, it was really so good. The last episode made me cry T_T <3 I looooved it sooo much! and, i watched the movie 100 days with mr arrogant. Which was really hysterical and cute :3 |
Mar 15, 2009 7:04 PM
I just finished the Japanese movie Udon (watched half last night and half today). It was delicious! XD It could have done with a bit more food porn but I really enjoyed the characters and drama. I was expecting a more depressing ending but it actually ended on a funny note. I recommend it to anyone who likes foodie movies/dramas, but also anyone really. |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 15, 2009 8:58 PM
Finished Q.E.D. today. Really really mediocre . if i wasnt following it weekly i wouldnt have finished it lol. I also watched the movie Baby and Me which was the movie of the week last week. it was pretty funny. |
Mar 16, 2009 2:34 AM
Supermarket Woman is now one of my favorite movies! Definitely a must for foodies, but it also has some great comedy and a bit of romance. I really enjoyed how the film doesn't shy away from the romance between a pair of older-middle-aged (50ish) adults. I admit that it's overacted at times and is a bit dated, but you can deny the charm and charisma of Miyamoto Nobuko. She was 51 when the film was made, but looks no older than 40 and has the energy of a 20-year-old! I hope I'm as awesome as she is when I'm that age. =D The tip of the iceberg is the the internationally recognizable supermarket setting, which is spot-on and easy to relate to. Who doesn't care about the freshness of their food? Although it's not you're usual take on traditional foods from Japan, it's great to see where the stuff we buy in stores comes from. edit: It also had such an exciting ending! One of the best car chases I've seen, without a doubt. I could have kept watching this movie for quite awhile longer, too! I will miss its characters, which turned out to be much like a great big family. |
SusanMar 16, 2009 3:28 AM
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 17, 2009 12:39 AM
I just finished the second season of Hana Yori Dango and the movie. The second season was pretty good, but not quite as good as the first. The movie was very good too, though it had a lot more adventure than the series. In addition, the ending had some unresolved questions. 1st series: 10/10 2nd series: 8.5/10 Movie: 8/10 |
JNOtakuMar 17, 2009 1:25 PM
Mar 17, 2009 2:53 PM
Just finished the last half hour of Achilles and Tortoise, Takeshi Kitano's latest film. It was a somewhat depressing movie but it also had it's amusing bits and some great art. |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 17, 2009 5:54 PM
just finished 9 end 2 outs. it was sorta good in the beggining, but i really hated the idea of the main guy and girl ending up as a couple. After the young guy left it was just really really meh to me. I really almost dropped it at a point. edit: Just watched the movie Waterboys. I could not stop laughing. There were so many just really funny moments!!! The DDR scene, the failed performance with tamaki hiroshi's hair on fire...... ohman...<3 |
katsupMar 17, 2009 8:47 PM
Mar 17, 2009 10:48 PM
hmmmmmmmmmm i just finished home drama...give it a 10, im almost finished with hotman season 1.....bout near the end of voice love shuffle triangle and uta no onii-san.......then what will i watch........ha good thing spring season coming! and i still have tenchijin until december so i guess im in the clear! |
Mar 18, 2009 1:42 PM
I just finished Mei-chan no Shitsuji; it is very cheesy, but I like it. I think the idea of a butler falls in love with his master is cute. um...I don't really like the ending, though---- I really hate love triangle that is unresolved! Throughout the series, It is very clear that the one Mei like is Rihito, and she doesn't has that kind of romantic feelings toward Kento; however, on the last ep, they make it looks like Mei actually has feelings toward Kento as well... I mean, why do they have to make the love triangle unresolved in the last ep:( |
Mar 18, 2009 4:18 PM
Just finished the final episode of Uta no Onii-san! It was a short drama but I really loved it. It was adorable and absolutely heartwarming. PA PI PU PE PON! Sometimes you just need a good pick-me-up drama and this one definitely qualifies! I loved the ending. I mean, anyone willing to end this series any OTHER way does not have a heart. Of course Minna no Utao has to continue!! The concert was great and the song is great and the end was great. I loved the gag at the end where Kenta "prays" to this father... who is perfectly fine. I also loved when Kenta was paid only 1000 yen (10$) for his singing at the pachinko parlour, when Urara discovers her perfect man is... PRINCE HIMURO! And when Kenta says the theme song title while picking up Michiru. All the little gags were great! Ohno is just so adorable!! |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 19, 2009 6:29 PM
Omg i just finished Uta no Oniisan as well..the ending was just sooo touching <3 I just second like everything you said susan. This was such an adorable and heartwarming drama <3 and like at the end I was shocked with ohno's ability to like look like hes about to cry. Like during the concert right before he sang kumori nochi, kaisei..... he was just baaaaawwww <3 edit , cause i hate double posting... Just finished Mei-chan no Shitsuji. It was a fun watch overall... but the acting was subpar and over thetop silly. really reminded me of the japanese hana kimi. Though it was worth watching, if not only for seeing the cute Mameshiba moments <3< 3 |
katsupMar 20, 2009 10:29 PM
Mar 20, 2009 10:54 PM
Today I finished Mei-chan no Shitsuji. It was stupid and ridiculous, but also fun and full of hot Kamen Riders. I still love Sato Takeru and Mizushima Hiro! Eikura Nana wasn't as much of a disaster as the previews made her out to be. Ovrall I somehow ended enjoying the series, though it certainly isn't one of my top favorites. the ending was... alright. It was adorable when Rihito kissed her! He's so cute. I saw other fans complain that it didn't seem like Mei had any feelings for Mameshiba, right up until this episode. But I think she did like him even before they both went to St. Lucia, she just didn't realize how important he was to her. And then I think she really started to have feelings for him after they ran away to their hometown and he confessed. This series wasn't as satisfying as Uta no Onii-san, and so I'd like to see a sequel or at least a special, taking place during her final year of school. |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 21, 2009 2:39 AM
Finally got around to watching the Korean movie Romantic Island. I loved it! Boracay was gorgeous! If I ever travel the world, it's definitely on my list of stops. I was annoyed by the pop singer, but that's all. Lee sun Gyun was absolutely ADORABLE! I kind of wish he and the girl had been the only couple in the movie. Would've been even better. His speech at the end was so cute! I love his smile, his style, his acting. OMO! *waves hand in front of face* He's so hot! =D 10/10 just for Lee Sun Gyun! ^_^ |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 21, 2009 1:01 PM
Just watched the korean movie Ditto. It was so redicuously sad. I figured it would be sad from the very first attempted meeting between the two. but ooohmygod. the ending just was BAWWWWWW. T-T edit: watched the korean movie Oldboy as well. Soooorta wish i hadn't seen it. Way too disturbing. Especially the ending :x |
katsupMar 21, 2009 9:03 PM
Mar 22, 2009 5:19 AM
Just watched the movie 700 Days of Battle: Us vs. the Police. Fairly amusing highschool boys/summertime movie. Sasaki Kuranosuke was fairly amusing as a smart beat cop who pranks the boys just as much as they prank him. I loved that he wasn't a bumbling, middle-aged cop. Ichihara Hayato, who played the leader of the gang of boys, seemed a LOT younger here than he did in Rookies. He was pretty funny too! My only complaint is Waki Tomohiro. You might remember his as Kuma from Gokusen 1-3. He's WAY too old (28) to be playing a highschool student! I wonder if there will be a sequel? They still have 592 days of battle left. XD |
SusanMar 22, 2009 5:22 AM
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 22, 2009 10:39 AM
finally finished tokyo tower. matsujun was sexy as hell... could care less about okada's whiny bitch character though. 7/10. EDIT: finished uta no onii-san as well. 10/10. LOVED the ending! |
ReverseHaremMar 22, 2009 11:08 AM
Mar 22, 2009 2:26 PM
shamo (hong kong movie) 7/10 Uta no onii-san (jdrama) 10 \(^_^)/10 |
SPACE_KOBRAMar 22, 2009 2:29 PM
Mar 23, 2009 2:05 PM
just finished Pride. Kimura Takuya was absolutely amazing. The story was amazing, the acting in general was amazing, the music was amazing..... defenitely my favorite jdrama ever :3 :3 :3 |
Mar 23, 2009 5:11 PM
mei-chan no shitsuji. the series was cute and made me laugh. 9/10. good ending! |
Mar 23, 2009 7:46 PM
tiger & dragon. it was... funny it some parts... so i'll give it a 7/10 |
Mar 23, 2009 7:53 PM
Finished: Gegege No Kitaro --> just okay (still can't figure why they have to cast Wentz Eiji as Kitaro...) 20th Century Boys --> Great!! Antique --> even more greatness... Crying Out Loud in the Center of the Earth --> it was ok... Sushi Ouji --> so.. so.. Watch this for Narimiya's sake.... Gachi Baka --> Gokusen, GTO all over again... |
Titan-KikumaruMar 23, 2009 7:59 PM
Mar 25, 2009 8:22 PM
just finished Waterboys season 1. Wow. I did not expect to finish it so fast but after like episode 4 i just couldn't stop watching! Eita was awesome... and the final synchro performance was AWESOME!!!! :O |
Mar 26, 2009 4:54 PM
flash point (hong kong movie) 9/10 invisibel targer (hong kong movie) 8/10 ip man (hong kong movie) 10/10 S.P.L. (hong kong movie) 8/10 the good the bad the weird (korean movie) 9/10 Spin kick (korean movie) 7/10 Gangster High (korean movie) 8/10 Nanase Futatabi (jdrama) 3/10----dont watch this trash lol seriously and also...donnie yen is a BEAST, he's got some of the fastest hands i've ever seen. |
Mar 26, 2009 4:57 PM
Susan said: Just watched the movie 700 Days of Battle: Us vs. the Police. Fairly amusing highschool boys/summertime movie. Sasaki Kuranosuke was fairly amusing as a smart beat cop who pranks the boys just as much as they prank him. I loved that he wasn't a bumbling, middle-aged cop. Ichihara Hayato, who played the leader of the gang of boys, seemed a LOT younger here than he did in Rookies. He was pretty funny too! My only complaint is Waki Tomohiro. You might remember his as Kuma from Gokusen 1-3. He's WAY too old (28) to be playing a highschool student! I wonder if there will be a sequel? They still have 592 days of battle left. XD where did you find this at???????????????????? |
Mar 26, 2009 6:18 PM
@Compaqmac321: Avistaz. 9 PMish edit: I just finished the final episode of Blade!!!! It really was the best/darkest Kamen Rider series I have watched so far. It seems that every series after this has a notably lighter tone and a lot more comedy. Blade's comedy was basically confined to episodes 29 & 30 (though I split my gut laughing) and the rest of the series is devoted to great action, character development and the main story. Which really surprised me, because this is the first time I've been completely satisfied by the story of a Kamen Rider series. Others have come close, but Blade just had the BEST ending. I was also really surprised by the bloodiness of this series. Again, not something I'm used to seeing in Kamen Rider. This is a show for children... right? Especially in the final few episodes, it got quite bloody, and I'm not talking Undead blood which is a great shade of green. I'm talking bright red human blood. @_@ I loved Aikawa Hajime/Kamen Rider Chalice and Kamijo Mutsuki/Kamen Rider Leangle. They're struggles and growth as characters were most noticeable throughout the series and also the most interesting. Tachbana Sakuya/Kamen Rider Garren was the worst. He was constantly naive and had the worst catch phrase ever. "Please leave this to me." He was also incompetent and repeatedly proved his incompetence so seeing people "leave it to Tachibana" was just ridiculous from the second time onwards. XD Kenzaki Kazuma/Kamen Rider Blade was a delightful optimist for the entire series, and although he wasn't as interesting as other characters because of that, he balanced everyone else out and definitely grabbed my heart. Kenzaki! =( Those four are so far the BEST "team" of Riders... probably ever. If you want a team-oriented series, watch Sentai. But KR Blade is a great example of how multiple riders *should* be done. Don't read the following unless you've watched the end, or you really love spoilers like me: The ending was AWESOME! I can't imagine a better ending for this series. Kenzaki sacrificed himself and became an undead to save humanity AND Hajime. There isn't a better show of friendship than that. Unfortunately, he had to leave because the two of them will be forever compelled to fight. That kind fo sucks because they'd just become such good friends, and probably two of the best friends you will ever see. I'm also disappointed that we never got to see Garren or Leangle's King Forms. We didn't even get a Jack form for Leangle, which is kind of sad. They're not in the movie either. Oh well. I also really want to see Kenzaki's Joker form. @_@ Alas, that will also never happen. ![]() ^I made this brainwashencourage the other members of MAL Tokutaku to start Blde, if they haven't already. I really do think Drama lovers will enjoy this series as well. It even has ROMANCE!!! I would not lie to you about this. It shocked me too. @_@ |
SusanMar 26, 2009 9:05 PM
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 27, 2009 8:06 AM
just finished LIAR GAME. omfg, this series was so addicting. the last episode that consisted of THREE HOURS was unnecessary... especially like the first 1.5 hours. so i skipped all the recap portions. anyways, matsuda shota <3 as always, however toda erika's character needed to be punched sometimes. 10/10. |
Mar 27, 2009 10:07 PM
I just finished Gourmet! Longest drama I have ever made it all the way through. XD It was awesome though. I really enjoyed the story of Sun-chan, especially after the first 6 episodes were over and the series really got going. I rate it about 9.5/10, though it's better than other kdramas I've seen in terms of storytelling, characters, and overall balance of drama, romance, and comedy. I love dramas that really exemplify culture and Gourmet does just that. I'm very interested in Korean food. More so than I was before. My only real complaint is that their father died before the end of the series. I don't really think that was necessary? It made it hard to watch the last 3 episodes because he was such a delightful character. I also did not like the cooking competition at the end, which I was just plain ridiculous. They bet on a business. I wonder how they "won" it back? Did Matsumoto give them his shares in the company? I don't really understand that bit. Ah well. At least Sung-chan went back to traveling with Jin Soo. You know, at that point I felt the series could have gone on. It hasn't yet reached a conclusion. Then again, it's one of those series that could potentially go on forever... |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 28, 2009 3:42 AM
This evening I watched our next Movie of the Week: Okuribito aka Departures. It was a splendid movie with a fine cast and a beautiful story. I was thoroughly impressed by Motoki Masahiro's performance, alongside the rest of the cast. There is no doubt why this film has won so many awards, including Best Foreign Film at the 81st Academy Awards and I encourage everyone to watch it. It's a must see as a film and also as a fine example of a part of Japanese culture, life, and death that we have never before had a chance to see in film, and in so well crafted a film. |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 28, 2009 9:44 PM
I just watched the jdrama Wonderful life. I wasn't really expecting much, and the plot seemed like it could be good or bad, but the drama was really well acted and interesting! It was really heartwarming watching the arrogant asshole player turn into a really nice and caring guy. and the little kids were so cute! I wish they sorta did a little more for the romance at the end but it was still satisfying :) |
Mar 28, 2009 10:20 PM
Finally finished the movie Marusa no Onna aka A Taxing Woman, directed by the late Itami Juzo and starring his wife Miyamoto Nobuka. It's certainly no Tampopo, but overall an enjoyable dramatic film. I loved the enthusiasm of Nobuko's character. She was delightful and is always such a splendid actress no matter what kind of role she takes on. I loved the final scene overlooking the city as the sun goes down. |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 29, 2009 2:32 AM
Voice! Loved the series. It was lots of fun and interesting. Though I didn't like some of the more obvious mysteries, like in episode 1. It had a good ending, and I'm not surprised it ended that way. Very good! Though perhaps they didn't need this entire last episode? I felt that if you cut out the final mystery you could have tacked on the rest of the episode's content onto episode 10 and still ended it well. |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 30, 2009 12:13 PM
just finished Voice today. SO GOOD. I loved this whole drama, and i even loved the last episode so much. Aki and Daiki are sooo cute!!! sooooooooooo cute :) hahah. |
Mar 30, 2009 2:33 PM
@kat: Makes you want a sequel, doesn't it? ^_^ I finished off the last episode of Friends today. The Korean-Japanese collaboration drama from 2002. What happens when you put a young Fukada Kyoko, with nothing but her GRATING "cuteness" and little acting skills (though props for the decent Korean), into a Korean drama that's been condensed down to 4 episodes? Oh, and with Won Bin thrown in for flavour, competing on screen Kyoko for who can be the most annoying cute. Answer? You get this drama. It DRIPPED romance and drama like only a kdrama can, yet it was about Japanese girl. 7/10, because at least I watched it... though it's hard not to stick with 4 episodes. I'm glad they haven't tried to do this again. ^_^; |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 30, 2009 3:01 PM
i'd be happy with just a special, a sequal would be pretty unnecessary for the kind of drama Voice was. |
Mar 30, 2009 3:09 PM
Sequel could also mean special in Susan-speak. XD |
<---made of awesome! |
Mar 30, 2009 5:51 PM
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