Hey Guys!
As there has not been any improvement with mass messages issue, Canon Pairings Club wasn't able to continue our tournament with the couples... Nevertheless, we want to continue it. The only way we came up with is MASS MAILING :) So, those of you who are willing to continue to vote in our matches, please send me your email address. I assure you, it will be used for matches notifications ONLY. If there will be a certain number of addresses which allow us to continue, we will restart the votings!! In case not, the waiting for the mass msg will continue..
P.S. Those of you who aren't aware, we also made a HUUUGE list of all known canon couples, HERE You are welcome to nominate more ;))
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Hey Guys!
As there has not been any improvement with mass messages issue, Canon Pairings Club wasn't able to continue our tournament with the couples... Nevertheless, we want to continue it. The only way we came up with is MASS MAILING :) So, those of you who are willing to continue to vote in our matches, please send me your email address. I assure you, it will be used for matches notifications ONLY. If there will be a certain number of addresses which allow us to continue, we will restart the votings!! In case not, the waiting for the mass msg will continue..
P.S. Those of you who aren't aware, we also made a HUUUGE list of all known canon couples, HERE You are welcome to nominate more ;))
semoga cepet selesei usursanya agar bisa berkompetisi lagi
battle itu.. cepet banget sudah hampir setahun... haha
hebat bisa pensiun liat anime haha
sekarang lagi tertarik baca-baca manga
gw juga gk 'segila' dulu lagi, ada beberapa anime yg udah gw DL tapi males liat nya haha.
pensiun liat anime? gk updates lagi
gw kena spoiler itu gara² club of the dead lu itu -_-"
gk gw buka lagi itu spoiler club....
terusin aja lu liat TTGL, emang ngebosin pas awal
tapi lu gk akan nyesel liat sampe akhir!
spoiler time ;p
huh muteki biasa aja ya....
ada yg garing sih emang tapi banyak yg lucu juga
gw ngakak banget pas eps 4 yg kereta api itu lol
beuh 10 anime langsung @_@
liat muteki kanban musume juga???
bwahahah ngkak banget gw liat ini.... onimaru miki.. hahaha
sehari gw tamatin brp anime??
12 episode aja sekarang butuh waktu 2+ hari baru selesi *sigh*
mari berkompetisi dengan sehat
gini aja deh,
siapa yg duluan sampe 200 judul @_@ menang. gimana?