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Mar 21, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Ah yes, adventurers taking on the same mission. These type of situation can happen often in fantasy anime like this.

It's an alright episode but didn't really gave me the impression of a big finale conclusion. Obviously, there's more episodes (another season) announced for split cour but I didn't get that sort of climatic season one finale feel. On the other hand, Rudeus and Eris really have a close bond even in this episode. Also, not a fan of Ruijerd but he got quite a bit of screen time in these latest episodes.
Mar 21, 2021 8:28 AM

Oct 2017
First thing in the finale we see Roxy sensei again with two new characters to boot. One of them was a hot elf onee san too. Thou the situation back at Rudy's village is really messed up. Looks like his village got destroyed and Zenith, Lilia and Aisha are missing. Paul is desperately searching for them, I hope all three of them are fine.

Back to Rudy's part of the story and damn he messed up bad. That kid died cause of his miscalculation. Thou the fight after with the red cobra was great. Their teamwork was top notch.

The horse freak deserved it heh, Ruijerd scared him off. Thou too bad Rudy was once again interrupted before he could use his weather magic. I really wanna see him use that in a battle.

The conversation between Ruijerd and Rudy was touching. Ruijerd finally understands that Rudy just wants Eris to be safe. I'm glad things got back to normal betweem them. Thou lmao bald Ruijerd caught me off guard but I guess this works. If he doesn't have hair no one will recognize him as a superd.

The Eris fanservice in ED was great. She looked cute in different clothes. Also they finally reached their destination and woa Roxy sensei is also going there. Will they finally reunite after so long? Guess we'll find out in cour 2.

Mushoku Tensei was one of my the most anticipated anime of this year and I'm glad it didn't dissapoint me in the slightest. Infact it surpassed my expectations and is still going strong. The animation, visuals, soundtracks, OP, ED, characters, story, plot, world building everything was top tier. Already fell in love with this anime and really hyped for cour 2. Thanks to Studio Bind and everyone involved in this anime for bringing us such an amazing adaptation.

For now this is over, cour 2 most likely starts at summer 2021. So till then sayonara~
MegamiRemMar 21, 2021 11:15 PM
Mar 21, 2021 8:28 AM

Apr 2020
Damn, Gabrin got killed, Rudy felt guilty, and Eris was getting stronger.

The whole town finds out Ruijerd's true identity, and Nekopara was immediately scared, lol

Ngl I laughed seeing Ruijerd bald
Mar 21, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
Rie Tanaka for Elinalise Dragonroad, and Houchu Ohtsuka as Talhand, what a welcome to prepare for the 2nd Cour in Summer.

The Demon Continent only proves more deadly, against the backdrop of adventurer groups having the same job and Rudeus continuing the conquest to improve the Superd reputation...NOT. When somebody dies, Rudeus's bloody trauma acts up and goes blank, and Ruijerd and Eris has to clean up the mess...but by then, the damage is done. Saving people isn't as easy for quests like that.

The horse beastkin getting trashed by the Dead End, and no matter what the demons react with, the fear and reprisal of the Dead End is immediate...and thus, the reputation stays the same as always. To learn to "be a warrior" is to err on the protective side, and Rudeus retains his promise to help improve Ruijerd's reputation. Trust in each other.

Ruijerd's bald head sure took for a surprise, but shaving his signature hair is for the best. The journey prevails onto the adventure to get back home.

A great stopping point to the 1st Cour...awaiting the 2nd Cour in Summer for more greatness and world-building lore.
KANLen09Mar 21, 2021 10:34 AM
Mar 21, 2021 8:34 AM

Jul 2015
Rudeus really fucked up forcing Ruijerd to wait to save the other party and Nokopara got a little taste of terror for trying to blackmail.

We got to see Roxy and the other two people who met her.

I read many years ago but it seems it's getting a lot of care for the source material. It was a very good cour. I hope summer have the same care for the animation.

For this cour I will give 8/10

AdrianRubinskyMar 21, 2021 8:47 AM
Mar 21, 2021 8:39 AM
Jul 2018
Novel readers ,did they skip anything this time?
Mar 21, 2021 8:47 AM

Apr 2015
SirTristamSfan said:
Novel readers ,did they skip anything this time?

It's adapting a book so the default is always gonna be yes.
Mar 21, 2021 9:01 AM

Feb 2019
SirTristamSfan said:
Novel readers ,did they skip anything this time?

Yes the garden scene most notably
Mar 21, 2021 9:04 AM
Jul 2018
I checked, they seemed to have removed a lot of monologue. wtf. That monologue is the part which redeems rudeus. Seems like they are stressing more or action component and leaving behind the character development same as sword art online
Mar 21, 2021 9:05 AM

Feb 2019
Ah, knew it was coming for a few weeks but fuck I’m gonna miss Mushoku sundays. Can’t wait until summer. This was pretty much where I expected us to end at the end of volume 3. Tanaka Rie for Eliniza is a great hiring

Unfortunately the last couple episodes saw quite a bit of material condensed and left out, but it was mainly world building stuff and character motivations, so not a huge shock. I do like how they added Roxy’s epilogue from volume 2 into the episode at the beginning. Wish we’d have got the garden scene from volume 3’s epilogue which sets up some important future events.

With Studio Bind, the second cour and Mushoku’s future is in great hands and it only gets better from here on out. We haven’t even started yet.

Marinate1016Mar 21, 2021 9:11 AM
Mar 21, 2021 9:21 AM

Apr 2018
Kinda depressing for the most part (except the end) but it was nice for a final episode for the first cour
Poor kid got destroyed by the spider, and that Cobra looked great but was also really scary
Ruijerd joined Fc Pessi so now he's bald, well why not, he still looks cool
Not too different than the other isekai anime for me (the good ones obviously) but it was still a fine watch, I'm looking forward to seeing the 2nd cour this summer.
Mar 21, 2021 9:22 AM

Jun 2019
That poor kid. That was really sad and depressing to watch. Ruijerd goes Bald...noooooo.
Just gonna say, it was a great season overall. Even tho it was an Isekai, it was so good. I loved it. I can't wait for the next season.
Mar 21, 2021 9:35 AM

Nov 2011
Okay there's some shit going on with Rudy's family is missing. I do not like that at all.

Roxy meeting up with some people who know about Paul. Damn my man has connections!

Great Episode!

I think the development for Rudy and Ruijerd took a huge spike in the upwards direction.

That Fight with the Snakes and Spider was beautifully animated! Job well done!

Wouldn't be Jobless Reincarnation without Rudy being a pervert and we got it when he was peeping on Eris getting a shower AND getting changed lol.

Looks like they got to Asura kingdom! ALSO ROXY GETTING THERE TOO!!!

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Mar 21, 2021 9:35 AM

Apr 2007
Very nice wrap up episode. Ruijerd is such a great guy and with everything cleared up they can travel without worries. Shame about his hair though...

I started this show after 4 episodes had aired to my surprise, it became the #1 show I looked forward to each week. There are so many elements that I usually dislike, but the way everything is portrayed in this show, I just loved every minute. Though some perverse scenes were a bit much.

Can't wait for more!
Mar 21, 2021 9:41 AM

Nov 2018
10/10 first cour, the animation for the fighting was so fluid and the monsters design was actually scary.

overall 10/10, can't wait for July to come around!
Mar 21, 2021 9:44 AM

Oct 2014
Downvote Brigade out in full force, as usual. XD
Mar 21, 2021 9:46 AM

Nov 2016
7/10 so far

I'm delighted we had some isekai that were actually trying this season

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 21, 2021 9:46 AM

May 2016
Man I feel bad I feel so bad cause its finished... what a great season it was because of this.

intense episode as usual spectacular animation as well, LN here I come 9/10
Mar 21, 2021 9:47 AM

Jun 2014
For a show that isn't even primarily an action show, the action scenes are done very well, with this episode being no exception.

Ruijerd's secret is out unfortunately, but now that he shaved his hair off there shouldn't be issues with that going forward. Hopefully lol.

This show was actually pretty good for an isekai. Yeah it had it's problems, mostly the pervy Rudy scenes that made things uncomfortable at times, but beyond that I thought this was a good show that I definitely looked forward to each week. Looking forward to the next cour in summer!
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 21, 2021 9:49 AM

Aug 2012
I will miss this anime....
Mar 21, 2021 9:49 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
A very good season overall. The animation was really good specially on the fight scenes and the spells, the world building is compelling, the soundtrack was on point and the characters were charming... sort of. I'm not very fond on some like Paul and Rudeus's attitude was at times hard to tolerate due to his past. Still, I'm pretty much looking forward to next season, whenever it may air.
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Mar 21, 2021 9:49 AM

Jan 2009
Ruijerd is awesome and now he a warrior monk too

and is that the Elf woman im hearing about nice one
Mar 21, 2021 9:51 AM

Apr 2014
Welcome to Konoha, Ruijerd. Wait no no..... he is not a ninja.
A good conclusion for the first cour. Can't wait for the second one.

Mar 21, 2021 9:52 AM
Feb 2020
Loved it, only up from here for me. Felt really short though.
Mar 21, 2021 9:53 AM

Aug 2013
Rudeus messed up with the kid's death.

The action scenes were pretty good. Seeing Ruijerd and Eris take down those monsters was great. Eris really is confident with her skills. All those trainings paid off.

Everyone getting scared of Ruijerd when they realise who is.
Yes Eris, Ruijerd looks good with no hair on his head. XD

I didn't realise that this episode was the last of this season. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to season 2 this summer. Now it's time for me to finish off the web novel.

Mar 21, 2021 9:53 AM
Apr 2016
SirTristamSfan said:
Novel readers ,did they skip anything this time?

- There was supposed to be MUCH more scenes with Vizquel and Jalil - the anime absolutely ommited this, but they started to do a lot of various odd jobs and quests and every time they successfully accomplished something they spread the name of "Dead End". They were quite diligent too, and so it started to seems (at least at first) that Ruijer's reputation could be really repaired - meaning the final scene was supposed to be a lot more impactful
- Nokopara was supposed to be meddling with Rudy a lot more
- Rudy actually got the nickname "Kennel Master Ruijerd" and people were calling Eris and Ruijerd his dogs
- A LOT of quests, leveling and adventures and world-building was skipped
- The Extra chapter (world-bulding + new characters introduction) was completely skipped. It could take a whole episode, so we won't ever see it animated probably

TLDR: Everything was rather shortened and many many things completly skipped. There was almost no world-building and although the action scenes looked fine, they should have been also a lot longer
Mar 21, 2021 9:55 AM

Jan 2012
Yeah, I said last week we had reached the point where I stopped reading the manga, but checking after I discovered it wasn't the case. I definitely remembered reading the chapter where the little bird kid gets killed by the snake because of Rudeus for instance. On the whole this has been an outstanding adaptation of very strong source material. Well, as far as the manga is concerned anyway, that's the only version of this story I had any familiarity with going in, and I began reading it well before the anime was even announced. This was probably the best show this season if I'm being honest. I know in season 2 we'll really reach material I haven't actually read yet, and when we do, I'll look forward to watching completely blind, as this wonderful story progresses further. I only wish we were getting it now instead of in the summer, but better that than never I suppose. 9/10
Mar 21, 2021 9:55 AM
Oct 2018
This is easily the best NEW anime of this season
Mar 21, 2021 9:56 AM

Oct 2015
That was a nice and enjoyable season finale.^^
Now just have to wait for the 2nd season~~
Mar 21, 2021 9:57 AM
Mar 2012
SirTristamSfan said:
I checked, they seemed to have removed a lot of monologue. wtf. That monologue is the part which redeems rudeus. Seems like they are stressing more or action component and leaving behind the character development same as sword art online

Just like past episodes, so nothing unusual, i guess.

His monologue was one of my main draw in enjoying the novel. Cutting that off made the anime feels a bit more bland to me.

I enjoyed how he theorized on making small but deadly magic, which resulted in the creation of stone bullet, which is pretty much a magic gun.
Mar 21, 2021 9:59 AM
Dec 2019
They didn't adapt Rudeus' breakdown in finding Ruijerd, to me i think that would have been a much more better concluding episode so that we have something to look forward to next season and could have had a much more major impact to the story.

The fight scenes are fucken amazing though.
Mar 21, 2021 10:00 AM

Jun 2014
Really nice conclusion to the first cour. Can't wait to watch the rest.
Mar 21, 2021 10:00 AM

Oct 2020
The fight is so fucking cool! Good Job Studio Bind! Can't wait for the 2nd cour and also

It's useless! From here on, the path is only a One-way road!
Just put your tail between your legs and get your ass back where you came from! - Accelerator

Mar 21, 2021 10:01 AM

Jul 2020
the last episode of this season focused on the relationship between Ruijerd and Rudeus. I'm glad the dead-end companionship became deeper and more mutual.

Good episode as an ending ep for the first cour.
Mar 21, 2021 10:01 AM

Aug 2019
It's good wrapped for the season, the action was well done and Rudy and Ruijerd got some mutual understanding which is good for the group.

I can't wait for summer so i might just picked up the LN.
Mar 21, 2021 10:01 AM
Jun 2020
The fight and drama in the forest was amazing! Another great episode! I also wasn't expecting them to put in the Roxy scenes so early.

But the part that hit me the most was seeing Rudy wear the Grey coat. I got huge wave of nostalgia and feels after seeing that despite it being such a minor detail.
Ah! Now I can't wait for the Millis continent arc to get animated!
Mar 21, 2021 10:02 AM
Jul 2018
JanPri said:
SirTristamSfan said:
Novel readers ,did they skip anything this time?

- There was supposed to be MUCH more scenes with Vizquel and Jalil - the anime absolutely ommited this, but they started to do a lot of various odd jobs and quests and every time they successfully accomplished something they spread the name of "Dead End". They were quite diligent too, and so it started to seems (at least at first) that Ruijer's reputation could be really repaired - meaning the final scene was supposed to be a lot more impactful
- Nokopara was supposed to be meddling with Rudy a lot more
- Rudy actually got the nickname "Kennel Master Ruijerd" and people were calling Eris and Ruijerd his dogs
- A LOT of quests, leveling and adventures and world-building was skipped
- The Extra chapter (world-bulding + new characters introduction) was completely skipped. It could take a whole episode, so we won't ever see it animated probably

TLDR: Everything was rather shortened and many many things completly skipped. There was almost no world-building and although the action scenes looked fine, they should have been also a lot longer

Yeah , I figured. But the part which I really wanted them not to cut was his monologue. Rudeus was really depressed after that bird's death. And rujeird misunderstanding his intention and praising him . Rudeus hated himself for that because his intention was never good
Mar 21, 2021 10:02 AM

Feb 2021
It ended in a cliffhanger.... D@mn it!!! Now I'm curious what's next?
Mar 21, 2021 10:04 AM

Nov 2014
Those were so great fight scenes. I didn't imagine Eris is actually that good - I knew she is capable, but that surprised me. She is starting to seem rather dependable imo. Overall I have to admit this arc made me like Eris more. She seems to have learned how to behave and her character is not so overbearing anymore.

I kinda like Ruijerd's new look!

That last scene... is the town that Roxy was arriving at the same that Rudy is going to? Damn, I really hope for a reunion.
Mar 21, 2021 10:04 AM

Oct 2018
I will not read the source material. I will not read the source material. I will not read the source material. I will not read the source material. I will not read the source material. I will not read the source material. I will not read the source material. I will not read the source material.

I will be a good boy and wait 'til Summer.

Mar 21, 2021 10:05 AM
Jul 2018
hassan-san said:
SirTristamSfan said:
I checked, they seemed to have removed a lot of monologue. wtf. That monologue is the part which redeems rudeus. Seems like they are stressing more or action component and leaving behind the character development same as sword art online

Just like past episodes, so nothing unusual, i guess.

His monologue was one of my main draw in enjoying the novel. Cutting that off made the anime feels a bit more bland to me.

I enjoyed how he theorized on making small but deadly magic, which resulted in the creation of stone bullet, which is pretty much a magic gun.

Well first two episodes had a lot of monologue ,so I had the opinion they wouldnt skip it . lol was I mistaken
Mar 21, 2021 10:05 AM
Jun 2020
SirTristamSfan said:
I checked, they seemed to have removed a lot of monologue. wtf. That monologue is the part which redeems rudeus. Seems like they are stressing more or action component and leaving behind the character development same as sword art online
I think it's fine tbh, they show his development through actions rather than words. Also them adapting all of the Rudy monologues would quickly turn this show into more of a ted-talk rather than a fantasy adventure.
Mar 21, 2021 10:05 AM

Jul 2020
Solid episode, with rudeus finally making a massive mistake that has real consequences for its actions, and growing from that. SOlid all around
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Mar 21, 2021 10:06 AM

Sep 2019
I loved seeing Eris jumping happily after defating that monster. I always say this but Eris is so cute.

It was a really good season in my opinion, I enjoyed every episode of it. The animation, sound and everything else related to production was amazing. I'm looking forward to the next season.
Mar 21, 2021 10:07 AM
Jul 2020
Well thanks for the last ep, i can't wait for the 3 months in season 2
Mar 21, 2021 10:09 AM

Feb 2020
ok last ep

excited for the next season though!!
Mar 21, 2021 10:09 AM
Sep 2020
hassan-san said:
SirTristamSfan said:
I checked, they seemed to have removed a lot of monologue. wtf. That monologue is the part which redeems rudeus. Seems like they are stressing more or action component and leaving behind the character development same as sword art online

Just like past episodes, so nothing unusual, i guess.

His monologue was one of my main draw in enjoying the novel. Cutting that off made the anime feels a bit more bland to me.

I enjoyed how he theorized on making small but deadly magic, which resulted in the creation of stone bullet, which is pretty much a magic gun.

As a LN reader myself, this is probably the best adaptation we'll get. His shortened monologues are necessary to fit the episode runtime (and this isn't RZ so they aren't going to extend it) but whatever they do show does get the point across. A show don't tell approach is also appreciated by lots of people, so while I feel like the novels obviously did it better, the anime did a fine job too.
Mar 21, 2021 10:12 AM
Aug 2020
Today's eps wasn't as great, lacks of world building compared to the novel, obviously. The scene where Rudeus was going to destroy the town was more dramatic in the novel tbh, i laughed at bald Ruijerd and Eris being adorable in the forest really melted my heart.

Roxy's baby face in the end sold me.
Mar 21, 2021 10:12 AM
Sep 2020
SirTristamSfan said:
I checked, they seemed to have removed a lot of monologue. wtf. That monologue is the part which redeems rudeus. Seems like they are stressing more or action component and leaving behind the character development same as sword art online

That's not true at all. They can't adapt longer monologues simply due to time constraints. They never have a heavy action focus and those scenes weren't that long at all. I do understand that the novels did it much better and showed Rudy developing in a better way, but sadly anime does have it's drawbacks
Mar 21, 2021 10:17 AM

Dec 2012
I notice they reuse some scenes from the teaser trailer for this episode they didn't reanimated them like they did some other scenes from other episodes.
Teaser trailer:
LightBladeNova said:
It makes me sad to know that still hardly anyone knows what a visual novel is, even in the anime community.
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