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Mar 4, 2021 8:52 AM

Nov 2011
Man, watching these kids in the wild at night...chilling.

Not only that but an entire village under flames. No one is safe in this show, not even the demons. Norman really meant what he said about his goals and now action speaks louder than words.

Loved the way the soundtrack is used this episode.
Mar 4, 2021 8:55 AM
Jun 2016
Actually not that bad of an episode, which is surprising.
Probably the best one since EP2
Mar 4, 2021 9:59 AM
Jun 2015
Wow this episode was actually good for once, but its too late. The score is so badly damaged sadly and probably the majority have dropped it already.
Mar 4, 2021 10:06 AM
Jul 2018
damn this episode was absolutely amazing, best episode this season by far. they finally found sonju and mujika but it was too late... looks like norman finally realized the weight of his decisions. that scene with the girl and the grandpa demon was really sad, wonder whatll happen now.

also, norman looked really badass in this scene ngl
Mar 4, 2021 10:26 AM

Jul 2017
Norman's backstory of meeting Peter Ratri, the meeting of 2 geniuses and a demon's fodder plate cleared in compassion from Sister Isabelle.

Scouraging out the escape plan from Lambda is only a matter of time for Norman, and that explains his strong will to have all demons eradicated. That's some wicked thought to be either an angel or a devil.

Emma, Ray, Don and Gilda tracking down Sonju and Mujika in a 5-day deadline that is growing to be more impossible by the day, but instead demon encounters in the Promised Forest led the both of them to the Grace Field Children.

The entire village in ruins from Norman's genocidal experiment, he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals...and if anything, this is the indication that Norman isn't turning back from his ways.

Such a chilling episode that shudders at each living breath of potential life, all lost within time allowable. It's also...NOT BAD.

Now I have this worry: It seems that the "anime-original" ending that CloverWorks are going for with Kaiu Shirai...

KANLen09Mar 4, 2021 10:32 AM
Mar 4, 2021 10:32 AM

Oct 2017
We finally saw Norman's part of the story and as expected he was experimented upon and he went through a lot.

While Emma and Ray finds Mujica, Norman launches all out attack on the demons. His plan was to degenerate the demons and make them fight each other, truly a marvelous plan and it was working as he expected but then a demon girl named Emma appeared and the reality of things kicked in inside Norman. Only now he realises what has he done, it's the same as what the demons did to them.
Mar 4, 2021 10:36 AM
Oct 2016
There's a pattern with these latest episodes where they're similar but different from the manga. There's some similarities but some huge differences too. Anyways, this episode we got Norman going down a slippery slope with his decisions. Unleashing that degenerating gas upon the demon town even before Emma and Ray could get back to finish their deal. My soul hurt a ton seeing what happened to the demons. Husbands turning on wives, children's losing their parents, citizens having to fight off their degenerated neighbor, it was horrific to see even for demons. We saw all that Norman went through at the Lambda facility but he needs some help to not become this evil person. Emma needs to show him.
Mar 4, 2021 10:39 AM
Nov 2015
okay this episode was quite good and there was a LOT that i liked, especially on norman's side of the episode. if you caught me tearing up that's on me for slipping

also yeah it's cheesy but the demon girl named emma had me ;_;

also also i wonder what isabella's up to lol
alcamothMar 4, 2021 10:42 AM
Mar 4, 2021 10:41 AM

Jun 2019
That was a really good episode. James Ratri, a new character gets introduced in this episode. Seeing things from Norman's POV says different things. All those kids being the test subjects was pretty hard to watch. Norman's escape plan was a pretty big brain move.
On the other hand, Emma found Sonju and Mujika but it's too late. They already destroyed that demon's village. Felt pretty bad there as well for the demons. That soundtrack was amazing. Really amazing episode.
Mar 4, 2021 10:42 AM

Jul 2020
THE BEST EPISODE SO FAR! Such and emotional rollecoaster, and that ending, perfection. Thought cloverworks was smoking some tar or something with the pacing of the intial episodes but this one certainly bangs.
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Mar 4, 2021 10:46 AM
Apr 2020
Another episode filled with mistakes. Its not a bad episode by any means, but its still faulty.

They literally reveal nothing in Norman's backstory except the name of Peter Ratri. What was the point of telling us he was experimented upon earlier when you were gonna show this anyway? No detailing of the facility, Ratri, the tests or what they were actualy experimenting him for.

Don't explain how he got the explosives or actually escaped. No clue how they made the degenerating drug either.

The Ray-Emma part is straightforward and uses same old tropes, Emma close to being killed just when Mujica and Sonju come save the day. CGI throughout the season has been terrible.
No reason why Don and Gilda were even there to begin with; they add nothing of significance to the screen.

The massacre-ing part was really well done though. The sound track was good, Norman's direction overall was fantastic, built an ominous mood which was reminiscent of S1.

But again, the MC gets what the MC wants. The show that tried to push the boundaries and do something different in its first season has fallen back to the old repeated shounen tropes.
Pretty sure Norman will tell Emma he didn't really want to do this in the first place and they'll hug it out and make up in the next episode with the way the show is going.

Wasn't really a bad episode to be fair, it might even be one of the best ones, but reveals nothing of significance that someone with half a brain didn't already know.
PBandJakeMar 4, 2021 10:53 AM
Mar 4, 2021 10:47 AM
Aug 2020
I think this episode was definitely the best out of all of the ones that have come out so far. We finally got to see a little of what happened to Norman and him having this internal dilemma at the end of the episode. Finally this is the kind of content we needed from the beginning of the series however unfortunately the first 7 ep were pretty bad but maybe theres still a little hope for tpn we'll have to wait and see....

-camile <3
Mar 4, 2021 10:47 AM

Feb 2021
The parts with Norman at the start were fine, went downhill when it went back to Emma, I agree that it's the best episode so far, but still not good
Mar 4, 2021 10:49 AM
Oct 2020
Manga readers, I need to know, was there supposed to be more shown about how Norman escaped the facility? Cause to me it seemed like they went from him getting there and escaping in a span of 2-3 fucking minutes and I wanna know if I missed out on something
Mar 4, 2021 10:49 AM

Jan 2021
I was not expecting so many shocks in one episode. At first the whole Lamda thing was quite disturbing and also poor Norman. As if killing his siblings wasn't enough, the demons also tortured him. I really was convinced someone was gong to die to the wild demon since the show is now going anime original but there swooped in Sonju and Mujika. At the end of the episode when they destroyed the demon I was sad that the families were eating each other even if they were demons. I was going to be heartbroken if anything had happened to the little demon and her grandfather. Luckily they survived for now since the grandfather had the "evil blood".

I feel like there is a lot of things missing tho. Like what exactly happened to the other kids that are Norman's gang and also what is Isabella doing. Like they told her to hunt down the missing children since before Norman was introduce again so what has she been doing this whole time.
Mar 4, 2021 10:52 AM

Feb 2021
Also, seeing the cgi demon again attacking the kids just made me laugh so hard, it's such a terrible, terrible looking thing you just have to laugh
Mar 4, 2021 10:52 AM

Jan 2021
Wow, this episode is definitely the best of the season
The soundtrack they have chosen were really great but that CGI demon was so weird xdd
In the end Norman can't do it (μ_μ)
Mar 4, 2021 10:53 AM

Nov 2019
So this episode was something... Either way, Norman's darkness is showing
Old demon actually was a plot point huh. Too bad Norman's plans are being shot down right off the bat
Seems like we'll get a similar results from this part like it was in the manga
On another note, CGI demon is ridiculous, please stop -_-

Bwoarck said:
Manga readers, I need to know, was there supposed to be more shown about how Norman escaped the facility? Cause to me it seemed like they went from him getting there and escaping in a span of 2-3 fucking minutes and I wanna know if I missed out on something

Just go read the manga lol
Mar 4, 2021 10:54 AM

Jan 2014
Damn, what an episode for sure. Made me keen and interested for next week's ep for sure.
Mar 4, 2021 10:58 AM
Mar 2018
The pacing was all over the place goddamit ;_;
Mar 4, 2021 10:58 AM
Jan 2021
Norman in that cliff scene reminded me so much of Eren Jaeger from
The latest Attack on Titan episode. And in many ways their plans/goals are similar too. Doesn’t mean anything but it’s an interesting connection
Mar 4, 2021 10:59 AM

Aug 2020
Emma found Sonju and Mujika but it's already too late I guess.
Mar 4, 2021 11:01 AM
Feb 2021
Loved this episode
Had some awesome moments and personally I think it's one of the best episodes so far if not the best.
Mar 4, 2021 11:04 AM

Apr 2017
I don't know what's going on with Norman, but he should at least know that he can't be half-hearted.
Mar 4, 2021 11:08 AM

Feb 2019
Ok, not bad.
I had lost all hope in this anime, but this ep gave me a second try

[Edit] Also, very good ost
Mar 4, 2021 11:17 AM

Feb 2019
It’s hard to even care about the lambda stuff with how GP was removed and everything else they’ve skipped. The backstory was probably objectively good, but it was just hard to get invested

Norman being aged up would’ve been much better as well.

On its own merits though, definitely the best OG episode. That shot of Norman and the squad on top of the pillars overlooking the city was sick. The OST gave off Kaijura vibes too for a bit there

Last few weeks pretty much confirming that they do plan to end the whole story by the end of this season
Marinate1016Mar 4, 2021 11:26 AM
Mar 4, 2021 11:19 AM

Jan 2021
A mere 6 minutes of explanation for Norman's drastic character change. In all honesty, this episode on it's own is pretty good. While the outcome of this episode is a logical one, it is only logical and therefore well executed when there is enough background and motivation behind it. 6 minutes of hardly vital context of Norman's second escape and his motivation of "protecting his family" remaining the same, what has been presented in the anime isn't nearly enough justification. This feels like it should be the cliffhanger or mid-season event of a 3rd or even 4th season, after we know a lot, and I mean a LOT more context and detail to the story. No matter what Season 2 does at this point, there is no chance of recovering from it's horrible pacing, structure, and numerous plot-holes.
Mar 4, 2021 11:23 AM

Sep 2019
I liked this episode. I felt really bad for the demons, especially when the kid demon started crying with her grandpa. The ost was great and it made those scenes even sadder.
Mar 4, 2021 11:30 AM

Aug 2016
The minute the demon-grandchild's name was revealed I knew this moment was coming........

“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 4, 2021 11:32 AM
Apr 2016
When will they finally realize the demons and humans simply can't live together? The demons became humanoid beings just because they have eaten a whole lot of humans... Even if they all received Mujika's blood and somehow became able to retain their form even without having to eat humans, most, if not all, of them would still have unquenchable thirst for the human meat (like the old grandpa)... It's simply in their genes and their nature.

So, either will Emma choose to annihilate all the monsters, to save not just her family but all those hundreds of billions kids who would be eaten in the future otherwise, or she is going to save them and let all the humans die...

I really hope this isn't going to end with the monsters surviving...
Mar 4, 2021 11:33 AM

May 2015
Did they just pull a Batman v Superman on us? Save... Emma...
Mar 4, 2021 11:38 AM

Aug 2010
This anime has taken out all the good stuff from the manga and literally replaced it with nothing at all. Just long exposition dumps that dont reveal all that much.
We wasted 8 episodes to get to this point. That was plenty of time to do all the cool stuff and still end up where we should.
Also this season treats all the kids like theyre not super geniuses. In this season they're all just dumb baby kids.

Also, this show just had a Batman V Superman "Martha" moment... awful - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Mar 4, 2021 11:40 AM

Aug 2013
So the plan to kill off the demons by having them degenerate is working well. It looks like Norman is having second thoughts after encountering the demon girl Emma and her grandfather, and it seems he somehow received Mujika's blood.

Mar 4, 2021 11:41 AM

Jun 2015
Its good that we're able to see what happened to Norman in the time he went missing. The contrast with Emma and teams hunt for Sanju and Mujika though was a nice touch. The effects of the drug though really was terrifying. Even though his will and determination was there the results of it were far more than he expected. Overall an interesting ep that balanced out action with a sense of twisted horror at seeing innocent demons be reduced back to their base instincts and turn and kill their friends and families. Though it was long awaited seeing Norman become the villain sure is unnerving.
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Mar 4, 2021 11:47 AM
Jan 2021
resident manga crybaby here - first 8 minutes were really good! We got slightly more info about the lambda escape than the manga, and it was well done. The drug test on the village was amazing too. The demon girl named Emma. Nice Job. Almost makes me want to bump up my score of the show from a 1 to a 2 or 3. Almost.

negatives: while i enjoyed what we did get of the lambda escape, it was far too short. It deserved an entire episode, but this anime is rushing to the end so they couldn't spare that I suppose. wild demons look so bad compared to manga. why did we cut to the kid's shelter in the middle of an already dumbed down mujika/sonju search? boring demon chase scene. the necklace being dumbed down to being how mujika notices the kids are around... sigh. Show continues to dissapoint... The biggest dissapointment is that the positives of this episode were not put into a good adaptation. That they have to be stuck in this shit.
Mar 4, 2021 11:47 AM
Jul 2018
This is the best episode so far! It had its downsides, but there's not much else to be expected by this season anyways. The general art and animation (not counting the CG for christs sake) show how good this season could've been, had the studio just decided to follow the manga and not skip entire arcs...

removed-userMar 4, 2021 11:52 AM
Mar 4, 2021 11:53 AM
Jan 2021
Bwoarck said:
Manga readers, I need to know, was there supposed to be more shown about how Norman escaped the facility? Cause to me it seemed like they went from him getting there and escaping in a span of 2-3 fucking minutes and I wanna know if I missed out on something

this is either abt the same/slightly more than we got in the manga abt it depending on how you look at it. either way i liked the execution. definitely not enough, but it made my angry ass happy for a moment
Mar 4, 2021 11:53 AM

Mar 2016
Emma: Don't kill them!
Norman: Awww, maaaannnn....

Me: *facepalms hard*

How much worse can this shitfest get? Imagine rating this higher than something like JJK and MT and claiming sanity intact.

EDIT: sure this episode may be supposedly more intense but it still managed to bore me even more. Rushing everything like no tomorrow, no coherency in terms of fleshing out anything which makes everything so surface level, and then ofc the deliriously redundant situation regarding Emma and Norman’s mindsets. This is beyond salvation now.
RyuseishunMar 4, 2021 3:15 PM
Mar 4, 2021 11:57 AM
Jul 2018
Norman is an absolute badass exterminating those demons! The real og of this season

Also, still waiting for Emma to abandon her stupid simplistic ideals
Mar 4, 2021 12:14 PM

Jul 2017
Pacing was rushed again but I actually thought that episode was pretty damn intense, especially with regards to the music. The CG was pretty rough but at least this episode overall had some interesting content and a bit more of an intense and unforgiving feel compared to a lot of the previous episodes in this particular season. Not perfect, especially since the buildup was rushed and too condensed, but not bad of an episode either by any means.
Mar 4, 2021 12:14 PM
Sep 2020
I read the manga so this whole season has been a train wreck imo but this episode had me on the edge of my seat ngl
Mar 4, 2021 12:15 PM

Nov 2014
Ardis160 said:
Actually not that bad of an episode, which is surprising.
Probably the best one since EP2
agreed. first half was boring though but latter half was interesting. still, because of how much content they cut out, we didn't get a chance to understand and befriend the demons so seeing them suffer in this episode didn't really pull my heartstrings
Mar 4, 2021 12:24 PM

Sep 2018
Except for the stupid BvS 'Martha' moment Norman had towards the end there, this was actually a pretty good episode. Nowhere near the heights of season 1, but compared to the rest of season 2 this was pretty compelling. It might've been nice if they spent some more time on the escape from Lambda, though. Sure, it seems like they're trying to wrap up the whole story this season so there's obviously time constraints, but if they're going for something anime original, a break-out arc similar to a shorter Grace Field might not have been too bad. At least, it would better explain how Norman managed to get explosives other than him just saying he could. I assume Smee somehow smuggled them past the 24/7 surveillance to get them to him, but it could've been interesting to have been shown that instead of told it.
Mar 4, 2021 12:33 PM

Jun 2014
This episode was pretty decent I guess, but that doesn't really matter much at this point given how this season has gone lol. With only 3 episodes left, this is beyond salvation, time to just see how they plan to end it. And lol that hesitation from Norman to kill the little demon girl after hearing her name was Emma reminded me of the whole "Martha" moment from Batman vs. Superman xD
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 4, 2021 12:35 PM
Sep 2016
DID they actually just pull a MARTHA on US?!?!?!?!?!
Mar 4, 2021 12:38 PM
Jan 2013
That episode was quite good. It almost made up for complete erasure of all named demons, but it was a really cheap trick that the kid was also named Emma.
Mar 4, 2021 12:58 PM

Feb 2020
i hate everything that is going on rn the way they scrapped the manga but

that scene with baby norman staring at emma made me nearly tear up ): poor norman going through all that hardship alone..

was the scene with the emma demon and her grandfather in the manga? i read the manga but i literally forget sm lmao i didn't know there were others like mujika
Mar 4, 2021 1:09 PM

Dec 2018
Super Grandpa demon: Emma!
Bat Norman: Why did you say that name?

Really? As if it was not already bad enough this is the kind of cheesy writing they will use to solve everything?

Mar 4, 2021 1:10 PM

Jul 2017
Rejoice anime watchers, I do not hate this episode!

The anime original scenes e.g. the massacre at the demon town was good. When Norman turned and Emma’s perception is child Norman was cool. The soundtracks during the massacre elevated the unsettling feeling of demons overloading & eating each other.

The anime made the demons more sympathetic and Norman conflicted with his decision to kill the demons, whereas manga Norman poisoned most of the town no hesitation.

Note: Manga Norman is older and he weren’t there when he poisoned the demon town because it was only a diversion to his main objective. I doubt the anime will mention
since there’s only three episodes left.

What I didn’t like:

Norman and gang’s time at Lamba was rushed.

Emma’s magical fast travel to stop Norman. The group was days away and you expect me to believe Emma and Co. saw what was happening and got their in a few hours? (being generous)

The demon girl being named Emma. I get what the writers was going for but it’s too on the nose like Martha in BvS.
FlexstyleMar 6, 2021 5:43 AM
Mar 4, 2021 1:15 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
It honestly felt a little good when Norman realized he became the exact thing he's trying to destroy.
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