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Sep 18, 2020 11:09 PM

Oct 2017
This was aired in Funi.

Damn one orchestra after another, all of em were pretty decent but ofc they couldn't make the desired amount of mana and that's when our girls finally appeared and performed their amazing orchestra. It was really good. The dance motions of all the orchestras were great. I liked all their costumes too, specially Yue's groups. That costume reminded me of A-RISE's(Love Live) costume.

Chloe was dope, she's op and cool.

Thou can't believe the highlight of this episode wasn't defeating the monsters but it was Tiara and Eliza. The memories shown was quite touching and Eliza really is a great sister. She almost lost her voice saving Tiara damn. But it's time for LiGHTS and everyone else to help Eliza recover and I'm sure they'll manage to do that someday but too bad we won't get to see it happen.

Pretty good anime overall, kinda got boring in the middle but I liked it. All of the girls were really cute and had unique personalities.
MegamiRemSep 18, 2020 11:16 PM
Sep 18, 2020 11:32 PM

Oct 2012
The plot was silly and I never felt like I really got to know any of the characters so overall I thought this was a pretty weak show but I did enjoy the finale. Looks like the girls are going to be welcomed back into the school. They can become witches - yay!
Sep 19, 2020 1:37 AM

Mar 2018
Pretty generic story, however I really liked the songs especially in the last episode. Let's not forget about the Power of Friendship!!
I curse you, Sadistic☆Candy. I somehow have "AME-CHAN AME-CHAN" in my head now playing over and over and over again!
I also like the IV KLORE song in this episode, I just love the dark / gothic-y type of song with the whole animations and gimmicks flying around.

I would appreciate a second season to expand more on the other personalities as there are quite some to tell.
Koito91Sep 19, 2020 1:41 AM

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Sep 19, 2020 6:30 AM

Feb 2018
finally this is over, Tiara's memory is very sad really. Eliza have a beautiful voice now had to lose her voice. The reason is Tiara, Onee-chan will always on your side imouto-san, is so awesome, I also like ED songs.

Sep 19, 2020 7:33 AM

Apr 2018
Decent end for this anime, the orchestra part was pretty fire to be honest, most of the songs were catchy.
And good explanations about Tiara's sister voice + the illness, I hope to see a second season where they all help the sister to get her voice back

6/10, fine anime overall
Sep 19, 2020 7:35 AM

Mar 2018
Concert-wise, such a grand finale but story-wise, felt like they rushed and nothing's solved. The hair accessory bs completely came out of nowhere and the girls are reinstated into the school just like that. Why bother kicking them out in the first place lol. The ending felt a bit incomplete and left me unsatisfied. Might need an epilogue OVA or something.

Still, they saved the best songs for last episode. I enjoyed all of them and already listened 4 times each now. A cute little idol show I enjoyed quite a lot this season despite its flaws. Probably gonna rewatch it while waiting for next season's shows.


Sep 19, 2020 7:43 AM
Jul 2018
The end was rather tame in my opinion...(decent, yes, but also not as rockin') the explanation took up around half of the episode then followed with an ending credits-roll with a dark screen, no additional static scenes to show more of what happens after Tiara starts singing...
Then we get an end scene showing the girls ranked up to Rouge-rank. I mean, I know they will obviously be allowed back to school as a reward for helping but it would probably have been more rockin' to actually get to see the girls' reactions at being allowed back to school...
Sep 19, 2020 7:51 AM

Mar 2019
Beautiful. Wonderful.The last episode almost made me cry.
In my opinion one of the best anime of the year.

Really hope for the second season to see where the journey of our girls continues
Sep 19, 2020 8:15 AM

Jan 2014
Felt fun and interesting at first in the first few couple of eps. Then just eeeeeeeeeeh for a few eps, and final ep was alright. Fun show, but middle of the park at best.
Sep 19, 2020 8:18 AM

Oct 2007
can feel the tension when Chloe and the soldiers are fighting the monsters. They almost got killed. The prism wall got activated just in time.

" this isn't so bad" scene. Yuzuriha harass Eliza during her sleep. lol

Eliza almost lose voice.. but everyone will help get it back.

I want to see a special episode where Ray is fighting monsters in the past.

and LiGHTs got promoted to higher rank! :)

received the LiGHTs cd ordered from cdjapan.

I thank Fedex Express, arrived so fast.

these are what's inside. The two at the top are stickers. :)

the staff are written, and the groups.

Satisfied. The cd sounds so nice when I tested it.
Liddo-kunSep 19, 2020 8:21 AM
Sep 19, 2020 8:24 AM

Jun 2015
The first of my season finales and damn have our girls set the bar high! I wasn't expecting the head mistress to be such a bad ass but damn was she laying down some hurt. Full on concert from all the groups, humans seemed totally clueless to whats going on, but heck, if I had some glow sticks I would of been waving them. Then that end. Damn. Feelings over loaded. For a moment I even though MC was actually dead and had been some kind of spirit creature concentrated in the head band and had been released after serving its purpose.. Phew. So glad it didn't go down like that.

Loved it, fun show, a worthy watch.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Sep 19, 2020 8:54 AM

Jan 2020
I enjoyed this episode tbh. Since it's the last episode I wasn't expecting them to reveal something like the illness

Sep 19, 2020 8:55 AM

Jun 2017
NGL, this was easily the best episode and very fitting for the closure too. One performance after the next for about 10 minutes straight, certainly felt a little different but it was cool to see the girls hyping it up.

Finally, some secrets revealed as well. Using Aria to the point of destroying her voice, that's some sisterly dedication right there! Lol @ little scene of the mother and the maid. Just how old is the maid though?!

Didn't expect the Principal to literally go out there to have a little trashing though. I thought for sure she went out there to sing or something of the sort, lol.

Fixing Onee-chan's voice, I feel like they could literally make a 2nd Season with this. I'm not exactly sure if I'll stick around for that since I found this anime to be 'meh' but why not considering how popular it is?
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 19, 2020 9:01 AM

Oct 2016
the hell's an Aria?

i feel like im missing something important... did they ever explain it?
Sep 19, 2020 9:14 AM

Dec 2012
i love this show
Sep 19, 2020 9:26 AM

Nov 2017
Wow, as far as high-stakes, sudden-drama, final fight, monster invasion, info-dump, big reveal, last-minute comeback save, idol concert, onee-finally-acknowledged-me, tearful reconciliation, all-during-a-solar-eclipse series finales go, this one tops them all 😄 Yet despite all that, it still somehow managed to be kinda weak, mostly because they packed so much into this episode (after meandering through the rest of the series), giving half of the events NO setup and leaving the other half very formulaic, and with several loose ends 🙁 Plenty of CGDCT and halfway decent character writing though. 6/10 🙂
Sep 19, 2020 9:30 AM

Jan 2020
After seeing headmistress today, She has the right to be a chuuni
Sep 19, 2020 10:00 AM
Oct 2018
What was this show about again lmao???
Sep 19, 2020 10:31 AM

Mar 2007
I can only use the word lovely to describe this lovely anime! That medley reminded me of Macross F. This might be my AOTS.

Also what plot are you guys talking about? You're thinking too hard if you think this had a plot. This was just a lovely anime about lovely girls singing lovely songs. Not everything needs a plot to be good.

If I wasn't a Kanahana hater I'd give this a 10. Instead it gets a 9. A lovely 9.
Sep 19, 2020 10:44 AM

Dec 2013
That was a fun show, I liked the 3d models / animation and choreographies and the songs were pretty catchy, I would have loved if they would have showed more of the fighting on that world like on this final episode.
Sep 19, 2020 11:06 AM

Feb 2020
I had a tremble look watching this finale. I also had a mixed feels after watching this. So, i need to put up my word into a spoiler button to dug off my drunken words:

Thats it for me.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Sep 19, 2020 12:00 PM

Oct 2009
Could the ending indicate that there's a possibility of a season 2?
Sep 19, 2020 12:12 PM

Jul 2015
It was an amazing show. I don't understand why so many people are sleeping on this.
Definetely the most underrated show this year.

Sep 19, 2020 12:45 PM

May 2011
I enjoyed watching Lapis Re:light this season.I hope they make a sequel.
''I was dead serious''

Sep 19, 2020 1:34 PM
Nov 2019
The episode didn't make much sense. No explanation of the battle apart from a few side comments in the previous episodes, no introduction to the festival or how the defense works with ?emotional response?.
The development in the school was relatively slow paced for such an ending. It felt like they expected to get 24 episodes and then were told after the 11th that the next one is the last.
Sep 19, 2020 1:57 PM

Mar 2020
I have to admit I liked this anime a whole lot. I hope they make a season 2 continuing her older sister story.
Sep 19, 2020 2:45 PM

Jul 2012
This episode was one of the weaker ones. I think it should've had at least one more episode since this felt kind of rushed to me.

Also, I'm really upset it wasn't the OP that was used for the "finishing song." I thought they would use that either to heal Eliza or finish the mana requirement.

That being said, this show was really cute. The animation at times was AMAZING, and I wasn't expecting that from this show. Would've been better I think if they would've either focused more on magic, or more on orchestras, this needs a second season to really tell it's full story I think.

Oh, and this show was really funny. I wasn't expecting that at all.

I'm giving it a 6/10 I think.

Gar_Logan said:
There is a part near the end where Eliza is talking but her mouth/face doesn't move at all XD

Did you miss the whole "device that turns thoughts into sound thing" or....
Sep 19, 2020 3:01 PM

Apr 2009
welp i must forgive Eliza and Chloe here and guess what they give their best anyway but i can sympathize Eliza for caring her lil' sis in times of sickness but in exchange her loss of speaking ability and on the other hand looks like the girls finally get back to that school but we dunno if there's a 2nd season for this and now that this show's over i must finish the remaining episodes of Houkago Teiibou Nishii bcoz the fishing antics still in my brain
The current game that i play: Azur Lane :3

Sep 19, 2020 3:07 PM

Jul 2008
Phoenix_Trite said:

Gar_Logan said:
There is a part near the end where Eliza is talking but her mouth/face doesn't move at all XD

Did you miss the whole "device that turns thoughts into sound thing" or....

Oh whoops XD never mind
Sep 19, 2020 3:14 PM

Jan 2010
It was a nice ending with open window for second season looking for eliza voice. What I liked most of this is that was a idol anime with magic academy, but they didn't focus in the idol part like always and they showed a lot of the magic world, it was nice and I know now that witches can fight too.

7/10, I would see a second season.
Sep 19, 2020 4:01 PM
Mar 2020
Fun anime. I loved the Finale Mega Orchestra. Overall, 7/10. I hope there's a 2nd season! Too bad this anime wasn't really popular on Reddit.
Sep 19, 2020 4:10 PM

May 2018
This was a fun watch, I liked the songs and enjoyed watching these girls strengthen their relationships/friendships with each other.

This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
Sep 19, 2020 4:11 PM

Oct 2007
badabass said:
I had a tremble look watching this finale. I also had a mixed feels after watching this. So, i need to put up my word into a spoiler button to dug off my drunken words:

Thats it for me.

yeah, Chloe never apologized..
Sep 19, 2020 4:20 PM

Jul 2015
Lapis was definitely one of the highlights of this season to me thanks to its likeable cast and the fantastic comedy that gave me lots of fun from start to end. I will especially miss Lavie being the lovable dummy she is and Alpha reminding everyone that Garnet is indeed not alive haha.

I hope this multimedia project ends up having success so we get a sequel, because I most certainly want more!
Sep 19, 2020 6:32 PM

Jan 2011
i'm a big sucker for this kind of shit but i did genuinely enjoy the comedy in this for a idol-ish CGDCT while the plot won't win any awards it does have a touching conclusion between Tiara and her sister and i enjoyed the characters while being somewhat dumb and the music these new songs for the finale were bangers for all the groups

plus it just looked really nice sorta felt like the ending act of a movie though i wish it didn't end so abrupt hoping we get more

flat 7/10
Sep 19, 2020 7:22 PM

Feb 2014
Hm, 7.5/10

It was enjoyable and it had a few light and nice comedy scenes mixed with yuri fanservice (which I do apprecite hehe~)

I liked how differently from many Idol animes, this one wasnt much boring (that is one of the reasons I liked a lot AKB0048)

Still, what is the exactly reason her onee-san lost her voice? I mean... she lost it by singing and to protect/cure Tiara, but... why by doing that she had to lose her voice? Why that.
Vi-Sep 19, 2020 7:31 PM
Sep 19, 2020 7:24 PM
May 2016
Great ending. Very fun show overall. Loved the singing and though I'm not a fan of CG, it was really done well on this show. All the girls were super cute 7/10 for me.
Sep 19, 2020 7:31 PM
May 2016
Vi- said:
Hm, 7.5/10

It was enjoyable and it had a few light and nice comedy scenes mixed with yuri fanservice (which I do apprecite hehe~)

Still, what is the exactly reason her onee-san lost her voice? I mean... she lost it by singing and to protect/cure Tiara, but... why by doing that she had to lose her voice?

She used the tiara to turn it into mana to cure Tia's illness. Apparently it magically "took" her voice and exchanged it for mana, "equivalent exchange"? Or is that another show? ;)
Sep 19, 2020 7:32 PM

Feb 2020
Liddo-kun said:

yeah, Chloe never apologized..

Overall the show shall be great for me. However, Chloe dissappeared in the end without even add a single scene of her truly my one and only complain. XD
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Sep 19, 2020 8:26 PM

Feb 2014
MenchiK1 said:
Vi- said:
Hm, 7.5/10

It was enjoyable and it had a few light and nice comedy scenes mixed with yuri fanservice (which I do apprecite hehe~)

Still, what is the exactly reason her onee-san lost her voice? I mean... she lost it by singing and to protect/cure Tiara, but... why by doing that she had to lose her voice?

She used the tiara to turn it into mana to cure Tia's illness. Apparently it magically "took" her voice and exchanged it for mana, "equivalent exchange"? Or is that another show? ;)

Yes! That was my guess as well.

I guess that is one of those questions that does not has a solid explanation to it. You have to just magically accept it haha xD
Sep 19, 2020 10:17 PM

Dec 2007
With the severe amount of music/idol anime these days, this one does nothing to stand out from the pack, and by the end of 12 episodes, I will remember none of the characters by tomorrow. Yue was designed to be sort of an antagonistic rival character, but even that was hardly even played out, and I don't remember her 2 companions at all. Music is pretty decent (I liked Konohana no Otome), but otherwise, generic and overly simple plot (if you can even call it a plot) with cute, but unmemorable characters.
Sep 19, 2020 10:32 PM
Sep 2020
Anime ini cukup bagus dan rekomendasi sekali endingnya juga sangat bagus. Kira kira apakah ada season 2nya ya?
Sep 19, 2020 10:36 PM
Sep 2020
Ending yang cukup bagus dan sangat bagus untuk alur ceritanya yang lumayan ringan. Apa nanti ada s2nya? Mohon dijawab
Sep 20, 2020 12:45 AM

Aug 2018
Kinda a messy final episode honestly. Like I previous mentioned: way too many fun charathers with so little time. Lynette being my favorite of the main group, while also enjoying the moments of Garnet, Salsa, Alpha, Nadeshiko, Champe, Maryberry, ...

Without a second season Lapis Re:LiGHTs is pretty much bag of dissapointment and wanting more honestly. Did it acchieved in selling me anything? No. I'll never even could play the gaccha game anyway even if I wanted to. But a second season? Yeah, I don't see that happening sadly. I would be suprised and watch it for sure when that's a thing, but I'm not counting on it. Maybe atleast we might hear anything new from all these newer voice actors I'm not really familiar with. That's maybe atleast something. Right?
Timz0rSep 20, 2020 12:50 AM
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Please come drink tea, eat cake and procrastinate at the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Club. We have simulwatches! \o/
Sep 20, 2020 6:02 AM

May 2016
They give us a great Bath Scene with a lot of girls Naked Butts but they didn't show us Tia naked butt and I was a little disappointed BUT they show us Tia naked butt in the last episode with a lot of angles I was really happy 😌
And as for the anime in general it was very good not really bad
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Sep 20, 2020 6:31 AM

Dec 2018
The last episode felt a bit rushed to be honest . But on the other hand it looks like we get a season two of this lovely Yuri/Idol

I love the ending and to see the cute lesbian couple Garnet and Emilia clinging on to each other.I felt really sorry for Garnet. Being all alone in that house except for that stupid doll keeping her company . Now she have a lot of friends. And also a girlfriend ,that made me so glad . In the next season I want a lesbian wedding between the cute lovebirds,,,YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES

But most importantly for me and my taste, Is that all the girls at the school are my pure well behaved lesbians .They never talked about males or anything else that piss me the hell of . They dont seem to like boys very much and that made me so happy

Overall it was so much fun and gay, It even have a lesbian kiss,,,,YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! I love it and consider it to be the best Summer anime of 2020. My pure little lesbians get 10/10 ofc, They have deserved it. Good job angels

Yuri-CrusaderSep 20, 2020 11:20 AM
Sep 20, 2020 7:40 AM

Sep 2020
I Really love This Anime <33

Sep 20, 2020 10:38 AM

Sep 2019
It's hard to rate this show for me personally.

This episode had nice music but overall this show was rather pretty mediocre.

5/10 for me.
Sep 20, 2020 11:33 AM

Apr 2015
The performances were pretty great, Re:LiGHTs really stole the spotlight there. But man, 6 songs cramped into the first 10 minutes.. If anything, I would have been nicer to see it spread out more with perhaps a 13th episode as it;s conclusion. oh well :P

Chloe is badass though!

Those memories had something rather questionable stored in them, Yuzuriha clinging to Eliza, Eliza kicking her out and then.... Well, that was quite some interesting
right there.

Also, second season? or prequel?.. Need more Yuzuriha, that Sakura Ayane voice!!
8/10, I could nitpick about a lot in this show, but I just immensely enjoyed it!
Sep 20, 2020 12:54 PM

Jul 2017
If you'd ask me, this ending was somewhat paltry in comparison to what the entire show was supposed to advertise in the first place: the idol-fest and it's special ingredient: magic. And it did do those two to a fine degree combining all the idol groups' Orchestras together. But obviously, that isn't enough, so to create all of it together, LiGHTs show up for a reunification.

The true meat of the problem is between Eliza and Tiara, and the undisclosed reason for the older sister losing her voice to save the younger sister's one due to her illness. All's well that ends well?

HalRyder said:
With the severe amount of music/idol anime these days, this one does nothing to stand out from the pack, and by the end of 12 episodes, I will remember none of the characters by tomorrow. Yue was designed to be sort of an antagonistic rival character, but even that was hardly even played out, and I don't remember her 2 companions at all. Music is pretty decent (I liked Konohana no Otome), but otherwise, generic and overly simple plot (if you can even call it a plot) with cute, but unmemorable characters.
Pretty much I've wanted to stress from the very beginning, the idol/music clicheness should be an indication that no matter how different the concept is, the genre will always define what the source is at the very core. The music does impact some, but the self-contained story itself is just too contrived to make believe (just like pretty much every Disney movie of "magic" charm that's long gone).

Timz0r said:
Kinda a messy final episode honestly. Like I previous mentioned: way too many fun charathers with so little time. Lynette being my favorite of the main group, while also enjoying the moments of Garnet, Salsa, Alpha, Nadeshiko, Champe, Maryberry, ...

Without a second season Lapis Re:LiGHTs is pretty much bag of dissapointment and wanting more honestly. Did it acchieved in selling me anything? No. I'll never even could play the gaccha game anyway even if I wanted to. But a second season? Yeah, I don't see that happening sadly. I would be suprised and watch it for sure when that's a thing, but I'm not counting on it. Maybe atleast we might hear anything new from all these newer voice actors I'm not really familiar with. That's maybe atleast something. Right?
50/50 agree that this needs a Season 2, but I bet that this show (like anoy other mixed-media project) is just the advertisement to the game itself, and so shan't hope for that instead...or rather, this is a fine end to anything I wanted to be in relation to Lapis:ReLiGHTs as a whole.

In the end, I've wished I could do a review of this, but my explainations probably woudn't cut it due to the conflict of comedy and drama in an idol show. Oh well, at least it ended well on a good note, and understood why this'll be enjoyable for the majority.
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