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The Quintessential Quintuplets
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Feb 16, 2020 5:43 PM

Nov 2015
Imo it was quite a solid ending with one girl winning and that dream part is idiotic for stupid people, saying it ruined everything is really not true, people cared about who was going to win and the voyage they took in order to get to the conffesion part, wedding was most unimportant thing that for some reason was SO IMPORTANT that the dream ruined everything.

Overall quite a good series, was much stronger at the beggining but that's with most romcom's and i like it that author didn't drag it out too long. I was a Miku fan so that't a disapointment but the chosen girl is still logical option.

Take care
Bronos23Feb 4, 2021 7:28 AM
You cannot spell Light without L
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Feb 16, 2020 7:09 PM

Sep 2018
I feel like miku had the most panels where she got teased with futaro, (i should probably count every panel to prove it empirically). i don't mind yotsuba winning, but at the same time it wasn't teased as much as with miku so its a little weird...

i dont think the ending of any series can get as bad as shokugeki no somas... people who say that a harem series is completely ruined because their ship didn't sail should honestly try to draw their own spinoff and write their own ending, then have a vote to see which one is actually more well written. i also don't agree with the logic that "the one you can tell apart is the one you love because it takes love to tell one apart", like nope, a springy energetic personality like yotsuba's is noticeable from a mile away lol... like i really don't have t try even. It doesn't mean i love her just because i notice

overall good series, i honestly dont think i could do better, the author is great at pacing and framing action
jesteriFeb 16, 2020 8:36 PM
Feb 16, 2020 7:36 PM
Apr 2012
(Copied from another thread)

Since the chapter discussions have just devolved into a pit of salt, I'll say it right here: I could not have asked for a better way for this to end. Without backing down from Negi's decision to choose Yotsuba, it still validates the development each and everyone of these sisters have gone through.

As for the ending, It's pretty clear by the line about picking a place once before that this took place before the time skip. They've been playing around with the flashbacks and flashforwards for quite some time.
Feb 16, 2020 7:58 PM

Dec 2014
jesteri said:

i dont think the ending of any series can get as bad as shokugeki no somas...

hmmm, you haven't read Kono onee-san wa fiction desu, oreimo and Haganai aren't you?
Feb 16, 2020 8:22 PM
Jan 2019
I thought it was alright, but the end did leave me a little unfulfilled. The extra 122.1 chapter actually left me feeling better about the ending than the actual chapter. It wasn't the wedding I expected in any way. I feel like it...just kinda ended. Disappointing sure, but I don't think it deserves hate.
Feb 16, 2020 8:32 PM

Sep 2018
testamentKAISER said:
jesteri said:

i dont think the ending of any series can get as bad as shokugeki no somas...

hmmm, you haven't read Kono onee-san wa fiction desu, oreimo and Haganai aren't you?

nope, did those series...(spoiler on shokugekis ending)
jesteriFeb 16, 2020 8:38 PM
Feb 16, 2020 8:54 PM

Dec 2014
jesteri said:
testamentKAISER said:

hmmm, you haven't read Kono onee-san wa fiction desu, oreimo and Haganai aren't you?

nope, did those series...(spoiler on shokugekis ending)

yes it (SnS) jumped the shark, but those three series i mentioned compared to SnS? SnS is a masterpiece.
Feb 16, 2020 10:11 PM

Jan 2018
I hate the ending but loved the honeymoon thing at least now they all can get a piece of Fuu kun.
Feb 17, 2020 2:25 AM

Nov 2019
people don't like it when their girl loses. that's it.
Feb 17, 2020 3:36 AM

May 2015
Because their best girl didn't win.

Feb 17, 2020 12:52 PM

Feb 2014
IMO it felt rushed
Feb 17, 2020 1:32 PM

Apr 2019
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Because their best girl didn't win.

I didn't like the ending even with my best girl yotsuba won .
Feb 17, 2020 7:37 PM
Feb 2019
Still mad that their fav girl didnt win. It's a solid ending
Feb 18, 2020 1:48 AM
Sep 2019
The problem with the ending for me is its indecisiveness.

Almost as if the manga cannot decide between which we get AMBIGUOUS ending designed to make everyone happy....which at the end of the day does not make everyone happy.

Feb 18, 2020 4:30 AM

Jul 2014
I thought it was fairly obvious it wasnt a dream due to how Negi handled the paneling of showing adult Fuutarou as the last character before ending it.
Anyways it really isn't getting that much hate, here on MAL tho probably, reddit and discord are pretty fine with it and even having fun with the ending.

Anyways the only answer is what TukuyomiREKT said.
Because their best girl didn't win.

Some say its because they didnt like the dip in quality or whatnot but thats really most of them just trying to make their criticism more valid, give them their best girl win and they'd be jumping for joy as well.
Feb 19, 2020 3:52 AM

Aug 2018
Thegib98 said:
The extra 122.1 chapter actually left me feeling better about the ending than the actual chapter.

You're trolling, right?
Don't do this to my heart please.
-On my way to make you confess-

Feb 19, 2020 5:17 PM

Aug 2014
ranzer said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Because their best girl didn't win.

I didn't like the ending even with my best girl yotsuba won .

Because there's no proper Chapter for her.
Admit it Manga was great on the first half then it fell on the 2nd half.

By the end of the story there's no best girl anymore.

Congintive said:
I hate the ending but loved the honeymoon thing at least now they all can get a piece of Fuu kun.

You mean orgy?
Feb 19, 2020 7:58 PM

Jan 2018
Xaelath said:
ranzer said:

I didn't like the ending even with my best girl yotsuba won .

Because there's no proper Chapter for her.
Admit it Manga was great on the first half then it fell on the 2nd half.

By the end of the story there's no best girl anymore.

Congintive said:
I hate the ending but loved the honeymoon thing at least now they all can get a piece of Fuu kun.

You mean orgy?

Gesture is more than enough for a wise man ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Feb 20, 2020 2:58 AM

Jul 2014
Because, and I say this as someone who wasn't exactly invested in any of the five in particular, the ending felt rushed and felt like it didn't show enough of Yotsuba and Futarou together to make it easier for people to accept their relationship.

It also felt like Negi tried to drag the other characters - particularly Nino - down with how he had them act post-confession, rather than doing more with Yotsuba and Futarou's relationship.

There's also the problem of the fact that Yotsuba is, even at the ending, barely even a character compared to the other quintuplets, with little in the way of character development or focus until everything was decided already. I can certainly sympathise with fans of the other girls who felt "cheated" by that.
Feb 20, 2020 8:19 AM
Feb 2016

Atavistic said:
Because, and I say this as someone who wasn't exactly invested in any of the five in particular, the ending felt rushed and felt like it didn't show enough of Yotsuba and Futarou together to make it easier for people to accept their relationship.

It also felt like Negi tried to drag the other characters - particularly Nino - down with how he had them act post-confession, rather than doing more with Yotsuba and Futarou's relationship.

There's also the problem of the fact that Yotsuba is, even at the ending, barely even a character compared to the other quintuplets, with little in the way of character development or focus until everything was decided already. I can certainly sympathise with fans of the other girls who felt "cheated" by that.

These are my exact complaints for this ending and I've seen some Yotsubro fans try and defend this, while others also hate how it was handled. It was a terrible rushed ending and her character was not properly fleshed out compared to Miku, Nino, and even Itsuki. I've given up on harem manga's. I was hoping this one would be different, but honestly it's just the same shit all over again when the least favorable girl wins.

At least the LN's for DxD, Rakudai Kishi, and Shinmai Testament have good romance as well as proper relationships
Feb 21, 2020 2:26 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Atavistic said:
Because, and I say this as someone who wasn't exactly invested in any of the five in particular, the ending felt rushed and felt like it didn't show enough of Yotsuba and Futarou together to make it easier for people to accept their relationship.

It also felt like Negi tried to drag the other characters - particularly Nino - down with how he had them act post-confession, rather than doing more with Yotsuba and Futarou's relationship.

There's also the problem of the fact that Yotsuba is, even at the ending, barely even a character compared to the other quintuplets, with little in the way of character development or focus until everything was decided already. I can certainly sympathise with fans of the other girls who felt "cheated" by that.

You're absolutely spot on with what you wrote here. It's quite simply that the story that Negi presented to us, did not convincingly give us a road to fit the chosen destination. We needed to see much, much more of Yotsuba as a character than what we got. Personally I don't care which girl got chosen as long as we got a good read out of it. But we didn't.

Personally, I feel Negi tried to be too clever and give us a surprise that no one expected. And halfway through the manga Yotsuba easily looked like the least likely option. The problem with that is that then you have give a convincing narrative of why things ended the way they did. Obviously a lot of people didn't feel that he delivered on that.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 21, 2020 3:44 AM
Oct 2018
While there was a dip in quality near the ending most hate is coming because their quint didnt win. Mal is not the best place to judge the reception as it only have same 10-15 people. Reddit and discord has more people even though their are people unsatisfied their as well the degree of different views you get their is better than the blind hate you get here.
Feb 21, 2020 10:17 AM
Mar 2018
I think it's reasonable that Youtsuba is the real bride, we had enough hints about this in series when Yotsuba confessed in the beginning and toss it off as a joke, and then in halfway through when she kissed Futarou to thank him when other sisters was just too embarrassed to even think about it.
About the quality issue, I think that every good series have this what you call a parabola effect in which it's promising in beginning and reaches it's prime in middle and then ending seems bit rushed.
If you ask me, I think it's because of strict publishing schedule which doesn't allow the writer to truly express themselves.
Feb 21, 2020 9:43 PM

Jan 2019
The ending was great and the right girl won, but people are mad because they think it makes no sense or it was forced. There was some dude who wrote like a 15 page analysis on why Yotusba would be the bride back when only like 70 chapters had been released and it was before the A certain boy and I chapters. The dude predicted it to a T and it is one of the greatest things I have ever read. If you think Negi didn't Yotsuba the bride since the beginning, then you are crazy.
Hunter x Hunter is a 1/10
Feb 22, 2020 5:03 AM
Feb 2017
weirdy8 said:
(Copied from another thread)

Since the chapter discussions have just devolved into a pit of salt, I'll say it right here: I could not have asked for a better way for this to end. Without backing down from Negi's decision to choose Yotsuba, it still validates the development each and everyone of these sisters have gone through.

As for the ending, It's pretty clear by the line about picking a place once before that this took place before the time skip. They've been playing around with the flashbacks and flashforwards for quite some time.

Not really as I don't like the ending because firstly I'm an Itsuki fan and she got done dirty this series but also we never address Yotsubas' charecter flaws and try to resolve them. Irrespective of Itsuki being done dirty, if there were a few chapters to flesh out Yotsubas' issues and resolve them and some relationship fluff, I at least wouldn't have disliked the ending. Also the sisters shouldn't tag along for the honeymoon. This is just the harem ending meme come to fruition.
Feb 22, 2020 1:59 PM

Jul 2019
I stopped reading the manga but I know what happens but Nino was the best girl. I never thought (spoilers) Yotsuba would actually win but she did so oh well. I was team Nino and was hoping it would be her but what can you do.
Feb 23, 2020 9:09 PM

Jun 2011
People are just hating the ending because their best girl didn't win.
Feb 24, 2020 11:42 AM
Jul 2018
Rayla said:
People are just hating the ending because their best girl didn't win.
that's a really reductive statement to try to generalize the opinions of everyone who didn't like this as much as you did. there's plenty of folk on this thread of have said time and time again their problems with it and they just get ignored or "hurr durr ur waifu didn't win" is the response they would get.

not that it really matters what other people think of it, all i need is me, myself and I.
Feb 24, 2020 3:23 PM

Jun 2011
wacky_Content said:
Rayla said:
People are just hating the ending because their best girl didn't win.
that's a really reductive statement to try to generalize the opinions of everyone who didn't like this as much as you did. there's plenty of folk on this thread of have said time and time again their problems with it and they just get ignored or "hurr durr ur waifu didn't win" is the response they would get.

not that it really matters what other people think of it, all i need is me, myself and I.

I mean, yes it's a generalization, but it is true.
The ending itself was pretty solid, and most of the comments and criticisms made toward the ending were about how angry people were when Nino or Miku didn't win.
It's not like the ending was unexpected, people new for months that the manga was going to be ending with this last arc, and the arc itself was pretty solid, I mean it's not the best, but it wasn't bad.
It's not like Food Wars where the ending generally left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
Feb 24, 2020 3:32 PM

May 2015
wacky_Content said:
Rayla said:
People are just hating the ending because their best girl didn't win.
that's a really reductive statement to try to generalize the opinions of everyone who didn't like this as much as you did. there's plenty of folk on this thread of have said time and time again their problems with it and they just get ignored or "hurr durr ur waifu didn't win" is the response they would get.

not that it really matters what other people think of it, all i need is me, myself and I.

Eh, idk about that. All I'm gonna say is that I never really saw anyone complaining until Yotsuba was declared the winner. 🤷‍♂️

Feb 24, 2020 4:40 PM
Jul 2018
TsukuyomiREKT said:
wacky_Content said:
that's a really reductive statement to try to generalize the opinions of everyone who didn't like this as much as you did. there's plenty of folk on this thread of have said time and time again their problems with it and they just get ignored or "hurr durr ur waifu didn't win" is the response they would get.

not that it really matters what other people think of it, all i need is me, myself and I.

Eh, idk about that. All I'm gonna say is that I never really saw anyone complaining until Yotsuba was declared the winner. 🤷‍♂️

i saw plenty of people complaining about the biodad arc and also the rena gimmicky mystery, there's plenty of places outside of the threads here you would see a more varied spread of opinions on this manga.
Feb 24, 2020 9:48 PM
Jul 2018
Once it started trailing off, it really was a pile of dogshit.
Nothing but pointless drama, shit that went nowhere (like the bit with their real father), and none of what made it fun in the first place. I came to see a harem series with cute girls, maybe some decent comedy, not the convoluted mess this turned into.

Would have preferred a harem ending (at least the thing about them all attending the honeymoon was food for thought), but Yotsuba winning in and of itself was fine by me.
Feb 24, 2020 10:42 PM

Apr 2019
"Oh. It's finished?"
Feb 25, 2020 7:42 AM
Oct 2019
I think people are getting it wrong, It's not a dream, the translator just thinks that in his last panel note, It was just a flashback seeing how the quints was shown before the developments and after the developments and you can see before the honeymoon part fuutarou wears the exact same black shirt as the shirt in the last panel, that was only a flashback
Feb 25, 2020 5:21 PM
Nov 2015
Definitely the ending felt so rushed. I’m not hating on Fuutarou’s choice of girl but the fact that the manga never really developed beyond the end of the festival gave an incredibly unsatisfactory end. I did like how the sisters’ relationship was resolved after Fuutarou had chosen his girl. I was just hoping for some sort of progression with him and Yotsuba for at least a chapter alongside Yotsuba’s reconciliation with her sisters.

A part of me is biased that I couldn’t see him end up with either Miku or Ichika since both of them did also have a chance with Fuutarou via the bell scene, but what hurts me the most is how Yotsuba had virtually zero scenes with Fuutarou aside from her telling him that she loved him and then saying “just kidding” to completely destroy his heart. That’s the reason why I disliked the ending of the manga. The author, Negi Haruba, did kind of announce that the manga would end shorter because of content issues so I can’t blame the manga for ending in an abrupt way.

All in all, the manga had progression and character development which was very key but lowkey cucked Yotsuba by hardly giving her any moments with Fuutarou which would ultimately hurt the overall value of the manga.
Feb 25, 2020 11:55 PM

Sep 2013
It was rushed. Yotsuba and Fuutarou have the least amount of chemistry. Her revelation was purely done for shock-factor. It felt cheap.
Feb 26, 2020 12:33 AM

Sep 2013
It was rushed, and poorly executed in ways that people have explained better than I could in this post. Yotsuba's (and the MC's) character was never improved upon, he just wrote the other girls down to her level.
Feb 26, 2020 7:10 AM

Jan 2019
I wanted Itsuki or Nino to win, but that's fine too. Of course realising that it's the end is sad, but I really enjoyed this manga and I don't hate the ending at all(just a bit sorry for the remaining four "forever alone" 😂)
Mar 7, 2020 1:39 PM
Jul 2018
Why people hate it?

- Rushed (random 5 year timeskip without showing proper resolution of the quints stories.. just a few panels and a lot of details were skipped)

- unsatisfying (girls who lost never move on, biodad bullshit instead of good resolution to their family issues, all the previous development in the story now feels like filler since it didn't go anywhere, no actual romance between Fuuts and the chosen girl)

- underwhelming (clearly feels like he's just trying to finish instead of creating an ending that's memorable and entertaining)

- bullshit (literally why waste 100+ chapters developing the girls when the winner was determined from chapter 1. and why is everyone acting so out of character?)

Oh yeah and the author thought it was smart to pick the least popular and least liked girl, yeah...
Mar 7, 2020 1:43 PM

Sep 2014
Otakus are mostly very childish, their waifu is not the "winner" and it's like the end of the world for them. Anyway, Yotsuba deserved it.
Mar 7, 2020 8:23 PM
Jul 2018
Khoanamy said:
I was just hoping for some sort of progression with him and Yotsuba for at least a chapter alongside Yotsuba’s reconciliation with her sisters.

but what hurts me the most is how Yotsuba had virtually zero scenes with Fuutarou aside from her telling him that she loved him and then saying “just kidding” to completely destroy his heart.

Exactly, they are so not convincing as a couple that the manga ITSELF points that out. Such a joke
Mar 7, 2020 10:45 PM

Jul 2019
I guess cause Yotsuba, the girl who I thought "damn she's not gonna win for sure", was chosen. I'm not mad about it but kinda like bummed out cause Nino wasn't chosen. I didn't finish the manga but it was a good read.
Mar 8, 2020 1:10 PM

Mar 2017
I hate stories where "in the end it was just a dream" with passion, that's a coward's way of ending a story.
Mar 8, 2020 1:46 PM

May 2015
Polnarefferu said:
I hate stories where "in the end it was just a dream" with passion, that's a coward's way of ending a story.

It's not a dream though...

Mar 8, 2020 1:53 PM

Mar 2017
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Polnarefferu said:
I hate stories where "in the end it was just a dream" with passion, that's a coward's way of ending a story.

It's not a dream though...

That's up to the reader's interpretation. C O W A R D
Mar 8, 2020 2:51 PM

May 2015
Polnarefferu said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

It's not a dream though...

That's up to the reader's interpretation. C O W A R D

It's really not, but ok, go off.

Mar 10, 2020 10:28 AM
Sep 2015
RogueCitizen64 said:
I rather have an author drag it out to give us a satisfying conclusion then rush the final chapter. As it stands, we barely get any Fuu X Yotsuba moments nor do we get to see the other girls move on. Instead, Negi's obsession with status quo meant that even after 5 years barely anything changes. The others quints tagging along during the honeymoon really drives home the fact.
yo that's what I feel as well. Fuutarou and Yotsuba still seem kinda awkward around each other even after 5 whole years. None of the sisters got themselves a bf (they haven't moved on?)

There's wayyyy too many flashbacks and flashforwards for me. Honestly wtf?

So the wedding ceremony and honeymoon are a flashforward that's gonna happen in future. But currently they are just graduating only.

Like what?? As a reader I'm confused af. And I do not like this feeling lol.
Mar 10, 2020 10:33 AM
Sep 2015
Nigerianotaku40 said:
The problem with the ending for me is its indecisiveness.

Almost as if the manga cannot decide between which we get AMBIGUOUS ending designed to make everyone happy....which at the end of the day does not make everyone happy.

honestly I'd be most happy if Fuutarou marries all 5 of them. To me, that is the only happy ending.

I have a lot more unhappiness about the 2nd part of the Manga.. And like what some people mentioned previously, there were not much Fuutarou x Yotsuba moments at all. Which further makes me feel like the writing divebombed.
Mar 10, 2020 10:38 AM
Sep 2015
Anyway what I expected was a more convincing couple. Since the manga had more moments of Miku, Nino and even Ichika shipping to some extent. Going by logic it should have been either one of them.

This is like purposely bamboozling readers for fun?

I've finished reading and I still do not know what really happened in some panels because it was just that confusing to me. Oh well lol
Aug 21, 2020 8:38 PM

Mar 2017
There are some reasons but this much hate is mainly because their favorite girl didn't win.

Gotta say though, it feels rushed, I don't mind Yotsuba being the winner at all, it's just, she doesn't have that much development with Fuutarou, I understand where the protagonist coming from, Yotsuba being the supportive one even from the very beginning and I always had a feeling she will come out victorious just because of that. Didn't expect that to actually happen though.

This feels like reading the ending of The World God Only Knows all over again where I can see how the protagonist chose said girl, but well, need a few more moments or even chapters focused on the girl before the deciding moment.

Honestly, with how the manga progressing, you'd guest either Miku or Nino will be the winner but it is what it is.

People really need to stop being so salty about it.
BlueIsLoveAug 21, 2020 8:44 PM
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