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Apr 28, 2019 8:22 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, Sweetie is also after that book.

Looks like we got more flashbacks between Veronica and Marlya. They seem to really care about one another and Veronica is shown to be far more friendly than she is today. Pacing still seems a little strange but I can deal with it.

I still wonder how they plan to develop this story with Marlya though. That chase scene was kinda painful to watch.

Apr 28, 2019 10:07 AM

Jun 2015
Sweetie sure ended becoming up becoming more of a threat than initially thought. Still while she got away at least Free and Marlya managed to accomplish their mission. Looks like back in her village Marlya was't someone that was trusted easily by others. While internal affairs may sound troublesome to those being surveyed its duty in keeping the government honest is never-less useful. Looks like overuse of powers is also taxing on the body as well. Hmm so the duo were Mafia assassins huh. The contrast between the two though sure were quite striking whether in terms of their skills or their attitude. The crypt though sure proved to be the perfect venue for this battle. Marlya's opponent though was beyond creepy. An excellent ep that while progressing the story also did well to expand upon Marlya and Ver's relationship. The infusion of intrigue and terror that when combined with the terror and tension that came from the last fight sure was balanced well.
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Apr 28, 2019 11:22 AM

May 2018
Well then Ver to the rescue...........too bad Free isn't as smart as the enemy.
Apr 28, 2019 12:20 PM

Dec 2018
It was fine. Animation was a bit over average, i like the colors in this especially the blue, and the reflections are well-made

More strong and alluring females character are welcomed and a joy to see

Marlya.s girlfriend saves the day. And hopefully soon my waifus can be together in a wonderful lesbian relationship without any more interference

I kinda like it. But you shall not fucking stab my girl!! Hell no!! Way to much for my taste. Hopefully it keeps its stabbing lust at bay next time. Or stab the males that's ok no problem ,but leave my girls alone you fucking freak,,,,, 5/10
Yuri-CrusaderApr 28, 2019 11:44 PM
Apr 28, 2019 12:42 PM
Jul 2018
meh not even as interesting as the last episode tbh.. Too many flashbacks this time.
Apr 28, 2019 1:08 PM

Apr 2011
Ok I'm done, dropping it...
Apr 28, 2019 1:42 PM

Feb 2014
Marlya got pretty unlucky to go up against Jonathan. He seems to be one of those type of enemies with a few screws loose in his brain that are always the more disturbing, yet more memorable characters.

However, Veronica made a rather impressive entry via the church window and arrived in time to save Marlya from defeat. I do hope for a good battle between these two.

While the story remains rather disappointing, at least the constant action is sort of making up for it. Visuals and animation remains at a high quality and the ost is better timed and at a better volume, too, unlike a few episodes ago.

Good episode, but there's still plenty of room for improvement, though.
Apr 28, 2019 2:47 PM

Aug 2017
Well Ver saves the day I guess? She made an awesome appearance. I loved how she broke through the stained glass and seeing all these pieces of glass falling down around her and Marlya. Beautiful animation!

The black tome is very valuable and sold at (mafia) auctions. So far so good. The pacing of this episode was fine and I think I am ready for more information about this world. Oh and Jonathan was creepy. Too bad Marlya got stabbed by him, I hope the poor girl is still okay. I wonder how their fight will unfold next week.
Apr 28, 2019 3:13 PM

Mar 2018
don't know why marlya wouldn't just turn around and shoot him. the last two episodes have been better than the previous two, but the story is just all over the place for me. i also don't understand why there are so many flashbacks, kind of annoying and unnecessary at times.

i see this show ending as a 4-6/10, depending on if the story comes together, but i hope PA Works pulls through and fixes the mess that these first couple of episodes have been.
"Humans die. Animals die. Plants die. Even soul reapers die.
It’s the arch of the universe.
Everything that comes to life eventually ceases to exist.”

Apr 28, 2019 5:54 PM

Aug 2013
These characters are okay, the female characters are notably more interesting...probably due to the designs I guess. But so far the only good selling point of this series is the soundtrack. The story has a lot of ambiguity and holes that are trying to be pieced together with each subsequent episode while also adding new stuff in the mix. Problem is that because of this approach, the lack of linearity causes some confusion as to why certain characters matter. With this getting 2 cours, I'm guessing it will all come together at some point; however, right now I'm struggling with the notion that the series will get better. Maybe once it hits halfway.
Don't believe the hype.
Apr 28, 2019 5:57 PM

Jun 2013
Sweetie is strong and Ver to the rescue.
Apr 28, 2019 6:48 PM

Oct 2015
Hope the real story starts from now since it seems like Ver has come back to save Marlya. That was a badass entrance from her though, hope it would be a good fight between her and that crazy Jonathan.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 28, 2019 7:02 PM

Sep 2015
4 episodes, time to apply the rule. :/
Apr 28, 2019 8:40 PM

Sep 2017
That fight at the beginning of the ep was pretty lame, but this episode was pretty decent. I don't feel too confused from not knowing the proper nouns at least.

I'm wondering what the difference is between Gui Carlin and Arcame (I probably got those names wrong but idc). So Sweetie, Patty, and Johnathan are with the Gui Carlin and they are after the black tome; that much if clear. So then is Veronica and the two dudes back at the mansion part of Arcame? Whatever Arcame even is. I'm pretty sure we at least know Ver and the younger guy (Damien I think) know each other cause they were talking on some roof last episode (unless I mis-remember). And he was def lying about knowing Ver. Also if Ver is in the Gui then I don't think she'd charge in to save Marlya.
Apr 28, 2019 9:06 PM

Apr 2010
ProofByColor said:
I'm wondering what the difference is between Gui Carlin and Arcame (I probably got those names wrong but idc). So Sweetie, Patty, and Johnathan are with the Gui Carlin and they are after the black tome; that much if clear. So then is Veronica and the two dudes back at the mansion part of Arcame? Whatever Arcame even is. I'm pretty sure we at least know Ver and the younger guy (Damien I think) know each other cause they were talking on some roof last episode (unless I mis-remember). And he was def lying about knowing Ver. Also if Ver is in the Gui then I don't think she'd charge in to save Marlya.

You got the names right.

Veronica and the two dudes at the mansion are not part of any mafia group. The only members of Arcame we have seen so far are Wolfran and that Axel dude from last episode. Arcame is one of Gui Carlin's rival mafia families.
Apr 28, 2019 9:30 PM

Sep 2017
Banshee-IV said:
ProofByColor said:
I'm wondering what the difference is between Gui Carlin and Arcame (I probably got those names wrong but idc). So Sweetie, Patty, and Johnathan are with the Gui Carlin and they are after the black tome; that much if clear. So then is Veronica and the two dudes back at the mansion part of Arcame? Whatever Arcame even is. I'm pretty sure we at least know Ver and the younger guy (Damien I think) know each other cause they were talking on some roof last episode (unless I mis-remember). And he was def lying about knowing Ver. Also if Ver is in the Gui then I don't think she'd charge in to save Marlya.

You got the names right.

Veronica and the two dudes at the mansion are not part of any mafia group. The only members of Arcame we have seen so far are Wolfran and that Axel dude from last episode. Arcame is one of Gui Carlin's rival mafia families.

Ah I see. Thank you.
Apr 28, 2019 9:32 PM

Feb 2015
Free and Marlya were fighting with Sweetie for the tome, and after Marlya released her fairy, Sweetie left. Free discovered that something happened with Axel. Sweetie met with a women named Patty and asked her a mission. Marlya woke up and talked with Free about the tome, concluding that is fake and that Cain could have something with it, but they said nothing. Free and Marlya were having lunch when Patty appeared with a guy named Jonathan, suddenly the briefcase disappeared and they started to chase them. In a church, Free left Marlya behind and started a fight against Patty for the briefcase, Jonathan appeared to defeat Marlya, when she was submitted, Veronica appeared.

Hate how the show thinks I know the difference between the cities, I can't even remember the names. Jonathan's scene was good, that guy freaked me for a moment, and Veronica entering through the stained glass. That Damien is a motherfucker too.
Atlas77Apr 29, 2019 12:40 PM
Apr 28, 2019 10:21 PM

May 2015
Skriker has reflect damage huh...wait...did I miss an episode where they explained the abilities of the fairies yet?

Cain isn't telling Marlya that he knows Ver...fishy stuff...

Marlya calls Cain and Damien liars without proof!

I dislike it when the anime has to post the names of the characters on screen to introduce them. Makes them harder to remember.

Patricia and Jonathan are crazy mercenaries. Marlya was about to get gutted but Ver ex Machina.

"Impatient Housekeeper and Crazy Artist" refers to Patricia and Jonathan respectively. These are some weird titles they come up with. I wonder what "Black Moon and Lost Child's song" will refer to. Probably Ver since she might be the central character next episode.
Apr 28, 2019 11:33 PM
Sep 2016
As much as I love this show, this episode is the most hit or miss for me. After 3 and a half episodes of really grounded and visceral fight and chase scenes, we get Jonathan, a twisting, turning, lizard man who doesn't even have a fairy as of yet...I'm wondering why they're in a church, too. Is Christianity a thing in this world? I guess that's not too far fetched of a concept. Anyways, the lighting in that scene is so beautiful, especially when Ver bursts in, so it gets a pass due to awesome factor.

I like that [K]now_name has gone to the trouble of writing all the show's soundtrack fully in English for us, and I'm fairly sure that the show is intended for an English speaking audience, as even the title cards are in English. Shame we can't hear the lyrics to the battle music, though, because as seen with Backtrack if you've heard it seperately, they can sometimes really add depth to the scene. I'm guessing a dubbed version of this show is on its way, and I look forward to it.

The pacing of the past two episodes is much different to the pacing of the first two. Rather than starting with a flashback, playing the intro, telling the story of a mission, then playing the outro, the last two episodes end with cliffhangers in the middle of action scenes, with the middle being mostly exposition and character introductions, and the flashbacks taking place after the intro in this episode as Marlya was knocked out. Not a fan of this formula as much; I'd at least like to see them complete more missions and grow as comrades before jumping into a massive, 3-episode mission like this starting episode 3. Anyways, I also look forward to seeing the general woman bust Wolfran. I was also looking forward to seeing more of the sniper/spotter duo from episode 2, they were a real joy to watch interact with each other. Oh well, I guess we'll see them more in the future.
Apr 28, 2019 11:55 PM
Sep 2016
Atlas77 said:

Hate how the show thinks I know the difference between to cities, I can't even remember the names.

The best way to go about it is remembering the region name the first time it's introduced. Pretty much all regions are the same in that they've been unified during the Civil War/War of Unification, but each nation-state seems to have a different distinct attribute that might take a few watches to pick up on. Timoon was a big source of fairies during the War of Unification, and I'm pretty sure it's where Red Hood, Free's fairy, came from as seen in the preamble of last episode--it's also where Free and Marlya have been for the past two episodes. Ledrad was the nation-state that Wolfran and Free fought for in the War of Unification, and Hybranz seems to be a highly religious nation. I agree though, they definitely could do a better job of presenting each nation. At the very least, maybe show a map before they cut to a new city?
Apr 29, 2019 2:03 AM

Apr 2011
The plot is a little messy, but the characters are interesting and the music is good.

I hope that Veronica actually kinda explains herself a little next episode, and that we get to see why Maryla calls herself unlucky.
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Apr 29, 2019 2:08 AM
May 2017
Definitely my favorite show of the season. I guess I should start watching OPM too, but I feel like it is probably just overhyped, and they say s2 isn't that great.

SkyDrop said:
meh not even as interesting as the last episode tbh.. Too many flashbacks this time.

blakehoffman said:
i also don't understand why there are so many flashbacks, kind of annoying and unnecessary at times.

lol, there was exactly 1 minute 38 seconds of flashback at the beginning of the episode and 9 seconds sometimes later, a total of 1 minute 47 seconds,,, I swear this anime is Naruto 2.0

blakehoffman said:
don't know why marlya wouldn't just turn around and shoot him.

down in the crypt it was dark af, and the corridor they were coming up was a curved one
imSOuniqueApr 29, 2019 2:28 AM
Apr 29, 2019 4:24 AM

Feb 2015
Yeah I'm done with this show, can't be bothered watching 20eps of this. Since AOT season 3 has started I'll get my action fix there
Apr 29, 2019 6:16 AM

Sep 2013
Ah, Fairy gone... Still going for that confusion route, are we?

Definitely agree that we need more backstory about the various different cities and what actually happened. Flittering backwards and forwards all the time with name cards that are supposedly there to help does not help when you're also trying to remember names and associations of the actual characters as well.

I also agree that we need some sort of explanation about the Fairies and their abilities as well, but I have a feeling that that's going to come in a later part of the show.

At this rate, I'm here for the great soundtrack and the constant action, not to mention the more memorable characters like Ver and Jonathan - we certainly need more characters to stand out like these two. It could make for a really good story but they really need to sort out the direction and the pacing of the series. At the moment, very average with lots of potential. I'm not going to drop it, but I do hope it gets better.
Apr 29, 2019 9:09 AM

Sep 2011
Nice episode. Sweet's fairy has a cool ability, making her all the more fearsome, but Mariya was able to make her retreat. Then Cain and Damien, who are private Fairy Scholars and Veronica's allies, or they are simply using her to get to the Black Fairy Tome, couldn't be open about the provenance of the fake one they are so kindly donating to the Ministry, but Mariya can tell, or at least feels, that they are lying about not knowing Veronica. That is, if Cain is working together with Damien and her, and knows about this.

Free dozing off on a chair while watching over Mariya was really adorable too. And it's nice, well the circumstances weren't nice, to know how Veronica and Mariya got separated, and also to see how they got close in the first place. But Sweet sent some people of the Cain Mafia to steal the Black Fairy Tome, and now Free and Mariya are fighting against some dangerous people in a underground crypt, and that's pretty cool. The way Veronica made her entrance to save Mariya was especially cool.
Apr 29, 2019 11:12 AM

Aug 2018
Aight, they did not lose a single second at the beginning : last episode ended with a very incoming battle, episode 4 started the fight.

We now learnt a bit more about who's after the Black Tome, as well as we met this Patricia & her psycho friend Jonhatan. I was glad to see Veronica breaking the glass to protect her former friend : maybe a longer dialog between those two can be expected next week.
Apr 29, 2019 12:41 PM

Feb 2015
AquaShldEXE said:
Atlas77 said:

Hate how the show thinks I know the difference between to cities, I can't even remember the names.

The best way to go about it is remembering the region name the first time it's introduced. Pretty much all regions are the same in that they've been unified during the Civil War/War of Unification, but each nation-state seems to have a different distinct attribute that might take a few watches to pick up on. Timoon was a big source of fairies during the War of Unification, and I'm pretty sure it's where Red Hood, Free's fairy, came from as seen in the preamble of last episode--it's also where Free and Marlya have been for the past two episodes. Ledrad was the nation-state that Wolfran and Free fought for in the War of Unification, and Hybranz seems to be a highly religious nation. I agree though, they definitely could do a better job of presenting each nation. At the very least, maybe show a map before they cut to a new city?

Yeah, maps, I love maps, how helpful they could be if they want to situate you spatially in a country.
Apr 29, 2019 12:58 PM

Apr 2010
AquaShldEXE said:
I like that [K]now_name has gone to the trouble of writing all the show's soundtrack fully in English for us, and I'm fairly sure that the show is intended for an English speaking audience, as even the title cards are in English. Shame we can't hear the lyrics to the battle music, though, because as seen with Backtrack if you've heard it seperately, they can sometimes really add depth to the scene. I'm guessing a dubbed version of this show is on its way, and I look forward to it.

The simuldub started airing yesterday. That's a very good point, this show seems like it was meant to be easily dubbed, especially since most of the characters' names are pretty grounded and realistic with some exceptions (nobody IRL is named "Free" lol and I'm still convinced "Marlya" is a translation screwup that should have been "Mariya")
Apr 29, 2019 3:48 PM

Apr 2017
I don't know why everyone is hating on this, saying the episodes are bad and the story is boring or there's no story at all. Everything was pretty well explained since the beginning and a little more with each episode, then the characters are pretty different from each other and the action is very good. The animation with the music is perfect, idk what there is to blame here??
Also, people were complaining about the flashbacks and how the first two episodes were here just to introduce each one of the MCs' long lost friend but it's nothing new??? Many animes do that and they're not all that bad, plus there are not that much flashback, go watch Naruto or something else then you'll see what's "too much flashbacks". I feel like people are complaining about this one just because it's an original story.

I personally like it, this episode was as good as the others and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Apr 30, 2019 12:38 AM
Nov 2018
What a weak season; RobiHachi is the only thing that makes me smile, but there is nothing really impressive. This show, I have to drop it.

Fairy Gone reminds me of sitting in a library and filling out paperwork. That is the feeling I get when the characters talk to each other, about things I stopped caring about. The fights just pile on so I stop caring about them too.

It's a shame, because it is a concept I usually like. Bonding with a supernatural aide. Except the aides don't talk, they are just tools. It isn't interesting when they are on the screen.

A fight - bring out the fairies. Fairies are quiet, fight for a while head to head. There is no feeling in this.

There is a tome to find. It's such a by-the-numbers way of making the factions fight in a city environment. I think the tome was handled badly, the show doesn't make me interested in it.
Apr 30, 2019 4:42 AM

Apr 2009
kikusan said:
I don't know why everyone is hating on this, saying the episodes are bad and the story is boring or there's no story at all. Everything was pretty well explained since the beginning and a little more with each episode, then the characters are pretty different from each other and the action is very good. The animation with the music is perfect, idk what there is to blame here??
Also, people were complaining about the flashbacks and how the first two episodes were here just to introduce each one of the MCs' long lost friend but it's nothing new??? Many animes do that and they're not all that bad, plus there are not that much flashback, go watch Naruto or something else then you'll see what's "too much flashbacks". I feel like people are complaining about this one just because it's an original story.

I personally like it, this episode was as good as the others and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Going to be divisive no doubt. I personally enjoy it as well so far.
DreddApr 30, 2019 12:17 PM
Apr 30, 2019 7:38 AM

Feb 2014
Story barely keeps this show together. Songs are what make me through it.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 1, 2019 4:58 AM

Aug 2013
An okayish episode.

So many characters after the black tome.

May 1, 2019 3:24 PM
Dec 2018
Okay, I think I'm done now. It got one extra episode because I couldn't decide whether or not I was bored with it, but now I've made up my mind.

Everything else is actually pretty good, the only thing that's turning me off is the story itself. There's not much effort put into actual worldbuilding, we're just tossed around between different locations that don't seem all that unique from each other. Also, I find it really hard to care about what's going on, or any character besides our three protagonists. On top of that, their backstories as of this point in the show are really vague and messy. It's a shame, I want to see more original anime shine.
May 1, 2019 5:27 PM

Apr 2018
Hah Sweetie after the Tome as well now with the help of Patty. She seems really tired in that chasing screen xD
May 2, 2019 1:06 AM
Jan 2019
Veronica ❤️❤️❤️ Saving the day
May 2, 2019 8:16 AM

Aug 2017
If the book is a fake I don't get why they chased Patricia instead of letting her flee with it
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May 2, 2019 7:11 PM

May 2016
kikusan said:
I don't know why everyone is hating on this, saying the episodes are bad and the story is boring or there's no story at all. Everything was pretty well explained since the beginning and a little more with each episode, then the characters are pretty different from each other and the action is very good. The animation with the music is perfect, idk what there is to blame here??
Also, people were complaining about the flashbacks and how the first two episodes were here just to introduce each one of the MCs' long lost friend but it's nothing new??? Many animes do that and they're not all that bad, plus there are not that much flashback, go watch Naruto or something else then you'll see what's "too much flashbacks". I feel like people are complaining about this one just because it's an original story.

I personally like it, this episode was as good as the others and I'm looking forward to the next one.

I do like like this anime in terms that it has an interesting concept and I love historical style settings, Violet Evergarden was one of my favorites last year, but I think the anime's biggest downfall is its lack emotional impact. To be fair, it's set up well enough but it just... doesn't hit you. The characters unfortunately don't help much either. Yes, they all have their pasts but beyond that there's just isn't much going to really care about them. I'm willing to give this another two episodes but if the anime step up it's game, I'm sadly going to have to drop it.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
May 3, 2019 2:44 AM

Oct 2017
this anime is progressing really nicely.I dun see any reason for such low rating infact it's better than a lot of other airing animes rght now.
May 3, 2019 5:14 AM

Oct 2008
Saved! Ver came in the nick of time!

May 3, 2019 9:39 AM
Aug 2017
Free just keeps getting knocked around. The music is decent. And yeah finally Ver came to rescue Marlya.
May 3, 2019 3:57 PM

May 2015
Oh my god.

This episode was awful.
Editing is awful.
Sound mixing is awful.
The animation is way below what we expect about P.A. Works.

What happened?
May 4, 2019 6:31 AM

Jun 2013
It was okay. The best part was Veronica coming to save Marlya.

The first half or rather two thirds of the entire episode was meh.

May 4, 2019 2:43 PM

Aug 2018
Ver crashing in was supposed to be the money shot, but I’ll be damned if I can understand what’s going on. I have the feeling they chose the wrong director for this.
May 6, 2019 9:39 AM

Dec 2014
Kinda surprised y'all think this is so bad. This is the most middle of the road thing airing. Feels like its high production values are completely neutralized by how generic and shitty the story is, and how uninteresting the characters are.
May 7, 2019 9:32 AM

Jul 2016
Better episode than the other 3 in my opinion.
May 9, 2019 7:19 PM
Jan 2019
Got damn! I love the characterization of Veronica's character. It looks great👌.
Making calculations I think Marlya is around 21 to 22 years old and Veronica 23 to 24 years old.

Why did Patricia de Gui Carlin carry such a large suitcase? And why did he only ask for water? WTF? xD
May 12, 2019 3:37 PM

Aug 2017
Look, more crazy people.

That part with Veronica coming in with the ed playing was great.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
May 30, 2019 2:17 PM
Apr 2019
Homm said:
Ok I'm done, dropping it...

exactly my feeling
Jun 8, 2019 9:37 AM

Dec 2016
I keep forgetting that there is going to be 24 episodes in this daunting show, it better get more interesting or else it's going to be a total grinding pain to get through the whole thing.
Maybe Veronica will come to her sense, or maybe she is, and it would turn out to be that both the protagonist and that dude realize that they are on the bad side.
I ship the two by the way.
Also, I really love how they handle next-episode previews.
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