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Laid-Back Camp
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Mar 22, 2018 7:21 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, I'm going to really miss this show.

The finale featured more camping gags and comedy as usual. However at the same time, it felt like this show really knew how to tackle the idea of camping and turn it into an anime. I love the moments between Rin and Nadeshiko in this episode especially during the night scenes. At the same time, I think it was just nice seeing everyone gathered today with a feel of Christmas spirit.

Some of the comedy like Nadeshiko's hair were also priceless!
Stark700Mar 22, 2018 7:41 AM
Mar 22, 2018 8:00 AM

Jun 2015
And so the fun camping anime comes to an end. Hmm what a impressive future Nadeshiko imagined there. Nadeshiko had quite the reaction when the fire starting man turned out to be a woman though. But being able to watch the sunrise from behind mount Fuji with friends definitely beats that. Nice to see that the Christmas camp was such a great success. The ending theme was nice in featuring all the support characters they met along the way. The scene in the end was nice and its nice seeing Nadeshiko show what she had learned from Rin. To think they would meet at the place where they first met though. A excellent end to the series.
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Mar 22, 2018 8:04 AM
Oct 2017
Yuru camp has allowed us to become the true Al Capone when it comes to camping

you need a second season
Mar 22, 2018 8:13 AM

Apr 2016
And so it ended, very comfy show. Waiting for the special/s.

It even more hyped me for S3 of Yama no Susume.
Mar 22, 2018 8:14 AM

Aug 2015
What a perfect ending, kinda sad that it's finally over
Mar 22, 2018 8:14 AM

Jul 2015
They got me at the beginning. I was sure it was a fast-forward scene until Nadeshiko got a CEO title and came with a flying tent.

I hope we can get a Season 2.


Mar 22, 2018 8:16 AM

Jan 2012
Quite the imagination on that 10 year gap by Nadeshiko. XD And so our girls end their Mt. Fuji Christmas Camping Trip and look towards the future. Nadeshiko has really become quite the expert too, reminds me of Rin. Naturally they'd end up finding each other at the end, I'd expect nothing less from this wonderful series. Welp, overall this was a pretty damn fantastic series. Supremely calming/relaxing/soothing/comfy/whatever similar word you wanna use. Not to mention the opening theme was probably my favorite of any show that aired this season. All the girls were wonderful, and it's just sad that we're done already. Strong 8 out of 10. A definite candidate for making my Top 10 of the year list come December. :)
Mar 22, 2018 8:18 AM

Nov 2016
Lol,I almost thought they would go for a timeskip,but after seeing the flying tent, I was like, no way in hell xD

It was a very pleasant episode again,nothing out of ordinary,tho,good like the rest too.

The concidence of Nadeshiko and Rin meeting at the end was basically inevitable,but that made up for a charming final scene.

Overall a simple,but very good series and definitely one of the better ones in this strong season.

Also good choice Nadeshiko

And of course the end card

Chiaki looking hilarious

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 22, 2018 8:19 AM
Jul 2018
Comfy anime. I'm gonna miss this show so much! I need a second season.
Mar 22, 2018 8:20 AM

Aug 2017
hahah the first scene was trolling me. I don't like the comedy but at least could maintain the tone of the first episode to the end. It have very good animation and simple characters. Rin is cute and relaxing. Some episodes were boring. 3/5 for the episode. I'm very neutral here. This is my score. 5/10 for the anime.
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Mar 22, 2018 8:31 AM

Nov 2012
Welp can definitely say I'm going to miss this show,one of my favorites this season alongside Sorayori.

Though if I had to say I'd say it got slightly weaker in the second half but that's just my opinion.At it's peak this was the only show this season I ever consider a potential 8,consistently a 7,at times 7.5 and despite personally find the second half weaker than the first I'll keep the overall score the same 7/10.

Sad knowing that despite this apparently being predicted to sell really well a second season is unlikely atleast for a few years cause the anime apparently covered like 4 or 5 out of the current 6 volumes iirc (unless ofc they go anime original)
VarendantMar 22, 2018 8:51 AM
Mar 22, 2018 8:39 AM

Jul 2012
Great ending for the amazing work! Really surprised how much i liked it and enjoyed! Started with the manga and thought that it was pretty good/decent, not really my type of a genre, but the PV for some reason was quite underwhelming. But from the first episode it was so good, the music, the characters including the amazing job from theirs VA and the atmosphere! The only small minus might be animation which even was noticable couple of times (mb a bit more), but was expected with not the greatest of budgets, plus pretty sure if some of the big studious got their hands on this work they could've found a way to ruin (can't imagine how but pretty sure that's what would've happened, oh probably the amazing music would be the sacrifice).

And that was second episode with the surprising beginning, that was very funny and Nadeshiko's tent-UFO =/

Can't believe that she was still a girl as werid as it sounds, Toba sensei's imouto. It was the first impression, but thought it was established that he is the brother ...

As the episode, the comfiest one and relaxing, gathering around the fire and watching anime =/ And obv how about delicious food!

Great ending, they chose the same camping spot. Nadeshiko got so much camping gear, so proud, and surprised that Rin went camping around that season (spring or fall i think).

Overall 9/10, really miss the group, but soon will rewatch. Rin instantly became one of my favorite characters!
allenjkeMar 22, 2018 8:42 AM
Mar 22, 2018 8:40 AM

Dec 2014
Lovely and heartwarming finale.

The opening fantasy segment both shocked and put a smile on my face.

Lot of hilarious moments in the episode as well especially when Nadeshiko asked Ohgaki if she was a girl. XD

The sunrise was amazing to watch, props to the soundtrack as well.

Post credits scene where Rin and Nadeshiko met up had me grinning. :)

Overall, fantastic series. Sweet, relaxing, heartwarming and funny too. All round lovable characters and I gotta say it often put a smile on my face. Great soundtrack, beautiful art and just overall really well done. I'd love to go on more camping adventures with the girls.

Mar 22, 2018 8:45 AM
Feb 2018
Such comfy anime, hope there's season 2.
Mar 22, 2018 8:45 AM

Jan 2015
I knew something was off with the start, but I hoped the would go with it. Anyways, fantastic show, almost missed it. Easy 9/10.
Mar 22, 2018 8:46 AM
Jan 2018
Aww man its sad that the series has come to an end....I'm going to miss this show.

Even if its the last episode we still got some laughs , like the imaginative Nadeshiko imagining their future 10 yes from now and her dramatic entrance in the reunion camp, and Rin going flashback to the time when they were camping in lake shiberi.....

And its so good to see that on the last scene Rin surprised Nadeshiko on her solo camping in lake motosuko....

I hope there'll be more Yuru Camp∆ in the future
Mar 22, 2018 8:52 AM
Jan 2018


future rin is so sexy damn.....

and saito is a member for going home club.....i hope they have this kind of club back when i still in school
nebula4thMar 22, 2018 8:57 AM
Mar 22, 2018 8:56 AM

Oct 2014
What a wonderful iyashikei. Every part of it worked to build up the laid-back atmosphere it was going for. The easy on the eyes art, relaxing music, delicious looking food, no plot stakes. The characters were simplistic but the show doesn't lean on them, it relies only on the atmosphere. I hope it does well enough to get a sequel.
Mar 22, 2018 8:57 AM

Oct 2017
What a show. My favorite show of the season by far. I can't think of a single bad experience I've had with this show and it always delivered. While I'm fine with just one season I would not at all be against a second season if that were to come. All in all it was the most fun I've had this winter season and it shall not be forgotten!
Mar 22, 2018 8:57 AM

Apr 2016
Really gonna miss this show. We need the specials now!
Mar 22, 2018 8:59 AM

Nov 2014
First, I was shocked they all grown-ups, but the thing Nadeshiko became a ceo really fishy that made me doubt, Lol.

I'm here only to say, that this anime wins a place in my heart. 10/10
Mar 22, 2018 9:05 AM

Jul 2014
Comfy camp comes to an end... Ima miss this.. so damn much!
On a serious note, damn you Nadeshiko! I literally thought we had a time skip until a rocket tent came by you adorable little muffin! still tho that bob cut Nadeshiko looked hot.

My OTP staying on the same tent and stargazing together was all I needed but no, the ending had Nadeshiko going solo camp only to find Rin there as well! I have no regrets! it was so cute how Rin took a picture of Nadeshiko together with the guessing game.

9/10! My AOTS!
Special, when!? and we need a season 2 for this comfy show!
Mar 22, 2018 9:19 AM

Jun 2015
This finale was a nice way to end this comfy show. The beginning was funny with Nadeshiko and her flying tent lol. It was fun to watch the girls have fun at camping. 6/10
Mar 22, 2018 9:19 AM
Review Moderator
Jan 2017
Very good series =)

Mar 22, 2018 9:25 AM

Sep 2008
"Back to the Future"?
Mar 22, 2018 9:27 AM

Jul 2017
Heartwarming, happily funny towards the end.


This show is cancer to my heart, in a good way!!!!!

10/10 AOTS status affirmed.

Mar 22, 2018 9:28 AM

Apr 2016
Man it was a fun ride I'm gonna miss this show for sure especially Rin chan. And what a great ending for a relaxing series. Hoping for a special episode or maybe even a second season in the future. 9/10 absolutely love this show .
"Mountains, beings, and nature's laws are bound by an arrangement, and within it, we live." -Mushishi Zoku Shou Suzu No Shizuku
Mar 22, 2018 9:40 AM

Apr 2010
It's a real terrible thing that this anime is already over, i want more!!

Guess we have to wait for the specials and my guess is those will take place in the summer.
For now tho i will miss this.
Mar 22, 2018 9:41 AM

Sep 2008
That beginning... really take me off guard xD
First it was kinda confusing and when I start to think that we really see time skip episode and when I start to lose hope for next season... then they start to go too far xD

Oh... damn... I gonna really miss this series!
I hope there will be second season :)
From first episode this series took my heart and soon become one of favorites from this season.

Now only left to wait for specials and for info about second season ;)
Mar 22, 2018 9:43 AM

Nov 2017
Lol'd so hard at the start. Thought they were being serious and then Nadeshiko pulled out the camp rocket lol
Mar 22, 2018 9:48 AM

Sep 2008
I'm always sad to see one of my favorite anime of the season end, and this was no exception. One of the most relaxing and heartwarming shows I've seen in a long time. The girls were all good characters and complimented each other, with no fanservice and no yuri vibes to mess up the mood. We need more shows like this.

My only complaint was the late addition of the drunk sensei which I felt served no purpose. She didn't fit into the show's vibe at all. Why was she there??

Also, I thought Rin would join the Outclub at the end, giving them 4 members and a bigger clubroom.

Although I would love a 2nd season, I doubt we'll see it. The show pretty much made it's point: camping is fun and cool. Not sure how a 2nd season could expand on that, although I would certainly be down for a couple OVAs. Even a Hot Springs OVA would be OK LOL.

Solid 8/10 show and I would have given 9/10 except for the drunk sensei.
Mar 22, 2018 9:57 AM

Apr 2008
And Nadeshiko has begun her solo camping adventure at the end. That was a nice touch. I wonder if that was an anime original scene or it happened in the manga as well.

9/10 overall, it was a damn fine anime in the end. Season 2 is almost guaranteed considering the popularity.
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Mar 22, 2018 10:09 AM

Sep 2015
Personally, I thought Yuru Camp was a good anime. I have to give major credit to the anime for nailing a unique slice-of-life atmosphere in terms of presentation and soundtrack. The character chemistry can be really enjoyable to watch when Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki are together, with Nadeshiko alone bringing a consistent smile in my face.

While I do not find many negatives, I do wish Rin brought more memorable moments. When she is alone in the narrative, as she is there not doing anything particularly interesting other than slipping in tidbits about camping in each episode. While the approach works from a slice-of-life standpoint, my impressions of the character shrank over the course of episodes, eventually making me lose strong interest in the camping facts the anime is trying to give through Rin.

I would rather learn more about camping through Nadeshiko and others than Rin because of how fun and hilarious they can be about camping. I feel Nadeshiko should have been the forefront star instead of emphasizing Rin’s growing relationship and isolation camping in half of the anime. Rin definitely had potential to be a memorable character had the five of the main characters camped together throughout the entire series. Episodes 11 to 12 gave me a glimpse of that, and it resulted in some of Yuru Camp’s best moments of character chemistry with me getting a strong impression on Rin’s character when she takes the risk of being open to camping with her friends.

Yuru Camp is fine, but not the kind of slice-of-life I would personally watch again. I am glad to watch it for Nadeshiko though. I will never forget her.
Mar 22, 2018 10:23 AM
Jul 2018
Lovely end to the series. Nice to see Nadeshiko and Rin go back to where they first met.

Hope there is a new series, although I don't know if there is anything they could do thats new.
Mar 22, 2018 11:04 AM

Jan 2015

Usually SoL anime makes me sleep, unless they have a lot of comedy. But this one was just so enjoyable on its own, I’ve never got bored even though almost nothing ever happened
I’m truly gonna miss an anime of this comfy quality
Mar 22, 2018 11:04 AM
Aug 2016
Everyone should already know that it was actually the teacher’s little sister but...
Am I the only onle who thought that the “Fire-starter ‘guy’” a.k.a their teacher’s ‘boyfriend’ was actually a girl when she first appeared and got confused when they thought she was a guy?

So, who thought “future” Shimarin seemed disproportionally tall?
Mar 22, 2018 11:09 AM

Feb 2014
My Thursdays will be feeling emptier now that this gem of a show has finished. =(

I did get tricked by the time-skip at the start, with the girls looking about 10 years older (and beautiful too BTW =3), but I knew that something was fishing when they mentioned Nadeshiko being a CEO at a massive company. My suspicions were true when she arrived inside a flying tent, as it was just a vision that Nadeshiko made. Silly, but it's another reason why I love this adorable cinnamon roll. ^_^

It was still satisfying to see the girls, including drunk-sensei, enjoying their bath time and watching anime on Chiaki's iPad tablet. Morning came along and it gave us one more big hurrah for the beautiful scenery on Mount Fuji at sunrise. If C-Station makes a book with all the background art in this show, I'll make sure to buy one immediately!

The post-credit scene was really nice. Nadeshiko cycles over to solo camp and the same camp grounds where she met Rin in the first episode and, by chance, Rin decided to camp at the same place herself, much to Nadeshiko's delight.

Overall, Yuru Camp his been an absolute gem. I've watched quite a lot of CGDCT type of shows over the past year or so now and I can safely say that Yuru Camp will rank up there with my favourites. From the charming visuals, catchy soundtrack and the stunning background art, C-Station deserves a lot of praise for how well they produced this show.

9/10. =3
Mar 22, 2018 11:29 AM

Oct 2016
Such a comfy and relaxing series. Really gonna miss these funny camper girls. Needs more seasons!

Mar 22, 2018 11:31 AM
Mar 2015
Great fantasy opening with Nadeshiko being a CEO of a camping company with a flying tent.
The buns were cute
The ending was great with Rin and Nadeshiko camping at the same place
Mar 22, 2018 11:40 AM

Nov 2009
I am going to miss Shimarin and co. a lot, I pray the comfy campers get a 2nd season!
Mar 22, 2018 11:45 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Amazingly comfy, very peaceful finale.

I'll miss this series, it had a bit of a lull but more or less it's probably comfiest series i have seen after Non Non Biyori which is still the pinnacle for me.

Mar 22, 2018 11:45 AM

Feb 2014
Most comfy show ever!! Really gonna miss every character on it. Especially Nadeshiko and Shimarin. And that future peek at the girls life nearly had me taken. XD

And this scene was epic too.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 22, 2018 12:11 PM

May 2010
Really enjoyed every single episode of this show ;) 9/10
Mar 22, 2018 12:21 PM

Feb 2018
The beginning made me so confused, for some reason I couldn't remember what they were actually were doing last week and something felt odd... Then Nadeshiko came in with the UFO tent.

Other than what the others already said (cactus hair, Nadeshiko wanting to watch anime, asking Aki if she was a girl, etc.) I really, REALLY loved the closing scene. I immediately understood what was going on and it gave me a feeling of fulfilment and closure. When she started texting with Rin I was expecting a "right behind you" kinda joke but they made it so much better.

Overall I really liked the anime, it was so calm and laid-back. A perfect little pick-me-up to go together with the other anime of this season like Violet Everfeels and A Place Further Than My Emotions. I really hope they'll make a season 2 of this show.
Mar 22, 2018 12:31 PM

Feb 2018
They did quite a good job in giving some sense of closure to a series that is so episodic; the post credits scene in particular closing the circle for Nadeshiko.
I too got trolled by the opening scene, but at least we know now the sense for that rocket tent in the opening.

Now that the show is over, some general considerations about it:
-It does surprisingly good at creating a relaxing atmosphere without being boring, a difficult combination for an iyashikei to achieve.
-Despite that, it's not a show for everyone. I've recommended it to people who I know like slice of life or camping. I can understand why someone who isn't specially fond of these wouldn't like it as much as we did.
-The strongest point was for me the feeling of being brought along to camp to places I can't go. I appreciate the care they put into the sceneries and colors.
-On the other hand, I think the characters would need more development. I liked these characters, but they didn't leave much of a deep impression on me. Aoi in particular didn't seem to have any specific purpose like the others had, she was there and she was cute but that's all. Of course, being an adaptation that aspect is more limited to the original work.
-As for more seasons, well, the episodic nature of the show would perfectly allow it even lacking source material, just having care not to venture too far beyond. The author may have something to say in that decision, I suppose. Anyway, I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
"The world appears wonderful in the eyes of wonderful people." (Alicia Florence, ARIA)
Mar 22, 2018 12:32 PM

Nov 2012

Jonesy974 said:

And when I say popular, I mean it helped everything. The anime itself was popular in Japan and worldwide. The manga got a boost in popularity so I've heard. Camping in Japan saw a massive fucking boom after only like 3 episodes, got knows how much more attention campsites got. A show about winter camping boosted real life winter camping. And that's just in Japan, it also inspired people internationally to go camping. Communities like Nicovid and Pixiv and twitter have fuckloads of fanart now.

Even if the show was meant to be a one-off, with the amount of attention and success in garnered in so many different categories, It'd be crazy for the committee not to take notice and cash in on the opportunity.

Well it is indeed popular around the world.
To give you a perspective, this anime made some /a/non try out camping. In freaking Mexico. And started a bushfire.

Now that I've got it out of the way, this episode made for a very comfy conclusion. I was smiling the whole time watching. OH I'M GONNA MISS THIS SHOW, hell, this season in general!

Also the OST is out now!

SeaJaegerMar 29, 2018 6:59 AM

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Mar 22, 2018 12:42 PM

Nov 2011
Ah! One of my favorite anime has been terminated. Now we have to wait for the new anime season. The episode was very pleasant, and the comic lines were always fun. I absolutely want a second season.


dasprn said:

And this scene was epic too.

I agree! XD
terrablu2003Apr 1, 2018 12:31 PM
Mar 22, 2018 12:44 PM

Jul 2016
I'll admit that the opening scene caught me off guard but it was hilarious. Love the character interactions in this show.

What a great anime. When I started watching this show I expected it to be good but not that good. It delivered so much more than I expected and this conclusion put the cherry on top. This show shows you can be very simple in everything you do and still make something great. I hope a second season comes out so I can watch them eat more food can watch more great characters just enjoy themselves.

Mar 22, 2018 12:44 PM
Jul 2018
Perfect, absolutely perfectly crafted with all a viewer could want from a last episode. Rin and Nadeshiko tent scene was great, and the morning breakfast made me want to gather a bunch of friends and just go camping, it was dazzling.

The last scene... was just perfectly brilliant, as soon as I saw Nadeshiko biking - note that it is the same way Rin travels to the campsite in the first episode - I knew something magical would happen, same spot, same means of travel and sort of the same relaxed comfortable look, it had to be am unplanned meet up. When Rin sends the photo... honestly I cried :p couldn't hold my tears.

Overall, I couldn't have asked for a better show. Even though the nature of the show is a relaxing laid back one, it also teaches the viewer a great deal about one of the most precious things in life, friendship. Rin finds joy in being with friends and not being alone, and learns to give a chance to new experiences she might not be so comfortable with, which is extremely valuable in life.
This show will definitely be in my memory for a long, long time, and my next weeks will for sure have a void...

To sum up, I'll do a thing I never done before, I'll give a show a 10/10.
Mar 22, 2018 12:44 PM

May 2015
It was sooo cute, I think I'll miss it. Especially Nadeshiko, she is such a nice character, truly adorable.
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