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Jun 18, 2017 7:52 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Well, they actually had the final episode go out with a bang in the form a duel. Seems like they poured most of their budget into it as well. The fight pretty much went what I had expected and Kazuma manages to prove himself. Ofc, he got fed and had a comfy bath afterwards...lucky bastard. Meh, this show felt pretty much like an advert for the main manga as the story continues far from here. Overall, really underwhelming. |
Jun 18, 2017 8:52 AM
This ending clearly suggested a second season and seeing as this didn't even cover the first 20 chapters they still have a lot of material left, the manga is at chapter hundred something i think. Anyway it was really nice too see this animated after years of reading the manga it was really worth the wait. And the did a great job. |
Jun 18, 2017 9:48 AM
The duel stretched into the final episode. It was pretty cool. Kazuya did really well in defeating Sunao. He had a good time after that. Sunao' mother is mad at her. She's going to have to marry Kazuya if she's going to inherit the house. Kiriha transferred into Kazuya so she can be closer to him. The way this show ended feels like it needs a second season. |
Jun 18, 2017 9:56 AM
The fight was short but intense and Kazuya has proved himself. Sunao was given the option of marrying Kazuya. He got himself a new member to his harem. 'Divine Possession' kinda reminded me of Naruto's Sage mode. This show has made me want to read the manga. |
Jun 18, 2017 10:55 AM
sad that it end at this point since it just start getting better in the mango like Kazuya x Sunao ayyyyyyyyy season 2 won't hurt |
Jun 18, 2017 10:56 AM
Wouldn't it be something if for once the protagonist didn't win the final battle? Set against an opponent with superior training, strength, and experience they always win despite the obvious fact they shouldn't. Instead, Kazuya won with a random technique that was neither mentioned nor hinted to existing prior to this point, how cliche and anticlimactic. It was also nice of them to leave the last half of the finale for garbage fan service, though I suppose that does reflect this show's general atmosphere. Seriously, there were more bathing scenes in this show than there reasonably should be in a show. I hope that that second season that's being hinted at does not happen, cause I don't want to sit through another twelve episodes of this trash. |
Jun 18, 2017 11:07 AM
Vanschia said: sad that it end at this point since it just start getting better in the mango like Kazuya x Sunao ayyyyyyyyy season 2 won't hurt I have only seen the anime, but while I was waiting weekly, I took a peek at some parts of it, and I know what happens to Kiriha later on, and I have seen some scenes with Sunao, that were pretty spicy and funny. This episode ended with some great budget values too, and a pleasing ending, overall a 7.4/10, would be higher if it was uncersored, it would be awesome if the BDs were uncersored... anyway it was a good anime, enough to get me wanting to read the manga, guess I will start from chapter 1. |
Jun 18, 2017 11:13 AM
What an unexpectedly fun show. Great characters, style, action, comedy, and soundtrack. I'd definitely watch another season if one happened. Episode: 5/5 Overall: 7/10 |
Jun 18, 2017 12:24 PM
Jun 18, 2017 12:46 PM
finally over.... lets talk about the final episode first. kazuya's V-shield yet again bounced sunao's attack. sunao seems at her end towards it. the result is just a matter of time now. (in fact she has one way to win at that time. when in close quarter, she can use a replication attack while she attacks using the sword itself in a vertical direction. that V-shield can only bounces axial attack, a vertical attack will hit it in all forces and tear it.) kazuya can wait and win, but he decides to use his final shape and beat down sunao's ultimate move directly, and he succeeds! that means a perfect win with no accident. our mc defeats the boss (in this stage) and gets a new harem member. kukuri gets some chance to serve kazuya besides table, and she imagines to be kazuya's wife. sugar for kukuri's fans. kiriha and kukuri help kazuya in the bathroom omg~ prize from kiriha to kazuya, u know what that means... ive heard that in some manga and game settings, male and female can refuel and recover after battle loss through sex. tsugumomo clearly indicates the same thing in this session. sumeragi suzuri blames sunao for losing the battle, and orders her to marry kazuya! if you two become a couple, then this loss is just between family members, and sumeragi clan is still undefeated. it reminds me an old proverb, "if you can't beat them, join them". right KD35? i thought it would be sunao to turn into kazuya's class, but its kiriha! the narration come out in the end of this episode, unlike former episodes before the op. overall this anime tells an interesting story with bizarre settings and lots of fanservices. main characters are ok and have their points. only sister kasumi hasnt got detailed portray, but i feel that she will get her own episodes in later chapters (probably even with her mother). the animation is average, but ZERO-G really did its job somehow. i dont like the op, but that ed song is so sad! its good, and it would be better if the original manga is a tragic ending for kiriha. though this anime cant afford lots of famous voice casters, they managed to call in some top casters like taketatsu ayana (experts in ecchi shows). other good casters like Boruto, Satanichia, Isuzu, Albas, Ruruko, Koizumi Hanayo and Katsuragi Misato also performed well. p.s. i love Inoue Kikuko! this anime left a lot of hints for a sequel: sunao's marriage, kiriha's school life, sealed memory of kazuya (kanaka mentioned in kazuya's dream), and even kanaka's death. however this anime gained no commercial success, the blu-ray discs sell is estimated like less than a thousand, and we saw no boost for the original manga when its aired. additionally, i heard that this old manga got adapted just because they want to fill that empty schedule. in other words, its lucky enough for this manga to have a tv series and it should not hope to get more luck. final verdict: story:6 character:6 animation:5.5 sound:5.5 music:5 personal enjoyment:6.5 overall:6 (5 as average) all in all, i'm still obliged to Toei, Pony Canyon, studio ZERO-G, Futabasha, and every people that contributes in this anime. thanks for a good time. i still hate manga adaption. its so hard to watch a completed story! |
vellabrownJun 18, 2017 2:48 PM
Jun 18, 2017 1:13 PM
This was l33t! Superb finishing episode. I really hope for the second season to come |
Jun 18, 2017 1:20 PM
This manga really needed 24 episodes to flesh out its story. I'm a bit disappointed with the adaptation. Tsugumomo deserved more than this. |
Jun 18, 2017 1:34 PM
Well Kazuya once again proved himself to be the malison cleaner everyone needs..and up to the last ep fanservice is rampant..I thought the transfer student was sunao but..Well the ending suggests a 2nd season..right m8s? |
Jun 18, 2017 1:48 PM
I kinda felt the Anime was just a advertisement for the Manga like Deadman Wonderland. But i still liked the Show and had many times that i laughed my ass off (nearly everytime kiriha got angry at kazuya). Im actually worried about the reward kiriha gave him does somebody know something about that? |
Jun 18, 2017 2:59 PM
mousukoshi said: it needs 240 episodes to be fully adapted, i think.This manga really needed 24 episodes to flesh out its story. I'm a bit disappointed with the adaptation. Tsugumomo deserved more than this. Firesei said: in fact, most manga adaptations, or most adaptations, is made for boost the original source in market.I kinda felt the Anime was just a advertisement for the Manga like Deadman Wonderland. But i still liked the Show and had many times that i laughed my ass off (nearly everytime kiriha got angry at kazuya). Im actually worried about the reward kiriha gave him does somebody know something about that? the original manga didnt display the "reward". otherwise it will turn to a hentai manga, i think. |
Jun 18, 2017 3:25 PM
Superb adaptation overall. The fight scene was as great as expected. The ending would've been funny if they adapted the rest of that extra chapter, though. Like so: Source spoiler: Are you sure? I would've given this a 10/10, but they didn't adapt this part: KeiichiroSeiichi said: Well Kazuya once again proved himself to be the malison cleaner everyone needs..and up to the last ep fanservice is rampant..I thought the transfer student was sunao but..Well the ending suggests a 2nd season..right m8s? Feel free to read the spoiler, but it might spoil you of what's to come: Sunao does end up as a transfer student, but after 30 more chapters. There is a reason for that, but revealing it is too much of a spoiler. Will wait for a season 2. And an OVA adaptation of Fake Marriage Parts 1 and 2. |
Jun 18, 2017 4:04 PM
It was fun to watch. They have material for a 2nd season yes... is going to happen probably not. For the persons that want to know what happen, you should read the manga |
Jun 18, 2017 4:49 PM
PipeBoss said: It was fun to watch. They have material for a 2nd season yes... is going to happen probably not. For the persons that want to know what happen, you should read the manga You're talking about chapter 69, aren't you? |
Jun 18, 2017 5:08 PM
It only took 12 episodes but we finally had one that was decent. |
Jun 18, 2017 6:14 PM
While I wasn't wetting myself for Danmach, nearly every episode felt like a disappointment when compared to this one. In all fairness there is a limit in new content with respect to the overarching plot of that show. Still the character interactions from Danmachi compared to this are mediocre at best. I normally find myself focusing on 2-4 shows. And honestly this has been the most rewarding. Granblu I've been watching when I don't have anything else to watch, Danmachi kinda makes me just wanna finish it and throw it to the side. Renai is just too seriousness and all over the place for me, so essentially there is just this one. I definitely look forward to a second season for this. I think it deserves one more than Re Zero from last year, considering the cheap consistent rehashing that show kept on with. As a quick note I noticed this thing seemed to have more balls with the ecchi than some show that features frontal and full moon shots, I'm looking at you, Masou Gakuen HxH. |
Jun 18, 2017 7:09 PM
Overall a pretty ok series, with some enjoyable parts, I will be interested to know if this gets picked up for a second season. I did like the duel this episode in fact that was probably one of the better parts of the episode the bath scene afterwards was also quite funny. |
Jun 18, 2017 7:34 PM
I found it pretty enjoyable week to week. It won't get another season. I agree with with the statement that this was more of an advertisement then an adaptation. 12 episodes for something that has a lot of material to play with pretty much tells you that. Still, I had some fun with it. |
Jun 18, 2017 7:39 PM
This series is quite a decent watch, quite entertaining moments albeit generic (again not a bad thing). Decent animation, good characters and decent music. Quite something that you can just pass the time and enjoy. |
Jun 18, 2017 7:40 PM
Oliversmillie said: Don't think there is a battle from Danmachi that tops this from the retelling.Overall a pretty ok series, with some enjoyable parts, I will be interested to know if this gets picked up for a second season. I did like the duel this episode in fact that was probably one of the better parts of the episode the bath scene afterwards was also quite funny. |
Jun 18, 2017 8:23 PM
I wish we had more stuff but thats where we are leaving i guess. And my favorite content is coming right after this episode. With Sunao and whole Mayoiga stuff. Glad that adaptation was fairly loyal obvious lewd stuff would be censored im just glad the story remained the same. (unlike in Fuuka last season *cough* *cough*) Still though i feel like fights were done better in manga and i just love manga better overall. I really like Opening and ending I feel like they are among the best this season but in a final episode i wish we would've skipped them and instead have more content, but the ending wasnt that bad i suppose. Obviously it makes the story feel unfinished but at least it didnt leave on a cliffhanger like many other animes do. Sunao's mom making her marry Kazuya makes it really tempting to get a season 2. Anyway i liked the adaptation and this episode (the one i was worried about the most) |
Jun 18, 2017 8:37 PM
This was good. I like this type of show. I liked Kiriha, she was a good character. This last episode did a good job finishing the final fight and then wrapping up the show. |
Jun 18, 2017 8:46 PM
Great ending out of this anime! Yet another anime I didn't expect anything from this season...but it was surprisingly entertaining! I will probably forget about this series as time goes on but it was a really fun enjoyable anime! The fight was really well done for a heavy comedy focused anime so I'm pleased out of what I got from this anime! 7/10 for the good effort! |
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!! |
Jun 18, 2017 8:55 PM
The final fight was pretty good, and it looks like they saved their budget to make it look pretty. Overall this show wasn't one that'll stay in my memory for very long. It had some funny moments here and there, and the final fight, like I said, was pretty good, but other than that it's a pretty forgettable show. |
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime. Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait. MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol. |
Jun 18, 2017 9:07 PM
Not bad, not too good, but it was worth the watch. Not sure I'd recommend this to someone, but I don't regret watching it, might even rewatch it or read the manga after this. Solid 7/10 |
Jun 18, 2017 10:00 PM
Man that final fight was badass....Really proud of the performances from both of them Overall, this series was pretty fun and even though it dragged on a bit at times, I found myself enjoying most of it due to how nice the characters are + the action scenes and comedic/ecchi moments And now that I know that the BD's are confirmed uncensored, my body will be quite satisfied as well lol Solid 7/10 |
Jun 18, 2017 10:04 PM
For the people that are interested on continuing the series and cannot wait for a season 2 (if there is going to be a season 2), click on the spoiler Tsugumomo anime Currently Ended in Chapter 30 from the manga AT THE END OF EP12, the anime kinda spins off from what happens after chapter 30. Its best to start off at chapter 31 IN EP 8: Skipped to chapter 19 on first half and second half is chapter 29.5 |
Jun 18, 2017 11:23 PM
not going to lie i thought the transfer student was going to be sunao not kiriha |
Jun 19, 2017 12:06 AM
Well, I enjoyed this. It was never more than I expected from it but it was never particularly bad in my eyes. At the very least it convinced me t read the manga. 7/10 |
Jun 19, 2017 4:28 AM
This series was an enjoyable watch. I'll probably check out the manga in the future if the show doesn't get a season 2. 7/10 |
Jun 19, 2017 4:55 AM
The clash between Sunao and Kazuya was pretty fascinating, while the remainder of the narration reserved some great comic moments and not just eheheheheh! The series behaved well, though not revealing itself original, but if it comes to a second season, I will look at it with great pleasure. For now, my vote is 6.95/10. I look at the BDs, to further unbalanced me. |
Jun 19, 2017 5:36 AM
vellabrown said: mousukoshi said: it needs 240 episodes to be fully adapted, i think.This manga really needed 24 episodes to flesh out its story. I'm a bit disappointed with the adaptation. Tsugumomo deserved more than this. Firesei said: in fact, most manga adaptations, or most adaptations, is made for boost the original source in market.I kinda felt the Anime was just a advertisement for the Manga like Deadman Wonderland. But i still liked the Show and had many times that i laughed my ass off (nearly everytime kiriha got angry at kazuya). Im actually worried about the reward kiriha gave him does somebody know something about that? the original manga didnt display the "reward". otherwise it will turn to a hentai manga, i think. Well im kinda glad that they didnt show it. But hopefully they explained what happend i mean kiriha couldve only kissed him and he passed out (hopefully) its always kinda weird when i know that some char had sex or something |
Jun 19, 2017 7:10 AM
Epic fight. 9/10 Show was funny. This or Hero academia is my anime of the season. I hope it gets a second season |
Jun 19, 2017 7:18 AM
Jun 19, 2017 7:21 AM
Still cannot believe how PG this show has been so far. Did they really skip out on almost all of the lewd parts of the manga? Ending things here was a good move. Possible to get to the next arc, and also alright if they decided not to do a second season. Overall it was a good refresher for the start of the series. Time to go back to the manga, lol. |
Jun 19, 2017 8:22 AM
Lord_of_Anime said: Reminds me of the Konasub end battle from the second season.Great ending out of this anime! Yet another anime I didn't expect anything from this season...but it was surprisingly entertaining! I will probably forget about this series as time goes on but it was a really fun enjoyable anime! The fight was really well done for a heavy comedy focused anime so I'm pleased out of what I got from this anime! 7/10 for the good effort! |
Jun 19, 2017 9:17 AM
The fight was good in this episode 7/10 my final score I hope it get 2nd season |
Jun 19, 2017 10:12 AM
I started reading Tsugumomo years ago. I always wondered why an echii manga with such good art and decent story never got an adaptation. Yet stuff like To Love Ru has gotten several, but I digress. It wasn't a perfect adaptation, and to be fair the worst part of Tsugumomo is the first half. However, I was pleasantly surprised with the over all quality of the adaptation. The animation was pretty good considering the budget and time. The art style was fairly close to the original. The casting was probably the best thing about the adaptation. Even the soundtrack was pretty good. I'm happy with what we got and would love an extra OVA now and then. Tsugumomo is the type of series that would have been a huge hit had it aired 10 years ago (then again the manga is about that old). Sadly the industry today content with churning out 12 episode long commercials. I'd rate it a solid 8/10. |
Jun 19, 2017 12:41 PM
Considering the comedy elements I didn't expect such a clear-cut victory by Kazuya and Kiriha. It made the episode all the more fun. I'm actually a little sad this is already finished, because they did a pretty good job with this Anime. Needless to say I hope there will be a season 2 in the not so distant future. Plus, the show already got me hooked for the manga. |
Jun 19, 2017 3:38 PM
Looks like Sunao was holding her strength back for the second half then. Though Kazuya did well in the first half though now he needs to contend with the second half. The invention of a new move at the moment though was a surprise though. Hmm so instead of blocking Kazuya used misdirection eh. This dual is gonna be close though thats for sure. I didn't think that they would enter a stalemate though tbh. Kazuya's inventiveness sure is impressive in surprising Sunao. The convo between Kukuri and Honoka was hillarious though. To think that Honoka used such a powerful technique on Sunao just to test her though. I guess Kazuya is determined to win over Sunao to show her that his way of thinking is the correct way. Charging in is the last thing Sunao would have expected though. The commentary that Honoka and Kukuri give during the dual was pretty interesting. If a Tsugumomo and its user has a deep enough bond then they can use this to enhance the user eh. Hmm Divine possession eh. Man what a dual and a dramatic one as well. But man what a victory for Kazuya and Kiriha though. It seems that after the victory Sunao has at least developed more respect for the tsugumomo. It seems that Sunao's views and attitude are not as bad as they thought then. So Kazuya eventually fainted due to exhaustion eh. At least he didn't when he was in the middle of the dual. To think that Kazuya would go all out for this dual though. Lol Kazuya is one lucky guy in being fed by a goddess though. Kasumi would be pretty jealous lol. Kasumi's imagination though lol. Hmm unique way of having a bath though. Still i guess this could be said to be a reward for Kazuya though lol. Hmm Kukuri waking up with someone's pants on her head lol. Hmm the response from Kasumi though was just like her. Horny Youkai was a great description for Kiriha though lol. Wow to think that there is something that even Sunao is scared off eh. To think that was her mother though. Hmm i think both options are kinda unrealistic but the second one is more possible. Hmm its nice that in the end they showed what happened to all the characters though. This is the best type of ending though. Lol so the new transfer student is actually Kiriha eh. Tbh i thought it will be Sunao though. |
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Jun 19, 2017 4:43 PM
I get why the rating is low for this series. The first few arcs of the manga were more comical and didnt have too many series moments and this ended right when Kazuya finally started to unlock his potential at this and when things are gonna start getting more series. I really hope a season two happens to show how really great this series will be. |
Jun 19, 2017 7:11 PM
I'm actually surprised how much I really liked this anime. It just felt kind of different. Really enjoyable show and great characters. Also Kazuya was pretty bad ass in that ending fight. Really hoping for a season 2! |
Listen to my podcast Follow my twitch. Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile "You can have multiple Waifus" -me |
Jun 19, 2017 8:02 PM
UltimusInfinitum said: PipeBoss said: It was fun to watch. They have material for a 2nd season yes... is going to happen probably not. For the persons that want to know what happen, you should read the manga You're talking about chapter 69, aren't you? Lol maybe maybe :D |
Jun 20, 2017 10:46 AM
It started of a bit boring, but the last episodes were really good! 8/10. Also, the ED is so good! |
Nanika ga Okashii |
Jun 20, 2017 4:57 PM
Vert said: For the people that are interested on continuing the series and cannot wait for a season 2 (if there is going to be a season 2), click on the spoiler Tsugumomo anime Currently Ended in Chapter 30 from the manga AT THE END OF EP12, the anime kinda spins off from what happens after chapter 30. Its best to start off at chapter 31 IN EP 8: Skipped to chapter 19 on first half and second half is chapter 29.5 Why have them start at chapter 31 wwhen they could read from chapter 1 and compare the vast detail of the author's art with that of the adaptation? |
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