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Nov 28, 2016 3:04 PM

Sep 2016
i just read the manga, it's a terribly written messy, corny, cheesy 3rd rate korean telenovela melodrama (a lot of kisses at least)

see you in few years (if it's not cancelled of course)

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
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Nov 28, 2016 3:49 PM

Sep 2014
You clearly are disappointed about the manga and that doesn't mean much. Oh, nevermind because anime adaptations are always different from the source.

I predict a final score of around 7,40 for this anime.
Dec 1, 2016 6:35 PM

Jun 2015
I'm pretty sure the multitude of manga fans (myself included), who are also the majority of people who will be watching the adaptation, are going to enjoy it... your subjective opinion on the manga isn't going to change that lol. I personally didn't find the manga to be badly written at all; it's a girly romance/drama series and your complaints are just kind of the way that genre is.

I would predict if you did NOT like the manga, you're unlikely to enjoy the adaptation, but if you DID like it (or thought it was okay) you will probably enjoy it. Some great art, a nice soundtrack, and good voice acting can go a long way to bringing a manga to life.
Dec 6, 2016 1:34 PM

May 2013
It's sad that Yuzu manages to somehow come as a pretty decent MC while simultaneously/consistently letting herself be slapped on the face with Mei's lesbian dick 24/7. I wouldn't even call it masochism, just plain stupidity from Yuzu's side, which is so sad since she has so much potential in general.
Dec 7, 2016 12:38 PM
Nov 2015
I only want Ayana Taketatsu as Yuzu
Dec 12, 2016 10:43 PM

Jan 2008
I actually quite love the manga, I have all the currently licensed manga. Story wise it's not anything particularly special and the adaption probably won't do much but man, a gyaru female lead with a tsuntsun female love interest THAT become step sisters to each other? That's a unique combo if anything, yuri borderline-incest?! Major bonus points. The artwork is also one of my favorite kind in manga, not some over done moe design like Sakura Kiss and not shoujo design either, which is a huge plus for me if the adaption stays true to it.
Dec 13, 2016 6:59 AM

May 2013
Unique? Really? Are you going to say incest (and pseudo-incest, like this crap series) and tsundere characters are one of a kind now? If anything the only different aspect that gives Citrus anything to "brag" about would only be the Gyaru thing, which even so doesn't change much because you could call Yuzu a genki idiot and make her hair dye fade and not change much. The art does become "meh" the more/longer you have been reading it and noticing the small details, like Sabo's blatant lack of anatomy skills and, to this day, not being able to draw a decent human-looking ear.
Dec 13, 2016 7:28 AM

Jan 2008
You are free to give suggestions if you can find any with similar coupling and art. And I wasn't bragging like saying artwork was the best or anything, it's just my personal preference when it comes to yuri, not too moeblob and not too shoujo.
Dec 14, 2016 12:24 PM

Jun 2015
I wonder who will be taking advice about quality from someone with a Cross Ange sig.
Dec 14, 2016 1:16 PM

Sep 2016
AltoRoark said:
I wonder who will be taking advice about quality from someone with a Cross Ange sig.

cross ange is the true quality anime, unlike your fav edgy garbage evangelion

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Mar 1, 2017 12:25 PM

Apr 2009
This is slighty off topic but I'm horrified by how much this girl looks like Yuzu.
– official 魔法少女 “mahou shoujo“ credo
Mar 24, 2017 12:04 PM

Sep 2016
Lawli-Pop said:
This is slighty off topic but I'm horrified by how much this girl looks like Yuzu.
yuzu is better since she likes a girl

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Mar 27, 2017 5:28 AM

Apr 2009
GangsterCat said:
Lawli-Pop said:
This is slighty off topic but I'm horrified by how much this girl looks like Yuzu.
yuzu is better since she likes a girl

That goes without saying :P
I'm wondering though if this is considered the uniform look of a gyaru - which cannot possibly be the case XD - or if they just stole Yuzu's design.
– official 魔法少女 “mahou shoujo“ credo
Apr 5, 2017 5:52 PM

Apr 2013
Lawli-Pop said:
GangsterCat said:
yuzu is better since she likes a girl

That goes without saying :P
I'm wondering though if this is considered the uniform look of a gyaru - which cannot possibly be the case XD - or if they just stole Yuzu's design.

I mean, it kind of is. In anime and manga.

Apr 7, 2017 10:06 AM

Aug 2014
Can't be disappointed if I have no expectations.
Sieg Zeon!
Apr 7, 2017 10:13 AM

Jun 2011
I have no expectations. Yuri is never as good as I wish it to be anyway. And since I rate by genre I just go... eh. hope it is better than my current 10/10. and not as bad as like... shoujo sect.
The anime community in a nutshell.
Apr 11, 2017 3:10 PM
Sep 2014
I hope it will be good, I liked the manga.
Most yuri sucks, but I liked Citrus a lot.
Apr 17, 2017 9:18 AM

Apr 2015
I'm not going into it with any expectations. If I watch it and it turns out to be a 5/10, I won't be dissapointed. Any lower and I'd just be annoyed or frustrated, like with most series, any higher and I'd say I'll be satisfied at least, if not downright happy.
I own the first five volumes of the Manga, but I refuse to crack them open until this series airs, so as to reduce pre-reading bias.
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
Apr 20, 2017 3:53 PM

Jul 2015
This manga has been my guilty pleasure for a few years now. It'll be a bit sad when the serious reviewers will write about its terrible writing, saying that they were expecting a masterpiece with a genuine interpretation of leabian relationships and how they're disappointed by this vulgar smut. This will result in them giving it 1/10, and an army of sheeple on the net dissing Citrus and making long rants about how it's a mess; entirely missing the point.
In2TheBluApr 20, 2017 3:56 PM
May 16, 2017 12:37 PM
Sep 2016
Lawli-Pop said:
GangsterCat said:
yuzu is better since she likes a girl

That goes without saying :P
I'm wondering though if this is considered the uniform look of a gyaru - which cannot possibly be the case XD - or if they just stole Yuzu's design.

Actually if you look up manga/doujin's designs of gyaru they are all pretty much very similar looking to Yuzu, which is just how the stereotype goes I'd say.

kirinonakano said:
I only want Ayana Taketatsu as Yuzu


Taketatsu Ayana is THE gyaru.
Jul 14, 2017 3:35 PM

Feb 2017
kirinonakano said:
I only want Ayana Taketatsu as Yuzu

Congrats, it'll be her!!
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Jul 14, 2017 5:51 PM
Jul 2017
That was my first reaction when I read the Volume 1 of the manga.

Just didn't do it for me.
Aug 6, 2017 4:16 PM
Apr 2014
Lawli-Pop said:
This is slighty off topic but I'm horrified by how much this girl looks like Yuzu.

There's also this one.

Either way, I'm really bothered we still don't know anything about the studio producing this anime and the voice cast.
And I'm really liking the manga especially as of late, so if the anime is half as good it'll be perfect.
Aug 6, 2017 5:22 PM

May 2015
YayaChibi said:
Citrus has some nice yuri action, but that's really all the reasons why I like it lol
The anime is obviously going to be shit though lol

How is it obvious exactly? We know nothing about it.

Aug 6, 2017 5:59 PM

May 2015
YayaChibi said:
Kittens-kun said:

How is it obvious exactly? We know nothing about it.

you literally reply to all my shitpost with a serious answer man lol
You take the bait a little bit to easily lol

You're telling me everything you say in the same vain as this comment is a shitpost? It's never what you actually believe?

Aug 23, 2017 7:53 AM

Jun 2015
In2TheBlu said:
This manga has been my guilty pleasure for a few years now. It'll be a bit sad when the serious reviewers will write about its terrible writing, saying that they were expecting a masterpiece with a genuine interpretation of leabian relationships and how they're disappointed by this vulgar smut. This will result in them giving it 1/10, and an army of sheeple on the net dissing Citrus and making long rants about how it's a mess; entirely missing the point.

Would you mind sharing this "point" that they're missing? I personally never found its writing to reach abysmal territory, but you seem to have a different view on it than I do. I'm curious as to what that is.

Also it's quite amusing how OP talks about melodrama and whatnot when his tastes gravitate primarily towards ecchi and hentai. Makes you wonder just how much he really cares (or knows) about actual writing, lel.
Aug 24, 2017 7:55 AM

Jul 2015
AltoRoark said:
In2TheBlu said:
This manga has been my guilty pleasure for a few years now. It'll be a bit sad when the serious reviewers will write about its terrible writing, saying that they were expecting a masterpiece with a genuine interpretation of leabian relationships and how they're disappointed by this vulgar smut. This will result in them giving it 1/10, and an army of sheeple on the net dissing Citrus and making long rants about how it's a mess; entirely missing the point.

Would you mind sharing this "point" that they're missing? I personally never found its writing to reach abysmal territory, but you seem to have a different view on it than I do. I'm curious as to what that is.

The point being that it's not a piece of media that's meant to be enjoyed for its depth and richness of plot, its original, well structured and coherent or its intricate characterization with an enthralling cast. It's just a pretty yuri manga with some cute moments and some titillating ones. There is some forced drama and the mostly stereotypical characters are sometimes annoying given their poor decision-making abilities. This is it. Yet, there'll be many people that will expect more from it. This is because it's one of the few genuine yuri shows to get an adaptation. In an environment where most anime-only watchers were exposed to contact yuri bait but not the real deal, it makes Citrus kind of a big deal for them. The latter will eventually be disappointed and express their frustration by dissing the media that was not meant for them in the first place.

Btw, OP is the resident Cross Ange fan. If you've been on the forums enough you'd know that. It does not necessarily mean that he has poor taste. In fact, I'd agree with a lot of his ratings. After all, taste is subjective. That being said, nice list AltoRoark.i suggest you try Planetes, Haibane Renmei, Mousou Dairinin, Paprika, Jin-Rou, Oyasumi Ounpun(manga), Kaiji, Shinsekai Yori, Tekkonkinkreet and Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
In2TheBluAug 24, 2017 12:53 PM
Aug 24, 2017 8:23 AM

Jun 2015
@In2TheBlu Honestly, such expectations regarding depth or themes would be pretty unreasonable. But if people are itching for such a rare case of a quality yuri anime, it's natural to be wanting a rich, smoothly-paced plot and captivating characters. Personally I think Citrus has that mostly covered. Sure, some parts like the Sara arc were unnecessary, but the two mains are captivating enough. And certain side characters like Himeko are a nice inclusion as well. I highly doubt this manga became popular only for having nice art, since there's plenty other yuri material with art just about on par with Citrus, if not better.

It's no secret that the storyline of Citrus takes itself quite seriously at times, so as such it's natural for readers to read it with a serious mindset. Therefore I don't think disliking the drama in Citrus is nessesarily "missing the point", so much as it's merely a matter of opinion. Plenty of readers will hope for the relationship in Citrus to develop nicely with interesting encounters, so superficial roadblocks like the Sara arc can be inderstandably jarring.

So in short, I think it will do fine as long as it stays accurate, since it's garnered a big enough fanbase as is. I personally think Citrus is a good manga, so I'm hoping that's the case with whoever's adapting it. And besides, readers seem to have been quite relieved of their initial frustration with the manga thanks the conclusion of the Sara arc, where
Aug 24, 2017 8:30 AM

Sep 2016
a lot of /r/iamverysmart and elitist material up there
this manga is corny as fuck, nobody would read this if not for some lesbian kiss, it's far worse than the worst korean melodrama that's how bad it is. it will be like netsuzo trap where people have some good lesbian expectation but then lots of people starting to drop it because it's just godawful.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Aug 24, 2017 12:34 PM

Jul 2015
Lol mate. It's extremely corny and needlessly melodramatic for sure but it's not as bad as NTR. That one is an abomination. Even the Pupa manga (not the anime) is better than Netsuzou TRap. It's like the author wanted to make the readers feel bad for reading the story. If one is looking for actual good Yuri, I would recommend Bloom Into You, Collectors, Kanojo to Camera to Kanojo no Kisetsu and Kase-san. Have fun on your sapphic adventures!
In2TheBluAug 24, 2017 12:52 PM
Aug 24, 2017 2:55 PM

Jun 2015
@GangsterCat "It's bad because I said so." "People will hate it because I said so."

Your argument in a nutshell. Got anything else?
Aug 24, 2017 3:44 PM

Sep 2016
AltoRoark said:
@GangsterCat "It's bad because I said so." "People will hate it because I said so."

Your argument in a nutshell. Got anything else?
exactly, it's my opinion. any other question?

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Sep 1, 2017 4:34 PM

Aug 2016
AltoRoark said:
I highly doubt this manga became popular only for having nice art, since there's plenty other yuri material with art just about on par with Citrus, if not better.

Been a yuri fan for almost a decade now & I can tell you that most non-doujin, original yuri don't have the greatest art styles. Citrus was probably among the first yuri series to have nice art, so it caught a lot of people's attentions initially, including me (I remember when chap 1 first came out, my reaction to it was basically "No way, this cannot be yuri, the art is too nice.") Only recently have there been more yuri with good and better art thanks to the growth of the genre as a whole (more new authors, some doujinka going professional, & the rise of non-Jap GL.) It might not be the whole story behind Citrus' popularity, but the art definitely played a big part in setting it off.

In2TheBlu said:
The point being that it's not a piece of media that's meant to be enjoyed for its depth and richness of plot, its original, well structured and coherent or its intricate characterization with an enthralling cast. It's just a pretty yuri manga with some cute moments and some titillating ones. There is some forced drama and the mostly stereotypical characters are sometimes annoying given their poor decision-making abilities. This is it. Yet, there'll be many people that will expect more from it. This is because it's one of the few genuine yuri shows to get an adaptation. In an environment where most anime-only watchers were exposed to contact yuri bait but not the real deal, it makes Citrus kind of a big deal for them. The latter will eventually be disappointed and express their frustration by dissing the media that was not meant for them in the first place.

I don't think most people come into a yuri expecting that level of intricacy tbh. It's a niche genre after all. Expecting a masterpiece is unreasonable, but I don't think people going into a piece of media expecting basic stuffs like a well-told story &/or well-written characters are missing the point if they end up not getting those things & get disappointed by it. There will always be fans & haters for any piece of work. And unless the Citrus anime gets the same treatment as NTR (which I doubt), I think people's opinions on it will be like with the manga: polarizing af.
Sep 1, 2017 5:27 PM

Oct 2014
I'm actually expecting to like the anime more than the manga (scored 6=fine), the story for which seemed to remain stagnate for too long. Mayhap the anime will progress faster. It certainly can't be worse than a lot of the so-so shoujo-ai titles that I recently spent the good part of year watching.

Let's hope it gets more than the 1 cour that a lot of the franchises ended up with (Aoi Hana, Sasameki Koto come to mind). *knock on wood*

Anyway, beggars can't be choosers when it comes to adapted yuri. I'll take what they give.
Avatar: Anzu Kadotani from Girls und Panzer. XMas awesomeness version by Charenji :)

Oct 7, 2017 2:51 PM
Sep 2014
The anime can't disappoint me any more than the manga did. I only read the first volume, because it... just wasn't my type of story. Gonna check out the anime anyway, because I'm THAT starved for some yuri.
Oct 7, 2017 5:03 PM

Feb 2008
I do like Citrus and arts still not that bad and I happy to see an anime. I didn't like that Netsuzou_TRap I only found that annoying.
Well you get it

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Oct 13, 2017 10:52 AM
Jun 2016
I am a guy, so I will definitely love this.
Dec 31, 2017 9:36 AM

Dec 2013
I can't really be too disappointed it's a shitty manga if I bother watching the anime I'm fairly certain it will be shitty too.
Dec 31, 2017 10:50 AM

Feb 2017
I strongly disagree.
I'm not really into femalexfemale kind of relationship but Citrus is amazing.
I bet you're disappointed because you wanted porn and you got deep, interesting characters who have feelings and plot which contains facing problems not connected with sex. If you want cheap porn, I recommend you to read Netsuzou TRap.

Citrus is really, really good. And that's why I'm afraid they might turn it into something horrible in the anime.
anneloraJan 2, 2018 11:40 AM
Jan 1, 2018 4:39 AM

Dec 2016
Oooooh yeah, I agree, people will be disappointed (I've read the manga a bit too). It suffers a bit from melodrama, which is why I am a bit hesitant to watch the anime. Besides that, people who are looking for lesbian incest porn will be highly disappointed because it focuses a lot on the relationships between characters (as ACTUAL sisters) rather than actual yuri. However, if you like shoujo ai drama and stuff like that (i.e. incest drama, lesbian love triangles), you'll probably enjoy this.
Jan 1, 2018 4:40 AM

Apr 2016
Its yuri teen romance drama, but i'll watch it for the plot.

Only good reason.
Jan 1, 2018 4:41 AM

Dec 2017
I personnally heared that it's a damn good manga from those who red it !
I think I'm gonna wait until the airing to make my own opinion
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Jan 1, 2018 5:48 AM
Jun 2017
GangsterCat said:
i just read the manga, it's a terribly written messy, corny, cheesy 3rd rate korean telenovela melodrama (a lot of kisses at least)

see you in few years (if it's not cancelled of course)

Get a life, freak!!
Jan 1, 2018 6:29 AM
May 2017
The manga was awfull.
Dragonknight124Jan 1, 2018 6:41 AM
Jan 1, 2018 8:00 AM

Apr 2013
My only problem with the manga is it feels like it rushes through things here and there.
Jan 1, 2018 4:53 PM

Jun 2015
UGH. I thought this was going to be a sweet shoujo-ai, not STEP SISTERS. B L E G H.

We need more NORMALIZED queer women in anime!!! I can't live on Aoi Hana alone!!!

Definitely taking this garbage off my list :(
My favorite anime: Sailor Moon, Noragami, Kamisama Kiss, Carole & Tuesday, HunterxHunter, & Little Witch Academia.
Jan 1, 2018 6:05 PM

Dec 2017
Nah I read the manga and it's not really cheesy.
Aerchan said:
UGH. I thought this was going to be a sweet shoujo-ai, not STEP SISTERS. B L E G H.

We need more NORMALIZED queer women in anime!!! I can't live on Aoi Hana alone!!!

Definitely taking this garbage off my list :(
"queer women"
The fuck. Just type lesbian couple. It's really not garbage if you wish to read it. Of course I can't remember a lot since I put the story on hold as I read all of it and then read another manga and forgot about it till a week ago and watching jojo. I think a disappointment for me was bnha as it was boring in my opinion.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
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Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Jan 1, 2018 6:17 PM

Jun 2014
i don't think... it will be that bad. the manga isn't that bad itself.

s t a t i c n o i s e

Jan 1, 2018 9:19 PM

Jun 2015
Apollo_Goddess said:
Nah I read the manga and it's not really cheesy.
Aerchan said:
UGH. I thought this was going to be a sweet shoujo-ai, not STEP SISTERS. B L E G H.

We need more NORMALIZED queer women in anime!!! I can't live on Aoi Hana alone!!!

Definitely taking this garbage off my list :(
"queer women"
The fuck. Just type lesbian couple. It's really not garbage if you wish to read it. Of course I can't remember a lot since I put the story on hold as I read all of it and then read another manga and forgot about it till a week ago and watching jojo. I think a disappointment for me was bnha as it was boring in my opinion.

not all women that like women are lesbian though. So I like the word queer, it's my preference. I just want to see two girls fall for each other and have a regular relationship. That's all I want. It doesn't have to be an all girls school, or that they're step siblings, or (the WORST) one of them keeps groping the other until she's suddenly "into it". blegh. Shoujo Ai is a mixed bag, but I'm going to try Sasameki Koto next. I really can't wait for Asagao to Kase-san either!
My favorite anime: Sailor Moon, Noragami, Kamisama Kiss, Carole & Tuesday, HunterxHunter, & Little Witch Academia.
Jan 16, 2018 9:56 PM

Mar 2009
Aerchan said:
or that they're step siblings

I don't see any problem here. It's pseudo-incest.
They are basically complete strangers to each other, not real family members.

Here's the real problem though.

'Yuri' is not a literary genre in a traditional sense. It simply is a colletion of narrative tropes about female homosexual/homoromantic relationships. 'Drama' is, however. If one of the main female characters (Mei or Yuzu) would be a man, everyone would be screaming about how Citrus is one of the cheesiest (in the worst way imaginable) and overrated romance stories in the history of romance manga and anime, with boring-ass one-dimensional character interactions and overblown conflicts.

But if it's yuri, then it suddenly becomes acceptable for some reason, because "your expectations are too high, calm down", "YAY, GAYYY GRILLS IN ANIME" and etc. This is the mindset that bothers me very much. People are so blinded by their thirst for 'gay girls like me' or 'hawt lesbian action' in anime, that they almost don't realize, that if one would strip Citrus of yuri tropes, it will become an empty shell. It is an empty shell.

I perfectly understand why it's Citrus and not any other yuri manga - because it's pretty freaking popular right now at this moment of history, that's why. Any adaptation needs to be commercially successful. But it still pains me deep in my heart. There's so much truly unique yuri manga, yet instead they are adapting...this.

And if someone wants to talk about how there's not enough queer women in anime, then I'd add that Citrus is clearly not the best story in terms of representation of a healthy relationship. It's basically just another cliche romance drama that starts from abuse, when one of the future partners acts like a complete asshole and another one falls for him/her for random reasons, usually because the author is completely oblivious to the concept of "character motivation".
AlexandepJan 16, 2018 10:17 PM
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