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Mar 27, 2015 12:59 AM

May 2014

Of course, every club MUST have an introduction thread! So we can know each of us very well. Introducing ourselves is not bad, so introduce yourself, and we'll welcome you warmly! c:

So eventually, the creator must introduce herself, noh?

So here it goes!


Hi hi! The name is Mamichou~ I'm currently 13 years old living in Asia. I started reading Yaoi manguh since December, yep. I've just began reading Yaoi 3 months ago. I seriously hated BL before, because it's gay. But when I started watching Junjou Romantica, I realized that BL isn't really bad. So for starters, I first read shounen-ai manguh, I liked it. After some, I decided to read Yaoi, and since that, I started becoming a fujoshi! Haha, simple story, right? Right back to the introduction. I'm a girl (of course), and I'm shy and quiet, so don't expect me to talk too much >///<. But maybe someday, I might change into a talkative person because people change ya know! :D

Hai! That's for my introduction. It's now your turn senpai!
TootsMar 31, 2015 4:10 AM
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Mar 27, 2015 2:38 PM

Mar 2010
hi im Ranoom. I live in North America but im an Asian. I have started reading Yaoi since a few years ago. Prob 2011 or something. I was indifferent with BL since i did not know there was such thing lol... My first anime is prob junjou or Sekai-ichi but I've started to read yaoi manga first. I started with Finders, i think most of you know this series. IRL i also dont talk much as well. I am open to any bl recommendations since i don't really judge the artwork/content but i prefer if its completed.
Mar 28, 2015 10:49 AM
Jul 2014
Hey there I'm PinkPetals (you can also just call me pink or petals like most people do :D)
Just like Ranoom, I'm from North America, but I'm German (I speak both languages), so basically I'm bilingual.
My yaoi obsession started a few years, if I remember correctly 4 1/2 years ago^^
My first yaoi manga was Crimson Spell (still one of my favorites till this day) and my first shounen ai anime was Junjou Romantica and after that I watched all the yaoi OVAs I could find :D
I'm kind of picky when it comes to manga, if I don't like the art or the story is just pointless, I tend to scan through it quickly or just drop it all together lol.

Anyway, nice to meet you! Let's get along :3
Mar 29, 2015 9:42 AM

Oct 2014
Hello everyone! You can call me Leara or whatever you want :) BL is one of my favourite genres, I started reading/ watching yaoi 8 months ago and I really don't regret it. I like playing video games and kurobas is the reason of my life. I'm quite shy person who loves to draw, nice to meet you all C:
Mar 30, 2015 2:18 PM

Mar 2010
Mar 31, 2015 12:29 PM

Feb 2014
Heya, I'm Nellynuska, but u may call me Nelly or Nell, I dont really care^ I'm 18, living in the middle of Europe and sometimes I'm just too talkative :D I'm ending a grammar school and next year i will attend an university, so I dont have that much time right now >> I'm actually more into fan yaoi pairings like Shizaya than real yaoi mangas (dont kill me >~<), but u can recommend me some if u want. But as Pink, I'm also picky when it comes to manga, I can't read it untill it has a good art xD :c
Nice to meet u all~ (Although I know most of u from another clubs xD)
Mar 31, 2015 12:34 PM

Mar 2010
Haha welcome Nelly :D Nice to see you in this club :D
Izaya & Shizuo <3
Mar 31, 2015 12:51 PM

Feb 2014
:DThanks Ranoom, nice to see u here, too:D ^^
Hehe^^ Hope they will have an edition,too
Mar 31, 2015 12:54 PM
Jul 2014
Nelly lately I'm more into Doujinshi myself xD I think I read more doujin than actual original manga lol.

Anyway welcome and enjoy your stay^^ and regarding the cards, we're working on it lol.
Mar 31, 2015 1:16 PM

Mar 2010
^ Im honestly pretty noob in dj's. I only read them on different series while I was doing the challenge in BL categories.. Do you know any good ones? lols. and they might be in the next edition we're opening :)
Mar 31, 2015 1:18 PM
Jul 2014
Yes I have a few good ones if you're interested ranoom ^^
Mar 31, 2015 1:20 PM

Mar 2010
Yes please^ if you have the time! cannn you post them here? [cause this the da introduction thread D:]
Mar 31, 2015 1:30 PM

Feb 2014
Pinky, pls pls for me too:D <3
Yay, I'm happy, hope I'll be around and wont miss them. I would help with staff too, but as u could read this two moths I will be pretty busy, so it would be pointless._.
Mar 31, 2015 1:30 PM
Jul 2014
Will do :3 I will do it later.
Mar 31, 2015 1:42 PM

Jan 2013
Hey yall. Another yaoi club for me to feel at ease amongst my fellow fujoshis! And a card café on top of that. Squeal!!! Love collecting cards!! This should be fun.

So,um, about me. I am a thirty something happily married fujoshi.

Nice to meet (or re-meet) you all!

Mar 31, 2015 2:02 PM

May 2013
Hey guys, I'm SuddenJami. You can call me SJ, Jami, or Sudden. I live in North America like most of you and I started reading/watching yaoi about three years ago with my first anime being Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi. I'm trilingual and I'm a black belt in karate. My favorite color is oddly grey and I have a derpy pet bird who recently turned four. I don't consider myself really shy, but I'm not too talkative until I grow attached. Also, I hate making mistakes especially when it turns out to be easy.

As a proud fellow staff and member, its nice to meet/re-meet all of you! :)
Mar 31, 2015 2:26 PM
Jul 2014
@jami Black belt???!! Jesus! Do I have to be scared now? :D

@Rachel welcome and enjoy your stay :)
Apr 1, 2015 5:08 AM

Mar 2015
Hi i'm Courtzzzc :) I'm from Melbourne, Australia and I started reading and watching Yaoi and Shounen Ai about a year ago.. I think. I can't even remember which I read or watched first honestly because i've seen and read sooo many! I'm addicted :D But I love it! My favs would have to be Junjou Romantica, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Finder, Totally Captivated, Warui, Kuroneko Kareshi .... crap ... see! There's too many :'D!
Like PinkPetals, I've kinda come to a stage where I'm a bit picky about which ones I read; it needs to have good art and a good storyline :)
Anyway, I'm a talkative person but Yaoi is my forbidden secret ;)
Nice to meet you all! xx

Apr 1, 2015 5:13 AM
Jul 2014
Yay! Thanks of joining! Welcome to YCC courtzzzc :) I hope you enjoy your stay with us. We're still small but we're getting better^^

Request a member card right here :) if you want.
Apr 1, 2015 9:22 AM

Jul 2014
Hi everyone, I'm Keeana. you can call me Kee, Kay or Keekee. I'm from the Caribbean Jamaica to be exact. I'm 17 and I started reading yaoi when I was in the 9th grade so I was 14 then. I was trying out new genres and came across a yaoi manga, can't remember it's name and I was like 'WTF??' haha but I liked it :). I've been obsessed every since. I'm talkative, I have a twisted sense of humor.
Well that's about it :)
Hope to get along with all you fellow fujoshis :)
Apr 1, 2015 10:02 AM
Jul 2014
Welcome to YCC kee_sama :3
Apr 2, 2015 6:29 AM

Dec 2014
Hey! I already made some posts but now I'm gonna introduce myself. :)
You can call me joey or joeygirl of bl(ondish)-joey (^^), whatever you want! I'm 23 years old and I live in Belgium. English is not my main language so please forgive me, grammarnazi's, for some mistakes!
My first bl-esperience was 2 years ago with junjou romantica and sekaiichi hatsukoi and since then I'm addicted! I soon realized there aren't many anime in that genre :( so I became also addicted on the manga! :D
Thank you very much for inviting my to the club! Normally I'm a very quiet person that likes to watch posts and read what other people wrote but I'm gonna try being active in this club and watch it grow!
Apr 2, 2015 6:38 AM

May 2014
Welcome to YCC, joey~
It's okay, English isn't my first language, too. c:

Have fun here @ YCC! :D
Apr 2, 2015 6:44 AM
Jul 2014
Welcome joey :)
Apr 2, 2015 9:31 AM

Mar 2010
welcome everyone :D
and wow Suddenjami black belt...
courtzzzc FINDERR <3
Apr 2, 2015 11:47 AM

Nov 2012
Yo, name's Cece and I'm 18 y/o.
Started reading/watching BL in October 2011 and been reading/watching it ever since. I think the first one was JR and liked it back then, but now that I have more experience I think it's meh. It was also my introduction to anime in general. Back then I could read anything and be satisfied but nowadays I'm pretty picky. I tend to like BL manga better than BL anime since most of them sucks.

Idk if I'm gonna be active here or not, but we'll see, lol.
Apr 2, 2015 11:54 AM
Jul 2014
Hey thanks for joining!^^ and welcome to YCC~
Apr 3, 2015 4:39 AM

Oct 2014
Hey! I'm MaryHelen! I'm portuguese and I'm 16 years old. I started reading yaoi manga after reading some narusasu doujins and after watching Sekaiishi Hatsukoi. I think the first yaoi mangas I read were from Minami Haruka and Mishima Kazuhiko and now I have so many authors I like that even if I wanted to I couldn't possibly put them all here :D
Nice to meet you all!
Apr 3, 2015 4:50 AM
Jul 2014
Welcome MaryHelen :) glad you joined us~
Apr 3, 2015 4:51 AM

Dec 2014
Nice to meet you, MaryHelen!
Great you joined us!! ^^ Have a lot of fun here!
Apr 3, 2015 9:17 AM

Jun 2014
Ciao~ So, an official introduction...hmmm.... I'm Megumex (call me Megu-chan <3) I'm 17 years old and from Romania ^w^ I'm into yaoi from age 12 ~ I didn't like it at all in the beginning...but when you start to like it's no escape, right? xD Junjou Romantica convinced me that yaoi need a change and at first, I started to make ships with Hetalia~ (one of my big love <3) Now I'm a total fujoshi...but I'm still sad that I don't have enough time to read more yaoi manga :c ....and as more about me I'm a little introvert and shy..but I opened up with my first cosplay and convention and I'm so happy to make part of the otaku and fandoms world~~~ Nice to meet you all :3
Apr 3, 2015 9:23 AM

Dec 2014
Hey Megumex! Nice to meet you!
And don't worry you are not the only introvert and shy person here. ^^
But we are all the same here with the same obsession! :D So no need to stay quiet!
Apr 3, 2015 9:39 AM

Jun 2014
Yey~ Let's all get along and be friends >u<
Apr 3, 2015 9:51 AM
Jul 2014
Nice to have you here with us :3 cool you're from Romania :D I just love how diverse MAL is, so many different cultures around :3
Apr 3, 2015 10:35 AM

Dec 2014
Hi there! I though I might need to make an introduction too~
Rinnie here! 16 years old from Albania. I'm a newbie if I must say it, since I started my first yaoi in September. Love Stage!! for the curious That's why I don't have that many yaoi ships. Currently in Highschool, I pass my free time, watching anime, making cards, reading manga and worshipping Ren from Dmmd. I hope to make some friends here to talk to about Yaoi and everything else.
Nice to meet you all!
Apr 3, 2015 11:04 AM

Feb 2015
Hi! I'm Wayllmor.
I'm 15, and I started watching/reading BL 2 years ago, with Junjou Romantica.

Uhm, I'm pretty shy.

Anyway, Nice to meet you all
Apr 3, 2015 12:44 PM

Dec 2014
Nice to meet you, rinnie and Wayllmor! ^^
@Wayllmor no need to be shy here, because we are all here for the same thing. :D
Have fun! (^v^)
Apr 3, 2015 1:07 PM
Jul 2014
That's right~ no need to be shy :3 welcome rinnie and wayllmor :3
Apr 3, 2015 11:59 PM

Apr 2011
- Hiya everyone~ I'm 19 years old and I'm from Melbourne, Australia~
- I think I started watching/reading shounen-ai from around 13 years old~
- Funnily enough, my sister (who's not a fujoshi) had gotten 'Gravitation' from someone and it was the first BL anime I watched~
- I was only starting to get into anime and manga back then too~ Again, courtesy of my sister~ xD
- I can ship everyone and anyone~ I don't hate on any ships~ That goes for both hetero and homo ships~ >w<
- I confess, though, that I haven't read many BL manga, but I do follow lpscanlations on Livejournal for the doujins there.
- I like mostly the fluffy, I-can't-stop-smiling-cause-they're-so-cute types of manga/doujin, but I'm not afraid to go past that with the more explicit ones~
- I'm not internet-shy, but I am real life shy~

I think that's pretty much all I can think of right now~
I hope we can all get along~
Apr 4, 2015 12:43 AM

Dec 2014
Welcome nekonyaa and thanks for joining! Have fun! ^^
Apr 4, 2015 1:10 AM

Apr 2011
Thanks joey~! I will indeed have fun~!
Apr 4, 2015 2:41 AM
Jul 2014
Welcome nekonyaa~ I'm glad you joined us :3
Apr 4, 2015 3:43 AM

Apr 2011
Hi and thanks~ I look forward to meeting more people~ :D
Apr 4, 2015 6:33 AM

Apr 2014
I'm Laurien. I'm 18 years old and live in the Netherlands. Even before I was into manga and anime I was into boy love so the yaoi came pretty fast after I started reading manga =3. I'm in my first year of college, studying International Leisure Management, so basically when I'm done I'll organise some awesome animecon/ Yaoi con somewhere in the world ^^. Beside feeding my anime/ manga addiction I love horseriding. I take care of someone's horse nearby and go there 3 times a week, most of the time. When I don't have school I try to go there even more. And other than that... I basically spend my time watching anime, reading manga or buying manga or other books (I love reading in general, not only manga).

And that's pretty much my life =3
"We need to make books cool again. If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't f*** them." ~ John Waters
Apr 4, 2015 7:24 AM
Jul 2014
Hello Blue *winks* nice to have you in our humble round among fellow fujioshi (and fudanshi<3) :3
Apr 4, 2015 7:26 AM

Dec 2014
Hi BlueEyes!
Welcome and enjoy yourself!
Apr 4, 2015 10:12 AM
Nov 2014
Umm, hi! My name is Georgia, and I'm an American currently living in Japan. I only started watching anime around last November, but I quickly fell into the yaoi/bl genre because of my previous, year-long fangirl obsession with shipping my favs in Western TV shows. So yeah, thanks for the invite, I'm looking forward to this experience. Feel free to chat me up anytime. Laterz!
Apr 4, 2015 10:15 AM
Jul 2014
Welcome to YCC Hentai ;D awesome you live in Japan?! Can I come and visit you? :D
Apr 4, 2015 1:13 PM

Apr 2014
Take me with you if you on your visit~

Thank you for the warm welcome and Welcome to Hentai =3
"We need to make books cool again. If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't f*** them." ~ John Waters
Apr 5, 2015 1:55 AM

Jan 2011
ah... let this old auntie join in here... XD

* San Diego, CA
* 30 years old
* pharmacist
* married to Hibari Kyoya

And... that's me in a nutshell. lol~ I only started anime/manga in 2010 and I was converted to a fujoshi shortly after by someone I only know online. They changed my life in a way that they have NOOOO idea........ my entire life has been changed by my love for yaoi.... <3

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