Mar 26, 2015 11:41 PM
This is a general discussion topic for the One Piece simul-watch I and FloatsBoats are doing. Anyone else is free to join if they wish. Please spoiler your comments for each episode, and spoiler and mark any comments that discuss elements beyond that episode. |
Mar 26, 2015 11:56 PM
I got a bit of a head start (up to ep 12), so I'll just be posting my comments for each episode as Floats and possibly others progress until then. Ep 1 Pretty straightforward. Luffy seemed to find the situation amusing; he's pretty carefree regarding his circumstances too, given that he just lost his ship. I liked how the pirates were completely oblivious that they were being robbed while in the process of looting the cruise ship. Coby's a tad annoying here, but seeing him overcome his fear was nice. |
Mar 27, 2015 6:47 AM
Ep 2 I accidentally watched episode 2 instead of 1 first... >.< The OP was pretty cool. Although I am used to the English one growing up so this felt a bit off, regardless I will probably skip the OP from now on. So far it looks like Luffy will not stray far from the typical shounen protagonist - Clumsy and carefree. He has a rather peculiar power that I hope is used in a lot of creative and fun ways. Zoro looks like the type of guy that would be on my favorites list, I hope he doesn't disappoint :> Not gonna lie, the quality is pretty terrible, as expected from a 1999 show though so i can't complain. Ep 3 The Crew starts to form. The pink haired kid's little side story was average at best. Didn't really care about him and I'm not too excited about seeing him in the future. Nothing too much to this episode but it was cool to see Luffy in action along with Zoro. They seem to form a good team. |
CraftyMar 27, 2015 7:23 AM
Mar 27, 2015 11:43 PM
Ep 2 On the OP, this is probably one of my least favorite in the series despite the nostalgia factor. I'm finding myself skipping it most of the time. As whiny as Colby is, he has more guts than any of the marines at this base. I think that in itself should be a good qualifier for his eligibility. I think the base idea established in this early arc is that the morality of the series isn't black and white. The Marines aren't automatically good and pirates aren't automatically evil, despite the common stereotypes the population seems to have. It's funny, because even here at the beginning Luffy seems quite overpowered compared to normal people. His base abilities as a rubber man certainly are useful, and they fit his seemingly whimsical antics. Zoro's earnestness, genuineness, and perseverance are all presented right from the get-go. Ep 3 Mostly straightforward, though I do like how strongly the divide between pirates and marines is portrayed. I like all of the scenes of the orange haired girl in these episodes. Ep 4 I really love how humble Shanks and his crew is, as well as how they treat people properly. I also think it's interesting how Shanks is portrayed as just a bit of a goofball. It serves as an excellent background for Luffy's personality developing the way it has, and it explains where he got his powers and the straw hat also. Series-wide comments; major spoiler elements alluded to One Piece's continuity is truly impressive. Only four episodes in and we have a concept foreshadowed (though most first-timers probably think it's just hyperbole) that doesn't appear in an explained form for over four hundred episodes, at which point it'll be heavily relevant. That's cool. I also find it easier to relate to and admire Shank's humility this time around. Here we have a bandit acting like he's the stuff over having an 8 million bounty, when Shanks has a phenomenally higher one. Shanks' crew sets a good example for model pirates. Ep 5 Buggy can be fun as a character despite being a more despicable type of pirate. One Piece's zaniness belies its depth sometimes, but it's still quite fun to watch. Nami's pretty hardcore too; grabbing that lit fuse would be quite painful. |
Mar 28, 2015 5:13 PM
Ep 4 Shanks is a humble guy, not even complaining about when his arm gets chopped off because of Luffy. Hopefully Shanks is the type of guy Luffy grows into, they already share a lot of the same traits already, mainly being goofy. There was good comedy this episode, didn't have me laughing maniacally but I did have a chuckle here and there, good stuff. Ep 5 Ok, first of all, why the hell didn't they just run away when the cannon was pointing at them lol. I assume they'll get out of it somehow but I'll have to see next episode. Good to see other devil fruit powers on display, I wonder how common they are. Do almost all pirate captains have one? Nami's cunningness seems to be amplified a lot by the low common sense of most pirate folk, but she seems alright. Ep 6 Nami's "All pirates are the same." was rather annoying, but I'm sure she has her reasons and now she's been shown that not all of them are like that. I loved the little side story with the dog, it was pretty sad even though it only lasted less than one episode. Ep 7 Those were some wacky fights. Can't help but feel the silliness ruins the fight scenes a bit, it feels like they're not taking it seriously half the time even in a life or death situation which means it's harder to feel the tension grow and develop throughout the fight. Zoro continues to be badass <3 |
CraftyMar 30, 2015 5:37 PM
Mar 31, 2015 11:47 PM
Feel free to set the pace or tell me if I'm going too slow or fast. I'm not sure what speed you want to go at :> Ep 8 Nami's hypocrisy is rather annoying. She speaks ill about pirates and how they're all the same, yet all she cares about is treasure and get's angry at Luffy for being nice. It's whatever though, I'm sure she'll grow as the story progresses. So the fight with Buggy ended, overall I'd have to say it was slightly above average for a fight. It was more comical than anything really, I do admit it had me laughing at times but it was a vastly different fight than the likes we'd see in HxH or Naruto. I'm gonna assume not all fights will be like that, and I'm sure if balanced well, the seriousness level of the fights can be altered to keep up the freshness of the show. Which I am sure will be a necessity as we reach into the higher number of episodes. Ep 9 Hey, that flag trick by Usopp was pretty smart. Props for that. After hearing about Usopp and Yasopp, I realized we haven't heard anything about Luffy's parents, I wonder how long it will be until we get that backstory. I'm fairly sure Shanks isn't his father right? Ep 10 Plot twist! I'm a big fan of things like this is TV/Movies (probably the reason I like Death Note so much) and I have to say, this was handled rather well. It was unexpected, probably because we had no back story of the guy whom he would end up being, but that's fine. However, as much as I praise it, I still can fault it for its lack of foreshadowing. After going back and checking I haven't found anything that would hint to him being a pirate and I think that's a pretty important tool, it's always nice when you can go back and make connections. Feel free to correct me If I missed something. |
CraftyApr 1, 2015 8:00 PM
Apr 1, 2015 11:27 PM
I could watch as much as 4-6 per day if I'm focused on it (though no more except in bursts), but I at the same time watching only one ep. every other day wouldn't bother me. The sweet spot, for me, would probably be a consistent 2-3 per day, but I'm flexible enough to go faster or slower than that if it suits you better. Sorry if it felt like I was leaving you hanging. :P Catch up time! Ep 6 The dog's story seemed a lot more emotional for me on the rewatch then it did the first time. I'm not exactly sure why, though I have a vague idea: The idea of having a treasure is important, and something Luffy can relate to. I think Luffy's relation to that is part of what made the dog's story stick this time around. I'm liking how much Luffy is challenging Nami's heavily one-sided view of pirates. The character interactions are golden. I think there is a marked contrast between Buggy and Nami as well. While Nami steals, she doesn't hurt people in the process. I don't think that justifies her actions, but it does help highlight Buggy's evilness. He's completely self-centered, unlike Nami, Luffy, and Zoro. While the element of surprise is gone and the type of anticipation is different, I think I'm enjoying this even more now than I did the first time. I know it's early in the show still, but I don't think I'm jumping the gun in saying that. One Piece is like wine; it gets better with age. Ep 7 The main thing I like about this episode is how easily Luffy's hat is damaged. It's not some plot-protected untouchable object. Buggy, who poses only a small threat to Luffy himself, is able to malign Luffy's hat quite easily. That combined with the hat's special status for Luffy made the fight much more interesting than it would have been otherwise imo. As for the fight's wackiness, the way I look at it is thus: If neither Luffy nor Zoro are taking Buggy and his crew seriously, then they don't need to be taken very seriously by us either. Take note of Zoro's continunal mockery of Cabaji's attacks, his line "if I lose to someone like you even with a wound like this", and his victory in a single hit: They are all clear markers, to me, that not only is Zoro quite tough (for being able to fight at all with such a wound), but also that Cabaji is quite weak. I think the main meat here is Nami's interactions with Luffy and Zoro. Ep 8 Humor aside (and the nut-cracking was pretty funny), I think Luffy's intelligence seems rather understated to me. He appears to have excellent intuitive understanding of social situations; telling the truth wasn't just about being honest (although that is valuable): It also provides the townspeople with an outlet for their frustration. Buggy's problem from outset to end is his selfishness. He's similar to Luffy in ambition, but his reasons backing that ambition up are completely different, almost opposite in nature. This is the kind of pirate Luffy decidedly isn't- one who cares about only themselves and has no regard for others. It's the "proper behavior" for a "real pirate", which is why Buggy is vastly inferior to someone on the Grand Line like Shanks. As for the general level of seriousness in fights, I don't really consider it a spoiler, but: There are plenty of more serious ones interspersed between less serious ones, with a general trend toward more serious as the series progresses. The plot progression, in my opinion, is quite good. Ep 9 I find Usopp and this arc kinda annoying, though I can't fully say why this early. Still, his tall tales here are somewhat amusing. As for Luffy's backstory (or, for that matter, Zoro's), I have no comment. :P Ep 10 I think this makes a good point to contrast Usopp with Luffy and even Zoro. While the latter two tend to be fairly easygoing when it comes to mere verbal offenses, Usopp takes talking very seriously (which I find somewhat ironic given that lying is one of his main traits). He's very self-conscious and I think this hints at an internal conflict, but I'll touch more on that later As for Kuro, there is some foreshadowing present, but I'm afraid it's still too early to reveal it. :x And no, it's not the golden poop on his suit. :P Ep 11 And here is where the arc annoys me: It more or less comes down to a conflation between actual lies (like the "80 million men" or the calls that pirates are coming) and the tall tales told to Kaya. I know that Usopp's insertion of himself into the stories might blur the line slightly, but the townspeople and especially Kaya ought to be able to tell the difference between when someone is serious and when someone is goofing/joking. In any case, the stage is set. Ep 12 Not much to say here since the comic relief took up a good portion of the episode. Usopp showed us his brave side. I'm saving my analysis of his character for a later episode. If you're still wondering about the foreshadowing, think about those blades Kuro was using for a moment. |
Apr 2, 2015 11:53 PM
2-3 a day sounds good for me. Gives me time to watch and read other stuff as well. I can also be rather flexible too. Ep 11 I like how Usopps name contains Uso, which means lie in Japanese. Pretty fpunny. Moral of the story - don't lie or you'll end up being the boy who cried wolf. I'm not too surprised and don't think it's particularly far-fetched that Kaya doesn't believe Usopp. Even though these "tall tales" are that of just tales, he recites them as if he himself believes them and I'm sure she has heard that the general consensus around the village is that he is a compulsive liar. She also has no reason to distrust a friend that she has known personally for three years because of the word of a raconteur - who recently, physically expressed his anger against said friend. Kaya just believes he is still angry it seems. Anyway, hopefully this serves as a base for Usopp to develop. He's experienced first hand the harm of lying, now how will it effect him. Ep 12 The little "what happened last episode" at the start of every episode is starting to bug me. I think it's pretty admirable that Usopp cares more about the village than he does about clearing his name. Nami can hear people three running minutes away :D Not really much else to say. |
CraftyApr 3, 2015 12:27 AM
Apr 3, 2015 12:05 PM
Ep 11 Well, when you put it that way, my bias is probably factoring into this too heavily. It is true that he has a reputation, and the violence in particular is probably viewed more strongly than I would assume. Ep 12 In Nami's defense, water carries sound better than land, so that may have contributed. xD Ep 13 Luffy getting hypnotized was actually pretty amusing this time; it's too bad he ended up asleep soon afterwards. Zoro is once again fighting with handicaps. Kaya's level of disbelief even when seeing her other butler half-dead seemed to be a bit of a stretch, to me, but I may be underestimating her degree of closeness to Kurahadol. Ep 14 Kuro's true character is starting to come to light. He comes off as somewhat mentally disturbed to me. The foreshadowing was revealed this episode- the way he adjusts his glasses wasn't a mere idosyncracy of his; there was reasoning behind it. Granted, that might not be a strong hint that something is off with him since you probably couldn't figure it out beforehand, but it's something. As for the rest, the majority of Kuro's crew are proving to be inferior opponents when compared to Luffy and Zoro. Even the Mewban brothers were easily defeated. Given that they're all scared to death of Kuro, hopefully he will prove to be more interesting in terms of combat. Ep 15 So, who's the bigger coward? Usopp or Kuro? Given that Usopp is willing to face combat despite his fears, I would say Kuro is meant to contrast. Usopp has strong core values that enable him to grow, while Kuro is doomed to be who he is now- a man who lacks ambition, who doesn't seek to do anything with his life- a point which contrasts strongly with Luffy as well. (As an aside, these episodes do drag a bit more than I remember.) Edit: I didn't catch it myself, but I read in the episode discussion that the man spared by Kuro in the flashback might be the current Captain Morgan (since both have blond hair and a broken jaw). It seems pretty credible to me. It's a nice tie-in. |
TripleSRankApr 3, 2015 12:53 PM
Apr 5, 2015 9:19 AM
Ep 13 Damn for a second there I though Luffy was going to lift the whole ship. Standard of him to fall asleep once again. The special villains in this show are definitely not your ordinary ones. We've had a dude riding a unicycle and now two flamboyant cat things. Once again Zoro continues to show everyone else up by proving he's more than just a sword user. The way he put himself in harms way to protect Usopp was admirable. For a second I though he moved in front because he wanted to win by himself, which would have been a more egotistical thing to do, but it seems he did it selflessly. Good on him :> Ep 14 This episode made me realise just how much I hate Kaya. To be honest, I'm not that big of a fan of any of the newly introduced characters. Usopp is alright at best, and the villains are just standard pirates with a bit of wackiness added. I see now about the glasses thing. I think I prefer it when it's not something you can figure out beforehand, it makes it better when it is revealed. Something that makes you go "Oh so that's why he was doing that". Although I do like it when it's subtle afterwards though, this obviously, wasn't the most subtle afterwards, because it told you straight to your face. If that makes sense. Yeah I agree, I hope Kuro is interesting in a fight because honestly, the fights haven't really been all that great. Good fights are something I expect from a battle-shounen and One Piece has yet to deliver, however, it is really really early on. Ep 15 I see what you mean with the contrast. Usopp and Kuro are juxtaposed quite well. I also quite like how although at first glance Usopp may look like a coward and Kuro looks brave, however, it is in fact the opposite. As cowardly as Usopp appears, he is willing to put himself in harms way to help his friends. In contrast, Kuro is at his core, a coward, for quitting his lifestyle of a pirate because he loathed the effort and probably feared it would be the reason he met his end. This episode actually looked really nice, was it just me or was there an improvement in the art this episode?? First time we get to see Luffy fight in fluidity, if only for a short time. It looked alright and he has some pretty ridiculous things he can do. Being stretchy is great platform to build some creative moves out of. About the Captain Morgan thing, it's a bit of a stretch really, maybe if it had something about his hand too. But who knows really. Ep 16 I liked this interaction between Luffy and Captain Kuro. Although it was cliche, it was nice seeing Luffy get angry about how Kuro treats his men. While Kuro thinks of his allies as only tools to see him succeed, Luffy believes that a pirate crew should be equals. It's clear Luffy inherited his ideals from Shanks and his crew. This fight should be coming to a close soon, looking forward to the conclusion and onward. |
CraftyApr 5, 2015 11:49 AM
Apr 5, 2015 2:14 PM
Ep 14 - 15 Can you pinpoint why the characters in this arc annoy you? They have me every time I've watched them (even back when I had only seen bits and pieces of One Piece) throughout the years, but I have a hard time figuring out why. Now that you mention it, the art in Ep 15 does seem to be a bit better. I liked the flair given to Luffy's initial punch, and I agree on the versatility "rubber" entails. |
Apr 5, 2015 2:47 PM
TripleSRank said: Ep 14 - 15 Can you pinpoint why the characters in this arc annoy you? They have me every time I've watched them (even back when I had only seen bits and pieces of One Piece) throughout the years, but I have a hard time figuring out why. Now that you mention it, the art in Ep 15 does seem to be a bit better. I liked the flair given to Luffy's initial punch, and I agree on the versatility "rubber" entails. I think Usopp's long winded speeches that generally say/imply the same thing every time get to me, it often interrupts the battle which is rather annoying. For Kaya, mainly just because she is sort of only there as a plot device, like every other sickly character in the history of television/movies. She doesn't really have any personality or mannerisms that make her unique. She tends to do stupid things so the show can have some tension. This is just my best guess as to why they annoy me, I can't really place my finger on the exact reason though. Surprisingly I don't mind the three vegetable kids even though those types of characters are usually the ones I dislike the most. |
Apr 5, 2015 7:16 PM
FloatsBoats said: TripleSRank said: Ep 14 - 15 Can you pinpoint why the characters in this arc annoy you? They have me every time I've watched them (even back when I had only seen bits and pieces of One Piece) throughout the years, but I have a hard time figuring out why. Now that you mention it, the art in Ep 15 does seem to be a bit better. I liked the flair given to Luffy's initial punch, and I agree on the versatility "rubber" entails. I think Usopp's long winded speeches that generally say/imply the same thing every time get to me, it often interrupts the battle which is rather annoying. For Kaya, mainly just because she is sort of only there as a plot device, like every other sickly character in the history of television/movies. She doesn't really have any personality or mannerisms that make her unique. She tends to do stupid things so the show can have some tension. This is just my best guess as to why they annoy me, I can't really place my finger on the exact reason though. Surprisingly I don't mind the three vegetable kids even though those types of characters are usually the ones I dislike the most. I can relate on Usopp's speeches, and Kaya's general uselessness combined with her lack of personality does grate. Everything you said is pretty agreeable, actually. It might have something to do with the small town vibe too: Usopp's infamy and Kuro's concern with reputation reminds me of small-town gossip, which I find very annoying. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ep 16 Yeah, Luffy's confrontation was pretty fun. I particularly liked how Kuro reacted to Luffy's silence, which implies that he knows what he's doing is wrong; to whatever degree, he feels guilty- just not enough to overcome his selfishness and cowardice. Even if it is cliche, I do think it's important to make note of how Luffy views his crew or any crew. I think this is one of the better episodes in the arc. (The additional combat helped too.) Ep 17 That was an excellent wrap up episode; ironically, Kaya got more character focus after everything is over than she did during the main plot (though I do question that instantaneous recovery). Usopp's background short, sweet, and to the point, but I think it accomplished what it needed to quite well. And we finally have the pirate ship in the OP. Kaya really must be rich to be able to afford to give a ship like that away. (I wonder how many beli it costed. Maybe 10,000,000 or 20,000,000?) On another note... Major spoilers heavily alluded to I noticed Meri said the ship had a "stern-centered control system". Picking up on stuff like this in the rewatch is great. Also, Kaya's desire to be a doctor caught me off-guard. I forgot about that. |
TripleSRankApr 5, 2015 8:30 PM
Apr 6, 2015 5:00 AM
TripleSRank said: What did you pick up?On another note... Major spoilers heavily alluded to I noticed Meri said the ship had a "stern-centered control system". Picking up on stuff like this in the rewatch is great. |
Honobono Log - best slice of life short -------------------------------------------- most kawaii loli overlord ---------------------------- Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control |
Apr 6, 2015 9:05 AM
ToG25thBaam said: TripleSRank said: What did you pick up?On another note... Major spoilers heavily alluded to I noticed Meri said the ship had a "stern-centered control system". Picking up on stuff like this in the rewatch is great. Again, it's major spoilers (past the arc that ends a bit after ep 300), so read at your own risk. The ship takes heavy damage on the Grand Line as the crew travels, but Usopp is able to (more or less) keep it patched up as they go; the blow that eventually leads to the ship's death damages the stern. It might not sound like a big deal, but it leads to a lot of inter-crew development with Usopp in particular. There are other elements that add to the situation as well that I won't share, but I want to convey that the ship's end is important. (Probably one of One Piece's potential tear jerker points, tbh.) That the writing referenced the stern as the most important part of the ship this early on is one of many examples of One Piece's continuity. Pretty much everything is foreshadowed. Four-months-later correction: It seems I was wrong about this. It's the keel that gets heavily damaged. I don't know why I was mixing up the keel and the stern; the stern is just the back side of the ship. |
TripleSRankAug 13, 2015 11:00 AM
Apr 6, 2015 10:40 AM
Ep 17 More emphasis on what Luffy believes a crew should be like. Overall a decent wrap up of the little arc, however, there was a lot of flashback usage in this episode. Especially the story of Usopp and his reasons for telling the townsfolk the pirates are coming, I believe that this, in combination with the back story of the Usopp Pirate Crew forming was a bit too much for one episode. They could have spaced it out better. It was nice seeing the three kids carry on his tradition. |
Apr 6, 2015 11:51 AM
FloatsBoats said: Ep 17 More emphasis on what Luffy believes a crew should be like. Overall a decent wrap up of the little arc, however, there was a lot of flashback usage in this episode. Especially the story of Usopp and his reasons for telling the townsfolk the pirates are coming, I believe that this, in combination with the back story of the Usopp Pirate Crew forming was a bit too much for one episode. They could have spaced it out better. It was nice seeing the three kids carry on his tradition. I tend to agree on the spacing even though I liked the episode quite a bit. They could have cut down on some of the excessive talking during the combat and used the extra time elsewhere. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ep 18 So-so self-contained episode. I don't feel like it added much to the narrative, but hunting for treasure is the first pirate-like thing the Straw Hats have done so far, so I can live with it. The creation of the Strawhat pirate flag seemed like the most important part of the episode (in terms of the overall plot) to me. Not much else to say. |
Apr 6, 2015 11:59 AM
Ep 18 This was a weird episode. I think the most important parts were the story involving The Grand Line. It builds up the hype around The Grand Line, portraying it as a place where ordinary people dare never to tread, turning even strong people into soulless walking carcasses. I believe that Gaimon's story was meant to portray the dangers of being a pirate. That searching for treasure can be a tireless and wasteful life, filled with constant promises of success, yet rarely delivering in the end. Also this episode once again emphasised how Luffy is different from the stereotypical pirate. I may have read too much into the episode though. |
Apr 6, 2015 12:24 PM
FloatsBoats said: Ep 18 This was a weird episode. I think the most important parts were the story involving The Grand Line. It builds up the hype around The Grand Line, portraying it as a place where ordinary people dare never to tread, turning even strong people into soulless walking carcasses. I believe that Gaimon's story was meant to portray the dangers of being a pirate. That searching for treasure can be a tireless and wasteful life, filled with constant promises of success, yet rarely delivering in the end. Also this episode once again emphasised how Luffy is different from the stereotypical pirate. I may have read too much into the episode though. I think it's more that I'm glossing over some of these episodes when discussing them due to a degree of familiarity. Sorry! I appreciate that you did read into it more: Gaimon's stories do serve to build up hype around the Grand Line, and he's a good example of what can happen to a pirate if they screw up even in normal seas. Edit: Clarification - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ep 19 So we finally get Zoro's backstory. Who would have thought a guy as quiet and composed as him would have such a boisterous and tragic past. It makes you wonder how much of that baggage he still carries with him. He seems completely devoted to becoming the greatest swordsman, after all. We also found out the personal significance of his white sword (Wado Ichimonji), seeing that it was previously Kunia's personal sword and potentially the dojomaster's family heirloom. What a bitter irony that Kunia died when trying to fetch the whetstone to sharpen said sword after her fight with Zoro. Ep 20 That was a pretty interesting introduction for Sanji, but I have to question whether beating up Marines is a good idea, even if Fullbody is a douche. Luffy's insistence on a one-week work period is slightly amusing, as is the head chef's equal stubbornness. I'm definitely looking forward to the next episodes given the setup. |
TripleSRankApr 6, 2015 7:44 PM
Apr 8, 2015 12:30 AM
Hey guys, it’s a little late, but I’m joining in on the One Piece simulwatch! :D Ep 1 Was an okay intro, if I wasn’t already a little familiar with this series (and without its popularity), I’m not sure I would’ve kept watching. But as battle shounen type of MC as Luffy is, I like him. He’s got a laid-back attitude, but is serious about his dream and knows what he likes or doesn’t like. I laughed when he immediately said that he didn’t like Coby. Also, the OP song is okay. Though the sound effects in the OP really shows that it’s an older anime, they don’t seem to do that anymore these days. Ep 2 Things have gotten really interesting. We’re already seeing bad marines, not all of them are good. That means Zoro should realize that there are good pirates too, like Luffy! (lol just read TripleS’s comment, he said it better than I did). Already right when we meet Zoro, we know more about his past and somewhat about motivations than our MC Luffy. Ep 3 I really liked the moment when Zoro first calls Luffy “Captain.” :D And so the crew begins to form. Although Zoro was surprised at being the other member part of the crew and also that Luffy doesn’t have ship yet, he quickly recovered and is basically being swept along at Luffy’s pace. Not even a day as nakama but they seem to be getting along very well. The fight felt sort of underwhelming though. I expected Morgan to be stronger, but instead he made Luffy and Zoro seem almost invincible. I’m guessing it’s because Luffy and Zoro are powerful, but also that not all high(ish?) ranking officers are super strong. Well it’s a good start to showcase Luffy and Zoro’s strength. I agree with TripleS about the portrayal of the separation between marines and pirates. The scene where all the marines follow Coby’s salute to Luffy and Zoro made me smile. I’m happy for Coby that he is on the path to becoming a marine officer. We also get a little about Luffy’s past and about Gold Roger and One Piece. Going to the Grand Line with two people does sound like suicide, though I'm guessing they'll be picking up some new members along the way. Ep 4 An episode mostly dedicated to Luffy’s past, wasn’t expecting to get it so early! Shanks was a great role model for Luffy, and he and his crew for all pirates. I also forgot that Luffy can’t swim because he’s rubber x_x that’s really dangerous for a pirate. It’s funny how the devil’s fruit was so casually right in front of his face when everyone else is like, "you ate a devil’s fruit? Didn’t know they actually existed!" Lucky Luffy :D Luffy is so silly...trying to get the bird but something the bird got him!!! Pretty funny too when Zoro’s rowing like a madman to follow Luffy, and then almost hits the drifter pirates. They’re from Buggy’s crew? Hm, that doesn’t sound too good. Orange-haired girl also seems to be very shocked to see Luffy??? Ep 5 Nami is pretty manipulative, but seems like this time around, her plan backfired as she got herself into a crazy crew, and Buggy wanted her to do something against her morals and values. At least she’s a good person at the end of the day, using her hands to stop the lit up fuse was just ouch. Buggy also ate a devil’s fruit...this one really is weird lol, more monster-like than Luffy. But yes, I was also wondering why they didn’t just run away o_o I’m guessing it didn’t take down Buggy, even if his crew took damage. |
tingyApr 8, 2015 2:07 AM
Apr 8, 2015 9:49 PM
FloatsBoats said: Ep 15 About the Captain Morgan thing, it's a bit of a stretch really, maybe if it had something about his hand too. But who knows really. Just jumping in to say - I believe it's a confirmed thing. |
Apr 8, 2015 11:12 PM
Ep 21 We get more insight into Sanji's personality with this episode. He takes food very seriously, and his talk with Gin seems to imply that he's starved before. I'm interested in seeing why he stays at the restaurant despite the apparently continual in-fighting amongst the chefs. We got more build up for the Grand Line as well, and from a member of Kreig's crew to boot. Kreig's reputation as East Blue's greatest pirate makes that cliffhanger even better imo. |
Apr 9, 2015 2:45 AM
Ep 6 I like how understanding Luffy is, he didn’t say anything back to Nami when Nami first yelled at him that all pirates are the same, terrorizing people, etc. And when she apologized, he responded that she must have her reasons. The reasons for liking Luffy is starting to pile up :) Although I did find the dog’s story to be emotional when I read this part in the manga a long time ago, unfortunately this is one of those cases where voice acting influences the moment for me. I found the voice acting for the dog to be too human. Though maybe they did that on purpose, I don’t know. It just didn’t work for me. I really like the idea of protecting a treasure as exemplified with the dog’s story, and how a treasure can be anything, a place, a memory. Even the mayor said that the town was his treasure. Ep 7 Cabaji thinking he’s all that, but he’s nothing much if he is beaten by Zoro who is nowhere near his top shape. I was raging the whole time Cabaji kept aiming at Zoro’s wound. Glad to see Zoro defeat the guy and then get some much needed rest. Needless to say, Buggy taking Luffy’s straw hat, his treasure, and stomping on it was frustrating to watch. He got what he deserved, a nice punch to the stomach. As if Luffy will fall for the emergency escape twice. I laughed when Buggy’s crew members were like, let’s keep pretending to be knocked out cuz it’s dangerous. It’s nice that Nami is learning more about Luffy, how he isn’t just some aloof weirdo, but that he can be serious too. Also, I must say it surprised me to hear that Shanks and Buggy used to be pirate apprentices together. The world is a small place... Ep 8 I thought the same thing as Floats about how Nami yelled at Luffy for leaving her treasure behind when he did it in good will for the town. Of course she has her circumstances and she’s not a bad person, so she probably needs the money for something important. However it is hypocritical of her to claim that all pirates are bad because all they do is pillage and damage things when Luffy, a pirate, left money for the town to use for rebuilding the damage properties. But yes, character development. We will have to wait. Hmm I didn’t think about it that way until I read TripleS’s comment. I did wonder why Luffy didn’t say anything and just ran away from the townspeople. Quite interesting if you put it that way :) I feel like Luffy can be quite perceptive about certain things, like the way sometimes we get a close up or something of Luffy face, and he has no particular expression on (well a lot of times it’s right before he says something comedic though). Defeating Buggy was particular funny, that bara bara power of his has a lot of drawbacks. Ep 9 Oh dear, it’s Usopp. He must’ve gotten his Pinocchio nose for lying all the time. It sure didn’t come from his father :P His lies sound pretty ridiculous too. He had adventures by himself when he was five??? :o Amazing. Does the girl really believe him, or does she have an idea that he’s lying, but genuinely enjoys his stories anyways? Well I admit, accidentally stepping on poop islands is pretty funny. Was also funny when Nami and Zoro were trolling the kids. Ep 10 Man Kuro is so despicable. I knew something was fishy about him. Well probably just because I didn’t like him. That back story almost had me fooled. It was his plan all along >:( I was going to say that him being overprotective of Kaya was understandable, but pretty much slandering Usopp’s father was not. It’s clear now that it doesn’t really matter what he said, since everything he’s doing is so that he can gain trust and then take over the inheritance...but lol, I actually didn’t notice the golden poop. Tells you my lack in ability to pay attention to details. This episode did make me realize though how serious Usopp is, although I didn’t connect that specifically to talking. But the difference is noticeable since Luffy, Zoro, and even Nami are pretty laid-back in general. And I feel like he lies to seek attention and his lies for Kaya is to make himself feel better (well and to make her happy)? Lol at Jango falling asleep by his own trick. Ep 11 Pretty much everything I wanted to say was said by Floats :) And that my question about whether Kaya believed Usopp’s stories was answered here. Even if she knew they were made up stories, she still found them to be amusing. I think this is why she doesn't seem to have any negative attitude towards him despite everything, because although he told those stories in a way that made him seem like was as if he really experienced them, she knew he had no ill intentions and just wanted to make her laugh. Or that’s what I think anyways. Usopp shouldn’t take it to heart that everyone trusts “Kurahadol” a lot, that guy is quite manipulative...And now he realizes how his lies ultimately affects what everyone else thinks of him for basically forever. It’ll take real action for them to ever trust Usopp, if they have ever trusted him before. Ep 12 Despite Usopp being a coward, I think it’s respectable that he still tries to face the numerous pirates by himself (or with Nami, though lol at both of them competing for who is most afraid), and his desperation to stop even just one from getting to the village. Other than that, there were some funny moments such as when Zoro got stuck on the oily slope and Luffy not knowing which direction is north. Both of them seemed to have their stamina half depleted by the time they got to the scene XD Ep 13 Omg Luffy being hypnotized!! I love the cat growling sound he made haha. That hypnosis backfired on Jango. I also thought that Luffy was going to pick up the whole ship, though I guess that would be kind of a stretch :P And wow, the villains in One Piece man. They’re ridiculous. Not in a bad way, but they’re, er, definitely on the more unique side even among all the other weird battle shounen villains I’ve come across. At least they’re ridiculous without being forced. They fit right into the story and OP’s world. Agree with Zoro’s selfless act to protect Usopp and Nami. Despite the unfavorable situation he was in, he still reacted immediately. About Kaya’s disbelief, I think it’s less about her closeness with Kurahadol but how she seems to be kind and trusting by nature. Although she didn’t accept Usopp right away, when she ended up liking him and his stories, she was willing to defend him. It hasn’t even been that long since they’ve met. Other the other hand, she’s known Kurahadol for 3 years, enough for her to trust him completely. |
tingyApr 10, 2015 1:39 AM
Apr 10, 2015 11:15 PM
Ep 22 As intimidating (and slightly overblown) as Don Krieg may seem, in light of his condition prior to being fed and the condition of his ship, he really does look like a hopeless bully. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum- "Nobody disobeys me!"- If that were really true, how did his ship end up like that? His boasting about his superiority seems empty given that backdrop as well. Krieg's recognition of the owner is curious, though. Speaking of which, I find it interesting that Zeff was the only person other than Sanji who thought that feeding Krieg's men was a good idea. And just for the record, that meatball rocket launcher was awesome. xD |
Apr 10, 2015 11:52 PM
Ep 14 The way Kuro always pushed up his glasses using his palm bothers me a lot, but I had thought it was just a quirk of his. Well it is, but there’s a reason for that, and the reason is quite an interesting one. I have to agree with the underwhelming fights so far in OP, given that it’s a battle shounen and all. But yeah, I haven’t had much expectations regarding the action anyways since we’re only at the beginning. I’m sure there will be cooler fights later on. I hear that OP is really good in terms of plot, so that’s what I’m here for X) Ep 15 That’s an interesting thought, that Kuro is the real coward. Makes sense though, I felt like him being tired of the noisy pirate life was just an excuse. I can’t see how someone who planned to use people’s kindness to his advantage would actually like to live a tranquil life. More understandable though if he wanted to avoid being caught, especially with a pretty much unreliable crew. Oh nice catch about Morgan. Ep 16 Hey man, stop cutting down my trees >:( Aaand Luffy is not amused by what you said, Kuro. Luffy also didn’t say a word after, but Kuro felt that his silence was meant to be a lecture. Ep 17 Kuro is taken down by Luffy’s headbutt. Wasn’t expecting that to be the finishing blow, but it was funny and effective. Ahh, so there’s Usopp’s back story. It’s nice to know that although the villagers get annoyed, they also understand his situation and some even kinda worried a little that he wasn’t coming by as usual with his “pirates are coming!” So if anything, the lie was more for himself than for anyone, it seems. That he wanted to believe in it, that his father would come back. Hmm but still, I think the villagers could’ve been portrayed to be less harsh, if they understood him as Meri said? (Btw, so that’s where Usopp got his nose from XD) Anyways, awesome ship! I love the figurehead of the ship, it’s so cute. They’ll be replacing those Meri flags though. Going Merry is a nice name for the ship too. Gotta thank Kaya for this “little” gift. She did seem to recover rather quickly...but nice to know that she wants to become a doctor. We also know what the three kids want to be too when they grow up ^^ |
Apr 11, 2015 1:00 PM
Ep 19 A little back story for Zoro this episode and some insight as to why he wants to be the greatest swordsman in the world. The sexism part in this episode felt a little weird to be honest, I wonder if its a recurring theme in One Piece. The death of Kunia came as quite a shock to me though, I seriously didn't expect it and it did make me feel a little sad. Now we know Zoro is fighting for others, and his goal isn't selfish. |
Apr 11, 2015 7:24 PM
FloatsBoats said: Ep 19 A little back story for Zoro this episode and some insight as to why he wants to be the greatest swordsman in the world. The sexism part in this episode felt a little weird to be honest, I wonder if its a recurring theme in One Piece. The death of Kunia came as quite a shock to me though, I seriously didn't expect it and it did make me feel a little sad. Now we know Zoro is fighting for others, and his goal isn't selfish. Given that One Piece is (more or less) in a fantastical version of the 16th or 17th century, the sexist views are in line with the thinking of the era. Even so, viewing strength as the main quality needed to be a great swordsman seems ignorant, to me. It only becomes useful in a theoretical fight betwist those of equal skill. Zoro seemed much stronger (in terms of brute force) than Kunia to me in those flashbacks; however, Kunia's description of him as a "wild boar" is fitting because it shows that strength isn't supreme in a battle of blades. Her skill was greater than his. In any case, I don't hold the portrayal against Oda. I think it fit the context well. |
Apr 12, 2015 9:49 AM
Ep 20 Luffy was extra goofy in this episode. So far, the marines are more often portrayed as evil, egotistical leaders rather than the saviors of the people they are supposed to be. We have had examples of good ones though, the ones fighting under Captain Morgan, so I'm sure we'll have more good ones in the future. It's nice to see it start off like this so we know it won't just be black and white morality throughout. Sort of a 3 episode in the future spoiler Sanji looks strong and interesting, a perfect fit for their crew. I dislike how the transmission in the middle of the episode spoils the crew members, it's really easy to make out who is who. Ep 21 A lot of comedy in this episode whilst also progressing the story slowly. Yeah I agree, was pretty clear Sanji had some experience with starving and is probably the reason he takes food so seriously, also curious as to why he is stuck on the ship. So Gin looks like he's still going to attack the ship even after getting his life saved, what a dick xD. I'm interested in seeing how strong the supposed greatest captain of the eastern sea or wherever it was. Ep 22 I'm a little annoyed with the Luffy and Zoro's lack of participation. I know they're not saviors and all but surely they would step in by now and help out Sanji and the cooks. Don Krieg is despicable, using cheap tactics and even harming the people who saved his life, they really wanted to portray him as a truly, truly evil person. I am curious as to how he knows Zeff and how his ship and crew came to be so damaged. Ep 23 More grand line build up this episode. Hawk-eyes dude literally split a ship in half without even touching it... I think he may be a bit too strong for our friends. How does one beat that. I share the same sentiment as Luffy does about the grand line, I'm so pumped! All this hype around it, when it comes time, it better not disappoint :D Also, screw Nami, I'm starting to develop feelings of hate towards her, she's shown no redeeming qualities in her character and just continues to be annoying and secretive. Not a fan. Ep 24 Damn as I expected, Zoro was no match for Mihawk. That is the power that the grand line holds, they're gonna need some serious training before they go. The relationship between Zoro and Luffy is awesome, I'm loving them more every episode. The part Zoro said he will never lose again to Luffy was inspiring, some serious bromance going on there. |
CraftyApr 13, 2015 12:51 AM
Apr 13, 2015 5:14 PM
Ep 23 The Grand Line hype in this episode was great, and now we have a living example of the Grand Line's power right here. Splitting a ship that huge in half is no small feat; I have to agree that he appears to be beyond Luffy and Zoro's abilities. (I'm glad I skipped a day. I'm really wanting to go ahead and watch the next episode now.) As for Nami, even Luffy seemed a little peeved this time, but I suppose it's a mixed blessing. The Going Merry may have been destroyed if she hadn't done that. That wanted poster she was brooding over before leaving is curious, though. Ep 24 In the end it was no contest. A famous swordsman in East Blue, the weakest of the four Blues, is simply no match for the greatest swordsman in the world. A simple pocket knife was all he needed... Once again, Zoro is little more than a wild boar hopelessly outclassed by greater skill. It's like a replay of his fights with Kunia all those years ago. There were some good quotes here too. "A sword with power alone is not powerful" and "A wound on one's back is the shame of a swordsman" were my favorites. And apparently, Luffy becoming the Pirate King is harder than Zoro surpassing Mihawk- given how big the gap betwixt their skills currently is, I think that says a lot. That was definitely my favorite episode so far. |
TripleSRankApr 13, 2015 6:06 PM
Apr 13, 2015 7:09 PM
Ep 18 A somewhat fun episode. While it is sad that Gaimon guarded the treasures for 20 years, he still learned to make friends with the odd creatures of the island and live his life in the box. I like how he understood Luffy right away when Luffy said he didn’t want to hand over the treasure boxed, while Nami and Usopp doubted him. It’ll probably still take awhile for those two to truly understand Luffy. Zoro on the other hand knew that something was up, and wasn’t as quick to criticize Luffy. It was definitely a good set up for getting the audience ready for the Grand Line, though not sure how long it will take to get there. Ep 19 Glad to see Zoro’s full back story! I find it kind of abrupt the way it began though, this little boy just randomly going to a dojo and challenging the master. But it’s not far-fetched to say that a rowdy kid like Zoro (definitely a surprise how he used to be) wanted to become the strongest (swordsman) even without prior training. And it ended up that his motivation to keep training was because of Kuina. It’s definitely ironic how Kuina ended up dying, and I think the fact that she died in kind of a trivial way made the whole incident even more heartbreaking. So now his goal of becoming the greatest swordsman is not only for himself, but also for Kuina. It’s nice to know that there’s a story behind his white katana, I always wondered about it since the other two are black. Luffy: we need a musician XD Ep 20 Yes, douche is the correct word to describe Fullbody. At least Sanji taught him a lesson :D Johnny and Yosaku are responsible people for fixing the railing. Was funny when Luffy and Usopp realized what they have done with their cannon testing. And then Luffy accidentally hitting the restaurant...oh boy. Wonder how he’ll get out of this. Ep 21 Luffy ruins the touching moment when Gin is crying and thanks Sanji for the food, as expected of Luffy X) I would like to know Sanji’s back story, whatever he went through, it was a painful experience that he still remembers very well. The head chef seems to be understanding, so he’s known Sanji long enough probably to know what Sanji went through. Which also makes me think that Sanji is staying on the ship because he feels indebted to the head chef, perhaps something to do with the chef’s leg. Just a speculation, since I can’t think of what else could make Sanji stay so long. Did Sanji just fall in love at first sight with Nami? Ep 22 Damn, does everyone have eagle eyes or something? How could they tell it was Don Krieg’s ship when it was so far away and in the fog? Don Krieg using dirty tricks. And it is funny how he says he’s the most powerful but then only a few moments before he was super weak and begging for food. I find it comical though that Don Krieg immediately got up as if he got some health potion or something. Your digestive system doesn’t work that fast :P I wonder as well how his ship and crew came to be so battered. As for Luffy and Zoro not helping out yet, I’m guessing they just want to gauge the situation and see what Sanji and the cooks decide to do. I’m not sure what’s the right move either, and I don’t think they want to make the situation worse somehow by butting in already. Oh? Looks like Don Krieg is more that shocked at seeing Zeff. Ep 23 Yo. What just happened. As if Krieg didn’t seem strong already, now we got someone pretty much a thousand times stronger arrive at the scene. Why did that hawk-eyes person follow Krieg all the way from the Grand Line??? o_o This really isn’t looking too good. And I agree with TripleS, although it’s kind of annoying that Nami just left with the ship, she technically also saved it. She seems to have been thinking a lot about someone on one of the wanted posters brought by Johnny and Yosaku, and I’m guessing that’s where she’s headed...? I don’t like her actions either, but I’m sure she has her circumstances, which I’m wondering about. Ep 24 Ouuuch. Of course Zoro had nothing on Mihawk. I think in the face of someone stronger, Zoro will fight like a wild boar, as TripleS put it. It just feels a different from when he faced all those previous opponents in the other episodes. While Zoro is quite famous himself in the East Blue, he now knows what his true strength is against the greatest swordsman. Maybe he’ll train more from now on instead of slacking off :P (or maybe he hasn’t been and he just trains off camera). It at least ended up better than I thought it would. Mihawk became interested in Zoro and let Zoro live because he sees the potential in Zoro. I find it funny though that the only reason Mihawk followed and attacked Don Krieg’s ship was to....kill time. Wow. Oh and about Nami. It seems like she felt guilty and conflicted about tricking Johnny and Yosaku. She definitely wasn’t lying about enjoying the time spent with Luffy and co. Good for her though that Luffy is stubborn with all of his “yada.” The “pain in the ass captain” Luffy needs Nami to be his navigator. Yaaay I think I caught up? If you guys still want to do 2 episodes per day, I'm still up for it. |
tingyApr 13, 2015 10:55 PM
Apr 14, 2015 4:44 PM
Two eps a day is great for me if you two are cool with it. Ep 25 The Baratie is pretty cool to be a floating restaurant, with the fin and that battle boat. Krieg's strength looks kinda insane, or at least the way he threw said boat did. Sanji and Zeff both seem quite strong, but Zeff got taken down easier than I expected. Pearl was just a pushover imo. All they had to do is aim for his head. This is a pretty bad battleground for Luffy, considering how much saltwater is around. Ep 26 So they were on that rock outcrop for over 50 days... Sanji went without food for ~23 days, but Zeff went without food the entire time. That's actually a pretty accurate representation of when you would start starving to death on Zeff's part, since he wasn't fat or anything; it's harder to say for Sanji since I don't know how lack of food affects children. One minor nitpick is Sanji's sudden recovery after the flashback. He was licked pretty hard when it first started. Zeff's understanding of Sanji's feelings towards starving people makes more sense now. Luffy has a lot of neat moves. :D |
TripleSRankApr 14, 2015 6:39 PM
Apr 14, 2015 6:57 PM
Apr 14, 2015 7:13 PM
KingYoshi said: Nice! I'll join in with you guys/gals once you get up to where I am currently on hold (around episode 250 or so). That will take us nearly four months if we stick to the 2 ep/day pace (barring surprises), just so you know. You're welcome to join in anytime, though. ^-^ |
Apr 14, 2015 7:16 PM
TripleSRank said: KingYoshi said: Nice! I'll join in with you guys/gals once you get up to where I am currently on hold (around episode 250 or so). That will take us nearly four months if we stick to the 2 ep/day pace (barring surprises), just so you know. You're welcome to join in anytime, though. ^-^ You just put this into perspective, my god this is a massive commitment :D |
Apr 14, 2015 7:36 PM
FloatsBoats said: TripleSRank said: KingYoshi said: Nice! I'll join in with you guys/gals once you get up to where I am currently on hold (around episode 250 or so). That will take us nearly four months if we stick to the 2 ep/day pace (barring surprises), just so you know. You're welcome to join in anytime, though. ^-^ You just put this into perspective, my god this is a massive commitment :D Indeed. If you cut out the opening and credits for each episode, we're talking about a little over 10 days (240.8 hours) of content in all of One Piece's episodes, counting flashbacks and filler. If we managed to keep the two ep/day pace consistently for a year, we would be caught up to the current episode as of today (though by then there should be almost 50 more episodes out, another ~16.5 hours of content). We could very easily still be catching up with One Piece this time next year. It's a big investment, but it's totally worth it imo. Even Yoshi has tons of great content to see; he's only started "Act Two" of the One Piece narrative. We're still early in Act One- Act One, Part One, if you will. |
TripleSRankApr 14, 2015 7:40 PM
Apr 14, 2015 7:54 PM
Oh yeah, I'm not complaining, looking forward to it really :) Are we planning out watching the filler/flashback episodes, or are we going to skip them? Also, I might not keep to the 2 episode a day rule. I might watch 4 one day, 0 the next or 3 and 1. It should average out to 2 a day though, maybe 3 on weekends unless I start getting really far ahead. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ep 25 We got a short little peak into Sanji's back story, it seems he was trapped on an island with probably little food. Keeping with the theme this fight had a ton of comedy, and it was pretty funny. The part where Luffy flew into the back of that dudes head made me laugh. As I said before, One Piece likes to portray pirates as completely evil, despicable and often devious. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Gin's plan all along. I assume this is used for juxtaposition between the two crews - Luffy's and his enemies. Portraying Luffy and his crew in a good light, building them up as heroes rather than standard pirate villains. |
Apr 14, 2015 9:04 PM
I was referring to internal flashbacks, like Zoro's additional flashback to his past with Kunia in ep. 24 even though we had already seen his past. There is only one cluster of episodes I recall that only show material that's already been shown, and that will be quite easy to skip unless you two just want the refresher for some reason. As for the filler, I personally consider it part of the experience. There's a decent amount of adaptation expansions, like adapting manga cover stories into full episodes. The fillers blend in with the canon well and often incorporate elements from it or even add to it (such as with additional backstories or character development). Some are storylines Oda wanted to include in the manga but couldn't due to pressure to move along the story. Of those that are "true filler", Oda designed a lot of the characters for them and they are still mostly on par with the canon in terms of quality; you just won't have the overarching narrative progress much and you might hit a small inconsistency or two. I can let you and tingy know when we hit filler or semi-filler episodes/arcs if you want me to. I'll probably watch them one way or another, but if you two want to skip them I can just do it on the sidelines while we as a group move on. There's only one filler that I myself want to skip (I think it's around four episodes total). FloatsBoats said: Ep 25 We got a short little peak into Sanji's back story, it seems he was trapped on an island with probably little food. Keeping with the theme this fight had a ton of comedy, and it was pretty funny. The part where Luffy flew into the back of that dudes head made me laugh. As I said before, One Piece likes to portray pirates as completely evil, despicable and often devious. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Gin's plan all along. I assume this is used for juxtaposition between the two crews - Luffy's and his enemies. Portraying Luffy and his crew in a good light, building them up as heroes rather than standard pirate villains. I like that you're picking up on the juxtaposition. I'll probably have more to say about that later. |
Apr 14, 2015 11:11 PM
Hopefully I’ll still be around when we finally catch up XD Unfortunately I can see myself suddenly disappearing in the middle of the simulwatch. As for the fillers, I don’t think I’ll mind watching them. From the sounds of it, the fillers are not too intrusive or random (unlike another show’s *cough*). But it would still be nice to know when we hit them, just so I can see for myself how much they blend in versus feeling like a bad filler. Ep 25 Sanji’s got legs of steel. Holy crap. So he’s been with Zeff for a long long time. They looked like father and son in the flashback when Patty and the other pirate first arrived at Baratie. Sanji even inherited Zeff’s fighting style. But it surprised me to see Zeff knocked down so easily by Gin at the end. I feel like Gin is trying to make the least damage somehow. It’s hard for me to believe that he’s entirely evil when he genuinely cried and thanked Sanji for the food, as well as taking a hit (or two?) from Krieg earlier by saying that that’s not what Krieg promised him. Also, he calls Sanji with the honorific -san... Oh boy we’ve got another weird one, Pearl. I thought we would be seeing more action with him, but the way he got defeated...too funny. Ep 26 I thought Pearl got KO’d but I guess not lol. This was quite a emotional flashback, as with Zoro’s. I think this one in particular though, because although Sanji’s first impression of Zeff was more than negative, Zeff’s willingness to sacrifice not only his leg, but all the food that he could salvage, for Sanji. A little boy whom Zeff had just met. And yes, now it all makes sense why the both understand the feeling of starvation. Also, there’s the treasure theme again. It is ironic that the treasure which would be so useful and valuable in any other normal situation would be completely worthless on a rocky island with no animal or vegetation. What’s the point of having treasure when you can’t even use it to buy food? I like how before the flashback, Sanji says that the restaurant is Zeff’s treasure. The flashback makes Sanji’s comment just that much more significant. Because Zeff used to be pirate who took others’ treasures, just like the typical pirate. But that isn’t the case anymore, his values have changed. |
tingyApr 14, 2015 11:15 PM
Apr 15, 2015 12:54 AM
TripleSRank said: KingYoshi said: Nice! I'll join in with you guys/gals once you get up to where I am currently on hold (around episode 250 or so). That will take us nearly four months if we stick to the 2 ep/day pace (barring surprises), just so you know. You're welcome to join in anytime, though. ^-^ Ah, no worries. I will still be around, I'm sure. Thanks and I'll probably re-watch some episodes here and there and comment on them if I get some time :). |
Apr 15, 2015 9:52 AM
FloatsBoats said: Also, I might not keep to the 2 episode a day rule. I might watch 4 one day, 0 the next or 3 and 1. It should average out to 2 a day though, maybe 3 on weekends unless I start getting really far ahead. Forgot to say something to this; this sort of thing isn't a biggie so long as the average pace is kept up. I might do it a bit myself. Also, if any of you ever want to speed up the average pace or need to slow it down, just say something. tingy said: As for the fillers, I don’t think I’ll mind watching them. From the sounds of it, the fillers are not too intrusive or random (unlike another show’s *cough*). But it would still be nice to know when we hit them, just so I can see for myself how much they blend in versus feeling like a bad filler. Can do. The first filler arc is probably the worst that's worth watching though, just so you know. I'll mention when expansions pop up too (such as the manga cover story adaptations). KingYoshi said: TripleSRank said: KingYoshi said: Nice! I'll join in with you guys/gals once you get up to where I am currently on hold (around episode 250 or so). That will take us nearly four months if we stick to the 2 ep/day pace (barring surprises), just so you know. You're welcome to join in anytime, though. ^-^ Ah, no worries. I will still be around, I'm sure. Thanks and I'll probably re-watch some episodes here and there and comment on them if I get some time :). Sounds good. :) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tingy said: Ep 26 I thought Pearl got KO’d but I guess not lol. This was quite a emotional flashback, as with Zoro’s. I think this one in particular though, because although Sanji’s first impression of Zeff was more than negative, Zeff’s willingness to sacrifice not only his leg, but all the food that he could salvage, for Sanji. A little boy whom Zeff had just met. And yes, now it all makes sense why the both understand the feeling of starvation. Also, there’s the treasure theme again. It is ironic that the treasure which would be so useful and valuable in any other normal situation would be completely worthless on a rocky island with no animal or vegetation. What’s the point of having treasure when you can’t even use it to buy food? I like how before the flashback, Sanji says that the restaurant is Zeff’s treasure. The flashback makes Sanji’s comment just that much more significant. Because Zeff used to be pirate who took others’ treasures, just like the typical pirate. But that isn’t the case anymore, his values have changed. Yeah, Sanji's earlier question to Fullbody, "Can money fill your stomach?" gains a lot from the added context. Ep 27 Kreig is a man with no scruples, and Gin is practically brainwashed. If Gin hadn't refused to kill Sanji, Luffy would have had his hands full since Zoro is out of commission. Poison is something rubber isn't immune to. Pssh. What a pain in the rear. I bet Mihawk could have OHKO'd this guy. >.> On another note, Gin is hardly the emotionless "devil man" he was made out to be. Ep 28 Zeff's comment about conviction made some of Mihawk's earlier remarks stand out to me. Namely, he praised Zoro for his beliefs, yet when Krieg challenged him, he considered him an utter fool. I think the point being made here is that Krieg has no beliefs or foundation to build his ambition upon. He had ambition, wealth, and bravery, but he lacks convictions. When you put that together with the man who destroyed him regarding him as a fool, I can't help but think that Krieg is being framed as a failure of a pirate as well. In regards to Floats comment on the juxtaposition in the earlier episode, there seems to be a theme developing here. I think you're looking at this a bit backwards: Every pirate group that Luffy and co. have fought so far have been failures in one way or another. Rather than being set up as heroes amongst common pirates, I think they're being set up as ideal pirates or even "true pirates" amongst a group of failures and wannabes. Each villain had a bad or lacking trait that Luffy and the rest contrasted with. Buggy set up the stereotype for "normal" pirates that are different from the Straw Hats in every way. Ambition, bravery, loyalty/integrity, and now conviction have all been set up as desirable traits for a pirate. Of course, this is all rather idealistic framing, especially considering how harsh the Grand Line is portrayed, but I think this could all fall in line with how Shanks' crew acted in the earlier episodes as well, and it's been implied that they're great pirates. On a lighter note, that spear is pretty cool. |
TripleSRankApr 15, 2015 10:40 AM
Apr 15, 2015 4:12 PM
I don’t mind whatever pace you guys want to go at. I’m pretty sure I will always be able to catch up, as long as no one goes 5+ episodes per day for one week straight or something :P [quote=TripleSRank] Can do. The first filler arc is probably the worst that's worth watching though, just so you know. I'll mention when expansions pop up too (such as the manga cover story adaptations).[/spoiler] Cool, that would be very helpful! I’m interested in the manga cover story adaptations. TripleSRank said: tingy said: Ep 26 Also, there’s the treasure theme again. It is ironic that the treasure which would be so useful and valuable in any other normal situation would be completely worthless on a rocky island with no animal or vegetation. What’s the point of having treasure when you can’t even use it to buy food? I like how before the flashback, Sanji says that the restaurant is Zeff’s treasure. The flashback makes Sanji’s comment just that much more significant. Because Zeff used to be pirate who took others’ treasures, just like the typical pirate. But that isn’t the case anymore, his values have changed. Yeah, Sanji's earlier question to Fullbody, "Can money fill your stomach?" gains a lot from the added context. Ah yes, that too. I forgot about it even though it was only a few episodes back. Ep 27 Gin definitely doesn’t seem like a “demon” or “emotionless” as everyone else said, but that’s probably because like Gin said, this was the first time he’s ever experienced such kindness. His conflicted state was very sad to watch. As for Krieg...why do I feel as if his “power” is just basically that armor of his. I mean granted, Zoro isn’t as strong without all of his swords, or Gin without his (very cool) weapons, but all Krieg has been doing is sitting down and shooting bullets and whatnot from his armor. Okay, well he’s physically strong too. Won’t forget when he threw that ship thing Patty and the other guy was in. I agree he’s a pain. Mihawk should’ve destroyed Don Krieg before leaving. Oh well. Ep 28 Gin sacrificing himself was again, tough to watch. It’s very unfortunate that he chose to follow Don Krieg... One of the dialogue between Zeff and Sanji was exactly what I wanted to say. That Luffy fights pretty recklessly (said Sanji), yet you can’t help but like him for it (said Zeff). And it reminds me a lot if the fight between Zoro and Mihawk, Luffy and Zoro both fight with meaning. And again, I’m seeing the over-reliance on weapons and strength with Krieg rather than skills. That’s his downfall, as Luffy broke the almighty spear with 5 hits. TripleSRank said: Ep 28 Zeff's comment about conviction made some of Mihawk's earlier remarks stand out to me. Namely, he praised Zoro for his beliefs, yet when Krieg challenged him, he considered him an utter fool. I think the point being made here is that Krieg has no beliefs or foundation to build his ambition upon. He had ambition, wealth, and bravery, but he lacks convictions. When you put that together with the man who destroyed him regarding him as a fool, I can't help but think that Krieg is being framed as a failure of a pirate as well. In regards to Floats comment on the juxtaposition in the earlier episode, there seems to be a theme developing here. I think you're looking at this a bit backwards: Every pirate group that Luffy and co. have fought so far have been failures in one way or another. Rather than being set up as heroes amongst common pirates, I think they're being set up as ideal pirates or even "true pirates" amongst a group of failures and wannabes. Each villain had a bad or lacking trait that Luffy and the rest contrasted with. Buggy set up the stereotype for "normal" pirates that are different from the Straw Hats in every way. Ambition, bravery, loyalty/integrity, and now conviction have all been set up as desirable traits for a pirate. Of course, this is all rather idealistic framing, especially considering how harsh the Grand Line is portrayed, but I think this could all fall in line with how Shanks' crew acted in the earlier episodes as well, and it's been implied that they're great pirates. This was a really interesting read :) I like what you said about all the components that leads to being ideal/true pirates that have been brought up so far throughout the episodes. There are so many traits and ideas that keep emerging through contrasting Luffy’s crew with the different antagonists that have shown up. |
tingyApr 15, 2015 9:41 PM
Apr 16, 2015 5:12 AM
Ep 29 No amount of wealth or equipment can overcome convictions, eh? In any case, Krieg was defeated. That was definitely the most interesting fight so far (well, with Luffy), considering that the battlefield was mostly sea and given the amount of tricks Krieg had. I do think it's worthy of note that he was defeated pretty quickly once it came down to actually fighting. That was a really nice cliffhanger at the end too. It seems there's more to Nami than we've seen. Ep 30 I didn't say anything about it on the last ep, but it's kinda ironic that the chef's were talking smack to Gin when he left, considering they didn't actually do anything. xD Btw, did you guys catch Pandaman on that tiny ship with all the men piled on it? He's making a peace sign. Pandaman is an easter egg character in the manga; they've apparently thrown him in the anime from time to time too, but I don't know many of them. Anyway, it took a bit to convince Sanji to leave, but I suppose it's understandable. Zeff basically raised him, so he's like a father to him. Decent arc. It looks like we'll be seeing what Nami's up to next episode. |
TripleSRankApr 16, 2015 10:56 AM
Apr 16, 2015 6:36 PM
Ep 26 I think this episode does a good job of showing the strength you can gain by having a goal, never giving up when the going gets tough. I think that Gin wants to try and save Sanji's life by taking Zeff hostage and getting them off the ship without any harm. However, Gin underestimates what the ship stands for in both Sanji and Zeff's life, he seems somewhat perplexed as to how big a deal the ship really is. Sanji now has a reason to go the Grand Line with Luffy, and we have another goal to search for. The All Blue Sea! Ep 27 Haha I was going to mention the fact Gin was meant to be a emotionless man too. My prediction was somewhat right, Gin was trying to save Sanji from the start. I want to see more of Luffy fight, it's nice and all seeing the other characters because we need to get introduced to them, but sometimes I feel like Luffy always takes the back seat and just watches while the action happens. Ep 28 I think you said it perfectly Triple, it's very clear there has been a lot of juxtaposition early on in the series. While I was off the mark with the thought of building them up as a heroes vs villains sort of thing, I don't think I was completely backwards. The ideal pirate, as you pointed out as the reason for the juxtaposition, shares almost the same traits as a hero would: Ambition, bravery etc. I realise they are definitely not heroes by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel like they're meant to be portrayed similarly to them not only to show them as ideal pirates, but also so we can cheer for them and support them through their journey, much like we cheer and support other fictional heroes. Our heroes are symbols for us of all the qualities we would like to possess and all the ambitions we would like to satisfy. They might not be portrayed as heroes in the show, but they are portrayed as heroes to us, the viewers. Feel free to correct me though because I couldn't really find the words to explain it how I wanted to so I might be completely wrong. It seems to be only when Luffy gets mad he fights with his all, I liked it when he said to Don "you don't get to make that decision for me", when he was talking about dying. There was some repeated scenes in the fights that kinda annoyed me. |
CraftyApr 16, 2015 8:24 PM
Apr 16, 2015 9:38 PM
FloatsBoats said: Ep 28 I think you said it perfectly Triple, it's very clear there has been a lot of juxtaposition early on in the series. While I was off the mark with the thought of building them up as a heroes vs villains sort of thing, I don't think I was completely backwards. The ideal pirate, as you pointed out as the reason for the juxtaposition, shares almost the same traits as a hero would: Ambition, bravery etc. I realise they are definitely not heroes by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel like they're meant to be portrayed similarly to them not only to show them as ideal pirates, but also so we can cheer for them and support them through their journey, much like we cheer and support other fictional heroes. Our heroes are symbols for us of all the qualities we would like to possess and all the ambitions we would like to satisfy. They might not be portrayed as heroes in the show, but they are portrayed as heroes to us, the viewers. Feel free to correct me though because I couldn't really find the words to explain it how I wanted to so I might be completely wrong. It seems to be only when Luffy gets mad he fights with his all, I liked it when he said to Don "you don't get to make that decision for me", when he was talking about dying. There was some repeated scenes in the fights that kinda annoyed me. I apologize. To say it was backward was an overstatement and insensitive on my part as well. Still, I do think it's worthy to differentiate between being a hero and being an ideal pirate. This is my thinking: What if there was a pirate that was ambitious, brave, loyal, true to his crew, and who had strong convictions- yet was still morally noxious? Or should we assume all moral inadequacies disqualify one from "true piratehood"? Take Mihawk. Can we consider him a true pirate? He completely annihilated an entire fleet of ships and ended thousands of lives seemingly unprovoked, out of boredom; I think we can agree that that's at the very least morally questionable, even if Krieg's crew isn't a good bunch. Yet, despite this, Mihawk is being used to frame Kreig as an inferior pirate. I do agree that Luffy's group has been depicted (to the viewers) as more or less heroic, given how many people they've helped. (The only possible exception is Nami; her thievery hardly appears heroic, even if she does justify it by only stealing from pirates.) My point is just that the heroic actions themselves haven't been identified as a contributing factor to Luffy's group's superiority, at least not yet. |
Apr 16, 2015 11:27 PM
Ep 29 As expected, Krieg is nothing much without his armor (except for his physical strength I guess). Just glad to finally see Luffy take down Krieg. And I like the punch Gin gave Krieg too :) Speaking of Gin, I really like him. He’s still the same guy who respects Krieg for his strength, but at the same time, Gin’s opened his eyes. He’s seen and felt true kindness and also realized his own goal, which is Krieg’s goal. At the start of the arc, he had been terrified of the Grand Line, yet now, he feels completely opposite. The cliffhanger with Nami is a nice transition to probably what we’ll be seeing next, her story. I’m interested to finding out just why she needed all that treasure, something about being free? She seems free to me, but I guess that’s because we don’t know anything yet. Ep 30 Sanji, how could you not tell that they were just acting? XD Not saying Patty and Carne sucked at acting or anything, but there’s no way that all of them would collectively bash on a soup that he himself was confident in. Just can’t see that happening. But maybe he didn’t know how much his cooking was “revered” by everyone else, so I guess that makes sense. It’s good that he overheard everyone talking, and that itself was enough of a push. The farewell was so touching and emotional, the tears were so contagious that it transferred through my computer screen ;_; I’m happy for Sanji that he kind of got closure for his feeling of being in Zeff’s debt. Not really, but he understands that Zeff knows of Sanji’s gratitude for all these years, and that Zeff does care for Sanji as well. Another reason to like Luffy: although he’s stubborn, he would only want Sanji if Sanji willingly said yes, and not because Zeff wants to push Sanji onto Luffy. TripleSRank said: Ep 30 Btw, did you guys catch Pandaman on that tiny ship with all the men piled on it? He's making a peace sign. Pandaman is an easter egg character in the manga; they've apparently thrown him in the anime from time to time too, but I don't know many of them. Why you no say anything last episode?!?! I had to go back and look for him lol :P I think I saw him, though it didn't really look like a panda to me because it was kind of fuzzy. Interesting though, I will be on the lookout from now on for cameos of weird looking characters. Ep 31 “These mermen look so disgusting.” Geesh, speak for yourself. You have whiskers on your face and you’re actually a human. Lots of comedy this episode, especially the part where Zoro says they will charge into Arlong Park and then Johnny and Usopp knocks out and ties up Zoro...and they abandon ship. Poor Zoro. Nami seems quite ruthless, kicking the child, but it looks sort of like a facade. She gives the money to kid afterwards, so I suppose she only did it this way so that he won’t come again and actually get himself killed. Kind of like what Gin did when he knocked down Zeff. But it’s a shock that she’s actually part of Arlong’s crew...of all things. I’m pretty sure her “I hate pirates” attitude earlier is genuine, I’m just wondering what it the reason that she has to stay there. Arlong’s crew seems to really like her though. |
tingyApr 17, 2015 1:08 AM
Apr 17, 2015 5:23 AM
TripleSRank said: FloatsBoats said: Ep 28 I think you said it perfectly Triple, it's very clear there has been a lot of juxtaposition early on in the series. While I was off the mark with the thought of building them up as a heroes vs villains sort of thing, I don't think I was completely backwards. The ideal pirate, as you pointed out as the reason for the juxtaposition, shares almost the same traits as a hero would: Ambition, bravery etc. I realise they are definitely not heroes by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel like they're meant to be portrayed similarly to them not only to show them as ideal pirates, but also so we can cheer for them and support them through their journey, much like we cheer and support other fictional heroes. Our heroes are symbols for us of all the qualities we would like to possess and all the ambitions we would like to satisfy. They might not be portrayed as heroes in the show, but they are portrayed as heroes to us, the viewers. Feel free to correct me though because I couldn't really find the words to explain it how I wanted to so I might be completely wrong. It seems to be only when Luffy gets mad he fights with his all, I liked it when he said to Don "you don't get to make that decision for me", when he was talking about dying. There was some repeated scenes in the fights that kinda annoyed me. I apologize. To say it was backward was an overstatement and insensitive on my part as well. Still, I do think it's worthy to differentiate between being a hero and being an ideal pirate. This is my thinking: What if there was a pirate that was ambitious, brave, loyal, true to his crew, and who had strong convictions- yet was still morally noxious? Or should we assume all moral inadequacies disqualify one from "true piratehood"? Take Mihawk. Can we consider him a true pirate? He completely annihilated an entire fleet of ships and ended thousands of lives seemingly unprovoked, out of boredom; I think we can agree that that's at the very least morally questionable, even if Krieg's crew isn't a good bunch. Yet, despite this, Mihawk is being used to frame Kreig as an inferior pirate. I do agree that Luffy's group has been depicted (to the viewers) as more or less heroic, given how many people they've helped. (The only possible exception is Nami; her thievery hardly appears heroic, even if she does justify it by only stealing from pirates.) My point is just that the heroic actions themselves haven't been identified as a contributing factor to Luffy's group's superiority, at least not yet. No need to apologize. And yeah, I do agree with you again, there is a difference between the ideal pirate and being a hero. I don't think all moral inadequacies disqualify one from "true piratehood", someone can be morally wrong and still be a great pirate. I think that's is the difference between Luffy and his crew and the other pirates at the Grand Line... probably. I'm obviously making a lot of assumptions here though. From what I take Luffy is morally upright, he never kills his opponent from what I can tell (this also has other implications but I'll talk about that later), and he is kind to everyone. I think the morality is the key, along with the key attributes he has for being a pirate, he is also morally upright and selfless, which help portray him as a hero to the viewers. "My point is just that the heroic actions themselves haven't been identified as a contributing factor to Luffy's group's superiority, at least not yet." Yeah I can concur with this, It really hasn't been a factor. I would like to see if anything happens in the future though. Someone bearing heroic traits is much more likely to have loyal companions. Tbh you're probably right and I'm taking this hero shit way too far haha |
Apr 17, 2015 5:26 AM
tingy said: TripleSRank said: Ep 30 Btw, did you guys catch Pandaman on that tiny ship with all the men piled on it? He's making a peace sign. Pandaman is an easter egg character in the manga; they've apparently thrown him in the anime from time to time too, but I don't know many of them. Why you no say anything last episode?!?! I had to go back and look for him lol :P I think I saw him, though it didn't really look like a panda to me because it was kind of fuzzy. Interesting though, I will be on the lookout from now on for cameos of weird looking characters. I saw the ship again during the recap at the beginning of 30, so you could've looked for him there if you wanted. Sorry for the delay. Better late than never? :P Ep 31 Lol. I have no idea why, but I completely disregarded that Marine's whiskers. That is pretty ironic coming from him. I wonder why whiskers are normal but long noses make you look merman-ish. I'm not sure if it's just my subs, but Arlong's bounty on the posters is 20 million rather than the 2 million in the subs. It looks like he's paying off the Marines to keep a low profile despite his apparent infamy amongst bounty hunters. Nami certainly is acting stone cold. I find it peculiar that Arlong's crew likes her so much when Arlong himself seems to have a dim view of humans. I agree that her beating the kid could be considered an act of mercy. I like the new ED. Ep 32 So that's partly why Nami is so money-hungry. (It's not just all those outfits!) Arlong has agreed to see Cocoyashi to her for 100 million beli... That's a lot of money. (The beli is similar to the yen as far as I can tell, so that would be like 1 million US dollars or ~1.1 million New Zealand dollars.) Arlong appears to be a very heavy-handed and intolerant ruler. I'm noticing the racist outlook as well; I'm guessing it's not one-way either given how the Marine guy acted in the last episode. That was probably Usopp's bravest act so far. Attacking Arlong like that isn't something I'd expect from him. Zoro's sitting in the ruler's seat amused me for some reason. For as strong as they're made out to be, I have to doubt the threat of the background mermen, since Zoro had no problem taking them down severely wounded with only one sword. I thought his "suicide" was a risky (if clever) tactic, forcing Nami to act like that. That reminded me of her moral standards that were revealed in the Orange Island arc with Buggy's crew. Mohmoo is now a horse pulling a carriage. That's hilarious. |
TripleSRankApr 17, 2015 9:54 AM
Apr 17, 2015 4:11 PM
Dammit, I always skip the recaps...well that makes more sense now why you were technically an episode late X) Ep 32 Can’t believe Zoro would go that far just to test Nami. Then again, I don’t think he was testing her per se, but more like he knew that Nami would save him. Her act isn’t fooling him. I seriously love the way Zoro is so perceptive, he doesn’t go into a hasty conclusion, just as with the time when Luffy wouldn’t “give” Gaimon the treasure boxes. Also, Zoro too cool at the end there, he even took someone’s shirt? Lol nope, it’s not just those outfits! But in all seriousness, does Nami really think Arlong will keep his words? He wants to take over the East Blue and make it his empire, he’s not going to just ignore Cocoyashi village alone...still, can’t believe Nami has already gotten 93 million of the 100! And she’s really optimistic about it too. It’s a shame that she’s sacrificing herself for the village yet no one appreciates/understands that. Except for her foster sister. Well having at least one person on your side is better than none. It’s infuriating to watch Arlong treat humans as his slaves, just because he has power. I hate watching those who rule with fear and power, not to mention, a racist one at that. Props to Usopp for acting out against Arlong. Doesn’t matter if his knees and voice were shaking, shooting Arlong is basically a death sentence. Omg Mohmoo at the end cracked me up! He’s so cute, I also did not expect Sanji to offer the food but to kick Mohmoo instead. Though I have to agree with him, I though Mohmoo would bite Sanji’s arm or something if he had actually feasted on the plate of food. I won’t be watching any episodes tomorrow so I watched them today~ Ep 33 This Hachi guy is so funny XD He’s kind of an idiot, or I guess, trusting. He even gives Zoro a ride to Cocoyashi! Nami going to great lengths to wipe any possible doubts from Arlong and his crew. But hm, seems like I may be wrong about Arlong before. Maybe Arlong really would keep his words about selling the village to Nami. Anyways, I kind of agree with Nami a little that Zoro and Usopp are ruining her plans, when she’s struggled for so long by herself and is so close to her goal. I mean it would be best to take out Arlong but Usopp can’t do much by himself, and Zoro is still wounded. They would have to wait for Luffy. But Usopp just kept making the situation worse, though I guess you can’t blame him because Nami does put on a good enough act for those who aren’t perceptive like Zoro. It’s just a shame that Zoro and Usopp missed each other. I was really shocked to see Nami stab Usopp, but immediately after I found it odd that he stumbled a few steps forward and fell into the pool/ocean. And afterwards, Nami had bandages wrapped around her hand, if she was the one stabbing Usopp, she shouldn’t be the one injured. The last scene with a covered up dude walking on the beach semi-confirms this...although the voice doesn’t sound too recognizable as Usopp. Great flying entry into Cocoyashi! Luffy is finally here to save the day :) Ep 34 Why is Luffy so mysterious. He yells as Johnny for badmouthing Nami because he trusts her and believes her to be their comrade, but when Nami comes and shouts at the crew, Luffy just does his odd stare and then says he’s going to sleep LOL. This guy. He seems to be able to judge people for their true nature really well. Or maybe he knew that Nami is acting since he remembers when he first met her, and all she said was that she hated pirates. Actually, I find it interesting that Luffy doesn’t even care to listen to Nami’s back story. Then again, it’s very like him. He already believes in Nami and has seen her for who she is in the present, therefore he doesn’t need to hear what happened in her past. Zoro’s kind of the same way too. As for Usopp, he’s the type to want to understand the situation carefully and wants an explanation. (Yay, he’s alive! And ouch, Nami went that far to save him.) Woah there. Did...did Arlong just catch AND break that cannon ball with his teeth? The marines got nothing on Arlong’s crew...that makes me fear for any upcoming fight with the Straw Hat crew. Oh yeah, with Arlong again, so he really would've kept his words, BUT unfortunately he still wants Nami in his crew since she's such a genius cartographer and navigator. Luffy just keeps meeting among the best, there's Zoro who's a well-known swordsman, Nami who is a great navigator/cartographer, and Sanji who is a a skilled chef. Nami’s back story finally! OP has some good cliffhangers. TripleSRank said: Ep 31 I'm not sure if it's just my subs, but Arlong's bounty on the posters is 20 million rather than the 2 million in the subs. It looks like he's paying off the Marines to keep a low profile despite his apparent infamy amongst bounty hunters. [spoiler]I went back to look at this and it seems like we’re watching the same subs lol. I heard Yosaku say “ni sen man” (二千万), which should be 20 million. So then it was probably a typo. Nice catch though, while I did notice that it said 20 million on the wanted poster, I didn’t realize the subs were wrong.[/quote] |
tingyApr 17, 2015 4:16 PM
Apr 18, 2015 12:24 AM
Ep 29 That was a pretty alright fight. The amount of gadgets Kreig had was interesting. It seems that Luffy fighting for his ambitions, never giving up, re-opened Sanji's eyes to his goal, the all-blue sea, as we saw him imagine it as he swam back up to the surface. I do think it's pretty interesting that Luffy, most probably on purpose, decided to beat Krieg by destroying his tools, rather than him. First he destroyed his cape, then his spear and finally his armour. Probably referring to the fact that money, equipment and crew size can't make up for what they lack. Ep 30 And that wraps up the arc. The farewell was pretty emotional, I knew Patty and Carne were tsunderes haha. Finally we get to see what's going on with Nami. Looking forward to it. Ep 31 I agree, hitting the kid and giving him money was clearly an act of mercy. That giant monster cow/Appa from avatar looks like it'll pose a serious problem. I've also had a soft spot for giant monsters, especially sea creatures and this series looks like it has a decent amount of them. So Nami is working for Arlong, I think it's clear she doesn't want to be there and is probably acting, judging by the fact she said "I want to be free". There must be something or someone she needs to save by pretending to be one of his crew, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Oh, and I wonder if those two dudes are going to be permanent members of the crew, they sorta appeared from nowhere and are tagging along. |
CraftyApr 18, 2015 2:14 AM
Apr 18, 2015 3:58 PM
Ep 33 Hachi is my favorite merman in Arlong's group, mostly because he seems to genuine and relaxed (or maybe just dorky) compared to the others. I've got to admit, Nami's stabbing was pretty alarming at first, but when you take into account her hand and Usopp's presence at the end (c'mon, that nose is totally jutting out), I think it's easy-ish to piece together what happened. I didn't actually catch the hand thing at first, but I did find Usopp's stumbling to be unnatural, and I also thought that if any sort of fake blood had been used, that merman would have noticed it when Nami handed him the knife. Either way, that guy at the end has just got to be Usopp. I'm sure I saw that nose. xD Luffy sure does know how to make great entrances. That was even better than his bomb drop from the bird when he first met Nami. Ep 34 @tingy: Usopp is great at something too: lying! sharpshooting. I mean... shooting marbles might not seem impressive, but he could be formidable if he ever needs to man the cannon or if he gets a better weapon. Anyway, I think Luffy's strong intuition is surfacing again. For as much as he goofs around, scenes like the one where he "randomly" decided to sleep (and the one where he refused to hear Nami's past) make me think he's actually quite intelligent. When Nami told them to leave, rather than fighting with her Luffy simply didn't do what she said rather than arguing with her. I see this as him supporting her even though he doesn't know her reasons- nor does he feel a need to. Remember back on Orange Island, when she told him all pirates are the same? His response when she apologized afterwards was that "he's sure she had her reasons". Basically, he accepts Nami for who she is and plans to stick by her. Her specific reasons for pushing Luffy away are irrelevant to him, as are her reasons for cooperating with the mermen. He trusts her. She's his friend. Luffy is essentially embodying the definition of a true friend. It seems Zoro will follow Luffy's lead on that as well. As for Arlong, yes, those are some pretty fierce teeth. Sharp teeth. That doesn't sound good for Luffy if they end up fighting. Ep 35 That's sad, losing your parents at such a young age. Bellemere seems like a pretty cool person. Something interesting I caught when it showed her coming back with Nami and Nojiko (very trivial spoilers): She was wearing a "cloak of justice"- a coat only marine officers are seen wearing. That signals to me that she was a very good Marine; she might have even commanded a ship. Another neat tie-in occurred just before Arlong arrived at the village, when the town commerce was being shown. A brief passby showed wanted posters for Buggy (which had some sort of note over it) and Krieg (who looks a bit younger). It seems both of them were pirates for at least eight years, given that. Ransoming people for their lives is... dirty, and that's a rather high price too. This doesn't look good for Bellemere. On another note, these mermen are pretty level-headed. Most of the other pirates we've seen so far probably would have been angered if Luffy just walked by them. Instead, the mermen were impressed. I find that interesting. Ep 36 ;-; Nami's backstory is definitely the most harsh so far. It's bad enough that Bellemere was killed, but for it to happen in front of her kids like that is just brutal. Her last words too... I teared up. It looks like Nami was beaten until she cooperated with Arlong afterwards. I can't blame her for doing what she did, especially since she was just a child. That tattoo too, ugh. I think Nami's hatred of pirates along with her incessant stealing makes a lot more sense now. Arlong is merciless and cruel. That stupid whiskers guy... I don't like where that is going. |
TripleSRankApr 19, 2015 9:23 AM
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