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Sep 5, 2014 9:59 AM

Nov 2011
It's a somewhat late at this stage of the series but we do manage to find out more about Minami and how she got her esper powers. Those thugs never stood a chance D:

And welp, the school is under attack by espers. Poor Rinka too. I didn't think she would get beat up that badly. Seriously, poor Rinka ;_; And I guess that mind control ability isn't entirely that powerful since Azuma was able to break out of it. I hope they can get some payback..
Sep 5, 2014 11:47 AM

May 2013
Rinka got beat up pretty bad. Too that she lost her ESP powers. And now everyone is on the hunt to capture her.
Sep 5, 2014 11:53 AM

Aug 2010
Well shit definitely got real this ep O_O This ep was full of despair of the utmost level.

I wonder where Rinka will go now? She has nowhere to go and no powers to protect herself. Quite deep shit she's got herself into.

The Esper detainment department are a bunch of assholes though -.- Why the hell would they go after the good guys first <_<
Sep 5, 2014 12:04 PM
Mar 2013
Crappy episode.

So much hype going on with the brutality on Rinka trying to make you feel some type of way about it failed horribly.

I just want some fighting action! Main reason I chose to watch this. I don't give a damn about their feelings.

Starting to plummet for me.
Sep 5, 2014 12:08 PM
Jan 2013
Awwwww shit Rinka getting whooped badly by espers going amuck.

That esper detention guy looks like John Travolta when he did "From Paris with love." as Wax.
Sep 5, 2014 12:30 PM
Jul 2018
We get to know more about Minami and her esper power.

Poor Rinka, she got owned by those Esp Girls like that, She also lost her esper power. Everyone got hurt because of her.
Sep 5, 2014 12:32 PM

Jul 2010
Learning the reason behind Minami's unconditional resolve to help her dad.
Just when I thought Minami escaped a traumatic experience, the three men died in front of her.
The espers raiding the school and killing/injuring people.
It was hard to watch the marionettes beating up Rinka... that was pretty brutal.
The fishy leaving since it thought Rinka died due to having no heartbeat for a few minutes! Being beaten up to that point :(
The Esp Restriction Law thus beginning the oppression of all espers. Such an inhumane thing to do to just arrest everyone, and they are just asking people to go up against it too.
That short glimpse of Bruce Lee!
Master Roshi is stunned and her dad critically injured and captured during the escape.
Rinka runs away from Murasaki thinking that she would only bring harm to them without her powers.
Looking forward to Azuma making a comeback and also a new/the older fishy to come back too!
Sep 5, 2014 12:54 PM

Mar 2013
Ahhh, so we were supposed to feel sorry for Rinka. Right.
Sep 5, 2014 1:16 PM
Aug 2012
How I've felt after finally watched this episode. Mediocre at best, garbage according to my standards. It felt really rushed, missing something between the scenes.
Sep 5, 2014 1:32 PM

Dec 2010
The direction as well as the animation and pretty much everything else was just plainly bad this episode.
Sep 5, 2014 1:53 PM

Jul 2013
TBH this episode pretty much sucked tbh. One, is that the animation during the school attack scenes were pretty sucky and dull, and felt weird when they are attacking the students. The 2nd is that I was pretty frustrated that Rinka lost after all that hard work training from the previous episodes and was taking the blame of herself for not protecting everyone. And the last was probably that the police is going to use deadly force on all the ESP users in the city rather they are good or bad.

Well I guess they were streaming it live and Rinka lost her morale to fight back. Please don't make the last 3 episodes as dull like this.

Sep 5, 2014 2:00 PM

Dec 2013
Feel pretty sorry for Rinka... Overall alright episode. I didn't expect her to lose her esp.
Sep 5, 2014 2:19 PM

Oct 2012
Awesome_G said:
Feel pretty sorry for Rinka... Overall alright episode. I didn't expect her to lose her esp.

just temp. read the manga. its a lot better.

the manga and anime went in totally diff directions.. the date scene Azuma and Rinka..

Azuma training with Rinka. being the first to beat the kid..

All changed Q_Q
Sep 5, 2014 2:21 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
SalemWitch said:
Ahhh, so we were supposed to feel sorry for Rinka. Right.

Yeah didn't feel anything either. Maybe just a little bad because she got beat up like that but that's about it.
Sep 5, 2014 2:22 PM

Dec 2012
"yo daughter yo mamas dead from an accident lets kill them all lol lets create our own world BECAUSE WE'RE LIKE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO GOES THROUGH THIS SUFFER yea ill reborn yo mother"
And there goes Minami: "omg those fgs wanted to rape me omg im no longer human i wanna kill them all".
I have such mixed feelings though,people are indeed bad and cruel,but their reason is lame and stupid Imo.
I really thought that scene when Rinka was beaten the fuck out wasn't real,it was too cruel.
Maybe this world deserves what it gets,but Rinka not.

P.S. I want to see the ant girl fucked and killed painfully and slowly because I really don't like her. Or maybe all the 3 sluts.
Sep 5, 2014 2:42 PM
Sep 2012
I HATE comparing anime to their source material but the manga was definitely better this time. The school raid and Rinka's beatdown felt dull and weren't animated very well.
I wan't this show to succeed but there's only 3 episodes left and I dont think they can recover without rushing.
Sep 5, 2014 3:03 PM

Mar 2012
So Rinka trained so much to continue being a loser *facepalm* even Murasaki-chan is stronger than her -.-

Rinka wasn't able to move in her hospital bed but once she has to run away she's just fine, wtf?

Meh, decent.
Sep 5, 2014 3:06 PM

Dec 2011
I don't know if I should drop this anime or not tbh -.-
I thought Ga-Rei Zero was great and the first episode of Tokyo ESP was too but it's just been boring for me the past 8 episodes. I feel like Rinka did all that training and a punch wouldn't kill a classmate so why couldn't she fight back? Even her thinking was pretty naive to me and idk this just isn't holding to the expectation I had and I might drop it. imo.
Sep 5, 2014 3:13 PM

Oct 2009
Well shit hit the fan. The animation couldnt get any worse though. Very rushed... especially for a key episode.
Sep 5, 2014 3:59 PM

Dec 2011
At the beginning of the episode we got to see more of Minami's past and the moment when her mother died, but the injury that her father had is actually real and not an illusion.

Damn... what an awful thing was about to happen to Minami but fortunately the golden fish were around to give her that teleportation esp and she unknowingly killed the ones that wanted to rape her.

Holy crap they're actually killing the students after all... now that's brutal...

Well... as per usual Rinka has gotten herself double teamed/triple teamed and beaten to a pulp... while Kyoutarou and her friends got themselves hypnotized, good freaking job there Kyoutarou...

Um... what duh f-ck just happened... Rinka died and the golden fish that her the esp exited her and left... Am I witnessing the death of the main female character already lol... Oh wait, apparently she hasn't died and was just KO-ed... LOL...

Of course Kyoutarou can't teleport more than a few tens of meters of probably a hundred at best since he's weakest of them all.

Dat Bruce Lee moment though was epic as always and I'm a fan of his and did study JKD for a little while before quitting and going to college XD.

They all sacrificed themselves so Rinka could run away... dem feelings T.T

Those guys from the special esp units or w/e they were called are total idiots.

I was sure Rinka was going to blame herself for everything that has happened.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Sep 5, 2014 4:39 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Shit just got real....Again O_O
Sep 5, 2014 5:36 PM

Jun 2014
The annoyingly powerful villains are REALLY getting on my nerves. Like come on, you cant seriously carry a show with the good guys losing EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. Not just losing, but not even putting up a fight! At this rate, there no way for the good guys to come out on top with out some SERIOUS plot armor. And nobody wants that.
But the ED is still fucking awesome. I feel like thats the only reason I watch anymore.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Sep 5, 2014 6:58 PM

Jan 2011
This episode was really really rough uncountable amount of stills mix in with a lot of bad animation.

all that training and Rinka couldn't get out of a arm lock :/
Sep 5, 2014 7:37 PM

Apr 2013
ok what the hell was up with this episode.

the animation quality was absolute rock bottom.

what did rinka even train for? cannot escape a simple arm lock, not a single use of her abilty to dodge attacks, why not phase through the wall into a class room and attack through the wall, why not phase through the ground while in the arm lock etc.

there was so much wrong with that school scene

this was episode 9

so in 3 episodes she is supposed to get her powers back first and get strong enough to even fight at all not to mention all that while the plot is supposed to progress and get to the point of episode 1

i actually liked the series, nothing amazing but decent and fun but this episode man...
xSanoxSep 5, 2014 7:40 PM
Sep 5, 2014 8:01 PM

Aug 2013
Not a good episode at all. Remind what did Rinka do all that training for?
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Sep 5, 2014 8:28 PM

Apr 2012
pretty good development but shitty animation to go with it.

Sep 5, 2014 8:30 PM

Jan 2011
How many times are we gonna see Rinka beat up?
Sep 5, 2014 8:59 PM

May 2013
Beaten up yet again by some weird espers. Lost her esp power too. I do feel sorry for her. Minami got some background this episode.
Sep 5, 2014 9:14 PM

Sep 2013
Start off with a little backstory of Minami and shown how she got her esp powers to begin with!

Rinka got beaten up so badly! I was pretty suprised that she didn't do anything to get out of it!

All of that training she did and still got beat up! Rinka better step it up or I don't know how she is going to be even powerful enough to stop them in the next three episodes

Kyoutarou is now moved from a nice bedroom sweet to a tropical island maybe for the next couple episodes I believe, fun fun!

Master Roshi and Rinka's Father are down and caught (Not Master Rossshhhiiii D:)

So this episode was mainly a bunch of problems dumped on Rinka's shoulders for the time being. Looking forward to the next episode, I wonder how this is going to be cleared up!

Sep 5, 2014 9:50 PM

Jan 2013
Rinka is just too weak, the poor animation made it look like she was defeated easily.
Sad episode though.
Sep 5, 2014 9:52 PM

Nov 2012
What the duce did she do all of that training if she just gets owned like that? I guess I can that she probably would have lost anyway to a group of strong espers like that, but my main beef is that she didn't even put up much of a fight at all.. even that megane chick kicked way more ass than she did

The Minami flashbacks were somewhat intersting/okay

I feel like this series started out pretty strong but its oddly getting to feel somewhat medoicre as of recent episodes.. hopefully rinka won't spend all of episode 10 in depression mode, and hopefully the series ends on a strong final arc here.
Sep 5, 2014 9:59 PM

Nov 2012
Satsuyo said:
I don't know if I should drop this anime or not tbh -.-
I thought Ga-Rei Zero was great and the first episode of Tokyo ESP was too but it's just been boring for me the past 8 episodes. I feel like Rinka did all that training and a punch wouldn't kill a classmate so why couldn't she fight back? Even her thinking was pretty naive to me and idk this just isn't holding to the expectation I had and I might drop it. imo.

There's only a few episodes left xD you may as well finish it really..
Sep 6, 2014 1:34 AM

Jan 2014
Oh no!Did her dad die? :/
Kinda stupid that she got beaten up like
that with practically no fight whatsoever...
Sep 6, 2014 1:35 AM

Nov 2012
xSanox said:

what did rinka even train for? cannot escape a simple arm lock, not a single use of her abilty to dodge attacks, why not phase through the wall into a class room and attack through the wall, why not phase through the ground while in the arm lock etc.

Dammit the way Rinka lost was so forced... When she was arm locked I was like 'why won't she use her powers to escape (through the floor) and come up with a plan?' That strangling was so stupid for the same reason. Any decent series that has characters with superpowers comes up with creative uses in dangerous situations (even X-Men, the inspiration for this series ¬¬). That just ruined the episode for me, I didn't even pay attention to the rest. The animation didn't help either, it felt like a different series. Also, there's no suspense in Rinka's "death" or in losing her ESP because we already know she makes it alive and gets back her power since episode 1. Despite my hopes this series has really gone downhill since episode 2 :C I guess I was expecting too much after watching the first episode and Ga Rei Zero.
I'm about to drop it and this is coming from a really patient person, the only series I've really dropped is Photokano and only after 7 or so episodes.
Sep 6, 2014 1:49 AM
Nov 2009
Couldn't she have just phased through the floor when that schoolgirl was choking her?
Sep 6, 2014 2:23 AM

Feb 2014
Absolutely awful episode.

The entire school fight episode I was just thinking "GO THROUGH THE GOD DAMN FLOOR!!!!". So bloody annoying that she has superpowers but don't even make an attempt at using them. And the only thing she seem to have achieved from training is better durability so she can take a good beating, she shows no fighting capabilities whatsoever.

Then the police comes to arrest the good guys because why the hell not. Instead of trying to reason with them using the almighty logic "we are considered heroes and are your only hope at winning this war" they slaughter some police officers and sacrifice themselves so the currently powerless Rinka can escape. From her shape it makes no sense that she could even run away.
I rarely revisit threads, so if you're after a reply you should PM me or post a comment on my profile.
Sep 6, 2014 3:38 AM

Jun 2011
The show tries too hard to seem edgy/epic and fails at it. Poor animation and dreadful dialogue... so disappointing.
Sep 6, 2014 6:35 AM

May 2013
Rinka trained for nothing. She can't fight back during the attack? Poor her, loosing her ESP powers.

I know you'll train again so you escaped from Murasaki. Dem animation and wth Minami? You released Azuma then you kidnapped him, again.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Sep 6, 2014 6:57 AM
Oct 2013
I didn't thought that would happen, but now i sympathize with Minami more than with Rinka.. even tho she got beated up really bad-that was too stupid for me to think i should feel sorry for her.

This episode was Necessarily bad, but rather.. weak in comparison with the other episodes (Especially with the first episode). Waiting for the next ones to come.
Sep 6, 2014 7:17 AM

Oct 2009
Damn the votes speak for themselves. People just hated this episode, and for good reasons.
Sep 6, 2014 7:51 AM

Dec 2011
I expected Rinka to put more of a fight with all the sparring training she did, but it was pathetic seeing her losing without a fight... and more annoyed by how useless Azuma is.

Now I am interested what she will do to get back her powers... and how the good espers gather together.
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Sep 6, 2014 9:20 AM

Jun 2014
What the fuck is that?

Rinka had a full-time training for 3 episodes and in the fourth episode she gets beaten to death. Damn, this was a fail-episode...
Sep 6, 2014 1:35 PM

Jul 2013
they are trying to set up a scenario similar to ga-rei:zero, minami being yomi and rinka being kagura, and it is not working
imo the problem is that we still don't have a justification for minami's actions (and in ga-rei zero we had that empathy for yomi) which would be nice, cause we need to see things from the both side's point of view
while in ga-rei zero we could understand why yomi was so pissed off, in tokyo ESP we can only look at the professor and minami as the bad guys who are just pissing all over the floor cause life went a little bad for them
Sep 6, 2014 1:59 PM

Jul 2012
In the words of Aklama: "don't get tricked into watching with that starting scene guys"

What?! What ever happened to that starting scene anyways!!! >:O
It was gonna look like an epic anime, but now it's just bad! :(

I mean, all that training Rinka went through, and she gets her ass whooped still! D: What the hell!!!!
Not only that, but she loses her stupid ESP power she's even MORE useless!
Ugh, watching this anime is just getting tougher and tougher to watch, it's like the enemies are getting ever harder to defeat, and the good guys are becoming useless! D:

Meep, these next few and final episodes better be good.....
Sep 6, 2014 4:29 PM

Jul 2012
This episode made me really question this anime.

Great episode!!!
Sep 6, 2014 4:50 PM

Apr 2011
I actually liked this episode ... though boy does it end on a low point. I wonder if we're ever going to get back to the opening part, or if the anime's going to end before we get to the Diet getting kidnapped. There's only 3 episodes left, so Rinka's gonna have to suck it up and get her powers back somehow if they plan on resolving what was going on in the first episode or two. It seems like the most logical place to end it, since clearly nothing gets resolved until then.
Sep 6, 2014 7:06 PM

Oct 2013
Yea,t'was probably the weakest episode so far,even thought it should've been an awesome one. The major drop in animation quality is the 1st thing that comes to mind here(at least Rinka still seems to be animed nicely though),followed by the simple-mindedness of the villains -mainly the professor(I had higher hopes for him...). The fight scenes also didn't have the impact they should've,due to the sound & animation. But I don't see why it's such a big deal that Rinka got beaten up. She was caught off-guard(which can happen to anyone) and surely didn't want to just phase through the floor and leave all the students while they were getting beaten up and even killed.

At any rate,there's no doubt that this is a disappointing adaptation of a great manga(which I put on-hold at chapter 18 'till the anime ends) but I still think some people are giving it too much heat and are way too quick to jump on the hate train. I really encourage people to read the manga though. As a writer on Random Curiosity said,Rinka is a great character and people should see her story told through proper means.
ManlyTearSep 6, 2014 7:09 PM
Sep 6, 2014 9:43 PM

Nov 2013
Too fast.

Minami's past was interesting. Meh episode overall 3/5
Sep 6, 2014 10:13 PM

Mar 2013
What an obnoxious character is Minami.
Seriously, what they're gonna do now? Poor Rinka, poor Azuma too.
Sep 6, 2014 10:29 PM

Feb 2012
this show gets worse by the episode.
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