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Feb 15, 2011 9:02 AM

Oct 2010
What was really interesting about this episode is that the dealers powers are for sure now kinetic abilities that put a large strain on their mental health, which as Howard mentions could lead to reduced life span. This being said the fan service was upped in this episode with a good look at Rina’s breasts. If there is one thing this show has outdone itself in this time is the the following part,

tentacle rape! It is also to note the delicious fan service in the spoiler
of Rina x Rio. There was no yuri but the breast press of Rina towards Rio’s breast was something as well as Rina’s breast with the absence of nipples but then again I will see about that in the BDs once they are available. More later. Finally after all this time I was busy. The first thing to address in this episode are Rina and Rio even though it may seem simple, it is essential I think.

About Rio, it was obvious that her friends knew ,most likely that she puts a lot in front of her instead of being self centered and that’s a good remark Howard put but it was kind of obvious from many stand points in the previous episodes. Rio really looks tired to the point this scene seriously reminded me of other characters being mentally strained like that. During the flashback, I find that the house looks kind of like a chalet or somewhere not close by to any population and I wonder why is that so. Maybe it was a vacation or Rio’s mom was being in trouble so they decided to stay in peace out in the middle of nowhere. It is baffling as to why it’s a house like that. Regardless every moment in the spoiler
of the childhood was great. I especially liked how Rio’s mom was portrayed. If you noticed close the art is quite different and I like it that way. In regards to that part I think that Rina being really caring for Rio was nice and that Rio being fair towards Rina was a show that she wanted to be on equal terms with her. Really friends sometimes do that, like me sometimes by not being a smart ass, in other words being smart while I know some of those friends have hard times in school just giving out a IRL example.

Rio sure had a strange costume to fly around for that battle against the sniper. I also noticed that the Gate cards are actually from real cards such as Jack and Queen. Now I get it the costume is really a flying squirrel but it still looks strange. Maybe something of a angel would have been better. Like I suspected Rio’s aura really comes from the mental strength she has as a energy source as Howard mentions. Most likely this is my favorite Rio pose as she pulls out those cards in that way, I find it cool IMO. However Rio’s exhaustion takes a toll and good thing Rina is there for her. ROFL, Rio looks so surprised at someone grabbing her from behind so she does her famous throw only to find out it’s the Afro samurai person. In the end Rio get a serious blow in the hologram room with a illusionary truck trying to run her down. That by itself is bad as it strains the mental a lot. If that was not enough the ground breaks away and she falls through what looks like lava, only to be tentacle abused. The finally turned to be the most mentally strenuous. To have Rio’s mother saying BS is one thing already bad but to add to it Rina also is the worst. I am kind of ?_? because Rio should be able to see that Rina would never be at that age and form to meet with her mother. If anything affected her it was the emotions this spewed out towards her.

About Cartia, you can pretty much rest assured that even though I did like her at first, most likely due to her breast size pawning the other ones in this series, I have to say that I am out in terms of supporting her. She down right nasty and tricky. A true bitch as some people called her. Having sniper cheat the way she did was so lame and unfair in regards to having a Gatling gun instead of a pistol. Is that was not enough, having her computer programmed so the Sky Resort is stuck in the sky is downright not cool as it involves other people. Add to that using mister wannabe Sheriff to capture Rina and illusions to strain out mentally Rio and you have a nasty combination. Like Howard’s inquiry here, where did she get all those Gate cards is really a good mystery with many possibilities of which I suspect she stole them or just cheated to win them. Regardless this episode made it that I now hate her fully with no sympathy towards her. I would not mind if she somehow dies soon. Doubt it will end like that but who knows who might push her off <_< the Sky Resort.
Rest in spoiler
About preview, looks like I might be right about Rina giving power to Rio if looked at this part. How is that going to play out is what I will be looking forward to see. Cartia’s dirty tricks are just a pisser upper in all this. She really got my negative mood on her.
Yumekichi11Feb 16, 2011 6:33 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 15, 2011 10:01 AM

Jan 2011
Holy shit....Rio rainbow gate....WITH PLOT?!!?!?


For some reason still, Rina gives off this I'm going to betray you vibe, the fact that confusion and betrayal comes up in the fortune tellers cards don't help
Feb 15, 2011 2:22 PM

Jun 2010
That's insane how a gate battle can decrease your lifespan. It's messed up how Cartia is just messing around with Rio, trying to get her distracted from the gate battles. I think that Rina had something to do with Rio's mom because of that scene at the end.

Also when it was showing the intro to the next episode, the music was great in that part, but when it all switched all of a sudden it just totally killed the mood.

Feb 15, 2011 8:14 PM

Aug 2010
Wow, right into another gate battle right off the bat. Nice yuri feelings going on and tentacles, I enjoyed this episode.
Feb 15, 2011 8:59 PM

Sep 2010
I expected tentacle rape. Damn.
Feb 15, 2011 9:27 PM
Jun 2008
dang i knew this is get to be something to watch & i so KLAC-ing knew this too good to watch.

another gate give mention rio is tired yet gat battles shorten the lifespan.
another of rio rina childhood past is shown.
here another gate battle is air shooting while during the battle howard & etc try to figure what cartia is planning.
then battle got intense till ania's oops linda head with again give rio the help & cards to win again.
after the battle rio is tired with rina checking rio.
mint find jack asking for info.
rio & rina have some talk, howard trying to figure out how many "tricks" that cartia got, twins overheat linda, that sky resort keep flying till rio loses?!, & a rainbow will appear when all gates card are got.
after long day rio & rina bath (give someone was peeping) yet rina got be "Y" on rio.
while walking down go that black samurai.
magic girl is floating while reading cards of confusion & betrayal.
then rio & rina go holodeck to help rio relax but here come that fat cowboy bringing in "show time" with rina hostage to lead road running, falling to almost lava, & "tents" wrapping on rio.
then rio see a dark negative showing of her mom & rina of it which cause to NO!!! & pass out.
yet all this another gate battle with a person named "king" & got a sword with rina trapped to a table (yet bit show of rina's past)

indeed what a to be continued cliffhanger we got.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Feb 16, 2011 5:15 AM

Sep 2009
Eh... I hoped for yuri ending but... according to the ending and preview our Ace of Pikes(Rina) is the Ace of Kartia's deck. So our Ace of Hearts(Rio) would get more stress next time (((
Feb 16, 2011 5:22 AM

Sep 2010
Well still watching it. 2/5. Wasn´t this supposed to be about casinos, meh.
Feb 16, 2011 5:54 AM

Jun 2009
Not enough tentacle rape, definitely. (゚⊿゚) And still no Rio in that black dress from the ED. (゚⊿゚)

Also, this was completly fucked up, but i liked it neverthless. But "Strong Arm King", what's up with those lame names i ask?
OrochiPLFeb 16, 2011 6:04 AM
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 16, 2011 3:34 PM

Oct 2010
An actual plot? What can they do at this point.

The Yur(kinda) bath scene was win. One of the things that reminded me why i still watch this boring series.
Feb 16, 2011 3:42 PM
Aug 2009
That was hilarous.
This show is great only because it sucks so much you can' believe it.
Feb 16, 2011 8:30 PM

Mar 2010
This show went from skanky to just plain stupid.. An employee hostage right there in the middle of the room chained to a table? I mean really? Sure the dude has a .. sword.. but come on, whoopy. Wheres the security? More than likely going to drop this by the next episode if it don't improve any.
Feb 16, 2011 11:52 PM

Jan 2009
I'm just not all too excited about these outlandish challenges, and I'd prefer if there were something more akin to regular gambling. Well, it's fun, at least.
Feb 17, 2011 11:06 AM
Jan 2011
Yumekichi11 said:
What was really interesting about this episode is that the dealers powers are for sure now kinetic abilities that put a large strain on their mental health, which as Howard mentions could lead to reduced life span. This being said the fan service was upped in this episode with a good look at Rina’s breasts. If there is one thing this show has outdone itself in this time is the the following part,

tentacle rape! It is also to note the delicious fan service in the spoiler
of Rina x Rio. There was no yuri but the breast press of Rina towards Rio’s breast was something as well as Rina’s breast with the absence of nipples but then again I will see about that in the BDs once they are available. More later. Finally after all this time I was busy. The first thing to address in this episode are Rina and Rio even though it may seem simple, it is essential I think.

About Rio, it was obvious that her friends knew ,most likely that she puts a lot in front of her instead of being self centered and that’s a good remark Howard put but it was kind of obvious from many stand points in the previous episodes. Rio really looks tired to the point this scene seriously reminded me of other characters being mentally strained like that. During the flashback, I find that the house looks kind of like a chalet or somewhere not close by to any population and I wonder why is that so. Maybe it was a vacation or Rio’s mom was being in trouble so they decided to stay in peace out in the middle of nowhere. It is baffling as to why it’s a house like that. Regardless every moment in the spoiler
of the childhood was great. I especially liked how Rio’s mom was portrayed. If you noticed close the art is quite different and I like it that way. In regards to that part I think that Rina being really caring for Rio was nice and that Rio being fair towards Rina was a show that she wanted to be on equal terms with her. Really friends sometimes do that, like me sometimes by not being a smart ass, in other words being smart while I know some of those friends have hard times in school just giving out a IRL example.

Rio sure had a strange costume to fly around for that battle against the sniper. I also noticed that the Gate cards are actually from real cards such as Jack and Queen. Now I get it the costume is really a flying squirrel but it still looks strange. Maybe something of a angel would have been better. Like I suspected Rio’s aura really comes from the mental strength she has as a energy source as Howard mentions. Most likely this is my favorite Rio pose as she pulls out those cards in that way, I find it cool IMO. However Rio’s exhaustion takes a toll and good thing Rina is there for her. ROFL, Rio looks so surprised at someone grabbing her from behind so she does her famous throw only to find out it’s the Afro samurai person. In the end Rio get a serious blow in the hologram room with a illusionary truck trying to run her down. That by itself is bad as it strains the mental a lot. If that was not enough the ground breaks away and she falls through what looks like lava, only to be tentacle abused. The finally turned to be the most mentally strenuous. To have Rio’s mother saying BS is one thing already bad but to add to it Rina also is the worst. I am kind of ?_? because Rio should be able to see that Rina would never be at that age and form to meet with her mother. If anything affected her it was the emotions this spewed out towards her.

About Cartia, you can pretty much rest assured that even though I did like her at first, most likely due to her breast size pawning the other ones in this series, I have to say that I am out in terms of supporting her. She down right nasty and tricky. A true bitch as some people called her. Having sniper cheat the way she did was so lame and unfair in regards to having a Gatling gun instead of a pistol. Is that was not enough, having her computer programmed so the Sky Resort is stuck in the sky is downright not cool as it involves other people. Add to that using mister wannabe Sheriff to capture Rina and illusions to strain out mentally Rio and you have a nasty combination. Like Howard’s inquiry here, where did she get all those Gate cards is really a good mystery with many possibilities of which I suspect she stole them or just cheated to win them. Regardless this episode made it that I now hate her fully with no sympathy towards her. I would not mind if she somehow dies soon. Doubt it will end like that but who knows who might push her off <_< the Sky Resort.
Rest in spoiler
About preview, looks like I might be right about Rina giving power to Rio if looked at this part. How is that going to play out is what I will be looking forward to see. Cartia’s dirty tricks are just a pisser upper in all this. She really got my negative mood on her.

Ok, so this means that for the rest of the remaining 5 ep will be on the flying casino.
Feb 17, 2011 2:28 PM

Nov 2009
Hu. Well, at least Rina is finally going to betray her.

The gate battles lost their enjoyment. They just keep getting more... stupid?
Feb 18, 2011 7:08 AM

Oct 2010
Nasty001 said:
I hope not because I doubt Cartia has all the remaining Gate cards. Once she loses all things will be back to normal.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 21, 2011 2:05 PM

Aug 2009
We're finally getting somewhere.

Feb 21, 2011 3:58 PM

Jul 2010
So many gate battles in a row damn.
Mar 21, 2011 10:45 AM

May 2010
Still meh but the yuri scenes was good but short.

Oh shoot, the tentacle fest caught me offguard. :/

The plot is moving but . . ..
Jun 4, 2012 5:56 PM

Nov 2011
Shit just got real. Also, little Rio and Rina were so cute ;)
Jan 16, 2014 5:31 PM

May 2012
That service, that yuri them tentacles :3 Well this episode sure was nice, I also like how the focus has now been laid onto the gate cards and not just fooling around with gambling luck.
Oct 31, 2015 6:32 AM

Jul 2013
Tentacle rape! D:

The hug in the bath, how sweet. They really are good friends.

The psychic powers.

More Gate Battles!
Feb 18, 2016 1:54 PM

Apr 2013
That forced drama feels so out of place, don't really enjoy this anymore.
Jul 17, 2020 9:31 AM

Apr 2018
Here comes the villain, now she needs to save Rina

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