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Dec 27, 2023 7:57 AM

Nov 2011
Yeah, Konoha's life was in danger so naturally this episode turned more into just making games.

Glad everything still worked out for her though. She put her loop ability to full use as result of all this and made a timeline that didn't destroy herself. What an embrace at the end. She finally let all those emotions spill out.
Dec 27, 2023 7:58 AM

Jul 2017
Echo Two singing Beethoven's Ode to Joy while hailing from the UFO is funny. But otherwise, the Echos made it to the alternate timeline to tell them...that they want Konoha's autograph, this is even more hilarious and out of left field lols. The game that Original Cuu made, it's of human imagination and a literate sensation, eagerly awaiting the completion of her game. With the rescue of everyone from Alcohol Soft thanks to Mamoru, they can finally get back to making the rival Toya, since Konoha remembered the promise to her. But that will have to wait until she settles matters with the stadium. And going back to Mamoru's warehouse, having the rest as well, the 90s Alcohol Soft team is reunited together, and back on track.

Konoha's game being done, and the last thing that she wants to do is to walk around the alternate Akibahara, with Mamoru's letter to his 1999 self taken along to Konoha as she time travels back to the original 1999 with Comic Party. But what about Alcohol Soft? Konoha coinciding with the Blue Bell became a MILF café of all things, and Alcohol Soft moved to the US after their hit. Still, Konoha is not deterred, and with the ring of one PC-98, Mamoru is back who stayed behind, awaiting said girl's return to her relief.

Welcome back, Konoha.

And this show, it's such an eye-opener for Otaku-focused content once again after awhile. A low-key surprising goodness.
KANLen09Dec 27, 2023 6:56 PM
Dec 27, 2023 9:38 AM

Apr 2010
Well time was still changed but not as badly as it was in the first alternate timeline.
Toya did the right thing by reporting that place tho.
Also the crampy owner of the company Konoha used to work for also seems to have been put in his place.
Dec 27, 2023 10:33 AM
Sep 2015
This episode is back on track after the previous episode went off the rails.
Dec 27, 2023 10:40 AM

Jun 2015
Now that was the last person i expected to show up out of the blue. Amusing that Konoha's fame even extends beyond the stars. Nice to get the chance to meet the older versions of Kaori and Meiko. Not to mention the rest of the 90's crew as well. Only fitting that the team reunites one last time to help out a dear friend. Konoha's orginal workplace sure ended up getting quite the change for sure. The welcome message for Konoha combined with the photo of her with Meiko and co sure was a nice touch. Such an excellent end to the series.
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Dec 27, 2023 10:47 AM
May 2017
The strange world of Japan's PC-98 computer - Strange Comforts (NSFW)

Very good ending episode of a very good series! Not expecting further seasons because the story is done.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Dec 27, 2023 10:50 AM

Mar 2021
Great end to the series, so glad to see that Mamoru was waiting for Konoha back in her original timeline. This was a fun series to watch even if the plot went in random directions near the end
Dec 27, 2023 11:15 AM
Mar 2021
After the incredible escalation of the last few episodes, the writing team seems to have played it safe and wrote a less spectacular ending than it could have been - a shame, because I think they could have done it, but at least it didn't crash and burn.

Either way, I liked the ending for what it was. The little details of it definitely not being Akihabara as Konoha remembered it, amused me - it turns out New2023's Akiba not only retains the evil skyscraper and stadium as the gentrified B-timeline one had, but Mamoru was definitely not just a guardian to keep history from straying - his side project of making the PC-98 not only survive, but thrive seems to have succeeded.

I wouldn't have minded a second cour, or maybe just a few more episodes to flesh everything out, but it's another good work by Wakaki Tamiki's team - this time an anime original story instead of manga or adaptation.

Solid 7,5 to 8,0 out of 10
Dec 27, 2023 11:21 AM

Jul 2021
The alien subplot in this show was the textbook definition of useless.
Dec 27, 2023 11:22 AM

Mar 2019
When she opens the Comic Party box isn't she supposed to go to 1999? Why'd she go straight to an alternate 2023? Are we to assume she did go back to 1999, did everything right, and then popped back to 2023, all without showing us?
Dec 27, 2023 11:28 AM

Feb 2019
Mamoru and Konoha ship basically sailed, I can rest easy now 🙏🏾 really good finale to one of the most underrated shows of the year.

I felt like the alien subplot was kind of weird, but them happening to be fans and saving Konoha was nice. Also gave her the same type of pep talk they gave Mamoru during his time travel episode.

So nice to see the 90s Alcohol soft team again as well. Everyone’s grown up, but still stayed pretty much the same. Kiyoshi still has his mask on all these years later lol, yoko taro vibes lol. Fitting that they all came together for one last game to help Konoha get back to her time.

Now one thing that did confuse me, during Mamoru and Konoha last conversation, they talk about her going back to 1999 to give the letter to Mamoru and hopefully he’d understand what to do. But they never show us that, instead it’s just Konoha waking up in 2023. Would’ve liked to see 90s Mamoru again, but I guess they were running low on time at that point.

The 2023 Konoha wakes up in isn’t the exact same as the one she left, but otaku culture is thriving in akiba still, alcohol soft are still alive in America and Mamoru is waiting for her to make a game together. Very cute ending, loved that massive hug she gave him.

I would’ve liked to have seen Toya in this timeline to see what became of her as well. I hope the Americans didn’t get a hold of her in this timeline.. other than that, solid finale to a really good show that was chock- full of otaku lore and references. Very fun watch and Konoha is one of the cutest girls of the year, I’ll miss her.
Marinate1016Dec 27, 2023 11:39 AM
Dec 27, 2023 11:35 AM
Jun 2021
Dec 27, 2023 11:38 AM
Mar 2023
Reply to GrumbleDango
When she opens the Comic Party box isn't she supposed to go to 1999? Why'd she go straight to an alternate 2023? Are we to assume she did go back to 1999, did everything right, and then popped back to 2023, all without showing us?
@GrumbleD That's what I assume
Dec 27, 2023 11:41 AM

Dec 2017
Crazy ending we got. This show went from 0 to 60 too fast.
Dec 27, 2023 11:48 AM

Oct 2017
Echo came back and saved them. Konoha managed to make the game and make things right this time. It was good to see everyone working together to make the game. Nice ending we got there with Konoha reuniting with Mamoru kun. A shame she never got to make a game with Toya but in future maybe.

Was a fun watch, specially the first half untill it went alien and semi cyber scifi stuff but good to see they pulled off a good ending atleast.
Dec 27, 2023 12:08 PM

Sep 2021
Nice that the aliens came back. But the grandma from episode 1 no longer appeared (she's most probably an alien as well).

Toya sure got the short end of the stick; throughout all the time leaps (aside from their first meeting), she was only able to speak with her Onee-sama for a couple of sentences and even in the final new Akiba, Konoha didn't mention her at all...
Aside from that, the ending was pretty nice, Konoha gets to make games with Mamoru using the PC-98 at last which was what she had always wanted since the beginning.
Dec 27, 2023 12:20 PM

Feb 2007
Wait, wait, wait... That's all good and well, but what about Toya-chan and making a game with her?
Dec 27, 2023 12:26 PM

Jun 2016
Honestly, I thought the aliens would play some other role in the plot, but it’s acceptable, for me the rating is 10.

@OrielBel Well, there are only 13 episodes, and this can also be explained by the fact that Konoha already knew what to return to the past for, it already had a ready-made game, which it made in 23 for 1999, so such a time skip seems quite acceptable to me.
Dec 27, 2023 12:29 PM

Apr 2013
I feel the alien stuff and future changed to a darker timeline was bad and ruined the show, even if yeah i admit it makes for an interesting conversational and here is what's happening in 2023 currently (Hopefully minus the AI think tanks using humans...) but thankfully the future (or present technically) did get changed back mostly into what it used to be. Still, the plot changing on us like it did even if it was hinted at coming, still ended up killing my love and hype for the anime which is a real shame as i REALLY enjoyed it till Mamaru-kun went back in time, that's where the anime diverged and changed into something unrecognizable. I also hate they didn't give it 14 eps... so much corner cutting harmed the anime further because of that 14th ep not being given.

To name some, which includes unanswered questions for the anime... Not showing Toya in the final timeline or what her sitch is. Not showing Toya and Konoha making a game together thus promise not kept yet (Am sure in this new timeline they'll make a game together but, the Fin, aka End at the end of the credits says we'll never see it...) not having enough time they legit skipped Konoha going back in time with her new game... oh and, speaking of the new game, did they not list the credits for who MADE it? Because that, would need to be done (Omitting everyone's name besides Konoha and MAYBE Mamoru-kun) since it can't be Alcohol Soft that made it as it needs to compete with their 1st game Konoha made, yet it was still Alcohol Soft that made it. And lastly, perhaps THE BIGGEST MYSTERY OF THEM ALL which this ep very well might have ruled out what everyone thought was the case... WHO or WHAT was the old lady who GAVE Konoha these time traveling games that made this all possible and WHY did she give them to her!?!? Its never ever once answered and since the shop disappeared, its equally possible time travel was why the shop she was in disappeared or its possible it was something else entirely... This whole time, including thanks to the OP song and what we saw when the aliens came into the story proper, I thought it was the aliens, but, they were traveling through time (Presumably) to meet her... everything they said and did contradicts them being the old lady. And I am sure there's other unanswered stuff or corners cut/not shown but these are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. Oh and, you can't even say for sure Konoha asking the aliens if she knew them and them not answering her was indication they were the old lady, as nothing conclusive there but yes that's about the only possible hint (along with them presumably also having time traveling power) that they were the old lady and even then, it could've been another in their species who was the old lady which is more likely I'd say but still, unanswered questions all the same...

I liked the show, but I have mixed feelings about the 2nd half. To end on a good note though, am glad the last ep wasn't as rushed as it coulda been and it was a sweet ending and, I believe the girl (white hair girl from the game) that we saw here was the one Konoha wanted to bring to life, glad she got to :)
_KaoriniteDec 27, 2023 12:38 PM
Dec 27, 2023 12:34 PM
Dec 2021
Ahh <3, this series is a true masterpiece. I loved it with all my heart! A huge thanks for bringing this anime to life. I couldn't help but shed tears of happiness. I often found myself smiling, feeling relieved and thinking, "Oh, thank goodness, how beautiful." I feel such a deep connection with Konoha-chan. I see myself in her - our shared passion for video games, Akihabara, and the joy of creating videogames. It's simply wonderful, like seeing a reflection of myself in her. Plus, the time travel element intensifies my connection with Kono-chan and aligns perfectly with my dreams. This anime is truly magnificent.
Dec 27, 2023 12:36 PM
Dec 2021
Reply to Cqarz
@Cqarz <3 yesss totally agree!!
Dec 27, 2023 12:39 PM

Dec 2015
Glad they sticked the landing after last episode. Would've worked better as a 2 cour show imo
Dec 27, 2023 12:43 PM
Apr 2020
It sucks that this show only had 13 eps.
Finale was extremely rushed and many important sequences seemed to be off screened

Overall liked the concept of this show and the characters were very likable
Dec 27, 2023 12:52 PM

Aug 2022
Ngl I was gonna give this a 5 cause the last few episodes felt so weird and all over the place with the aliens and stuff but this episode was actually pretty good.

So I’m upping my score to a 6, definitely the weakest show this season for me but I still enjoyed it a bit.
Dec 27, 2023 12:54 PM
Nov 2023
I just found out that the anime is an original story and is very different from the manga
Dec 27, 2023 12:55 PM

Nov 2016
Milf café for the win. Also funny that they saved Comic Party for the end. After the last two episodes of ridiculous plot twists I'm fine with the finale being played safe. (Perhaps a bit too barebone in it's execution, but whatever)

6,5/10 was an enjoyable watch overall. I always love me some otaku themed series like this and catching a glimpse of what the video game industry was like in the 90s and 80s was cool.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 27, 2023 1:32 PM
May 2007
Reply to kitoha
Ahh <3, this series is a true masterpiece. I loved it with all my heart! A huge thanks for bringing this anime to life. I couldn't help but shed tears of happiness. I often found myself smiling, feeling relieved and thinking, "Oh, thank goodness, how beautiful." I feel such a deep connection with Konoha-chan. I see myself in her - our shared passion for video games, Akihabara, and the joy of creating videogames. It's simply wonderful, like seeing a reflection of myself in her. Plus, the time travel element intensifies my connection with Kono-chan and aligns perfectly with my dreams. This anime is truly magnificent.
@kitoha Just noticed the PC98 store in the upper left there. Looks like that letter had a bit more than just making the game work.
Dec 27, 2023 1:44 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Whatever the writers were thinking with the second half of this show I will never understand, but it clearly didn't work out

Shame, because it was really solid for the first half
Dec 27, 2023 2:04 PM

Dec 2017
Does anyone know if its based on the manga or its original content? If its based on the manga, when does it finish? Or it has original ending but manga based
Dec 27, 2023 2:19 PM
Mar 2020
Reply to Cestlavie_
The alien subplot in this show was the textbook definition of useless.
@Cestlavie_ i agree
for the first like 6 episodes this was a solid 8
after that episode where they derailed so hard it felt more like a 7
still good but sometimes very convoluted and unnecessary
Dec 27, 2023 2:30 PM
Jan 2023
honestly I really love this anime it's sooooo good the character developments were good imo and I loved the interactions between mamoru and konoha. BTW Kaori is so hot lol the way she verbally attacks people with hesitation
Dec 27, 2023 2:38 PM

Aug 2013
It would have been interesting if the show revealed the Echo's to be artificial intelligence from the far future and they evolved from the artificial intelligence developed by the American game company in the second timeline. And that the old lady was an Echo too.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to see Konoha and Touya making a game despite the foreshadowing.

I'm guessing the anime is a side story to the manga since Meiko is apparently the main character there.
Dec 27, 2023 2:42 PM

Mar 2010
Very cute ending.
Considering my expectations, I received way more than I expected when I decided to pick this up. Would recommend.
Dec 27, 2023 3:21 PM
Mar 2023
Reply to ShikishimaKrile
Does anyone know if its based on the manga or its original content? If its based on the manga, when does it finish? Or it has original ending but manga based
@ShikishimaKrile It's "based" on a manga about the adventures of the 90s Alcohol Soft team but Konoha and everything that happens is anime original
Dec 27, 2023 3:42 PM
Nov 2017
It ended well, considering the insane places it went earlier, but I really thought when Mamoru first suggested going back in time to make another game in 1999, Konoha would finally make a game with Toya. I feel like that could've resolved really well and not have gone off the rails, but I'm no director, and I still think the show ended just fine.
Dec 27, 2023 4:18 PM
Apr 2022
gone off the rails but ended on a good note 6/10
Dec 27, 2023 4:20 PM

Aug 2017
Really good ending. I really liked the show.

Some of you have already said it - would've done without the alien thing - but since they haven't taken up that much space, I think it's okay.
We finally see the long-awaited present-day versions of Kaori and Meiko. The way they went to great lengths for Konoha to make their plan come true was really great.

The ending with Konoha and Mamarou-kun was really nice. How he has been waiting for her all these years - and of course the PC-98 is there again. He can't help it.😂

I like how the show has changed its style. At first I thought the whole series would be set in 1992 and the finale would be her returning to the present day. But that already happened in episode 3. Then an exciting back and forth between times, new world lines and we learn a lot about bishojou games, a bit reflexion of A.I. and a celebration of otaku culture.

I think the winning concept of the show was to stop doing something before it got boring.

aloradear said:
why did everyone else move to the US? didn't really understand that part.
I assume that because Konoha developed the first Bishoujou game with them in the past, they became so successful that they were able to expand into the USA and were offered interesting job offers there, like in the dystopian future last episodes - but without the side effect that the entire otaku culture in Akiba had to be wiped out, since Konoha developed a second bishoujou game for the competition through their last trip into the past (in today's episode). So she was able to exploit the best of both world lines.

Was 16Bit Sensation the best show ever? Definitely not.
Was it good entertainment to lure you in front of the TV every Wednesday in anticipation of what would happen next - definitely!

🎶"Nani wo seotte nannen ni naredo" 🎶was the catchiest intro of the whole season and Konoha is a bit of a crybaby at times - but it still quickly grows on you.
leonardobarba said:
Very good ending episode of a very good series! Not expecting further seasons because the story is done.
Yeah, the ending is probably pretty final. A second season will probably remain a pipe dream forever. Nevertheless, I hope that the Alcohol Software team will meet us one day in an OVA or something similar.
skeyupower said:
I'm guessing the anime is a side story to the manga since Meiko is apparently the main character there.
The series definitely made you want to read the manga - although there seems to be a lot of other things going on there too. Konoha doesn't exist, the series takes place entirely in 1992, etc.. According to MAL, the manga has been running for 7 years - but I can only find 7 chapters so far😅

All in all I would rate this as a solid 8 / 10.
Would really recommend this, even if you never played a bishojou game.

Shingster said:
The welcome message for Konoha combined with the photo of her with Meiko and co sure was a nice touch. Such an excellent end to the series.
Ending sequence was really nice. Also nice to hear the OP once more in the end.
🎶"Nani ga kibou de nan ni iratsukedo"🎶
Dec 27, 2023 4:37 PM

Sep 2023
Sadly, they didn't show how she brought that disc to another company, and how did it happen that she wasn't recognized as an author of two games from different companies, produced at the same time.
Dec 27, 2023 4:45 PM

Apr 2022
was initially interesting despite the underwhelming animation and annoying voice for konoha but all went to shit towards the second half. i mainly just cared about references to other anime like fate and all that.
Dec 27, 2023 5:07 PM
Mar 2015
So we skipped the part where she went back using Comic Party to 1999 again, sold the game they made in the future and then returned again? If they didn't go off rails so hard in alt 2023 they could've showed more of how they make and sell the last game.
Dec 27, 2023 5:13 PM
Nov 2022
A somewhat rushed ending but hey, it could have been worse, bruh.

It's an "original" anime so I don't think there will be a continuation, although if there is I wouldn't complain at all xd.

There are many points that can be highlighted, such as:

- The appearance of the UFO was a mega bait and not a really crazy plot twist.
-The Alcohol Soft people's interaction with Konoha was unsatisfactory, we didn't even see how she revealed to them that she traveled through time.
-It was never revealed what the old woman who sold the magic games was, was she related to the UFO guys? Did I miss something?
-I was very confused by her trip to 1999 with the Comic Party. I didn't expect the scene to continue with its definitive return in 2023.

In short, a good, entertaining anime with great references, but the story could have been better.
Dec 27, 2023 5:24 PM

Sep 2010
I found this more interesting towards the start than towards the end, but I guess it ended about as good as it could have. Although, it feels like they ran out of money to show anything better over the rolling credits. Some epilogue of how everyone is in the new timeline?

Was a litte confused as to whether 1999 or 2023 was being depicted near the end, since there were some anime billboards in Akiba, but there was still a billboard for a PC-98 computer. (I did a quick check, and couldn't find a "ZX" model.)

Nice how that PC-98 startup sound guides Konoha back into the building to Mamoru.

Katsuragi Keima said something about aliens playing galgames.

Also, just noticed Konoha is left-handed. O.o
TakataDec 27, 2023 9:32 PM
Dec 27, 2023 7:39 PM

Jul 2015
Bruh, I was really hoping they won't end up as a couple. I guess they still left it ambiguous, but still it would be better if they wouldn't.

Dec 27, 2023 7:51 PM

Oct 2014
Reply to Reecey91
Great end to the series, so glad to see that Mamoru was waiting for Konoha back in her original timeline. This was a fun series to watch even if the plot went in random directions near the end
@Reecey91 are you ok? they just skipped all explernations and just were like: cool we did stuff now stuff is "fixed"?????? theres litterally no context not even anything about the newly created world that is shown. no exposition nothing. how is this good?
Dec 27, 2023 7:56 PM

Oct 2014
Reply to LuisSV23
A somewhat rushed ending but hey, it could have been worse, bruh.

It's an "original" anime so I don't think there will be a continuation, although if there is I wouldn't complain at all xd.

There are many points that can be highlighted, such as:

- The appearance of the UFO was a mega bait and not a really crazy plot twist.
-The Alcohol Soft people's interaction with Konoha was unsatisfactory, we didn't even see how she revealed to them that she traveled through time.
-It was never revealed what the old woman who sold the magic games was, was she related to the UFO guys? Did I miss something?
-I was very confused by her trip to 1999 with the Comic Party. I didn't expect the scene to continue with its definitive return in 2023.

In short, a good, entertaining anime with great references, but the story could have been better.
@LuisSV23 i think youre beeing very generous with how you state it. you bring up all of the valid points but the show simply shat on them. nothing less.
im disappointed
Dec 27, 2023 8:29 PM
Vtuber Enjoyer

Jan 2023
I think this was a very cute and nice laidback type of seasonal. It's not a stellar, complex story, but for what it was, it was a nice watch every week. I liked the characters and the direction it was going in. I felt the last 3 episodes started to distract from what I liked about the show in the first place, but the ending was quite satisfying.

Quite nice and fun, 7/10
Dec 27, 2023 9:35 PM

Jan 2013
So Konoha went back to 1999 and gave the game and the letter to Mamoru and the Alcohol Soft team, but they just didn't show it to us?
And the past Alсohol Soft team did not do anything for this game themselves, but their future versions from the alternate world did. But they got the money ans moved to US anyway as in the other timeline.
How this game is different from the last one? why this game left Akihabara looking the way it supposed to look?
I suspect what was meant was that the previous game elements from everywhere it could, which is why Fate, Stein's Gate, Clannad, etc. didn't come out afterwards.
and this game doesn't interfere with future games, but it's still great game on it's own.
but it's never explained properly.
Why do I have to guess?
i thought it will be one of my top favorites of the season
I must sadly admit that it didn't happen. 5/10 probably

also why were the guys from UFO waiting for Konoha? they could find imagination in other forms of media like books and movies.
Dec 27, 2023 11:10 PM

May 2012
Guys, i have a theory which may sounds crazy at first, but it have a lot of proofs, so i think Konoha is a creation of Echo,they are her parents or more accurate her creators.
First we get a small hints from the evil corporation boss when he said that they didn't find anything about Akisato Konoha for all years, but it's strange since she already is born and some records presented, so at least they need to check every person with the name of Akisato Konoha, but he said there was nothing. In this episode we get a solid proofs of this theory.

1. Echo said he is glad that they are made it in time, because if something happened to Konoha, they need to start another long journey which can be translated - it will take insane amount of time to create you again.

2. When they talk about imagination of humans, Mamoru,Toya,people on the streets starts to glowing, but Echo and Konoha are not glowing.

3. When they leaved, Konoha asked are we meet somewhere before and Echo 1 smiles without answering, so yeah he is most likely her creator and even we maybe saw her birth

In the episode 8, Echo 2 said she understand what the imagination means and let's fuse, after at the roof they said that it's the birth of extremely rare being, most likely it's Konoha herself,.

All of this is explain why are they wanting to meet with her, since she is they best creation, they daughter in a sense, they masterpiece.
Dec 27, 2023 11:19 PM

Mar 2014
I expected a story of revolution on galgame industries but what I got was a SCIFI bull crap
and the plot how konoha was going to save akihabara by her original game was skipped completely leaving with only a disappointment
and why did everybody move to America once they succeeded? a lot of japanese companies still make good games in japan.
Dec 27, 2023 11:33 PM

Sep 2010
Reply to ExcelDog
So Konoha went back to 1999 and gave the game and the letter to Mamoru and the Alcohol Soft team, but they just didn't show it to us?
And the past Alсohol Soft team did not do anything for this game themselves, but their future versions from the alternate world did. But they got the money ans moved to US anyway as in the other timeline.
How this game is different from the last one? why this game left Akihabara looking the way it supposed to look?
I suspect what was meant was that the previous game elements from everywhere it could, which is why Fate, Stein's Gate, Clannad, etc. didn't come out afterwards.
and this game doesn't interfere with future games, but it's still great game on it's own.
but it's never explained properly.
Why do I have to guess?
i thought it will be one of my top favorites of the season
I must sadly admit that it didn't happen. 5/10 probably

also why were the guys from UFO waiting for Konoha? they could find imagination in other forms of media like books and movies.
ExcelDog said:
So Konoha went back to 1999 and gave the game and the letter to Mamoru and the Alcohol Soft team, but they just didn't show it to us?
And the past Alсohol Soft team did not do anything for this game themselves, but their future versions from the alternate world did. But they got the money ans moved to US anyway as in the other timeline.
How this game is different from the last one? why this game left Akihabara looking the way it supposed to look?
I suspect what was meant was that the previous game elements from everywhere it could, which is why Fate, Stein's Gate, Clannad, etc. didn't come out afterwards.
and this game doesn't interfere with future games, but it's still great game on it's own.
but it's never explained properly.
Why do I have to guess?
i thought it will be one of my top favorites of the season
I must sadly admit that it didn't happen. 5/10 probably

also why were the guys from UFO waiting for Konoha? they could find imagination in other forms of media like books and movies.
The letter is for Mamoru in 1999. As for the game, Konoha has to convince some other publisher to sell it to compete with The Last Waltz. Sounds like something Touya could help with. And this is supposed to somehow prevent the entire Japanese games industry from uprooting itself, moving to America, and never releasing all the games Konoha loved. (Kind of funny how in a timeline in which Akihabara lost its anime culture, Steins;Gate was also lost.)

LessThanAnimeFan said:
Sadly, they didn't show how she brought that disc to another company, and how did it happen that she wasn't recognized as an author of two games from different companies, produced at the same time.
If anything, I think it makes sense to silently remove Konoha's name from The Last Waltz, and maybe put it on The Things I Hold Dear. Then, The Last Waltz won't have some mysterious, missing creator for people to wonder about.

Maybe we'll get an episode 12.5 OVA. But most likely, we can only imagine how Konoha used this game to keep anime culture in Akihabara.
That said, this reminds me of the point in a game when you're about to face the final boss and move beyond the final point at which you can roam the world and do what you want:

Strangely enough, some people commenting on the earlier episodes were right: by time-travelling, Konoha keeps Alcohol Soft alive so it can make her game with her heroine in 2023.

Just noticed, that's Konoha's heroine, Nanako, on the center billboard. Coincidentally, opposite Dejiko on the transparent billboard, another character from around the same time.
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Poll: » 16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 )

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50 by RGreatDanton »»
Feb 26, 10:09 PM

Poll: » 16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Oct 11, 2023

85 by RGreatDanton »»
Feb 26, 10:00 PM

Poll: » 16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Oct 4, 2023

125 by RGreatDanton »»
Feb 26, 9:51 PM

Poll: » 16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Nov 22, 2023

89 by EonRed »»
Jan 23, 5:02 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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