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Girlfriend, Girlfriend
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Sep 3, 2021 10:59 AM

Nov 2011
Lol, Nagisa's yellow T shirt this episode..looks cute but also kinda plain if you ask me.

Looks like we got a 'date' of sorts between Naoya, Nagisa, and Saki. Oh and finally, Shino became somewhat more relevant! About damn time. It was unexpected to see that she came and surprising all the others.

Onsen of course also means more fan service lol
Sep 3, 2021 11:30 AM

Apr 2014
Nagisa's fashion sense was horrible.
What a messed onsen episode, Naoya was holding both SakiSaki and Nagisa hands together without any shame. lmao
Nagisa, why you are so good and sacrificed yourself like this? You should enjoy your onsen trip with Naoya and SakiSaki instead of run away from him.

Mirika was annoying and persistent as always. The story was also wasted too much on Mirika already.

Sep 3, 2021 11:47 AM

Jun 2019
Saki and Nagisa both trying to get ahead of each other. LOL. But, ended up telling the plan for the hot springs and the kiss. Well, at least they have each other to support. Poor Nagisa doesn't have fashion sense. It's okay, Nagisa. You're cute either way.

Man... Naoya can be so embarrassing. Chill out, dude. Don't do the lewd hand-holding in public like that. Rika and Saki's friend Shino also followed them on the trip. I have a feeling all four of them are gonna get caught. LOL. Rika's determination is beyond any words.
Sep 3, 2021 11:49 AM

Jul 2017
AYE glad to see Shino now being more relevant after weeks of teasing her in the OP!

Saki, Minase and Naoya getting ready for that all-important hot springs trip...but still not getting over the fact that Rika stole their position for yet another all-important first kiss. So what to do? Take two steps ahead before all hope is lost...and both girls are thinking of the same exact plan. Haiyah...Saki being so honest and outspoken....damn I feel bad for her xD

The hopeful girlfriends trying to match their clothing to the trip...and they didn't reallyeed go that far though with such plain clothes for Minase and Saki being like a cabaret girl in that outfit. Of course, Rika would follow them secretly behind...and Shino being the uninvited guest to join in as well to save Saki. Let the Hot Spring arc begin!

Hey NGL, their vacation outfits are great...and so is Naoya's plan to continue misleading Rika being the dense MC he is to continue this two-timing harem act through skinship. And not being afraid to show it in public and earning everyone's stares, man Naoya is a chad to these two girls in embarrassment, such a guilty pleasure of endless misunderstanding shots fired.

You'd expect Rika to join in uninvited...but Shino joining in as is this quite the provocation to handle the entire cast altogether. Tricking Rika is easy, but Shino won't buy these lies easily. The usual onsen and fanservice mounts though, and Naoya HAS NO SHAME jumping into their private hot springs to fetch Minase by hook or by crook.

So the question remains: will Naoya be dominated by Rika?
Sep 3, 2021 12:05 PM

Apr 2020
Why Shino's screentime so little yet many people like her, including me? Don't mind me, justing posting some Shino's.

Sep 3, 2021 12:16 PM

Apr 2016
They all making a really big ruckus and preparations for that hot spring trip, buying stuff, trying clothes ... Only for it to lead absolutely nowhere. I get this is a parody, but the thin line between parody and being dumb is tested with every episode, and it's already on supplementary classes ...

At this point even Shino cant save it, not with two episodes left.
Sep 3, 2021 12:28 PM

Jan 2021
Peppermint gum is key hahahah
Shino is slowly starting to join in too. In my opinion she has the best design 0.0

Oh no, Mirika has moved on, who knows if she'll make it 😂
I'm getting more and more hooked I don't know why xd
Sep 3, 2021 12:41 PM
Jun 2020
This episode was sometimes harder to watch than other ones. Why does he always have to shout about everything in public? I'm laughing and cringing hard at the same time
Sep 3, 2021 12:42 PM

Jan 2018
Man all those scenes in public killed me. But at this point the more cringe it is the more exciting it becomes. Don't ask me why cos I don't know. This anime keeps surprising me.

Finally Shino is more involved into the story. I really can't predict what can happen in just 2 more episodes.

I watched on Muse Asia where all the fan service scenes were sadly censored. :( Gonna have to find a new source for next episode for sure.
Sep 3, 2021 12:45 PM

Sep 2011
So, Shino is going to found out the three are in a relationship lol I wonder why Saki doesn't tell her the true. Mirika has followed Naoya and his girlfriends, she is a stalker ahah
This scene is so strange lol Imagine this scene in real life D:
Sep 3, 2021 12:45 PM

May 2021
This episode was so funny. Loved seeing Naoya’s confidence this episode and Milika is still striving to get with Naoya no matter what xD. Shino also seems to have found out about the three of them and it’s only going to get more interesting from here. Looking forward to the next episode
Sep 3, 2021 12:48 PM

Dec 2020
I think this was my fav episode so far haha its so funny and finally my fav girl shion make her appearance in the show.
She finds out about there relationship, nagisa is so nice she wants to help saki saki.

P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Sep 3, 2021 12:50 PM
Jul 2021
Ugh another great and ridiculous episode. But seriously like no guy has ever held two girls hands before walking around. Seriously love Saki and Minase in this episode so much. But seriously not a fan of Shino. Oh she "cares" so much about Saki that she wants to stop him from two timing, we'll see. Also I can't believe Saki said she thought about sex to him, good job being brave. And Naoya is SOO stupid, like yeah he wanted to make sure Minase was with them, but he left Saki behind the number one girlfriend (well first) so he's ruining the trip for her, and now he got himself in a situation where he's going to get "seduced the hell out of" and I'm sure he's going to be seen by his girlfriends causing the trip and their anxieties about her and him getting together to get even worse! Nevermind what will happen with Shino, definitely bummed we only have two episodes left and I'm sure this won't get a season 2 unfortunately 😩. I seriously would LOVE to see a happy conclusion to their story.
Sep 3, 2021 12:53 PM

Dec 2020
I can't wait for the next episode to see Shino in action. Manga readers will know 😏
Sep 3, 2021 12:54 PM
Jul 2021
Also, just out of curiosity, those people that are rating these episodes a 1, are you ACTUALLY watching it? Or did you just not like it and everytime a new episode pops up you just jump in to give it a trash rating? And if you are watching and hate it that much why the hell are you watching? Makes no sense to me to watch a show I hated and by episode 10 you should know what you're getting yourself into. Also I know plenty of people just over or under rate shows all the time which to me is so stupid. Would be nice if everyone gave every show a genuine rating so that people could get an realistic depiction of what the show might be like, rather than 20% 1s and 20% 10s on shows that are somewhere in the middle.
Sep 3, 2021 1:03 PM
Dec 2019
Swagernator said:
I get this is a parody, but the thin line between parody and being dumb is tested with every episode, and it's already on supplementary classes ...

Dumb, it's definitely dumb! And that's what's so great about it.

Btw. did Shino just hang up on Saki on the phone as soon as she was told where they're going or was it just cut awkwardly?
SylverthasSep 3, 2021 2:32 PM
Sep 3, 2021 1:23 PM

May 2020
Obviously everyone will look at you holding hands with two girls, and this hot spring trip is already chaotic.
Looks like Shino is on the move too, finally and having her will just spice the things more as they already are.

Now it's up to Naoya how much he can control up with Milika ready to go all out now.
Softhenic03Dec 4, 2021 2:14 AM
Sep 3, 2021 1:31 PM

Apr 2018
Finally, It's time for Shino to shine and yes, she has tons of screentime in this arc.
Nagisa's fashion scene is just way too crappy, glad that they have to wear uniforms at school. The three-way holding hands scene was just... can't believe that he had the balls to do that in public LOL. Fanservice in the end, that's what we want. And Shino next EP!

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Sep 3, 2021 1:31 PM
May 2021
This is the anime in every time I watch this surprise in shock me
Sep 3, 2021 1:57 PM
Oct 2020
Week after week I’m like why I am watching this it is so bad but I can’t drop it for some reason
Sep 3, 2021 2:09 PM

May 2018
DKDiabloLicht said:
Also, just out of curiosity, those people that are rating these episodes a 1, are you ACTUALLY watching it? Or did you just not like it and everytime a new episode pops up you just jump in to give it a trash rating?

Nothing out of the ordinary here. You can find on the foruns of multiple anime that the people that hate them the most are always the first ones catching up with each new episode (just so they can shit on it I guess). I get that humor is subjective and there are some people that wanted something smarter or just didn't like the comedic timing of this show (and that's fine) but the fact that some don't realize that this show is being dumb on purpose and has fun with it is beyond me. Yet they keep torturing themselves to watch it (instead of simply dropping it and moving to something they actually enjoy) just so... I don't know, shit on others' enjoyment and taste just so they can feel morally superior (which in reality not only makes them look pathetic but also they're just wasting their time).
"No one hates anime more than the anime community, which is composed of some of the most spoiled, immature, pessimist and ungrateful people on Earth."
-Anonymous anime watcher
Sep 3, 2021 2:09 PM

Jun 2021
Oh yes, the onsen arc, but rather than being lewd or wholesome, it gonna be messed up. A bit of character development for Nagisa coming. The only sane character of the series, Sino has finally appeared at the end, with just 2 episodes left tho.

Naoya flaunting his harem to whole public, without a shame, yeah this dumb and over the top honesty. And well, hand holding is already more lewd than kissing, but here we got Double Hand Holding!

Everytime the Seyu Ayana had to deal with some freaky characters, last time Nino drugged the MC twice, this time Mirika being a stalker all along.

And man, this is the cringest, or to say second hand embarrassing moment for me, but yet I love it ☔
PLight09Sep 3, 2021 2:13 PM

~ Weeboo
Sep 3, 2021 2:17 PM

Aug 2018
Hilarious, next week oughta be good for the GigaChad.
Sep 3, 2021 2:20 PM

Apr 2018
Great finally onsen time with all the girls, but at this point I don't care about the other girls anymore, Shino is way much better, my opinion is that Naoya should break up with his girlfriends to go for Shino only, anyway this is going to be great, I can't wait for the next episode because there will be some great scenes with Shino
Sep 3, 2021 2:25 PM
Jul 2021
Zanfroni said:
DKDiabloLicht said:
Also, just out of curiosity, those people that are rating these episodes a 1, are you ACTUALLY watching it? Or did you just not like it and everytime a new episode pops up you just jump in to give it a trash rating?

Nothing out of the ordinary here. You can find on the foruns of multiple anime that the people that hate them the most are always the first ones catching up with each new episode (just so they can shit on it I guess). I get that humor is subjective and there are some people that wanted something smarter or just didn't like the comedic timing of this show (and that's fine) but the fact that some don't realize that this show is being dumb on purpose and has fun with it is beyond me. Yet they keep torturing themselves to watch it (instead of simply dropping it and moving to something they actually enjoy) just so... I don't know, shit on others' enjoyment and taste just so they can feel morally superior (which in reality not only makes them look pathetic but also they're just wasting their time).

Seriously, it seems like a waste of tome and energy to me. Just putting yourself through misery or just irritation for that reason seems so ridiculous. I have been frustrated with shows and continued on many times, but never have I hated or show or just trashed on it for some mild but can't even really be called clout lol. Usually when I am pissed at a show and complain it's because I actually really enjoy some parts and want it to lean more into those instead of the things that frustrate me. But even Though I bitch I understand that everything is subjective and my opinion (and everyone else's is just that). Far too many people believe that their opinion is fact and that's that. And will die on that hill regardless of how much energy it costs them for that stupid argument lmao. I appreciate shows like this that let me just laugh and enjoy myself and not have to think about morals or negative things that are similar to real life.
Sep 3, 2021 2:29 PM

May 2018
DKDiabloLicht said:
Zanfroni said:

Nothing out of the ordinary here. You can find on the foruns of multiple anime that the people that hate them the most are always the first ones catching up with each new episode (just so they can shit on it I guess). I get that humor is subjective and there are some people that wanted something smarter or just didn't like the comedic timing of this show (and that's fine) but the fact that some don't realize that this show is being dumb on purpose and has fun with it is beyond me. Yet they keep torturing themselves to watch it (instead of simply dropping it and moving to something they actually enjoy) just so... I don't know, shit on others' enjoyment and taste just so they can feel morally superior (which in reality not only makes them look pathetic but also they're just wasting their time).

Seriously, it seems like a waste of tome and energy to me. Just putting yourself through misery or just irritation for that reason seems so ridiculous. I have been frustrated with shows and continued on many times, but never have I hated or show or just trashed on it for some mild but can't even really be called clout lol. Usually when I am pissed at a show and complain it's because I actually really enjoy some parts and want it to lean more into those instead of the things that frustrate me. But even Though I bitch I understand that everything is subjective and my opinion (and everyone else's is just that). Far too many people believe that their opinion is fact and that's that. And will die on that hill regardless of how much energy it costs them for that stupid argument lmao. I appreciate shows like this that let me just laugh and enjoy myself and not have to think about morals or negative things that are similar to real life.

That's sort of the problem with these people. They start watching stuff like Evangelion and their ego skyrockets. They start thinking they are smarter than Einstein and have "superior taste" so they come to more simple shows like this one and start shitting on it just so they can feed their ego. Best thing to do is ignore them, let them waste their time and just enjoy yourself.
"No one hates anime more than the anime community, which is composed of some of the most spoiled, immature, pessimist and ungrateful people on Earth."
-Anonymous anime watcher
Sep 3, 2021 2:55 PM

Jun 2017
Sylverthas said:
Swagernator said:
I get this is a parody, but the thin line between parody and being dumb is tested with every episode, and it's already on supplementary classes ...

Dumb, it's definitely dumb! And that's what's so great about it.

Btw. did Shino just hang up on Saki on the phone as soon as she was told where they're going or was it just cut awkwardly?

Even in the manga there was a sudden cut to another panel after that call but it's implied they talked more. It's just that Saki is an idiot (as you can see her babbling out everything right away) and Shino knew this. lol

Next week will be good btw.
Sep 3, 2021 3:27 PM

Mar 2021
this needs a season 2 already as my shino content has been stolen from me, way too much time wasted on milika, guess imma read the manga
Sep 3, 2021 3:40 PM

Apr 2015
Seeing them walk hand in hand with the three of them through stations and other public places was legit one of the cringiest things I have seen. The stares were awkward AF.

Let's forget about Milika here, Shino actually decided to go check on them to see if Naoya is two timing. I swear if it wasn't for Nagisa and her quick thinking, shit would have escalated on the entrance there.

The angles is the last minutes were fantastic. Fanservice was top notch!

Looking forward to more next week as it seems that Shino is here to stay.
Sep 3, 2021 4:14 PM
May 2021
So now we can add stalking and yet another case of both harassment and sexual harassment to the list of shitty things Milika has been guilty of so far. Why oh why did Nagisa think it was a good idea to leave those 2 alone? Milika somehow manages to annoy me more and more each episode and I don't even take this anime seriously.
Sep 3, 2021 5:13 PM
Sep 2020
Not a bad episode...Can't wwait to see what happens in the next one
Sep 3, 2021 5:40 PM
Jul 2018
Naoya with A Saki and Nagisa went on a date and many people were surprised at Naoya with two girlfriends, good episode.
Sep 3, 2021 5:47 PM

Oct 2020
Man, Nagisa's such a nice girl. There was a lot of bonding between the three in this episode, especially, when they were holding hands. Well, Shino is now caught up in Naoya's web. Damn, I wanted to see more onsen action. There's probably going to be some drama with Nagisa in the next episode and, Naoya is in quite the predicament as well.
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Sep 3, 2021 6:23 PM
Apr 2018
Shino cute af, in terms of design i prefer her over the gf's. Cant wait to see more of her.
Sep 3, 2021 6:33 PM
Aug 2021
It was so Good,I loved the seducing part.Looking forward episode 11.
Sep 3, 2021 7:15 PM
Apr 2021
nagisa and mirika are fine ash
Sep 3, 2021 8:36 PM

Nov 2011
Another Episode carried by Saki and the fact Nagisa wanted to do whatever she could for Saki was dope AF.


Give me more Shino now.
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Sep 3, 2021 8:38 PM
Nov 2020
StrayDogYato said:
Week after week I’m like why I am watching this it is so bad but I can’t drop it for some reason
I’m still wondering the same thing. It’s not bad enough to be unwatchable but this episode was nearly unwatchable from how cringe it was.
Sep 3, 2021 8:40 PM
Nov 2020
This is probably the most cringe I had to bare from watching anime ever. I couldn’t take it when they were in public holding hands.
Sep 3, 2021 8:42 PM
Nov 2020
PartTimeSteiner said:
This episode was sometimes harder to watch than other ones. Why does he always have to shout about everything in public? I'm laughing and cringing hard at the same time
Probably the most cringey episode I’ve seen in my life. It’s so hard to watch lmao.
Sep 3, 2021 8:46 PM

Jun 2020
Oh yeah they're preparing for that onsen episode alright and I'll be looking forward to that

Naoya has some steel balls by holding both of their hands in public and he doesn't give a shit to anyone who's looking I'll give him that

At least Shino's finally getting in the harem scene and Rika followed them as well to be expected and things went crazy after that poor Shino though getting left behind and some fan service at the end I do like those what's packing for Minase, to be honest here.
Sep 3, 2021 9:09 PM

Jul 2012
This episode couldn't get anymore cringeworthy, like Naoya literally embarrassing himself by holding the girls' hands, as well as shouting "lovey-dovey" inside of the train. Worst of all, he immediately went in to the bathtub while Nagisa was naked. Don't even get me started on Milika following them the whole time. When will she ever give up on flirting Naoya? Thankfully, Shino has finally appeared to solve some serious problems. I hope next episode will be much better.
"You don't have to believe in yourself, because I believe in you." - Drax the Destroyer

Mirishita ID: L3N93SKX
Discord: DawnHibiki #6454
Sep 3, 2021 9:43 PM

Sep 2015
Wow I was surprised that Milika was not upset that she didn't get any attention from Naoya when Naoya went to get Minase back.
August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Sep 3, 2021 10:08 PM

Nov 2020
the second hand embarrassment I felt from this episode lmao

and is that an Ex-Arm reference?!?!?!??

Sep 3, 2021 10:13 PM
Jul 2018
I'm so excited to see what going to happen next.
Sep 4, 2021 1:02 AM

Apr 2020
Hilarious episode as always, Chino finally had some screentime 10 episodes later, I really like Chino so far ngl. So yeah, looking forward to episode 11.
(Also don’t mind me, just posting a Chino image)
Nina supporter for life💕
Sep 4, 2021 1:28 AM

Apr 2021
Lol This show at first I didn't like it much But it did get funnier and better overall a bit
I honestly never expected that this show would make me laugh and change my mind about it but the comedy is real good :)
This moment tho xd
Sep 4, 2021 1:58 AM

Apr 2017
Episode 10 of not liking Milika. Everything else is wholesome, funny and great.
Sep 4, 2021 3:38 AM
Oct 2020
As always, Saki kept carrying the show. Im looking forward to Shino tho
Sep 4, 2021 3:55 AM

Oct 2017
Lolz Saki's too honest but that's one of the good thing about her. The trip is finally here and lol he actually hold hands with both of them at the same time. People were staring hard, they were jealous ig. Mirika followed em, she's turning into quite the stalker. Also time for her seduction.
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