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Attack on Titan
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Jan 17, 2021 5:10 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
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anime-primeJan 17, 2021 7:38 AM
Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM

Jul 2019
Great Episode but I mean, too much CGI, even for characters who aren't titans. I just can't. wow. Mappa really? damn. Idk what to say.

But on a positive note, the Survey Crops are back. The Warhammer fight was decent and Eren using 200 iq to locate the controller was p good. And that Levi swings into action tho. Amazing.
NextUniverseJan 17, 2021 8:06 AM
Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM

Jun 2020
I don’t know if I should be disappointed or happy. One thing I learned, the anime will never reach the manga’s quality, at least not for me, I don’t care what your standards are.

What happened to Attack Titan’s roar? It sounds so weird. Last episode it sounded fine but now it’s softer and weird. So many off-model drawings. God, what happened to Jean? The only good soundtrack choice was at Mikasa’s entry. They used some weird soundtrack during Warhammer and Attack Titan’s fight.

As expected, CG was a terrible choice for Attack Titan, it looks bad, really bad. (This is my opinion, I don’t give a shit if you think it looks good). The moment when you can't ignore those janky CGI movements of titans, I hate it. Yes I said it, I hate the CG, now watch as 10 MAPPA fanboys come after me. AoT that I once knew is gone and it’s not coming ever again.
CGI for characters? WHAT THE FUCK MAPPA? Just what the hell are you doing? This is my endpoint, I tried to stay positive, but it's not possible. Now I know what that Chinese director meant when he said "Keep your expectations low for the next episode" This is Attack on Titan, I don't want to keep my expectations low because I'm not used to keeping my expectations low. Season should've been delayed, Wit should've never dropped AoT. My day is disappointed and my immeasurable is ruined.

Fanboys overhyped this episode for me and now I’m mad disappointed. I’m not even nitpicking at this point, these are visible criticism and you can’t expect me to ignore it for shit. This episode made me realize why reading the manga all the way through was a good choice.

It’s still a 5/5 episode because like I said, compared to AoT standards, it’s a very bad. But it’s still a great anime, if you choose to ignore the past few great seasons.

But hey... at least Mikasa looks good.. right?
Arin-sanJan 17, 2021 7:48 AM

I said keep your hands on the table
Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM

Apr 2020
"Now Mikasa"

I finally got to see Mikasa and the others in this season! Sasha and Connie look completely different from 4 years ago.

Damn, Gabi looked really pissed and when Levi appeared, I got goosebumps!
Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM

Nov 2011
Oh hell, it's a war in town.

What a badass episode after that speech. Really, we got Eren not holding back when fighting in Titan form. Oh yeah, it's also cool to see the War Hammer Titan in action. The chills of the war itself and the eerie vibe this episode really hit home. Can't wait to watch this again later today in even higher quality.
Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM

Sep 2019

If I'd compare this fight to WIT's fights; WIT's animation, ost and everything else is superior to MAPPA. But looking at MAPPA's cg as a standalone, their cg is fucking great. I wasn't expecting them to surpass WIT anyways so I'm fine with this adaptation.
Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM
Jan 2009
the War Hammer Titan and Attack Titan are in 3DCG and same with ODM gear battles they are in 3DCG but its impressive 3DCG

RIP friends of Gabi and Falco

Eren located the remote operator of the War Hammer Titan there

Levi being badass with the entrance there in the end though

i guess there will be no super animators this season then the battles will be all 3DCG and im fine with that
degJan 17, 2021 7:45 AM
Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, this was fantastic! A lot of CGI used quite admittedly but it didn't appear too (and I'm talking like in "way too much" sense) jarring for me personally. Also, banzai for more badass Mikasa and Levi moments.

We've been waiting for this and it certainly delivered. Levi's strike preventing Eren's loss right in the nick of the moment there and the one-on-one conforntation between Mikasa & the Warhammer titan was just quality material. "Now, Mikasa." - Arigato Guzasu!!!

Eren pounding relentlessly at the dummy must've been unsettling for the Marleyans but nothing spells more doom than what transpired towards the end there!

Even at times like this the discrimination continues. RIP Sophia and Udo.


Edit: Yup, one of my biggest problem back again. Just look at Mikasa in the link below. *sigh*
_MushiRock11_Jan 17, 2021 7:46 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jan 17, 2021 7:38 AM
Feb 2018
CGI was ok. The episode itself was great. I thought the end part with levi was amazing.
Jan 17, 2021 7:39 AM

Aug 2018
That was fucking incredible! The CGI looked great, the OST was great, the episode only felt like it was 2 minutes long.

I use Arch, btw.
Jan 17, 2021 7:39 AM

Jul 2012
Yes the scouts are back! Mikasa! The 104th! Levi!!!
Jan 17, 2021 7:39 AM
Jul 2020
I dont know man, in this episode, i just cant stand the cgi
Jan 17, 2021 7:39 AM

Oct 2017
Everyones Husbando ahem I mean waifu Mikasa is finally here.

Had low expectations for 3DCG but it was actually pretty good. Levi and Mikasa were absolute bad ass.
Jan 17, 2021 7:40 AM

Nov 2018
Ok, our og squad is back!!! Now, can anyone who understands Japanese, please tell me what the conversation between Willy Tybur and the other guy in the buggy was about?
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥४-७॥

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ॥४-८॥
Jan 17, 2021 7:40 AM
Aug 2017
Wow, they actually managed to make worse cgi than ep 1,even the scout are fucking cgi. Wtf was this. My eyes hurts
Jan 17, 2021 7:40 AM
Jan 2021
I have no problems with CGI and for me it was pretty good episode. Anime original scene with Willy also was great. 9/10
Jan 17, 2021 7:41 AM
Mar 2020
Attack Titan looks ugly imo. ODM scenes looks amazing but off at some point. IDK how I feel about this episode. Was expecting at least warhammer to be 2d. Welp gotta wait for the 1080p to see how I fully feel about it i guess
Jan 17, 2021 7:41 AM

Jan 2015
Ive been staying positive but the CGI was just way too much and just bad at a lot of points. What a shame.
Jan 17, 2021 7:41 AM

Aug 2019
It was great, action was great and the cgi didn’t bother me besides a pair of shots of the Attack titan.

It’s just that Wit use of soundtrack was spectacular and MAPPA is lacking so far in this aspect.
Jan 17, 2021 7:41 AM

Aug 2020
This episode was good but the cgi was way too overused on the new titan and ngl the animation doesn't look good wit studio had better animation. I'm glad that Levi appeared at the end of the episode.
Jan 17, 2021 7:42 AM

Jan 2018
1/5 episode...ugly CGI ( not on episode 1 level), CGi scouts at times, Jean and Floch were off models and weak osts as usual, Wit "slideshow" would have been better.
And please gate keepers don't be mad because people have a different opinion than you ok ?
SoukaTheRealJan 17, 2021 7:47 AM
Jan 17, 2021 7:42 AM
Aug 2019
ereh21 said:
I dont know man, in this episode, i just cant stand the cgi

Same for me too, the survey corps models looked so jarry sometimes, it gave me a bitter taste in my mouth. Kind of dissapointed with this episode tbh, but I will check out the subs version and see if my views could be changed a bit.
Jan 17, 2021 7:43 AM

Jul 2019
lost all my images wtf. Imgur is genuinely trash. not using it again.
Jan 17, 2021 7:43 AM
Dec 2020
I kinda didn't like this ep ngl
Jan 17, 2021 7:43 AM
Aug 2016
Amazing Episode. I got chills when Eren said, "Now, Mikasa." Damn! even Levi's entry was dope af. My only problem is as others mentioned, the CGI is used way too much. I didn't expect that they will use it for survey corps as well lol. But I guess, overall it's still 5/5 for me as I got chills even then. Looking forward for Assault.
Jan 17, 2021 7:44 AM
Jun 2016
CG ODM is what I feared the most and well... that's exactly what we got. The CG isnt awful, but not great, it does take you out of the experience.

With this I would asume that we will be getting no skuga scenes, not with the titan fights or the ODM ones, what a shame.

And as always the music is a hit or miss for me, some felt really off while other fit perfectly.

Jan 17, 2021 7:44 AM

Sep 2019
NextUniverse said:
lost all my images wtf. Imgur is genuinely trash. not using it again.
what happened. You look mad.
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Jan 17, 2021 7:44 AM

Aug 2020
I was legit shitting myself the whole episode (in a good way).

will definitely have to watch the high quality version tomorrow. The WHT fight was great.

edit: Okay so I just watched the episode and it went from a 7 to a 8.5/10. Some scenes we're great like Eren punching the WHT. The cgi really bothered me at first but having watched the high quality version, it still bothered me lol. But it was well done. Not as good a Dorohedoro but that's what you get with a tight ass schedule. The atmosphere was great. Eren was really scary and I was trembling the whole time and Gabi's scream. Wow. Sasha's va made her voice deeper.

The ost was not bad. Not as hype as Sawano i'd say but not bad at all. We finally get to hear the leaked ost or at least, a version of it. Not a big fan of the rock guitar though.

Looks like the ackermans had the most budget this ep.
dompsterfireJan 17, 2021 5:19 PM
Jan 17, 2021 7:44 AM
Jul 2018
Too much poorly done CGI for my liking. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that they used CGI on the characters as well. Really MAPPA? This is a new low. Also, notice how they saved on animation by blackening out the Survey Corps moving around in their 3DMG gear under the pretext of it being night time.

Absolutely gutted to see my favorite manga being massacred one episode at a time.
Jan 17, 2021 7:44 AM
Case is closed!

Jan 2019
It's a great episode. I am very excited to see it. I know it's 30 minutes, but I felt it was 5 minutes. I'm looking forward to the next work!

Also, I love EP of Yuko Ando <3
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Jan 17, 2021 7:45 AM

May 2020
Wow.... that was so damn ugly .
I feel so bad for MAPPA

Something that’s supposed to die and doesn’t… will eventually rot away , whether it’s a man or a nation
Jan 17, 2021 7:45 AM

Apr 2013
The episode starts with a flashback of Willy with his family. Then the cart scene with Magath into the present. Everything happens overnight so it helps with the CG I guess.. Zofia meets The Rock Johnson and Udo gets kneed while Eren goes rampage on civilians and military leaders. Warhammer appears and Eren jumps on it than we see the Survey Corps. Mikasa’s entrance was epic loved that scene in the manga. King Floch’s character design is ugly and Jean is meh, but Connor looking mighty fine as does Sasha. Eren outsmarts the WHT and then the Jaws and Levi enter the battlefield.

7-8/10 adaptation of the source material, I feel generous (could’ve easily been a 10/10 episode). I’ll get the negatives out of the way, 1) same ost used too much and it’s not well timed with whats happening, 2) some of the CG animation wasn’t fun to look at.. still above average overall but nothing special, looks great when it’s not moving but the frame rate seems not high enough and reduces the hype of the battles

There’s things that I can overlook just because of how hyped I was for the content this episode was going to adapt. What did bother me upon watching was the OST (except in Mikasa’s scene) and the overall use of CG.

EDIT regarding the storyboarding and directing after rewatch/subs: I really enjoyed the first scene between Magath and his family and it was anime original, but other scenes like the Attack titan being spiked in the gut and making it out by destroying the spike with his hands and avoiding getting smashed by the WHT (not shown), Eren jumping down from the roof feet first and biting his hand to transform and grab the WHT crystal (not shown accurately), and the Jaws ripping the Attack’s hand when he’s grabbing his hair (close shots instead of showing everything) were really poorly made decision in terms of adaptation. I hate to compare with WIT, but one thing WIT did was improve some panels from the manga whereas MAPPA often doesn’t or even reduces the “grandeur” of some of Isayama’s panels.
KneelBeforeMeJan 18, 2021 7:09 PM
Jan 17, 2021 7:45 AM
Jan 2021
Neil1998 said:
Armavel said:
I have no problems with CGI and for me it was pretty good episode. Anime original scene with Willy also was great. 9/10

That was not an anime Original Scene. It should have happened last episode but they moved the scene to the start of this one to make the flow better.

Scene with Willy and childs. I don't remember it in manga.
Jan 17, 2021 7:46 AM
Mar 2018
Armavel said:
Neil1998 said:

That was not an anime Original Scene. It should have happened last episode but they moved the scene to the start of this one to make the flow better.

Scene with Willy and childs. I don't remember it in manga.

Oh, never mind. I caught the stream once the carriage scene happened.
Jan 17, 2021 7:47 AM
Jan 2016
Disgusting overused CGI. Even on characters.
Jan 17, 2021 7:47 AM

Jul 2019
Peeti said:
NextUniverse said:
lost all my images wtf. Imgur is genuinely trash. not using it again.
what happened. You look mad.
I had about 7-8 different images on this this ep that just corrupted on Imgur, not sure how, but it did. not going to use it again for images I guess.
Jan 17, 2021 7:47 AM
Aug 2017
Harsha1314 said:
I kinda didn't like this ep ngl

🥴 Told ya. It was nowhere near the level of wit.
Jan 17, 2021 7:47 AM
Nov 2020

deg said:
the War Hammer Titan and Attack Titan are in 3DCG and same with ODM gear battles they are in 3DCG but its impressive 3DCG

RIP friends of Gabi and Falco

Eren located the remote operator of the War Hammer Titan there

Levi being badass with the entrance there in the end though

i guess there will be no super animators this season then the battles will be all 3DCG and im fine with that

Bro props to u for predicting Cg odm, honestly I was expecting 2D but 3DMG was actually rly good especially the camera angles
Jan 17, 2021 7:49 AM
Nov 2020
I wouldn’t judge the episode based on the livestream link, yhh the cgi kinda looked off at times but overall i think it was an ok episode. I already know they’ll never surpass WIT, lol.
I’ll wait for the 1080p version to drop and see it better.
Jan 17, 2021 7:49 AM
Aug 2017
5/10 if you go with cgi you have to make it good. This was the on pars with beserk 2016.
Jan 17, 2021 7:50 AM
Jan 2009
Krugerman said:

deg said:
the War Hammer Titan and Attack Titan are in 3DCG and same with ODM gear battles they are in 3DCG but its impressive 3DCG

RIP friends of Gabi and Falco

Eren located the remote operator of the War Hammer Titan there

Levi being badass with the entrance there in the end though

i guess there will be no super animators this season then the battles will be all 3DCG and im fine with that

Bro props to u for predicting Cg odm, honestly I was expecting 2D but 3DMG was actually rly good especially the camera angles

yep the camera circus work is the main appeal of 3DCG in anime imo like look at my favorite 3DCG anime movie Promare
Jan 17, 2021 7:50 AM

Oct 2020
I will admit the CGI Titans could have been better. I don't know what it is but the dynamics of ep1 fight were better. I wanna say there wasn't much movement for a fight. CGI ODM scenes were impressive though. Everything else was pretty much great. Can't wait to watch it with better quality.
Jan 17, 2021 7:50 AM
Aug 2016
Arin-san said:
I don’t know if I should be disappointed or happy. One thing I learned, the anime will never reach the manga’s quality, at least not for me, I don’t care what your standards are.

What happened to Attack Titan’s roar? It sounds so weird. Last episode it sounded fine but now it’s softer and weird. So many off-model drawings. God, what happened to Jean? The only good soundtrack choice was at Mikasa’s entry. They used some weird soundtrack during Warhammer and Attack Titan’s fight.

As expected, CG was a terrible choice for Attack Titan, it looks bad, really bad. (This is my opinion, I don’t give a shit if you think it looks good). The moment when you can't ignore those janky CGI movements of titans, I hate it. Yes I said it, I hate the CG, now watch as 10 MAPPA fanboys come after me. AoT that I once knew is gone and it’s not coming ever again.
CGI for characters? WHAT THE FUCK MAPPA? Just what the hell are you doing? This is my endpoint, I tried to stay positive, but it's not possible. Now I know what that Chinese director meant when he said "Keep your expectations low for the next episode" This is Attack on Titan, I don't want to keep my expectations low because I'm not used to keeping my expectations low. Season should've been delayed, Wit should've never dropped AoT. My day is disappointed and my immeasurable is ruined.

Fanboys overhyped this episode for me and now I’m mad disappointed. I’m not even nitpicking at this point, these are visible criticism and you can’t expect me to ignore it for shit. This episode made me realize why reading the manga all the way through was a good choice.

It’s still a 5/5 episode because like I said, compared to AoT standards, it’s a very bad. But it’s still a great anime, if you choose to ignore the past few great seasons.

But hey... at least Mikasa looks good.. right?

I agree with what you said. Also, Mankasa looks perfect! <3
Jan 17, 2021 7:51 AM
Mar 2020
A lot of cgi and edgelords are gonna complaint and prob harass the director again but IMO it was a 10/10 yes there’s too much cgi but what do you expect? It’s a studio change and they are working on a trash schedule because of the committee which is just sad. Overall the cgi, music, actually content was a 10/10. Ofc it isn’t better than the 2D but it isn’t bad guy pls just understand them too smh
Jan 17, 2021 7:51 AM
Nov 2020
This ep was good ig? Idk the Cg ODM was surprisingly good and didn't rly feel jarring, the WHT CG, however, was just average, it felt weightless and not scary at all but eh the fight was shorter than I expected, Eren's tian was slightly better than Warhammer but Armoured and Jaws are much better. I'm open to new Cg style but I certainly miss 2D sakuga but what can I say?
Jan 17, 2021 7:51 AM
Dec 2020
Madlaad said:
Harsha1314 said:
I kinda didn't like this ep ngl

🥴 Told ya. It was nowhere near the level of wit.
At least the camera angles and ODM scenes looked very cool........
Not a fan of the cgi designs for AT and WHT
Jan 17, 2021 7:51 AM
Jan 2021
I'm just here to see people cry, keep it up!
Jan 17, 2021 7:52 AM
Jun 2016
Madlaad said:
5/10 if you go with cgi you have to make it good. This was the on pars with beserk 2016.

I didn't like the CGI used, but c'mon, the only thing comparable to Breserk 2016 is this season's Ex-Arm.
Jan 17, 2021 7:52 AM
Apr 2020
Another well executed episode! This episode felt like 10 minutes.
Mikasa 1v1d the War Hammer Titan!
Levi cut the Jaw Titan!
If you're a titan, beware of the Ackermans! lol
The Devils of Paradis are here! Sasha, Connie and Jean! Why Floch looks annoying? lol


Jan 17, 2021 7:54 AM
Jan 2021
Episode was good. Eren is on drugs xD.
Good that they included the will part
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