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Jul 16, 2015 10:41 AM

Nov 2011
Geez, Hikari is so prideful of herself.

I thought the funny part of the episode is that Akane turned into a kid. She's probably like 2 feet tall. LOL. Ah, this episode in a nutshell:

Second half was more fun. Hikari really took the spotlight though.
Jul 16, 2015 11:32 AM

Nov 2008
Hikari is very cute in adult form and as an idol, and my god Akane is adorable as a kid. Shiori's ability to communicate with animals would be quite handy to use for fishing or a nature walk.

Jul 16, 2015 12:19 PM

Mar 2014
When the dog wanted to attack Shiori and then Teru made a really pissed off face, for a moment I thought he will falcon punch that dog to orbit.

Jul 16, 2015 8:23 PM
Jan 2015
no subs yet?
My Queens

Jul 17, 2015 7:26 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
So we get a lolified Akane plus getting most of the episode narrated by Ogura Yui?

It's like someone wrote the script for this episode with the sole intention of giving me a moe overdose
Jul 17, 2015 7:59 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
If there's anything to learn from this episode, it would be that Hikari and Teru aren't the brightest apples on the tree lol

Episode was pretty fun as usual mixed in with some cute sibling moments *Especially with Teru and the super kawaii youngest child known as Shiori >//<)

Gotta say that I really appreciate the little bits of fanservice too xD My goodness Kanade and Older Hikari both have amazing bodies
Jul 17, 2015 8:30 AM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Hikari was so fixated on saving that cat, she forgot to think straight. But it's all good since that ultimately resulted Akane being turned into a loli. Too moe!

Shiori is way mature for her own age. Pretty nice to see how they both had each other's back throughout the trial, especially Teru protecting her from the dog.

Just when Hikari's idol endeavors seemed to have paid off, it all turned out to be for naught. The struggle to gain popularity is real!

Above average episode. Dem Akane thighs in the PV doe! :9

Jul 17, 2015 8:32 AM
Mar 2014
Nice episode. I really like the lighthearted, funny vibe of this show, so I hope it sells well enough for more! Probably the biggest surprise of the season.
Jul 17, 2015 9:07 AM

Feb 2012
Damn they youngest child is really op. How you gonna talk to paper lol.

Glad to see Hikari putting in work to become King, respecting that.
Jul 17, 2015 9:31 AM

Jan 2012
I'm really enjoying this segment format, and getting to know the characters remains a treat. Shiori's adorable but then they all are in some way! :D I knew that final joke with Hikari not using her real name would come up eventually long before it did. :D
Jul 17, 2015 9:57 AM

Nov 2013
there are a bit differences from the manga, they don't make the scene that shuu was "killed" by akane, i was hoping to see this part animated.

i need moar kanade...
Jul 17, 2015 9:59 AM

Feb 2014
Teru has potential to become a shounen MC.
Jul 17, 2015 10:00 AM

Apr 2010
Akane got a little smaller this episode but it was to help out her sister.
Seeing the two little ones go shopping was funny and i can understand why their mother warned one of them for his powers.
Jul 17, 2015 10:47 AM

Jul 2010
Akane in child form and Shiori holding onto Teru was beyond adorable.

Their dad is great, the serious demeanour to only agree so easily.
Jul 17, 2015 10:48 AM

May 2015
Shiori is just way too adorable and mature for her age!!

I can kind-of understand why Hikari gets less votes than her now :D
Jul 17, 2015 10:53 AM

Oct 2014
That ending haha, made me giggle :3
Jul 17, 2015 11:02 AM

May 2014
Nice episode. the second part was more fun with that little girl. Shiori was her name right? So cute :)
Jul 17, 2015 11:16 AM

Dec 2008
I love how dependable shiori is and her descriptions of teru are priceless xD "My older brother Teru-oniichan sometimes says confusing things" xD

I also love how even though they will mess with each other every now and then they all love each other and loose their minds to protect each other when in danger
Jul 17, 2015 11:18 AM

May 2013
So is Teru a chuuni?

Also, Haruka would make a really good king. Too bad he's not popular.
Jul 17, 2015 12:19 PM

Jul 2014
Best episode so far. So many funny moments and a bit of focus on some of the other siblings. Akane as a little girl was definitely the highlight though: she was way too cute like that.
Jul 17, 2015 1:01 PM

Mar 2013
Any episode with as little Akane as possible is a good episode. Nice to see some action without her annoying face on screen all the time.
Jul 17, 2015 1:29 PM
Feb 2015
Hilarious can change her body size? :D That means her boobs can grow bigger :3
Really liked how akame was turned into a little kid. She was so cute >.<
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Jul 17, 2015 1:43 PM

Jan 2015
Man I really want the oldest brother to have his own little segment. Another cute episode, kinda digging the short story episodic nature of the show, but I'm wondering if it's actually building up to something.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jul 17, 2015 2:07 PM

Jul 2012
What a fun episode! Can't wait to see the other characters get their screen time too
Jul 17, 2015 2:16 PM

Sep 2013
feels like ALOT of wasted potential with the story becoming a combination of shorts. And tbh its not even funny tho it does take some really good comedy to make me laugh.
Jul 17, 2015 5:12 PM

Apr 2015
Hikari's a cute kid, and it was nice to see her as the focus this episode.
Jul 17, 2015 7:19 PM

Jul 2014
LOL love this show. Its just so much fun to watch. SHIORI SAMA IS THE BEST. But i really wanna know why Shu is so unpopular
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Jul 17, 2015 7:21 PM

Jan 2013
Vindstot said:
Hikari was so fixated on saving that cat, she forgot to think straight. But it's all good since that ultimately resulted Akane being turned into a loli. Too moe!
This was a very adorable episode
Jul 17, 2015 7:53 PM

Jul 2009
Did i mention i love this show? It's so easy to watch :)

I love Teru he's such a cutie! Haruka and Shiori are adorable too. lol Shu is a dunce just going along with Teru's hero monologue.

I'm happy for Hikari, she's an idol now!
abyss333 said:
LOL love this show. Its just so much fun to watch. SHIORI SAMA IS THE BEST. But i really wanna know why Shu is so unpopular

I'm guessing he's unpopular because he comes off as lazy, who knows.
Jul 17, 2015 8:45 PM

Jun 2014
Well this show is super cute at times, and it shows that even members of the royal family cant always be the brightest.

Little Akane was just way too cute...
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Jul 17, 2015 8:49 PM

Mar 2013
Teru is the kind of kid who, when they get older, will say things like, "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested"

Seriously though they need to get that kid checked out.
Jul 17, 2015 8:57 PM

Aug 2013
These episodes are better every week. Still love it of how each episode focus one or two siblings. Poor Teru, he's in last place and it made him cry a little in the first part of the episode. My highlight of the episode was when Teru was about to go ape shit on that dog. He may be one the youngest child and he may get little scare but if anyone dares to hurt Shiori and the rest of his family he'll go hulk smash on them.

"Oy, you. Picking on the weak is pathetic. I promised my mother I wouldn't use my power recklessly, but If someone's going to hurt Shiori, I'll break that promise!" Nice line Teru nice line.

And of course Shiori is so adorable, no wonder she's in third place.
Jul 17, 2015 9:52 PM

Jun 2013
This just continues to get cuter and cuter :D

And oh my goodness, Akane as a 7 year old was tooooooo cute!!!!
Jul 17, 2015 11:35 PM

Jun 2014
What a fun episode! Can't wait to see the other characters get their screen time too
SakurasouBusters said:
This just continues to get cuter and cuter :D

And oh my goodness, Akane as a 7 year old was tooooooo cute!!!!

Akane best girl 10/10 <3
All credit goes to Sacred.
Jul 18, 2015 2:17 AM

Dec 2013
Best episode so far. We get to see more of the youngest siblings, and get to witness the extent of Hikari's powers

My reaction is exactly the same as Misaki XD

Then of course we have:

Great episode all round. Cannot wait for next week.
Jul 18, 2015 10:09 AM
Jul 2015
when you think Akane cant be more cute , suddenly it appears as a child and your brain can not handle such tenderness
Jul 18, 2015 11:05 AM

Jan 2011
L-Ryoshi said:
Best episode so far. We get to see more of the youngest siblings, and get to witness the extent of Hikari's powers

My reaction is exactly the same as Misaki XD

Then of course we have:

Great episode all round. Cannot wait for next week.

Shiori and Loli Akane. HNNNGGGH

I thought Shuu was one of the top 5... very surprised to see him 2nd last.
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Jul 18, 2015 11:37 AM

Jul 2015
Damn, I hope Akane doesn't just turn into another comic relief MC, since she isn't really contributing much.

Well, I guess they needed to get the character introductions out of the way first
Jul 18, 2015 2:15 PM

Feb 2014
L-Ryoshi said:
Best episode so far. We get to see more of the youngest siblings, and get to witness the extent of Hikari's powers

My reaction is exactly the same as Misaki XD

Then of course we have:

Great episode all round. Cannot wait for next week.

Higurashi flashback anyone ?
Jul 18, 2015 4:56 PM

Apr 2014
This episode is mostly about Hikari.
Shiori is so cute...or am I just a loli-con lol
Teru power might be the best out of all of his sibling in term or strength.
I want to see more of the other sibling as well.
Jul 18, 2015 10:43 PM

Jul 2014
loli akane gave me life
lol the great journey of teru and shiori meeting dogs
and is it me or was there an angle when Hikari transformed that made her look like chitoge haha
-- Get Rekt m8 --
-- --
Jul 19, 2015 5:07 AM

Jan 2011
Chuunibyou when he's only six. Okay then.
Jul 19, 2015 1:12 PM

Apr 2014
My thoughts about this episode:

Awesome! This episode features the youngest three (3) siblings of the Sakurada Royal Family!
And This episode was so funny and I can't get enough of it!
I wonder what the remaining Sakurada siblings was doing on their everyday life?
Well I guess I need to wait for the next week's episode to find it out!
Haters always gonna hate.
Jul 19, 2015 3:38 PM

Oct 2011
Hikari older and Akane as a little girl <3

Teru was awesome protecting Shiori

I wish I could talk to paper too

Hikari idol debut
Jul 20, 2015 3:38 AM

Jan 2014
tomi02 said:
feels like ALOT of wasted potential with the story becoming a combination of shorts. And tbh its not even funny tho it does take some really good comedy to make me laugh.

Agreed, though 4-koma adaptations aren't usually my thing anyway (besides Working and Servant x Service), it's not entirely surprising. Ill probably drop this one here and wait for season finale consensus to decided whether to binge it during fall.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Jul 20, 2015 3:05 PM
Jul 2018
The first segment about part where Akane turned into a little kid was so cute.

The older Hikari looks pretty.
Jul 20, 2015 3:07 PM

Feb 2014
Aww the shopping trip with Teru and Shiori was so cute! I love Shiori's ability. "List-san, where are you?"

I love how Hikari didn't realize that hiding her identity would be pointless for gaining popularity towards the election xD
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Jul 20, 2015 4:53 PM

Sep 2008
Noodle070 said:
Aww the shopping trip with Teru and Shiori was so cute! I love Shiori's ability. "List-san, where are you?"

I love how Hikari didn't realize that hiding her identity would be pointless for gaining popularity towards the election xD

To be fair I am damn sure it was Haruka's suggestion.

Middle-school Hikari (especially with glasses) and loli Akane. My body was not ready.
Jul 20, 2015 8:25 PM

Aug 2013
Man, Shiori for da king please
Jul 20, 2015 11:45 PM

Nov 2012
Just started watching this, but really like it so far.

Loli Akane so cute :-"
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