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Nov 1, 2014 2:53 PM

Nov 2011
Lol, I got to admit that Kitora can be quite a stubborn girl to deal with.

Looks like a new enemy known as llegar also appears this episode and it's dropping some major fire power. Action felt meh but the OST was good. Good to know that Osamu was able to save that kid in all this chaos. They still got a long way to go until they can contain all this mess though.

Stark700Nov 1, 2014 3:38 PM
Nov 1, 2014 4:21 PM

Jun 2014
School gets absolutely wrecked by neighbours and they still have to finish the school day. These guys...
Nov 1, 2014 4:26 PM
Jul 2018
Kitora is pretty stubborn.

llgar is sure one huge Trion Soldier.

Osamu is able to save the citizens.
Nov 1, 2014 4:28 PM

Jan 2013
The anime still needs to go somewhere interesting.
That confrontation was as usual, someone that thinks that the system is god and etc...
Nov 1, 2014 4:49 PM
Nov 2013
Decent episode. Yuma is one sassy dude haha, and KanaHana voicing a character that isn't a moeblob is refreshing. Animation is a mixed bag still but it's not ruining my enjoyment of the series.
Nov 1, 2014 4:53 PM

Feb 2014
Haha, Kitora saying that pictures are a nuisance, yet she still poses.

Another Neighbor appearing. Osamu saving citizens while Kitora attacks.
Ah, when Kitora's about to finally give a blow to the Neighbor, the episode ends.

Well, we get to see another Border member next episode.

"Later on, you will become a lively person causing headaches as the shrine-god."
Nov 1, 2014 4:58 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Kitora's arrogance is quite annoying! >.< Loved when Kuga pointed it in front of everyone and stood up for Osamu.
Still, nice hearing KanaHana getting flustered though. :3

Kitora posing while the students were taking her photo was hilarious though! This particular one is my favorite. (^^)

Her attempt of being tsundere with Osamu and blushing after Kuga bullseyed her rivalry mindset was pretty cute! :3

Good seeing Kuga is slowly becoming more collaborative. Thanks to him, Osamu managed to save some of the city people.

Ilgar is quite unique for a Trion soldier. It probably knew about Kitora's celebrity tendencies and so shined multiple flashlights upon her before attacking. XD
But she does seem badass. Looking forward to how she handles this Neighbor.

Good episode. That P-rank joke at the fun fact part was pretty funny though.

Nov 1, 2014 5:32 PM
Jun 2013
Kuga's still the best chara, though they should start getting read of the "'3'" face.
Nov 1, 2014 5:36 PM

Dec 2011
The episode was okay overall.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Nov 1, 2014 5:37 PM
May 2012
I'm actually enjoying this show more and more, not sure why the ratings are really low on MAL.

Gotta love Kuga's conversations with Kitora :P
Nov 1, 2014 5:40 PM

Apr 2008
^ My thoughts too, also what a place to end the episode >.<
Nov 1, 2014 6:12 PM

Feb 2014
Kuga completely rekt Kitora there.
Nov 1, 2014 6:25 PM

Oct 2013
kitora pretty annoying
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Nov 1, 2014 7:24 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Although Yuuma doesn't really need to help Kitora just because Osamu requested him to, he still did. Probably shows that Yuuma does like, or respect Osamu to some extent. Yuuma's was pretty awesome too when he told Kitora that triggers originally belong to Neighbors, so why should Osamu or any C-ranked agents have to get permission to use them as well? :D That definitely shut Kitora up for a second.
Nov 1, 2014 7:24 PM

Sep 2013
Wow the show got a budget boost, it must be doing good XD

The backgrounds are realy well done, the art style got a bit shaper and more detailed and the animation is smoother too "claps" well done

Kitora Ai aka The Badass Tsundere ;)

They didn't do the fight :(
ichii_1Nov 1, 2014 7:31 PM
Nov 2, 2014 12:13 AM

Mar 2013
Episode were ok,
Mikumo doing the best he can to save the ppl,
Kitora babbling again of her been rank A and charge on,
look like next episode will have all the fights action.
Nov 2, 2014 1:35 AM

Jun 2014
Nice episode
Nov 2, 2014 1:49 AM

May 2013
The only expression that I can in this episode is...

The world shall know the truth soon.
Nov 2, 2014 3:21 AM

Jan 2013
Boring episode. And Kuga's face gets more and more annoying

Nov 2, 2014 4:24 AM
Oct 2012
I liked this episode!
Nov 2, 2014 4:47 AM

Jan 2013
Kitora is annoying.
Osamu is extremely stupid and useless
Kuga and his annoying faces
Average to bad animation.

Nov 2, 2014 5:27 AM
Mar 2014
I dont know how far the manga is but Osamu better get at least a little bit "Stronger" otherwise this show is going to shit really fast.
Nov 2, 2014 5:28 AM

Jul 2014
[Justice-kun intensifies]

-Klad- said:
Kitora is annoying.
Osamu is extremely stupid and useless
Kuga and his annoying faces
Average to bad animation.


^My thoughts exactly.
Nov 2, 2014 6:40 AM

Sep 2013
-Klad- said:
Average to bad animation.

Another one that doesn't know the difference between animation and art style :(
Well, not like I except people like you to understand anyway.

If you didn't notice the improvement in quality this episode, you should get your head checked.
Nov 2, 2014 7:55 AM

Jan 2013
ichii_1 said:
-Klad- said:
Average to bad animation.

Another one that doesn't know the difference between animation and art style :(
Well, not like I except people like you to understand anyway.

If you didn't notice the improvement in quality this episode, you should get your head checked.
I thank god we have people like you who understand, man.
Nov 2, 2014 8:59 AM

Oct 2014
Chabe said:
School gets absolutely wrecked by neighbours and they still have to finish the school day. These guys...

Well, said school had a in build shelter for such situations and as we got told they are used to battles in their city, just usually further away from them. If people had gotten injured or killed they surely would have ended the day right there but with like a bigger entrance and a couple bashed in winodes and one wrecked classroom?
Still, I admit that they must have nerves of steel to ensure that the students still go to the classes till the end of the day. Though the idea is kind of funny when a kid returns home earlier due neighbor attack and the parent is like "the school is still standing and half of your teachers are still alive. Well, right back with you to school, mister!". XD

Silver4000 said:
The anime still needs to go somewhere interesting.
That confrontation was as usual, someone that thinks that the system is god and etc...

WT has a slow start, that's for sure. Same went for the manga that too to long at the beginning to introduce lots of battles and such although now we had lots of very good planned fights in the manga.

As for Kitora holding Border's rules up, Border is more an army than a pathfinder group. Before recruting teens they had several casulties in fights against neighbors and only after developing some counter-measure to ensure that agents don't get killed out on the field anymore they recruited teens as adults had not enough trion to fight battles in trion bodies.
Border's rules are what kept this city alive,kept her family alive and gave her a chance to protect both. Would you ignore all and each rules if you were in Kitora's place?

r0ykun said:
Decent episode. Yuma is one sassy dude haha, and KanaHana voicing a character that isn't a moeblob is refreshing. Animation is a mixed bag still but it's not ruining my enjoyment of the series.

Yeah, when he told Kitora that she can't compete to Osamu I couldn't help but smirk at his sass. Telling an A-elite that she can't hold a candle to a C-trainée, oh boy, she surely did not took that one lightly. XD
Ikr? I was so used to KanaHana voicing cute/adorable moe charas that I couldn't imagine her as a strict, stubborn and very prideful elite fighter girl, but the last and this episode sure showed me that she totally has nailed down that tone as well.
As long as the animation does not return to its horrible performance of episode 1, I can live with it quite fine.^^

Kirua- said:
Kuga's still the best chara, though they should start getting read of the "'3'" face.

Lichtspiel said:
Boring episode. And Kuga's face gets more and more annoying

SweetCoconut said:
The only expression that I can in this episode is...


Yuuma showed that =3= face far more often in the manga than he did in this episode, I kid you not. :P
In the manga it is easier to ignore though as you can just flip the pages and voila no more =3=.
Honestly though, Yuuma has shown far more expressions in this episode than in the manga, I for one am glad that the studio gave him some other expressions besides his standard =3= face all the time.^^

animenoobster said:
I'm actually enjoying this show more and more, not sure why the ratings are really low on MAL.

Gotta love Kuga's conversations with Kitora :P

Because the first episode sucked a lot so people voted it 1/10 and left it at that. And then there are some Toei haters who want to ensure that every Toei anime gets ripped in shreds so they make sure to always keep voting low while mostly not even watching the show. WT is made by Toei, reason enough to give it a low rating.

A shame, but admittly WT had so far in 4 episodes quite some bad animated scenes or awkward pauses or weird music and such. Not enough to give it a 1/10, mind you, but nothing you would give a reward either.

darkreaver94 said:
Kitora sure is jealous of Osamu. Yuma is the only interesting character so far. Need more Yuma.

I get the feeling you might Jin a lot as he is somebody who even Yuuma thinks of as somebody who could win against him if they fought each other. Plus Jin got a great easy-going personality.^g^

llcruz said:
Kuga completely rekt Kitora there.

Boy, I can still smell the burn. "You can't hold a candle to Osamu." Oh snap! XD

tingy said:
Although Yuuma doesn't really need to help Kitora just because Osamu requested him to, he still did. Probably shows that Yuuma does like, or respect Osamu to some extent. Yuuma's was pretty awesome too when he told Kitora that triggers originally belong to Neighbors, so why should Osamu or any C-ranked agents have to get permission to use them as well? :D That definitely shut Kitora up for a second.

We know that Yuuma has seen many worlds besides earth-japan-mikado city. And in all of those there was war, with people killing, murdering and raping each other and what not. So I guess seeing somebody who wants to help others, total strangers at that, even if it means risking his life does impress Yuuma.
Plus he can hear if somebody lies so when he heard that Osamu was speaking the full truth when he said he wants to safe others even when he's so weak, must have been quite something for the strong but not caring much for strangers Yuuma.
Maybe he saw something in Osamu he himself has lost a long time ago in those wars he was in.

-Klad- said:
Kitora is annoying.
Osamu is extremely stupid and useless
Kuga and his annoying faces
Average to bad animation.


I can't argue with you about the animation as we know it could be done better, but compared to the first episode it was miles above that crap they did with the animation.

About Kitora annoying, while I can see and understand where you're coming from, what is about her praising Osamu, although just a little, for what he managed to do against the Marmod? (Although all he did was dodge till he got hit, the whole kill thing was done by Yuuma^^) Or her speaking about her duty? She fights to protect this city and the people who live in there and if she and her comrades fails it means amok running trion soldiers to kill and kidnap people as much as they can before they leave for their homeworlds. I doubt such responsibility is easy to weld for a 15 year old girl no matter how talented and skilled she is.

Osamu being stupid and useless - what would you have done if you were in his position?
From what I see you probably would have run away which is by far more cowardly and useless than what Osamu did.
Sure he couldn't form Raygust again but then again what could he have done with that weapon against a flying enemy?
Him rushing to the bombing side to help the trapped or injured people was far more useful than him jumping up and down and swinging his sword.
I really doubt that the little girl, its mother and the other people Osamu rescued from the buildings would call Osamu "stupid and useless". He survived a rubble falling on him without a scratch, could move big stones without much trouble, and when he meet his limit he had a friend who would give him a "finger" of power so that he could lift even huge stones.

Yes, Osamu is "weak" in fights, we've seen that against how he fared against the Marmod in a one-on-one. But being weak does not equal useless. He saved many people's lives there. Without him a mother would have to look at the smashed remains of her daugther. :(
Would you have done that? Instead of being "stupid" to help others, watching a little kid get crushed by rubble? What would you have done to not be "useless" in such a situation?

In my eyes Yuuma was right about what he said about Osamu. A sucker for those in need, but one who really means it, somebody who doesn't lie that he wants to help everybody and does what he can to help others. In that sense Kitora "can't hold a candle to Osamu" who is ready to risk getting kicked out of Border by breaking the rules to help others.

Kuga's annoying expressions - well, he IS an alien, a humanoid neighbor. XD
For him our world is weird and makes often no sense at all. Like later when he buys a juice can and wonders why he got more money out of the automat than he had put in.^^
Same goes for him about other humans - he doesn't care much about them. They're strangers to him who would treat him as a monster if they knew of his origin. He had the power to safe those students - he didn't.
He did helped Osamu though that was done as Osamu is still useful for him to learn how to behave in this strange world plus Osamu is a Border agent which can help him meeting the person he search for in Border.
And same again in this episode, he didn't helped Kitora because he wanted to or because he got some hero credo to safe the weak and helpless, he did because Osamu told him to do so and he started to respect that person that is so different from him. Somebody who's so weak yet tries to do everything to help others, somebody that goes even so far to believe a neighbor humanoid like him and protect him from Border's attention - what Osamu did there is treason and while you could argue that this is stupid as hell, you could also say that Osamu showed good reasoning and that Yuuma is thankful for osamu trusting him so much, so he wants to repay his trust by helping him.
Even if that means he got to help somebody as "full of herself" as Kitora.

But I'm sure you would make a far more fascinating and interesting and strong and intelligent MC than Osamu ;D
Nov 2, 2014 12:04 PM

Jul 2008
RKiller208 said:
I dont know how far the manga is but Osamu better get at least a little bit "Stronger" otherwise this show is going to shit really fast.

This is a Shounen.
In most case, Shounen Protags start incredibly weak and grow stronger as the story goes on.
Nov 2, 2014 12:28 PM

Oct 2014
looks like Kuga is owing Kitora in an attitude match.
Nov 2, 2014 12:43 PM

Dec 2010
Kirua- said:
Kuga's still the best chara, though they should start getting read of the "'3'" face.

Lichtspiel said:
Boring episode. And Kuga's face gets more and more annoying

Don't disparage the face, that face is gold!
Nov 2, 2014 1:11 PM
Oct 2014
Good episode at best, it wasn't as boring as I thought it would be.
The drawing got worse but the animation got slightly better.
Kitora got owned rightfully by Yuuma and she has a funny side to her personality.
I kinda like her, it would be awesome if she starts having feelings for Osamu.
Osamu is good at decision making, he knew he was useless to Kitora so he decided to help the civilians and asked Yuuma to help her without her knowing..
You don't always have to fight to be useful and Osamu is proving it.
Now it's obvious that later on Osamu gonna be stronger but for the meantime I'm intrigued to know how will he be useful despite his weakness....
Next chapter introduces the dude with glasses from the opening. It's gonna be great
Nov 2, 2014 2:35 PM

Sep 2014
That was alright, but I keep getting a feeling that there's a lot of wasted potential here. I haven't seen the source material, but it really wouldn't take much to make this more interesting. Osamu pisses me off as usual, he should at least be a little more grateful to Kuga. Kuga is probably the only interesting character in this show, mostly because he just points out how dumb everyone around him acts. After the previous episode I hoped the enemy design would get better, but we get another fish, this time flying around and shitting over the city... I really hoped they would make triggers more interesting, what's the problem really? It doesn't have to be flashy, but the way it looks now is very poor. You wouldn't think they're strong at all. Still, best episode so far.
[b]Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.

Nov 2, 2014 2:40 PM

Mar 2013
Kuga is awesome. I love him.
Kitora is the most annoying type of tsundere. =3=
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 2, 2014 6:08 PM

Jun 2012
Next episode we gonna see Jin and his ability allow him saw The future and Change it..... Icant wait next ep 5 for Kitora gonna be more jealousy to Osamu. =3=
Nov 2, 2014 9:14 PM
Oct 2014
salvationhope said:
Next episode we gonna see Jin and his... .=3=

Dude don't spoil it for those who haven't read the manga.
That's not cool
Nov 2, 2014 9:20 PM
Oct 2014
Grim_Person said:
That was alright, but I keep getting a feeling that there's a lot of wasted potential here. I haven't seen the source material, but it really wouldn't take much to make this more interesting. Osamu pisses me off as usual, he should at least be a little more grateful to Kuga. Kuga is probably the only interesting character in this show, mostly because he just points out how dumb everyone around him acts. After the previous episode I hoped the enemy design would get better, but we get another fish, this time flying around and shitting over the city... I really hoped they would make triggers more interesting, what's the problem really? It doesn't have to be flashy, but the way it looks now is very poor. You wouldn't think they're strong at all. Still, best episode so far.

Dude we haven't even gotten to know what an actual trigger is... We already know that when you activate the trigger., your body is swapped with a Trion body. That's all that is explained for the moment.... Just be patient and you'll see how diversified a trigger can be.
Revelations will keep on coming
Nov 3, 2014 12:31 AM

Jan 2013
Chabe said:

Silver4000 said:
The anime still needs to go somewhere interesting.
That confrontation was as usual, someone that thinks that the system is god and etc...

WT has a slow start, that's for sure. Same went for the manga that too to long at the beginning to introduce lots of battles and such although now we had lots of very good planned fights in the manga.

As for Kitora holding Border's rules up, Border is more an army than a pathfinder group. Before recruting teens they had several casulties in fights against neighbors and only after developing some counter-measure to ensure that agents don't get killed out on the field anymore they recruited teens as adults had not enough trion to fight battles in trion bodies.
Border's rules are what kept this city alive,kept her family alive and gave her a chance to protect both. Would you ignore all and each rules if you were in Kitora's place?

Well yeah, if that meant that another person had to disobey to protect people, knowing that he could die (even tho he knew that when he enlisted on the border), I would.
Probably would give him a lecture for breaking the rules, because I had to, but still... he saved lives.
Nov 3, 2014 2:02 AM

Apr 2009
the animations have improved slightly, hope they keep this up.
Nov 3, 2014 11:20 AM

Jul 2011
INteresting new character. Kuga trying to call out Kitora was BS, when he knows osamu did nothing of what everybody thinks they did. Which is kill that one neighbor in one blow. Sure he saved the other students, but he'd be dead if not for Kuga.

Kuga is getting annoying. Osamu is pretty stupid/stubborn, but at the same time likeable for some reason. When are we going to see the other cute girl character dammit, which is the only reason i even started watching this.

Episode ends just as Kitora was gonna show her bad assness lol.
Nov 3, 2014 7:44 PM

Jun 2014
I love Kuga's faces! hahaha hes quite straight forward isnt he? We get to see an A-rank in action...kinda. And the MC dude doing his best to help people in the city.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Nov 3, 2014 8:44 PM

Apr 2013
My favorite character! Good job Hana Kanazawa.

"What are you saying? Triggers belonged to Neighbors.

Do you ask the Neighbors each time you use them."

Best part of this episode.

Next episode: Talented Elite Pervert Jin

Nov 3, 2014 9:45 PM

Oct 2013
Kitora is JEAlous
Nov 4, 2014 7:31 AM

Sep 2014
looking for the next ep.. i want more kuga action!
Nov 5, 2014 7:43 AM

Nov 2011

The thing that depresses me of this TV series, is the quality of the drawings and animations, the rest might as well be good.
Too bad that the story is a bit weak in terms of pathos, not involving me that much.
Let's see what happens with the next episodes.
Nov 5, 2014 11:20 PM

Oct 2011
I hope Kitora finally realizes how good Osamu is OMG!!1
Nov 7, 2014 8:12 PM

Apr 2014
My god, that Kitora Ai is frickin annoying. What a bitch tbh. And she's a tsundere. Ugh. Great. If she gets a significant amount of screentime, I'm dropping. Sorry. I can't take that kind of character. :-( The rest of the series (plot, ost, other chara) wouldn't be enough to keep me interested.
Nov 8, 2014 8:32 AM

Apr 2008
- Kitora is the MOST irritating.

- Kuga's facial expressions are... almost irritating, but then when I realize he doesn't give a fuck, I'm just like =3=

- The animation was lacking in a few spots in the beginning. Jun's eyes kept wonking out into weirdness reminiscent of Sailor Moon Crystal's first few episodes and some of the stills seemed lazily illustrated. It left much to be desired at some points.

Ehh, this episode was alright.

Nov 8, 2014 2:50 PM

Oct 2014
Don't worry guys, Kitora will get better. Though she will always be somehow irritaed by Osamu due various reasons but you will see that for yourself.^^
Nov 10, 2014 2:27 PM

Mar 2014
Kuga is getting more and more awesome and I want Mikumo to be as strong as him without all this praising he gets for things he didn't do -_-

It's taking looong but this anime has potential so will keep watching ^_^
Trash mammal
Nov 11, 2014 8:20 AM

Dec 2008
What a hateful wench!! I would love for her to get eaten by one of those monsters, but I doubt it will happen.

Sent with Mal Updater
Nov 11, 2014 8:33 AM

Oct 2014
DavidTheHuman said:
Kuga is getting more and more awesome and I want Mikumo to be as strong as him without all this praising he gets for things he didn't do -_-

It's taking looong but this anime has potential so will keep watching ^_^

Mikumo takes the whole praise thing the hardest, believe me. He really dislikes it to get praised/admired for stuff he didn't do/rumored stuff, but he gotta suck it up if he wants to protects Yuuma's identity.^^

Hannah_Ana said:
What a hateful wench!! I would love for her to get eaten by one of those monsters, but I doubt it will happen.

She's not hateful, just very proud, stubborn and a "honor student" aka following the rules to the T: Osamu is the opposite of that.
Also as for your doubt, you're in for a surprise is all I can say without spoilering too much. :P
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