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Oct 6, 2009 9:35 AM

Aug 2009
I kept thinking that Night was going to somehow turn into a human- Wishful thinking. When they were saying things like- He's burning up; his body is hot or how he was having a hard time breathing at the end (during fights), I thought they were foreshadowing signs that he was becoming a human.

Ahhh...and I can't believe I cried. I didn't think I was going to after reading everyone's comments! I started getting teary-eyed when I saw Night wrapped up and could stop crying!

At first I liked Soushi and Riko as a couple, but as the story moved along I just felt bad for Soushi and preferred Night with Riko.

For some reason, I felt there was just something lacking in Soushi's part (whether he just didn't appear enough, or made a big enough impact, or his personality- just not sure what it is) to make me want the two of them together.

Personally, I liked Night and Riko. Normally I don't like the completely perfect guy, but the thing is- he wasn't perfect... Really.
Come and join us!

Oct 16, 2009 5:56 PM

Oct 2009
Im crying so much! i just finished... im so sad.... i need a hug.. <( ':_': )>

♥*♡∞:。.。 True Love 。.。:∞♡*♥
Nov 7, 2009 3:37 AM
Nov 2008
Damn..that was unexpected.....and sad..>_<..*cries*
Nov 15, 2009 3:27 AM

Nov 2009
dude if you didnt cry your so heartless this manga was the shiz and aya-san I was wishing Night would turn hman too!!! T___T
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Nov 17, 2009 7:53 AM

Mar 2009
crying? yes ... it was really painfull i have depression 2 weeks T___T
Nov 17, 2009 11:59 AM
Jan 2009
AyaSeiran said:
I kept thinking that Night was going to somehow turn into a human- Wishful thinking. When they were saying things like- He's burning up; his body is hot or how he was having a hard time breathing at the end (during fights), I thought they were foreshadowing signs that he was becoming a human.

Ahhh...and I can't believe I cried. I didn't think I was going to after reading everyone's comments! I started getting teary-eyed when I saw Night wrapped up and could stop crying!

At first I liked Soushi and Riko as a couple, but as the story moved along I just felt bad for Soushi and preferred Night with Riko.

For some reason, I felt there was just something lacking in Soushi's part (whether he just didn't appear enough, or made a big enough impact, or his personality- just not sure what it is) to make me want the two of them together.

Personally, I liked Night and Riko. Normally I don't like the completely perfect guy, but the thing is- he wasn't perfect... Really.

yes i did cry!!!! :((
hunnysenpaiNov 19, 2009 8:29 AM
Dec 20, 2009 4:31 AM

Aug 2007
Omg I cried too. But I wanted her to be with Night. I feel so sad now.
Jan 5, 2010 4:06 PM

Feb 2009
I cried twice at different times cuz my friend spoiled the end for me so after I cried for 30mins I cried again when I finished the manga 2 weeks l8r. Damn u Riiko!!
Sas-uke the name says it all.
Mar 20, 2010 8:29 AM

Mar 2010
waaaaaaa that was so sad even if knight-kun was a figure i wished they could have been with each other that was just heartbreaking for riiko-chan. i cried yes and its such a good manga! >w<
Apr 3, 2010 1:07 PM
May 2009
Yes the end was really sad, I didn't cry but my eyes were teary... I have wanted Soshi and Riku to end up together but not like that... Poor Night...
Apr 19, 2010 4:20 PM

Jan 2010
That was so sad, i cried like hell. Night is an awesome guy!
May 24, 2010 5:15 PM

Feb 2009
that was the best ending ever but sad...i started crying the bit when soushi was reading the letter that Night wrote to him while he was in spain..
..*cries* it was a very touching ending and i couldn't stop crying after that
Jul 17, 2010 2:14 PM

May 2010
I cried! I was expecting an ending where Night turned into a human. I liked Soushi to begin with, and thought the mangaka was going to have a epic love triangle, but it was pretty much all Night. I liked him much more as the series progressed.
So sad!

Jul 24, 2010 2:22 AM

Oct 2009
I cried like a baby...really.
I wasn't expecting that at all...maybe i was just wishing for a Chobits ending, seriously.
Jul 24, 2010 2:33 AM

Jan 2008
Yeah, I cried too. Honestly it's really rare for me to have even teary eyes, but here I cried and cried and cried. I used half of the tissue box I've had on my desk that time.
Aug 17, 2010 11:38 AM

Jun 2010
i didnt cry per say but i did tear up but then an 1 hr later i started to cry i was so in shock that it happend i felt bad for riko and night at the end of the chapter and like i saw the j-drama as well of it that did not help lol
Anime/Manga Gives Heart To The World <3
Sep 12, 2010 12:21 AM
Aug 2008
i started tearing up when i saw him wrapped up and when the letter came i started like dripping D; T.T

Sep 27, 2010 3:22 PM

Jan 2010
Yeah, I cried too T.T
Nov 2, 2010 3:23 PM

Apr 2010
yes I did!!!!
I mean I liked both the guys (all the guys really) but Night??!!!!
*bawls out of control*
Why did he have to die, I would have excepted it if Soushi would have gotten her, which I half expected BUT DEAD?
NO!!!! I was crying so hard I loved him, "doll" or not.

I also thought he would indeed get the girl and soushi would go with the girl with the scar on her back (4got her name u_u )

and for the record? I hate her ex-friend the bitch!!!!!
she reminds me of sae from peach girl home wrecker!!!

again all the guys in this story were so cool even tho toshiki and the little runt had to grow on me (the kid-man taking the longest) I did like them
especially toshiki when he changed xD
4 of 5...because Night died!!!
T_T I'll b crying for days
[Catchy, cool, insightful quote]
Nov 2, 2010 4:16 PM

Mar 2009
No. Sad endings make me laugh.
Nov 26, 2010 2:19 PM
Feb 2010
Jun 18, 2011 2:21 AM

May 2010
Aug 24, 2011 6:11 PM

Feb 2009
Nop! I really didn't liked that end. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm angry that Soushi went back, even when Riiko chose Night instead of him so many times. It's a nice thing that Night "died" (I mean, I like Night, but all the time I was: "Man, he's a figure!", differently that when I was reading Chobits and it was all: "Oh my, Chii, you can be human, you can be anything that you want! Oh you!"), but other end was on my mind: When Night was "sick" and Riiko sayed "Give him to another girl!", then she would choose Soushi (with all that I-loved-you-since-the-beginning thing) and Night would be sent to Miyabe, because she needs love in her life to handle that the burns on her back and stuff.
loeyAug 24, 2011 6:16 PM
Sep 25, 2011 9:46 PM
Jul 2010
just finshed it tonight and i thought i was sad,almost cried how night thought about what was best for her. first love can hurt
Dec 3, 2011 10:57 PM
Feb 2010
I didn't cry because I knew one of the guys was gonna kick the can and the obvious choice to die was Night. My eyes hurt a little though when Soshi came back and read her the letter that Night wrote. Night thought of her til the end. I probably would've cried if I hadn't separated Volume 5 and 6 by a month and a half. (I had a hard time finding Volume 6 at the library.)
Dec 6, 2011 8:04 PM

May 2011
I cried so much at the end, it was so SAD! T-T
Dec 20, 2011 11:52 PM
Sep 2011
I read all of this in one sitting. I've been in my room for something like 4 or 5 hours reading them back to back only leaving to use the restroom. The ending made me tear up. I kept on believing that Night was going turn into a human. My dream was shattered and he died.

I was really angry when Shoshi came back at the end. I did not like him once he started interfering with Riiko and Nights relationship. He had all that time to confess to her and once she starts dating Night he decides to embrace her? Kiss he on the lips? Confess his feelings? I don't know what everyone else thought about his actions while Riiko was dating Night but I thought it was very wrong of him as well as selfish. I am happy that on the last page they didn't show Shoshi together with Riiko, I think they just stayed as friends as her heart should forever be with Night...At least that is the ending I've made for myself because I hate the thought of Shoshi and Riiko. What a beautiful manga. ^^

I must say that this Manga made me want a girlfriend. they always give the female characters such innocent and fun personalities but where I live I have 0 interest so ugh...disappointing. Where are the the blunt innocent/virgin Tsunderes, Yanderes, or nice shy girls who confess their feelings and take care and love you forever and are still looking for their first kiss!?!?!? It would be epic If I ran into a girl in one of these categories! I would truly be content or a girl like Riiko! ^^
SuppleTearsDec 21, 2011 12:33 AM
Dec 22, 2011 3:24 PM

Apr 2009
I can't stop crying, and I didn't even like this manga all that much. It was so sad though. I cried twice - when he came back (idk, I was just touched) and now. I preferred Night from the beginning and I was hoping that they'd end up together somehow though I knew it wasn't possible. She couldn't date a doll after all...but, but, but... ;__________;
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Aug 29, 2012 6:49 PM
Feb 2011
This one actually didn't make me cry because I was a bit mad. Riiko's chose Night over I liked Soushi more.

I'd rather she either chose Soushi or Soushi never came back to Japan. She chose Night so that is that. He would probably only remember he saying she loved Night every time Soushi looked at her. Hell she would probably remember Night every time they are together.
korn7809Aug 29, 2012 7:22 PM
Feb 20, 2013 7:40 AM

Feb 2013
I read it a long time ago, i just remember the sad feeling i've got when i read the ending.. TT^TT
gosh Night u are such a gentleman..dT^Tb too bad Riiko didn't end up with night but well he's a robot, of course the mangaka will give us Soushi..

May 6, 2013 6:06 AM
Dec 2012
Sigh. *hics hics*

It's so sad, I was teary eyed when I was reading the panel that says Night won't wake up ever. Doggoneit. I never expected it.

I also had the same suspicion - that night might really turn human if he and Riiko would be, you know, official lovers plus the fact that he was getting hotter and sleepy most of the time... but gaaaah.

Why did he have to... well, sigh, it can't be helped I guess. It is true what Gaku said that since he is not human, well, there is indeed an expiration. Oh well. It's just plain sad. And it was thoughtful of him to write Soushi a letter telling the situation and for him to come back and take care of Riiko. Yet another sigh.
Aug 25, 2013 8:27 AM
Oct 2011
night..... that end..
"you'll always be my absolute boyfriend"

Feb 23, 2014 5:16 PM
Jun 2011
I also cried when Night was wrapped up and Riiko was so distraught.

I was on the fence about her ending up with Night and Soushi but ended up leaning more toward Night and was glad when she chose him in the end.

I thought Night might turn into a human after they made love since he seemed rejuvenated and repaired but I thought they ended it in a realistic manner. He was a very sweet character and it was a bittersweet ending. She was able to have her first love from start to finish with Night and I'm thinking she was able to be with Soushi in a slightly more mature relationship. Now she will be able to be married and have a family and grow old with someone who will love her just as much.

This was a really great Manga and I read it all in just 2 sittings. Highly recommend this!
Mar 23, 2014 8:36 PM

Mar 2012
dalek said:
Nop! I really didn't liked that end. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm angry that Soushi went back, even when Riiko chose Night instead of him so many times. It's a nice thing that Night "died" (I mean, I like Night, but all the time I was: "Man, he's a figure!", differently that when I was reading Chobits and it was all: "Oh my, Chii, you can be human, you can be anything that you want! Oh you!"), but other end was on my mind: When Night was "sick" and Riiko sayed "Give him to another girl!", then she would choose Soushi (with all that I-loved-you-since-the-beginning thing) and Night would be sent to Miyabe, because she needs love in her life to handle that the burns on her back and stuff.

seconded. honestly, considering all her big talk about how she didn't mind he was a figure, she should have accepted the difference in lifespan.

shoushi should have paired up with someone else, perhaps miyabe or another person.
Jul 24, 2014 7:54 PM

Jan 2014
No, but that's because I saw it coming. Night was acting like a computer on its last legs :(

The part I didn't like was that it was Soushi whom Riiko got in a relationship with. He's just a dick to her so many times, kissing her by force and putting her in awkward situations for no reason. Like all of Riiko's past boyfriends, it seems, although her ex-friend was even worse. Poor girl, you can see why she ordered a figure.
Aug 26, 2014 7:28 AM

Mar 2013
I didnt cry but I really felt bad and sad . 😢😦😦
Mar 15, 2018 8:41 AM
Mar 2018
Of course i'm cryinggg. That was seriously saddd. Especially , when Night was wrapped up and Riko kissed him just to wake him up. Goshh, my heart. I still wishing that if Night can be human. He such a gentlement. Damn. However the ending really do the justice. It wrapped everything perfectly.

I mean like, if the ending end up with Night and Riko (which is what I want), somehow its feel like the story was left cliffhanger because Night is just a figure. Anytime or anywhere he can be malfunction. So the ending, even tho it was so damn heartbreaking, but i am totally satisfied.

Seriously recommending this manga! Wohoo!
Efar136Mar 15, 2018 8:50 AM
May 6, 2019 5:38 PM

Mar 2015
really felt unfinished, the last few chapters didnt went anywhere.
Oct 10, 2019 6:14 AM
Jul 2019
i’m super late to the party but yeah i absolutely cried ;-;
Dec 18, 2020 12:22 AM
May 2020
stazgirl said:
i’m super late to the party but yeah i absolutely cried ;-;

Me too T-T, honestly throughout the manga I didn’t feel like I was all too attached to Night, I actually favored Soushi more but I found myself crying a bit at the end. Looks like I did come to love Night as a character after all
Nov 15, 2021 5:15 AM
Jul 2020
Honestly my eyes are feeling heavy from reading the finale. I just want to cry the day away 😭 I think it’s interesting how if the fight between Toshiki (was that his name? I forgot lol) and Night never happened, Night would still be functional and would’ve continued on with Riiko. But needless to say Riiko had to learn her lesson from being desperate over people and understand the actions of consequences as a human being, so Night needed to “die” in order to grow; and understand how spending the rest of her life with Night could affect her future. She needed to have this experience to learn not to take others for granted; those who care about her (like Soushi). People relying on technology for happiness is sadly realistic and Im honestly moved that the ending was her going back to reality. Even though I really enjoyed Chobits as well, which this can easily be compared to, the biggest difference is that the Doll series in Absolute Boyfriend is hush hush and secret to society, whereas Chobits is the norm. I really appreciate Yuu Watase’s perspective on this kind of “reality” with this ending to the series.
azenobioNov 15, 2021 5:37 AM
Jan 7, 2022 9:46 AM
May 2018
Yes, I'm also late to the party.. I cryed at the end. And sometimes laugh in the previous volumes of the comic that were made. *Sigh*..... I hoped for that he could magically turned in to a human. Riiko could hear his heartbeat? I thought that a heart was beeing made inside him, when I readed that. Come on!

I'm pleased to read the whole manga, but I'm not satisfyed with the end.

The end.
Mar 8, 2022 11:46 AM

Dec 2020
Nope. I was actually pretty annoyed by night tbh… I wanted soushi to win so badly
Oct 2, 2023 1:27 AM
Sep 2021
Im so sad huhu I can't believe it ended that way

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