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Aug 1, 2010 7:19 AM

Feb 2010
Sawoko is starting to annoy me somewhat. At this point, you would think her development would have come a little further in how she acts towards others, i.e. in making clear what she wants. Like someone said previously, this kind of thing was cute 10 episodes ago. Not so now. In comparison to some of the decisons she made earlier, this episode was really weak, and it pretty much just shows that her character is stagnant at this point. And I'm sick of tears. She has the same goddamn reaction every time. I'm hoping the relationship between Sawoko and Shouta actually has a major development at the end - as in a mutual confession, a kiss, and acknowledgement that they are a couple.

Also have to admit that I am much more interested now in a romance between Ryuu and Chizuru... if they made a spin-off OVA series, and shoved Sawoko and Shouta in the background, I would be much happier.
Aug 17, 2010 11:30 PM

Aug 2010
I support Chizuru x Ryuu :O!!!
Sep 6, 2010 10:07 AM

Sep 2009
I love Ryuu so much! hahaha!

Im glad sawako went to the party in the end, even tho she missed it, kazehaya was there <3 soo cute! :D

Sep 6, 2010 10:10 AM

Sep 2009
novalis said:
Sawoko is starting to annoy me somewhat. At this point, you would think her development would have come a little further in how she acts towards others, i.e. in making clear what she wants. Like someone said previously, this kind of thing was cute 10 episodes ago. Not so now. In comparison to some of the decisons she made earlier, this episode was really weak, and it pretty much just shows that her character is stagnant at this point. And I'm sick of tears. She has the same goddamn reaction every time. I'm hoping the relationship between Sawoko and Shouta actually has a major development at the end - as in a mutual confession, a kiss, and acknowledgement that they are a couple.

Also have to admit that I am much more interested now in a romance between Ryuu and Chizuru... if they made a spin-off OVA series, and shoved Sawoko and Shouta in the background, I would be much happier.

Also agree with everything you said. Definitely more interested in what happens with Ryuu and Chizuru ... Sawako barely speaks to kazehaya, she just makes shocked noises at him, haha! I really do wish she would just tell him how she feels or vice versa!!

Sep 16, 2010 7:28 PM

May 2010
Nice ep..

Looking Sawako crying bec. of wanting to go to her friends for X-mas party was :(

but at the same time, it made me smiled..

Sawako's dad was funny although he always interrupt Sawako's decision..
Dec 24, 2010 7:28 PM

Oct 2008
Poor Sawako. D:
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Jan 16, 2011 4:50 PM

Mar 2009
I'd be upset too if what happened with the christmas present happened to me.
Feb 18, 2011 11:58 AM

Jun 2009
The fuzzy feelings are too much for me. I can’t resist anymore~

Now Sawako’s habit to cry by everything affected me. I couldn’t stop crying for the entire episode.

I felt myself quite identified when Sawako couldn’t say anything to her parents, and felt they would be disappointed if she weren’t there at Christmas. And Sawako’s dad reminded me of mine’s… And he was frustrating.

Kazehaya’s hat!! ;___; Why?! Oh God, why?!

Still, the girdle-resembling thing was priceless when she gave it to him.
I think, then procrastinate.
Therefore, I am.
Mar 1, 2011 8:50 AM

Feb 2011
kinda sad at the beginning that sawako can't go to the party
but she can tell what she want to her pitiful dad
although she late to the party
it nice to see kazehaya still there
Mar 4, 2011 12:07 AM

Aug 2010
It made me feel fucking sad that Sawako missed the entire party.

shit this episode even made ME feel lonely.
Mar 7, 2011 2:46 PM

Aug 2008
Gotta admit the dad has sense when it really matters. What a perfect present!
Apr 6, 2011 1:29 AM

Jan 2011
I almost punched my monitor when I saw Sawako's dad wearing the hat.

novalis said:
Sawoko is starting to annoy me somewhat. At this point, you would think her development would have come a little further in how she acts towards others, i.e. in making clear what she wants. Like someone said previously, this kind of thing was cute 10 episodes ago. Not so now. In comparison to some of the decisons she made earlier, this episode was really weak, and it pretty much just shows that her character is stagnant at this point. And I'm sick of tears. She has the same goddamn reaction every time. I'm hoping the relationship between Sawoko and Shouta actually has a major development at the end - as in a mutual confession, a kiss, and acknowledgement that they are a couple.

When someone is a victim for 10 years, (being avoided, victim of rumors, teasing) do you suddenly expect them to be direct within a few months? We're taking someone with near zero social skills and thrusting them into a complete social situation, this isn't something that can be fixed easily.
hottbillApr 8, 2011 1:31 AM
Apr 13, 2011 7:48 PM

Jun 2009
Apr 16, 2011 8:50 AM

Dec 2007
Why would you take that fuckin' hat ?
Jun 9, 2011 3:00 AM

Oct 2010
I actually got mad when Sawako's dad took the hat she made for Kazehaya. :| Rrr.

But I still love her family, nonetheless~.
[insert awesome signature here]
Jul 9, 2011 1:40 AM

Mar 2009
Lol her dad took the present meant for Kazehaya.
Jul 22, 2011 1:47 PM

Mar 2011
Awwww this whole episode gave me a warm feeling. So touching. The dad looked ballin' in that hat.
Dec 23, 2011 10:25 AM

May 2009
Gaaaahhh I feel so happy!

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

Feb 12, 2012 7:28 AM
Jul 2018

Daddy, why are you so hard with Sawako!?
And Sawako is such a tight-lipped.
But glad she really came in the party though~
Feb 28, 2012 2:16 AM

Sep 2011
I love Christmas episodes. Though I wish she was able to give that beanie to Kazehaya. =/
Mar 1, 2012 2:03 PM

May 2011
another feel good ep. very nice ^^
Mar 6, 2012 10:07 PM
Mar 2010
First episode in the series to make me tear. I've been in Sawako's position many times: wanting to be somewhere with your friends, but staying home. It's a shitty feeling. And having feelings that don't exactly match up with your parents'. Ah. Oh too common. I began to tear when Sawako's dad gave her the cell phone claiming it was from Santa, as if she was still 3. Lol. I didn't even know the Japanese celebrated Christmas like that :P.

Growing up sucks for parents. I can't help but feel sorta bad, but happy.

"It's just...a bad dream! Wake up, wake up...!"
May 29, 2012 7:19 PM
May 2012
Omg I really hate it when Sawako doesn't speak up like say what she really feels but I guess it was really sweet of her when she let her dad have Kazehaya's present, which I thought was pretty funny ^_^
Aug 10, 2012 12:03 PM

Jan 2012
When Kazehaya was waiting in the snow for her to show up, I just had to pause the video because the feels were too overwhelming.
Dec 10, 2012 11:07 AM

Oct 2012
I don't know how to appropriately express this into words but I guess I'll try. I get really emotional whenever there is a scene in a movie/tv show where the character has to run to get something they want before time "runs" out. I suppose its a running fetish. At any rate, when Sawako ran at the end of the episode... I lost in. It feels like I'm in a class cage of emotion right about now. I just love this show so much. It really makes me want to be a better person.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Feb 15, 2013 3:41 PM

Oct 2011
Teared up watching this episode ;~; it was really sweet to see her parents let her go to the party, especially when her dad gave her the phone. I was really hoping she'd make it to the party but at least she got to see Kazehaya. I love this show so much T___T
May 2, 2013 3:15 PM

Jan 2011
I haven't watched this in quite a while but I finally have the time to watch non-airing shows again.
I got sucked into this right away and I had a huge smile on the face the entire episode, this is just epic.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
May 9, 2013 1:59 PM

Mar 2013
I smiled the whole time, while watching this hihi.

Sawako looked cute by the way. I love the way how they blush ^-^
May 28, 2013 8:58 AM

Feb 2013
Wow.....I pretty much cried the whole episode........
Jul 24, 2013 9:53 PM

Oct 2012
This episode got me right in the feels. ;_;
Jul 28, 2013 12:38 PM

Jun 2010
lmao aw at sawakos father
cute episode especially the end
Aug 4, 2013 8:08 PM

Apr 2013
Too... Much...


Apr 11, 2014 12:48 AM

Jan 2008
This episode made me cry so much but it was such an amazing episode though n she finally got a phone its about time but I love this series so much I never thought that another anime would ever make me cry like Clannad(both seasons) did but this one achieved it though way to go developers
Apr 16, 2014 9:20 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
x3mslayer said:
I hate Sawako's dad, and Sawako's stupidity in this episode!!

I disagree, put yourself in Sawako's shoes because one she's really shy about attending these social events, and two Sawako was born on New Year's Eve. So to Sawako's father and mother she's their bundle of joy and princess. You have to understand her personality as well. It's not like she couldn't go to the party, but she couldn't help bring herself to tell them because she was worried how her parents would react. To Sawako's parents Christmas Eve is like an early birthday party as well and it became a tradition to her parents to celebrate Christmas Eve together as a family.

Plus Sawako's father still views Sawako as her little princess. So to see her attend these parties is a big step for Sawako becoming more independent. Her dad was a bit annoying, but I can understand why he would be a bit sad yet happy she is growing up.
BerryParfaitApr 16, 2014 9:48 AM

May 17, 2014 9:28 PM

Aug 2013
Dat almost cockblocking dad! xD

Pretty cute episode, slow as usual. I didn't even noticed that she didn't had a cellphone! :O

@ SweetKotomi : Could not have said it better :P
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jun 29, 2014 9:16 AM
Oct 2012
This episode was so sweet :3
Jul 24, 2014 12:01 AM

Jan 2014
Enjoyed it : )
But I'd like to see more of Ryu x Chizu as well ...
Aug 17, 2014 11:58 PM

Nov 2012
Could Kazehaya just be any more sweet? doki doki!
Sep 23, 2014 7:15 PM

Jul 2013
Idk, not a fan of Sawako in this episode. If she wanted to go that bad she should have asked. I know it's not in her personality to but even with her dad being annoying it was just hard to watch. :/

However, the moment with Kazehaya was cute. I just wish the dad didn't take the hat, and I wish she didn't let him.
Jan 18, 2015 2:37 AM

Jan 2013
It was a little sad that she didn't made to the party.
But it ended well.
Feb 14, 2015 12:26 PM

Aug 2013
unmemorablehero said:
Wow.....I pretty much cried the whole episode........

I think it was most beautiful episode for now.
Apr 3, 2015 9:06 PM

Jun 2013
I was actually pissed when Sawako's dad took the hat that she made for Kazehaya. But at least, at the last part Sawako and Kazehaya exchanged their gift. She received a keychain from him, while he received a gift (it was supposed to be a hat, but her dad took it, arghhh) that was meant for her dad.

And the first contact number in Sawako's cellphone (even though I was annoyed at her dad for getting the hat, at least he gave her a phone) is from Kazehaya. <3
Jan 22, 2016 7:03 PM

Nov 2011
Yeeeeah, this was a pretty sad episode. I felt bad for Sawako, and I was legitimately upset with the dad for taking the hat like that. No sensitivity whatsoever. Bleh.

Christmas in particular is a bit of a sensitive area for me due to personal circumstances, so seeing someone's Christmas messed up even in fiction is kinda depressing. Likewise, seeing someone having a fun Christmas in fiction probably has a bigger positive effect on me than most.

I am glad that they ended up meeting and having that moment in the end, though.
Mar 3, 2016 4:45 AM

Mar 2014
The Chilly bells and thorny eves .
Iku yo !! Hajimete yo Christmas ~ .
Parental love since birth .
Those handcrafts are amazing ~ .
Voices and Blessings .
The Winter Bites .. into the Snowy night ~ <3 .
VERY GREAT EPISODE . Merry Christmas .
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 15, 2016 11:42 AM

Oct 2015
really starting to get annoyed by these parents
Nov 26, 2018 10:45 PM

Oct 2017
The end of the school term is coming up, which means Christmas is around the corner. Poor Chizu is gonna have to take extra classes because of her test grades.

Kazehaya decided to throw a big Christmas party for everyone. Sawako sure seems excited about it. She’s worried because she usually celebrates Christmas with her family. She’ll have to ask them for permission first.
You can tell how happy she is to be able to celebrate with everyone.

Sawako is thinking of all the gifts she plans to give her friends and family. Except Kazehaya. She thinks she wouldn’t have the nerve to give him something. She’s still gonna knit a beanie. Just in case lol.

Sawako is having a hard time asking for permission to the party. Her dad seems so excited about Christmas and she doesn’t want to dampen his mood.

In the end, Sawako decides to not go, so she doesn’t hurt her family’s feelings. At school, she gives Ayane and Chizuro the gifts she made for them. Of course they love them.

Kazehaya finds out that Sawako can’t come to the party. He seems pretty bummed out about it. I’m sure he wanted her to come more than anyone else.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, Sawako’s dad finds the hat Sawako made for Kazehaya, thinking it was her gift to him. Being the sweet girl that she is, she couldn’t tell him the truth, thinking that she wouldn’t have have given it to Kazehaya anyways.

During dinner, Sawako’s friends call from the party to check up on her. She wants to be there with them so much that she starts to cry. She can’t even form words when Kazehaya picks up the phone. Poor girl needs to know it’s okay to be a little selfish sometimes..

She asks her dad to go see her friends, even if it’s for a few minutes. Her dad brings her a gift, ushering her to open it. It was a cell phone. He basically tells her to go do what she wants, as long as she keeps in contact with her parents.

She quickly rushes out, hoping she won’t miss the last few minutes of the party. She finds that Kazehaya is the last person waiting for her, out in the snow. He gives her a gift, a cute little charm that she puts on her new phone. They exchange numbers. He’s the first entry in her phone. This scene was really pretty.
Also, she couldn’t give him the hat, so he had to settle for a neck warmer that was originally for her dad lol. He still loved it. I really want them to be together already.
Feb 3, 2019 11:17 PM

Jul 2016
What a way to kill the mood, dad!

I know it's great to spend time with parents and all but for some reason, I found Sawako's dilemma about the party a bit overdramatic but well, since due to that, that beautiful and intimate scene in the end between her and Kazehaya was possible, I guess the drama wasn't that bad either.

Also, Kazehaya must be psychic or something, that was such a perfect timing for that present.

Anyways, it was a good episode. Sawako's dad was annoying for moments but he could redeem himself with his present and those last words to Sawako.

P.S.: Ugh... Kurumi is back...
Jan 12, 2020 6:32 AM
Apr 2016
What a heart-warming episode! Just beautiful.
Feb 2, 2020 3:56 PM
Dec 2018
Chizuru and Ryuu are so much more interesting. Sawako is to much of a doormat. And as a father I'd never wander into my daughter's room an take anything...unless of course it was mine in the first place :).
Oct 8, 2020 9:07 PM

Jun 2020
that was so touching when they gave her a call to check up on her, i was all teary. her friends are such gems! ♡

i actually felt it was so sweet of sawako to not disregard her parents' feelings, she was very considerate & being a good daughter. when sawako was lonely & didn't have any friends, it was her parents who were there for her. she was just trying not to be ungrateful & she didn't want to disappoint them either, not everyone is as thoughtful & kind towards their parents, if i were in her shoes, and have done so many times, i would probably go ahead & attend the party as well, but now that i'm older & thinking back, i wished i could have been as thoughtful as her.

kazehaya looked so cute with all that snow in his hair ♡_____♡

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

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