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The Betrayal Knows My Name
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Jul 4, 2010 10:58 AM

May 2010
So, there was no new opening/ending.
- In the whole episode Yuki was not able to believe that Kanata is Reiga, which it - was sort of annoying.
- Sodom can actually transform.
- More Luka action.
- Reiga was called Reiga Giou, being a friend of Takashiro.
- Takashiro's book is called the Key of Solomon.
- Great fight between Reiga and Takashiro summoning those dragons.
- Reiga warned Yuki to not trust everything that Takashiro says. (Maybe Reiga is not the real bad guy after all?)

It was a nice episode so far, with many new hints.
Jul 4, 2010 11:05 AM

Aug 2009
I'm happy with next week preview, we'll have my fav scene from the manga with Hotsuma/Shuusei <3
Pure love.
Jul 4, 2010 11:51 AM

May 2008
Probably I exaggerate, but this was awesome episode. I even liked the Yuki's voice, his seiyuu made good job in this episode. Also so sad and great song at the end, I can't wait for OST. Is it only me, who love soundtracks in Uragiri?

I didn't noticed any failures in this episode, even Luka's "I will not betray Yuki" was touching ;_; Ah and also Yuki looked even prettier <3
Jul 4, 2010 12:21 PM
Feb 2010
Overall I really liked it....I don't understand why everyone always stops when Yuki asks them. Maybe I'm missing something but everyone stops when Yuki has an emotional moment; I just don't get it and it's a little irritating, personally. I guess I'm looking for some more substance from Yuki that would explain why a powerful Opast would fall in love with him/her.
Jul 4, 2010 12:35 PM

May 2009
Wow, this episode was awesome. It just had that feeling, you know? The voice acting, animation and music all made it epic. Yuki was a bit annoying, but can't really blame the guy. After all, he just found out that his best friend is the enemy.
Jul 4, 2010 2:03 PM

Dec 2008
Darkmaya said:
I can't wait for OST. Is it only me, who love soundtracks in Uragiri?

Here here! Especially the calm, dramatic guitar riffs. Absolutely splendid. The tracks do emanate a subtle reminder of Vampire Knight's soundtrack.

This was an interesting episode. I cannot help but sympathize Yuki since Kanata/Reiga was very dear to him. Though when Takashiro mentioned how Kanata was a reincarnate like Yuki, I do wonder about Kanata's appearance in the supposed "past-life/form". I haven't had a chance to skim through the manga yet, but this does rouse my curiousity.

Other than that, I am looking forward to the next episode! =D
~ SilentMuse, At Your Service. ~
Jul 4, 2010 2:42 PM

Jun 2009
shouldnt be luka the hero and not takashiro
but well this sobbing from yuki was damn annoying he needed the hole ep too get it that reiga is kanata

not the fastest too get things clear besides thx too him the enemie is still alive grr

what reiga dd too shuusei and tsukumo stayed without revenge that sucks
Jul 4, 2010 2:55 PM

Apr 2010
This episode was totally amazing, makes me want the next episode to come out as soon as possible!

About the OST, I can't wait for it too!

Hmm it was quite foreseen that Kanata would be Reiga, but this is was really sad, that a person who's dear to you, more like a brother or more just goes like "Then hate me, Yuki!"
If I were Yuki, I doubt my reaction would differ anyway.

I'm sympathizing with him because I'm sure it must be that hard to accept it~

I hope they add more details about Reiga and Takashiro's past! It's interesting somehow.
Jul 4, 2010 2:56 PM

Feb 2010
I thought this episode was okay.To me it didn't seem all that Exciting.
The part i liked the Most was when Kanata was Leaving and He seemed a bit Taken back by Yuki's Question.
Jul 4, 2010 3:41 PM

Nov 2008
I felt so bad for Yuki, I mean Tanaka is like his brother, so I can understand why he would have a hard time believing that he is now the enemy.... Luka's reaction at the end..I also felt bad for him..Yuki just calling out Tanaka's name like that...

Overall I loved the episode!!!
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Jul 4, 2010 4:13 PM

Mar 2008
-the camera moves towards the ceiling, and a sharp cry pierces the air- KanataaaAAAAaaaAAAaa! D; Then Kanata goes to McDonalds.

Oh, did someone mention OST?? I'm giving all my points to this because of that. Incredible music indeed~
Jul 4, 2010 5:16 PM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 4, 2010 7:27 PM

Jun 2007
That was my absolute favorite episode so far of the show! So many beautiful characters, so many great seiyuus. Ahhh need more now!

Jul 4, 2010 7:29 PM

Jun 2007
Darkmaya said:
Probably I exaggerate, but this was awesome episode. I even liked the Yuki's voice, his seiyuu made good job in this episode. Also so sad and great song at the end, I can't wait for OST. Is it only me, who love soundtracks in Uragiri?

I didn't noticed any failures in this episode, even Luka's "I will not betray Yuki" was touching ;_; Ah and also Yuki looked even prettier <3

The soundtrack is perfect. The music was spot on today, and only made the episode even more awesome.

Jul 4, 2010 9:02 PM

Nov 2007
Shut the fuck up, Yuki. Ugh. Because of your intervention Reiga escapes, his power will now fully develop, and he'll come back and people will most likely die (for real this time). Thanks, Yuki, you managed to mess everything up. Why am I not surprised? Yuki is the most annoying character, blah. And his voice sounds like he has a permanent cold, which is weird.

Tbh the only reason I watch this show is because of Luka and his sexy voice. <3 I need my Sakurai Takahiro fix, now Saraiya Goyou is over.
yamakasiJul 4, 2010 9:06 PM
Jul 4, 2010 9:35 PM

Aug 2008
God, that was boring. And Orihime crying for Ichigo over and over didn't help any.
Jul 4, 2010 11:09 PM

Jul 2008
I know a lot of people are saying this is the best episode every, but I didn't really like it. I thought it was extremely predictable. It was so obvious Yuki was going to ask Takashiro no to kill Kanata/Reiga. The episodes with Ashley were way more entertaining than this one.

Also, I don't really mind Yuki's voice, but I think his personality is annoying. "Why can't we just not fight and all be friends." That mindset is getting really old, really fast.
Jul 5, 2010 12:03 AM

Jan 2010
Takashiro & Reiga's dragon fight equals pure win that dominates the whole episode.

And not that I hate Yuki or anything, but I wish someone didn't always come and save him when he's in danger. For once, I'd like to see him get stabbed, instead of the other taking the fall.

I was about to be taken over by hatred for Yuki when he stopped Takashiro from finishing Reiga, but Yuki's ending cries for Kanata-san got to me.. I'm a sucker for guys crying. Damn.

P.S.- Anyone else hate the pained expressions on Luka's face whenever Yuki says "Kanata-san."?
Jul 5, 2010 12:28 AM

Jun 2007
nicoliolipoli said:
P.S.- Anyone else hate the pained expressions on Luka's face whenever Yuki says "Kanata-san."?

I felt bad for Luka when I saw that. And his hand moving towards Yuki's back, and flinching.

GarLogan78 said:
The episodes with Ashley were way more entertaining than this one.

Ughh, I hated those episodes. I really don't like Ashley. I'm sorry, but I'm glad she's gone.

Jul 5, 2010 4:31 AM
Aug 2009
Ok people, look. It's easy to see Yuki as a ridiculously annoying character when you're just watching from the outset, but if you seriously consider his position accepting someone he loves and cares for as the person who wants to kill him and he must help kill is obviously difficult. It would be for anyone. Sure, he could be a little less "omg bawwww!" about it, but.. people are different. This also just seems to be the popular type in anime - Yuki's taking over the helpless girl role because well.. he's the helpless girl. Yada yada we've all heard the song Yuki is annoying, moving along.

Yes, Yuki's voice is bothersome. The permanent cold comment was spot on. It's very disturbing. But HE IS A GOOD CRYER! I can never recall hearing a crying anime voice that I thought sounded the least bit real or could feel sympathetic for, but whoever this guy is can really bust out a cry. I almost felt that one.

Also, I don't think Takashiro stopped just because Yuki said so - I think he stopped because Yuki's powers destroyed the dragon. That's what it seemed like to me.

The music during the fight was pretty good. I loved that etheral-sounding melisma (sounded a little like a synthesized vocal) in the background after Reiga says "It's been a while since I saw that fire in your eyes". Very fitting style.

This has been the best episode so far. I'm really surprised that Uraboku actually turned out to have some decent fight scenes. Granted it still falls prey to the fight, stop and talk, fight, stop and talk some more, but at least it makes sense half of the time being that they're spellcasters and just kind of stand there with their glowing books. Might as well chat it up, eh? Also a couple of the scenes from the fight outside were pretty cool as well. Shuusei dodging that huge-ass chakram was cool.

Closing comments:

- Shuusei's power is cool
- Luka didn't save everyone!
- Takashiro and Reiga are officially past lovers
- Takashiro is badass and kinda schmexy o-o
- Why is Hostuma not dead yet?
Jul 5, 2010 6:47 AM

Aug 2008
Nope, not a good cryer. I don't feel sympathetic because it's the only thing he does outside of heal people--just like Orihime.

My thing is this: yes, Yuki grew up with Kanata for however long. But those feelings for him weren't enough to stay at his side and aid him back when they were getting attacked. He decided that Kanata wasn't as important as Shuuei. Totally fine. But don't turn around, and (when he finds out Kanata was pretty much doing the same to him) all of a sudden be so clueless. He's standing in front of you with the book you've seen trying to kill you. At least defend yourself. This is why I hate the whiny bitch. I can forgive him for being shocked, but not for getting in the way of a battle, especially when Kanata/Reiga is telling him to get the fuck out of the way. And especially when people are risking their lives to protect him.

He's just too damn stupid.
Jul 5, 2010 7:03 AM

Dec 2009
>_> Yuki is just annoying , hey , you left him there ... did you expect him to kiss your feet for that?
Jul 5, 2010 8:16 AM

Aug 2009
Reyno said:

- Takashiro and Reiga are officially past lovers
- Takashiro is badass and kinda schmexy o-o

I always thought that Takashiro was really smexy <3
He reminds me Soubi, who I love deeply.

And YES, definitely Takashiro and Reiga are past lovers. Their conversation made that beyond any doubt. They make an awesome hot couple <3
Jul 5, 2010 9:11 AM

May 2008
The end was quite pathetic, Yuki calling out "Kanata-san". He is too naive.~
Jul 5, 2010 9:52 AM
Jun 2010
The dialogue was very horrible it almost killed by eyes (subs) + ears (KANATA-SAN!)

I don't feel sympathetic because it's the only thing he does outside of heal people--just like Orihime.

Yeah, this show is starting to look like bleach :/

The only good thing about this episode is the quality of the fighting animation. Having seen anything that great since...

Jul 5, 2010 2:26 PM

Dec 2008
Yuki needs to grow a pair!
Kanata looks A LOT like Luka.
I want Sodom for my pet.
Takashiro worked the magic in this ep...and yes he is SMEXY!
Jul 5, 2010 2:45 PM

Mar 2010
More battling and Yuki yelling Kanata-san! a lot.
Hints about Reiga and Takashiro's past. Which makes one want to know the history there. Looks like next week there will be a flashback to the female Yuki. I'm glad they kept Luka tough. I wish Yuki could fight and wouldn't be so annoying!
Jul 5, 2010 3:00 PM

Nov 2009
Am I the only one that -almost- cried at the end of this episode?

Yes, Yuki's voice can get just a bit annoying sometimes (he is a good cryer though you have to admit), but I really feel for him. I mean think of it this way.

You're an abandoned child. You make one true friend when you're a youngin, one you deeply care for, and then you come to find out he's an evil man that says he wants to kill you. I mean come on.

It's simply tragic!

But about the episode, I thought it was really good. Luka is hot as ever, as is pretty much all of them. Animation is great, music is awesome. Story isn't boring yet. I have no complaints.
Jul 5, 2010 3:16 PM

Jan 2010
Vcruzer said:
Am I the only one that -almost- cried at the end of this episode?

Yes, Yuki's voice can get just a bit annoying sometimes (he is a good cryer though you have to admit), but I really feel for him. I mean think of it this way.

You're an abandoned child. You make one true friend when you're a youngin, one you deeply care for, and then you come to find out he's an evil man that says he wants to kill you. I mean come on.

It's simply tragic!

I agree with everything.
Jul 5, 2010 7:39 PM

Jun 2009
Man, for a guy, Yuki sure cries a lot. It made me cry too :P
It was a so so episode. I like the DORAGON fight, it was epic x3
Hotsuma and Shuusei teamed up pretty well, on how they help each other lol.

Next episode, more BL coming up :D

Jul 5, 2010 7:46 PM
Jun 2010
I admit, it's sad. But they don't have to waste all the dialogue of this guy(girl) on stupid crying. We already get the point, he's a cry baby with a pure heart. Perhaps I'm being biased since I hate Orihime's copycats :/

Jul 5, 2010 10:33 PM

Feb 2010
Friend vs. Friend is my favorite kind of conflict :D

Yuki continues to annoy, but I did actually feel bad for him at the end :/ I also think he was adorable when they showed him in the flashback.

And whatever the heck those dragon things were, they were pretty awesome.
Jul 5, 2010 11:04 PM

Dec 2009
I also found it annoying when Yuki broke up the fight, but I forgave him after that flashback scene. I think he's entitled to a little bit of denial - it's pretty natural to disbelieve that someone who is like a brother would want to kill you - especially with no explanation for it.... Nobody has really explained any of this to Yuki, have they? Or maybe they have and it just didn't leave any impression on my memory...?

...and yeah, the guitar music at the end was perfect, especially with the falling snow... ...but I still don't care for the opening and ending (and it doesn't help that the female Yuki is so unattractive).
Jul 6, 2010 1:09 AM

Nov 2009
synaesthesia, Nice bumping into you again. :3
Jul 6, 2010 3:38 AM

Mar 2010
Damn that Yuki.Why does he have to ruin every scene with his constant, helpless whining??
Other that that, an amazing episode..Loved the fight, the music and Kanata..A truly beautiful fight.With the dragons and the ice scenery.
I wonder now how it will continue.The preview didn't show much.
Jul 6, 2010 10:59 AM

Feb 2010
Vcruzer said:
synaesthesia, Nice bumping into you again. :3

Nice to see you too. See you at the next Kuroshitsuji II episode XD
Jul 6, 2010 1:33 PM

Nov 2009
synaesthesia said:
Vcruzer said:
synaesthesia, Nice bumping into you again. :3

Nice to see you too. See you at the next Kuroshitsuji II episode XD

Oh, I will be there, that's a promise. xDDD
Jul 7, 2010 6:40 AM

Aug 2009
LOLZ 'Orihime Copycat' OMG, similar aspects of two characters make them copies xDDD

I never thought I'd ever give a 5/5 for an episode of Uraboku. I'm only watching it to fangasm over the cast (and the bishies help) However, I really, really enjoyed this episode.

Vcruzer said:
Am I the only one that -almost- cried at the end of this episode?

Yes, Yuki's voice can get just a bit annoying sometimes (he is a good cryer though you have to admit), but I really feel for him. I mean think of it this way.

You're an abandoned child. You make one true friend when you're a youngin, one you deeply care for, and then you come to find out he's an evil man that says he wants to kill you. I mean come on.

It's simply tragic!

^This. I wish people would stop moaning about Yuki, he's been through a lot, he's practically a woman anyway, and I can forgive him because he's cute (child!Yuki was stupidly adorable) I wish there were more people with his purity IRL ='[

And at what pet shop can I buy Sodom, please. (BTW, Sodom has the most LOL-worthy and fitting name ever x3)
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Jul 7, 2010 11:50 AM

Sep 2008
synaesthesia said:
Friend vs. Friend is my favorite kind of conflict :D

Yuki continues to annoy, but I did actually feel bad for him at the end :/ I also think he was adorable when they showed him in the flashback.

And whatever the heck those dragon things were, they were pretty awesome.

You must not take a watermelon lightly. /Sugata Eishirou/

Jul 7, 2010 12:09 PM

May 2009
noteDhero said:
Nope, not a good cryer.
He did quite good in this episode. But the cries he does for Kira in Gundam Seed... They're hilarious.
Jul 9, 2010 4:25 PM

Feb 2009
The only REALLY BAD thing about this show is Yukifag.
Jul 11, 2010 11:17 AM

Jun 2010
Ahohime said:
The only REALLY BAD thing about this show is Yukifag.

I agree. I hate his voice... It's really annoying.
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Jul 15, 2010 12:42 PM

May 2008
God...;~; I feel so bad for Yuki...he's like...I don't even know. The trauma from all that must be killing him.

Jul 16, 2010 1:22 AM

Aug 2009
This has to be the best episode up until now! I just love it when it gets so emotional. It's nice for a change to watch an anime that reveals all these feelings. Not only I didn't mind that Yuki acted like that when he learnt the truth about Kanata but I actually loved the emphasis that it was given to his emotions. It's not a small deal learning that your only best friend since your younger years now wants to kill you. It would be weird if Yuki DIDN'T react like that and accepted it sooner. I really really appreciate how this series values the emotional factor so much, so it's a 5/5 for me for this episode without a single doubt! Hope it keeps it up this way!
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jul 24, 2010 4:42 PM

Nov 2007
Kanata-san. why you be so evilz? T.T i woves yous. and apparently so does Yuki. is the entire series full of him crying? i want him to do something awesome...

Aug 21, 2010 8:48 PM

Oct 2009
Why does UraBoku have to be this emo(fail)? :/

But still, the only reason I'm watching this is because SakuTaka and OnoD are casts.
Aug 30, 2010 10:01 AM

Mar 2010
Pain, Pain, fly away
pain, pain, fly away

Some parts were mellow dramatic but then it was recovered

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 27, 2011 7:35 PM
Dec 2010
Ok I understand Yuki not knowing, since his various reactions to news is key to the anime. but I thought Luka would have deducted something.But still Yuki, The moment ago you were together with Kanata was extremely suspicious! Maybe I'm complaining too much, it must just be dramatic irony, right?

Takashiro = robot?

Are the spells are whatever really that lame? Or is English just butchering the Japanese language?

Aww....I somewhat feel bad for Yuki, damn touching childhood flashbacks.
But in conclusion, theres nothing a night with Luka won't fix, especially if Yuki's into biting...hmmm
Aug 23, 2021 6:12 AM
Jan 2018
Does anyone knows how the information of mysticism in the battle between Takashiro and Reiga were inspired? I want to give it a deeper search but I can't see how the key of Solomon and the key of Raziel connect with each other.. Did the Mangaka decided to make them enemies? Like 2 different misticism ideas.. Also Nidhogg and Vouivre (the dragons fighting each other) are 2 mythical creatures which we have also seen in the game Final Fantasy.. but except from the fact that Nidhogg is inspired by Vikings which again makes no connection with neither Solomon magic nor Jewish Misticism (Key of Raziel).. So! How all these total different information given in this episode's battle are connected? From where did Odagiri Hotaru (author and illustrator of this anime) inspired all these information?

I appreciate all kind of answers
Thanks in advance for any help!

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