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May 31, 2010 1:05 AM

Nov 2007
Lilgnomy said:
Damn... why Eclipse is taking so long!

Eclipse had a hardware failure probably after their Kaichou release. Their channel says it will be delayed. Mentar said it should be out by Monday.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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May 31, 2010 1:28 AM
May 2010
Heck yeah. Been waiting for this since December.
Such an amazing episode.
It well deserves the over 9000.
Haters be hatin' If they have a problem with the ratings, they really are trolling. The past few episodes HAVE been worth the 9000 entry. And it's only going to get better.
Just for lulz, you should put the next poll at 10,000. Just to mess with them.
May 31, 2010 3:25 AM

May 2010
Lol, what's the difference?
May 31, 2010 3:42 AM

Feb 2010
Episode 58 was more awesome, imho.

Someone feed Al a fried chicken leg!
May 31, 2010 4:31 AM

Jul 2008
Al in the fight thats wassup but damn Roy lost his sight and i hope Bradley dies slow!

May 31, 2010 6:43 AM

Apr 2009
Is Al the biggest freaking Woobie ever or is it just me? D: I've been waiting for this episode for so long x3

I don't know if anybody else feels this way, but seeing Mustang tripping helplessly is just...heartbreaking.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
May 31, 2010 7:01 AM
Apr 2008
ffIX-vivi said:
Kracksickles said:

oh okay. I just thought that in order to be one of the sacrifices you have to perform human transmutation.

Oh but hohen did perform human transmutation...on the whole xerxes nation.

The homunculus said he used hohen's blood to open the gate, therefore it was hohen who opened the gate, which makes him the 5th sacrifice (or the 1st, if you follow the timeline).

"Sacrifice" means they have to go through the gate of truth. Not necessary someone who tries to revive someone through human trasmutation. Hohenheim is one cos he went through the gate while Boss is doing some transmutation to create a new body for himself.
TenzoX said:
ArnoldK said:

I'm still in shock.

Hell, I read these chapters 5-6 months ago and I'm still in shock.

Scar/Bradley fight was wonderfully handled, and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it animated.

Loved Al's decision to come back in his armor body to fight- even though in hindsight it would have been better to just stay by the gate.

But most of all... Roy's blind. IMO that's the biggest "Oh my god!" moment in the series so far, and frankly that says a lot, with some of the emotionally brutal moments in the show. Most major character deaths in anime haven't shaken me as much as Mustang losing his eyesight.

My point exactly. I had to download episode 59 and watch it like several times to understand what's going on...
Dibs to Shinichiro Miki's scream at 11:26 (Roy's voice actor) and honestly, I'm an anime follower, not a manga reader. As for manga like Naruto/Bleach, I follow the anime and never read the manga...but for FMA, it interested me too much so I went ahead to read the manga.

Ugh. How could they blind Roy?

Anyhow, as for the episodes being long, I think there are confirmed rumors that the last chapters of FMA are about 90 pages long. I doubt they can cram everything into four episodes...unless they want to make a movie or something.

They are looking to end the series in June? Wow with 4 more episodes I hope they don't cramp the last chapter in the last episode.
May 31, 2010 7:37 AM

Jan 2009
very cool episode the fight between scar and bradley the nameless ones are cooly animated
May 31, 2010 7:58 AM

Nov 2008
ffIX-vivi said:
Kracksickles said:

oh okay. I just thought that in order to be one of the sacrifices you have to perform human transmutation.

Oh but hohen did perform human transmutation...on the whole xerxes nation.

The homunculus said he used hohen's blood to open the gate, therefore it was hohen who opened the gate, which makes him the 5th sacrifice (or the 1st, if you follow the timeline).

lol true....i guess making a philosophers stone is human transmutation but i was still right when i said he didnt try bring anyone back to life :)
May 31, 2010 8:17 AM

Oct 2008
Lets make it simple , viewing the gate makes you a sacrifice . . Thats it . It doesn't matter if you've done human transmutation , by force or by will . . . Or if you've not done it at all . .
May 31, 2010 8:35 AM

Jan 2009
But doesn't this mean Mustang is able to do transmutation without drawing circles. Meaning he can also do it without his gloves?

I'm not buying that he's completely useless now. Cool that he's the most feared State Alchemist though.

Respect to Al for choosing to fight now!

And yeah...the polls suck
May 31, 2010 8:42 AM

Jan 2009
Jesuvius said:
But doesn't this mean Mustang is able to do transmutation without drawing circles. Meaning he can also do it without his gloves?

but instead of finger snapping... Mustang have to clap his hands now right? like Al, Edward and their Master Izumi
May 31, 2010 9:39 AM

Apr 2010
I got really, really curious because things felt a bit rushed, so I went and checked the manga chapters for this episode.

I was surprised to see two major changes in this episode: first, during the rescue scene, and second, after Father lectures the sacrifices on the nature of "God."

The rescue scene at the beginning was rather censored here. When Mei and Zampano shot at the guys who were holding Roy, in the manga, the guy on the left got a dagger IN THE FREAKING FACE, and Roy used his sword to stab the guy on the right IN THE FREAKING NECK. But in this episode, the dagger hit the guy's shoulder, and Roy stabbed the other man in the leg.

Then, when Roy got to Riza and was desperately trying to revive her, the guy who got a dagger in the shoulder runs up to Roy, very slowly picks up a sword, and very slowly moves to stab Roy until Darius kicks him away. It was stupid, and it wasn't like that in the manga, he was already moving to kill Roy before he even reached Riza there.

Secondly, Ed's ranting against God was added for the anime. Based on what he said ("I cannot accept a Truth that is so irrational!") I'm getting the feeling that Father is going to be a mere sideshow by the end, and that the true final battle will be against God.

tl;dr version:

1. Violence censor during hostage rescue.
2. FMAB is becoming His Dark Materials.
May 31, 2010 9:45 AM

Feb 2009
Have to agree that the polls doesn't really reflect this episode. It should be next episode that should be "Uber Epic Super Duper WIN" based on the preview. But I'm really amused at Fai's analogy of FMA and Naruto XD.

The explanation about the Truth and the sacrifices' lost body parts and about Bradley and Scar's "nameless battle" didn't have a great effect like in the manga but it was ok.
And Mustang's didn't see that coming, forced opening of the Gate XD. I was kinda turned off by KugiRie's voice acting of Al in the gate but it was ok also.

Next episode is around chapter 103-104 right? Damn it's neck in neck with the manga. I want to read the posts of the people here next week on what they think when that happens. It seriously gave me goosebumps when I read it.
May 31, 2010 10:47 AM

Apr 2010
Wow, I wasn't expecting Mustang to loose his sight! Excellent battle animation with the nameless ones and excellent episode overall. Previews for next one look amazing.
May 31, 2010 12:59 PM

Apr 2008
Unfortunately, I was spoiled on Mustang's loss by some troll.

As for Al's decision... I don't think it was the right one.
May 31, 2010 1:15 PM

Nov 2007
Jesuvius said:
But doesn't this mean Mustang is able to do transmutation without drawing circles. Meaning he can also do it without his gloves?

I think he's still going to need his gloves, since he uses alchemy to adjust the oxygen densities in the surrounding atmosphere. When he snaps his fingers, he creates a spark that leads to the explosions. He needs the gloves, but not the transmutation circles drawn on them.
May 31, 2010 1:31 PM

Jun 2009
Great Great episode, Can't wait for the next episode !
May 31, 2010 2:21 PM

Dec 2007
Great episode.. poor Al
May 31, 2010 2:27 PM

May 2008
Whoa, I can't bear this kind of exiting cliffhangers~ and we again have to wait 1 week to know what will happen (at least me, who don't read the manga)...
Poor Mustang, it took his vision...I'm gonna cry~
It was an awsome episode~~
May 31, 2010 2:40 PM
Dec 2009
Why Alphonse didn't take his body DX
He's so damn hot >.<

May 31, 2010 2:50 PM
Dec 2007
Perfectly average episode, and very anticlimactic at that.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 31, 2010 3:03 PM

Dec 2008
Damn. That was something. I can believe, but didn't want to, that they would force Mustang to open the door. Poor Mustang is blind. Damn.

Wow. Alphonse, gave up the opportunity to regain his body because it wouldn't be helpful. Man.

You could also really feel the deep bond between Mustang and Hawkeye here.
cb27dedMay 31, 2010 3:08 PM
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
May 31, 2010 3:49 PM

Aug 2007
This was a really heated episode in a different way than the ones before have been (as in no epic fights and such). So many tough decisions all around! Roy choosing not to perform human transmutation, Mei choosing to save Hawkeye, Alphonse leaving behind his body. I really like that this episode had that theme. I still think it's terrible Roy lost his sight. What a blow to a man who wanted to see a country change.

On a side note, I adored the Roy/Hawkeye stuff. Makes up for all the scenes they cut out of their relationship early in the anime.
olivesandwaxMay 31, 2010 3:54 PM
May 31, 2010 4:03 PM
Mar 2010
AICW said:
I got really, really curious because things felt a bit rushed, so I went and checked the manga chapters for this episode.

I was surprised to see two major changes in this episode: first, during the rescue scene, and second, after Father lectures the sacrifices on the nature of "God."

The rescue scene at the beginning was rather censored here. When Mei and Zampano shot at the guys who were holding Roy, in the manga, the guy on the left got a dagger IN THE FREAKING FACE, and Roy used his sword to stab the guy on the right IN THE FREAKING NECK. But in this episode, the dagger hit the guy's shoulder, and Roy stabbed the other man in the leg.

Then, when Roy got to Riza and was desperately trying to revive her, the guy who got a dagger in the shoulder runs up to Roy, very slowly picks up a sword, and very slowly moves to stab Roy until Darius kicks him away. It was stupid, and it wasn't like that in the manga, he was already moving to kill Roy before he even reached Riza there.

Secondly, Ed's ranting against God was added for the anime. Based on what he said ("I cannot accept a Truth that is so irrational!") I'm getting the feeling that Father is going to be a mere sideshow by the end, and that the true final battle will be against God.

tl;dr version:

1. Violence censor during hostage rescue.
2. FMAB is becoming His Dark Materials.

Actually Ed's rant against god was in the manga. You probably stopped reading at 102 where the episode ended. They actually put in the first couple of pages from 103 into the end of the episode, and that's where Ed's rant came from.
May 31, 2010 4:15 PM

Aug 2008
Kinda boring since, like probably most of you, i already know what's going to happen with mustang and al. Because really, beside those two scenes nothing was really interesting. Although I hope for next week to be full of action and, I don't know, maybe at last we'll know what reason has Father? To overtake 'Truth' aka 'God'? Would be nice, getting some info seeing how we're closing to the final eps.

HikaruYuki said:
Jesuvius said:
But doesn't this mean Mustang is able to do transmutation without drawing circles. Meaning he can also do it without his gloves?

I think he's still going to need his gloves, since he uses alchemy to adjust the oxygen densities in the surrounding atmosphere. When he snaps his fingers, he creates a spark that leads to the explosions. He needs the gloves, but not the transmutation circles drawn on them.

He needs the gloves and circles. Just like Kimblee tatooed his hands or Scar has circles tatooed all over arm.
Well, of course I should use past tense, since he already saw The Gate thus 'understands' how to perform transmutation without cricles.
NiklaiMay 31, 2010 4:20 PM
May 31, 2010 4:21 PM

Dec 2008
Yea great episode I liked how some of the things that some of them gave up to save other ppl....and poor Roy......I feel bad for him and next weeks episode is going to be great like always :) I cannot wait to see what some ppl say about the next episode since I already know what is going to happen next but it will be awsome preview looks amazing too :)
My Favorite Anime/Manga:

FMA (I support Royai and EdWin!)
Soul Eater

"It's bad enough he is useless on rainy days" Riza from FMA

May 31, 2010 5:25 PM

Apr 2010
mundo said:
Actually Ed's rant against god was in the manga. You probably stopped reading at 102 where the episode ended. They actually put in the first couple of pages from 103 into the end of the episode, and that's where Ed's rant came from.

Oh, how interesting. I wouldn't know, considering I stopped reading the manga at chap. 90.

Just for the hell of it, I started rewatching the ep again, and I realized something shocking.


Pride's skin is flaking off!


I went and rewatched all the episodes where characters fight against him. He's never been harmed before (even though in ep 48, he did say cryptically, "They beat me up good"). This seems to imply that his shadow forms take damage in lieu of his human shell (considering the only parts of Pride that disintegrated were his shadows from Fu's flash bombs).

Does that mean, damage to his human shell is far more devastating to him?
May 31, 2010 5:47 PM

Aug 2008
I guess I'm an elitist this week. Just another episode of 'guess who's not dead yet,' with a side of 'wow, Al really hasn't developed at all.' I was bored. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.
May 31, 2010 6:04 PM

Dec 2007
AICW said:

Pride's skin is flaking off!


I went and rewatched all the episodes where characters fight against him. He's never been harmed before (even though in ep 48, he did say cryptically, "They beat me up good"). This seems to imply that his shadow forms take damage in lieu of his human shell (considering the only parts of Pride that disintegrated were his shadows from Fu's flash bombs).

Does that mean, damage to his human shell is far more devastating to him?

It will be explained later on. Or you can go read the manga ^^.
May 31, 2010 6:09 PM

Nov 2008
AICW said:
mundo said:
Actually Ed's rant against god was in the manga. You probably stopped reading at 102 where the episode ended. They actually put in the first couple of pages from 103 into the end of the episode, and that's where Ed's rant came from.

Oh, how interesting. I wouldn't know, considering I stopped reading the manga at chap. 90.

Just for the hell of it, I started rewatching the ep again, and I realized something shocking.


Pride's skin is flaking off!


I went and rewatched all the episodes where characters fight against him. He's never been harmed before (even though in ep 48, he did say cryptically, "They beat me up good"). This seems to imply that his shadow forms take damage in lieu of his human shell (considering the only parts of Pride that disintegrated were his shadows from Fu's flash bombs).

Does that mean, damage to his human shell is far more devastating to him?

he did say....."i didnt want to do this, but were out of time" when forcing roy to open the gate
May 31, 2010 6:50 PM

Jun 2008
noteDhero said:
I guess I'm an elitist this week. Just another episode of 'guess who's not dead yet,' with a side of 'wow, Al really hasn't developed at all.' I was bored. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.

WOW, "not bad but also not good", YOU DARE MOCK FMA???
May 31, 2010 6:57 PM

Nov 2007
Roy is blind now, what a tragedy.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
May 31, 2010 6:57 PM

Aug 2008
Nothing to mock. Things are going too slowly for me. As opposed to the beginning, where the pace was too fast, now it's just not fast enough, and they're centered around the cliffhanger at the end of the episode.
May 31, 2010 7:35 PM

Feb 2009
noteDhero said:
I guess I'm an elitist this week. Just another episode of 'guess who's not dead yet,' with a side of 'wow, Al really hasn't developed at all.' I was bored. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.

And... so you're not completely shocked and disturbed by Mustang going blind?

That revelation left me reeling for hours when I first discovered it in the manga. I was still thinking about it the next morning.

May 31, 2010 7:50 PM

May 2010
ShaggyZE said:
@TenzoX they use different styles, subs, and codec/file formats different translators/encoders i could go on but you should already know that every fansub differs from every other fansub in the usual ways.

Lol, I thought so. Thanks for the info man...xD
May 31, 2010 7:54 PM

May 2010
ArnoldK said:
noteDhero said:
I guess I'm an elitist this week. Just another episode of 'guess who's not dead yet,' with a side of 'wow, Al really hasn't developed at all.' I was bored. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.

And... so you're not completely shocked and disturbed by Mustang going blind?

That revelation left me reeling for hours when I first discovered it in the manga. I was still thinking about it the next morning.

After reading through all the recent posts...I gotta agree with Ronald. Roy is one of the main characters of FMA and Arawaka has set him up as someone to be the Fuhrer after Bradley (or at least set up a democracy) so I was rather shocked when that happened...I hate how the author pushes him to the corner of the last few chapters when he could be in the fight burning everyone.

But then again, I think she did that as a way to stretch the fight and not have Mustang's cheap flames pwn the homunculous.
May 31, 2010 7:55 PM

Apr 2010
ArnoldK said:
And... so you're not completely shocked and disturbed by Mustang going blind?

That revelation left me reeling for hours when I first discovered it in the manga. I was still thinking about it the next morning.

Probably because someone spoiled it for him. The top three spoilers nobody can seem to shut up about in FMA are Greed taking over Ling, Pride's identity, and Roy going blind. The guy running Random Curiosity also got spoiled for Roy, so the shock value was zero for him (he called out the assholes who did it, too).

But then again, I think she did that as a way to stretch the fight and not have Mustang's cheap flames pwn the homunculous.

ROFL, if they just sicced Roy on all the Homunculi from the beginning, this show would probably only be 20 episodes long, he's already got 2 for 2. Well except for Wrath, Roy would be dead in a few seconds fighting him.
May 31, 2010 8:33 PM

Aug 2008
Nope, I wasn't spoiled. When they said, "I wonder what he'll lose," I automatically went with what would be most ironic--his hands or his eyes. When I saw his hands, I knew it was his eyes. Not surprising at all.
May 31, 2010 9:13 PM

Feb 2009
noteDhero said:
Nope, I wasn't spoiled. When they said, "I wonder what he'll lose," I automatically went with what would be most ironic--his hands or his eyes. When I saw his hands, I knew it was his eyes. Not surprising at all.

Surprising or not, you don't think that a major character becoming permanently crippled and helpless is a stunning development?

To me, seeing Roy stumble around like that was the most emotionally devastating moment since the death of Hughes.

May 31, 2010 10:12 PM

Aug 2008
This has to be one of the cruelest episodes I've seen in this series. And this series really screws with its characters. Mustang's definitely getting the crappier end of things in this series as opposed to the first. Didn't he only lose ONE eye in the original anime? The best outcome is having everybody Father screwed over (who's still alive) beat him to death.

May 31, 2010 10:37 PM

Oct 2008
I'm actually shocked to see so much hate against an episode which is one of the best in this series . This episode had everythin . . Action , drama , , thrill . Everythin . . . Its funny to see some reactions . Can't help but laugh at em . If roy going blind is not emotionally draining for you , then i wonder what is . I don't remember seeing any shounen anime/manga in which a main character is crippled like that. Crippling is worse than killing a character . I don't have to explain why . Great work arakawa and bones . Keep it going , have great expectations from the next episode as well .

And the complaint about the pacing is the most ill timed and random complaint . . . You mean
riza gettin saved
roy forced into breakin the taboo
al rejecting his body
wrath versus scar
father getting all the sacrifices on one spot
is slow pacing . . Ha ha . Lol . . . I wonder what kind of pacing you like .
lafuria_suxMay 31, 2010 10:45 PM
May 31, 2010 11:03 PM

May 2009
I thought Wrath was shot in his right shoulder but they showed him bleeding him from his right? O_o; When the Briggs soldier shoots him, it's the right shoulder. You can see no blood on his left arm. Then when he enters the chamber where he meets Mustang, his right shoulder is shown wounded (short red) but he's dripping blood from his left.

I guess I'm just confused O_o;

It was funny to see May Chang running around to get that philosopher's stone.

Ah! Pride :D
zOMG! He's so fucking creepy. Until like two second ago, I was happy to see him back but that guy gives me goosebumps, just watching him.

Poor Mustang... That is indeed unfair, Edward!

lol Alphonse gasped when his body got up xD;
Guess he must have seen "something" short and shriveled :P

Anyway, just 4 episode left :'(
An awesome ride it has been...


Some idiot ruined the surprise for me on Facebook...
Jun 1, 2010 12:07 AM

Apr 2009
pretty awesome episode.. i'd like to see the fight with Scar/Bradley.. not just random moments..

and Al's choice was admiring...
Jun 1, 2010 12:07 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
p r o f i l e đź‘€
Jun 1, 2010 4:15 AM

May 2010
ArnoldK said:
noteDhero said:
Nope, I wasn't spoiled. When they said, "I wonder what he'll lose," I automatically went with what would be most ironic--his hands or his eyes. When I saw his hands, I knew it was his eyes. Not surprising at all.

Surprising or not, you don't think that a major character becoming permanently crippled and helpless is a stunning development?

To me, seeing Roy stumble around like that was the most emotionally devastating moment since the death of Hughes.

I kinda laughed when he tripped...(it seemed like comic relief for one second)
But yeah, they should have stretched on Roy's angst a bit more before moving on to Al. It was too fast and I didn't get too much out of it even after downloading it and watching it several times. (and again, the scream was awesome when he was dragged into the Gate xD)

@DonKangolJones Yes, it is so far the most cruelest episode I have seen. Not to mention, angsty in a way. (Next to Hughes' death.)

Moving on to ArnoldK's comment, yes, I think it was rather shocking that Arakawa would do something like that to a main character, but one of things that have made me rank FMA as top manga is because the author does things her own way.
Other manga like Bleach/Naruto feel rather fan-driven sometimes (Man, Bleach has lasted for centuries) and FMA is true to the plot. In fact, I remember reading somewhere that Arakawa already finished FMA on May 6th or something.
Jun 1, 2010 5:45 AM

Sep 2009
pretty cruel episode poor roy :(
also father is fat

Jun 1, 2010 7:45 AM

Nov 2008
smokes said:
pretty awesome episode.. i'd like to see the fight with Scar/Bradley.. not just random moments..

and Al's choice was admiring...

thats how it was in the manga lol
Jun 1, 2010 7:57 AM

Oct 2008
Oh yes . . I agree wit smokes . . I want bradley's fight to be awesomely done . Much better than how it was done in the manga .
Jun 1, 2010 8:42 AM

May 2010
Let Wrath go out with a bang! But anyways. One more month until the end. I wonder...Will this series have a tragic ending? Like Al never gets his body back but they defeat Father. And Ed goes on living with his Automail. I hope this series doesn't have a happy go lucky ending. It has been amazing those far. (I have read all the current chapters of manga lol)
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