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Mar 27, 2008 7:08 AM

Oct 2007
I prefer the animation in the series, and i also found it strange how the characters seemed to change between the movie and TV version, and how kotomi wasn't involved at all.
I did prefer the play in the movie however!!
We fly on the wings of the ones before us in order to say thank you at the end
Mar 27, 2008 8:17 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
dotti44 said:
and how kotomi wasn't involved at all.

Well, in contrast to Ryou and Fuko, Kotomi got a few seconds of screentime as the conductor of the choir.




[H+] ³  
Mar 29, 2008 12:29 PM

Apr 2007
I really feel sorry for his daughter that he deserted. 1. He should have taken care of her because thats what Nagisa would want (duh) 2.He missed almost her entire childhood :( and surely missed lots of happy moments 3. will they every be close or she will be kind of father-less?
Mar 29, 2008 1:10 PM

Mar 2008
tmth said:
3. will they every be close or she will be kind of father-less?

That was the purpose of the last scenes: to bring out his father love.
You can bet that he will take care of her from now on. After all she's like a chibi-Nagisa.
Mar 29, 2008 7:31 PM
Dec 2007
freedoleen said:
yeah, animation was worse and there were a few weird effects I didn't like, but other than that... it was a great movie! the ending couldn't be better in my opinion. for me it's 9/10. but if I would compare movie to TV version (which I gave 9/10 for now too), it would be 8 for the movie, not 9. I don't want to compare though. ^^ and I agree - Nakahara Mai is an instant win!

Hahah it's exactly the contrary for me. If I had seen this movie before the series, I would have cursed the series and dropped it after one or two eps because it's actually far weaker imo ! Now that I've seen Clannad's movie, I almost want to put a 8 to KyoAni's series instead of the 9 it has right now ;)

I mean, the script of this movie (even though it's probably the same as the game) is unbelievable, the direction by legendary director Osamu Dezaki is close to perfection, the background art is great and so are the characters, who develop ten times more in 1h30 than all the characters of the series in 11 hours...

If you can overlook the animation and character design, the movie is definitely better than the series. I agree that the series is more entertaining and watcher-friendly (aimed at otakus, it's a harem series after all) but that's absolutely the only things it has compared to the movie, which is brilliant, touching, deep, and much, much, much more meaningful than the series.

Don't know how the second season of Clannad will be, but I don't really want to see it now that I've watched this movie :>

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Mar 30, 2008 8:06 AM

Sep 2007
I've never played the game so I'm stuck with the movie and the series but I have to say a few things...

1. I really didn't like the movie mainly because my favorite characters weren't in it (Fuko, Ryou, Yukine, Mei, and Kotomi) but I know it was necessary to tell the parts of the story that weren't told in the series such as the girl in the illusionary world and what happened to Okazaki's shoulder.

2. I couldn't stop wondering about Sunohara's hair. Why is it not blonde anymore? I could be wrong but didn't he say in the series that it was his natural hair color? I know, such a weird thing to get stuck on.

3. I want a Dango family!

4. Nagisa's ever present cheerfulness did make up the movie somewhat for me. I would love to have a friend like that. I wonder if Ushio would take after her mother or father? Hmm... Not enough Nagisa's in the world.

5. The series and the movie have their good and bad points and I notice you either prefer one of the other unless you think of them as totally different stories. If I had seen the movie first I'm sure I wouldn't have watched the series and I would have missed out on the characters I loved so much.

In the end I'm still buying both the movie and the series because I just can't have one without the other.
Mar 30, 2008 3:43 PM

Mar 2008
skyfox66 said:

2. I couldn't stop wondering about Sunohara's hair. Why is it not blonde anymore? I could be wrong but didn't he say in the series that it was his natural hair color? I know, such a weird thing to get stuck on.

4. Nagisa's ever present cheerfulness did make up the movie somewhat for me. I would love to have a friend like that. I wonder if Ushio would take after her mother or father? Hmm... Not enough Nagisa's in the world.

5. The series and the movie have their good and bad points and I notice you either prefer one of the other unless you think of them as totally different stories. If I had seen the movie first I'm sure I wouldn't have watched the series and I would have missed out on the characters I loved so much.

In the end I'm still buying both the movie and the series because I just can't have one without the other.

2. Well, as far as I remeber, he only had black hair after he started working!? I wondered about that, too, but told me that maybe he had it dyed, because of work. Maybe blonde would be too outstanding.

4. I think she is just like her mother: a real chibi-Nagisa! She is very very cute!

5. Well, if I had watched the movie first, I would still have watched the series just for it being a KyoAni/Key work, but I think I would have been very afraid of the end.

Let's wait for After Story. Then I can say if I think the movie is unnessecary. But right now I think it had its own charme.

Only bad aspects were the unfunny comedy and that collective singing.
Mar 30, 2008 4:40 PM

Apr 2007
Sunohara's hair is the same color as his sister's, black/blue. So he really dyed it when he was at school, and stopped after he graduated. That's the only logical explanation, taking in considering that he's a delinquent, and bleaching the hair is a somewhat rebellious attitude.
Apr 2, 2008 10:25 PM

Nov 2007
The movie is great (except the part that Nagisa dead) Let's hope something like that doesn't happen in the series (the after story to be precise)
Apr 5, 2008 8:09 PM
Jan 2008
It seemed kinda rushed, but I understand because it was a movie and I had watched the 23 episode season before the hour/2 hour movie. But I don't really know if I would put this in the Harem genre... Kotomi and Kyou and Tomoyo aren't really a part of this movie, well Tomoyo is more near the end, but Fuko isn't even in it...
Apr 6, 2008 4:48 PM

Nov 2007
Omg I can't believe she died. I was hating it so much, but Ushio saved it for me, she's so cute. Loving scenes FTW, and I almost cried.
Apr 7, 2008 5:23 AM

Jan 2008
I am kinda dissapointed by this movie. There are numerous things that i did not like, examples are the choice of background music, art style, animation and the somewhat altered character personalities. I tried hard to really get into the movie but, aside from feeling a lump in my throat, the death really didn't move me as much as i expected. I was ready to give this movie a 7, but just like most people who posted, it was the scene with Ushio that saved this movie imo. So it gets a 8/10.

KyoAni really spoiled me haven't they?
aeroApr 7, 2008 6:00 AM
Apr 7, 2008 8:06 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Aero8 said:
KyoAni really spoiled me haven't they?

You're not the only victim. :D




[H+] ³  
Apr 7, 2008 9:43 AM

Mar 2008
cyruz said:
Aero8 said:
KyoAni really spoiled me haven't they?

You're not the only victim. :D

Because we realized this, we are able to ignore it and look beyond the horizon at the truth. It's the beauty of the beast.

Or something like that ... :P

Apr 12, 2008 8:47 PM

Jan 2008
well i thought i was 100% emotionally prepared when seeing the movie, but i couldnt help it.. i still consider the tv series better that i think the pops looks better int he tv series. well since its clannad i still like it
Apr 12, 2008 8:49 PM

Jan 2008
SunSir said:
Animation quality is good, ONLY one problem: even when they became adults, they (Tomoya and Co) had high (or middle) school baby faces...
Nevertheless, 10/10!!!
Some Clannad series are boring, the story is elongated artificially. I guess, the ending of the series is gonna be something like in Air, rushed, not very clear... I hope I ll be wrong. In series, Tomoya should fall with Kyou :)))

YESS!!! kyou FTW
Apr 20, 2008 2:35 PM

Apr 2008
I really liked this movie... and the end made me cry... ç____ç
Now I must say, of all the girls of Clannad, my favourite is Nagisa

Apr 27, 2008 10:19 AM

Nov 2007
I don't get it: why do people keep complaining about the visual design? For me,the most important thing is the storyline. Well,i guess that's different for everyone,huh? Oh, anyway, according to the original story,the second anime season should be similar to the movie. BUT!!! Nagisa's death and Tomoya's reunion with his daughter ISN'T the end. If you want to spoil it for yourselves even more, read the plot summary in wiki. Though if you decide to wait and see - congrats. I envy you for your patience. In any case, I gave the movie a 9.
May 7, 2008 4:39 AM

Nov 2007
Idd,the movie was pretty good,tho I liked the series more,this one had a much more dramatic tone...
May 7, 2008 4:51 PM

Dec 2007
It was ok I prefer the tv series over this but still it very good

I give it at 7/10
May 14, 2008 6:32 PM

Aug 2007
I'll break the mold here and say that I preferred this over the TV S1. I wasn't expecting much given the past performance of Toei in the past, but I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. I got teary eyed at least twice during the entire movie, one more than the usual experience if any! xD

Now to be fair, I understand that the parts I got teary eyed on were from the After Story, which TV S1 lacked. Maybe kyoani can deliver a better performance, but I hope they skip a lot of the jokes that *in my opinion* ruined the Clannad experience for me.

The visuals were definitely not on par with kyoani's performance, but it is a huge improvement over previous Key adaptations. I must say that Kenji Nojima delivered a much better performance than Yuuichi Nakamura as Okazaki Tomoya.

Overall, great work by Toei Animation. I'm hoping kyoani can deliver an even better performance of After Story, which I know they will.

I got the impression that "Hmm, it looks like they left some signs of a Tomoyo After adaptation", then Ushio popped up! Would honestly prefer a TA adaptation over this...but oh well ='(

May 14, 2008 7:11 PM

Jun 2007
Theres no question that the TV shows' graphics where better and the story left us with a lasting impression, but I definitely think the Movie was done amazingly well too. The story was a bit new, more refreshing, and the drops of drama (ie. Tomoya's dad) where not over the top or overly exaggerated like in the TV show, where his dad was always drunk and acting stupid. The movie actually makes you feel sorry for both Tomoya and his dad but at the same time showing that his Dad ruined part of his sons future. I thought the part at the end where his dad basically says "You're going to end up like me" was done perfectly.

Anyway, I felt it was very touching and worth the watch. It did seem more rushed then the TV show but I think that was because the TV show touched on each character's ark where as the movie focused purely on Tomoya.

PS. Ushio was so cute.
Jun 5, 2008 7:59 AM

Jan 2008
Seriouslu after watching it I had to see ep 23 of TV series to wash a bit that fu***** depression of mine. Even the last scene didnt save the effect. I mean it was touching and everything and also it was good to see how friends takes care of you (smelled a bit like Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien at one point) but her death... That is just not fair.
Jun 22, 2008 2:59 PM

Nov 2006
Would have liked it more if the style was the same as the series...Oh well. It also seemed like they were trying to put a lot in a small amount of time....a bit over dramatic at times as well. Visuals were abundant (too many?), but I still enjoyed it overall.
Aug 11, 2008 11:57 AM

Apr 2007
Overfiend said:
At first I wanted to post some funny (and awesome) screenshots.

by the beginning of the last third i pretty much wanted to crawl into my bed and weep myself to sleep in a fetal position.

and the last scene saved the whole thing for me.

Since I don't like the artstyle only 8/10. But a good 8 :-)

you hit the spit!

Aug 18, 2008 9:36 PM

Mar 2008
I only watched the first 20 minutes, but this movie is awful for a thousand reasons. Having played the game, I cringed at all the character introductions. My eyes subconciously averted because the things happening in the movie completely defied my knowledge and expectations of the characters and story.

Worst of all, they massacred Nagisa's character. Why is she smiling all the time? Where did her shy and indecisive personality go?

And what's up with the insane animation? Random stillshots, random three-peat scenes, random random scenes. At first I thought it was an artistic style, then I thought it might have been an attempt at budget-cutting, then I decided it was garbage.

Fine, I haven't completed the movie, but just the beginning is extraordinarily uncomfortable to watch. I couldn't care less about the story because I already know what the real story is, and Toei managed to destroy the character's backstories anyway.
Aug 20, 2008 3:04 AM

Feb 2008
Well, a bit late, but I just wanted to give my 2 cents.

The first 2/3 of the movie felt rushed. By then I didn't have much hope left - like Sheepdude mentioned, the characters were pretty much different. Nagisa was too bold and the scene in the theatre... well, It wasn't touching a bit. It just felt like Tomoya just realized "Oh, now that I think of it, I kind of love her. She's mine.".
But the last part completely saved it for me. I had a lump in my throat throughout that part. The game was much more intense, but even so it was still enough for me to love the ending. It was a nice, yet different, approach of the after story.
Aug 25, 2008 9:41 AM

Jun 2008
Well i just finished this series last night before going to bed, and not a good idea. The part where Nagisa died made me lose about an hour of sleep thinking about why they done it. As for the animation... meh... Not the same as the original series and was kind of disappointing. Too much repeat stuff, too much light from the sky affecting the overall picture, and too many still scenes.

This series only made me shed a tear in about two maybe three places and thats it. The TV was more emotional than this movie and for being an hour and a half long you think they could have done better. I think they put too much emphasis on Tomoya's depression, I mean yeah he was depressed, but don't make ten minutes of the move with him being depressed, it makes the overall value of the movie decrease.

The characters didn't get their good introductions as they should have and Kyou's sister wasn't even in the movie and, still left out several characters from the TV that should have been in there. As for Kyou and Tomoyo they didn't get the amount of screen time that they deserved.

Still I'm somewhat disappointed about this overall and wonder how they could have made the movie better. But in the end, Tomoya finally comes to his senses and realizes that he needs to be a better father for his daughter and I guess that's how it became in the end. Overall I gave this a 8/10 just because it didn't have the same emotional effects and animation as the original TV series had.
Signature Here.
Aug 29, 2008 9:23 PM

Mar 2008
- Nagisa's indecisive/weak personality is gone
- Kyou and Tomoyo are introduced as being friends, and as being enemies to Tomoya almost
- Ichinose Kotomi is conducting the choir, when she has no affiliation with the choir and in fact doesn't interact with other students much
- Sunohara reveals to Tomoya that Nagisa is repeating a year
- He does so by citing his "information sources". Sunohara has no friends, and certainly no information network
- Was Tomoya working with Yoshino while he was still in high school? That scene is just thrown in there without explanation
- Nagisa performs the play flawlessly
- Completely against her personality, Ibuki-sensei kicks Sunohara's ass
- Ibuki-sensei is now working at the school and becomes the Theater Club advisor in place of Koumura-sensei
- Tomoyo randomly appears to cook for Tomoya while he's depressed
- Tomoyo and Kyou, without explanation, appear at Tomoya's reunion with Ushio
- Completely against his personality, Tomoya's father sets up the reunion with Ushio instead of Sanae
- Okazaki Shio, the catalyst for Tomoya's change of heart, is absent from the movie
- 100 other things I could point out if I dared to watch it again
- The Dango Daikazoku song was actually pretty good
Aug 30, 2008 3:33 AM

Jun 2008
I teared up a few times during this, I liked the movie a lot.
Sep 21, 2008 4:28 PM

Feb 2008
cyruz said:
I got a bit teary-eyed at the end again, even if this movie didn't touch me as much as the TV show did several times already.

Same here.

It was so beautiful.
Oct 11, 2008 3:28 AM
Jul 2018
i prefer the TV series than the movie. the animation was a bit off, obviously... but seeing quite some new stuff jst makes it worth to be watched xD
i gotta admit tho that i found nagisa's personality a bit annoying -_- but she gives a diff impression in the series xD tomoya saying "i love you" was too sudden... not that much romantic impact. and im quite happy ryou isn't in it xP

nagisa wearing a wedding dress is fanservice <3
Dec 2, 2008 10:35 PM

May 2008
cyruz said:
Toei can't reach to the level of KyoAni's animation, but it's not like those guys don't get better, heh.

Yeah, I felt the same way. the animation was not up to par, and I don't like how only tomoya had a different voice actor... the animation and different seiyuu made it just feel... off. but the sakura flowers were freaking beautiful; the school's animation scenes were really well done.

- I've always wondered - are those two strands of hair that stick up Nagisa's feelers? is she part bug? the world will never know.

- THEY CHANGED THE DANGO DAIKAZOKU SONG NOOOOOO. now its actually annoying. good job.

- They made Nagisa look all kotoko-y... gr.

- And they de-cutified Kyou. stupid...

- (grumble grumble art grumble)

- Well on the positive side of the art, they made Nagisa's dad look kind of like Haruhi's dad (in man form... :D) and it makes him look crazy. When he was angry anyway.

- Man I've always felt so bad for Tomoya's dad... he made a huge mistake and regrets it so much, and all he has left is his son who rejects him. Wow, this anime has always been good with emotions.

WOW... that ending chord... the sadness and happiness mixed together... the ending was great. is this how After Story is gonna turn out? In any case, great movie; glad i took the time to watch it
Dec 5, 2008 5:05 PM

Jun 2008
i liked the ending. nagisa dying - not so much. i give it a 9 might change to an 8 but pretty solid work i suppose.
Dec 8, 2008 9:41 PM

Jul 2008
the feeling is okay but i also cried T.T
not as good as story life and after story though
Dec 9, 2008 10:08 PM

May 2008
i just dont like the animation and the story ending but overall its was good
Dec 9, 2008 11:07 PM

May 2008
pinkangel28 said:
i just dont like the animation and the story ending but overall its was good

yeah i feel the same way... i fear after story is headed this way too.... NOOOOOO
Dec 25, 2008 8:04 AM

Jul 2008
First I thought that it would be pretty boring when there was different studio and animation style wasn't as good as on serie. But when the movie was getting forward, I thought that maybe it's worth of watching. But then, at the end (about when movie has gone one hour), Tomoya was upset and Nagisa was gone. I cried almost the last half hour. And Ushio was just so cute ! And it was pretty nice that Tomoya's dad asked Yoshino and Ibuki-sensei to take care of Tomoya 8-------)

But will the After Story be like this movie? That there is the same things (which are at the end of the movie) ? If its, I guess that the rest of the After Story will be pretty sad to watch 8--------(

Jan 6, 2009 7:18 AM
Jul 2018
Just watched the movie, can't say I liked the pacing that much, and I hear important parts that were supposed to happen didn't exist in this movie( I haven't gotten to after story in the game but I have only one arc left). Sunohara wasn't really funny, and for some reason, when Tomoyo and Sunohara visited Tomoya when he was depressed, it reminded me of how Mitsuki and Shinji from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien visited Takayuki when he was
. It just didn't feel like the Clannad I know.
removed-userJan 6, 2009 7:42 AM
Jan 9, 2009 12:50 AM

Jun 2008
Yes, the animation sucks compare to the other one, but people have to think. This movie came out a month before the show, so of course it was going to be different.

What I'm hoping for is that the ending of After Story isn't like this one. Because that would just be to sad
Jan 14, 2009 5:52 PM

Aug 2008
ending is almost as depressing as

. almost
Mar 29, 2009 11:46 PM

Dec 2008
I'm so glad I watched this AFTER Clannad and ~After Story~.

Two things that really stuck out for me was, Tomoya's puppet joker thing is stupid compared to cute robobear. Also The World Of Nothingness song in the series is far superior to the one in the movie. Just hearing the series song makes burst into tears.
Apr 2, 2009 11:00 PM

Aug 2008
It was better than expected really. Not that I expected much to begin with, but this was pretty well done.
The biggest thing I hated about the Film adaptation by Toei, is their take on the "World that has Ended" (Ushio's world). I just hated their "Tree of Promise" and their version of Okazaki's doll. That clown was just too much already, but the tree... And they tarnished the whole concept as a "nightmare", instead of being a dream, or a world/reality created by someone else.
My personal opinions and basic breakdown:
Animation and Art: Great. "8"
Sound and Music: Alright (Liked the fact that they kept Megumeru and Tiny Palm). "7"
Story: The only and biggest issue if any to mention. Now, I understand that what took KyoAny 44 episodes to do was rendered down to 3.5 episodes in the movie, so they had to accommodate both Clannad and After Story in just under 1:33 hours (so I'm not gonna get into the absences of, Ryou and Fuko, and Kotomi's tiny cameo). "5"
And so the story was greatly altered, with mingled results story-wise, so I would consider the Movie as something totally new than what it was actually like in the game. Overall= "8"

Apr 6, 2009 9:04 PM

Jul 2008
I suppose it was okay, but after seeing ~AS~,it just didn't get to me as much.

I do have to say though, that the school play in the movie >>> the one in the TV series. The final train station scene was also very nice.

7/10 from me.
Apr 19, 2009 7:43 PM

Apr 2008
Really pretty =)
The character design was a little weird, but after getting used to it the movie was really good x3 And it got a better ending than the AS, AS had too much of a miraculous ending for my taste, this one had that really well done Ushio scene x3 Of course it's less time, for less things, but with that time they got a really good adaptation of the story, using well the few side characters and focusing on the essencial.. x3
I was expecting something really bad and got so surprised finding out that after all this is really good =)
May 2, 2009 4:16 PM

Oct 2008
Animation was ok, some weird b.g. music choices in the movie as well. But overall it was well done. I feel they did the best they could in an hour and thirty minutes, so it wasn't too bad. I felt the way they did the play part was better then what happened in the t.v. series but apart from that the t.v. series eclipsed this greatly, but then again this was a movie so they shouldn't really be compared lol.

The last scene with Ushio was a major redeeming factor;
Good movie without being awesome 8/10
May 17, 2009 11:41 AM

Oct 2008
Yeah, I have watched Clannad (9/10) and Clannad: AS (10/10) earlier but I was trying to not compare them with movie. Oh, how I tried.

+ few funny scenes with Sunohara and Akio
+ other way of showing story

- Nagisa personality
- Tomoya voice -,-
- Kyou and Tomoyo against Tomoya and Sunohara (how they became friends at the end, eh?)
- lack of Kotomi
- art
- Dango Daikazoku version

3/10 in the end
May 21, 2009 2:29 AM

Feb 2008
The alternate storytelling is good in my own opinion...

Actually, it's very good for them to move back from future to present. Giving you more prepared darkness to come...

Music is just ok. Animation was not cool, but the backgrounds and CGs are great. Characters are just focus on Nagisa x Tomoya. And I don't like how they animated Tomoyo and Kyou.

Anyways, a good movie; but sometimes it gets boring in the middle.

A relaxed movie for short.

Jun 1, 2009 8:05 PM

May 2008
awww man if only Kotomi and Fuko was there =/ i have to say this movie showed alot more of Sunohara den the tv series did, which of course i like xD

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 18, 2009 6:14 AM

Jun 2009
I regret watching this one before Clannad After story (which the seller told me its before After story). So im watching After story now epi 16.. Clannad the movie always pass by my mind telling its a sad story which Nagisa dies.. i cant keep it out of my mind lols anyway i read the synopsis of After story and good thing its totally different
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

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