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Feb 19, 8:21 AM

Nov 2011
Serina deserves better. Just because she's popular, she gets harassed.

An important episode though as the episode reveals Kai and her past relationship. Even back then, Kai is protective towards his friends. On another note, congrats to Uka and her class' success at the festival. Maybe they could do something similar next year.
Feb 19, 8:24 AM

Dec 2021
It isn't really a this show problem, but a problem I have with shoujo in general, and that's the stupid "Oh Boy A that's dating Girl A likes Girl B, and so it's automatically the fault of Girl B".... like what? So yeah, just skim past the fact that it's the boy who HAS A GIRLFRIEND'S fault that he's looking at other girls like that. Like yeah, if they break up it's YOUR fault... like what... Break up with him NOW????

But yeah, at least we have Uka on the other side of the spectrum who like a boy who doesn't have a girlfriend. She just doesn't have the courage to say it. And Kai, as usual, gives her that push and the courage to finally cut off and stop the lies and say it straight to Serina's face that indeed, yes, she likes Kai. Nice to hear her finally admit it and say it. Now the next step is to actually say it to Kai.

Feb 19, 9:08 AM

Feb 2019
Beautiful episode. The best yet. To me, Uka and Serina represent two opposite ends of the bullying victim spectrum. You can be someone who has everything going for you, pretty, smart and popular and people will still hate and be nasty out of jealousy. You can also be quiet, introverted and bother no one and people still mess with you! People will hate no matter what so you might as well be yourself.

I swear every week there’s a scenario in this show that makes me wanna come thru the screen and slap some sense into several people. How the fuck are you gonna blame Serina for someone else’s bf thinking she’s cute and flirting with her? So glad Kai and them showed up to get those girls to fuck off and respect to Kai for directly confronting the dude.

Serina backstory annoyed me too because again, literally getting picked on for nothing all because she stopped a bullying situation. Even back in middle school Kai had to play the hero role and step-in to help. I’m really curious to see his backstory and understand what made him like this.

I say it every week, but every week we see her growing more, I’m so proud of how far Uka’s come. She’s understanding social cues more, being way more expressive, etc. The scene where she told Serina she was a bad liar was so good. But it also broke my heart seeing Uka try to run from her feelings and live a lie out of respect for Serina’s lingering feeling towards Kai. She and Serina both have an awful habit of putting other people ahead of themselves to their own detriment.

THAT ENDING! Kai getting upset because Uka didn’t give him her number was so sweet and then Uka straight up telling Serina how she feels about Kai. Other romance stories use fireworks for the leads to confess to each other, honeylemon uses it for best friends to tell each other how they feel about the guy 😂
Marinate1016Feb 19, 11:43 AM
Feb 19, 9:29 AM

Mar 2021
So happy that Uka found the courage to tell Serina how she feels about Miura so as too avoid a messy situation.
Feb 19, 9:32 AM

Apr 2010
Well looks like Serina didn't have it easy either in junior high.
And the main realised her feelings the question now is what is she going to do about it.
Feb 19, 9:50 AM
Sep 2015
This episode gives some more detail on Kai's true personality
- He takes the advantage of the weak by playing a role of her protector (to be clear, he's still a million time better than a bully and all those people that did nothing to prevent the bully)
- He intentionally remains unclear on his romantic interest so he could create even more advantage
Feb 19, 9:53 AM
Aug 2020
Im suprised Serina character are so well made. At least itz not generic af. It felt more true.
Feb 19, 10:04 AM

Jul 2016
Ayumi is theMVP, man. Uka really is just as blessed to have befriended her as she is to have met Kai.

It's so sweet how Uka was and remained being on good terms with Serina both before and after they confronted their feelings. Hope having grown closer with everyone motivates her enough to get a phone though (I mean seriously, the curfew was already much but finding out about that was lowkey depressing)
Feb 19, 11:20 AM

Jul 2024
Yep, Ayumi best girl. I will have to steal her from Satoru.
I like how Kai is staring to open up. His development is slower that Uka's but he does not have as far to go. But, damn, they both have to go to given name status soon.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 19, 11:24 AM
May 2022
We’ve all been where Uka is; seeing your current crush be close with their ex. It’s even more hurtful for her as her school is a shallow class based system where the students only care about looks
Feb 19, 11:45 AM

Aug 2016
Cute episode as always. Glad we got to know the reason Kai & Serina broke up. Thought it was something like that as well, cuz although Kai likes to act is if he don't care, he don't like the type to initiate a break up, since he don't look like the type to just get into a relationship on a whim, so thought that Serina was the initiator to be honest, and this episode just proved it to me. It's interesting that a rivalry has just been formed, although it's obvious Uka's the one winning it since she's the heroine, yet i'm still excited to see how their rivalry is gonna be.
Feb 19, 12:07 PM

Oct 2014
Am I the only one who feels weird with the whole male MC -coming to the rescue for the bullied girl- pattern in this anime? Regardless, the characters are starting to grow on me a little.
Feb 19, 12:13 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
sweet episode,they cry every episode. But shoujo, so yeah xD
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Feb 19, 12:14 PM

Jul 2024
Reply to Damichan
Am I the only one who feels weird with the whole male MC -coming to the rescue for the bullied girl- pattern in this anime? Regardless, the characters are starting to grow on me a little.
@Damichan I suspect a cultural difference, that in Japan bullying is more focused against girls, and that generally girls are perceived as more weak than they are in the west
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 19, 12:14 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Damichan said:
Am I the only one who feels weird with the whole male MC -coming to the rescue for the bullied girl- pattern in this anime? Regardless, the characters are starting to grow on me a little.

yeah to create drama :D
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Feb 19, 12:18 PM
Jul 2024
Just when I think she is over it, Uka relapses to her old Inferiority complex. Well, little steps. I hope she finds Kai during the fireworks, he must be confused at this point.
That tall blond needs a good smack down. Who the Hell does she think she is?!
Feb 19, 12:21 PM

Oct 2014
Reply to LordCrueltyV
@Damichan I suspect a cultural difference, that in Japan bullying is more focused against girls, and that generally girls are perceived as more weak than they are in the west
@LordCrueltyV Hmmm, more so that this MC goes for the 'lonely, bullied, insecure' girl, maybe to be portrayed as some sort of protector? The theme of dependance was brought up with both Serina and Uka. I hope more romance layers are added later on, because it'd be weird if this was the only source of attraction in both cases.
Feb 19, 12:22 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to phantomfandom
This episode gives some more detail on Kai's true personality
- He takes the advantage of the weak by playing a role of her protector (to be clear, he's still a million time better than a bully and all those people that did nothing to prevent the bully)
- He intentionally remains unclear on his romantic interest so he could create even more advantage
@phantomfandom A lot of us guys grew up being taught to protect women. It's not being predatory. That is such a typical psychotic Gen Z take I don't even know where to begin with it...
Feb 19, 12:31 PM
Feb 2024
phantomfandom said:
This episode gives some more detail on Kai's true personality
- He takes the advantage of the weak by playing a role of her protector (to be clear, he's still a million time better than a bully and all those people that did nothing to prevent the bully)
- He intentionally remains unclear on his romantic interest so he could create even more advantage

it really does feel like this.. it almost icks me out the more i watch. looks to me like a fetish really
Feb 19, 12:40 PM
Sep 2022
Imagine ditching the guy you like, who showed up specifically to hang out with you, just to find some other girl to tell her you like him. Wtf
Feb 19, 12:41 PM
Jul 2024
Cool, Japan. It wasn't enough to bully Uka, it was also needed to bully Serina... Again, let's use the knight in shining armor Kai as much as possible.

No worries though, the teacher will also save the day:

I've also found the best way to say some things that aren't that important for many, but maybe they are for me:

Feb 19, 12:45 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Damichan
Am I the only one who feels weird with the whole male MC -coming to the rescue for the bullied girl- pattern in this anime? Regardless, the characters are starting to grow on me a little.
@Damichan you're not alone. But that's Japan, that's in their culture. "The man is the stronger one" kind of attitude. It kinda works for this anime, but if you're on the other side of the world, it might not be easy to understand why Uka is that pessimistic, and why Kai looks so overprotective.
Feb 19, 12:55 PM
Sep 2010
What is up with the music 😭 why is it always so anxiety inducing. The whole time uka and serina were talking i was literally expecting some axe swinging maniac to show up, there's rly no need for the music to be like that 😭😭
My candies:
Feb 19, 12:58 PM

Dec 2013
The main 3 are too kind for their own good but Ayumi is an angel, I love her, I just want to see her happy with Satoru.
Feb 19, 1:40 PM
Nov 2024
Reply to phantomfandom
This episode gives some more detail on Kai's true personality
- He takes the advantage of the weak by playing a role of her protector (to be clear, he's still a million time better than a bully and all those people that did nothing to prevent the bully)
- He intentionally remains unclear on his romantic interest so he could create even more advantage
@phantomfandom intentionaly? maybe he is just a little shy sometimes too? you serously blame him for protecting bullied girls? wtf is wrong with you.

what should he better do? just look away, so he does not take advantage of the pure bullied girl?
whats wrong with you?

i mean both serina and uka are girls with a million reason to fall in love with. maybe he just likes them for their great personality?

and btw: i REALLY REALLY love that the ex in this anime is no bitch, like in a million other shows. She is actualy a great person. I seriously lost couldnt believe, when serina showed up, and was no antagonist but supportive and great.

this show is definitly the best romance show by far this season. im not counting the 100 girlfriends, because its more a comedy than a true romance show.

i also love that uka really is making progress. of course she falls back into old patterns sometimes, thats totaly normal for an insecure character like her. but she is making small steps, and she did a really big one this episode.
Feb 19, 1:48 PM

Aug 2022
It definitely does feel like Kai is just trying to specifically coddle the lonely girls who get picked on aka Uka and Serina but obviously Serina has more or less picked herself back up so she don't really need him anymore.

Kai is a very weird character to say the least but I guess he likes Uka over Serina based off how the last 2 episodes went. That and I mean Uka is the mc not Serina
Feb 19, 2:10 PM
Mar 2021
Uka drives me crazy... but at least it seems like she is improving a bit
Feb 19, 5:07 PM

Jul 2022
Here's something I just realized... Kai has a bit of a hero complex. He really wants to help both Serina and Uka. But my question is: does he only help people he cares about? Because Kai is kind of "cold" and we haven't really seen him make a special effort for others. So, I'm not sure if he helped Serina because he liked her back then or just because he wanted to. His relationship with Serina feels very similar to the one he has with Uka. Still, he's a great guy.

Finally, Uka and Serina were honest about their feelings for Kai. But special mention for Ayumi - what an amazing friend!
Feb 19, 6:43 PM

Dec 2018
This might be the most wholesome love rivalry I’ve seen, Serina is like “I don’t love him anymore so go off queen” and Uka is like “no I don’t like him romantically, you go off queen!”, it’s pretty funny lol, but I love it, they have a sweet relationship and it stemmed from such a great fella. I also liked getting to see Serina’s backstory with Kai, so he used to have black hair huh, kinda reminds me of Murai from “Murai in Love”, he did the same exact thing going from black to blonde. And it was here we saw the relationship Kai and Serina used to have, it wasn’t unlike what Kai has with Uka right now, except Serina was a popular girl before becoming bullied herself, I guess anyone can be bullied no matter their social standing lol.

And the 2nd half of the episode was a summer festival bit, it definitely hits different as I look outside and there’s snow on the ground lol, it does have me looking forward to the warmer weather. And this was where we had that great Kai and Uka moment, I was wondering if Kai would make an effort to see Uka over the summer break so I’m really glad he got her number there, and then that moment at the very end between Uka and Serina was the cherry on top, in the same episode they were denying their feelings they decided to be open about them instead, very nice to see, let’s hope Uka doesn’t doubt herself over loving Kai any longer from here on out.
Feb 19, 6:56 PM

Jul 2024
This anime looks like its one of those Kim Kardashian show.
Feb 19, 6:59 PM
Feb 2024
Wrathberry84 said:
@phantomfandom intentionaly? maybe he is just a little shy sometimes too? you serously blame him for protecting bullied girls? wtf is wrong with you.

what should he better do? just look away, so he does not take advantage of the pure bullied girl?
whats wrong with you?

i mean both serina and uka are girls with a million reason to fall in love with. maybe he just likes them for their great personality?

and btw: i REALLY REALLY love that the ex in this anime is no bitch, like in a million other shows. She is actualy a great person. I seriously lost couldnt believe, when serina showed up, and was no antagonist but supportive and great.

this show is definitly the best romance show by far this season. im not counting the 100 girlfriends, because its more a comedy than a true romance show.

i also love that uka really is making progress. of course she falls back into old patterns sometimes, thats totaly normal for an insecure character like her. but she is making small steps, and she did a really big one this episode.

i think he should stop leading girls on if he has no romantic interest in them.. thats just me though. i know he admitted he liked uka last episode but how does he not know uka won't be the same as serina?
Feb 19, 7:16 PM
Mar 2020
This one's kind of sinking to the bottom of the season for me. So much good stuff and I thought it would be better than it is. But this kind of melodrama is not only boring but predictable.

Anyway, at least the OP and ED continue to be bops.
Feb 19, 7:40 PM

Oct 2010
Ayumi is literally the sweetest girl!!!
"Do you want me to take you away... to a place in this city where wishes come true?"
Feb 19, 9:15 PM

Jan 2014
Self deprecating and inferiority complex are the stupidest traits in shuojo anime, I hate them so much.
Feb 19, 9:48 PM
Dec 2023
a bit late to post, but uka is just a circle of a character. every time I think she's about to change, or make a decision, she falls right back into the same wet blanket of a character she started as. it's really annoying to watch. I would've been okay if she just took a couple episodes to put the pieces together, or let her jealousy boil over a bit and have a big realization moment, but nope. she just lets everyone tell her what she should feel, or what she is, etc with little to no pushback and clarification.
this show started out okay, just to continuously fall on every shoujo trope, reverting all character growth, and making the ex "I was really popular once, then I took an arrow to the knee." I'm gonna finish it out, like I am with the other 6 bad anime of the season, but I won't be excited to see the next episodes drop. what was a 7 out of 10, is now a 4.
Feb 19, 9:49 PM

Dec 2010
What left the biggest impression to me is that Ayumi is such a good friend, passing on the opportunity to date Satoru to support Uka. Top 10 MC friend right there.
Feb 19, 10:59 PM
Jun 2023
I feel like today’s episode finally had progress!

I feel like it was a good development period for Uka to get to know Kai and then realize she had feelings without it being too sudden. Most people and I feel like Uka would not fall in love so easy. I cannot wait for Kai to pressure her into saying it — I imagine it would happen that way! I will say I am not a huge fan of the Shojo trope of A girl being jealous of B girl and I’m glad thus far it is not like that. Serena and Uka are actually becoming friends and I feel like this a little more realistic of people being friends with their ex’s.
Feb 19, 11:05 PM
Jan 2022
Meritas said:
What left the biggest impression to me is that Ayumi is such a good friend, passing on the opportunity to date Satoru to support Uka. Top 10 MC friend right there.

she's definitely an awesome friend. I can't bring myself to be mad at Uka because clearly she's got issues, but I am disappointed constantly with her absolutely ridiculous take on life. you don't exist for the sake of others, live your damn life!!!
Feb 20, 12:40 AM
Feb 2020
Marinate1016 said:

THAT ENDING! Kai getting upset because Uka didn’t give him her number was so sweet and then Uka straight up telling Serina how she feels about Kai. Other romance stories use fireworks for the leads to confess to each other, honeylemon uses it for best friends to tell each other how they feel about the guy 😂

Well, it was technically a confession. A confession of camaraderie and sisterhood hahahahahhaha
Feb 20, 1:10 AM

Aug 2020
another great ep

now we know what really happened with Serina...

but if Kai was really loving her, was it easy for him to accept the break up and move on but still feel emotional for her...
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Feb 20, 1:54 AM
Sep 2021
Omg I loved this episode! Ishimori is finally coming to terms and accepting her feelings towards Miura. He is also doing the same and realising Ishimori's feelings towards him as well.

Serina realises that she let Miura get away, it's unclear if he still has feelings for her romantically but she definitely does for him. Either way, that time has passed and she knows it. Whilst Serina can't be too happy about the situation between Miura and Ishimori, she's a nice enough person to not let those emotions become toxic instead, she opts to be genuinely supportive of the two even though deep down it does hurt her inside.

I can't wait till next weeks episode, we have 5 more episodes left so I doubt we will get a confession by next week but who knows? We will have to wait and see.

Overall, I'm really surprised actually that this shows rating is as low as it is. It truly is a brilliantly done romance in my opinion. I've practically watched every romance that's come out over the past few years and this one, I have to say took me by surprise. Especially when it comes to ratings vs expectations. Hopefully that will change soon, lets get it to at least 7*!!
Feb 20, 1:59 AM
Sep 2021
Reply to KanameYuuki
The main 3 are too kind for their own good but Ayumi is an angel, I love her, I just want to see her happy with Satoru.
Ayumi x Satoru I hope will happen too! @KanameYuuki
Feb 20, 2:19 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to TeetsMcgee
a bit late to post, but uka is just a circle of a character. every time I think she's about to change, or make a decision, she falls right back into the same wet blanket of a character she started as. it's really annoying to watch. I would've been okay if she just took a couple episodes to put the pieces together, or let her jealousy boil over a bit and have a big realization moment, but nope. she just lets everyone tell her what she should feel, or what she is, etc with little to no pushback and clarification.
this show started out okay, just to continuously fall on every shoujo trope, reverting all character growth, and making the ex "I was really popular once, then I took an arrow to the knee." I'm gonna finish it out, like I am with the other 6 bad anime of the season, but I won't be excited to see the next episodes drop. what was a 7 out of 10, is now a 4.
@TeetsMcgee i think she is depicted pretty realistic.
She got bullied to no end and is extremly insecure because of that. And now the most popular boy in school is nice to her. Do you really think its unusual for a character like her to constantly doubt herself?
Of course she is again and again dropping back to her insecure self, because trauma isnt going away that easy.
But she is making small steps forward.

I really love the show more and uka is a really cute and great character.
Feb 20, 2:20 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to Sorripi
Wrathberry84 said:
@phantomfandom intentionaly? maybe he is just a little shy sometimes too? you serously blame him for protecting bullied girls? wtf is wrong with you.

what should he better do? just look away, so he does not take advantage of the pure bullied girl?
whats wrong with you?

i mean both serina and uka are girls with a million reason to fall in love with. maybe he just likes them for their great personality?

and btw: i REALLY REALLY love that the ex in this anime is no bitch, like in a million other shows. She is actualy a great person. I seriously lost couldnt believe, when serina showed up, and was no antagonist but supportive and great.

this show is definitly the best romance show by far this season. im not counting the 100 girlfriends, because its more a comedy than a true romance show.

i also love that uka really is making progress. of course she falls back into old patterns sometimes, thats totaly normal for an insecure character like her. but she is making small steps, and she did a really big one this episode.

i think he should stop leading girls on if he has no romantic interest in them.. thats just me though. i know he admitted he liked uka last episode but how does he not know uka won't be the same as serina?
@Sorripi but he has? He is obviously in love with uka. And he also was with selina.
Both are girls with great character, so i cant blame him.
So where is the problem?
Feb 20, 2:59 AM

Jan 2025
Nice episode, i hoped at the end that Uka will tell Serina that "they should love kai and be friends because they both have feelings for the same guy and have no hard feelings when he chooses (Uka obviously), even tho they will, but regardless how it ends they'll stay friends forever", idk why but Serina giving me that feeling that she's gonna be Uka's BFF.

The other thing that bothers me, idk how exactly Kai and Serina broke up, she told him that she can't be good without him, but he'll be fine alone and then they broke up and Kai just accepted it without saying a word? that's very weird and out of character for him, i thought kai liked her, otherwise he wouldn't have kissed her to start the relationship. I don't get it.

Also, before all the "she cries all the time" comments, this time she has a good reason, she felt like coming out with her feelings will hurt her friends and she didn't want to mess it.

@IzanaSolos I don't understand what you mean Shoujo, this happens irl, it doesn't even have to be a girl with her boyfriend. You can have a nasty girl that likes a guy, but that guy pay attention to other less popular girl, then the nasty girl will group her friends and gang boycott that girl to the point she either stop coming to school due to bullying or transfer other school due to bullying.

@Marinate1016 yeah, they say kids grant you happiness, but in truth it's a double edge sword, Kids in school can be brutal animals.

@phantomfandom i think you overreacting, Kai isn't that type of character, he just wants to help others. In serina case he fall in love with her and started the relationship by kissing her, In Ishimori case, he really just wanted to help her grow, he even said that she's not an interest of love to him, until something changed and he took those words back per the previous episode.

@ajw215799 hmm, not for me, never liked someone being close their ex.

@SenpaiTM to be honest she had a good reason to cry this time, she felt like coming and saying the truth will hurt her new friends and didn't want to mess it.

@LaczPro19 lol :D

@spacewannabe lmao what are you talking about? the music was fine, it only peaked when she confessed her feelings, it's suppose to be dramatic. i love the music in this anime

@Phantom_Siren652, @Narizor Nonsense, there's nothing wrong at trying to help people, you don't need to make up a whole Predatory reasons.

@TheColonel76 i agree

@TeetsMcgee it takes time for a person to change, you expecting to much, i personally experienced it with another person IRL, sometimes they just can't.

@shmeowww LOL with Kai's and Uka's personality, it does seem like he gonna force her to confess because she won't be able to do anything without him, but i think Uka will surprise him and do it by herself.

@otakuweek that's what i said

@Fenyy lots of haters.
Ron014Feb 20, 6:59 AM
Feb 20, 3:32 AM
Sep 2021
Ron014 said:
Nice episode, i hoped at the end that Uka will tell Serina that "they should love kai and be friends because they both have feelings for the same guy and have no hard feelings when he chooses (Uka obviously), even tho they will, but regardless how it ends they'll stay friends forever", idk why but Serina giving me that feeling that she's gonna be Uka's BFF.

The other thing that bothers me, idk how exactly Kai broke up with Serina, she told him that she can't be good without him, but he'll be fine alone and then they broke up and Kai just accepted it without saying a word? that's very weird and out of character for him, i thought kai liked her, otherwise he wouldn't have kissed her to start the relationship. I don't get it.

Also, before all the "she cries all the time" comments, this time she has a good reason, she felt like coming out with her feelings will hurt her friends and she didn't want to mess it.

@IzanaSolos I don't understand what you mean Shoujo, this happens irl, it doesn't even have to be a girl with her boyfriend. You can have a nasty girl that likes a guy, but that guy pay attention to other less popular girl, then the nasty girl will group her friends and gang boycott that girl to the point she either stop coming to school due to bullying or transfer other school due to bullying.

@Marinate1016 yeah, they say kids grant you happiness, but in truth it's a double edge sword, Kids in school can be brutal animals.

@phantomfandom i think you overreacting, Kai isn't that type of character, he just wants to help others. In serina case he fall in love with her and started the relationship by kissing her, In Ishimori case, he really just wanted to help her grow, he even said that she's not an interest of love to him, until something changed and he took those words back per the previous episode.

@ajw215799 hmm, not for me, never liked someone being close their ex.

@Skuvan i don't get it as i've mentioned above.

@SenpaiTM to be honest she had a good reason to cry this time, she felt like coming and saying the truth will hurt her new friends and didn't want to mess it.

@LaczPro19 lol :D

@spacewannabe lmao what are you talking about? the music was fine, it only peaked when she confessed her feelings, it's suppose to be dramatic. i love the music in this anime

@Phantom_Siren652, @Narizor Nonsense, there's nothing wrong at trying to help people, you don't need to make up a whole Predatory reasons.

@TheColonel76 i agree

@TeetsMcgee it takes time for a person to change, you expecting to much, i personally experienced it with another person IRL, sometimes they just can't.

@shmeowww LOL with Kai's and Uka's personality, it does seem like he gonna force her to confess because she won't be able to do anything without him, but i think Uka will surprise him and do it by herself.

@otakuweek that's what i said

@Fenyy lots of haters.

Unfortunately, true. Not sure why all the hate, I haven't read many comments so I'm kind of in the dark as to why there's so many haters.. I get the pacing is slow but that in my opinion is a positive not a negative.

also to answer your question, I think Serina broke up with him potentially.. I could be wrong but maybe she felt like a burden to him? that he would always have to look after her? I dunno, I just feel like she was the one who ended it not him. I could be completely wrong but that was my initial feeling unless I missed something.

I thought that Kai accepted the break up because he wanted Serina to make her own choice for one. If this is how she truly felt, and didn't want her to feel like she always had to rely on him.. I think he accepted this so she could grow as a person.
FenyyFeb 20, 3:37 AM
Feb 20, 3:40 AM

Feb 2014
Uka isn't the only girl in this series that had to deal with bullying. Serina has her own fair share of issues dealing with repulsive and jealous brats who envy her for dating Kai back in junior high. Although they did break up in the end, I still respect Kai for helping her out in her time of need, both in the past and in the present when a snotty student and her friends ganged up on Serina.

Both Uka and Serina weren't honest to each other with some of their exchanges earlier in the episode, but I'm glad that they were able to overcome that and not only be truthful when they talk, but also helps them to be closer as friends. Speaking of, Ayumi has been my favourite character of this series for a while now thanks to her charming looks, personality and how good of a friend she is towards Uka. How she invited her to go to the fireworks festival in her way of helping out was rather sweet. =)
Feb 20, 4:40 AM
May 2021
Uka is such a silly goober, just because you have a love rival doesn't mean they can't be your friend too.
Feb 20, 4:50 AM

Dec 2024
This show is just really weird and unrealistic. I know i've said this in every episode so far (not like you read my last forum post if you are reading this) But like Kai and Ishimori just seem like such weird characters and now that i think about it Ishimori is such an easy self insert for any introverted girl. This feels like a freaky female fantasy without the freak. Serina's backstory was weird i mean not everybody is going to hate you for standing up for somebody and then Kai kissing her like that is just ugh, I feel like its uncalled for tbh. And then Kai acting like that with Ishimori its just hard to follow. Whatever.
Feb 20, 5:56 AM
Mar 2021
People seem to get weirded it out by this fact, but I am happily-amazed by aesthetics, background, and character design of this anime. It’s like Kimi ni Todoke: Inner-City Edition. I like the feel of this anime.

Also, it is always refreshing to see a love triangle where the two lover-rivals aren’t at each other’s throats, and actually are on good terms. Gives a little more difficulty on who to cheer for (I think My Romantic Comedy SNAFU comes to mind).

For an anime I was never sure I wanted to watch from the pv, I really have been enjoying it.
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