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Feb 13, 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
Good for Senku's crew. They got a multi plan to take down Xeno so they're not caught unprepared.

Felt like a chess match between the two sides as Xeno also played his cards. Luna's chemistry with Senku is priceless. She turns into a shy blushing girl this episode LOL. The VA captured her personality really well imo.
Feb 13, 6:01 AM

Oct 2009
Her blonde hair is striking too, isn't it?

Can someone please explain in what world, through what kinda colour filter is Luna's hair blonde??? Uei, please....

Pretty Senkuu does feel off though, he's a lot more handsome when in his actual element. 🀣
yellowheartrenFeb 13, 6:13 AM
Feb 13, 6:29 AM
Sep 2015
Tsukasa must be jealous if he know that his boyfriend flirt with a woman while he was away hunting the enemy.

Wait did I just see the pronoun "he" used for Francois, I used to assume Francois is female.

I love how Mos, a previous villain boss, is completely in harmony with Senku group, he's just a goofy and horny guy.
Feb 13, 7:23 AM

Feb 2020
I'm already shipping in my head
Luna ❀️ Doctor Taiju
Feb 13, 7:29 AM

Feb 2019
Luna my beloved finally on screen let’s gooo!! This was such a fun episode it felt like it went by in 5 minutes. Xeno fighting fire with fire, if Senku is gonna send a spy, of course he’ll respond in kind. Feel like Gen is a way better spy than Luna though πŸ˜‚

Senku and the group making ice cream from scratch really took me back to making ice cream in chemistry class, good old days.

“Science is elegance” Cat’s finally out the bag with Xeno’s real identity. This is such a cool full circle moment to have with Senku going up against the person who kickstarted his interest in science in the first place. Time for the student to become the master.

Really chill set up episode for the start of Xeno’s counterattack and of course Luna is so pretty, so hype to see her animated
Marinate1016Feb 13, 7:47 AM
Feb 13, 8:24 AM
Oct 2019
tasty episode to watch, anxious for the next
Feb 13, 8:29 AM

Aug 2013
Luna is dummy thicc

good lord..Dr Stone has some serious character designs on lock.
Don't believe the hype.
Feb 13, 8:35 AM

Dec 2021
ice cream… so peak
Feb 13, 8:48 AM
May 2017
I really want peace between them since Xeno is Senkus inspiration or whatever. But I guess that's not gonna happen :'( A really good episode, totally loved it. The plot moving forward nicely
Feb 13, 9:08 AM
Jun 2024
I can't wait for the next episode, this was so good I really like Luna, is a good character. And, wow, Xero was the inspiration of Senko in science, that's a pretty good plot twist. I hope the next episode is just as good
Feb 13, 9:09 AM

Jun 2017
Oh crap, not even in my wildest imagination did I think it'd come down to mentor v student deciding the Japan - USA showdown! Damn, it's so fitting too. This show really knows how to keep me on the edge of the seat, I swear.

Ice-cream though, that's quite something! That's a must for survival, I'm surprised it took this long for them to bother getting it, lol. Runa Raito is such a cutie though, and it's good that she still thinks Dr. Taiju's a handful xD.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Feb 13, 9:09 AM
Dec 2022
So is Dr.Xeno Senku’s teacher or wat?
Feb 13, 9:18 AM

Feb 2016

I liked that little scene at the end showing us the connection between Senku and Xeno, makes things more interesting.

I hate those 2 Luna simps, they are so unnecessary, we don't need more comic relief characters in this, especially BAD comic relief characters lol
Sorry if my english is bad (γ£Λ˜β–½Λ˜)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Feb 13, 9:31 AM

Feb 2013
The plot is developing nicely.
Feb 13, 9:33 AM
Jun 2024
Feb 13, 9:41 AM

Jan 2018
New characters are introduced. Luna and her simps. Luna seems to have a stone mark above her ass but those two guys don't seem to have them. So, were they petrified or what?

Looks like Stanley wants to assassinate "Dr." Taiju by sniping him. That's pretty badass.

Considering how much she hypes herself up, Luna is a pretty dense character. She couldn't put two and two together and realize that Taiju was a decoy and Senku was the real scientist because of how smart he is lol. Also, why is the gang still calling Taiju by his name? After the pretty obvious spy, they should've started using codenames just to be safe.

I guess there are some things even Dr. Xeno's Science Kingdom doesn't have. That is ice cream. I guess cigarettes were more important lol.

Hold up, Dr. Xeno is a NASA scientist AND he's Senku's old mentor?! That makes things way more interesting. I wonder if Xeno even remembers Senku.

StallionXD said:
I hate those 2 Luna simps, they are so unnecessary, we don't need more comic relief characters in this, especially BAD comic relief characters lol

I completely agree. One of the few things that I don't like about Dr. STONE is its "humor" (if you can even call it that). It feels so repetitive and it sometimes makes the story worse. For example, was it really necessary for Luna to do a joke when she was talking to Stanley about him literally killing somebody? That was so weird and unnecessary.
Feb 13, 9:50 AM
May 2024
It's not just me who thinks the production quality has gone done drastically compared to the last few seasons, right? Painfully noticeable in this episode. It just feels off. Either that or I'm fucking high idk. I don't smoke though
Feb 13, 9:51 AM
Jun 2021
New waifu alert! Boichi really knows how to draw them.
Feb 13, 9:53 AM

Jul 2022
That teacher vs. student twist I didn't expect! Now that Senkuu knows he's up against his mentor, Dr. Xeno, there's a chance that, if Xeno realizes he's Senkuu, the war will come to an end. Luna, who has no idea who the real scientist on the ship is, incredibly, after talking to Senkuu still believes that Taiju is the real scientist.

It's likely that Luna will eventually discover that Senkuu is the real scientist. The real question is whether she will figure it out before she falls in love with him, even though to Senkuu she will just be another labor force.
Feb 13, 10:04 AM
Nov 2023
Boichi is an ass man
Feb 13, 10:21 AM
Jun 2016
LUNA! I forgot how much i liked her character. So capable, so the gal...
Feb 13, 10:43 AM

Jan 2009
the mentor of senku is the enemy xeno dang
Feb 13, 10:46 AM

Feb 2012
Dr. Xeno has a plan to assassinate Dr. Taiju and Gen can't do much since they can intercept radio signals.
Stanley has already guessed the supposed defector Gen is a spy in Dr. Xeno 's kingdom. Now, they send a spy of their own, Luna.

Her servants? Max and Carlos bring water bottles as sniper Stanley is gonna be perched up on that tree waiting for Luna to give the signal.

So the reason those two had to carry and not Luna is so she could play a convincing escapee from Dr. Xeno.

Ryusui's sailor instinct already knows something is amiss.

Dr. X wants to kill the youth kingdom of science's leader elegantly; Luna marking Taiju and Stanley sniping is the plan they have to execute.

Luna makes an impression on the crew of the Perseus. But while she is charming most of the men on board, she herself is charmed by Senku, who she doesn't know is the main scientist.

Senku's organic chemistry is the key to getting information out of Luna; making synthetic vanilla flavour for ice cream served at Bar Francois.

With a spy infatuated, Senku can confirm his suspicion about who Dr. Xeno is; a former NASA scientist, his mentor, the one who got him building rockets before the world was petrified. Luna recognises both have an affinity for elegance.
Fortress_MaximusFeb 13, 2:04 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 13, 11:03 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So Xeno has ties to NASA which inspired Senku to build a rocket which explains why the new girl is named Luna(Moon) which can't be a coincidence. They still don't know the identity of the fake scientist Dr. Taiju or that Senku is the real leader that is being targeted once Luna finds out who the real scientist is.
Feb 13, 11:17 AM

Dec 2013
Moz never changes but you can't blame him, Luna is bae, another hot girl and I like her funny personality, thinking she is a femme fatale when she is like the complete opposite.

StallionXD said:

I hate those 2 Luna simps, they are so unnecessary, we don't need more comic relief characters in this, especially BAD comic relief characters lol

Yeah, they were super obnoxious and seemed unnecessary.
Feb 13, 11:18 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
ice cream Senku style :D
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Feb 13, 11:26 AM

Aug 2022
Uei said Senku has a thing for blondes, but she's not blonde at all. What did that even mean lmao?
Feb 13, 11:26 AM
Feb 2019
Senku a DAWG frfr-
Feb 13, 11:51 AM

Nov 2016
I would've switched sides for soft ice.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 13, 12:04 PM

Aug 2020
great ep

so he is the mentor, ok, no i understand...
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Feb 13, 12:36 PM

Feb 2014
Luna helped to make this episode a really enjoyable one. Not only does she look attractive, but her inner monologue and crazy reactions had me laughing often. Same goes for how Senku went on the charm offensive with his attempt in interrogating her.

You can't go wrong when it comes to ice-cream. While it's not my favourite flavour, a simple soft serve vanilla ice-cream is always a safe choice to fall on and it went down perfectly with Luna and the rest of Senku's crew. I won't lie, it made me a bit hungry... XD

This scene did lead to Luna telling Senku about Xeno and the words "Science is elegant" struck down on Senku really hard. The very thing that Senku made when he was younger, a small rocket, was inspired by an online article written by Dr Xeno himself, so now we have an interesting type of master vs student battle here. It'll be interesting to see how both sides with try to outwit each other in the coming episodes.
Feb 13, 12:38 PM
Jan 2025
Really liked this episode, and the reveal at the end with Xeno was pretty crazy. I'm mostly wondering whether Senku will try to talk it out with Xeno or not, and what Stanley and Luna will add to the equation.
Feb 13, 1:21 PM
Apr 2022
I want to eat ice cream
Feb 13, 1:35 PM
May 2018
Reply to StallionXD

I liked that little scene at the end showing us the connection between Senku and Xeno, makes things more interesting.

I hate those 2 Luna simps, they are so unnecessary, we don't need more comic relief characters in this, especially BAD comic relief characters lol
@StallionXD That was the only relevant scene in the episode. Had me vote 2 stars instead of 1 on this episode.

StallionXD said:
I hate those 2 Luna simps, they are so unnecessary, we don't need more comic relief characters in this, especially BAD comic relief characters lol

I agree. Unfortunately, the anime keeps bloating itself with pointless characters.
Feb 13, 1:46 PM
May 2018
Reply to 0451
New characters are introduced. Luna and her simps. Luna seems to have a stone mark above her ass but those two guys don't seem to have them. So, were they petrified or what?

Looks like Stanley wants to assassinate "Dr." Taiju by sniping him. That's pretty badass.

Considering how much she hypes herself up, Luna is a pretty dense character. She couldn't put two and two together and realize that Taiju was a decoy and Senku was the real scientist because of how smart he is lol. Also, why is the gang still calling Taiju by his name? After the pretty obvious spy, they should've started using codenames just to be safe.

I guess there are some things even Dr. Xeno's Science Kingdom doesn't have. That is ice cream. I guess cigarettes were more important lol.

Hold up, Dr. Xeno is a NASA scientist AND he's Senku's old mentor?! That makes things way more interesting. I wonder if Xeno even remembers Senku.

StallionXD said:
I hate those 2 Luna simps, they are so unnecessary, we don't need more comic relief characters in this, especially BAD comic relief characters lol

I completely agree. One of the few things that I don't like about Dr. STONE is its "humor" (if you can even call it that). It feels so repetitive and it sometimes makes the story worse. For example, was it really necessary for Luna to do a joke when she was talking to Stanley about him literally killing somebody? That was so weird and unnecessary.
0451 said:
One of the few things that I don't like about Dr. STONE is its "humor" (if you can even call it that). It feels so repetitive and it sometimes makes the story worse. For example, was it really necessary for Luna to do a joke when she was talking to Stanley about him literally killing somebody? That was so weird and unnecessary.

Couldn't agree more. I don't know if it's the author's humor or if the studio that makes the anime adds it as filler content but it's really off-putting. It's as if everyone is trying to one up each other in a competition of who will make the worst jokes.
Feb 13, 1:50 PM

Jun 2015
What happened just now? Does this mean they're friends? Are they going to work together instead of killing each other?
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Feb 13, 1:54 PM
May 2018
Reply to PrynnTze
It's not just me who thinks the production quality has gone done drastically compared to the last few seasons, right? Painfully noticeable in this episode. It just feels off. Either that or I'm fucking high idk. I don't smoke though
PrynnTze said:
Either that or I'm fucking high idk.

Lol, it's definitely the former. It's one slideshow of funny faces after another with barely any animation. Little science, few animated scenes, more jokes and circle jerk of stating the obvious.
Feb 13, 1:59 PM
May 2018
Reply to KanameYuuki
Moz never changes but you can't blame him, Luna is bae, another hot girl and I like her funny personality, thinking she is a femme fatale when she is like the complete opposite.

StallionXD said:

I hate those 2 Luna simps, they are so unnecessary, we don't need more comic relief characters in this, especially BAD comic relief characters lol

Yeah, they were super obnoxious and seemed unnecessary.
KanameYuuki said:
Yeah, they were super obnoxious and seemed unnecessary.

And I'm afraid we'll probably be seeing more of them.
Feb 13, 2:35 PM
Dec 2022
I didn't expect dr.Xeno to be Senku's mentor I expected him to be his brother or something but great ep
Feb 13, 2:51 PM
May 2018
I'm finding it harder to blame Dr. Xeno for going so far as to assassinate Senku for the revival fluid. Having such incompetent imbeciles as those two simps and Luna who isn't as bright as what her name evokes for society, Dr. Xeno is too hard-pressed to do otherwise lol. I was expecting Stan to shut them up by holding them at gun point but he proved to be more patient than I gave him credit for. This also explains the oddly abundant trust and sympathy Dr. Xeno has for him.

Coincidentally albeit fortunately so, able people happened to be concentrated near Senku's surroundings during the petrification, considering that he wasn't situated in Tokyo where one would expect such magnitude of them.

Having slogged through the endless filler scenes, seeing the slightly underwhelming reveal that Dr. Xeno was the primary factor in Senku's interest in science and skills thereof was what saved the episode from totally sucking. Will Dr. X still want to murder his young scientific pen pal when he finds out? Also Senku calls him a former NASA scientist. Now, is that because NASA simply doesn't exist anymore or because he was cooking up some suspicious things and had to leave NASA somehow?
Feb 13, 3:42 PM

Feb 2022
Look's like Senku's rizzling ability is effective to Luna. lmao

Holy moly! That anti-material rifle is just too much...
Feb 13, 4:21 PM

Dec 2018
Okay listen, I’m still devoted the Kohaku, but good lord this design for Luna is crazy lol, we got a genuine shortstack on our hands, I’m talking hips for days, I love it. And not only is her design great, the tasteful camera angles were aplenty as well, definitely very appreciative of that, it’s just unfortunate for Dr. Xeno and Stanley that she’s not the brightest spy they could have chosen, you have an absolute mastermind like Gen, and then you have Luna lol, she’s got looks going for her but she didn’t put two and two together that the real smart man is Senku, I mean she even said it herself that her type is the head scientist but didn’t realize he’s right there lol, oh well.

And Stanley is a mad lad for choosing to snipe the enemy (very cool looking rifle too), I thought with the way the previous episode ended we were in for a head to head battle with Stanley’s machine gun versus three Japanese men and a little girl, but I’d say this is a bit more realistic than facing Stanley head on lol, the idea is pretty dark for Dr. Stone but I don’t think anyone’s head is getting popped, somehow the plan will fail. And lastly is the biggest reveal of the episode, being Dr. Xeno’s true identity, a buddy of mine thought Xeno was Senku’s real father but this isn’t that far off, he’s actually Senku’s mentor and his original inspiration for becoming a man of science, also he’s formerly of NASA, pretty insane that they would meet again like this but the conflict just got a lot more interesting, it’s not just scientist versus scientist anymore, it’s also master versus student.
TheColonel76Feb 13, 4:24 PM
Feb 13, 4:42 PM

Mar 2010
Damn good episode, loved how the spy gal had such a girl next door vibe.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 13, 4:56 PM

Oct 2019
So Dr Xeno is Senku's mentor. Interesting.

A rather fun episode with some quite weak parts that made no sense.
First we see Stanley scan the boat dwellers with his rifle and seeing Senku with his conspicuous science signature of E = mc^2,
shouting from the rooftops "SCIENCE GUY!!"

And yet he paid no attention, despite being an old-worlder, thus fully knowing what that meant.
Sending Luna was not required at all, he could have taken him out right there. I fully get Senku's plot armor; he's the primary MC, so he cannot die. But why have Stanley rifle-spot him in full view of his science badge?

Second we have Luna. We see her spy on Senku repeatedly, while he sciences the crap out of a bunch of stuff; she also sees Taiju does not have a scientific bone in his body, and yet she still believes Taiju is the science guy, just because Gen named him. A man who they suspect is a spy, and yet they do not think he might have lied to protect the real science guy.

I am used to anime insulting the intelligence of viewers, thinking we are all idiots, but I don't recall having felt that from Dr Stone.
Until now...

Feb 13, 5:03 PM
Jan 2022
how dense is Luna to have not clued in yet???
Feb 13, 5:11 PM
Oct 2016
An extra connection between Senku and Xeno! With the doctor being someone whom inspired Senku to build rockets and explore science. That will be an interesting meeting then once they do eventually confront one another. This was a great episode with the Americans now sending a spy of their own. We see some more characters from this civilization with this girl Luna and some brings carrying supplies for Stanley. Who himself is going to smile Dr Taiju, it seems like Gen giving these Americans any information has come back to bite the kingdom of science. Stanley is a cold blooded soldier who will follow through with any order Xeno gives him. The doctor even saying taking out the enemy leader swiftly is the best efficient way to end a conflict. These enemies are no joke, our group is really for to overcome the odds on this one. When there girl Luna got on the ship there were so many funny moment! Her trying to pin down who Taiju is, only for him to just be revealed right there and going outside. The reaction faces all around were top tier quality throughout the episode. Both sides are being cautious and trying to end things before all out war is declared. Who's game of subterfuge will win out!
Feb 13, 6:05 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to yellowheartren
Her blonde hair is striking too, isn't it?

Can someone please explain in what world, through what kinda colour filter is Luna's hair blonde??? Uei, please....

Pretty Senkuu does feel off though, he's a lot more handsome when in his actual element. 🀣
@yellowheartren Pretty sure it was pink on my screen. Yep, definitely pink.
Feb 13, 6:15 PM
Jul 2024
OK, why does Luna look like a walking peppermint stick? ROFLMAO. Oh right, Stan explained that. It really isn't funny at all.
Feb 13, 7:50 PM
Mar 2023
Everyone was a villain and tried to kill Senkuu and now they all are goofy guys 😭 Mori recently, also Gen, Tsukasa, hope too see Dr. Xeno as a goofy guy too
Feb 13, 8:06 PM

May 2016
I see Luna got some ice cream to go along with that cake...... :' )
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
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