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Oct 4, 2024 10:52 AM

Nov 2011
Kei just seems like the type of guy who knows how to play against his opponents. Keeping his cool, we got the game of mahjong being featured prominently in this episode and series.

The gameplay is extensive and featured from various players at that table. Seems like these games will test how each player can outplay each other mentally.
Oct 4, 2024 10:52 AM

Dec 2021
For some odd reason, mahjong animes have been the rage this year, from Pon no Michi, to Mahjong Soul Kan, and now this. I mean, it's never not cool to see a mahjong anime, but when watching animes in the genre, it's hard not to compare it to Saki, the gold standard when it comes to mahjong anime. Though, unlike any of it's predecessors, this one is going for that straight up edgy feel to it, for whatever reason that may be lol.

I mean, as if the way this Rin lookalike was acting for the first half of the episode, just completely silent and letting his money get sapped away, wasn't evidence enough. But then out of FUCKING NOWHERE DUDE ICES HIS OPPONENT??? The move was so "cold" that it just froze him... great lmao. Then they pull out this "rumor" (wasn't a rumor, we legit saw with our own eyes) that this dude has a girl in his closet and keeps her as a pet...???? What the FUCK does that have to do with mahjong.

It isn't just him either, OTHER PEOPLE KEEP MULTIPLE, I REPEAT, MULTIPLE GIRLS AS THEIR PETS??? Bro, Y'ALL PLAY FUCKING MAHJONG. And this ain't even the worst part of this episode. I've been trying to keep quiet about it because it's not like I expected something good from this, but holy FUCK does this anime look shit. Come to find out, this is the same studio that did Hananoi-kun... pretty much checks out. They somehow got worse at drawing than that.

I'm just at a loss for words. This was actually horrid. Even as a mahjong player and fan, this was GARABGE.

Oct 4, 2024 10:53 AM

Jul 2017
One of mangaka Koji Shinasaka's earliest and completed series of Touhai that lasted between 2006 to 2011, East Fish Studio's venture to adapt the entire manga, it's a lot of ambition for a series that's not licensed by the major players. You'll have to rely on fansubs for this show.

The young high school boy of few words, the rumoured 'K of Ice' Kei is as normal as he comes, but his observation skills, impeccable memory. unwavering will and experience in the game of Mahjong, allows him to survive in a world full of powerful, rich and dangerous characters like Motohara. Furthermore, he's also shielding a foreign girl in his place, though they seem to be on amicable terms.

Though Kei has little to no friends in school, aside from his friend of Yuu Katsuragi who keeps him close by, Kei hangs out with similar like-minded Mahjong friends he made online. But getting to know someone else and brought to a place that's run by criminals lead by Macchan who's hiding more than just the foreign girls he's close to, Mahjong is his only tool of game of saving his kid girl alive as well as the other girls under their control under a dangerous bet. But the gangsters being of foreign accent (to be more specific, Tagalog) only shows that Kei is rigged from the beginning, and the desperation shows on his face.

Having Masayoshi Oishi for the OP sure is a weird choice for the show, but yeah...

Not gonna lie, East Fish Studio being a relatively new studio, this show already looks so drab from the get-go, much less the lofty ambition to go for a 2-cour consecutive approach that is the studio's first.
KANLen09Oct 14, 2024 9:59 AM
Oct 4, 2024 1:32 PM

Feb 2021
@Lisasn, no subs yet sadly.
Oct 4, 2024 2:18 PM
Apr 2021
Memore said:
@Lisasn, no subs yet sadly.

Idc, where can i see it?
Oct 4, 2024 8:59 PM

May 2012
I need someone to pick up the mahjong anime, please.

There is waifu bait. What's the hold up.
Oct 4, 2024 9:14 PM

Sep 2016
it;s your own fault if you like mahjong and still don't know japanese in the year of 2024

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Oct 5, 2024 1:37 AM

Jul 2017
Reply to JollyB0y
Memore said:
@Lisasn, no subs yet sadly.

Idc, where can i see it?
@JollyB0y don't be an arrogant prick. If no licensing companies pick this up, we're just simply out of luck.
Oct 5, 2024 2:40 AM
Apr 2021
@KANLen09 that wasnt my intention so i apologize for that. Also i didnt know thats how it worked so thank you for telling me that
Oct 5, 2024 3:06 AM
Jun 2021
So, this is JP broadcast only atm? I don't mind no subs or using a VPN if there is any legit way to watch this.. Definitely not wanting to be 海賊.
Oct 5, 2024 5:56 AM

Sep 2020
Gaizek said:
So, this is JP broadcast only atm? I don't mind no subs or using a VPN if there is any legit way to watch this.. Definitely not wanting to be 海賊.

Nope. Gonna have to wait for fansubs
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Oct 5, 2024 10:58 AM

Sep 2013
Man i was excited for this, welp if no one picks it up i might translate it with AI or watch it raw and pray my jap understanding is enough
Deep dark fantasies
Oct 6, 2024 12:53 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to IzanaSolos
For some odd reason, mahjong animes have been the rage this year, from Pon no Michi, to Mahjong Soul Kan, and now this. I mean, it's never not cool to see a mahjong anime, but when watching animes in the genre, it's hard not to compare it to Saki, the gold standard when it comes to mahjong anime. Though, unlike any of it's predecessors, this one is going for that straight up edgy feel to it, for whatever reason that may be lol.

I mean, as if the way this Rin lookalike was acting for the first half of the episode, just completely silent and letting his money get sapped away, wasn't evidence enough. But then out of FUCKING NOWHERE DUDE ICES HIS OPPONENT??? The move was so "cold" that it just froze him... great lmao. Then they pull out this "rumor" (wasn't a rumor, we legit saw with our own eyes) that this dude has a girl in his closet and keeps her as a pet...???? What the FUCK does that have to do with mahjong.

It isn't just him either, OTHER PEOPLE KEEP MULTIPLE, I REPEAT, MULTIPLE GIRLS AS THEIR PETS??? Bro, Y'ALL PLAY FUCKING MAHJONG. And this ain't even the worst part of this episode. I've been trying to keep quiet about it because it's not like I expected something good from this, but holy FUCK does this anime look shit. Come to find out, this is the same studio that did Hananoi-kun... pretty much checks out. They somehow got worse at drawing than that.

I'm just at a loss for words. This was actually horrid. Even as a mahjong player and fan, this was GARABGE.
IzanaSolos said:
it's hard not to compare it to Saki, the gold standard when it comes to mahjong anime

I'd argue that a CGDCT is not really a gold standard for mahjong anime when we have that one anime with white-hair young guy playing against white-hair old guy... Akagi really is more centered on the game (while still being allowed to differ from actual gameplay, cf washizu mahjong, teamplay, ...) while Saki is full of (obviously fun) bs like "hey everytime i pon north and east i get shousuushi" or things like that.
Oct 7, 2024 2:14 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
They barely gave Amina enough screen time before she was dropped into this situation.
Not gonna lie though, I might have to bounce. I'm not like a huge mahjong fan and while it's not ridiculously difficult to understand and translate (aside from certain mahjong terms as someone who doesn't play), I just don't think I have the motivation to keep translating ears on every week. ED is a banger though.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Oct 12, 2024 7:40 PM

Jan 2016
Things I hate:
-Human Trafficking
-[Child] Abuse

I am going to withhold from giving this episode a rating. I am glad they gave us that start, now I wonder how he will get out of this. I am concerned as he only has one of the two girls as his "pet" (...likely "won" her in bet and there is no where else for her to go. I thought it was his little sister until they said "pet"). May the super wholesome fun animes I'm watching keep me strong while watching this.

Oct 13, 2024 12:09 AM

Aug 2013
Kid looking for a thrill vs. villain.
Oct 13, 2024 6:18 AM

Sep 2013
subs finally out, thanks so much to the fansubs

episode was pretty alright for a start, reminds me of Akagi with the underworld games,cheating, and how the young mc deals with it, animation is a bit lacking but this could be a fun ride
Deep dark fantasies
Oct 13, 2024 3:22 PM

Dec 2017
Visuals look way too bland. I get this show is on a shoestring budget but more creative art direction could have turned it into a cult hit.
Rest of the ingredients are definitely in place.
Oct 13, 2024 3:26 PM
Jun 2023
Reply to LilyVarbik
Things I hate:
-Human Trafficking
-[Child] Abuse

I am going to withhold from giving this episode a rating. I am glad they gave us that start, now I wonder how he will get out of this. I am concerned as he only has one of the two girls as his "pet" (...likely "won" her in bet and there is no where else for her to go. I thought it was his little sister until they said "pet"). May the super wholesome fun animes I'm watching keep me strong while watching this.
@LilyVarbik you know you can drop it though :'( don't do this to yourself my friend. i'm dropping it cuz uh no thanks. lol
Oct 13, 2024 5:34 PM

May 2012
That was mad entertaining. If those subs are accurate, then this show is not pulling any punches.

I have no idea what's in the source material and I still wouldn't expect the insanity you see in Akagi, but this is scratching the itch.
Oct 14, 2024 8:38 AM
Aug 2022
I watched the dorama (there's a 16 episodes live action series, unfortunately, they end on a cliffhanger) and this is much, much more grim than the Akagi and the further it goes, the harsher it gets. So yeah, not for the sensitive audience.

If we compare mahjong here & Akagi, Akagi is, weird as it'll sound, more realistic. Even though Akagi's game sense is supernatural, the game situation themselves are not that far out of ordinary. Touhai is a bit crazier - we have yakumans happening on a regular basis, with multiple yakuman waits on the same round and stuff like that. And that's without any tile swapping and other physical cheating - the players are just that lucky.

The show was still nice though, at least if you're into riichi. Can't say much from non-gamer perspective.
Oct 14, 2024 8:24 PM

Feb 2015
This is gonna be a great ride
Censorship is vandalism.
Oct 19, 2024 5:48 PM
Anime Archivist

Aug 2019
Time for some good old Mahjong anime. Honestly, after getting into Majhong Soul earlier this year and seeing some fringe mahjong anime (Jantama Pong, Pon no Michi, Akagi) I've wanted to eyeball a bit more from that sphere. And we start out this anime straight in a money match.

Of course this first enemy has a way to rig the matches. With a 40-19 deficit, definitely was a lot of points to catch up on. The million bet on top is prob a nice way to lower the guard. Along with choosing to list every single meal on his past menu.

The game in the second half, that upped the ante 20x. How you stumble into those kind of betting odds.. that's a real unfortunate scenario. 1000 points for 15000 yen.. but man. This MC is a mahjong prodigy. And that gangster is the standard trash bin mobster.

It's a bit different in its approach to the game then some mahjong anime, but I suppose a show like this will wind up remaining niche (and probably not that great).

I like Yuu at least, but she's just a side character who barely appeared.
Oct 25, 2024 2:56 PM

Aug 2020
good start

i was not ready for this kind of violence

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Oct 26, 2024 2:49 PM

Jan 2016
Reply to MROSIE
@LilyVarbik you know you can drop it though :'( don't do this to yourself my friend. i'm dropping it cuz uh no thanks. lol
@MROSIE I haven't watch anime at all since the 12th surprisingly enough. I don't like dropping anime but honestly I should. I need to take break for a little to at least improve my PTSD a little before risk it for any shows, especially this one which... fuck... this shit is real bruv. Actually "recently" finished a 4/10 anime even though first 2 episodes had one-to-one events matching on of my traumatic events. Need to stop doing this to myself.
I'll add to drop list and knowing me, I'll likely watch later and suffer.

Oct 27, 2024 2:50 PM
Oct 2018
Ugh. If this was the first anime I ever watched I'd be like are you people crazy?
Nov 24, 2024 1:42 AM

Apr 2018
Well I would first say that I like how they didn't try to change the year of the anime compared to its manga since it came out in 2006 and you can see how outdated things are in the anime especially the computer, for the story itself hmm it's special I guess, I like hardcore mahjong like Akagi of course but this one seems to be more focused on showing people doing hardcore and horrible things than the battle of wits and the genius mind of the MC... he's now fighting some of the worst guys you could imagine, is this guy raping the children while filming it?? wtf, anyway it's clear from the beginning that he will eventually win or at least save one of the girl, at least.
Dec 23, 2024 11:08 AM

Apr 2016
This first episode remeber the old animes when the explain is to easy or innocent...
...well, the ass of our young protagonist is in dangerous!!!
Dec 24, 2024 4:24 PM

Jun 2022

water downed version of akagi , huh ... well , looks decent enough to give it it's fair shots

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