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Apr 26, 2024 8:11 PM

Jan 2021
First, most people with social anxiety aren't the hottest girl in school that everyone wants to talk to. Second, if you're awkward in social settings you're not magically going to get a massive friendgroup and become popular lmao, Komi has pretty privilege off the charts. She doesn't even have a reason to by shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?

Why couldn't the series make the protagonist someone ugly and genuinely show their struggles and the mental battles they face at trying to make friends? Komi literally gets everything handed to her with no struggle which makes it all feel so fake and unrealistic. Author clearly wanted to make a cute girl do cute things. Typical waifu bait trash.
Fischer77Apr 26, 2024 8:14 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Apr 26, 2024 8:21 PM
Oct 2023
Well basically its a made up anime and the author wanted to make a story about a beautiful girl not that deep.
Apr 26, 2024 8:23 PM

Jul 2021
Because it won't be a comedy. I rather not watch something depressing
Apr 26, 2024 8:27 PM
Nov 2023
Comment above says it just right. We want entertainment not a documentary on ugly kids being unpopular.
Apr 26, 2024 8:29 PM
May 2023
It's an anime that does not take itself very serious so idk what to tell you
Apr 26, 2024 8:31 PM

Jan 2021
FutoiOtaku said:
Comment above says it just right. We want entertainment not a documentary on ugly kids being unpopular.

Yeah i forgot people rather watch trash waifu characters than actual compelling ones
Apr 26, 2024 8:31 PM
Handler One

Jan 2023
This was also one of my personal gripes though to be fair, this is a romcom in the end so it’s not really supposed to be super deep or meaningful or anything like that so I’m willing to forgive it on that aspect.

What I won’t forgive though is the repetitiveness of the comedy, because goodness did it get stale really quickly.

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Apr 26, 2024 8:41 PM

Feb 2021
It honestly is, as someone who was really socially anxious back in middle school, I feel like this show treats it way too lightly and something more "fun" and "cute" than it actually is.

I know that's what they are going for but I couldn't stop feeling like it wasn't well executed at all.
Apr 26, 2024 8:42 PM
Nov 2023
Fischer77 said:
FutoiOtaku said:
Comment above says it just right. We want entertainment not a documentary on ugly kids being unpopular.

Yeah i forgot people rather watch trash waifu characters than actual compelling ones

Maybe some people watch all kinds of anime and enjoy them for what they are? I’d rather be enjoying something I like than complaining that a writer didn’t meet my personal expectations with a show that plenty of people were happy with. What’s the point of declaring something to be a disgrace based on your own expectations? It’s titled comedy, not depressing suicide bait.
Apr 26, 2024 8:45 PM
Dec 2020
*hates the show and publicly complains about it*

*proceeds to watch all 24 episodes anyway*

Apr 26, 2024 8:45 PM

May 2020
Repetitive comedy...

Social anxiety can be good use for comedy at times but its portrayal is bad...

Offputting at times even...

I turn off my brain to avoid those since its a comedy...

Easier said than done though!!!
" Kindness can sometimes lead you to trouble. "

Apr 26, 2024 8:51 PM
Sep 2023
but like.. this is a comedy.. they don't say everyone lives social anxiety like this, and they never said it was a general thing.. they don't even pronounce "social anxiety" much in the anime, I think. it's a comedic element that makes the female mc funny. nothing more. they just pushed it to the extreme.
Apr 26, 2024 9:00 PM
Jul 2022
Complaining a show is written in the wrong genre is kind of crazy lol just find another show in the genre you want to watch. Imagine I said "Snafu is ridiculous first off why are all of the hot girls flocking to the social outcast?!?! Either the mc should be ugly or the girls should all be because they wouldn't have any problems to solve if they were attractive! Also why are these 17 yo kids all speaking like they're 35 with insight and inflection beyond their years the show really doesn't represent real highschool students!" Just don't watch a comedy if you don't want......comedy.
Apr 26, 2024 9:10 PM
Sep 2019
i think is just how the show is, calling an disgrace is wrong buddy, i have a lot of social anxiety, and in some situations (the majory of them) i could relate to it most of the time, i agreed that is not so realistic, but calling a digrace is just shooting your own foot, komi san is an incredible anime, choose your words with more atention next time please, and other thing, this anime is not about how people with social anxiety shoud behave or something like that, is a romcom, the social problem that komi is into, is just a plot to make the character special, and using that to create tons of *FUNNY* situacions to an *COMEDY* anime
kurumidesu22Apr 26, 2024 9:15 PM
Apr 26, 2024 9:11 PM
Sep 2019
Fischer77 said:
FutoiOtaku said:
Comment above says it just right. We want entertainment not a documentary on ugly kids being unpopular.

Yeah i forgot people rather watch trash waifu characters than actual compelling ones

is funny how you are saying that but a waifu cannot be ugly lmao
Apr 26, 2024 9:46 PM
Dec 2022
Lmfao. This is hilarious. If you don't see the real meaning behind the show, drop it. It's comedy and I love it that way.
Apr 26, 2024 9:51 PM
Nov 2018
I wasn't told anime was going for realism.
Apr 26, 2024 10:05 PM

Aug 2018
The manga and anime wouldn't sell otherwise.
Apr 26, 2024 10:25 PM
May 2020
It’s a comedy show not a depressing drama. Of course it’s not going to be hyper realistic but it still shows that you need to take time and allow the person with anxiety to expand their wings themselves. And that is good on its own and doesn’t make it a disgrace. Also, you do know that people who are popular can have social anxiety too right? Even people who talk to a lot of people can too. You must not get out in the world much because you obviously don’t understand it.
Apr 26, 2024 10:26 PM
Oct 2022
pretty sure it's not about societal anxiety, I think it's about a quiet and pretty girl
Apr 26, 2024 10:27 PM
May 2020
Fischer77 said:
FutoiOtaku said:
Comment above says it just right. We want entertainment not a documentary on ugly kids being unpopular.

Yeah i forgot people rather watch trash waifu characters than actual compelling ones

Or or and here me out… they enjoy something you don’t and that doesn’t mean it’s not compelling. Hell, a depressing drama about social anxiety could also be fucked up hard so you have no real point
Apr 26, 2024 10:40 PM
Dec 2022
because that would be a different story. like what?

I assume you're struggling with SA and get salty with how komi thinks she has it hard.

I get where ur coming from tbh, lol. But at the end of the day, it is its own story. The author made no promises to display SA struggles realistically
Apr 26, 2024 10:54 PM
Jun 2021
Fischer77 said:
First, most people with social anxiety aren't the hottest girl in school that everyone wants to talk to. Second, if you're awkward in social settings you're not magically going to get a massive friendgroup and become popular lmao, Komi has pretty privilege off the charts. She doesn't even have a reason to by shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?

Why couldn't the series make the protagonist someone ugly and genuinely show their struggles and the mental battles they face at trying to make friends? Komi literally gets everything handed to her with no struggle which makes it all feel so fake and unrealistic. Author clearly wanted to make a cute girl do cute things. Typical waifu bait trash.

Just go watch Watamote if that's the kind of portrayal of anxiety you're after

Apr 26, 2024 11:08 PM
May 2022
I’m sure most anime’s aren’t suppose to be like most people in real life are…especially since this is for the sake of entertainment not portraying realism of actions of characters. But it’s not like absurd or unbearable to watch. Like the hottest girl in school most of the time won’t have anxiety but what if the anime’s trying to portray the other 1%. Plus It isn’t impossible anyone even if pretty can feel anxiety to talk to others due to various reasons and surely the author must’ve inspired the idea from some place. OR.. It could literally be waifu bait af I’ve forgotten majority of this anime but I don’t think it was bad or sum.

Yeah in a way ur also right she doesn’t have a reason to be shy. And I also personally agree they should’ve given a valid reason for her current self if it’s not some past trauma they could’ve added depth by something else.
•Why couldn’t the main character be ugly 😭❔ Probably cause that would be a totally different anime with little change of genres as well. I’d be down to watch something like that even though it might end up being painful to watch.
ElmoBoredAsfApr 26, 2024 11:13 PM
Apr 26, 2024 11:32 PM
May 2022
I actually think the show is very good at representing social anxiety...just not through Komi. She's the outlier. Almost every character in the show has some form of social anxiety, so many different types are represented. I think it does a really good job representing it and showing people without it what it is like. It makes me very happy that it has such good representation. However, I do agree Komi's situation is very unrealistic, and he social anxiety is so extreme that it's a bit over-the-top sometimes. Definitely a case of "make the main girl super cute to attract readers/viewers." The protagonist has the common lesser form of social anxiety, but he challenges himself to push through it to help Komi. And then every major character has some other form of it.
Apr 26, 2024 11:42 PM
Aug 2023
Lil bro doesn't know that the communication disorder is just a plot point for the comedy.
Either way complaining about a comedy show for not being serious is crazy
Apr 27, 2024 12:10 AM
Aug 2021
its an anime… it is SERIOUSLY not that deep…
Apr 27, 2024 12:20 AM
Jan 2021
It’s an anime. Glad they did it this route than Watamote. Also, attractive people can have social anxiety lol
The right mindset when watching an anime is hoping that it will break your top 10
Apr 27, 2024 12:48 AM
Sep 2013
"She doesn't even have a reason to be shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?"

Hate to break it to you, but some people ARE just shy and awkward without having any traumatic reason for it.
Apr 27, 2024 12:51 AM
Sep 2022
Well I mean who would watch it if it was just an everyday reality? Would you like to watch a normal girl’s story who has social anxiety with nothing special… it would just be a massive ball of misunderstandings perhaps a romance but it would be too boring
Apr 27, 2024 1:04 AM
Mar 2021
why CAnt a PoPUlar aNIme bE ExaCTlY the WAy I waNT?
Apr 27, 2024 1:08 AM

Jan 2024
Bro, calm down. The communication disorder is just for the purpose of comedy. They ain't trying to be serious or anything.
Apr 27, 2024 1:10 AM
Jan 2021
Fischer77 said:
First, most people with social anxiety aren't the hottest girl in school that everyone wants to talk to. Second, if you're awkward in social settings you're not magically going to get a massive friendgroup and become popular lmao, Komi has pretty privilege off the charts. She doesn't even have a reason to by shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?

Why couldn't the series make the protagonist someone ugly and genuinely show their struggles and the mental battles they face at trying to make friends? Komi literally gets everything handed to her with no struggle which makes it all feel so fake and unrealistic. Author clearly wanted to make a cute girl do cute things. Typical waifu bait trash.

Being social anxiety its not supposed to be whenever ur a loner or nobody... it can be anyone! even big name such as artist, athletic, etc also have social anxiety. and ofcourse i am also have social anxiety, but if i ever been on her place i also still going to be like her because of how overwhelmed everyone reaction is.. and i might get confuse with someone reaction sometimes with my anxiety.. and second, (keep this in mind) this anime is totally fiction and made up just for our entertainment. Ofcourse there is some aspects in this show doesn't make any sense. its just an ANIME, its supposed to be overly dramatic nonsense and suppose to be unrealistic.
Apr 27, 2024 1:14 AM
Sep 2022
Fischer77 said:
First, most people with social anxiety aren't the hottest girl in school that everyone wants to talk to. Second, if you're awkward in social settings you're not magically going to get a massive friendgroup and become popular lmao, Komi has pretty privilege off the charts. She doesn't even have a reason to by shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?

Why couldn't the series make the protagonist someone ugly and genuinely show their struggles and the mental battles they face at trying to make friends? Komi literally gets everything handed to her with no struggle which makes it all feel so fake and unrealistic. Author clearly wanted to make a cute girl do cute things. Typical waifu bait trash.

bro doesn't know what a romcom is 💀
Apr 27, 2024 1:53 AM
Jan 2021
komi isn't even the main character
Apr 27, 2024 1:54 AM
Jan 2021
MiladyRukia said:
because that would be a different story. like what?

I assume you're struggling with SA and get salty with how komi thinks she has it hard.

I get where ur coming from tbh, lol. But at the end of the day, it is its own story. The author made no promises to display SA struggles realistically

Please refrain from abbreviating "social anxiety" as "SA." Thank you.
Apr 27, 2024 2:04 AM
Jan 2021
IhnalakoKaina said:
ptero93 said:
Please refrain from abbreviating "social anxiety" as "SA." Thank you.
why, does it cause you SA when people do that?

no, "SA" is most commonly used to refer to sexual assault 😬
Apr 27, 2024 2:12 AM
Apr 2022
Fischer77 said:
FutoiOtaku said:
Comment above says it just right. We want entertainment not a documentary on ugly kids being unpopular.

Yeah i forgot people rather watch trash waifu characters than actual compelling ones

so basically you are saying instead of looking at the positives you would much rather enjoy the negatives...meh sounds kind of passimistic
Apr 27, 2024 2:49 AM
Apr 2022
Fischer77 said:
First, most people with social anxiety aren't the hottest girl in school that everyone wants to talk to. Second, if you're awkward in social settings you're not magically going to get a massive friendgroup and become popular lmao, Komi has pretty privilege off the charts. She doesn't even have a reason to by shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?

Why couldn't the series make the protagonist someone ugly and genuinely show their struggles and the mental battles they face at trying to make friends? Komi literally gets everything handed to her with no struggle which makes it all feel so fake and unrealistic. Author clearly wanted to make a cute girl do cute things. Typical waifu bait trash.

You know an anime purpose isn't only to be as close to reality as possible

that should be obvious considering that anime are interesting because they are different from reality.

In the first place, a story won't even become a Manga, noval or anime if they're not popular enough.

Might not be realistic but that's the kind of world we live in,
It doesn't have to be the truth as long as majority agrees it becomes the truth.

Well, that was a monolog.
Apr 27, 2024 3:22 AM

Jan 2024
As someone with social anxiety, why would I want to see Komi going through the same hell as I do? That would make no sense to me. I want to be entertained and not reminded of how awful my life is. It's nice seeing her having a great time besides her issues.

Is it realistic? I dont know. I believe that no matter what problem you have, there are people having the same problem as you and they are going through life very well. I can surely imagine there are a bunch of people having social anxiety and they have a great life with a lot of friends and people around them. It can happen. Does it happen often? Probably not but the chances are not 0%.

Also there doesn't need to be a reason to be shy imo. I also have no reason to be mentally ill but unfortunately I am lol.
Apr 27, 2024 3:42 AM
Jun 2022
I want MAL to release dislike option here as well , cause' i don't want to watch these stupid things
Apr 27, 2024 4:30 AM
May 2022
I understand what you are saying, but yknow, the author doesn't need to make Komi relatable to anyone or portray realistic social anxiety and stuff. It's fiction, you can write whatever you want.
Apr 27, 2024 5:11 AM

Feb 2010
I think that the author got autism and social anxiety mixed up and never consulted a psychology book. That said it's nicer than other shows that screw these things up so I roll with the missteps
Apr 27, 2024 6:47 AM

Aug 2020
Cestlavie_ said:
Because it won't be a comedy. I rather not watch something depressing

Even if it’s a comedy it doesn’t really do a good job at being funny, it’s just cringe, even actual Japanese ppl think this is hard to watch.
Apr 27, 2024 7:44 AM
Dec 2022
ptero93 said:
IhnalakoKaina said:
why, does it cause you SA when people do that?

no, "SA" is most commonly used to refer to sexual assault 😬

Are you a child? Given the context, it's quite obvious what it means
Apr 27, 2024 9:26 AM
Aug 2021
Fischer77 said:
First, most people with social anxiety aren't the hottest girl in school that everyone wants to talk to. Second, if you're awkward in social settings you're not magically going to get a massive friendgroup and become popular lmao, Komi has pretty privilege off the charts. She doesn't even have a reason to by shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?

Why couldn't the series make the protagonist someone ugly and genuinely show their struggles and the mental battles they face at trying to make friends? Komi literally gets everything handed to her with no struggle which makes it all feel so fake and unrealistic. Author clearly wanted to make a cute girl do cute things. Typical waifu bait trash.

and neither can someone kill someone with a heartbeat
Apr 27, 2024 9:43 AM

Mar 2012
not all anxiety looks the same. not all pretty people feel confident. it even highlights how intense she feels around people even though they all adore her.
the struggle isn't very large to us but also remember this is basically an episodic slice of life about HIGH SCHOOL. it should be simple and fairly easy to figure out in one to two episodes.
it's supposed to be for fun. not all media that showcases a serious topic needs to be hard -hitting and realistic. Some are lighthearted and easy to digest bc not everyone will be able to get into harder topics if you throw heavy messages at them right off the bat.
not to mention that pretty characters can represent parts of the demographic that aren't shown as well as give a better message to how people are seen. people with anxiety aren't ugly. They aren't all comely and badly dressed. A lot can even try to look more put together to combat the anxiety. some don't know they're pretty. some are anxious BECAUSE they're pretty. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.
Apr 27, 2024 11:32 AM
May 2017
People typically watch anime to escape reality, not to be reminded of it. I imagine a lot of people wouldn't watch an anime like the one you just described.
Apr 27, 2024 12:32 PM
Feb 2021
Fischer77 said:
First, most people with social anxiety aren't the hottest girl in school that everyone wants to talk to. Second, if you're awkward in social settings you're not magically going to get a massive friendgroup and become popular lmao, Komi has pretty privilege off the charts. She doesn't even have a reason to by shy, she just is, would it kill the author to give her a decent backstory?

Why couldn't the series make the protagonist someone ugly and genuinely show their struggles and the mental battles they face at trying to make friends? Komi literally gets everything handed to her with no struggle which makes it all feel so fake and unrealistic. Author clearly wanted to make a cute girl do cute things. Typical waifu bait trash.

This show is meant to provide the ideal environment for a person with major social anxiety. It's not meant to be realistic in any way whatsoever. If you want something more realistic, go watch Watamote.
Apr 27, 2024 1:51 PM
Feb 2019
I have social anxiety and a phobia of people, but I really liked komi. I know it isn't accurate at all, but I liked it because it was escapism. Plus, you don't need a sad back story to have social anxiety, komi like me was probably just born with social anxiety.

also, you should probably watch watamote. I think you would like it more.
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