Dec 19, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to ProudElitist
@Gar_Logan that's what Netflix want. They want the rights to earn bucks from the work of the japanese people by presenting a version with their own trademark and their own american™ flair on it, every single move of this platform in the anime and toku field has been motivated by this very reason. Every anime turned into live action, any CGI remake/continuation, every tokusatsu turned into CGI abomination like the Ultraman crap they're continuining to churn out well knowing tokusatsu fans don't particularly see in a good light full lenght anime renditions of tokusatsus, all aimed at making an american-lead, american-focused rendition of japanese properties that are currently popular hoping that they can make them their own thing and profit from them. I've been thinking and writing it for years at this point yet nobody seems to be of my same opinion but whatever, I'll repeat it nontheless: Netflix are the continuation of the same, exact mindset that spawned the likes of Harmony Gold by the real-world criminal Frank Agrama, Carl Macek, the turgid regurgitations of the Sentais, the metal heroes franchise and Kamen Rider by Saban Entertainment and the godawful Godzilla: the king of monsters movie of 1956. I sincerely don't understand this need of the american conglomerates to make this kind of Cultural appropriation while slapping their copyrights everywhere while being particularly defensive against the use of their OWN AMERICAN IPS againt the infringment or use by anyone or anybody outside the US. Try to make a 100% copy of Superman, Batman or Mickey Mouse while hamfistedly putting your own trademark on it, the american lawyers will beat your ass until you, your parents and your 5th generation grandchildren in the year 4000 will starve to death, while if the american businessmen do the same exact thing with people outside the US everything is OK because the capitalist cowboys dominating the world are right in doing so because they say so. I don't understand it. Me, I would NEVER recommend to ANYONE to watch the turkish Star Wars or the Japanese one (apparently, it exists) over the original american one, so the same applies to american-approved, american-tailored renditions or reductions of Japanese medias that are not respectful of the original sources made with the ONLY reason to make quick ca$h on the work of other, foreign people.
ProudElitist said: that's what Netflix want. They want the rights to earn bucks from the work of the japanese people by presenting a version with their own trademark and their own american™ flair on it, every single move of this platform in the anime and toku field has been motivated by this very reason. Every anime turned into live action, any CGI remake/continuation, every tokusatsu turned into CGI abomination like the Ultraman crap they're continuining to churn out well knowing tokusatsu fans don't particularly see in a good light full lenght anime renditions of tokusatsus, all aimed at making an american-lead, american-focused rendition of japanese properties that are currently popular hoping that they can make them their own thing and profit from them. I've been thinking and writing it for years at this point yet nobody seems to be of my same opinion but whatever, I'll repeat it nontheless: Netflix are the continuation of the same, exact mindset that spawned the likes of Harmony Gold by the real-world criminal Frank Agrama, Carl Macek, the turgid regurgitations of the Sentais, the metal heroes franchise and Kamen Rider by Saban Entertainment and the godawful Godzilla: the king of monsters movie of 1956. I sincerely don't understand this need of the american conglomerates to make this kind of Cultural appropriation while slapping their copyrights everywhere while being particularly defensive against the use of their OWN AMERICAN IPS againt the infringment or use by anyone or anybody outside the US. Try to make a 100% copy of Superman, Batman or Mickey Mouse while hamfistedly putting your own trademark on it, the american lawyers will beat your ass until you, your parents and your 5th generation grandchildren in the year 4000 will starve to death, while if the american businessmen do the same exact thing with people outside the US everything is OK because the capitalist cowboys dominating the world are right in doing so because they say so. I don't understand it. Me, I would NEVER recommend to ANYONE to watch the turkish Star Wars or the Japanese one (apparently, it exists) over the original american one, so the same applies to american-approved, american-tailored renditions or reductions of Japanese medias that are not respectful of the original sources made with the ONLY reason to make quick ca$h on the work of other, foreign people. Also, this so hard, I had even forgotten that Netflix was in this. |
Dec 19, 2023 7:38 PM
Reply to Ionliosite2
@AwNoodles AoT is exactly an example of what I mean, the quality in animation drops by the middle of the third season and it gets worse from there. The companies not knowing how to manage their releases happens all the time, you can look at JJK S2 for a recent example, where episodes are finished hours before airing because of how terrible the scheduling is there. And again, the number of episodes is something you're pulling out of your ass, so that's not me being negative that's you making up stuff.
I disagree I think the animation was fine throughout the anime, it did not worsen over time imo. And also wym like JJK S2? What does that have to do with anything? There are no quality problems with that show? And like i said it was just an assumption, but who cares it doesnt really matter, it just goes back to your initial point being negative that you think its unsustainable because it will take too long to make for no reason other then "it will just decrease in quality over time" |
Dec 19, 2023 7:42 PM
Reply to Ionliosite2
@AwNoodles AoT is exactly an example of what I mean, the quality in animation drops by the middle of the third season and it gets worse from there. The companies not knowing how to manage their releases happens all the time, you can look at JJK S2 for a recent example, where episodes are finished hours before airing because of how terrible the scheduling is there. And again, the number of episodes is something you're pulling out of your ass, so that's not me being negative that's you making up stuff.
@Ionliosite2 NVM I see how you rate animes, you just seem to be a negative person in general thats the reason for the negative outlook. I know this is off topic but I have always hated people who rate animes 1/10, it just isnt the proper way. You may think an anime has a bad storyline or poor animation, but for it to be a 1/10 there has to practcially nothing to it. You hate an animes story sure, but the animation alone on most shows should garner atleast a 2/10. Good sound design should be 2/10, good voice acting should atleast be 2/10, rating anime 1/10 is just lazy and not a fair opinion. |
Dec 20, 2023 3:28 AM
Thank you for the appreciation. Yesterday I was telling the same thing in a FB page dedicated to Seiyuus that reported this news, some bumbling idiot called me a racist (me that was convinced by american superhero comics to not be one) because I have problems with american corporations doing this shit and trying to get away with it for no reasons other than "hey, we're the owners of the world, we can take original work, remake it 100% (just in a worst way and with no respect whatosever for the people who originally made it, this being for example what sets aparts such hamfisted attempts to heartfelt homages to the american comics like the Japanese Spiderman Toku or the Japanese Avengers Toku going by the name of Battle Fever J) and slap a trademark on it so we can profiteer from it". There's no difference between this remake and, for example, the stunt Saban Entertainment put out when they tried to remake SM and slap their trademark on it so they could profiteer from their awful, american-centered, totally unnecessary rendition of SM. Any other version of the Sentais from Zyuranger on remade on american soil by taking the best part of the original, perfectly enjoyable japanese series and putting american-leaning stuff in it? the same. The whole Robotech/Voltron fiasco? the same. The retarded beyond belief 1956 Godzilla remake? same exact stuff. But it's ok because who did it was based in the US. Try to be somebody from another part of the world with the IP an american conglomerate owns, remaking something 100% just in a worst way and without taking in consideration in any way the work the american owner put in it, it doesn't matter you're a complete zero in 60 seconds maximum. This difference doesn't make any possible sense, and neither should be tolerated. Too easy to crap on something like the handling of IPs in China and close an eye or two when the powerful owner of the world has such a taste for cultural appropriation. |
ProudElitistDec 20, 2023 4:04 AM
Dec 20, 2023 6:28 AM
I don't really see the point of REMAKING. Sailor Moon also has movies remake.. Cosmos is the latest release. One Piece is still airing and in making.. We are not even done with it.. I can tell Netflix wants that extra cash but they keep canceling good shows lol... It will also ruin the whole concept of original One Piece.. Oh you saw One Piece? Which one the remake or the older one? That's how I ask people about HxH too... " Did you watch the 1999 version or 2011" "Oh I started with 2011" and they skipped like tons of eps that are better explained in 1999 version lol...I'm sure they will make the episodes "simpler" but a bit rushed.. Not very happy about it.. |
Dec 20, 2023 9:35 AM
"Absolutely thrilled for the news of The One Piece remake by WIT Studio! Starting from the Eastern Sea Arc on Netflix is a game-changer. One Piece has been such an epic journey, and the prospect of reliving it with a fresh perspective is beyond exciting! Luffy's quest for the ultimate treasure and the adventures ahead are going to be an absolute blast!" |
Dec 21, 2023 12:14 AM
Reply to Barrycade
Never in life I thought there would be a remake of One Piece lol. Now are they going to make it 1000eps long or what?
@Barrycade One Piece has around 1100 chapters right now, if we go by what is considered a good pacing / adaptation rate, it should be 1ep:3-4cp. The only reason the One Piece anime has about 1000 episodes right now is because they've been adapting less than 1 chapter to 1 episode for the past decade. Both the Dressrosa arc and the Wano arc have more episodes than they have chapters lol. |
Honobono Log - best slice of life short -------------------------------------------- most kawaii loli overlord ---------------------------- Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control |
Dec 21, 2023 1:30 AM
Why are people mad about this ? If you don't like it then don't watch it. |
Dec 21, 2023 8:55 AM
That sounds pretty interesting! I want to watch it already |
Dec 23, 2023 4:40 PM
Dec 30, 2023 10:57 AM
Why? Let the original series run its course. |
Dec 30, 2023 9:09 PM
Reply to Sumumfachunk
Why? Let the original series run its course.
@Sumumfachunk Nobody is stoping it. |
Dec 30, 2023 9:22 PM
Reply to Mira
I don't really see the point of REMAKING. Sailor Moon also has movies remake.. Cosmos is the latest release. One Piece is still airing and in making.. We are not even done with it.. I can tell Netflix wants that extra cash but they keep canceling good shows lol... It will also ruin the whole concept of original One Piece.. Oh you saw One Piece? Which one the remake or the older one? That's how I ask people about HxH too... " Did you watch the 1999 version or 2011" "Oh I started with 2011" and they skipped like tons of eps that are better explained in 1999 version lol...I'm sure they will make the episodes "simpler" but a bit rushed.. Not very happy about it..
@N1coYazawa Put your nostalgia on side and think rationally. One Piece pacing is just horrible and the animation in the earlier arc is out dated. It's pritty hard for new fans to get into One Piece after watching morden shounen animes like Jujutsu Kaisan which is a fast pace action scenes with stunning animation. |
Dec 30, 2023 9:28 PM
Reply to ZXEAN
@Sumumfachunk Nobody is stoping it.
@ZXEAN I guess. I'll just stick to One Pace for now. |
Dec 31, 2023 8:00 AM
I honestly don't think they are going to readapt the whole manga again |
Jan 2, 2024 10:49 PM
Reply to Antithesis
Already said this in another thread, but the prospect of Wit Studio releasing seasonal instalments of a 1000+ episode long series is still comical and highly unlikely. It very obviously looks to be an ONA in the same vein as Pluto, where a batch (or batches) of feature-length episodes are released simultaneously on Netflix.
@ANTITHE5IS That's very likely, but I don't want one piece to release in batches, we can just hope that it is a weekly anime. |
Jan 4, 2024 11:35 AM
@ProudElitist Dude, no american corporation is "stealing" anything or mooching off of something. It's being made by a Japanese studio, Wit Studio, in Japan, releasing under Netflix. Just like how certain anime only air on Hulu, or Crunchyroll. What the actual fuck are you waffling about. |
Jan 5, 2024 4:37 PM
I feel like part of the journey of one piece is seeing the animation slowly get better. Obviously its nice their remaking it but it may be a waste of time. |
Jan 7, 2024 4:57 AM
Reply to N0T3LI_
Dude, no american corporation is "stealing" anything or mooching off of something. It's being made by a Japanese studio, Wit Studio, in Japan, releasing under Netflix. Just like how certain anime only air on Hulu, or Crunchyroll. What the actual fuck are you waffling about.
Dude, no american corporation is "stealing" anything or mooching off of something. It's being made by a Japanese studio, Wit Studio, in Japan, releasing under Netflix. Just like how certain anime only air on Hulu, or Crunchyroll. What the actual fuck are you waffling about.
@N0T3LI_ the original anime is from Toei, not from Netflix. Being made by a japanese studio doesn't mean absolute shite, the Tokusatsus from which Saban Entertainment took all the best part (meaning the costumes, the fights, etc. etc. etc.) of their aborted cultural appropriations like Masked Rider the Power Rangers The Beetleborgs etc. etc. etc. were all made by Japanese and Japanese people give them the greenlight to do these kinds of bastardizations nobody needed and nobody asked for (Toei are not Tsuburaya unfortunately, they still think nothing outside the japanese peninsula and the brazilian nation matters). The 1956 Godzilla: King of Monsters movie? Toho was OK with it, they even ended recycling the stupid, idiotic newspaper added in this one because of the need for dumb americans (dumb according to other americans, not me) to have somebody to spell them loudly something they were intelligent enough to understand for themselves with the original 1954 Gojira. Robotech the same, it was a mish-mash of what the JAPANESE did in the first place, Macross was produced by a Japanese studio not by an american one. It doesn't change the fact that these all account for cultural appropriation, a way to put an american™ flair and brand on it similar to the way Disney (of which I'm a fan in artistic terms, not in business terms) tried to make a copyright of the Hakuna Matata AFRICAN catchphrase they used it in the good Jungle Taitei/Jungle Emperor Leo Remake (better than the official japanese one in series form, of all things) because they could use it in their merchandise. |
Jan 7, 2024 5:10 AM
That said, I wouldn't still recommend you Saban's Masked Rider or The Beetleborgs over the Kamen Rider and The Metal Heroes franchise, like I wouldn't recommend the Japanese Spiderman aborted Japanese manga over the Stan Lee comics. Me not liking Spiderman as a character in general or not. I can recommend the Spiderman Toku because it's ultra respectful of the american comics, it was very influential in the Super Sentai series and it's to my liking as a non-Spiderman fan, nothing else. Battle Fever J the same, I don't like The Avengers as a team, Battle Fever J is still respectful of the original Stan Lee comics (there's a direct quote from the first Avengers run in that one), Battle Fever J is the first Super Sentai ever (Goranger and JAKQ Dengekitai had no superrobot to speak of) and as a series is very fun in general. Nothing else nothing more. |
Jan 8, 2024 10:13 AM
This is waste of money I guess... Unless first version was really really bad but i dont think thats the case |
Jan 8, 2024 3:19 PM
ProudElitist said: @N0T3LI_ the original anime is from Toei, not from Netflix. Being made by a japanese studio doesn't mean absolute shite, the Tokusatsus from which Saban Entertainment took all the best part (meaning the costumes, the fights, etc. etc. etc.) of their aborted cultural appropriations like Masked Rider the Power Rangers The Beetleborgs etc. etc. etc. were all made by Japanese and Japanese people give them the greenlight to do these kinds of bastardizations nobody needed and nobody asked for (Toei are not Tsuburaya unfortunately, they still think nothing outside the japanese peninsula and the brazilian nation matters). The 1956 Godzilla: King of Monsters movie? Toho was OK with it, they even ended recycling the stupid, idiotic newspaper added in this one because of the need for dumb americans (dumb according to other americans, not me) to have somebody to spell them loudly something they were intelligent enough to understand for themselves with the original 1954 Gojira. Robotech the same, it was a mish-mash of what the JAPANESE did in the first place, Macross was produced by a Japanese studio not by an american one. It doesn't change the fact that these all account for cultural appropriation, a way to put an american™ flair and brand on it similar to the way Disney (of which I'm a fan in artistic terms, not in business terms) tried to make a copyright of the Hakuna Matata AFRICAN catchphrase they used it in the good Jungle Taitei/Jungle Emperor Leo Remake (better than the official japanese one in series form, of all things) because they could use it in their merchandise. I thought your point was that One Piece is going to be "americanized" with this new remake. Sounds like you just have a problem with big changes being made ruining the source. Im pretty sure everyone can get behind that. But this narrative you're painting, where Franky will be the main character instead of Luffy, and this is the story of Murica. In this case, there's no need to worry. Wit Studio is a faithful and well-known entity, and this is simply a Brotherhood, or a HxH 2011. |
Jan 8, 2024 11:12 PM
Reply to N0T3LI_
ProudElitist said:
@N0T3LI_ the original anime is from Toei, not from Netflix. Being made by a japanese studio doesn't mean absolute shite, the Tokusatsus from which Saban Entertainment took all the best part (meaning the costumes, the fights, etc. etc. etc.) of their aborted cultural appropriations like Masked Rider the Power Rangers The Beetleborgs etc. etc. etc. were all made by Japanese and Japanese people give them the greenlight to do these kinds of bastardizations nobody needed and nobody asked for (Toei are not Tsuburaya unfortunately, they still think nothing outside the japanese peninsula and the brazilian nation matters). The 1956 Godzilla: King of Monsters movie? Toho was OK with it, they even ended recycling the stupid, idiotic newspaper added in this one because of the need for dumb americans (dumb according to other americans, not me) to have somebody to spell them loudly something they were intelligent enough to understand for themselves with the original 1954 Gojira. Robotech the same, it was a mish-mash of what the JAPANESE did in the first place, Macross was produced by a Japanese studio not by an american one. It doesn't change the fact that these all account for cultural appropriation, a way to put an american™ flair and brand on it similar to the way Disney (of which I'm a fan in artistic terms, not in business terms) tried to make a copyright of the Hakuna Matata AFRICAN catchphrase they used it in the good Jungle Taitei/Jungle Emperor Leo Remake (better than the official japanese one in series form, of all things) because they could use it in their merchandise.
@N0T3LI_ the original anime is from Toei, not from Netflix. Being made by a japanese studio doesn't mean absolute shite, the Tokusatsus from which Saban Entertainment took all the best part (meaning the costumes, the fights, etc. etc. etc.) of their aborted cultural appropriations like Masked Rider the Power Rangers The Beetleborgs etc. etc. etc. were all made by Japanese and Japanese people give them the greenlight to do these kinds of bastardizations nobody needed and nobody asked for (Toei are not Tsuburaya unfortunately, they still think nothing outside the japanese peninsula and the brazilian nation matters). The 1956 Godzilla: King of Monsters movie? Toho was OK with it, they even ended recycling the stupid, idiotic newspaper added in this one because of the need for dumb americans (dumb according to other americans, not me) to have somebody to spell them loudly something they were intelligent enough to understand for themselves with the original 1954 Gojira. Robotech the same, it was a mish-mash of what the JAPANESE did in the first place, Macross was produced by a Japanese studio not by an american one. It doesn't change the fact that these all account for cultural appropriation, a way to put an american™ flair and brand on it similar to the way Disney (of which I'm a fan in artistic terms, not in business terms) tried to make a copyright of the Hakuna Matata AFRICAN catchphrase they used it in the good Jungle Taitei/Jungle Emperor Leo Remake (better than the official japanese one in series form, of all things) because they could use it in their merchandise.
I thought your point was that One Piece is going to be "americanized" with this new remake. Sounds like you just have a problem with big changes being made ruining the source. Im pretty sure everyone can get behind that. But this narrative you're painting, where Franky will be the main character instead of Luffy, and this is the story of Murica. In this case, there's no need to worry. Wit Studio is a faithful and well-known entity, and this is simply a Brotherhood, or a HxH 2011.
@N0T3LI_ netflix already did it. GITS SAC 2045 was made by a japanese studio, GITS SAC 2045 is an american-tailored crap nobody asked for. Same for their Saint Seiya CGI shite. "This is simply a brotherhood"...who cares? anime remakes "faithfful to the manga" of my ass suck donkey shit from the get go, your reasoning makes no sense anyway. |
Jan 9, 2024 6:22 AM
ProudElitist said: @N0T3LI_ netflix already did it. GITS SAC 2045 was made by a japanese studio, GITS SAC 2045 is an american-tailored crap nobody asked for. Same for their Saint Seiya CGI shite. "This is simply a brotherhood"...who cares? anime remakes "faithfful to the manga" of my ass suck donkey shit from the get go, your reasoning makes no sense anyway. Alright dude. It sounds like you'll just always have something to be angry about. Get off your high horse, elitist. I hope you too can find hope and enjoyment in this new One Piece anime like everyone else, and stop wallowing in your self created pit of despair. |
Jan 9, 2024 8:02 AM
Reply to N0T3LI_
ProudElitist said:
@N0T3LI_ netflix already did it. GITS SAC 2045 was made by a japanese studio, GITS SAC 2045 is an american-tailored crap nobody asked for. Same for their Saint Seiya CGI shite. "This is simply a brotherhood"...who cares? anime remakes "faithfful to the manga" of my ass suck donkey shit from the get go, your reasoning makes no sense anyway.
@N0T3LI_ netflix already did it. GITS SAC 2045 was made by a japanese studio, GITS SAC 2045 is an american-tailored crap nobody asked for. Same for their Saint Seiya CGI shite. "This is simply a brotherhood"...who cares? anime remakes "faithfful to the manga" of my ass suck donkey shit from the get go, your reasoning makes no sense anyway.
Alright dude. It sounds like you'll just always have something to be angry about. Get off your high horse, elitist. I hope you too can find hope and enjoyment in this new One Piece anime like everyone else, and stop wallowing in your self created pit of despair.
I have no intention of getting off my high horse, but thank you for the suggestion (?). |
Jan 11, 2024 3:32 AM
I'm lowkey happy af |
Jan 23, 2024 12:11 PM
This is gonna be so dog ass it’s unreal 😭 |
If we kill all our enemies, will we finally be free? |
Jan 23, 2024 3:05 PM
Snudge said: This is gonna be so dog ass it’s unreal 😭 Why will it be bad? |
Mar 6, 2024 11:44 PM
Imagine one piece with better pacing and animation.. Yeah, it going to be one of the greatest pieces of fiction and will serve generation..... |
Mar 6, 2024 11:47 PM
Mar 6, 2024 11:47 PM
Apr 26, 2024 8:52 PM
Reply to Jonas-K
A remake of an anime that is still running? First time I've seen this (in fact I think it's the first time they've done this lol), whatever God wants...
@Jonas-K Damn, you must be new. What's next, you've never seen a remake of a manga that's still running too? |
ExtremeTApr 26, 2024 8:56 PM
Aug 11, 2024 10:32 AM
Reply to Antithesis
Already said this in another thread, but the prospect of Wit Studio releasing seasonal instalments of a 1000+ episode long series is still comical and highly unlikely. It very obviously looks to be an ONA in the same vein as Pluto, where a batch (or batches) of feature-length episodes are released simultaneously on Netflix.
@Antithesis link of your thread 🧵 please |
Nov 14, 2024 3:34 PM
Reply to kannysan34
I'll be watching, haven't caught up to One Piece in a long time (since I was in high school 12+ years ago!)
Hoping they cut every unnecessarily long pacing and each episode gets to the point.
Hoping they cut every unnecessarily long pacing and each episode gets to the point.
@kannysan34 I forgot I posted this! I've been watching it again, currently half way there (in the 500s episodes after Fish-man Island.) I love every single bit of it, it's too good. |
Nov 16, 2024 9:47 AM
To anyone saying this isn't needed, have you watched older one piece? The pacing and filler are god awful. This is exactly what the series needs to bring in new fans, like myself. Reading the manga won't be the only option for people who respect their time. |
Nov 16, 2024 2:54 PM
i would rather have a prequel telling the stories of Gol D. Roger than a remake |
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