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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Mar 10, 2021 5:09 PM

Nov 2019
My sympathy for the main character went from ten to below zero real quick.
Mar 18, 2021 8:19 PM
Mar 2021
We get to meet Asuna in this episode! Pretty good fight scene. Not sure why blue haired guy died over a jacket but whatever lol. He should have talked less and just drank Kirito's potion.
Dec 3, 2021 11:30 AM

Jul 2017
This episode was way worse than the first one, this had some serious writing problems, and made Diabel look like such a geek and an idiot for not taking that HP potion when his ACTUAL LIFE was on the line here and he had no sparing thoughts for family or friends that he's leaving behind forever and making them depressed about his death, just because he wanted to die in game like a loser when a health potion was ready for him to take. It makes characters look like complete morons that don't really consider the actual stakes behind everything, and the whole cheaters/beaters gimmick was really lame too with how all NPCs acted and Kirito pulling off the lone wolf gimmick horribly at the end. Really rushed too for the most part as well.

The action was fine but not that great, music could have been better and match the pace of the fights more but man, the logic behind everything was just missing completely here.

Asuna's introduced too and there's not much to say about her other than being a good fighter while showing off a bit of a goofy side to her at the end. A time where Asuna while really bland as a whole, had some potential as a badass at times while not a damsel in distress for many parts after.
Dec 31, 2021 5:34 PM

Apr 2020
Oh boy, the Kirito is now starting to activate, and that iconic coat, oh my god here comes the roller coaster.

Beta tester plus cheater equals to BEATER, yeah congrats normies now you just upset the dark beast. I don't appreciate how he just blurted that out of nowhere, and also leaving Asuna behind, like c'mon

But eh I guess that'll change later, I'm just turning my brain off a bit before the pan hits my face.
Jan 21, 2022 8:26 PM

Aug 2018
Somewhat badass momment from Kirito there, I like it.

Feb 24, 2022 5:25 AM
Jul 2019
I did not understand why Kirito decided to play as an ahole when he was accused of not telling Diabel about the boss battle that caused his death.

Is it because he wants to continue playing solo or is there any sacrificial stuff that I did not pick up?
May 25, 2022 1:51 PM

May 2022
animejas said:
This episode was way worse than the first one, this had some serious writing problems, and made Diabel look like such a geek and an idiot for not taking that HP potion when his ACTUAL LIFE was on the line here and he had no sparing thoughts for family or friends that he's leaving behind forever and making them depressed about his death, just because he wanted to die in game like a loser when a health potion was ready for him to take. It makes characters look like complete morons that don't really consider the actual stakes behind everything, and the whole cheaters/beaters gimmick was really lame too with how all NPCs acted and Kirito pulling off the lone wolf gimmick horribly at the end. Really rushed too for the most part as well.

The action was fine but not that great, music could have been better and match the pace of the fights more but man, the logic behind everything was just missing completely here.

Asuna's introduced too and there's not much to say about her other than being a good fighter while showing off a bit of a goofy side to her at the end. A time where Asuna while really bland as a whole, had some potential as a badass at times while not a damsel in distress for many parts after.

There weren't any problems with the writing. You probably didn't even pay attention to the episode. Wasn't even rushed at all. The music is god tier as well. Plus, that fight wasn't easy either, some people hesitated to jump in. Calling Asuna bland is not an argument, she is a really great character with plenty of development.
Jun 8, 2022 5:29 AM
Apr 2022
Kirito is more powerful than them that's why he plays solo
Jul 10, 2022 12:06 AM

May 2020
The tone of this show is so flat and distant. Even the starter boss fight was dull, and that's a bad sign for a video game. The emotional moments fail to land and there's zero chemistry so far between our two lead characters. And whatever Kirito pulled at the end of the episode felt so bizarre and forced.
Jul 15, 2022 4:31 PM
Jul 2016
10 years and a few hours ago aired what might be my favorite episode of my favorite animes. I feel old :,D
Aug 7, 2022 6:42 AM

Jun 2016
Smart move from Kirito to distance himself from the other players, so that the normal players would trust the beta testers more. Those beta testers are nothing like the true beaters, lol.

Did Asuna really not know where her HP gauge was this whole time? By God. She's pretty strong regardless of her knowledge level, tbf.

Aug 11, 2022 7:59 PM

May 2022
loved the action within this episode, especially with the introduction of Asuna and Agil. pretty unfortunate that Diabel died due to the different attack pattern compared to the beta test. Kirito wanted to save him but Diabel refused, rip. the way he also handled the situation where he was being called a beta tester was pretty interesting, he could be the best info broker if he wanted to lol
Sep 2, 2022 8:04 PM
Sep 2022
Things are interesting. I wonder if he will get back with that girl
Sep 17, 2022 10:33 AM

Aug 2021
this show is laughably bad and the dialogue is atrocious
Oct 10, 2022 12:51 PM

Mar 2019
And there comes Asuna! Honestly she was nice, another great episode so far.

I didn't really like what that blue hair guy did. He basically tried to clean up the fight and "steal" the special item for himself. But in the end, he refused to be saved, so I'll forgive him :(
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Nov 8, 2022 10:21 PM
Oct 2017
Asuna has no personality but it's okay because she's cute and I have nostalgia from watching this as a child
Jan 21, 2023 10:22 AM
Jan 2023
now i know that beta testers are the minority
Jul 5, 2023 3:27 PM
Dec 2020
I wanted to rewatch this show since it was my favorite show when I first saw it a few years ago and I wanted to see how I felt about now. All I can say is I'm not finishing it because this episode was so awful.

I feel like there was a lot of stuff that happened in this episode that would make sense if we as an audience were told the reasons for them happening. For example, Diabel not taking the potion was completely stupid and yet we are given no explanation as to why. Anything would've been fine but nope. What about Kirito's weird "Beater" rant?  Why would he even say that? I feel like there's an explanation but I wouldn't know it cause they didn't tell us.

You might argue that we're supposed to find out in a later episode or something but this episode gives no indication of that. The only reason I would have for wanting to keep watching is to see if they actually make it out of Aincrad and that's it.

Anyways, thanks SAO for being cool when I was new to anime but I really don't see a reason to try to dig up any of that nostalgia cause I now see that all I'm in for is boring characters and zero plot.
Jul 13, 2023 10:57 AM

Aug 2019
but why did he become an edgelord :D? and why did they call him a cheater? im not sure if its cheating that you know generally how to fight against monster X because you fought monster Y. kirito is just a smurf
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Jul 22, 2023 2:58 PM

Jan 2022
Dude what happened in this episode? This was so bad. The fight was going well, but then Diabel died for no reason? Then Kirito becomes evil? Why? What was with the change of heart? Hopefully we'll get to see more of Asuna. The guy with the spikey hair was annoying from the start.
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Sep 11, 2023 12:29 AM
Aug 2023
Diabel's death makes no sense, he refused the potion when his IRL life was on the line, and somehow he took more damage without being attacked and died like he had a poison status effect.

All the "non-beta tester" players are acting like total noobs, and they're supposed to be the "most capable players" there. It hard to believe most of the people playing on launch day would all suck at gaming to the point they seem like noobs. Was the in-universe SAO game marketed to the non-gamer demographic or something?

Are the writers of the show even familiar with MMOs? It's feeling like Bofuri where their writers seem to be clueless about how MMOs, players, and the gaming actually worked. The best portrayal of such I've seen so far is in Log Horizon.
Oct 8, 2023 12:37 PM
Sep 2023
pq diabos o kirito mentiu que sabia da habilidade do boss? isso só queimou a imagem dele sem motivo

e o cara que morreu não aceitando a poção de vida foi esquisito também
Dec 15, 2023 6:51 PM
Jul 2018
Beginning - Perhaps it would have been a little better to show how Kirito evolved rather than the 1 month jump, but instead we were shown the discussion about the boss and with it several new, minimally captivating characters who introduced us to new questions and plots to be explored.

Middle - Showing Kirito's kindness and giving small details that would be explained at the end of the episode was a great idea, and the animation choreography at the start of the boss fight was sensational. They got everything just right so as not to make the middle of the episode boring or monotonous

Ending - The end of this episode was wonderful, killing off an "important" character right away and having this plot about him being a Beta Tester was very good, it was a bit forced that he didn't let Kirito heal him considering it was a suicide but it was a good ending for the protagonist's development. The end of the fight was incredible, the soundtrack together with the screams of the characters made this final stretch of the fight even more exciting, and finally our protagonist showing his cold side and edge over the problems that being strong and a beta tester bring, as well as starting a very interesting slight development of Asuna's character, a great second episode.
Dec 16, 2023 8:07 AM
Jul 2018
Gahhdamn that woman sure is hot
Jan 7, 2024 6:48 AM
Jan 2024
Best Anime Ever and make me join in anime fans
Jan 22, 2024 1:07 AM

Aug 2008
Gigguks youtube video from years back was quite accurate.

"Drink the f**king potion!!!!!!*

The death of blue hair guy was so stupid and the persona and black coat of Kirito was so edgy. Wonder if this anime will be as bad as I've heard? I'm guessing will be mediocre but will find out!
Apr 2, 2024 4:14 PM

May 2016
Reply to animejas
This episode was way worse than the first one, this had some serious writing problems, and made Diabel look like such a geek and an idiot for not taking that HP potion when his ACTUAL LIFE was on the line here and he had no sparing thoughts for family or friends that he's leaving behind forever and making them depressed about his death, just because he wanted to die in game like a loser when a health potion was ready for him to take. It makes characters look like complete morons that don't really consider the actual stakes behind everything, and the whole cheaters/beaters gimmick was really lame too with how all NPCs acted and Kirito pulling off the lone wolf gimmick horribly at the end. Really rushed too for the most part as well.

The action was fine but not that great, music could have been better and match the pace of the fights more but man, the logic behind everything was just missing completely here.

Asuna's introduced too and there's not much to say about her other than being a good fighter while showing off a bit of a goofy side to her at the end. A time where Asuna while really bland as a whole, had some potential as a badass at times while not a damsel in distress for many parts after.
@animejas Bro. You have an average rating score of less than 3 for both manga and anime. That’s insane. Is dropping shows not an option for you?
Jun 23, 2024 2:25 PM

Jan 2023
no bro why'd he try to act hard at the end
that was so cringe bro

Oct 1, 2024 9:01 AM

Apr 2018
Why didn't Diabel just take the potion, is he stupid or something?
Jan 21, 6:07 AM

Oct 2021
2nd episode in and its already action packed, the fight scene was great and the animation is also good. Diabel going for the finishing blow was expected for a usual beta tester, but the boss's 2nd phase is different from the beta test so I'm guessing the upper floor are also the same.

Queen asuna is here, the moment her hood was removed and the soundtrack kicked in with her getting a full appearance was such a beautiful moment. As expected the main heroine of SAO and the destine partner of kirito.

Taking all the blame from the beta tester and making himself a target for rage so both the beta tester and the player can work together is probably the starting point of kirito's edgy solo player life. Not to mention kirito wearing the infamous black robe in front of everyone afer laughing like that was a chilling moment cause this the place where the renowned black swordsman AKA kirito the beater born.

The opening song by Lisa is definitely a masterpiece, no matter how many times I listen I probably wouldn't get tied of it.
Mar 4, 2:40 PM

May 2024
back than if i watch tis i would rate 5 but now as a adult watching this ep I realizes bro why didnt the blue hair dud takes the potion??? like it not that hard and also lil me thought the ending were he go all edgy was peak but now it just cringes ngl
Mar 8, 8:00 PM
Jun 2024
As a second episode, it works so well and I can't describe how but it brings more emotion and some taste of the world where they are. I cannot split it out from the episode one as they work together as an introduction
Mar 8, 8:01 PM
Jun 2024
As a second episode, it works so well and I can't describe how but it brings more emotion and some taste of the world where they are. I cannot split it out from the episode one as they work together as an introduction
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